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Chakra Meditation with the Power of Positive Affirmations - Part 2 -


Meet Roxana Tismanaru, Yoga o’clock

Roxana is an expert in her field and specialises in providing yoga and meditation classes, aromatherapy and ayurvedic consultations, health and wellness workshops, and private coaching for improving your well-being. Every practice is based around creating inner selfawareness and self-discovery. Alongside the role of our chakras, our thoughts are integral in creating our personal reality. By regularly practising ‘Chakra Balancing with the Power of Positive Affirmations’, we can achieve astonishing results. Follow the guided meditation below. You may be able to relate to some, more than others.

In December’s edition of Cyprus in Style Magazine, we spoke to yoga therapist, Roxana Tismanaru at Yoga o’clock, to find out about Chakra Meditation and the Power of Positive Affirmations. We covered meditation guidance and affirmations relating to the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra. This month, we delve a little deeper to cover the Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras. There are seven main chakras along the spine, although, it has been said, there could be as many as 114 chakras all over the body. They allow the free flow of energy into and out of the human body. Chakra Healing is connected to the physical body, the mind and the emotional well-being of a person.

4. HEART CHAKRA (Anahata): Love The Heart Chakra is located in the centre of the chest. It helps you to achieve compassion and friendliness, and healthy relationships / interactions with others. It honours the heart and emotions. When imbalanced, we may experience ‘over-loving’ to the extent of suffocation, jealousy, feelings of abandonment, anger, bitterness or loneliness. Reset your mind, forgive the past, let go and accept. Love yourself and love the journey. Love life!

Healing the Heart Chakra: Place your palms on your chest, close to the heart, and imagine a healing emerald green light glowing in your chest. Smile and start to Feel the following Affirmations: “I deeply, and completely, love and accept myself. I forgive myself.” “I am open to love and kindness. I am loved and I am respected.” “I nurture my inner child. I live in balance, in a state of grace and gratefulness.” “I am connected with other human beings.” “I am grateful for the challenges that help me transform and open up to love and trust.”

5. THROAT CHAKRA (Vishuddha): Communication & Self-Expression The Throat Chakra is located in the vocal cords in the throat. It governs communication, expression and creativity. A person who feels they cannot, or do not know how to express their truth, may have a wounded Throat Chakra.

6. THIRD EYE CHAKRA (Ajna): Intuition & Wisdom The Third Eye Chakra is located in the centre of the forehead, a little above the eyebrows. It honours and governs our psychic and intuitive abilities, or, sixth sense. When wounded, we experience disconnect from our inner wisdom and its power to guide us in life. It represents intelligence and observation and can improve our ability to think for ourselves.

7. CROWN CHAKRA (Sahasrara): Transcendence The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and governs your connection to your higher self, whilst being at one with the world. If your awareness of some sort of inner spirituality is not clear, or you seem to lack focus or direction in life, open your Crown Chakra and start this journey as soon as possible.

Healing the Throat Chakra: Touch your throat and imagine it filling up with a vivid blue light, filling up with your truths, opinions or any other blocked expressions. Try to use your voice as much as possible during this meditation, whether it is reading the affirmations out loud or humming a quick tune to get your vocal chords vibrating. Breathe it out until there is no longer a blockage and repeat: ““I am open, clear and honest in my communication. I have integrity.” “I have a right to speak my truth. I live an authentic life.” “I communicate my feelings with ease.” “I have a strong will that helps me resolve my challenges.” “I nourish my spirit through creativity.”

Healing the Third Eye Chakra: Focus on the Power of the following Affirmations, whilst visualising an intense, indigo light, in the centre of your forehead. Breathe in, breathe out, focus on and repeat the following: “I am in touch with my inner guidance. I listen to my deepest wisdom.”

“I nurture my spirit and trust my intuition. My life moves effortlessly.” “I forgive the past and learn what was there for me to learn.” “I am grateful for the goodness in my life.” “I am open to inspiration and ideas.”

Healing the Crown Chakra: To heal the Crown Chakra, read these affirmations while focusing on the spot at the top of your head. Imagine a white or purple light connecting you, to that, which is outside of you. It may be helpful to rest your hands or place them on the top of your head. This will assist you to direct the energy to the focus area. “I am part of the Divine.” “I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences.”

“I am connected and listen to the wisdom of the universe.” “I am one with the universe. I cannot detach from it, as it cannot detach from me.” “I cherish my spirit. I am open to divine wisdom.”

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