Groundswell November 2010

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nov emb er



A r e g u l a r n e w S l e t t e r f r o m t h e C r u i s i n g Y ac h t C l u b o f S o u t h A u s t r a l i a

inside > opening Day > october long weekend > hamilton island race week > commodore’s dinner > CYCSa proxy system > from the race office > Roaring Forties part 2 > cruising the danube > climate change study > technology update corner

Andrew Saies President Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia

Board of Management President Treasurer

Andrew Saies Henry Petersen Wayne Coonan Andrew Corletto John Gerard David Murray Tom Tymons

Flag Officers Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore

Geoff Catt Chris Morphett Rob Sellick

Administration Executive Officer Administration Manager Bookkeeper Marketing/Comms Leasing Coordinator Receptionist Marine Academy Coord. Racing Manager Food & Bev. Manager Head Chef Functions Manager Slip Master Gardener Pt Vincent Marina

Craig Evans Jenny Krogdahl Marina Segodina Rob Williams/Laura Cowley Laura Cowley Guy Wogan-Provo Matthew Young Jess Hargreaves Mario Cataldi Andreas Bauer Michelle Matte Tim Went Robert Gray Rob Marner

Association Chairpersons Cruising John Sibly Fishing Glenn Spear Racing Traci Ayris Social Activities Jacq Heffernan Life Members Arthur F Carolan Richard H Fidock AO Graeme L Footer James A Henry (Dec’d.) Malcolm A Kinnaird AC Peter Page

From the President


t is a privilege to have been elected as your new President by the Board following the AGM in August. I have been a member of the CYCSA for over twenty-five years and have therefore been the beneficiary of all of the changes and developments that respective Boards over those years have been responsible for planning and delivering. The vision and wisdom of those Boards has given us the wonderful facilities and services available to members today. Those Boards have been led by Presidents who freely shared their time, business and professional expertise for the benefit of the Club. My immediate predecessor, John Gerard, was no exception. John has left us with a clearer view of the key specific infrastructure projects facing the Club in the next few years and we now have a pathway down which to travel. However, what we would like and what we can afford, are not always the same. Staging future development commensurate with priority needs and funding availability will be a challenge for the current Board but one that we will rise to in a responsible way that protects the long term interests of the Club. I value my association with those past Presidents who are still active in the Club and know that I can seek counsel from any of them should the need arise. I can assure members that the current Board is a healthy mix of skills and interests who work well together and who make decisions based on the known facts of the day. Can we afford it and/or is this for the greater good of the majority of members is a question commonly asked before key decisions are made. The AGM saw a number of constitutional amendment motions put by members that members present or by proxy voted on and the outcome of those motions is reported in this edition of Groundswell. The Board made a case to support only two of the proposed changes. The process was robust but nonetheless perhaps a bit confronting for some members who were at a loss to understand what real or perceived problems needed to be addressed by the intent of some of the motions. Board member David Murray explains the voting system in the Club in this edition of Groundswell and as an outcome of some of the sentiment expressed by some at the AGM, a very real attempt is being made by the Board and Club Management to open up new and varied means of communication between members, the Board and Management. I know members will use these opportunities responsibly to provide both positive feedback and comments in a way that is constructive and thoughtful to staff, volunteers and members. Can I finally wish all members, in all their various boating endeavours, a safe and enjoyable summer, after all, that is the reason we are members. Andrew Saies, President

Editors of Groundswell Gay Footer, Rob Perrin Contributions to Advertising in Groundswell Jenny Krogdahl: telephone 08 8248 4222 Groundswell is the official journal of the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia Inc. Lady Gowrie Drive, North Haven PO Box 1020 North Haven SA 5018 Telephone: 08 8248 4222 Facsimile: 08 8248 5888 Email: Web: Phone Port Vincent: 0414 611 110

I can assure members that the current Board is a healthy mix of skills and interests who work well together and who make decisions based on the known facts of the day.

Registered by Australia Post Publication No PP565001/00184 ISSN 1039-4230 Graphic design by Paynter Visuals & Associates Printed by Reflex Printing

Cover Photo: Daniel Hains’ beautifully presented yacht Sapphire salutes the official boat during the sail past on Opening Day. Photo: Gerry Colella.


Craig Evans Executive Officer

At the Helm

Letter to the Editor Dear Gay Now that our time to prepare to head off draws near I would like to thank you for the opportunity to join you on the Groundswell editorial team. I have really enjoyed my time as part of the team and considered the experience a privilege. I have learned a lot from you and the various tasks and what they involved. I have really enjoyed finding out just what exactly is involved in producing a magazine and in particular being involved in putting together outstanding issues like the last one. Our graphic designer, Trevor, already knows his art work just blows me out of the water each time he completes another issue and his efforts certainly stand shoulders above many professional yachting magazines in the market place. I appreciate now just what is involved in collecting, editing and proof reading and can only recommend the opportunity to get to know many of the generous contributors to anyone interested in following in my footsteps. Gay, I wish you well and hope you will soon have another editor along to help you share the load as well as the tremendous feeling of achievement. Avec tous mes meilleurs voeux. Au revoir mon ami. Anja Richards, ex editor, Groundswell

Response to letter: On behalf of the Club I sincerely thank Anja for all she has done in contributing to Groundswell. Her drive and enthusiasm in gathering material and, in particular, different articles, has been fantastic and she will be sorely missed. I wish her and Don well in their adventures on their new motor launch. Gay Footer, Editor, Groundswell


he earlier scheduling of Opening Day this year proved to be a successful move. It was great to see so many members enjoy the day and involve their family and friends. The move to an October Opening Day will be repeated in coming years and in future it will be held on the last Saturday in October.

Organising Opening Day starts many months prior to the event and involves a great deal of effort by both staff and a number of Club members. I would like to thank them for their involvement this year and congratulate them for a few new initiatives like the Unforgettable Challenge and promoting the event as a family day. I hope that this energy continues in future years and everyone continues to enjoy the day and support their efforts. Since the time of the last Groundswell we have had an AGM and while there were no new inclusions on the Board or within the ranks of the Flag Officers, I would like to acknowledge the change in Presidency and welcome Dr Andrew Saies into this important role. Andrew actually replaced me on the Board a little over five years ago and apart from our immediate Past President, John Gerard, is the longest serving current Board Member. John remains on the Board and many would be unaware that this is his eleventh year as a Board Member over three different periods in the last seventeen years. In addition to this, John has even been a CYCSA Flag Officer. Thanks John, a great achievement and a generous donation of time to our Club. At the time of writing this report, the local Council elections are taking place. It was disappointing to find that due to a new electoral roll system, the CYCSA and all berth owners had been removed from the role and that there now appears to be a requirement for us to apply for the right to vote, each time, prior to any future election. Marina berth owners number well over a 1,000 and represent a significant percentage of all rate payers in the Outer Harbor Ward. Given the Council rates that we pay for marina berths, and the future unpredictable adjustments that Council could impose on the current rates rebate that we are provided with, the new procedure has left the vast majority of berth owners without a voice in this election and potentially in a vulnerable position financially. On behalf of you, I have voiced my dissatisfaction to the Mayor. The CYCSA continues to work with the State Government on the issue of extending either the inner or the southern breakwater at the entrance into North Haven marina. In addition to development approval received from the City of Port Adelaide Enfield back in May of this year, additional approval is also required from the State Government. Negotiations have been frustratingly protracted on this issue. Hopefully we will receive some good news soon. We are currently awaiting Council approval for the installation of some shade sails in the Club’s new ceremony area. This will add to the comfort of both members and visitors using this facility and make it safer on those hot summer days. As summer approaches activity around the Club increases, some good and unfortunately some bad. Typically from late October through to around the end of March, we receive visits from unwelcome individuals on Club grounds and within the marina area. Some visits are innocent and involve kids just wanting to have a swim, but others include theft and destruction of Club and members’ property. The CYCSA has one of the best security protection systems of any yacht club in the country, however, regardless of how many gates, security patrols, CCTV cameras, signage, perimeter and internal alarm systems that we may have, it is up to all of us to report suspicious behavior, advising both the office and the police and also making sure that all valuable items are locked away and not left out in view of passers by and unfortunately, even fellow members. Your assistance will help prevent the Club from becoming a target. The CYCSA owns and operates marinas and property totalling almost 100 acres in the old language over several different sites. We have a total of 553 berths, around 1200 members and over 50 full and part time staff members who work in different areas of the Club on various days over a seven day week every week of the year. Occasionally I will have a member come to me and say that they had asked one of the Club staff to do something and it has not been attended to. Please do me, and yourself, a favour and record any maintenance issues, suggestions and complaints in the reporting log that is maintained in the Club’s office. Similarly if you have someone complaining to you about a matter ask them if they have ‘put it in the book’. There have been several staff changes at the Club in key areas, these people are featured elsewhere in this copy of Groundswell, however I would like to welcome Marina Segodina (Bookkeeper), Matthew Young (Marine Academy Coordinator) and Guy Wogan Provo (Reception/Administration). Finally, I would like to congratulate our Food and Beverage Manager, Mario Cataldi and his wife Lida, on the safe arrival of their first child, Catalina. In closing I would like to wish you and your family all the best for the festive season. Have a happy Christmas and safe boating. Craig Evans, Executive Officer 4

NEW BOATS This is another in the series of articles aimed at providing you with a little insight into a few of the ‘new’ boats to the Club over recent months. While not all are newly built, most are relatively new to the Club and others have moved to new owners within the Club. We warmly welcome all these ‘new’ boats and owners.






knot toO shabby

Leonie Rump and Kevin Mullarkey first got interested in sailing about ten years ago when Leonie came across an ad for sailing crew, which they followed up. To their delight they were hooked straight away.

When Bernie, a keen fisherman, was given an opportunity to do a sailing course he was hooked from day one. In her youth Heidi, his partner, had always enjoyed sailing with her family so the decision was made to purchase a sailing boat although unfortunately the fishing boat had to go.

Soon after they were looking for their own boat and one was found at Goolwa. As the boat was in fairly poor condition, this became a project for them, which has been ongoing until now. Over the years, Leonie and Kevin have travelled over to Western Australia and back with the boat following, although without getting wet. While in Perth they sailed in the Cockburn Sound, out to Garden Island and to Fremantle which they enjoyed very much.

Knot Too Shabby, a 1985 Catalina 30, was purchased from the USA and transported to Australia. She now resides at Berth A31 where Bernie has been putting the finishing touches on her for some cruising adventures. Heidi and Bernie are looking forward to sailing Knot Too Shabby to near and far shores and getting to know other members.

This is where the boat got its name. While at the Jervoise Bay Sailing Club one of their friends offered to respray the boat if the sanding and prep was taken care of. This opportunity was jumped at and the work was done. The respray was done on a windy day on a gravel drive at the Club and, to everybody’s surprise, the paint job was a treat. As they stood back looking at the boat they could see their reflections and the boat got its name Reflections.


asylum Derek Morrison could not stay out of the racing scene, more particularly, he wanted to race a boat of his own again having previously raced Foxy for many years in the Twilight Series. For several years now he has crewed on other yachts but the urge to skipper his own boat has won through. He bought Asylum, a Sydney 38, which has the distinction of being the first of this design to come out of the mould in 2000. It was originally owned by the then manager of Hamilton Island who raced it in the Sydney to Hobart and approximately three years ago, it was sold to a couple in Hobart who upgraded it to a cruising boat. It is now in Derek’s hands and he is looking forward to racing in PHS and IRC and competing in the Twilight Series, however, he is on the lookout for some able crew. I am sure we will see a very ‘committed’ crew racing hard on Asylum over the coming season.






Leonie and Kevin joined the CYCSA about six months ago and brought Reflections, a Court 650 Trailer Sailer, to sail and enjoy in these waters and meet new sailing friends. 44’

akt iii Jack Didyk is now up to Akt III but is not sure when the final curtain will fall. 45’

He has upgraded to a beautiful new Bavaria 44 Vision which has most of the attributes of a deck saloon yacht. She is well fitted out with all the mod-cons and is spacious and filled with light. With three cabins and two bathrooms, it can comfortably accommodate six and the galley is a cook’s delight.


The plan is to cruise around the gulf, hopefully down to Kangaroo Island and across to Port Lincoln and the Banks Group.



Geoff Catt Commodore

Commodore’s Report


ith a successful Opening Day for 2010/2011 well and truly behind us, the new season is underway and all of the Club Associations are busy with their various activities in the lead up to Christmas. It was great to be able to welcome a number of new members and their guests to their first Opening Day and although the wind and sea conditions for the sail past were a little difficult, a good time was had by all. Congratulations to those vessels and crews who took part and won the various prizes for best dressed or novelty boats and crews – it all added to the fun of the day. A special thanks is extended to those member volunteers who gave time away from their own boats and guests to help run the inaugural Unforgettable Challenge, where teams competed in a dinghy race, trivial pursuit, origami, lifebuoy throwing and casting a fishing line, to win a magnificent Unforgettable Houseboats prize – the lucky winner was the team from Tom Tymons’ Champ. Well done Tom and crew! Mention should also be made of our Club staff who did so much to ensure the day ran smoothly and was able to be enjoyed by members and guests. Racing has been blessed with some good weather for the early part of the inshore and offshore races, whilst the pre Christmas Twilights are proving to be as enjoyable as ever. Meanwhile, preparations are also well underway for the Children’s Christmas Party and the “Adults” Club Christmas Party on 5 and 11 December respectively – why don’t you pop them in the diary now and plan to come along? At a recent meeting of Yachting SA, members of our Club were honoured with some special mentions. Andrew Saies was named

as the Sailor of the Year and awarded the Thomas G Flint Memorial Trophy, Ron Yeates was presented with the President’s Award for Services to Yachting in South Australia and David Tillett was awarded Life Membership, also for services to yachting in South Australia. Our congratulations go to them all. On the home front it’s a pleasure to welcome the appointment of Matt Young as the Marine Academy Coordinator. This is a newly established paid position within the Club which reflects the Board’s commitment to build on the success of the Academy in providing courses and infrastructure dedicated to assisting current and potential new members enjoy their boating experiences as safely and competently as possible. If you have not viewed the Club website recently may I suggest you have a look at the variety of courses available. As Christmas steadily approaches, it’s time again for the CYCSA boats who are competing in the Sydney to Hobart Race to depart for the East Coast – once again the CYCSA is very well represented by the “old” hands – Geoff Boettcher in SMB 3.5 (still known by some as Secret Men’s Business!), Andrew Saies in Two True and with skipper Andrew Corletto in Shining Sea having his second crack at the great race! Skippers and crew are officially farewelled by the Club by past participants at the annual Sydney to Hobart Dinner but I’m sure you will all join me in wishing the boats and all crew members a safe trip to Sydney and a successful and exhilarating race to Hobart. I trust you’ll all enjoy everything our great Club has to offer over the summer– I wish you a safe and enjoyable Festive Season. Best regards. Geoff Catt, Commodore

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The CYCSA proxy system and having your say in the Club


t the 2010 AGM, motions were put to remove the proxy system of voting at AGM’s which did not get up. The operation of the proxy system is outlined in this article to assist members in understanding how it works. There are a range of ways that members can have their say in Club affairs which are also covered.

Meeting for that purpose. The Constitution sets out the rules for that process at Sections 23 and 24. Polls A motion can be decided by a Poll rather than a vote if a Poll is called for by at least ten Senior Members under Section 27.1 of the Constitution. In that case, each Member entitled to vote has one vote for each unit in the Unit Trust that the member holds.

The proxy system The proxy system is available for use by any financial Senior Member who does not plan to attend an AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting. The proxy system allows a member to appoint another financial Senior Member to vote on his or her behalf for that particular meeting. That appointment can be for use at the nominated Senior Member’s discretion or can be as a direction to vote for or against any particular motion. And that’s about the long and short of it!

However, in the Club’s history to date, no Polls have been called. If one were called, the Club’s administration would need to verify each voting Member’s financial status and their Unit Trust holdings and do the same for any proxies to determine the outcome of the vote. Electing Board members Rules for electing Board Members are at Section 13 of the Constitution. Where there are more nominations than vacancies to be filled, an election is held. The proxy system is not used in the case of elections of Board Members. They are elected through an audited postal vote of the membership or, if called for by at least ten members entitled to vote, the election is by a Poll. Any financial Senior Member can nominate for a Board position. These are voluntary positions. In practice, the Club Board, like all other Boards, looks to have in place a balance of skills and expertise that will best serve the Club and its members and, in fact, has a governance obligation to ensure that the make-up of the Board is sound and appropriate for the responsibilities under its care.

In practice: • If entitled members want to vote along the lines that the Board recommends and can’t get to the meeting, most typically they give their proxy to the President (the Board’s chairman) to use at his discretion. • A financial Senior Member may otherwise give their proxy to any Senior Member attending the meeting to use at his or her discretion or directed to vote for or against specific motions. • If the proxy is given for use at the discretion of the proxy holder, it can continue to be used if a proposed motion is changed. • When a proxy is given for use at the proxy holder’s discretion, the proxy giver has to be happy to accept the way the proxy holder votes. A proxy holder’s views may change as a result of arguments for or against a motion put at or prior to the meeting.

For full details on these matters, follow the link to the Club’s Constitution on the web page at Coming Soon – CYCSA web site developments With the redevelopment of the Club’s web site, a host of new features will be available. One, yet to be finalised, is an Internet Forum or Message Board where a “moderator” would manage the system as a further channel for communication within the Club.

Previously, the Constitution set out a quorum for the AGM that could be achieved by counting proxies as well as those in attendance. With the 18/8/2010 changes to the Constitution, proxies were excluded from the count in determining a quorum and the quorum was reduced to twenty.

Other avenues for putting your views For the information of newer Club members (most longer standing members would be aware of these avenues) -

Having your say at an AGM or Extraordinary General Meeting

The first port of call on day to day administration and general matters is the Club’s administration. You can also file a report on any maintenance issue at the Reception Counter and discuss any issue with the Club’s staff and the Executive Officer.

The best way to have your say is to attend the meeting, take into account arguments for and against a motion and vote on the motion put. If you can’t make it to the meeting and you want to have your view counted, as discussed above, you can give your proxy to another financial Senior Member to use at their discretion or to have your vote counted on motions as you direct. You can, for example, give your proxy to the President to vote against a motion.

You may also raise any issue with a member of or the Chair of any of the Club’s Associations: Cruising, Racing, Fishing, Social Activities; with a Flag Officer; a Life Member or a Board Member. You can write to the Board. You can write an article for Groundswell which may be published subject to the discretion of the Editorial Committee. You might wish to express an interest in being involved with any of the Club’s Associations or the Board’s Committees or being on the Board. All of those voluntary roles provide a conduit for having your views heard.

More technical stuff Putting motions A financial Senior Member can put a motion to be considered at an AGM under Section 22.2.6 of the Constitution (which allows for Any Other Business), by having that motion seconded by another financial Senior Member and submitting it to the Executive Officer prior to the 8th of July preceding the AGM, which is to be held, under Section 22.1, on some day in the month of August in each year. If you put a motion, it can (but does not have to) be accompanied by arguments for it.

Members’ views and participation seed and nurture the development, life and operation of our Club. Staff, volunteer Office Bearers and particularly, the Board, have the challenge of taking on those views in the wider interests of the membership.

If you want the Club to consider a motion prior to any August AGM, at least twenty Senior Members can requisition an Extraordinary General

David Murray, Board Member, CYCSA 7



cool southwester with clearing skies met members as they arrived to rig their dress flags for the sail past at 1330. The busiest man was Mr Bean as he pulled short black, long black, flat white, lattes, cappuccinos and even the odd macchiato as the queue behind the van continued to grow. The kids watched on in awe as Captain Jack Sparrow grew in stature and seemed to wave his sword in defiance as the blow-up bouncy castle took shape.

The shuttle buggies got busy as the morning session of the Unforgettable Challenge began in earnest with Trivial Pursuit, Life Buoy Toss and Line Casting over at Marina West, while the Dinghy Race and Origami challenge amused the assembled at Marina East. The show bags were a hit with the young ones as they sampled a free gelati from the fancy little pink wagon on the lawn. The official guests began to arrive and were met at the door by the President, Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore and their partners. The Entertainer awaited as they were ushered down the walkway and welcomed on board by the Commodore, Geoff Catt, and his wife Mavis. The southwester stiffened to 15 to 20 knots as the participating fleet followed The Entertainer and MV Gallantry out through the breakwater. On the command, Prime Time led the power boats past and Seilke took the sailing fleet between gate buoys for the salute. With the Sail Past complete, The Entertainer moored in Marina West where guests were entertained by The Fish Bowl Boys and then made their way to the Clubhouse for the award presentations. The following Awards were presented to recipients:

25 Year Membership Badges Robert Berg Robert Middleton John Cowled Terry Nicholas Terry Denham Ian Patterson Richard Fidock Robbie Robinson Bruce Fletcher David Southwell Robert Harrison Alf Stratton Peter Japp Colin McLeod Allen Walters Ron Yeates Bruce (Skip) Tonkin AM

Photos by Gerry Colella


Volunteer of the Year (Joint) Paul Gardiner and Ray Evans

Opening Day Awards Best Dressed Novelty - Yacht: Act III - Jack Didyk Best Dressed Novelty - Power: The Reel Thing - Wayne Palmer Best Dressed Boat - Yacht: Geordie Bay - Rowley Richardson Best Dressed Boat - Power: Distraction - Peter Schembri Best Dressed Crew - Yacht: Balamara - David Smoker Best Dressed Crew - Power: Hadd`E’Nuff - Alby and David Clark Lady Neale Seamanship -Yacht: Ab Fab - Brett Yardley Lady Neale Seamanship - Power: Content - Craig McCarthy The afternoon session of the Unforgettable Challenge began as the official party and invited guests enjoyed afternoon tea. The nimble fingers of the team from Aquila scored a record 22 points in the Origami Challenge. The competition was warming up with teams from Rapid 1, Selkie, Another Planet and Hot Mustard scoring the maximum 20 points in Trivial Pursuit. However, it was the great effort from the team of Champ in the Dinghy Relay that secured their win of the Unforgettable House Boat Holiday. Three points behind in second place and winners of the Charlesworth Nuts prize was Team Oates. As Opening Day 2010 came to an end, crews and guests gathered on the patio and enjoyed the buffet dinner and entertainment late into the night. Rob Williams, Marketing, CYCSA


e were fortunate recently to have the company of Phil Hoffmann and wife Alison along with Dee Shepard among our special invited guests on Opening Day. They travelled with other guests on board The Entertainer to experience first hand the Sail Past and Salute. Phil Hoffmann Travel has for a long time been a great supporter and sponsor of the CYCSA Racing Association Twilight Series and his team members are regular attendees at the Club on Wednesday afternoons during the Racing Season. We are pleased to announce that Phil has once again pledged that Phil Hoffmann Travel will sponsor and support the Twilight Series for the 2010-2011 sailing season. Like most Clubs we rely on the generosity of our sponsors and ask you to please consider Phil and his team at Phil Hoffmann Travel when next thinking of taking a trip and return their support. With over 20 years experience and seven branches in Glenelg, Norwood, Stirling, API Adelaide in the city, Unley, Semaphore and Victor Harbor, Phil and his team will look after you. They have the experience to organise your business and leisure travel, flights, accommodation, group tours, cruises, coach tours and offer many other holiday deals.

Commodore Geoff Catt with guests, Phil Hoffmann and Mark Flanagan (Unforgettable Houseboats)

Rob Williams, Marketing, CYCSA


From the Race Office


ell, I have been in the role of Race Manager for 12 months now and have survived my baptism by fire! I have learnt that there is never a dull moment in the Race Office, and the last few months have been no exception with the Short-handed Short Course Series and Winter Series running over the colder months. We also held the Racing Association AGM in July, and amongst other things, I have been busy getting the office and documentation in order for the 2010-11 Racing Season. At the Racing Association AGM we were pleased to announce two new REX members – Peter Hall and Roger Nicolson, as well as welcoming Nicole Burtt and Brenton Pegler back, and voting Traci Ayris in as Chair, and William Strangways as Vice Chair. The Winter Series was a corker this year. Winter racing conditions are notoriously unpredictable and thankfully we were able to conduct enough races to complete the series, with congratulations going to Andrew Corletto and his crew on Shining Sea for an excellent first place result in Division 1 of the CYCSA Winter Series. Mike O’Reilly’s wonderful little trailer-sailer Oh Really! took on the bigger boats in Division 2 and achieved a well deserved first place – well done to Mike and his crew. Congratulations also go to Trevor Conyers and the crew aboard No Eye Deer for their first place in the J24 fleet. Well done to Julian Newton’s Game Over for a first place result in the Combined Winter Series. A very special thanks must go to the group of past and present racing members (led by Jim Hallion and Linda Hart from Alliance and including Mark Williams, Mario Minuzzo and Hayden Jones) who have kindly donated two trophies for the Winter Series in

Short-handed Series winners Rod Wenham and Andrew RedmanWenham (Foolish Behaviour)

memory of Hans Neumann, who sailed with a number of CYCSA boats and sadly passed away at the end of the Winter Series two years ago. Thanks to the generosity of this group we now have the ‘Hans Neumann Perpetual Winter Series Trophy’ for the winner of the CYCSA Port River Marine Winter Series (Division 1) and the ‘Hans Neumann Memorial Cup’ for the series winner (all divisions) of the Combined CYCSA/RSAYS Winter Series. It was a lovely gesture for Sonja Neumann to attend the presentation of the Winter Series and present the awards to the inaugural winners. The Short-handed Short Course Series lucked out with perfect weather for the last race and all competitors thought the course was great. It was an excellent afternoon’s sailing with yachts on the water for about three-and-a-half hours – a great way to end the series on a high note. Following the final race was the customary BBQ, with Canegrass Saltbush Lamb supplied by the Patten Family, and the presentations were made to a very happy group of twohanded competitors. These BBQs always have a great atmosphere and it was fantastic to see the friendship within this group of sailors after each race of the series. The Chairman’s Cup was due to make a comeback this year on 2 October but was unfortunately postponed for a few reasons – mostly due to skippers having trouble finding crew for their boats because of the AFL Grand Final replay! REX will announce the new date for the Chairman’s Cup shortly. Until next time, I hope to see you out on the water sailing. Jess Hargreaves, Racing Manager

Winter Series Div 1 winner - Andrew Corletto (Shining Sea) with Leica Theordore and Sonia Neumann

NEW CLUB MEMBERS Over the last three months the following people have joined the Club. Please make them welcome. PAUL BANAITIS THEO BEXIS JAMES BELLINGHAM JASON FLAK MERRILL GRAY






Jess Hargreaves

October Long We LACK OF A STOPPING KNOT DID NOT STOP US Gerard and Susan describe their inaugural gulf trip on board Setanta over the October Long Weekend


ind shear from thunder storms, seas to six metres and south westerlies to 45 knots, we were ready for it all. Fortunately, none of the weather scenarios used by Andy Shipp in his presentations at the CYCSA Safety Day the previous Sunday applied as we set sail to Port Vincent and our first crossing of the gulf. However, we were prepared and had safety gear for just about anything that might have presented.

The second, and thankfully only, other incident of the trip occurred moments after raising the main. With the compass heading of 270º we were off on a reach in brisk conditions only to watch the main sheet run out of the lower block. Luckily the six purchase system allowed me time to lunge forward and make a grab for the sheet while barking at Susan to point into the wind; what she barked back cannot go into print but it went along the lines of “if it is going to be like this for the whole **** trip I am not **** going”. Fortunately, it wasn’t.

I sailed dinghies as a youth and have had a yacht for the past few years, but Susan is relatively new to the sport with just a few cruises in the Whitsunday’s under her belt. So this over the horizon trip (just) was a first for her and it was important that it was successful for there to be a continuing life (and marriage) on the sea.

Good pupil that I am, I followed Andy’s instructions religiously, recording our position every hour on the chart. Surprisingly, we had made seven miles in the first hour, so cleaning and antifouling the bottom the previous week paid off. Unfortunately, as the morning progressed, the hourly distances covered significantly reduced as the wind abandoned us. Finally there was no option but to switch to engine and we happily made about five knots following in the wake of Portia.

Apart from the great Safety Day that we had both attended, I had also attended Andy’s navigation course earlier in the year. So, armed with my chart, I plotted our course to Port Vincent, allowing for variation, at 269º and was pleased to hear Cruising Association Secretary, Robert Perrin, confirm a course of 270º at the predeparture briefing.

Accompanied by dolphins for nearly the entire trip, the camera never stopped clicking and with the wind from the NE the seas were flat making for a great day on the water. Similar accounts of being accompanied by dolphins for most of the trip were reported by many crews with one spotting of a whale with calf. It certainly made for a great trip and some memorable moments making up for the often lack of a decent breeze.

And then we were off! Leaving the harbour I noted the first problem, no wind speed indicator. Depth, log and GPS were okay but no wind speed reading. In any event, it ultimately wasn’t a wind filled weekend and it’s an instrument that can be lived without.

Cruising we may have been, but it didn’t take long for the competitive spirit to emerge. “I think he’s gaining on us” was heard quite a few times, along with, “Why is he pulling away like that, pass me the binoculars darling”. Of course I was repeatedly told, “It isn’t a race dear, now sit down and relax”, “I’m not racing honey, just let the headsail out a bit more”. Past the Orontes beacon and into the marina, it was all over in just under six hours. We went close to the Orontes mark on the way in to take a GPS fix and I took the opportunity to also check the Navionics “app” on my iphone. To my amazement they were both the same, so could the Orontes beacon be out of position on the chart? I feel sure Port Vincent is known to just about all Club members and does not need description, a quaint little town that bustles on a holiday weekend. However, the enjoyable company we shared while there does need mention. Hopping from one Club boat to another in the marina was great fun, giving us an opportunity to meet and greet many Club members. I won’t list the names, suffice to say there were many and they were all very welcoming, so many thanks to you all. The trip back across the gulf was less eventful than the one over; the water reminiscent of a mill pond and not a gulf off the Southern Ocean. So it was motor on for the first five hours with us back to seven knots under sail for the last hour. What a great weekend, next stop Black Point early in November and then down to Kangaroo Island next February. Cheers and thanks to the Cruising Association for a great and safe season opener!



Our First Gulf Trip Aboard SachaN Kevin Mann describes is first trip across the Gulf as new owners of Sachan


riday 1 October started brightly and we were keen to be away. On board were myself and my wife, Mary, aboard Sachan, a Catalina 42. Also with us were Lynne and Don Borema, members of the Christies Beach Sailing Club.

While I have spent most of my life mucking about in boats, the usual focus has been on diving (catching crayfish especially) and fishing, so I understand powerboats more than sail. This was to be Mary’s first trip across the gulf and we all hoped for a successful experience. We started with an 18 knot breeze and the Catalina loved the conditions. About eight miles out however this dropped away and the “iron genny” was started to keep us above four knots. Four dolphins came to play and as we rounded the Orontes beacon, the wind returned and we were able to sail into Vincent where a party had already started. Socialising is obviously part of the yachtie scene but remembering everyone’s name was challenging. Following a few drinks on Sachan with some of the neighbours and a long walk along the cliff top, we settled down for our first night on board. In the morning we set off to catch squid off Port Julia and heard that we topped the record bag for the day. How DO you get squid ink off white fibreglass? Back at the marina, and after a lovely few hours socialising on Baloo, it was time to catch the bus to the Ventnor Hotel where a Cruising Association table had been organised, so we had a good meal and met even more new friends. On Sunday we headed to Troubridge Island and had a great sail. The wind was perfect, the company was great, and the boat was revelling in the moderate conditions. Carefully checking our navigation, we finally arrived at the Cutter Patch ready for a good night. Nothing could be better than fresh salt and pepper calamari and a magnificent sunset to match. The highlight was a fly past by the Royal Flying Doctor with a film helicopter closely alongside. Obviously they wanted to have Troubridge in the background and now they had Sachan as well! It was our first time anchoring out and as the wind moved from north through south to west during the night, I was up every few hours to check the anchor. I discovered that you do not wander about on a sailing boat in the dark without your shoes on. It creates extra holes in your feet. Ouch! In the morning we sailed to Edithburgh for cappuccinos and lattes and another long walk. It was fun to get the dinghy in the water and get onto the jetty without getting wet… but we made it. Edithburgh is such a classic little town, it was a pity we could not stay longer but soon we were sailing again for our final anchorage at Stansbury. Our final night was a ripper with a calamari entree, lamb and beef on the barbeque, and great wine and friendship to top it off. Trouble was, I still had the inclination to check the anchor every few hours and at 4.30am decided to start for home. So, in the dark and without the motor, I retrieved our anchor and sailed off towards the spit, heading for Adelaide. I was soon joined by my wife, who also now couldn’t sleep and wanted to ensure I was pointed in the right direction. After leaving the protection of the cliffs we were soon cutting through the darkness at over six knots and enjoying a vigorous sail. Around 8am the rest of the crew arrived on deck asking where we had hidden the elephants that had been stomping around above their heads early that morning. With the coast getting nearer, the wind finally returned and we made it back to our berth, a bit tired, but having thoroughly enjoyed our first trip across the gulf and had a great five day adventure. Where to next? Well, we are not sure, but Kangaroo Island sounds nice. Our usual fishing grounds are around the Althorpe Islands, so seeing them under sail would be nice and we can hear Lincoln and the Group beckoning. Most importantly, we have been made very welcome by all our new friends at the CYCSA and have built our confidence to try more.


cruising Association



t last spring is here, summer and warmer weather are coming. Several members used the October Long Weekend, the first chance of the season to get away, to cruise to Port Vincent. The usual sundowners, dinner at the Vetnor and some fishing were enjoyed. The Cruising Association Committee members will be travelling to various destinations, including Kangaroo Island and Spencer Gulf, these Christmas holidays. If you would like to travel with someone and have some company on a trip, let us know. The second Saturday barbecues are underway and we hope to see more members and friends there. They are held in the barbecue area and commence around 6.30-7.00pm. They are informal, relaxed and are a good opportunity to meet other members. As advised previously, a barbecue and pergola facility at Port Vincent is planned and was hoped to be ready this year. There have been hold-ups in the planning and approval stage but I am assured it is still happening but will not be ready by this Christmas. We have recently received approval to place some moorings at Edithburgh which we hope to achieve later this year as time and availability of railway wheels permits. John Sibly, Chairman

Labour Day Long Weekend, October Hot Mustard was entirely on her own in Oyster Bay until Sunday afternoon when joined by Matador, Sarah 2 and Trinacria. All boating parties were enjoying sundowners on Matador when the trip back to the CYCSA was discussed. Knowing there was going to be light and variable winds on the Monday, the trip back from Stansbury was going to be a long one! I suggested having something to do would be a pleasant diversion on the passage home. Morag Draper from Matador wrote this poem while on the passage back and I would like to share it with you. The motion of ocean, spring warmth of day Grey ghosts dance under liquid jade Sails ‘goose winged’ catch just enough wind Push Matador down coast to Oyster Bay We moor and we settle then welcome friends The clink of the glass as another day ends Music and wine, the BBQ feast When nights draws down to cradle our sleeps When morning arrives so still, like glass Coffee and toast, the weather forecast Radio in ‘back to North Haven’ we say Three beers left, Happy Labour Day! Jacq Heffernan, Hot Mustard

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Recreational an

d Sports Boatin

g Matt Young Marine Academy Coordinator



eason 2010/2011 saw the departure of our past Marine Academy Coordinator, Brett Yardley, whose knowledge and expertise has developed the Academy into what it is today. Brett will continue to provide support and instruction to the Academy and we thank him for his enthusiasm and hard work. Matt Young has accepted the position as the Club’s new Marine Academy Coordinator and will continue to build on the strong foundation established so far. Matt’s story: “I would like to give members an understanding of why I believe my application was successful, where I have come from, my experiences along the way and where we go in the future. I have a strong knowledge and skill in setting up sail training. I have held the position of Head Coach of the Metropolitan Schools Team Sailing for the past 13 years, where I provided employment for six other instructors at two venues for around 60 students per week during the sailing season. Another position I have held over the past 12 months is as Sailing Coordinator at the Adelaide Sailing Club which boasts the highest figures for adults in Yachting Australia Small Boat Sailing Scheme courses. I have worked for South Australian Youth Sailing and have been the past Youth Development Squad Coach, training young, up and coming juniors aged between 8-14 years of age. I continue to assist youth class associations in their training and this skill has been developed over the years and takes its roots back to my position as Brighton and Seacliff Yacht Club Youth coach as a teenager. My day job has been working under Brett at West Lakes Aquatics Centre as an instructor over the past 12 years. With this background, I have recently achieved the endorsement of Yachting Australia as a Senior Small Boat Sailing Instructor.

levels. Other boats I have jumped on board include the Laser and Australian Lightweight Sharpie. With my passion for sailing I have delved into keelboat sailing including club sailing, offshore racing and have completed in four Sydney to Hobart’s. At this point in time, I get to sail almost every day and on the occasional day off, I enjoy taking my son out for a sail in his International Optimist. The current directions for the Marine Academy are straightforward. Build on the foundations we have, develop a strong and knowledgeable instructor base and continue to increase the Academy’s scope of courses offered to the Club’s members and the public. My greatest challenge is filling the void between learning to sail and becoming an active Club sailing member. As we all know, it is all about developing your skills on the water to become competent in a variety of weather conditions but the challenge is creating these opportunities for development. Saying all this, sailing is not our only key purpose for delivering training. The Academy runs several courses to support powerboats and sees this as a great avenue to increase the scope of our training. Currently we are working on powerboat courses for our members and how we can offer basic courses to our local schools. Our other courses, such as Sea Safety and Survival, Marine Radio and Navigation, provide great avenues to become competent, safe and satisfied boat users. In the coming season we will be conducting all of the normal courses plus a whole bunch of new courses that include youth training, private lessons and helping you get more out of your boat. I thank you for the opportunity to work for such a great and active Club. I also thank Brett and the Marine Academy Committee for their support and look forward to their continued assistance in taking the Academy into the future.” Matt Young, Marine Academy Coordinator

My sailing pathway has seen me move through Holdfast Trainers, 303s and 420s as a youth competing at club, state and national

2010 Mouse Cup


ever can it be said that the Social Activities Committee run boring functions! The Mouse Cup is no exception. It is something that has to be seen to be believed!

First, a huge thank you to our sponsors (below) – without your support this cracker of a night would not be the success that it was. Five races plus the hilarious steeplechase had everyone on their feet for the best viewpoint. The winners of each of the five races were presented by the sponsor of that race with a wonderful basket of goodies. Race 1 – Western Hospital “Facility Boy” won by Pam Smith and Marty Heffernan Race 2 – MDBS – Haese Marine “Clappers” won by John Gerard Race 3 – Stag Hotel “Big Red” won by Bardie Simpson Steeplechase – Aqua Boat Interiors “Jumping Jane” won by Gina Onslow Race 4 – Custom Cartons “Corrugated” won by Wayne and Vicki McAinsh Race 5 – Party on Wheels “Maxwell Silver Hanna” won by Bardie Simpson Mouse Cup Winner – Bardie Simpson The sponsors were the judging panel for the best dressed hats and couple, all who put in a great effort. Best Hat Male – Mike Draper Best Hat Female – Jeanette Johansen Best Dressed Couple – Jeanette and Greg Johansen Some of the monies raised from the Mouse Cup will be donated to the Flotilla for Kids, Breast Cancer Awareness, safety equipment for the Club and sponsoring five young people as part of the Social Activities Association’s youth sailing program. Jacq Heffernan, Chair, SAC 15

The May 2010 edition of Groundswell featured Part 1 of the cruise of three CYCSA yachts, Liberator (Geoff Catt), Back Friday (Chris Wood) and Celebrity (Richard Pope) during December 2009 and covered the cruise from Adelaide via King Island, down the west coast of Tasmania, around the bottom, then up the south eastern coast and D’Entrecasteaux Channel to arrive in Hobart just before Christmas. Part 2 continues with Back Friday’s cruise home to Adelaide from Hobart departing straight after the official presentation at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania to Andrew Saies and the crew of Two True following their win in the 2009 Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. Both Liberator and Celebrity remained in Hobart to return later in February and March 2010.


Roaring Forties Part Two – Hobart to Adelaide on board Back Friday


he Part 1 crew of Back Friday flew home from Hobart on 23 December for Christmas leaving Back Friday, Liberator and Celebrity moored at the Bellerive Yacht Club. On 27 December, Chris and Gina Wood returned to Hobart with a new crew, Richard and Dimity Thwaites, and began to reprovision Back Friday for her return home. The few days in Hobart were very busy carrying out very minor repairs, stocking up on food and other essentials, including making sure that the boat’s cellar had a balanced range of great Tasmanian wines. Richard and Megan Pope remained in Hobart for Christmas and Geoff Catt returned just before New Year with Mavis and we all watched Two True cross the finish line in perfect conditions. New Year’s Eve was spent partying at the Bellerive Yacht Club and New Year’s Day saw us all attend the presentation to Andrew Saies and the crew of Two True at RHYC. A very emotional time for Andrew, his crew, his family, and the many South Australians in attendance following the protest being upheld in Andrew’s favour. Immediately following the presentation, Back Friday departed Hobart for Port Arthur in a strong E/SE breeze, arriving late. We moored off the historic penal settlement and spent the next day ashore exploring and awaiting the arrival of Andrew and Susan Saies who were delivering Two True to Geelong. The following day saw a Back Friday/ Two True beach BBQ in an adjoining bay followed by an early night. We departed Port Arthur early on a lovely Tasmanian day, sailing inside Tasman Island. Tasman Island has a large seal colony so we dropped the sails and launched the Zodiac to explore a broken jetty previously used to service the lighthouse and watch the seals – it was very spectacular. We then set sail in a light easterly breeze with the asymmetrical spinnaker and cruised past The Lanterns (a large rock formation) at the entrance to Fortescue Bay, arriving mid afternoon. The next day was spent diving for abalone, picking oysters and black mussels from the rocks and bushwalking. The weather was fantastic however, unfortunately, our cray pot was bare. We pulled anchor early the following morning and headed towards Schouten Island, with variable winds from the south west to18 knots. With a reefed mainsail we averaged 7.5–8.0 knots boat speed, arriving at Morey Bay on the northern end of the island in Schouten Passage. The island is a National Park and has great walking trails and the highlight was climbing to the top of the island which has 360 degree views, with Coles Bay and Wineglass Bay to the north and mainland Tasmania to the west. A beach BBQ, swimming and a bit of fishing followed with flathead and octopus for dinner.

Schouten Island looking north Photo opposite: Black Friday at Port Arthur

After a day in Morey Bay we headed north, inside the Freycinet Peninsula to Coles Bay, where we picked up a local mooring. The forecast for the next few days was for strong northerlies of 20-25 knots. Coles Bay was an ideal place to sit out the northerly and allowed us to top up with fuel, reprovision and try some great restaurants. After the front had passed we motored out of Coles Bay heading south to Schouten Passage. The passage is subject to very strong tides of 4-5 knots and once clear of the passage, we set sail in a light southerly breeze up the outside of Freycinet Peninsula to Wineglass Bay. We moored at the southern end of the bay and spent the next day exploring it on foot. That evening the wind completely dropped out and we spent our time fishing and sampling a range of Tasmanian Pinot Noirs’. Wineglass Bay is a “must see” for anyone visiting the area. To date the weather had been very kind, especially as we had plenty of time to plan our cruise and obtain local weather forecasts. From Wineglass Bay to the north eastern tip of Tasmania there are very few places to seek shelter in the event of strong weather from the north through to the south, save and except St Helens which requires calm seas and local knowledge to navigate the sand bar. We obtained a three day forecast which indicated south easterly breezes of 10-20 knots, ideal for our cruise north. We headed out of Wineglass Bay, 23 nautical miles to Bicheno, and the sailing was very easy. On arrival we picked up a local fisherman’s mooring and as there was a strong swell coming into the bay, we decided to remain on board in the event the fishing boat returned. It was a very uncomfortable night. We originally planned to go ashore as we had telephoned ahead to book into a beachside restaurant so the crew was a little disappointed as they had heard fantastic reviews about the restaurant. We did find in the boat’s cellar some more spectacular Tasmanian red wines to compensate some. We had heard that it would be very unwise to tackle the St Helens’ sand bar as there were waves breaking so we set up our chart plotter to take us straight to Swan Island. With the benefit of variable winds from the S/SE of 13-18 knots, we had a fantastic sail up the coast past St Helens, Bay of Fires, Eddystone Point, and Great Musselroe Bay, arriving late direct into Telegraph Bay on Swan Island, a total of 75 nautical miles. Swan Island is approximately five miles off the north eastern tip of mainland Tasmania in Bass Strait. We spent two days exploring the island on foot, fishing, setting our craypot only to catch dog sharks, and having beach BBQs. The island has an airstrip and renovated lighthouse keeper’s cottages set up for tourism, however during our time on the island there was no one else there. Later we looked up the island on the net to find it is inhabited by deadly tiger snakes, one report by a lighthouse keeper told of how he caught in ...continued page 19

Port McDonnell 17



he Fishing Association has been approached to supply two radio transceivers for American River VMR to assist the voluntary efforts of Carol Miells. This initiative is the result of canvassing by the Cruising Association’s Keith Degenhardt who organised the physical supply of the equipment. The Fishing Association, in conjunction with the Cruising Association, is happy to see funds being used for the benefit of all boating people. If anyone is planning a cruise to American River in the next few weeks, say hello to Carol. We have an eight foot aerial as well that needs to be taken down to Kangaroo Island so if anyone can help, please let Glenn Spear know. The Boating Showcase is being planned for Friday 26 November. We will confirm dates and the format for the evening shortly. Happy boating to all Fishing Association members, we hope to see you out and enjoying the fabulous waters of South Australia soon. Glenn Spear, Chair, FA

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Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia 18

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Roaring Forties Part Two – Hobart to Adelaide on board Back Friday

BBQ Two True and Back Friday, Port Arthur

No crays, just dog sharks

Tasman Island

excess of a thousand snakes in a twelve month period. We all sighed in relief that we did not see any snakes despite circumnavigating the island on foot with only short pants and Crocs! Again an early start (6.00am) – the forecast for the north coast of Tasmania (Bass Strait) was for S/SW winds of 20–25 knots. We motored off in light winds and by mid morning the wind was blowing 15–20 knots from the south. Early afternoon the wind changed to SW 25 knots, almost straight on the nose. We reefed the mainsail and set up the storm jib and with the benefit of the motor held a course to the entrance of the Tamar River, some 69 nautical miles. We entered the Tamar with the benefit of a strong incoming tide and motored into Georgetown. We had called ahead and arranged a berth at the Georgetown Yacht Club. The hospitality extended to us by the Club and its members was great. We spent the next couple of days doing minor repairs and reprovisioning. One member commented that the Club had approximately 100 members – three sailing members and 97 social members! Peppers had just opened a new resort at Georgetown and we enjoyed a fantastic feed at the restaurant and then motored down the Tamar to look around Beauty Point. We departed Georgetown with a north easterly breeze of 15-18 knots, the sun shining and our asymmetrical set, cruising at 8-9 knots – a 26 nautical mile sail via Point Sorell direct to the entrance of the Mersey River. We arrived around the middle of the day and called up the Port Authority. We were advised not to enter the river until The Spirit of Tasmania had cleared the entrance on her way to Melbourne. Once clear we motored down the river to the Mersey Yacht Club where we tied to the pontoon in front of the clubhouse and received an invitation to join Club members for an evening BBQ. It was a fun night – we met a member called Bob Cummins who was about 70 years old and was one of only two Tasmanians to win the SydneyHobart in 1979 in a 29 footer. Bob had followed the 2009 SydneyHobart with interest, especially the protest, and asked us to pass on his very best regards to Andrew Saies. One of his old crew members was also there and explained that Bob had no fear and on many occasions when his small boat was flattened, Bob would be pulling on all the sheets just waiting for the boat to pop up again. Twenty-four hours in the Mersey River was enough. We called the Port Authority and obtained clearance to exit the river. Again a great Tasmanian summer day with light breezes from the north east. We set a course along the north coast past Burnie, Ulverstone, Wynyard and Rocky Cape, direct to the fishing port of Stanley on the north western tip of Tasmania. We called ahead and were allocated a fisherman’s mooring against the wharf. The tidal range is approximately twenty feet, hence we needed our barge boards and spring lines to secure Back Friday and protect it from damage. Stanley is a historic port and has many old houses and buildings. We reprovisioned again, were given a crayfish from a local fisherman, and walked around the township. The locals were very friendly and offered assistance and advice on the local waters. We found a really good restaurant and a bakery that made crayfish pies. After a day in Stanley we departed in rain and light winds for Hunter Island and Three Hummock Island. These islands are in Bass Strait between Stanley and King Island. On arrival, after a 36 mile sail, the rain cleared. We spent the next two days fishing and relaxing. The

islands are quite remote and offer protection from all directions. The only other boats we saw were commercial crayfishing boats which spent all day and night talking rubbish on the VHF radio. This would certainly be a place I would like to return to. After getting a weather forecast of S/SW winds to 20 knots, we departed Three Hummocks for a 56 nautical mile sail to Grassy Harbour on King Island. With a fully reefed mainsail and storm jib we experienced some “serious Bass Strait” weather, the trip was very uncomfortable, the wind blew up to 39 knots and the seas were approximately eight metres. The crew did not do much talking during the entire leg. We arrived into Grassy Harbour late in the day with it still blowing 35-39 knots, picked up a fisherman’s mooring and had a very early night. The next morning a local crayfisherman delivered us a crayfish and we reciprocated by giving him some South Australian red wine. Arriving at King Island completed Back Friday’s circumnavigation of Tasmania. King Island has a lot of history so we hired a car, drove around the island, and visited in two days everything a tourist could possibly find. We reprovisioned and prepared for our Bass Strait crossing. By now it was 23 January 2010 and after a favourable weather forecast, we set sail early for our 200 nautical mile sail to Port McDonnell. The trip took us about 38 hours and the crew went on three hour watches. The trip was uneventful until 3.00am in the middle of Bass Strait when the boat came to a dead stop from 6.5 knots to 0. I looked overboard in darkness with a spotlight to find not less than twenty dolphins circling the boat. I initially thought we had picked up a craypot however I soon realised that we were in 3500 metres of water off the Continental Shelf. We saw a dark object under the port bow and after turning the wheel to starboard, the boat slipped off the object and we commenced sailing again. We’re not sure whether it was a whale or a sunfish. We arrived late afternoon into Port McDonnell and picked up a fisherman’s mooring in the bay. The bay is protected by a breakwater and offers good protection for boats that don’t draw more than 2.00– 2.25 metres. We spent a couple of days looking around, visiting by car the Glenelg River and doing some fishing. We departed Port McDonnell early and took on board two further crew members who joined us for the 50 mile trip to Robe. We had to post a very serious watch keeper/craypot spotter. They were everywhere and it would not be wise to sail close to this coastline during the night. We arrived at Robe late in the afternoon to be greeted by many friends who were holidaying there. That evening we were invited to the Robe Sailing Club to the end of season dinner in their new clubhouse. After a few parties with friends we prepared Back Friday for the trip home to the CYCSA. It was Sunday 31 January 2010 and with an early start and a great 175 nautical miles sail home with south easterly winds of 15-20 knots, we arrived back into the CYCSA around mid morning the following day. Back Friday spent two months away: we had no major breakages or damage, the sailing was good, the weather fine and the crews fantastic. A special thanks to all crew members including Richard Colebatch, Craig Drogemuller, Charlie and Jane Nott, Richard and Dimity Thwaites and of course, my lovely wife, Gina. Chris Wood 19

Owen and Delia Mace cruise the Danube-Main Canal, the Main and Rhine rivers

Cruising the Danube


stounding! We had just arrived after a 24 hour train journey from London and were presented with a fairytale view from a fairytale castle. We couldn’t wait to get out the next morning and explore Budapest over the next two days.

And so it proved to be. Budapest was an outstanding and astounding delight. We spent as much time as we could wandering its boulevards, castles, markets and monuments. Fantastic. What an unexpected surprise. To the ship: a welcome and our first meal on board where we tentatively met our crew and fellow passengers. Over the two weeks, friendships were made and people settled into comfortable mealtime groups, as you’d expect. Finally we set off in the ship and struck our first lock within a few hours. The engineering in these locks is fantastic, some lifting four ships of our size through twenty metres and more. Then there is the canal that carries the river for many kilometres and some twenty metres and more above the plain. The amount and flow of water in the rivers amazed us Australians – the Danube can be well over a hundred metres wide and flowing at six knots. Our first stop was Bratislava, capital of Slovakia: a little economic dynamo making cars, washing machines and chemicals for Europe. We visited a memorial to the more than 1,000 Soviet soldiers who died taking Bratislava from the Nazis many years ago. Then on to Vienna where we found the restaurant we discovered nearly ten years ago. We did the Schönbrunn Palace then, as well as a concert of Viennese favourites, so they were not repeated. While some visited Salzburg, the home of The Sound of Music, Delia and I decided to go to the Czech Republic and Creský Krumlov where there is a fantastic mediæval castle, palace and town. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site. Once again, extravagant words seem insufficient to describe it. Oh, and we also visited Budweiss, the home of the original Budweisser.

Then to a little gem, Dürnstein, a Bavarian town of a few hundred people. We saw where the Danube had risen many metres above its current level in 2002, the highest on record: a charming place with its ruined fort well above the little town. We learned that the fort had been destroyed by the Swedes during the Thirty Year War (1618 to 1648) – hands up anyone who knows anything about that? Mmmm, a little research on Wikipedia that night. (Yes, we had WiFi on board.) We then cruised the lovely Wachau Valley and along the Danube River, the Danube-Main Canal, the Main River, the Rhine Gorge and the Rhine River, ending in Amsterdam. The lovely Bavarian towns of Deggendorf, Nürnburg (Nuremburg), Regensburg, Bamberg, Würzberg, Rothenburg, Miltenburg and Rüdesheim began to blur: all beautiful, historic and well worth visiting. Some are very touristy, others are less so. Nürnburg deserves a mention. Ninety percent of its buildings were flattened during the Second World War yet almost all had been sympathetically and accurately restored so that the city appeared as it had centuries ago. (Compare with London.) On another memorable (if cold) morning we tried Rodesheim Kaffe: sugar in the bottom of a mug; warm brandy in a microwave and pour into a cup; set alight to caramelise the sugar; add coffee and then whipped cream on top and dust with chocolate. Delicious! In the late afternoon we motored through the spectacular Rhine Gorge. Lots of picture postcard towns clinging to the river banks with castles overlooking the river and lots of pictures. In the morning we arrived at Köln (Cologne) and its spectacularly lit cathedral. Finally into Amsterdam but, please, no drugs or cigarettes in your hotel room! What were our thoughts as we finished the cruise? We’d seen fantastic places, made new friends and enjoyed ourselves but we also saw the staggering wealth of the princes, both secular and religious, and the poverty of the poor. The assets, human and material, devoted to the military and the rich simply beggar belief. One hopes that modern Europe, and indeed the world, can make the distribution of wealth more equitable. 20

Technical Notes The ship was like many others we saw on the rivers. Its length was 126 metres, beam 11.4 metres and draft of two metres but that could be increased to three metres to get under low bridges. The nominal height was six metres and we cleared all bridges by at least 300mm. She was powered by two 1050 HP MTU diesels each driving a propeller that could be hydraulically rotated 360°. She used about 350 litres of diesel per hour at 13 knots. There were three generators producing over one MW. The electric bow thruster drew well over 100 kW and dimmed the lights in the ship when it operated. The bridge was normally well above the top deck but could be lowered to clear low bridges. The ship was manually controlled at all times but it had all the electronics you would expect. The two radars had very good resolution and were easily capable of resolving radar reflectors placed about 6 metres off the piers of bridges so that the ship could pass safely under the middle of the span at night and in a fog. Needless to say it had a powerful searchlight. The kitchen produced over 4,000 meals each week and used nearly 2,500 eggs, 8,000 towels, 250,000 litres of water, etc, etc. Oh, and we used about 40,000 litres of diesel on the cruise and created nearly 100 tonnes of CO2.

Pluses The crew were exceptional and the 120 passengers were very pleasant – why wouldn’t they be; the largest group was Australian. The scenery and the towns we visited were fantastic. The information provided by the ship was very good. The food was good, if a little bland for my taste after two weeks. The ship itself was very comfortable.

Minuses Really, there were very few. We did have unusually cold weather and cold/flu rampaged through the ship but no one can control those things. We travelled mostly at night, so the vibration of the motors and the bumps and lights as we passed through 69 locks, made it hard to sleep on some nights. I would have preferred fewer, but longer, visits to the sights.

Suggestions Have your flu injections well before leaving. Buy some heavy cloth and bulldog clips if you think that the lock lights will bother you. Enjoy the experience! Owen Mace 21

The Club was well represented at Hamilton Island Race Week with Geoff Boettcher’s SMB3.5 entered in IRC Grand Prix Division, Andrew Saies’ Two True in IRC Passage Division 1, Trevor Mudge’s Nellie Myra in Cruising Division 1 and Brenton Pegler in a chartered Jeanneau 44i which they named The Planet in Cruising Division 2. The results were mixed with SMB3.5 coming seventh, Two True fourth, Nellie Myra nineteenth and The Planet twenty-second. Brenton, Geoff, Trevor and Andrew relate their experiences at Hammo’.

The Planet

Secret Mens Business

For the third year running, Another Planet crew and friends raced a chartered Sunsail yacht in Cruising Division 2 at Hamilton Island Race Week.

SMB 3.5 came an overall seventh in the nine Race series of IRC Grand Prix at Hamilton Island, the best result being a third.

In spite of the Jeanneau 44i only being a couple of years old and with standard cruising sails, it was hard going the first few days, due to light winds and strong currents. A borrowed kite, thanks to Brett Young, was our only secret weapon – apart from excellent crew work, of course! With stronger winds to 20 knots later in the week, we were able to work our way to tenth in the results mid week, finishing with a first place on the last day, much to our excitement. The off-water activities were excellent and the island was geared to accommodate the influx of yachties, making for a truly memorable sailing holiday. Even the whales made an effort, appearing frequently throughout the week. We would highly recommend putting a crew together and participating in this event.

Grand Prix Division featured some of Australia and New Zealand’s best performing yachts with aggressive sailing throughout the series. Light winds and being one of the smaller boats in this ‘Hot Fleet’ made getting a clean start almost impossible. Loki won the event and the Audi car with a consistent win in the four event IRC National Championship. Hamilton Island Race Week is becoming larger each year with a significant increase by the Race Committee in catering for the Cruising Divisions. After years of campaigning the northern regattas, we may see SMB 3.5 look for another winter yachting race venue. Sydney to Southport, Airlie Beach, Hamilton Island and earlier Hayman Island Regattas, are worth an effort to experience the excellent venue and courses.

Brenton Pegler

Port Lincoln identity, Kym Clarke and his Lincoln crew, won Cruising Division 2 in a chartered yacht. What a great way to do Hamilton without the headache of getting your own boat there! Geoff Boettcher

Main photo by Brenton Pegler Other photos by Geoff Gowing

Hamilton Is 22

Nellie Myra

Two True

Trevor Mudge and Jane Ferguson took Nellie Myra back to Hamilton Island Race Week this year for the second time.

Two True headed north again to try and improve on last year’s third place in the Audi IRC Grand Prix DIvision 2 of Hamilton Island Race Week. We also planned to go head to head with our sister ship, Howard Piggot’s new First 40, Flying Cloud from Sydney, as well as avenging our narrow defeat to Peter Horne’s King 40, Canute, in Geelong earlier in the year. Canute and Two True also still being a chance for a podium in the Audi National Keel Boat Series.

Having used a relatively experienced crew last year from Sydney we relied on family and friends this year. The weather was a bit kinder to us as we needed the stronger breezes. Our enthusiasm was not quite matched by skill however and we dropped a few places down to 12th out of the 26 boats in Cruising Division One. Our pride was hurt by a couple of close encounters at the starting line! A good time however was had by all, and in spite of the long trek we will all be back next year to try our luck again, even if we don’t seem to be getting any better at it. Our crew however seem to be able to hold their own in the off-water activities! Trevor Mudge

Unfortunately an IRC Grand Prix Division 2, which includes four windward leewards as well as Island races, could not be formed due to lack of boats and a drift by some eligible and competitive boats into the IRC Passage Racing Division. Boats are free to nominate in any division in this regatta, Passage Racing perhaps being an easier option on crews compared to racing around the buoys! Thus we ended up on the race track with boats up to 60 feet in length and sailed a number of reaching legs where waterline length determined the result sheet. Conditions this year were across the wind range, 5 to 10 knots early in the week with a couple of days of 18 to 22 knots and nearly all S/SE gradient breezes from the correct direction! In our division, Ray Roberts, with a fully professional crew, dominated proceedings and eventually won the regatta in a chartered Farr/Binks 42 (the old South Australian boat, Spirit of Lexus). Two True was one of five boats fighting it out for the remaining trophies, having posted a couple of thirds and showing great consistency in all but the last race where a dismal and deserved tenth meant this was our drop forcing us to carry a seventh from the Mole Island Race. In this our first race of the series, we were leading our opposition comfortably on corrected time and looked set for a first place as we rock hopped around the northern end of North Mole carrying our S2 until the fading breeze and radical shifts under the lee of the island changed us into our jib and forced us no more than 100 metres past the island. Here we lost pressure and got caught in traffic as we watched boats carry breeze up from behind, round the island inside of us and hug the favoured shore side of the course out of the current which was now running at four knots against us. Within minutes we lost eight or nine positions as we came back to the island on port tack, ducking sterns just to get out of the current. The remaining twelve mile beat home gave us time to reflect on the devastating and sudden change in fortune that wind and current differences across the various courses in the Whitsunday’s can have on your race result. Small positional differences at key sections of the course can be amplified to massive time and distance advantages with very few opportunities to recover. Two True ended the regatta with a fourth, one point behind our rival Canute (a repeat of the Geelong result) but ahead of the four other First 40s in this division of nearly 25 boats, and a credible sixth overall in the Audi National Keel Boat Series. Hamilton Island is a tough regatta to do in your own boat when you are based in Adelaide. It is expensive for crew and owners and no concession is given to race yachts nominating for this event on food, travel or particularly accommodation costs. In fact, rates are the highest for the year during race week! The sailing conditions are challenging and the uncertainty about divisional allocation means you can travel a long way from home and end up on a start line not of your choice. On the plus side, race organization and management is excellent; you get to participate in a must do regatta in an idyllic part of Australia, competing against the very best keel boat sailors in the country. Whales, scenic passages and islands, all add to the appeal. On-shore events and the atmosphere are fun and racing and socializing with both new and old friends makes this, on balance, a great experience. Andrew Saies

sland Race Week 23

Staff Changes in the CLUB Office Guy Wogan-Provo has taken over the position vacated at the front desk by Dani Stringer. Guy has been a valuable member of our catering staff for the past eighteen months and is a keen and experienced sailor who began sailing as a 13 year old and stepped up to keelboats during the 2000/2001 season aboard a J24. He quickly advanced and campaigned on J24 Sledgehammer for two years, including a first placing on handicap at the 2001/02 J24 National Championships in Sydney. Recently Guy has been boat hopping again, including on CYCSA boats Matador and Lucky Star, and completing the 2010 Adelaide to Port Lincoln race aboard Synergy with Mark and Mal Hutton. Upon delivering Synergy home, he picked up the delivery bug and got a spot delivering Secret Men’s Business to Sydney in June. Guy is hoping to complete many more deliveries and build ocean miles and is looking long term to gather more experience at longer distance offshore racing and maybe international delivery work. We also welcome Marina Segodina, who comes to us with many years of book-keeping and accounting experience. Marina replaces the long serving Zoya in the position of senior bookkeeper. Matthew Young has accepted the position as Marine Academy Coordinator and is already in full swing organising the new courses for the coming season. We welcome Matt’s enthusiasm for the task and look forward to exciting developments at the Academy. Please make these new members of staff feel welcome and say hello next time you are passing. Rob Williams, Marketing, CYCSA

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Commodore’s Dinner T

he Club’s black tie dinner has a history of being a spectacular affair and this year’s was no different. Horizons Function Room looked resplendent with an almost 1940s feel to it. ‘Feathers’ was the theme for this year’s dinner and the evenings entertainment certainly lived up to its reputation! The gorgeous feather centerpieces were stunning as were the classy menus and the food, superb. The big band feel was completed by the black and white band surround. Members and their guests dressed beautifully for the occasion and upon receiving their complimentary glass of wine proceeded down the red carpet for the formal welcome by Commodore Geoff Catt and his wife Mavis, accompanied by the Club’s Flag Officers and their wives. Bec, our resident violinist, played beautiful background music which completed the atmosphere. Peaches ‘n’ Gin was the entertainment for the night and what a show they put on. Some guests were perched on the edge of their seats waiting for the inevitable ‘Fan Dance’ which, of course, included our own unsuspecting Commodore. The band, A Train, were fantastic in that conversations were still had while the band played background music. Queens of Clean were at it again and successfully raffled themselves off at $50 per ticket. This year $1000 was raised and will be put towards five Youth Sailing sponsorship programs through the Marine Academy – more on that later. The winner of this years raffle was Kudos, well deserved too. Kudos will be cleaned by the Queens on Saturday 30 January 2011 in front of the Club and all are welcome. The formal part of the evening culminated in the Commodore’s address and was well received by all present. Jacq Heffernan, Chair, SAC

Photos by Gerry Colella 25




The President and Chairman of the meeting, Mr John Gerard, upon receiving confirmation of a quorum being present, formally declared the meeting open and welcomed members to the AGM for 2010.


Apologies as advised from the floor were noted in addition to those recorded on official record sheets at the entrance of the meeting venue. A full list of attendances and apologies is listed opposite.

ASSOCIATION REPORTS Cruising Association

Mr John Sibly presented the Cruising Association Report for the 2009/2010 as included in the Annual Report 09.10.

Fishing Association

Mr Peter Schembri presented the Fishing Association Report for the 2009/2010 year as included in the Annual Report 09.10.

Social Activities Association

Mrs Jacqueline Heffernan presented the Social Activities Report for the 2009/2010 year as included in the Annual Report 09.10.

Racing Association Ms Traci Ayris presented the Racing Association report for the 2009/2010 year as presented in the Annual Report 09.10. Mr Peter Page moved that all Association Reports be adopted. Mr Martyn Heffernan seconded the motion. Carried

Financial Report

The Treasurer, Mr Henry Petersen, presented the Financial Report for 2009/2010. Mr Petersen spoke to the report as presented in the Annual Report 09.10. Mrs Barbara Page moved that the Treasurer’s Report be adopted. Mr Chris Morphett seconded the motion. Carried

Commodore’s Report

Mr Geoff Catt presented his Commodore’s Report as included in the Annual Report for the 2009/2010. The Commodore announced the Board of Management had selected Mr Ray Evans and Mr Paul Gardiner as joint recipients of the Volunteer of the Year Award for 2009/2010. Ray Evans has been a member for 20 years. He was recognised for his long service to racing at the CYCSA, both as a member of REX and as an on-water Race Officer. He has devoted, along with many others, incredibly long hours and effort into rejuvenating CYC1 over the last two years. Ray thoroughly deserves this recognition. Paul Gardiner has been a member for 21 years. Paul is best known for his participation as an official in racing events nationals, state titles, club regattas and junior sailing. He often mans an official boat, most times at the furthermost mark. Paul is a quiet volunteer, always first to put his hand up and someone who can always be relied upon – a well deserved recipient of the Volunteer of the Year Award.

President’s Report

minutes of annual general meeting of the cruising yacht club of sa inc wednesday 18 august 2010 at 7.30 pm

Mr John Gerard spoke to his report for the 2009/2010 year as presented in the Annual Report 09.10. Mr Craig Westlake moved that the report be adopted. Mr Ken Amos seconded the motion.


The Chairman advised that at the closure of nominations on Wednesday 21 July 2010, there were seven nominations for the seven vacant positions on the Board of Management. Consequently, an election was not required. The seven successful nominees were: Wayne E Coonan, Andrew G Corletto, John D Gerard, David P Murray, Henry J Petersen, Andrew D Saies and Thomas J Tymons


The Treasurer proposed that PKF be appointed as auditors for the 2010/2011 year. Seconded by Mr Peter Page.

general business

Motions – Proposed by Ray Brown and Seconded by Trevor Kipling Motion 1 – Quorum and Procedure at General Meeting “That the existing clause 25.1 be deleted and replaced with the following... To constitute a quorum at a general meeting at least 20 members entitled to vote at the meeting at the time notice of the meeting is given must be present”. Carried Motion 2 – Voting Procedure “That the existing clause 25.4 be deleted and replaced with the following… Every financial senior member shall have one vote. Any eligible voting member unable to attend the AGM meeting may apply to the Executive Officer for a scrutinizer to forward to the member the necessary papers entitling the member to cast an absentee vote on any motion”. Not Carried Motion 3 – Elimination of Proxies “That existing clauses 25.5, 25.5.1 and 25.5.2 be deleted”. Not Carried Motion 4 – Honorary Members “Delete 5.9.2 and replace with the following… A person appointed as an Honorary Member shall not be entitled to vote at any general meetings of the Club or hold any office”. Carried Motion 5 – Flag Officers “Delete 31.1, 31.2, 31.3 and 31.4 and replace with the following… 31.1 Nominations for Flag Officers shall be nominated by an eligible voting member (other than the nominee) and such nomination shall have been seconded by another eligible voting member (other than the nominee) and signed by the nominee to verify the nominee’s acceptance of the nomination and shall be delivered to the Executive Officer not less than fourteen days before the date on which the AGM is to be held and the members shall be notified of these nominations seven days before the AGM. 31.2 Only eligible voting members may be nominated for the positions of Flag Officers, and that person must be a boat owner. The appointment of a proxy for the purpose of election of Flag Officers shall not be permitted. 31.3 If there are more nominations than vacancies to be filled then a ballot is to be arranged by the Executive Officer. The ballot is to be held during the AGM and shall be conducted by two scrutinizers who shall be appointed by the President. Any eligible voting member unable to attend the AGM may apply to the EO to forward to the member the necessary papers entitling the member to cast an absentee vote for the election of the Flag Officers. 31.4 The scrutinizers shall report the result to the President or chairperson of the meeting. The candidates for the position of Flag officers (3) receiving the most votes shall be declared elected to the positions to be filled. If 26


minutes continued

the number of candidates who receive an equal number of votes exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, the President or Chairperson shall have the casting vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies to be filled. 31.4.1 At the AGM in each year, each elected Flag officer shall retire from office, but shall be eligible for re-election” Not Carried




There being no other business the meeting was closed 9.50pm








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Climate change study

Making the Future Come to Life


rom April 2009 to September 2010, PhD candidate, Laura Falkenberg, was a regular fixture at the CYCSA, working each day on an experiment to identify the potential effects of future climate change on marine ecosystems. Now, she heads back to the North Terrace Campus of the University of Adelaide to write up her thesis. In this article Laura explains what she was doing and the results of her experiments. While working at the CYCSA many members asked me: “What are you doing?” “What are these contraptions?” and, quite commonly, “What are you growing?” My usual response went something like: “It’s basically a climate change experiment. I’m increasing carbon dioxide levels in some of the tanks and measuring the growth response of the algae.” Although this short answer does describe the basics of what I was doing, it leaves out a lot of the detail and complexity of my experiments. This is my opportunity to explain to you what I was doing, why I believe it is so important, and what some of the initial outcomes are. My journey to the CYCSA started when I finished my undergraduate degree (Bachelor of Arts/Science) at the University of Adelaide. I had an interest in understanding how human activities are altering the environment around us and what can be done to minimise the effects. My Honours project with the Southern Seas Ecology Laboratories looked at the combined effects of future global and local conditions. Specifically, I ran an experiment in the laboratory to identify the combined effect of future global carbon dioxide and local nutrient pollution (which occurs as a result of run-off and waste water outfalls) on marine systems. This experiment identified that under future carbon dioxide and elevated nutrient conditions, turf-forming algae will be favoured at the expense of coralline algae which facilitate the establishment of kelp forests. The increase of turfs would result in a simplification of the ecosystem (think of lawn in your garden) compared to the complexity provided by corallines and their associated kelp canopy (which is analogous to a rainforest). As those of you with diving experience have observed first-hand, these kelp are important as they support a great number and diversity of species. Although an important starting point, the findings from my Honours study were based on consideration of a highly simplified algal assemblage. A key component is kelp, which currently influences the composition of algal communities and may become more influential under future carbon dioxide and elevated nutrient conditions. The effects of kelp could not be considered in a laboratory setting because of their size and need for near natural growing conditions. Consequently, in order to be able to incorporate kelp, we had large tanks custom-made and based at the CYCSA. The first experiment I conducted in the tanks was to identify if the presence of kelp could reduce the growth of turf-forming algae under future carbon dioxide and elevated nutrient conditions (ie the same conditions that I had considered in the laboratory for Honours). This experiment ran from August 2009 to February 2010. The results showed that the presence of kelp suppressed the growth of turf-forming algae, which was greater under future carbon dioxide and elevated nutrient conditions. Consequently, maintenance of kelp forests on our coasts may ameliorate the effects of human activities that act at both local and global scales. The second experiment considered if effective management of local nutrient pollution could reduce the effect of future climate (i.e. carbon dioxide) conditions once they have been established. For this experiment I took the samples which had been growing under future carbon dioxide and elevated nutrient conditions and re-allocated them so that although all were still experiencing future carbon dioxide (like these habitats will in the future) some continued to experience elevated nutrients (simulating continued pollution), while others were now experiencing ambient nutrient conditions (simulating improvement of waste water recycling). The algae were exposed to the conditions for a similar period of time as that in the first experiment, from February 2010 to September 2010. The results of this experiment showed that although removing nutrients under future carbon dioxide reduced the growth of turf-forming algae, it never reached the lower levels experienced under current conditions. The warning in this is that to prevent growth of turfs, effective local management of nutrient pollution needs to be implemented before future climate conditions become established. The third experiment I ran considered if, and how, the functioning of grazers (the marine snail Austrocochlea spp.) would be altered under future carbon dioxide 28

Technology Update Corner Please send any technical or scientific articles or updates, of interest to fellow boaties, to the editorial team.

extra thoughts about AIS AIS supporting products are proliferating. I bought an Antenna Splitter that connects a VHF radio, AIS system and FM radio to a single VHF antenna. When either the VHF radio or AIS transmits, the other devices are protected from damage by the transmitting device, see Comar also makes various other types of antenna splitters, so it’s worth a look on their site. The advantage of an antenna splitter is that the range of all three radios is maximised with the VHF antenna being on top of the mast. The disadvantage is that failures can compromise performance. I asked Comar about the possibility of damage if no power was applied to the unit. Their technical support person replied, “If no power is applied to the AST200 then the VHF radio will work as normal both on transmit and receive, the AIS will receive some local vessels with limited reception range and if the AIS transponder transmits it will be absorbed into the dummy load inside the AST200.” I suspect that the FM radio reception would be poor as well. The other disadvantage is, of course, that an antenna or mast failure leaves you with no radios. But then you have an emergency antenna, don’t you! A web search will reveal other antenna splitters. Owen Mace Ref: Automatic Identification Systems Groundswell March 2010 conditions. Detecting an effect of future carbon dioxide on Austrocochlea spp. would be of great importance as they consume turf-forming algae under current conditions, and may be able to restrict the increase of turfs expected under future carbon dioxide and elevated nutrient conditions. A change was expected as future carbon dioxide is known to affect the growth of other species which form calcified structures. The grazers were exposed to future carbon dioxide conditions for four months (May-August 2010) before I ran experiments to identify if their grazing rates were altered. Although I am still quantifying the results and analysing data from this experiment, it appears that the grazing rate was influenced by carbon dioxide conditions. If it turns out that the activity of grazers is altered by future climate then this could have significant consequences for the species assemblages of rocky temperate coasts. Together, the results from these three experiments indicate that under the future conditions simulated at the CYCSA, both in terms of carbon dioxide and nutrients, there will be an increase in the amount of turf-forming algae at the expense of kelp forests. This would have negative consequences as, when present, kelp forests enable stabilisation of physical environments and form complex habitats for thousands of associated species. However, there is good news. If local action to conserve kelp forests and restrict nutrient pollution of marine waters is taken soon, before future carbon dioxide conditions take effect, then the growth of turfs could be restricted and the marine ecosystems we all enjoy could be retained. I would like to thank everyone for their support and friendship while I was working at the CYCSA; you contributed to making my experience enjoyable and forever memorable. Thank you. Laura Falkenberg For more detail about publications resulting from this research or information regarding my time at the CYCSA please contact me directly at: laura., or visit: http://www.

Marine Charts Update The ‘no anchoring’ zone surrounding the shipping channel at Outer Harbor has recently been extended on the southern side. Ships are now permitted to enter and exit Outer Harbor without sailing the full length of the shipping channel. Two points of exit and entry are designated. Yachts sighting a ship in the area must NOT assume she will confine herself to the channel. Even if you do not have a copy of AUS130 you might like to download the amendment to that chart and avoid the risk of collision, or a fine for illegal anchoring. The Australian Hydrographic Service has recently issued Chart AUS126, part 5 of a series titled “Plans in South Australia”. This chart includes two plans. One charts Backstairs Passage and the other covers the area around Althorpe Island. Both are on a scale of 1:75000. They are based on the WGS 1984 datum, so they are ideal for use with your GPS. The chart of Backstairs Passage extends eastward from Penneshaw to beyond The Pages. The chart of the Althorpe Island area extends northward to Formby Bay, including Pondalowie Bay. Until now, the area around Althorpe Island has only been covered by a small insert on Chart AUS345. This could be difficult to read quickly and accurately and has been removed from the current edition. The new, very clear chart of this potentially dangerous area is most welcome. Rob Perrin Ref: Notice to Mariners 21 of 2010 Notice to Mariners, Blocks and Notes, Aus130

Practicalities of Installing Grey Water Tank In the process of planning the grey water option, prior to any of the through hulls being cut, it seems to make sense to lead all the grey water back to the tank and just have a single overboard outlet. This has the added benefit of eliminating the need for several through hulls and diverter valves. A conveniently placed gauge can indicate how full the tank is and either an auto/off/manual switch so that the tank will automatically empty in “normal” circumstances but be switched to off in no-discharge zones or alternatively a manual system can be used. Anja Richards Ref: Effluent Disposal from Boats in SA, Groundswell August 2010


FOR SALE Marina East

8 metre twin: C05, C09, F01, F02 from $62,000 10 metre single: A02, F07 from $90,000 10 metre twin: A09, F04, F10, F13, F18 from $65,000 12 metre single: E04, E11, E20 from $110,000 12 metre twin: D38, E13, E17 $90,000 12 metre twins: E30 & E31 suitable for catamaran (ea.)$110,000 13 metre single:C18, D01 from $130,000 14 metre single: A46, C28, C30 from $170,000 15 metre single: B26, B31, B35, B36, C34 from $175,000 16m single: B17 $225,000 20m single: A49 $350,000

Marina West 15 17 18 20

metre metre metre metre

single: single: single: single:

M08 J05, J14, J18, J19 M10 K06

$155,000 from $150,000 $225,000 $240,000

Hardstanding Berths

 9 metre: 11, 18, 25, 43, 51, 52, 54, 68, 94 from $7,500 10 metre: 33, 102, 133, 137, 140, 144, 146, 147 from $4,800 12 metre: 115, 127 from $10,000

FOR LEASE Marina East Berths 12 12 14 15 16

metre metre metre metre metre

twin: D38* single: E20* (available for sublease) single: A46, C26 single: C35 single: B17*, B20

Marina West Berths

Note: All berths in Marina West development are single berths 12 metre: M05 15 metre: M08* 17 metre: J04, J08, J10, J13, J14*, J18, J19, J20 18 metre: M10* 20 metre: K01, K02, K05, K06*, K07, K08 22 metre: K15, K18 25 metre: M14 30 metre: K16

Hardstanding Berths

9 metre: 09, 10, 11*, 14, 21, 24, 50, 51*, 52*, 54*, 65, 84 10 metre: 33*, 34, 102*, 130, 133*, 137*, 139, 147*, 148, 150 12 metre: 03

Berths for sale or lease For up-to-date information on all sales and leasing, log on to the Club website or contact Jenny Krogdahl for sales or Laura Cowley for leasing at the CYCSA office on 8248 4222. As per the Marina Berth Agreement, a 10% commission is payable by the vendor on all berth sales. As of 22 October 2007 Board meeting - If you are selling your berth and buying a berth of equal or greater value then your berth sale may be subject to a 5% commission payable to the Club (in lieu of 10%). This will be at the discretion of Management. The sale and purchase must be effected on the same day.

PORT VINCENT For berth leasing at Port Vincent please contact Rob Marner (Port Vincent Marina Manager) on 0414 611 110.

CYCSA Port Vincent leasing rates For berth leasing overnight, weekly and during off-peak times, the Club will lease out berths with the owners agreement, at the owner’s rates below.

10mt 12m 14ms 15ms 18ms 20ms 22ms 24ms 30ms

O/night $25 $30 $40 $45 $55 $60 $65 $70 $80

FOR SALE Port Vincent Berths

Weekly $125 $150 $200 $225 $275 $300 $325 $350 $400

12mt: B29, B37, C60 12ms: C48, C68 14ms: D70, D71, D73, D78 15ms: D83, D85, D86, D87, D89 20ms: A12, B35 All prices include GST *denotes berth for sale and lease

Off-peak weekly $60 $80 $110 $125 $145 $160 $175 $190 $200

from $35,000 from $62,000 from $65,000 from $50,000 $200,000

For information on all CYCSA membership fees and charges please refer to



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