Season Briefing

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Season 2019-2020 1

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House keeping

Noticeboard and sign-on desk The Official Noticeboard and sign-on desk will be remain in the Boating Office.

Racing Manager Your Racing Administrator will now be Inese Lainis. Inese will commence in the office role from 25 September.

Volunteers We are always in need of extra hands on our duty boats. If you’re available to assist or now others that may be interested please contact Inese, assistance would be greatly appreciated and goes a long way to assisting the conduct of racing.


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020

World Sailing RRS Entries


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Racing for Season 2019-2020 will be conducted under the Racing Rules of Sailing 2017-2021. The RRS and Australian Sailing Special Regulations are on the Club website at

Entry for ALL Series and Regattas will be via the Clubs Topyacht entry page. We also encourage all owners to upload through Topyacht other documentation required for racing. Insurance certificates in particular. A daily feed from the IRC office and AMS office will mean, that if your rating certificates are up to date, you will not be required to provide them separately to the Boating Office. You must simply send an email saying that there is a change, we can do the rest. Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019 - 20


2.5 Club Equipment Auditors All boats shall submit current copies of their signed Safety Regulation Equipment Compliance Audit form (category safety form) for each race category entered including endorsement by a Club Equipment Auditor, applicable rating certificate(s), and insurance certificate to the Boating Office prior to racing in any series or race. Failure to do so will result in a boat being scored DNC until all required documentation is lodged. This means that not only do you have to fill out the Safety Category form (on the Racing Documents web page or via Yachtsafe), but you must also have an audit completed by one of the Club’s qualified Equipment Auditors. The Yachtsafe system is available again to assist owners to log all Safety Category requirements and set up an appointment to have the audit completed. Please also read the Yachtsafe Users Guide and Preparing for a Safety Audit advice on the Racing Documents page.


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020

Changes to Sailing Instructions

2.7 Casual Entries Casual entries shall be made online at the Clubs website Entries page and not paid on the day at the Boating Office

2.9 Crew Eligibility to Race The SailPass Membership system through Australian Sailing is now operating on line. This will now be used to register, and when required, pay for crew using SailPass. Important Changes: There will be a Twilight SailPass, at zero cost for all Twilight Races through summer. However Australian Sailing have prescribed that ALL organized racing requires each non AS member to be registered on that day for Twilight Racing. There will be a Race Day Sailpass in the same terms as previous years for all other organized racing. The key difference is that a person can register and pay on line without coming to the office to do a manual transaction. Registration point is at then click on SailPass Entry Point


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2017-2018

8.5 Boats competing in away events


Rule A4 is changed as follows: Boats undertaking racing or delivery to Australian Sailing recognised events on or during the club season may apply in writing prior to the event to the Racing Committee for an allocated race score to be applied as follows.

14.1 Starting Procedures A reminder to keep clear of the starting line while the line is being set and during the starting sequence to another Divisions start


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020


19.6 Offshore Finish Time Declaration After last seasons successful use of the online system this will continue to be available by using the RSAYS on line finishing declaration at This is a far better system than paper based declarations, we ask that you use it. Also CLUB TIME = GPS TIME - make your finishing time taking easier!


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020

IRC & AMS Certificates

IRC Certificates • Link to Australian Sailing IRC Forms at: • Turn around times for issue are 10-15 days • Only Endorsed Certificates are available from Australian Sailing this season.

AMS Certificates •

Link to AMS Revalidation Site

Please Revalidate certificates before the season starts 8

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Cruising Yacht Club. of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020


10.3. Sail Numbers You must notify the Boating Office of any changes to sail numbers, especially where there is a conflict between the number on the spinnaker/headsail and mainsail. 10.3 requires that changes to sail numbers are to be fixed within one month. It’s crucial that you notify of changes to sail numbers as failure to do so may result in being scored DNC. Please also ensure you sign on with the sail number being used for that day. 10.3 reads: Changes to sail numbers are to be fixed as soon as practicable; but no longer than one calendar month. Failure to do so may result in being scored DNC until sail numbers are corrected.


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2017-2018

Offshore Crew List


19.2. Offshore Race Crew List is an essential part of the safety protocols. This form was updated to include more boat particulars during last season. Further additional information may be requested during the season. Late submission of the Offshore Crew List will attract a 20% time penalty to the elapsed time.

SI 6.2 All offshore races conducted by the CYCSA shall be Category 3 unless altered by Supplementary Sailing Instructions.

Safety Officer and Equipment Auditors Wayne Grant has commenced as the Safety Officer for Season 20192020. Steve Power, Rob Sellick, Tim Cowen, Adrian Wotton and David Royle have all been appointed as Equipment Auditors by Australian Sailing and the Club. 10

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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020


Extinguisher Tagging Event REX will organise another fire extinguisher test & tag event for October. How it works: 1. Place your extinguisher(s) in the bag provided in the office, and write your name and boat name on the bag 2. Drop your extinguisher(s) off to the Boating Office by the designated day (to be advised) 3. Excel Fire will inspect and tag extinguishers, or replace if they fail inspection 4. Collect your compliant extinguisher(s) from the following Saturday.

Rule 40 – Wearing PFD’s Competitors should be aware that RRS 40 mandates the wearing of PFD’s at the discretion of the Race Officer and that the flying of Y Flag either ashore, before or at a Warning Signal invokes this for all competitors. 11

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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2017-2018

Regattas & Events

Adelaide to Port Lincoln Race & Regatta The Adelaide to Port Lincoln Race will be hosted by the RSAYS this season and conducted by Port Lincoln Yacht Club.

Race Briefing: Thursday, 20 February 2020 Race: Friday, 21 February 2020 Lincoln Week Regatta: 24 - 27 February 2020


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020



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4 Races

Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020


1-2 FEBRUARY 2020 4 – 8 Races

Reminders from DPTI

Safety Equipment It should be noted that all racing vessels should comply with statutory equipment requirements in order to comply with AS schedules for any category safety certificate. Harbours and Navigation legislated requirements can be found on

Navigation Lights Skippers should ensure that navigation lights are fitted and displayed in accordance with International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea when sailing after sunset or before sunrise. It is not acceptable for a vessel under sail to display a masthead light or anchor light whilst underway, regardless of the desire to illuminate the masthead wind wave. 14

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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020

Reminders from DPTI

Channel Markers Skippers need to remain respectful of large shipping when operating in the marked channel at Outer Harbour.

Also note that with the current Channel Widening Project there will be channel markers with new positions in the near future. A link to the Government Notice to Mariners page is on our Racing Documents page.

Registration and Licensing Any sailing vessel which is fitted with an auxiliary engine must carry current motor vessel registration. The registration number must be clearly marked on both sides of the bow in a fashion such that it is clearly readable. The person at the helm of the vessel must be the holder of a motor boat operators license, or be directly supervised by a person who is the holder of a license.


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020

Opening Day

Saturday October 26, 2019

Presentation Night

Friday May 1, 2020


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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Season Briefing 2019-2020


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