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SundayMail New movement

Sky’s the limit

Meeting Israeli choreographer and Gaga creator

The high rise buildings that are taking over the centre of Nicosia



J U LY 1ďšş7

The history of dance New book looks at the development of contemporary dance in Cyprus

WIN family entrance to Fasouri Waterpark



Feminism’s big debt to genius of Nora Ephron



People: The Israeli choreographer who has created his own form of movement

07 Culture: new book chronicles the development of modern dance in Cyprus

22 28 Interview: ARTos creative director Achilleas Kentonis

Fashion: Options for wearing leather even in these temperatures

ne thing we can be sure of: Nora Ephron, who passed away this week aged 71, would have found something witty and true to say about her own death. “It’s all copy,” said her mother as she prepared for her own death. “Take notes.” Ephron’s copy was just better than the rest and it made her went to smart colleges but were not the Dorothy Parker of our era. From expected to achieve much in their camagazine columns to screenplays reers. and essays, she did more to popularLooking around the room decades ise feminism than a thousand tracts later at a group of successful babyand feminist theory reading groups. boomers, she noted that they were Ephron knew that the most point- “the world’s best-dressed, oppressed ed weapon of all is humour, from her group”. Yet in Silkwood, whose script treatise on the attraction and incom- bagged an Oscar, she broke out of a patibility of the sexes in When Harry metropolitan-chic milieu to make a Met Sally, which gave us the glamour fi lm about environmental conditions of Manhattan but the dating horrors, in blue-collar America which was way sexual tensions and frustrations of ahead of its time. modern life everywhere. The hairdos That mixture of the serious and and jackets have dated since 1989 but playful inspired me as a young writer. g as ever the repartee burns as bright Observations on female asm scene is physical insecuand the Katz deli orgasm still a showstopper. rities, like the an’s Sally Alessay I Feel Who cares if Meg Ryan’s bright was a journalist who seemed Bad about unch with her My Neck, to spend more time at lunch n working? Or were trimate Carrie Fisher than umphs of that Billy Crystal’s drolll Harry was a h no discernpsychology political consultant with biland observaible interest in politics? Ephron’s ab abilng one-liners ity to combine crackling tion. Ephron nds - “What’s truly beabout exes’ new girlfriends she like?” “Thin, pretty, big tits. Your lieved men and basic nightmare” - with the search he city, for love, not just sex, in the heon lifted her into the pantheon of great cinema writers. on I interviewed Ephron ail when You’ve got Mail ck came out and was struck k by how seriously she took her feminism, for all herr e lightness of touch. She had, she told me, come out of a generation in Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan in When Harry met Sally which girls like her

Screenwriter knew most pointed weapon of all was humour says ANNE MCELVOY

women could be happier if they shared more of their uncertainties. One of the sub-texts of the Harry-Sally relationship is that they have to learn to stop speaking in the quips and statements of their types: Beatrice and Benedict on the Upper East Side. Her movie Heartburn was a tear-jerker about faithlessness in marriage yet uplifting and hopeful. There was an old-school, spontaneous New York kindness in Nora too. Interviewing her at the Dorchester, I produced a messy nosebleed just as we sat down on the silk chairs. The PR gazed in horror and insisted that I leave. Nora was having none of it, ministered to me herself - and insisted that we still had our allocated time. Later, I got a note suggesting I expense the dry-cleaning bill as “nose-bleed, brought on by over-talkative American”. What a miss she will be. Her words y, vain and fearful men made us busy, and women on both sides of the Atlantic feel a little better about ourselves. No small thing, that.

Tattoos are the mark of a true gentleman … By Sebastian Shakespeare David Beckham OBE has received the ultimate accolade: he has been named as one of Country Life’s five gentlemen of 2012. The magazine, which compiled the list to promote its new book, Gentlemanly Pursuits, has picked the former English football captain for his good manners. Also on the list are Colin Firth, for self deprecation, the Duke of Edinburgh for a stiff upper lip, Nelson Mandela for his quiet dignity and Boris Johnson for his quiet apologies. At fi rst glance the list all seems fi ne and dandy - like the perfect English gent. But on further reflection it seems ever so slightly bogus given that Becks has more tattoos than your average fi lly at Royal Ascot Ladies’ Day, Prince Philip is Greekborn, Colin Firth is an actor who just

happens to imitate other gentlemen, Nelson Mandela is South African, and Boris, is by his own admission, “a one-man melting pot” of Turkish origin. Perhaps it is just a reflection on the elusive nature of the English gentleman. Just as fashions change, so too does the defi nition of a gent. The perfect English gent, according to Country Life, once sported a moustache, wore a white tie with pride, ate kedgeree for breakfast and was never seen without a cigarette. At least three, if not all, of these qualities would disqualify him nowadays. The gentleman of today, according to Country Life, has exchanged fags for nicotine gum, eats muesli with blueberries, is clean shaven and tieless. More significantly, Beckham’s tattoos don’t disqualify him from gentlemanly status. The reason?

Tattoos were once all the rage among the British aristocracy: Edward VII acquired a Jerusalem cross tattoo before he ascended the throne, and George V had a dragon tattoo on his arm. So perhaps the media shouldn’t work themselves up into such a lather about letting tattooed ladies into the Ascot races. Even the Prime Minister’s wife, Samantha Cameron, has a tattoo of a dolphin on her ankle. Would they dare turn her away from the royal enclosure? I think not. So Becks does have the greatest claim to be a gent - because of and not despite his tattoos. But a man with arguably a greater claim to gentlemanly status is comedian Jimmy Carr. As Dostoevsky said, money must be so far beneath a gentleman it is hardly worth troubling about. So long as his accountant does all the troubling.

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

03 DIARY by Richard Dickenson

Playing with words S

ome of the better class American newspapers - there are some - run annual competitions for people who like quirky ideas and funny ways with words. Knowing for sure that some, well two actually, readers of this column enjoy the intellectual pursuits of toying with syntax and tossing about a few vagrant syllables I thought some mementoes from my own collection might entertain. For example, there are witty alternative meanings for wellknown words. Who is there that realises that the word balderdash really means a rapidly receding hairline, or that a testicle is a funny question on an exam paper? And did you know that a gargoyle is olive-fl avoured mouthwash or that negligent means absentmindedly open the door in one’s nightgown? A coffee is the person on whom one coughs and Beelzebug is the Devil in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out. To be fl abbergasted is a sure sign of being appalled at how much weight you have gained. Abdicate, alternatively, is the act of giving up all hope of ever losing that weight. A circumvent, did you but know it, is the correct name for the opening at the front of a pair of Jewish undershorts, while an oyster is someone who peppers his conversation with Yiddish idioms. To lymph means to walk with a lisp and a fl atulence is an emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steam roller. Rectitude, and I especially like this one, is the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists while Pokemon is a Rastafarian rectal surgeon. Which reminds me that Frisbeetarianism

is a cult belief that, after death, the soul fl ies up onto the roof and gets stuck there. Caterpallor is the colour you turn when you fi nd just half a worm left in the apple you were eating whereas an arachnoleptic fit is the frenzied dance performed just after you walk through a spider’s web. And I wonder if your editor will let me tell you that the medical word for willy-nilly is impotence. Changing the pace a little, what about the knack of also

Intaxication is a state of semi-euphoria at receiving an Inland Revenue tax refund, a condition that lasts only until you realise that it is your money to start with and they just ‘borrowed’ it, interest free changing the meaning of a word just by altering one or two letters, here come a few winners. Carasthmatic (Adj) means getting wheezes instead of a spell of motion sickness. And Henovarian (n) is a battery of egg-layers. Then there is ambilence (n), which is a pleasantly decorated conveyance to hospital. Beethoven’s Erotica somehow sounds unlikely music for the period, but testomonials, well, I won’t risk that one. More to the point, as it were, is egotesticle - meaning bragging about one’s personal endowment dimensions, whereas an ignoranus

is a person who is both stupid and an ***hole, to boot. Also in the brainless class there is Dopeler Effect, being the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly. Intaxication is a state of semieuphoria at receiving an Inland Revenue tax refund, a condition that lasts only until you realise that it is your money to start with and they just ‘borrowed’ it, interest free, for a while. Cashtration is the act of buying a house thus rendering the buyer fi nancially impotent for an indefi nite period. Reintarnation is an American event meaning coming back in your next life as a hillbilly. Bozone is the name given to the invisible substance surrounding dim witted people and which stops bright ideas penetrating. Sadly, it has been my experience that the Bozone Layer shows little sign of breaking down in the near future. Foreploy is the deplorable practice of misrepresentation of oneself for the purpose of getting laid, and osteopornosis is a degenerate disease. Sarchasm is the wide gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who just doesn’t see the humour of it. Inoculatte is a method taking coffee by injection. To draw this list to a close what about Karmageddon which is hard to explain but it’s like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the whole thing explodes and it’s like, a serious bummer, man. Decafalon is the gruelling process of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you. Giraffiti is the valdalistic employment of spraypaint used very high up. And we end with my own particular favourite, Glibido - all talk and no action.

Nets use decrease

Anonymous attacks

Vultures boost

people are needed to be hired in permanent government posts, the finance ministry said this week asking lawmakers for exemptions to a hiring freeze in the public sector. The government says it needs to hire some 350 people in permanent positions that are deemed crucial for the smooth running of the civil service machine. The austerity-driven budget for 2012 placed a hiring freeze on new appointments, in a bid to contain the constantly growing size of the public sector and rein in the public-sector payroll. But lawmakers, who had pushed through the cost-cutting measures, have since been hearing essential departments run the risk of understaffing. In March, the finance ministry asked to hire 650 people. It subsequently revised that figure downward to 66 persons, and has now revised it again, to 350.

per cent fewer birds have been trapped with mist nets during the recent spring period but an estimated 166,000 birds were still killed by trappers with limestick use showing a dramatic increase, BirdLife Cyprus said this week. “This is an encouraging start to the year, especially bearing in mind that record trapping levels were observed last year, and the efforts of the competent authorities are acknowledged and applauded,” BirdLife said after completing its spring report. Despite the positive results, BirdLife said it viewed the decrease in trapping activity with caution. “In 2009, data from the BirdLife Cyprus surveillance programme showed a similar decrease in spring trapping, only for the following autumn to shape into a real disaster,” the organisation said.

government websites were forced offl ine on Monday night and Tuesday morning by the international hacker collective known as Anonymous. The attack lasted for approximately 15 hours, from Monday 10pm until Tuesday 1pm, rendering websites with the characteristic unusable and causing citizens to temporarily lose access to the government’s online information and services. The attack carried out is known as D-DOS which is when systems flood a website’s server with a barrage of requests making them unable to accept any further connections causing them to become inaccessible to other users. Anonymous had posted a video on YouTube two weeks ago warning that they would take unspecified action against what they claimed to be a corrupt Cypriot government.

Griffon Vultures arrived on the island on Monday evening as part of efforts to bolster the dwindling population in Cyprus. “The vulture is the biggest and one of the most impressive birds that we have in Cyprus. Unfortunately their population has been eradicated, mainly from our own thoughtless activities (such as) poisoning them and hunting them,” said Interior Minister Eleni Mavrou, present when the birds arrived on a Cyprus Airways flight from Crete and were handed over to the Game Fund. According to BirdLife’s executive director Clairie Papazoglou, the six vultures will be put in an enclosure at the Forestry Department in the Ayios Ioannis area of Paphos, where they will stay for about a year so they can become more familiar with their surroundings. They will then be released in the hope they will nest where there are traditional colonies.


July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL





End freeze request


The opposite of macho strength S Marking 60 years, Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin starts each day with a form of dance he came up with himself. His Batsheva dance company was in Cyprus recently for two performances. THEO PANAYIDES meets him

itting in the Curium Palace Hotel in Limassol, talking to Ohad Naharin – his Batsheva Dance Company are giving a performance at the Municipal Garden Theatre down the road in a few hours – I’ve got my fi rst question primed and ready. I’ve been on Wikipedia, fi nding out the basics about Ohad, and I notice he was born in 1952. “So you’ve got a big birthday with a ‘0’ at the end coming up,” I point out. “Or maybe it’s already happened?” “It’s today!” he beams happily. Really? He turns 60 today? What were the odds of that little coincidence? (1 in 366, to be precise.) I’ve never interviewed anyone on their 60th birthday before. Then again, I doubt many people approach the occasion as sanguinely as Ohad.

Charismatic: Israeli choreographer Ohad Naharin

He’s been looking forward to 60, he insists – “I’m really, really happy with this number” – and the day itself hasn’t disappointed (alas, he fl ies back to Israel in a few hours to attend a fund-raiser, not even staying for Batsheva’s show, so he won’t get to celebrate). I assume it also helps that he doesn’t look 60; in fact he looks much younger, brimming with a kind of serene energy. Partly it’s style. Charisma is a tricky thing to pinpoint, but you know when someone has it and Ohad’s got it. The face is narrow, somewhat rugged (though occasionally reminiscent of the actor Hugh Laurie), the eyes grey-green and ice-cool, the appraising eyes of a director and choreographer which is what he’s been for the past 30 years. He speaks softly, with occasional fluid gestures, quietly im-

parting (or imposing) a connection across the table. Much of it is just empty charm, of course. I’m 20 minutes late for the interview (I got lost) and fi nd myself accosted by an assistant who spits out “You’re late!” almost rudely, so I know my tardiness has been talked about – but then Ohad appears, and he’s all charm; “I like my people to be a little bit late!” he claims unconvincingly but winningly, with one of those fluid sweeping gestures. Yet there’s also something more: the sense of a secret smile playing on his lips all the time, the feeling of some secret, invaluable knowledge vouchsafed to him alone. He gives the impression of dealing with people and managing problems all the time, and doing it with ease. At one point our photographer calls to say he’s been delayed, and I’m scrambling to arrange a photo before Ohad’s next meeting – but he simply lifts up his mobile phone, relaxes his face into a smile and snaps a pic. Problem solved. (Alas, the photo didn’t make it to the Sunday Mail office before our deadline, due to an email mix-up.) So yes, style has something to do with not looking 60. But there are other factors too. “Because I live with young people, my bubble –” and he lifts up his arms to suggest a man enclosed in a bubble – “is a lot younger than me”. Almost all the dancers in Batsheva are in their 20s and 30s, and Ohad isn’t far from the truth when he says they all live together. Most of his close friends are also his colleagues; “My work and my life are totally mixed”. When there’s a new production to prepare, he’ll spend days on end – 12, 18 hours at a stretch – with the company. “It’s a little bit like a tribe,” he explains. “I don’t like so much a family, the idea of a family – people say Batsheva is like a family, but we’re not. We’re a tribe. And a tribe is people that live together, you know? So we do feel that this is our life, not [just] our job.” Then there’s the fact of having been a dancer himself, and a lifetime spent taking care of his body – especially through “Gaga”, the technique he’s pioneered in the past couple of decades. He’s never been a smoker, not since choking on a cigarette (cunningly provided by his own mother) at age seven. He’s never been much of a drinker – it’s not really part of Israeli culture – and has only gotten drunk once in his life (on purpose, just to see what it was like). As for eating badly, “I prefer good bread to good cake”. Above all, perhaps, his trim appearance – like his talent for dancing – can be put down to genes. “I was lucky to get really great genes from my parents. And for dance, this is the most important thing,” says Ohad. “I got from them a very, very easy,

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

The Batsheva Dance Company performing Three, choreographed by Naharin

‘You know, 20 years ago very few people would talk about two states, a Palestinian state. But now everybody understands – or most people understand – that it’s the only solution’ flexible, strong body”. He’s now done his bit by passing on those genes to daughter Noga (whose mother is also a dancer). “She’s unbelievable!” he says when the subject comes up. “I have to show you! I just took this picture two days ago”. He rummages on his phone and fi nds a photo of a little girl standing next to her playmate. “You see her jumping?” he exclaims, masking his proud-papa glee in professional interest – and it’s true that the girl is unusually graceful, keeping her back slightly arched and her legs very straight as she jumps. “It looks like she has 10 years of ballet training!” Noga is three years old. She’s also his fi rst child – and a big reason why Ohad is relatively relaxed about turning 60. “Happiness is not a constant feeling, but it has a lot to do with happy moments,” he muses. “And I can say very clearly that there are many more happy moments in my life now than I had before”. He used to be more aggressive, more ambitious, more egotistical – but “in dance it’s very important to understand delicacy, sensitivity. The opposite of numbness.” Ego and ambition get in the way of that, because you’re so focused on your goals and less on what he calls “the quality of the moment”. Maybe it’s the fact of a birthday with a ‘0’ at the end of it, but Ohad seems inclined to wax philosophical. “It’s much more playful, it’s much more of a game today,” he says, once again comparing his life with the way it was 10 or 20 years ago. “It’s much more about taking what you do seriously, but taking yourself less seriously – I think it was the opposite before. And just to fi nd that balance in my life. A recognition that to love is much more fun than to be loved. So it’s much less about being needy, and much more the idea that giving is such a great thing”. He used to lose his temper – not scream and shout but say “very hard”, very hurtful things – but hardly ever does that now. “I really learned to turn confl ict into dialogue. And to see that, with almost every confl ict, you can turn it into a dialogue.”

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

Every confl ict? He and Israel are almost the same age (the Jewish state was founded in 1948), yet his country seems as mired in confl ict – and as far from dialogue – as ever. How does he feel about the place? “Israel?” he asks, and shakes his head wryly. “I feel there are wonderful people doing stupid things. And some not so wonderful,” he adds with a grin. “But it’s amazing how good people can still do very, very stupid things. “But I’m optimistic,” he goes on, “because I feel that there is progress. You know, 20 years ago very few people would talk about two states, a Palestinian state. But now everybody understands – or most people understand – that it’s the only solution. Nobody was talking about dividing Jerusalem, [now] a lot more people are talking about dividing Jerusalem”. Really? Or is he just extrapolating from his own artistic circles? Not at all, he insists. Yes, there are extremists on both sides – but they’re vastly outnumbered by the moderates, most of whom are “just waiting for better leaders, or a better moment. And I think that it will happen.” He himself was born on a kibbutz, in the early days of the great Zionist dream – an old-school, hardcore kibbutz emphasising allegiance to the group over the individual, or indeed the family. All the children lived together, and only saw their parents for three hours a day (from 4 to 7pm); all the adults worked together, ate in a communal dining-room, didn’t choose their work and didn’t get paid for it. Ohad’s parents, both intensely creative people (his dad was an actor and writer, his mum a musician and dancer who later became an inspirational Dance teacher), stuck it out for a few years but finally left when the boy was five – though he himself has fond memories (it was fun for a child) and recalls the bond he felt with the other kids, eight of them in total but “connected like twins”. He kept in touch with two boys, but both were killed in the Yom Kippur War of 1973; Ohad also saw action in that war, but only as part of an “entertainment unit” (a kind of Army band), having

been spared combat duty due to an old ankle injury. Maybe he thinks about all that, and what might’ve been – the fact, for instance, that he too might’ve been gone at 21, if it weren’t for that injury – as he slips into a new decade. 60 is quite a big deal, I point out: it becomes harder to call yourself middle-aged, the final stretch looming inescapably now. One thing’s for sure, however: getting older isn’t going to make him more religious, as often happens with people. “It’s not for me,” he says firmly. “I know – I can not prove it, but I know – that God is an invention of Man. It’s very obvious. Not [just] to me – it’s obvious that there is no God. I can not prove it, but I know it. So it’s hard for me to take it seriously.” Instead his thoughts turn to Man (and Woman), the physical reality of our bodies and the fraught, delicate subject of our mental and emotional well-being. Ohad Naharin’s been lucky, especially in terms of his career. He had the genes, and he had the opportunities; he started dancing seriously at 22, and got accepted to study in New York under Martha Graham at 23. “There was always not a very big gap between what I wanted and what happened,” he admits. “I wanted to dance, and I found a place to dance”. Yet that’s not the whole story. It doesn’t include the messy process of striving for some kind of excellence. It doesn’t explain, in itself, why he can sit in the Curium Palace, on his 60th birthday, and emit this impression of serene energy and secret knowledge. The secret knowledge is Gaga – the technique he developed years ago, long before the name got appropriated by a glitzy pop diva. It’s a kind of yoga, a kind of ballet, a way of talking about the body. His dancers start each day with a Gaga workout, but it works for non-dancers too. “It’s about strengthening the engine,” toning the muscles, getting rid of all the little dead spots so that “without building huge muscles, we become a lot stronger. “It’s the opposite of macho strength,” he explains with the fervour of a guru. “I’m talking about longevity, a feminine kind of strength – something that’s more about softness but at the same time can be very explosive, very quick”. And it also goes together with something else, that sense of perspective he’s painfully developed over six decades, the way he’s tried to change his “patterns” and subdue the forces of confl ict and ego. “It has a lot to do with yielding,” he explains of his newfound balance. To what? To your body? “It’s yielding to your body, it’s yielding to the force of gravity, it’s yielding to your weakness. Admitting your weakness – how far we are from being perfect – but at the same time things can still be wonderful, without the need to be perfect.” Nothing is perfect, but his life does seem pretty wonderful. A few years ago, an Israeli website conducted a poll to find the ‘200 Greatest Israelis of all Time’; Ohad Naharin came in 137th – not a bad result, after 60 years on the planet. Any final thoughts, before I go back to Nicosia and he goes off to rehearse with his “tribe”? The secret smile plays on his lips again: “Just to remind people to dance every day”. Will do. Oh, and happy birthday.



Pilot judgement The Ryanair pilot who on Tuesday while bound for Bergamo, Italy turned the plane round shortly after take off when police informed him a 10 year old girl has been taken on the flight against her will by her father.

Sausage supply

President of the economic advisory board linked to Merkel’s centre-right Christian Democrats Kurt Lauk, who this week said about Cyprus taking over the EU presidency within days of asking for a bailout: “This is the paradox of the European Union, that the dog should be put in charge of the supply of sausages!”

Napa killings Whoever is behind the killing last Saturday of five people in Ayia Napa. Although police say they are close to closing the case and have sought arrest warrants for two Pontian Greeks there must surely be more to the story. ‘Broken man’ Turkish Cypriot Asil Nadir, who nineineteen years after he fled Britain on the eve of a trial entered the Old Bailey witness box this weekk to tell the jury he was innocent of plundering his own company of nearly £150 million.

EAC attack Those behind an armed robbery on Tuesday lunchtime in Nicosia when two robbers stole €92,000 from a car belonging to the Electricity Authority (EAC) while it was en route to deposit the money. They then tried to burn the car they had used in the attack. Nasty.

Shiarly optimistic stic It’s hard to know whether we should ould be approving of the Finance Minister’ss optimism or not. On Wednesday he said thee island will overcome problems and get the economy back on track. Is he being realistic?

Brussels protest The hundreds of Turkish Cypriots who marched through the streets of Brussels on Wednesday to protest against Cyprus taking over the presidency of the European Union, saying their rights were being ignored. Calling themselves the forgotten Europeans, their protest underlined the tensions that will accompany the island’s six-month presidency which begins today.

06 FEATURES Rising high: Chapo Central

A number of building projects across Nicosia look set to transform the capital’s skyline, says NAOMI LEACH

The future is vertical


he noise of change is hard to ignore. The frenetic pulse of the capital beats louder these days. Weaving through the old city, the scaffolding, broken paths and cordoned off streets make familiar routes unreachable. Outside the centre of Nicosia, the bones of unfinished structures stretch towards the sky. Dusty teams of workmen gather each day, a metallic orchestra of drills, diggers and hammers busily setting the soundtrack to a city on the rise. Perhaps it’s the EU Presidency which falls upon Cyprus from today that has highlighted the noticeable number of improvements to residents and observers. Or even Nicosia’s bid for European Capital of Culture 2017 which has triggered a local pride and an interest in making the soulful, historic city more attractive and modern. Slick, glass skyscrapers that wouldn’t be out of place in London or New York are planned to transform the capital’s skyline in the coming months and years. Communications Officer at Nicosia Municipality, Makis Nicolaides suggests the extensive building plans which are at varying stages of completion, are just a part of the municipality’s on-going long term strategy for improving the city. “Nicosia’s construction is not for foreigners or for some periodic Cyprus visitors. It’s not like Paphos that the English come to. The local plan of high rise buildings is for the Central Business District, a place that has commerce, banks and related companies near to the government because they make their work easier. “Nicosia’s construction companies are [creating these building projects] for local people and for companies. It is for the economic function of the city and the island, that’s why we have a lot of interest. We want to promote the economy of the city, to upgrade all the time,” he explains. In the municipality’s plans, the future of urban space in Nicosia is vertical. But there is still an emphasis on squares, green spaces, pedestrian traffic and parking spaces for public use. Attracting residential units and office facilities is also considered important for the economy in the central urban areas of the city. The centre is defined as Griva Digenis, Spyros Kyprianou, Digenis Akritas to Palouriotissa and the city centre. Part of the walled city (pedestrian Ledra - Onasagorou and lanes) are also included in the urban centre of the Local Plan. The new Local Plan will locate the tallest buildings in the downtown urban cluster with a gradual decrease in height towards the edge of the city. In the historic core of the city and surrounding areas there are restrictions regarding the height of the buildings,

The Yiorkion

should be a visible reference point for the urban centre. It is a private effort that will put Cyprus on the map of cities with tall buildings. The owners have applied for it to be reviewed. It is the brainchild of architectural firm Atkins. The Santa Roza Tower will have 29 floors and will consist of offices, apartments and a commercial and business centre.

exhibition spacapartments. o cost estimated to lion. It has been rtium the consortium • Rotos Presiosthenes enthe Presiden-

es and additional The project is around €20 milunde undertaken by Iaco Iacovou-GCC. dent in DemSeve Severi, near tial Palace, is

Beginning soon

which aims at preserving the special character of these areas. With the exception of the historical centre and other areas of special character there are no limitations on architectural style. The municipality is open to free architectural expression. The Planning Authority has of-

Rotos President


• Saturn Tower located in the centre of Nicosia Street Anna Comnena, perpendicular to the main boulevards Stasandrou and Makarios. The design includes two oval nuclei, with reinforced concrete, and a total of four metal columns. The building features an open floor mezzanine floor with seven floors of offices, while the eighth and ninth floor will be exclusive apartments. There will be two underground levels of parking for residents. Zeno Zeno and Associates are the project architects • Chapo Developers are planning a 17 storey building that will include three levels of underground parking. The building will be used for offices and luxury apartments, lobbies, cafeteria and conference rooms.

a place

Under construction

that has

• The Jean Nouvel Tower 25 has been designed by the renowned French architect Jean Nouvel. The construction began in 2008 and has progressed significantly. Nice Day Developments and Lois Builders Ltd are behind the project. It is located just steps away from Eleftheria Square and Stasinou Avenue. Inspired by the medieval walls and unobstructed views of the old city, the shape of the building is directly related to the bastions of the walls, while the layout of each apartment refers to the traditional architecture of Cyprus with the big solar centre. The building will consist of shops, offices and apartments. • Gallery Leventis will be erected on Leonidou Street. The final design of the building includes two underground parking levels, three floors of

The local plan of high rise buildings is for the Central Business

commerce, banks and related companies near to the government because they make fered incentives for landlords in key areas and outlined new rules regarding usable surface area of a plot. Renewable energy opportunities have also been incorporated into these plans. The Planning Authority says that while Nicosia is the city on the island which does not have the sea and tourism and also has the division it does play an important historic role. As the centre for administrative, cultural and commercial activities, they are keen to make it look like a city of prestige and importance.

their work easier

Saturn Tower expected to be completed by the end of this year. It has 15 floors (three underground parking, ground floor shop with mezzanine, and offices). Project architects are Zeno Zeno and Associates and the developer A. Aristotelous Construction. • Construction on Patroclos Tower on Spyros Kyprianou Avenue by the Patroclos Group of Companies began a year ago and is expected to be completed early 2013. The building will offer three levels of underground parking, a ground floor with mezzanine floors and offices on other floors plus two residential apartments.

Completed • Chapo Central a building at Spyros Kyprianou Avenue. • Two of the tallest buildings in Nicosia on Diagorou Avenue. Ira is the building that has 12 floors and the nine storey building Ajax of PWC. • The Deloitte building on Spyros Kyprianou Avenue.

Jean Nouvel Tower Afrodite

BUILDING PROJECTS OF NICOSIA Under study • In recent months, there has been an on-going study of an ambitious project on the highway of Salamis. The owners have not reached a final decision on the various possibilities of the project and the uses it will have. • The Santa Roza Tower will be built on Spyros Kyprianou Avenue and

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

07 Elena Christodoulidou launching the new book

Contemporary dance in Cyprus is still in its fledgling stages although it has undergone huge strides in the last few years. ZOE CHRISTODOULIDES meets a dancer who has documented them

A history of modern dance A sk any group of professional dancers what makes for a good performance and you’ll most likely be faced with a whole load of different replies. A bit like modern art, contemporary dance can mean something very different for each individual. Some like it stark, gritty and raw; others may be intrigued by movement that playfully complements an inspiring beat or carefully put together musical composition. Cyprus has only really developed a modern dance movement over the past few decades, but although it may still lag behind its European counterparts in certain ways, the island has produced some innovative and highly acclaimed dance shows that have little reason to envy foreign productions. And amidst these are a few well known personalities on the local scene who have been striving to push the limits and create the right environment for the birth of performances that cut against the grain and allow our little island to blossom. Elena Christodoulidou is one such artist, having dedicated herself to dance since she fi rst jetted off to study at the renowned Martha Graham School in New York. After years of teaching creative dance here on the island while also directing a dance school, she went on to establish the Amfidromo Dance Company in 1998. She is now the president of the New Movement of dance groups, dancers and choreographers of Cyprus since 2006, and the president of Dance Lab Nicosia (a non-profit organisation) that offers daily dance

Haris Kousios

classes for professional dancers, organises projects, seminars, collaborations and dance activities for the dancers of Nicosia. Dance Lab Nicosia is a founding member of Dance House Nicosia. Building on all this experience, Elena decided to publish a book on the changes she has witnessed in the field. The new publication, just launched, documents contemporary dance in Cyprus over the past few decades. Entitled Contemporary Dance in Cyprus: 1980-2010, the coffee table book is fi lled with pictures and marks an important milestone as the very fi rst all encompassing work of its kind here in Cyprus.

“M “Modern dance on the island develop veloped rapidly in recent years. Dozens o of groups, choreographers and danc dancers, but also institutions are tryin trying to conquer an ever-widening audie audience while adding to the relative prosp prosperity of modern dance in our coun country,” she explains. “The boom make makes sense and creates even greater po potential if it is accompanied by know knowledge and self awareness.” Turning her gaze towards the n not so distant past, Elena runs tthrough the course of dance’s evolution from the 80s until the present day, focusing on the m most critical milestones, while re recalling the joys that often ran si ide by side with disappointments. side K en to point out that the book is not Ke Keen l l a product of her personal inspisolely ration, she says the “book came out of a big necessity to really record and document all the people, places and dancers that have been a part of the contemporary dance scene.” But why did she begin with the 1980s? “This was really the time the first choreographers of modern dance moved back to Cyprus and started planting the seeds of change,” she recalls. “Before that performances were more classical and traditional.” While looking back at the development of modern dance on the island, readers will familiarise themselves with the way in which things changed amid the wider historical, social, political and cultural environment. And all the research certainly wasn’t easy given the fact that Elena hardly had any recorded documents to dig into while trying to put the whole work together. “There’s hardly any archives at all on the topic and I got most of

Contemporary Dance in Cyprus: 1980-2010 is available from Dance House Limassol and at Ergastiri Horou Dance School. In Greek. €30. All proceeds go to the New Movement of dance groups. Tel: 22-781104.

While looking back at the development of modern dance on the island, readers will familiarise themselves with the way in which things changed amid the wider historical, social, political and cultural environment

Elena in a performance of Old Hold by Amfidromo Dance Company Angelika

July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL

my information from various individuals in the dance world while also drawing on my own personal experience,” she explains. And this seems to be the challenge that comes with dance: “Performances come and go and at the end of a show things tend to get lost and disappear. It’s very important for things to be recorded.” Rather interestingly, the book also brings to light rare and unpublished records of modern dance history, most notably unique photos from the first contemporary dance performances presented in the country. “The 1980s was just the beginning really, the first blossoming with a big ‘explosion’ occurring in the 1990s,” she points out. Things then really took on a different dimension with the establishment of the Contemporary Dance Platform in 2000. “Imagine that there were just a couple of groups taking part in that when it first started but now there 15 performances after a selection process.” But it’s not all rosy on the dance scene today. “There are many problems, one of the main ones being the lack of a strategic agenda for contemporary dance in Cyprus as a whole, with a specific philosophy, goals and targets,” Elena insists. Add to that poor working conditions and poor pay for dancers, the environment is not one in which a performer can thrive on solely nor really make a dedicated career out of without reliance on other financial means. But the wheels of change are in motion, and Elena has certainly put a lot of effort into documenting the rather exciting journey.


The Alesund angel: a fishing boat in Alesund fjord with the snow capped Sunnmore Alps in the background

The idyllic coastal town of Alesund is the fishing capital of Norway. MATT CARROLL tucks into the local cod before casting his own line out at sea

Catch of the day T

he guilt, the shame, the awkwardness… Every time I ask for cod at my local chippy, my conscience screams that I should really know better. After all, according to experts there’s hardly any of these poor, persecuted fish left in the North Sea. Talk to locals in the Norwegian fishing port of Alesund, however, and you’ll get a different story. From March to October every year, the petrol blue waters of the North Sea surrounding this town 235km north of Bergen are inundated with slippery, silvery cod which come here in their hundreds of thousands to breed in the shallows just a mile or so from the shore. Much of this delicious, meaty fish ends up on the menu in Alesund’s myriad restaurants, which are renowned for serving up some of Europe’s most delicious seafood. Indeed, as the head chef at one of the town’s most upscale restaurants, Maki, put it on my fi rst night here: “I worked in Italy for many years but frankly the fish here is so much better than the Med.” As dish number three of my seven course tasting extravaganza

arrived, I was beginning to concur. Mind you, the vino might have had something to with that. Each new course heralded the arrival of a different wine; having started with a delicious Riesling to accompany a plate of herring roe, with red onion and chive cream cheese, I was now about to tuck into cod cheek with Jerusalem artichoke and beetroot served with a lipsmacking Basque white that had beads of moisture trickling down the glass. With umpteen other seafood restaurants to choose from in Alesund, it would have been tempting to spend the whole weekend just eating. But the town is just as famous for its excellent fishing, and I was keen to have a go at catching my own supper. Stein, my ruddy-faced skipper, picked me up outside my boutique hotel overlooking the harbour, and minutes later we were chugging our way out of the marina, past brightly coloured boats. Within 10 minutes we were pulling up at a reassuringly calm spot in sight of the town, where Stein shut off the engines and hopped down from the wheelhouse to give me a quick demo on the correct technique.

“Drop your line to about 50 metres,” he said, pointing to the gauge on top of my rod. “That’s where the cod like to hang out. Now jerk the rod up and down, and wait for a bite.” It all sounded far too simple. On every fishing programme I’ve ever watched (all right, on the only fishing programme I’ve ever watched), I was struck by how much patience and effort was required even to catch a tiddler. Before coming here I’d envisaged hours of waiting while the fish made up their minds about whether to go for the bait. But cod, it seems, are far from shy - at least the ones in Alesund - and within half an hour I was reeling in a prize specimen that would make Rick Stein go weak at the knees. As the tenacious fish thrashed about in the water below, the end of my rod flexed alarmingly under the strain. For a while it looked as though I might have a battle on my hands but suddenly its ghostly silhouette appeared just below the surface and I was able to whip it out of the water and onto the deck. According to Captain Stein my catch weighed in at (a modest) five kilos - but it’s not unusual to land a cod

The reel deal: landing a cod

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

09 The historic Boots Motel in Carthage, Missouri on Route 66 The art nouveau Hotel Brosundet, a former fishing storage warehouse

Route 66 still holds allure for travellers By Kevin Murphy

here which doubles that. While the skipper took care of the skinning, gutting and fi lleting, I took charge of the exciting bit: cooking. It was all gloriously back-tobasics. After setting up a barbecue grill on the deck we simply sliced off a knob of butter, chopped up some onions and chucked it all into a pan, where the fish sizzled away over the hot coals. As the aroma of frying onions and butter mingled with sea salt, we cracked open some beers, sat back and admired the view. The water was so still it looked as if someone had stretched a roll of cling-fi lm over the top, while in the distance,

After setting up a barbecue grill on the deck we simply sliced off a knob of butter, chopped up some onions and chucked it all into a pan, where the fish sizzled away over the hot coals the snow capped mountains of the Sunnmøre Alps rose up out of nowhere, snagging the odd puffy cloud that strayed too close. Alesund is the gateway to a network of fjords, which wind their way inland for hundreds of miles - the most famous of them being the Unesco-rated Geirangerfjord. Stretched out over eight miles, it’s surrounded by the kind of landscape that myths are made of - where sheer rock walls rise up out of the water, and giant trolls are said to roam. A great way to soak it all up is to charter a sail ship from Alesund harbour. As you glide along on the gentle breeze, the only sounds are the creaking of the rigging and the splosh of water lapping against the hull. This is nature on a grand scale - barely touched by human hand where eagles hover overhead on the lookout for supper, and mountain goats perch on the impossibly steep cliffs. Even more intriguing are the farmhouses hidden among the vertiginous nooks and crannies, most of them only accessible by ladders bolted to cliffs. After polishing off the remainder of my freshly caught cod, Stein dropped me back onto dry land. That evening I tucked into yet another plate of cod, served with juicy scallops - and not a single pang of guilt from my conscience…

July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL

Route 66 hasn’t been a real highway for almost three decades. The last section of the fabled US route from Chicago to Santa Monica, California, was dropped as a federal highway in 1984. But its hold on travellers’ imaginations has revived motels, diners, souvenir shops, gas stations and other buildings along the old route. The enduring fascination, along with some federal grants, has helped Route 66 thrive, even as people old enough to remember its heyday die off. “People are looking to see the real America, not Walt Disney’s version,” said Ron Hart, director and founder of the Route 66 Chamber of Commerce in Carthage, Missouri. A Rutgers University study released in March estimated that people spend $132 million annually along old Route 66, which crosses eight states and is marked in some places by ceremonial signs. Visitors encounter attractions like the Boots Motel, which Hart, as property manager, restored to its late 1940s glory ahead of its re-opening last month. Built in 1939 and once visited by actor Clark Gable and singer Gene Autry, the Boots

had fallen into disrepair and become a flophouse for drug addicts and illegal immigrants, Hart said. Under its new owners, five rooms have been renovated and more are set to be redone. Guests are treated to touches like real keys, chrome light fi xtures, chenille bedspreads, monogrammed towels, built-in dressers and an old radio tuned to a station that plays 1940s hits. No TVs in the rooms - just a non-working late 1940s model in the lobby. If you want ice, the staff brings it to your room. “We sit in front of the motel every night and wave to the people driving by,” said Deborah Harvey, a historic preservationist and co-owner of the Boots. “People stop, pull up a chair and tell us their stories about the motel.” Route 66 was completed in the mid-1920s and gained fame in the 1930s when it was described in the John Steinbeck novel The Grapes of Wrath as the “mother road” from the Dust Bowl to the promise of California. It later became the family vacation route to the Southwest and was romanticised in movies, music and on television. “It wasn’t the only highway, or the fi rst or the longest, but through the quirks of pop culture it became famous,” said Mark Spangler, curator of the

Roadside landmark: giant whale built over a swimming hole in Caboosa

Route 66 Museum in Lebanon, Missouri. The biggest challenge to modern-day Route 66 travellers is staying on the original route, said David Knudson, founder and executive director of the non-profit National Historic Route 66 Federation. Signs are inconsistent along the long route and many are stolen for souvenirs, he said. “It’s hard to follow without a good map,” said Knudson, whose group publishes a Route 66 map and guides. “Some parts of the road have deteriorated, some are in good shape and some parts were removed years ago and replaced with cornfields. About 80 per cent of the original route is still drivable.” The federal government no longer maintains any of the route, so repairs are done by various cities, counties and states that took over each section, Knudson said. His federation has a programme that recruits people to monitor the condition of 100-mile stretches of the road. But federal funds are available to owners of Route 66 businesses. The National Park Service’s Route 66 Corridor

Preservation Program has paid an average of $150,000 annually since 2001 for business renovations along the road that are matched privately, according to the Rutgers study. The survey found that the most popular sights along Route 66 are the old roadside diners, motels, gas stations, souvenir shops, theatres and other businesses. According to the study, 230 buildings along the route are on the National Register of Historic Places. The route includes quirky sights like the Cadillac Ranch near Amarillo, Texas, which features a series of half-buried Cadillacs with their fins up. In Catoosa, Oklahoma, there is a giant open-mouthed whale built over a popular Route 66 swimming hole. People also travel Route 66 for the scenery of plains, mountains and rivers, Knudson said. It is still the American defi nition of the open road, especially as it passes through the remote southwestern states, he said. “It’s the adventure that draws many people,” Knudson said. “There is certainly a lot to be said about that.”

easyJet to collect spare change for UNICEF fund easyJet is set to launch a new partnership with UNICEF, the world’s leading children’s organisation, which will help save children’s lives around the world. The partnership will run across easyJet’s full network during the peak summer and winter seasons, reaching out to the airline’s 55 million passengers who travel on the airlines’ 200 aircraft on over 600 routes across 30 coun-

tries. The partnership will be branded Change for Good and will launch on easyJet planes from July 2. Every airline passenger will be given the chance to support the world’s children simply by dropping their spare change into specially designed pouches, which will be handed out by easyJet’s crew during fl ights. The money raised

through donations from easyJet customers will fund UNICEF’s life-saving work for children across the world, such as vaccinating children at risk from diseases such as measles and polio or providing mosquito nets to prevent malaria. “I am thrilled that UNICEF is now onboard with easyJet, the UK’s largest and fastest growing airline. Together we can help save the

lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable children,” said Executive Director of UNICEF David Bull. The new partnership, which will operate for an initial three year period, will form part of UNICEF’s global Change for Good initiative, which has raised millions of pounds for the world’s most vulnerable children through partnerships with leading airlines across the globe.


with Maria Socratous

No time to cook? Mozzarella and Peach Salad Serves 6 3 ripe peaches or nectarines, halved and cut in wedges 2 x 125g balls mozzarella, torn into bite-sized pieces 90g Parma ham slices 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp clear honey 1 tbsp fresh chives, chopped 40g almonds, roughly chopped Divide among six plates the fruit wedges, mozzarella and Parma ham slices. Drizzle over the balsamic and honey. Season with salt and pepper. Scatter over chives and chopped almonds. Serve straight away.

Cucumber Mayonnaise Serves 6 2 medium egg yolks 1 tbsp white wine vinegar

A three-course meal without turning on an oven, a hob or the BBQ ½ tsp English mustard 100ml vegetable oil Zest ½ lemon, fi nely grated 1 cucumber, deseeded and fi nely chopped 1 tbsp mint, chopped Put egg yolks into a blender and add the wine vinegar and mustard. With the motor running, gradually pour in the oil. The mixture starts to thicken – if it gets too thick add a little hot water. Empty into a serving bowl and stir in lemon zest, cucumber and mint. Check seasoning and serve with the fish.

Arrange some heavy items on top (about four tomato tins). Chill for 3 days, a briny liquid will run out. To serve, lift fish out and wipe off the slat mixture – don’t worry if some bits stay stuck. Lay skin-side down on a board. Use a sharp long knife to cut thin slices across the grain of the salmon. Serve with lemon wedges, cucumber mayonnaise and crusty bread.

Peanut Caramel Cheesecake Serves 8

Pimm’s Salmon Gravadlax Serves 6 750g whole skin-on salmon fi llet 125g caster sugar 125g coarse rock salt 1 tbsp cracked black pepper 15g dill, finely chopped Large handful mint, fi nely chopped 1 orange and 1 lemon, zest only, fi nely grated 50ml Pimm’s No 1 Lemon wedges Crusty bread Lay fish fi llet in a large glass serving dish, skin-side down. In a bowl mix sugar, salt, pepper, dill, mint, zest of both orange and lemon, and Pimm’s No 1. Pat sugar/salt mixture over fish. Cover with baking parchment. Wrap dish in clingfi lm, top with a roasting dish or plate that fits inside the dish.

TryFour Cream filled biscuits

150g Bourbon biscuits, fi nely crushed 2½ tbsp golden syrup 3 medium egg whites 175g caster sugar 500g full-fat cream cheese 1 vanilla pod seeds 50g plain chocolate, fi nely chopped 75g salted peanuts 50g caramel sauce For decoration Coarsely grated chocolate 25g fudge chunks

ture into the base of prepared tin and press down to make an even layer. In a clean, grease-free bowl whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Gradually add the caster sugar, whisking well between each addition, until glossy and thick. In a bowl, put the cream cheese and vanilla seeds and whisk to form a soft mixture. Using a metal spoon, fold in the meringue and then the chopped chocolate. Mix together the peanuts and caramel sauce and swirl through the cream cheese mixture. Spoon into the cake tin, cover and chill until set – at least 6 hours or overnight. Carefully remove cheesecake from tin and transfer to a serving plate peeling off the paper from around the edges. Decorate with grated chocolate and fudge chunks.

Line a 20.5cm round cake tin with baking parchment. In a bowl, mix biscuits and golden syrup. Empty the mix-


McVities Bourbon Creams

Marie Furre Vanilla Thick Marie biscuits filled with plenty of vanilla cream, these go perfectly with a cup of tea. Price: €1.62

Party Faces Strawberry and vanilla flavoured cream filled biscuits. Price: €1.09

A delicious sandwich biscuit filled with a rich chocolate cream and light sprinkles of sugar on the top. Price: €1.30

Frou Frou Custard Creams A take on the traditional English custard cream, these flavoured sandwich biscuits are always a tea party favourite. Price: €1.23 SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

11 WINES with George Kassianos

From the vineyards of Greece


t was early evening when I receive a call from Andreas Kyprianou, owner of Vinocultura in Nicosia, to join him for dinner with the Greek winemaker Thanos Dougos and Vasos Manoli, the Cypriot champion sommelier. I had never met Thanos before but I have tasted his wines, and you never refuse a chance to meet a winemaker. Thanos’ father, Dimitrios Dougos entered wine production, like many, as a consummate insider. He was a co-owner of Greece’s largest and oldest vine nursery. But he had passion for winemaking and began producing wine for family and friends in 1983. He was able to buy the best fruit for his amateur wine, travelling through quality appellation regions. Soon, his wine became popular around Larissa and in 1992 he purchased vineyards in Prosilia, Rapsani and began building a small winery in Larissa’s beautiful Tempe Valley. In 1993 he released its first vintage. The first bottling in the winery was in 1995. It was this passion that made son Thanos and daughter Louisa join the family business. Thanos, who has a degree in agriculture, and Louisa, in chemistry and oenology, have taken over the reins from their father. On the southern slopes of Mount Olympos in Prosilia, Rapsani, Dougos vineyards reside at elevations between 450 and 550 metres and are cultivated organically. Native and foreign varieties are on display in the vineyards. Red native plantings include the AOC Rapsani varieties, Xynomavro, Stavroto and Krasato as well as Limnio. White native grapes include Roditis, the delicate, fruity Batiki and Assyrtiko. International varieties include Chardonnay, Merlot, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet franc and Grenache. Their winery, with its classic villa architecture and welcoming courtyard, attracts and wins over an increasing number of visitors. I admire Thanos’ oak philosophy, which is designed to meet the needs of both the oak-loving Greek market and oak-sensitive export markets.

Dougos produces wines from m carefully selected grapes n according to a family tradition

French oak and acacia barrels is evident. There is lovely, balanced acidity and minerality on the palate and ultra refreshing to the last drop, giving a vanilla oak end. €19.50

2011 Dougos Methistanes Rosé Dry, ry, Abv 12.5% Basically new oak is never overused in his red wines. Instead, there is a mix of old and new, which means the advantages of the former with best of the latter.

The wines 2011 Dougos Methistanes White Dry, Abv 12% The fruit of this wine comes from the indigenous grape varieties of Roditis at about 70% and Batiki at 30%. Pale gold in colour, bright and nervy, the nose is full puckery notes of granny smith apple, lemon curd and fresh peach. Dry and crisp with medium length, it features a hint of lemon, white fruit, pineapple and the sensation of peach. It is ideally suited for appetisers, everything that you look for in a summer white. €12.75 2011 Dougos Sauvignon Blanc – Roditis Bio, Abv 12.5% Light gold in colour, a complex nose, zippy and floral, predominant fruit melon and peach, honey and orange peel. It has an incredibly clean palate, rich fruit flavours of apple, pear and melon, lemon and oregano, accompanied by even acidity from start to long finish. I found it well-balanced, refreshing and elegantly fruity. Pair with lighter seafood and poultry dishes. €14.75

2009 Dougos Methimon Acacia Roditis, Abv 12.5% Roditis is quite a delicate aromatic variety and this excellent example reveals a bouquet of acacia flowers, lemon, white blossom, vanilla and butterscotch. It is tangy and super dry but with pristine fruit notes, too. Gold in colour, the influence of fermenting and maturing Roditis in

This blend of Xinomavro avro and Syrah grape has a vivid rosy mas colour. The nose has rich aromas uits, reminiscent of mature red fruits, her in particular cherry – or rather y sour cherry – and strawberry along with rose petals. Opu-lent mouth wine with very few tannins, good acidity, intense fruity taste resulting in an outstanding flavour. Finally it has a long and pleasant after-s taste with slightly sweet notes in the finish. €14.75

2011 Dougos Methistanes Red Dry Bio, Abv 13% A blend of Xinomavro,, e Krasato and Stavroto native s grape varieties of Greece. This is a blend that many northern-er winemakers use. It has a dark purple colour, strong fruit nose of red ber berries, dried cherries, strawberries, sun sundried tomatoes and wood tones lik ate like cedar and smoke. On the palate the there is similar fruit expression on the palate, medium body, pleasant ant aci onacidity, moderate alcohol and consid siderable length. A rich wine with con airconcentrated aromas, perfect pairin urs. ing for food with intense flavours. € €16

22009 Dougos Methimon 7 Bio A Abv 14% It’s nickname is the Greek C Châteauneuf du Pape; a u unique dry red wine made ffrom Cabernet Sauvignon, C Cabernet franc, Syrah, Merllot, Grenache rouge and the llocal Batiki and Limnio. Vinified according to the classic rred method, it stays patiently ffor a year in small French oak c casks (Aliier and Vosqes) beffore its bottling. Dark, plum c colour, concentrated fruit

has brawny tannic structure. Cedar, vanilla and dark chocolate from toasty oak will integrate with bottle age. Fresh berries and dark cherries complement the fruit on the aromas. There’s noteworthy intensity and focus tto the flavours, then the structure amps up in the finish. This wine has o outstanding length and pervasive e earthiness and minerality. Try this in 2015 and cellar it with confidenc dence until at least then. Best with mea meat loaf and roast duck or braised la lamb shanks. €27 D Dougos wines are imported and d distributed by Vinocultura

Correction C Last week I mention about tthe Italian Spritzzoso, which is actually with Prosecco and a b bitter but not mixed with Apero ol. Aperol is the perfect aperitif ttoo mixed with Prosecco. Bright o orange in colour, it has a unique b bitter-sweet taste deriving from a secret recipe that has remained u unchanged since its creation. It is an infusion of precious primary components, many herbs and roots in a perfectly balanced combination. Aperol’s strength is its low alcohol con content, only 11%. Aperol originated in 1919 in Padov dova, it was a product of the Barbie bieri Brothers who launched the rev revolutionary idea of an aperitif wit with an alcohol content of only 11 per cent. From then until today tthe popularity of Aperol has grown continuously thanks to its fresh and versatile taste and its capacity to be mixed with so many other drinks. Purchased in the 90s by Barbero 1891, Aperol then entered Gruppo Campari’s portfolio, reaching new records of popularity and diffusion. Honest mistake and apologies where due. Aperol is imported and distributed by Cosmos Trading and especially represented in Limassol by Cellar & Bottega

French classify ancient vines as national treasure By Marcel Michelson A wine plague spread by lice destroyed vines in France in the 19th century but a small area in the Pyrenees, which contains plants up to 200 years old, was spared and is being classified as a national heritage monument. Like other national treasures such as the Palace of Versailles and Notre Dame cathedral, the vines in the Ardour valley will be protected. They contain the ancient DNA of local grape varieties. Some grapes are still being used with grapes from younger generation vines to make Saint-Mont wine. “It is an exceptional plot,” said Olivier Bourdet-Pees, director of the Plaimont wine making firm. “The vines go back 200 years. They were planted in 1800 and

July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL

1810. There are 29 different grape varieties of which seven were unknown,” he said. “This plot of 40 acres contains very old and non-grafted stocks and offers a remarkable example of biodiversity and of genetic heritage: 600 vines in 12 rows, some 20 different varieties of which seven have not previously been recorded,” the regional authorities said in a statement. The plot also showed traces of ancient methods of agriculture, with double rows of vines planted in squares. Although the production is too small for a special wine, the vegetal material can be used to make younger vines. For eight generations the plot has been in the hands of the family of vintner Jean-Pascal Pedebernade. About 20 years ago, scien-

tists started to study the vines. It took them until 2008 to completely map the genetic make-up of the plants in a study that helped sway the commission in its decision. The sandy soil plot lies near the village of Sarragchies near Saint-Mont in the Gers, in southwest France. The vines are planted wide apart, which may explain why it resisted the attacks by the phylloxera aphids that travelled to Europe from their original habitat in the United States. Saint-Mont has its own AOC wine denomination. It is a sturdy wine like the Madiran, which is also produced by the vintners associated in the Plaimont co-operative group. Its headquarters is in the former Benedictine monastery whose monks planted vines around the year 1050 in the Middle Ages.

The Saint-Mont AOC area has 46 villages and uses the Tanat, Pinenc, Cabernet France and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes for red and rosé wines as well as Gros Manseng, Arrufiac and Petit Courbu for the whites. While the cabernets are widely used elsewhere, the other grape varieties are typical for the region. Its producers are proud of the biodiversity of the area, which is helpful in the ultra competitive market for inexpensive wines. Production is about eight million bottles, half in red, 30 per cent in whites and the rest in rosé. Two-thirds of the production is consumed in France with exports mainly to other European countries, the US, Canada, Australia, Japan and China. They sell in the range of €7 to €14 per bottle.

12 FOOD & DRINK RESTAURANT REVIEW by Alexander McCowan OTHER PLACES TO TRY NICOSIA DISTRICT 1900 Oinou Melathron Pasikratous Street, Tel: 22 667668 Occhio Alkaiou Str Engomi, Tel: 22 255111 Domus Lounge Korai Street, Tel: 22 433722 Estiades Prevezis Street, Tel: 22 676233 TGI Friday’s Diagorou Ave, Tel: 22 674411 59 Knives Rigaenis Avenue, Tel: 22 664006 Pralina Stasikratous Street, Tel: 22 660491 Marco Polo Holiday Inn, Tel: 22 712712 Occhio Alkeou Street, Tel: 22 255111 Palaia Ilektriki Apostolou Varnava Street, Tel: 22 432559 Diosmos & Kanella Onasagorou Str, Tel: 22 681070 Rancho Bar & Grill Archbishop Makarios Avenue, Tel: 22 454454

LIMASSOL DISTRICT Aliada Eirinis Street, Tel: 25 340758 Ta Piatakia Nikodimou Milona Street, Tel: 25 745017 Beige Ayios Andreous, Tel: 25 818860 Caprice Londa Hotel, Tel: 25 865540 Cyan Amathus Hotel, Tel: 25 832000 Terra E Mare Amathoundos Avenue, Tel: 25 635343 Baguette Brasserie Andrea Themistocleous Str, Tel: 25 107398

LARNACA DISTRICT A33 Egiptou Avenue, Tel: 70006933 Cambanella’s Steak House Larnaka Dhekelia Road, Tel: 24 647877 Campanario Steak House Nikodimou Mylona Street, Tel: 24 626110 Flavours Kosma Lysioti Street, Tel: 24 823995 La Veranda Samou Street (Dhekelia Road), Tel: 24 646777 Jungle Mania Artemidos Avenue,Tel: 70006620 Olive Mill Skarinou, Tel: 24 322599

PAPHOS DISTRICT Brasserie Ifestos Intercontinental Hotel, Tel: 26 829000 Meat Academy Posidonos & Polidefki Street, Tel: 26 965285 Oliveto Tafoi Ton Vasileon Street, Tel: 26 220099 The Bay Coral Bay Street, Tel: 26 342300 Old Town Polis Chrysohous, Tel: 26 322758

A little bit of this, a little bit of that No Reservations, Nicosia


othing in your dining experience in Nicosia will prepare you for No Reservations. We arrive at 8pm on a Tuesday to an empty restaurant and choose to sit outside under an awning surrounded by pots of herbs - the premises are on the corner opposite the Cyprus Museum of Contemporary Art in Stassinou Street. There is a pleasant breeze and a surprising lack of noise, considering the location. Madam of the house, Monica, approaches with the menu and reveals the mysteries of dining at her restaurant and I quote, ‘From our menu, that changes every 15 days to keep up with what we fi nd fresh and in season, you can make a selection of five courses for €20, 12 courses for €30 or the full menu for €35’. Sounds interesting. The establishment has been open for five months and is the best kept dining experience in the city: ‘knowing friends’ have urged me to try it but I may have linked it with Anthony Bourdain and the big overcoat brigade - couldn’t have been more wrong - mea culpa. On arrival the turntable is playing a modern balladeer singing Francis Albert at an unthreatening level and the eye is caught by the original designs on the tables and walls; the wine menu cover is good enough to be framed - but I wander, it’s the food that requires attention. The companion selects the five courses and in the interest of the readership I choose the 12 without knowing if I will finish it - when was the last time you volunteered to eat more than ten items from the card? Wine by the glass and a bottle of Pel-

Our first dishes are served on plain white porcelain and consist of a Parmesan basket containing smoked peppers, figs in a balsamic reduction for the companion and a vegetable terrine with cheese mousse and basil oil for me legrino arrives at the same time as a basket containing five different types of hot bread, all made on the premises. Our fi rst dishes are served on plain white porcelain and consist of a Parmesan basket containing smoked peppers, figs in a balsamic reduction for the companion and a vegetable terrine with cheese mousse and basil oil for me. The sight of these two perfect dishes marooned on the platter immediately transported us to Cluny in the seventies when we stayed at a hotel in the heart of ‘La Chasse’ and experienced the best of nouvelle cuisine. The charming Monica conducts us through each successive plate which I guarantee cannot be encountered anywhere else on the island - when did you last consume

courgette flower fi lled with aubergine and cream cheese with pesto trapanese? Followed by seared tuna with game chips, avocado, salmon eggs and chilly compote; Shrimp croquette; Black ink tortellone fi lled with white fish and bagna cauda; and how about this: foie gras terrine with pain brioche, pickled cherry and red wine reduction?

VITAL STATISTICS SPECIALTY Outstanding food WHERE: 16, Stassinou Avenue, Nicosia CONTACT 22 376584, 99 408022 BOOKINGS Definitely. Dinners only, closed Sunday PRICE Great value

There are others in between, but my fi nal platter contains a cylinder of kleftico, a tiny quiche and a wrapped pork fi llet with a forced-meat ravioli in butter, and a ‘mouse-tail’ (deep fried sage leaf). Each dish is served on fresh platter - how does the kitchen cope? The sweets are as good as the savouries and range from Profiterole with Chantilly cream, through ice cream with pineapple poached in white wine and coriander sauce to creme brulee. The companion claimed it was one of her best dining evenings ever and we will definitely take on the full menu next time. The dishes are small, perfect and delightfully balanced; the chef Martino, is Italian, and the husband of Monica; between them they have achieved something remarkable: a restaurant that pleases in every aspect: service, ambience, outstanding food and good value. I have a feeling it will be a little too esoteric for the ultra cool urbanites which means more room for the serious diners. May the gods have No Reservations.

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

games Amazing Spider-Man Go beyond Sony Picture Entertainment’s Colombia Pictures feature film and find out what happens next in The Amazing Spider-Man video game, which brings Spider-Man’s free-roaming, web-slinging action back to New York City. Players take on the role of a young Peter Parker discovering his new Spider-Man powers and added Super Hero responsibilities, using the game’s innovative Web Rush mechanic to swing freely around Manhattan, combat a variety of criminal activities and take on classic Marvel Super Villains. Set against an original story crafted by Hollywood writer Seamus Kevin Fahey (Spartacus: Gods of the Arena, Battlestar Galactica) that takes place entirely after the events of the upcoming feature film, The Amazing Spider-Man video game delivers a brand-new, immersive and cinematic adventure allowing players to truly harness the power of your friendly


neighborhood Spider-Man. Spider-Man’s Triumphant Return to New York The Amazing Spider-Man brings everybody’s favourite web-head back to Manhattan and marks the return of fan-favourite freeroaming, web-slinging gameplay. The return to a lively, dynamic Manhattan blended with a rich, driven narrative delivers the next evolution of the Spider-Man gameplay experience. Web Rush: Player Choice Evolved The Amazing Spider-Man video game also marks the debut of Beenox’s innovative Web Rush game mechanic, which gives players real-time navigational and combat choices. Web Rush can be triggered on the fly, at any moment and

immediately presents players with a variety of situational choices, letting them really BE Spider-Man as they fight crime and pull off his signature acrobatic moves like never before. Find Out What Happens Next In an all-new epilogue story crafted by Hollywood writer Seamus Kevin Fahey, players take on the role of a young Peter Parker with his newfound SpiderMan powers and abilities in a thrilling adventure that takes place entirely after the events of the 2012 film reboot. The game’s original storyline will allow fans to uncover more of Peter Parker’s untold story.

more of a good old-fashioned hippy. Let us welcome the new Barclay James Harvest. By Pete Clark

There are some websites that are simply crying out to be explored, and British Pathé is one of them. Throughout the last century, British Pathé has played a key role in the motion picture industry and their website is a fabulous archive of footage and film stills from those bygone days. Over 90,000 historic video clips are now housed on the site, freely available for the public to watch. Here you can watch wonderfully old-fashioned clips from programmes, documentaries and newsreels, about subjects as diverse as Grace Kelly, the bombing of Coventry or the Hindenberg disaster. Arranged in a magazine style layout, new content is added daily with clips that bear relevance to current events or anniversaries given prominence on the homepage. There is a timeline tool at the top of the page, if you are looking for clips from a particular decade or year.

The Bravest Man in the Universe Lurking beneath the album’s selfdeprecatory title lies the captivating spectre of a soul music legend stripped to the bone. Producers Damon Albarn and Richard Russell have pushed Womack’s voice - profoundly lived-in, like his face - to the fore. Simple, thumping or rumbling percussion underpins these deceptively simple songs, but there is always a wash of keyboards or snippet of acoustic guitar near at hand to add colour and texture. The title track sparks proceedings fronted by a soulful rasp which simultaneously acknowledges and defies the years. Whatever Happened to the Times would not make Massive Attack blush, and Dayglo Reflection is much enhanced by the otherworldly tones of Lana Del Ray. It tails off towards the end but this is a terrific blast of ancient and modern soul. By Pete Clark

Oceania Having allegedly given up on albums, Billy Corgan and his current Pumpkins are back with a new one, a further instalment in the grandiose masterwork called Teargarden by Kaleidyscope. In a turbulent career, fraught with internal wranglings and external snipings, this band has progressed from disciples of The Cure, through being the next Nirvana, Pearl Jam or whoever, to being themselves, more or less. Oceania opens in familiar fashion with Quaser, big on guitars and drums, short on memorable melody. Thereafter, things take a more interesting course: Panopticon, The Celestials and Violet Rays are suffused with acoustic guitars, keyboards and mild electronica. Corgan’s lyrics are simple yet opaque - nebulous love and coloured lights abound - and the suspicion remains that he is neither grunge nor pomp rocker at heart but

Adorable dancing alien robot is the weirdest iPhone DOCK ever

expressions using the phone’s camera and can even keep you updated on happenings on Twitter and Facebook.

strength and support to the upper portion of the shoe, while also providing plenty of ventilation to keep the inside cool.

Reebok’s latest shoes are covered in a dizzying, migrane-inducing tread

With this swing table in the office, work becomes play

As part of the company’s Zigtech series, Reebok has created a dizzying new sneaker called the ZigMaze - for obvious reasons that looks like the tread design g on the sole has been carried across oss the entire shoe. But the rubber maze-like -like pattern isn’t just for show. It actually adds a considerable amount of

Cheryl A Million Lights As she releases her third solo album, Girls Aloud’s breakout star Cheryl Cole is now famous enough to join the elite band of singers to be known by just their first name. If the surname extraction is an attempt to disassociate herself from her footballing ex-husband Ashley Cole, the urgent electropop of Screw You puts him right back in the mix, especially when guest star Wretch 32 raps: “Now I’m left back feeling kinda cold”. You don’t come to her albums for deep lyrical insights, however. With more contributor credits than a Hollywood blockbuster, A Million Lights could be sung by anybody, but it is a buzzing collection of the latest sharp pop sounds, bursting with potential hits. By David Smyth

It’s hard to get excited about another drawn-out business meeting. Stiff chairs. A circle of equally bored faces. Maybe your leg falls asleep from all that sitting, and then what? You jiggle j gg it silently in your seat and a stumble gracelessly on o your way out the door. d Listen L up, bosses and interior designers: It

Childrenswear with eye on fashion ‘Wow’, is the first words that springs to mind when logging into esteemed children’s wear brand The Little Legs Company; this is one children’s wear emporium that has it’s eye on the pulse of fashion. Whether it’s children’s pyjamas, kids clothes, or baby grows you’re after, you’ll find the very best selection at Little Legs; a decidedly big hearted brand. The site is incredibly easy to navigate with bright, brilliant graphics and sharp high res images that make the products a pleasure to browse. Search facilities allow you to quickly and easily find the right age, size and colourway to attire your child in the look closest to your heart. The free gift wrapping service is perfect for gifts. Really want to be at the forefront of fashion? Then check out the new arrivals section on a regular basis.

doesn’t have to be this way! The Swing Table is a fun and fancy fourposter table, from which a GEO lampshade and eight hanging chairs are suspended, swingset-style. What better way to get your staff into the office than to lure them with the promise of playground equipment!?


Smashing Pumpkins

July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL

Footage from bygone eras

Formats available: PS3, Xbox 360, 3DS, NDS, Wii

Bobby Womack

Here’s something you never knew you needed in your life: an iPhone/Android phone dock that actually dances to the beat of the music it plays. Called Shimi, it’s the sort of stupid silly fun that makes robots adorable. Developed by Tovbot, Shimi the bot can read the beat of music, recognise gestures and facial




by Preston Wilder

Six dvd alternatives With the multiplex going through a quiet patch and increasingly irrelevant anyway - here are six great films to watch in your living-room


o-one’s sure how we got ourselves into this mess, but the cinema is fast becoming the worst place to watch a film. It’s not the set-up (though chunky 3D glasses are an acquired taste) and it’s not the audiences – though some people’s theatre manners leave a lot to be desired, top prize going perhaps to those who turn on their mobile phone to check the time or read their texts or whatever, then look hurt when you protest (I don’t care if it’s ‘silent’, sir, you’re still shining a bright light in a dark space, just a few inches from my line of vision!). No, the main problem are the fi lms themselves – not fi lms in general, despite the increasingly common perception that Cinema is over and TV is where the action is now, but the fi lms they show at the cinema. The multiplex is all about brand names, kids’ cartoons, crude comedies (or cutesy romantic comedies), gut-munching horrors and endless, needless 3D. Even the Friends of the Cinema Society isn’t as reliable as it used to be, tending to programme national festivals (French, Italian, Spanish) which are inevitably a mixed bag. It still seems right to lead with whatever’s at the multiplex, here on the Film pages; the other way lies fragmentation, and eventually madness. But I’ll happily take advantage of a temporary lull (only three new films released in the past two weeks) to remind myself – and you – that almost all the best new movies aren’t actually shown in movie theatres, at least in Cyprus. Most are viewed in your living-room, hence the following half-dozen ‘DVD alternatives’, four of which (the first four) would receive a four-star rating if they turned up on the big screen. The other two are more flawed, but still intensely memorable.

Note these aren’t necessarily films which are available in local DVD shops (most of which have been forced to scale back, due to falling business), simply fi lms which have been released on DVD in the English-speaking world. How you track them down is up to you… TAKE SHELTER: The genius of this much-acclaimed fi lm is that it works simultaneously (and equally well) as psychological horror and disease-of-the-week drama. Michael Shannon (superb) is a loving husband and father who’s been having strange, frightening visions – and becomes convinced that the end of the world is coming. Shannon brings out the man’s decency as well as the craziness, and he’s so convincing – especially when he explodes at a barbecue, telling everyone there’s a storm

filmsummaries Rock of Ages It’s 1987, and Sherrie (Julianne Hough) leaves her Oklahoma home for Hollywood, chasing her dream of trying to make it as a singer. She meets Drew (Diego Boneta), who is working as a waiter at a famous rock’n roll venue on Sunset Strip called The Bourbon Room, run by Dennis (Alec Baldwin) and Lonny (Russell Brand), but also dreams of becoming a singer. The venue is under threat from a ‘clean up the Strip’ campaign orchestrated by the Mayor’s wife Patricia Whitmore (Catherine Zeta-Jones). When rock god Stacee Jaxx (Tom Cruise) comes to the Bourbon for a one-night-only show, however, all their lives begin to change. Also starring Paul Giamatti and

Malin Akerman. Directed by Adam Shankman. (Musical drama, 123 mins.) Our rating:

Piranha 3DD Moving on from their spring-break extravaganza at Lake Victoria, the swarm of bloodthirsty fish from Piranha 3D heads upstream where they look to make a meal out of Big Wet, a local water park where, when it comes to fun, nobody does it wetter! Led by the strong-willed, studious Maddy (Danielle Panabaker) and her friends Barry and Kyle, the hapless staff and patrons try to defeat the man-eating creatures, or at least

coming “and there’s not a one of you is prepared for it” – you never know if he’s going to be proved right or not. Extra kudos to Jessica Chastain, taking a generic role (the loyal wife) and making it special. J. EDGAR: I believe this was advertised for the multiplex originally, seeing as it stars Leonardo DiCaprio – but he plays J. Edgar Hoover, the infamous Director of the FBI for most of the 20th century, and surely no-one suspected that director Clint Eastwood (and DiCaprio, who gives an excellent performance) planned to take what sounded like a straightforward biopic and turn it into a gay love story. Hoover’s closeted passion for Clyde Tolson (Armie Hammer) takes up much of the two-hour-plus running-time – but the film is above all claustrophobic, a private nightmare (bolstered by Tom Stern’s sepulchral photography) that feels like it’s taking place entirely in its antihero’s head. THE SECRET WORLD OF ARRIETTY: I wasn’t too enthused about this Japanese cartoon version of The Borrowers (maybe because the story is familiar) – but I hadn’t counted on Hayao Miyazaki, the king of anime, who didn’t direct it himself (he’s now in his 70s) but wrote the script and supplies his usual bittersweet sensibility. Arrietty is another plucky Miyazaki heroine, like Chihiro in Spirited Away (2001) and Kiki in Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), and her adventures in the gigantic human world are suitably thrilling – but her species is becoming extinct, and her friendship with a human boy (who himself is sick, and probably dying) is doomed to failure. A sad, beautiful fi lm, best seen in its Japanese-language version, the better to emphasise its distance from American kidpics. HOUSE OF TOLERANCE: Another beautiful film (French this

to avoid ending up as a fish dinner. Also starring Matt Bush, David Koechner and David Hasselhoff (as himself). Directed by John Gulager. In 3D. (Horror with comedy elements, 83 mins.) Our rating:

What to Expect When You’re Expecting Five couples find their lives turned upside-down by the challenges of impending parenthood. TV fitness guru Jules (Cameron Diaz) and danceshow star Evan (Matthew Morrison) find that their high-octane celebrity lives don’t stand a chance against the surprise demands of pregnancy. Baby-crazy author and advocate Wendy (Elizabeth Banks) gets a taste of her own advice when pregnancy hormones ravage her body; while Wendy’s husband Gary (Ben Falcone) struggles not to be outdone by his competi-

time), set in a smart Parisian brothel at the turn of the 20th century. There’s the madam, raising two kids and trying to make ends meet; Julie, affectionately known as “Caca”; Algerian-born Samira; and, in the background, Madeleine, the “Woman who Laughs”, her face slashed into a permanent Joker-like grin by a sadistic client – a reminder of the girls’ essential helplessness, even as the lush visuals delight and the ode to Sisterhood unfolds in a natural, non-pushy way. Also manages to display lots of skin (inevitably, given the subject) yet remain entirely non-exploitative. THE MILL AND THE CROSS: I was planning to go with Beginners here, which is certainly among the best films of last year – but Beginners won a Best Supporting Actor Oscar (for Christopher Plummer), so you’ve probably seen it already. This, on the other hand, is ‘difficult’ and basically indescribable, a semi-plotless mediaeval tone-poem directly inspired by Pieter Brueghel’s painting ‘The Procession to Calvary’. The visuals (a mix of actors, landscapes and CGI) are unique, the whole thing done in virtuoso style – and, though I recall being a tiny bit bored at the time, six months later I still remember it. THE WOMAN: Because horror fans are people too – and they deserve better than Piranha 3DD. This slow-burning, not particularly blooddrenched tale of a deeply twisted ‘ordinary’ family who capture a feral woman in the woods and keep her prisoner builds and builds, then erupts into the most ruthless, most disturbing climax in recent memory. I could never bring myself to watch it again – but I’m glad I watched it…

tive alpha-Dad (Dennis Quaid), who’s expecting twins with his much younger trophy wife Skyler (Brooklyn Decker). Photographer Holly (Jennifer Lopez) is prepared to travel the globe to adopt a child – but her husband Alex (Rodrigo Santoro) isn’t so sure, and tries to quiet his panic by attending a ‘dudes’ support group. Then there’s Rosie (Anna Kendrick) and Marco (Chace Crawford), who run competing snack-food carts and succumb to a night of passion. Also starring Chris Rock. Directed by Kirk Jones. (Romantic comedydrama, 110 mins.) Our rating:

Prometheus The year is 2093, and scientist couple Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and Charlie Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) are aboard the spaceship ‘Prometheus’, leading a crew that hopes to make SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012


Fish with big teeth Piranha 3DD has man-eating fish, plus David Hasselhoff starring in his own private meta-joke - but very little wit, originality or likeable characters


lmost any fi lm would be improved by the addition of piranhas. Prometheus would’ve been much more fun if those astronauts had found man-eating fi sh on that distant planet (instead of Engineers or whatever), The Avengers would’ve benefited from a piscine supervillain with big teeth, and anyone who sat through What to Expect When You’re Expecting will have wished more than once for a shoal of piranhas to turn up and tear its whiny cast to pieces. The only exception to this rule is Piranha 3DD, which already has all the piranhas it needs (some would say it has even more). This is one of those rare fi lms which would only be improved by non-piranha-related things – things like wit, originality, imaginative plotting and likeable characters. All of which it singularly lacks. It does have a certain crude logic, though. Where, for instance – having already exhausted the spring-break scenario in Piranha 3D – is the perfect setting for piranha mayhem that will also encourage the display of nubile skin? Simple: a waterpark! – but a sexed-up one called “The Big Wet”, upgraded with an “Adult Pool” and a so-called “cooch-cam” strategically placed to capture the naked ladies as they emerge from the water. (“Double D swims for free!” declares the park’s sleazy owner.) Or,

PIRANHA 3DD for instance, what would be the best way to combine sex and piranhas, the franchise’s two abiding preoccupations? Simple: have a piranha emerge during sex! The mechanics of how it got there may be a bit implausible but you have to give the fi sh credit for laying low and biding its time, not to mention mad props for boldly going where no piranha has gone before. Sex is risky in Piranha 3DD; another scene has a devout couple in the back of a van asking God to forgive their fornication, then stripping down and breaking out the handcuffs – but God clearly isn’t in a forgiving mood because the girl accidentally releases the handbrake, the van slides into piranha-infested water and … well, you know. Some may wonder at the subtext of a movie that drools so unabashedly at female flesh yet appears so ambivalent about the act itself (can we say self-loathing?), but fans wouldn’t care about all that if the fi lm delivered. Alas, it falls short. Piranha 3D was no classic, but it did twist, rupture and otherwise disintegrate the human body in a breathtaking variety of ways. Its big piranha attack threw up one inventive splatter image after another (remember the half-eaten girl who literally broke in two when would-be rescuers lifted up her body?), then redeemed itself with an underwater ballet of surprising loveliness. None

contact with the alien beings who initiated life on Earth. Also along for the ride are a dryly efficient captain (Idris Elba), a corporate ball-buster (Charlize Theron) who challenges Shaw and Holloway’s authority at every step – and, most intriguingly, David (Michael Fassbender), a super-intelligent android who nonetheless possesses a dangerously childlike curiosity. Landing in a parchedlooking valley on an unfamiliar planet, the scientists venture into an underground cavern, looking for the “Engineers” who created mankind – but soon get into trouble. Directed by Ridley Scott. In 3D. (Sci-fi, 124 mins.) Our rating:

Snow White and the Huntsman Snow White (Kristen Stewart) is the only person in the land fairer than the evil queen (Charlize Theron). Unable to tolerate the insult to her van-

of that appears in the fi sh mutating, making their way sequel. There’s a lot DIRECTED BY John Gulager onto dry land (Christopher Lloyd of gore but it’s mostly cameos as a manic ichthyologist gnawed victims cov- STARRING Danielle Panabaker, who predicted this in his littleered in piranha bites, Matt Bush, David Hasselhoff known book The Fish Walk Among capped by a couple of Us), paving the way for instalment 83 mins prosaic decapitations US 2012 3DDD. You might wonder how a fi lm (it saves its grossest this tacky got made, but in fact the gag for the very end). only question is how it made it to There’s no imagination. The fi sh cinemas. There’s a whole thriving themselves are now monsters, too sub-genre of CGI horrors about mupowerful – they wreck a wooden jettant creatures, most recently Piraty with their bare fi ns – and just too big. Piranhas should be small and Piranha 3D was no classic, but it sneaky; you feel them nipping at did twist, rupture and otherwise your legs before you even see them (that’s why they’re scary). It’s no codisintegrate the human body in a incidence that the best scene takes place in a bathtub, with a baby pibreathtaking variety of ways ranha plopping quietly in the water when our heroine isn’t looking. The whole thing ends with the nhaconda (“Part Snake! Part Fish! All Killer!”), but they’re made for cable or go straight to DVD. Most of them star faded has-beens – but Piranha 3DD’s Hollywood budget allows it to go one better by featuring David Hasselhoff as himself, starring in his very own meta-joke about trading on his name and basking in past glories (while simultaneously doing exactly that in the fi lm you’re watching). “Welcome to rock bottom,” sighs the former Baywatch man, meaning both The Big Wet and Piranha 3DD. Au contraire, former eminent lifeguard: ‘Rock bottom’ would be Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus.

ity, the evil queen decides that Snow White must die. The queen sends a huntsman (Chris Hemsworth) to kill Snow White. However the huntsman finds himself unable to murder the innocent young woman, and instead ends up training her to become a warrior capable of threatening the queen’s reign. Also starring Ian McShane, Bob Hoskins and Ray Winstone. Directed by Rupert Sanders. (Adventure fantasy, 127 mins.) Our rating:

We Bought a Zoo Widowed father Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) buys a struggling private zoo in the hope of making a fresh start with his young daughter Rosie (Maggie Elizabeth Jones) and teenage son Dylan (Colin Ford). Facing disapproval from his brother Duncan (Thomas Haden Church) and enormous odds, he and his children, along with

a small but loyal staff led by Kelly Foster (Scarlett Johansson), work to get the zoo re-opened. Also starring Elle Fanning and Patrick Fugit. Directed by Cameron Crowe. (Comedy-drama, 124 mins.) Our rating:

Men In Black 3 After the deadly alien Boris ‘the Animal’ (Jemaine Clement) escapes from the high security prison on the Moon intent on killing Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones), Agent J (Will Smith) travels back in time to MiB’s early years in 1969. He plans to try and stop Boris from murdering the young Agent K (Josh Brolin), who shot off his left arm during a major incident. With the assistance of the mysterious, time-warping Griffin (Michael Stuhlbarg), he plans to save Agent K and change history. Also starring Alice Eve and Emma Thompson.

Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld. In 3D. (Action comedy, 106 mins.) Our rating:

Cars While traveling to California for the dispute of the final race of the Piston Cup against The King and Chick Hicks, the famous Lightning McQueen accidentally damages the road of the small town Radiator Springs and is sentenced to repair it. Lightning McQueen has to work hard and finds friendship and love in the simple locals, changing his values during his stay in the small town and becoming a true winner. Directed by John Lasseter in 2006. DUBBED INTO GREEK.(Kids’ cartoon, 117 mins.) Our rating: For kids: TURN TO PAGE 16

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL


Films change on Friday. Check the Cyprus Mail for details of new films for Friday and Saturday.

newreleases filmsummaries continued from page 15

Mirror Mirror

Cat and his gang, proving to be the greatest foe Top Cat has ever encountered. Mexican cartoon based on the 60s TV cartoon. Directed by Alberto Mar. DUBBED INTO GREEK. (Kids’ cartoon, 90 mins.) Our rating: N/A

Mirror Mirror

Dark Shadows

Ratings Key

Unforgettable Unmissable Recommendable Watchable Regrettable Abominable

The Five-Year Engagement They meet on New Year’s Eve at a Superhero themed party in San Francisco, and a year later talented chef Tom (Jason Segel) proposes to aspiring social-psychology academic Violet (Emily Blunt). The wedding date is set, but they’re ambushed by an offer of a desirable post-doctoral assignment at Michigan University for Violet. They put the wedding on hold – for two years.

She thrives under the brilliant faculty advisor Winton (Rhys Ifans) and he makes do making sandwiches at a deli. When her two-year term is extended, Tom and Violet are faced with tough choices about a wedding that seems elusive. As things get more complicated, the wedding is postponed – or maybe it won’t happen at all. Also starring Chris Pratt. Directed by Nicholas Stoller. (Romantic comedy, 124 mins.) Our rating: N/A

In the year 1772, Barnabas Collins (Johnny Depp) is the master of Collinwood Manor in the small town of Collinsport, Maine. Barnabas is rich, powto erful and an inveterate playboy – at least till he erf makes the grave mistake of breaking the heart ma of Angelique Bouchard (Eva Green). A witch, in every sense of the word, Angelique dooms him ev to a fate worse than death: turning him into a vampire, and then burying him alive. Two cenva turies later, Barnabas is inadvertently freed from tu his tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972. He returns to Collinwood Manor wo to find that his once-grand estate has fallen into ruin – and the dysfunctional remains of the Collins family have fared little better. Also starring Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter, Chloe Grace Moretz and Christopher Lee. Directed by Tim Burton. Based on a 60s TV show. (Comic fantasy, 113 mins.) Our rating:

Top Cat Top Cat and the gang face a new police chief who is not at all happy with officer Dibble’s performance in trying to prevent Top Cat’s scams. Strickland, the new police chief, will test Top

After the mysterious disappearance of her husband the King, the evil Queen (Julia Roberts) keeps her step-daughter Snow White (Lily Collins) locked up in the castle and steals control of the kingdom. When Snow White runs off and meets a band of pint-sized outlaws, a chain of events is set in train leading to her meeting the Prince of Valencia (Armie Hammer). He in turn is brought before the Queen, who schemes to marry him for his money, having bankrupted her own realm – and, to make sure Snow White doesn’t represent a threat to her status as “the fairest of them all” (as warned by her magic mirror), she issues orders to have the girl killed. Also starring Nathan Lane and Sean Bean. Directed by Tarsem Singh. (Comic fantasy, 106 mins.) Our rating:

Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax To impress Audrey (voice of Taylor Swift), the girl of his dreams, 12-year-old Ted (voice of Zac Efron) goes in search of a tree – a real tree, since in their home of Thneedville no real trees exist. Everything is man-made, and ruled by bottledair tycoon Mr O’Hare. Leaving Thneedville on his quest,Ted finds the ageing Once-ler (voice of Ed Helms), who confesses to having caused the felling of all the trees in his pursuit of profits. But it’s The Lorax (voice of Danny DeVito), the fluff y orange guardian of trees, who helps Ted understand the importance of trees – so, when Onceler remorsefully urges Ted to do something about it, Ted takes on Mr O’Hare’s empire to give people back the trees. Also with the voices of Rob Riggle and Betty White. Directed by Chris Renaud. In 3D. (Kids’ cartoon, 86 mins.) Our rating:

What’sonwhere NICOSIA The Five-Year Engagement (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 8 and 10.30pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.25pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 4) at 5.25, 8 and 10.30pm, weekends also at 11.30am and 3pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Rock of Ages (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 7.55 and 10.25pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) at 7.55 and 10.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Piranha 3DD (18) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 8 and 10.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) at 10.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 What to Expect When You’re Expecting (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 8 and 10.30pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 1) at 5.35, 8 and 10.30pm, weekends also at 11.10am, 1.15pm and 3.20pm.Tel: 7777-8383 Prometheus (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7.55 and 10.25pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) at 7.55pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Snow White and the Huntsman (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 7.50 and 10.25pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2) at 7.50 and 10.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Cars (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 2, in Greek), Friday to Sunday at 5.30pm; KCineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2, in Greek) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 11.10am, 1.15pm and 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Top Cat (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3, in Greek), Friday to Sunday only at 5.25pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3, in Greek) at 5.25pm, weekends also at 11.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm. Tel: 77778383 Mirror Mirror (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 6), Friday to Sunday only at 5.35pm; KCineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) at 5.35pm, weekends also at 11.15am, 1.20pm and 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383

LIMASSOL The Five-Year Engagement (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 8 and 10.30pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Rock of Ages (12) Rio 1 at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends also at 5.20pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 7.55 and 10.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Piranha 3DD (18) Rio 2 at 7.45 and 10pm. Tel: 25871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 10.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 What to Expect When You’re Expecting (K) Rio 3 at 7.45pm, weekends also at 5.20pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 8 and 10.30pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Prometheus (15) Rio 3 at 10pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7.55pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Snow White and the Huntsman (12) Rio 4 at 7.45 and 10.10pm, weekends also at 5.20pm. Tel: 25871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 7.50 and 10.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 We Bought a Zoo (K) Rio 5 at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends also at 5.20pm. Tel: 25-871410. Dark Shadows (15) Rio 6 at 7.45 and 10pm, weekends also at 5.20pm. Tel: 25-871410

Top Cat (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3, in Greek), Friday to Sunday only at 5.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Cars (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 2, in Greek), Friday to Sunday only at 5.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Mirror Mirror (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 5), Friday to Sunday only at 5.35pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (K) Rio 2 (in Greek), weekends only at 5.20pm. Tel: 25-871410

LARNACA The Five-Year Engagement (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 4) at 8 and 10.30pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Rock of Ages (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 7.55 and 10.25pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Piranha 3DD (18) K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 8 and 10.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 What to Expect When You’re Expecting (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 8 and 10.30pm, Friday to Sunday also at 5.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Prometheus (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7.55 and 10.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Snow White and the Huntsman (12) K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 7.50 and 10.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Cars (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 2, in Greek), Friday to Sunday at 5.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Top Cat (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 3, in Greek), Friday to Sunday only at 5.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Mirror Mirror (K) K-Cineplex (Screen 6), Friday to Sunday only at 5.35pm. Tel: 7777-8383

PAPHOS Rock of Ages (12) Rio 5 at 6, 8.10 and 10.20pm, weekends at 5, 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 7777-2662 Piranha 3DD (18) Rio 1 at 6, 8 and 10pm, weekends at 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 7777-2662 What to Expect When You’re Expecting (K) Rio 3 at 6, 8 and 10pm, weekends at 5.20, 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 7777-2662

Prometheus (15) Rio 7 at 6, 8.10 and 10.20pm, weekends at 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 7777-2662 Snow White and the Huntsman (12) Rio 4 at 6, 8.15 and 10.30pm, weekends at 5, 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 7777-2662 We Bought a Zoo (K) Rio 1, weekends only at 5pm. Tel: 7777-2662 Men In Black 3 (12) Rio 6 at 6, 8 and 10pm, weekends at 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 7777-2662 Cars (K) Rio 7 (in Greek), weekends only at 5pm. Tel: 7777-2662 Dark Shadows (15) Rio 2 at 10pm, weekends at 9.45pm. Tel: 7777-2662 Mirror Mirror (K) Rio 2 at 6 and 8pm, weekends at 5 and 7.30pm. Tel: 7777-2662 Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (K) Rio 6 (in Greek), weekends only at 5pm. Tel: 7777-2662

(K) All Audiences (12/15/18) No admittance to Under-12s/15s/ 18s (N/A) Not Available

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

17 16th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama With performances by a variety of theatre groups. July 3- 31. Each performance will be staged at a variety of theatres around the island. 9pm. €17. €10 (Senior Citizens, Students and National Guard). Tel: 99 542 165/ 99 388 160.

The month of July will again be taken over by ancient Greek drama reports ZOE CHRISTODOULIDES


igh drama around the island will no doubt be giving local crowds a good deal to fi xate on during the course of the month as the annual Ancient Drama Festival comes to life. Set to draw crowds towards a number of theatres including the Paphos Ancient Odeon, the Curium Amphitheatre and the Makarios III Amphitheatre, preparations are taking place under the auspices of the Cyprus EU Presidency Council.

The Chorals in this piece will be interpreted in ancient Greek and follow the rules of Prosody. Then there’ll also be Magdalena Zira and her theatre group which will be bringing to life Aristophanes’ Frogs. Dimitris Zavros’ musical synthesis will accompany the performance combining tradition and innovation. All in all, it’s set to be a delightful comedy in which the god of drama Dionysus himself appears. On the international front, you can anticipate the arrival

Festival of laughter and tragedy While international performers will travel to Cyprus from Germany, Israel and the United Kingdom, the representation of the local and Greek theatre groups will also be rather rich. The festival will kick off with a performance by THOK with Electra and Orestes: the Trial based on Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles. Directed and adapted by Hanan Snir, the Israeli talent is well known to friends of the festival who may well remember his rather beautiful direction of Antigone which was presented in 2008 by the Cameri and the Habimah theatre. But THOK isn’t the only local group taking part in the event, with the Mitos Theatre Group also set to do their thing, presenting Euripides’ Bacchae.

of the German State Wiesbaden Theatre who will come to Cyprus to present Agamemnon’s Children. This production is the fi rst to depict the entire, interconnected story of Agamemnon’s children. The text is based on plays by Euripides (Iphigenia at Aulis, Orestes and Iphigenia in Tauris) as well as Sophocles’ Electra. The synthesis of the four plays gives the audience the opportunity to view the lives of Agamemnon’s children from different points of view, as their destiny and their actions make them both victimisers and victims in the cycle of violence inherent in the Atreides’ myth. As for other highlights on the agenda, The Ruth Kanner Theatre Group from Israel will present The Eumenides by Aeschylus in a magnificent trans-

Exhibition Golden Roots Solo painting exhibition by Andreas C. Chrysafis. Opens July 2, 8pm until July 20. Gallery Technis Dromena, 53 Arch. Kyprianou, Nicosia. Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 5pm-8pm. Tel: 22-496398

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

lation by poet Ted Hughes. As director Ruth Kanner writes in her notes: “With dramatic sweep and by means of an exciting plot, the text brings human central confl icts to the stage”. The diachronic danger of enflamed violence is real and aweinspiring, bound to have audiences rather gripped. To add to all the excitement comes a performance by Skull of Yorick Productions from the UK, a group who will be presenting Opera Antigone by Tommaso Traetta based on Sophocles’ ancient play. The internationally famed Greek soprano Jenny Drivala will interpret Antigone while Philippos Modinos will be playing the part of Creon. That’s not to forget the talented Greek groups that will

be jetting over, with the Neos Kosmos Theatre and director Vangelis Theodoropoulos participating in the festival with The Assembly Women by Aristophanes; a joyful comedy which unfolds a series of hilarious scenes. The Morphes Ekphrasis Theatre will also be taking part in the event, dedicating Electra by Sophocles to Dimitris Rontiris on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the great director and teacher’s death. After successfully travelling all over Greece with the play, this dynamic presentation of ancient Greek drama will give the opportunity to theatre lovers to enjoy a classical staging of the piece. Keep in mind that all performances on the agenda will be staged in Greek with English subtitles.

What’sonlistings Exhibitions Nicosia district Golden Roots Solo painting exhibition by Andreas C. Chrysafis. Opens July 2, 8pm until July 20. Gallery Technis Dromena, 53 Arch. Kyprianou. Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 5pm-8pm. Tel: 22-496398 5:1 Solo art exhibition by Ina Vai. Until July 4. Academy 32, Constantinou Paleologou 32, Bastion old Nicosia. Open daily: 7pm-2am. Tel: 22-760073. Terra Mediterranea – In Crisis Group contemporary art exhibition curated by Yiannis Toumazis scrutinising the current turbulence experienced globally, from both a political and a poetic stance. Opens July 4, until December 30. Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre 19, Palaias Ilektrikis. Tuesday-Saturday: 10am3pm and 5pm-11pm. Sunday: 10am-4pm. Tel: 22-797400. www.nimac. The project includes a second contemporary art exhibition curated by Re Aphrodite team. The exhibition deals with the unwritten feminine histories of Cyprus and their private and public structure. Opens July 4, until December 30. Ethological Museum – The House of Hagjigeorgakis Kornesios, 20, Patriarxou Grigoriou. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8.30am-3.30pm. Wednesday: 8.30am-5pm. Saturday: 9.30am-3.30pm. Tel: 22305316 Nicosia through the Eyes of Four Designers Mixed-media exhibition for European Capital of Culture 2017 candidate. Until July 6. Be the Change – Ho (o) ropoios, 62 Ay. Omoloyites Avenue (opposite the Ay. Omoloyites church) . Opening hours: Monday- Friday: 5pm–9pm. Tel: 22-445455

Document Solo art exhibition by Eleni Nicodemou in memory of the 13 dead and the injured at Mari. Until July 12. Gallery Gloria, 3 Zinonos Sozou Street. Monday-Friday: 10.30pm-12.45pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10.30pm-12.45pm. Tel: 22-760286 Michalis Mozoras Solo sculpture exhibition. Until July 14. Apocalypse Gallery, 30 Chytron Street. Monday- Friday: 10.30am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10.30am1pm. Tel: 22-766655 Twice a Stranger Multimedia exhibition. Until September 2. The Leventis Municipal Museum, Temporary Exhibitions Hall, 15-17 Hippocrates Street, Laiki Yitonia. Open: 3.30pm -5.30pm. Tel: 22-661475 I Will Follow you to the end of the World Immigrating for Love Exhibition by visual artist Lia Lapithi influenced the story of Queen Caterina Cornaro. Until September 2. The Leventis Municipal Museum, 15-17 Hippocrates Street, Laiki Yitonia. Open: 3.30pm -5.30pm. Tel: 22-661475 Diaspora Exhibition by visual artist Nkos Kourossis. Until September 2. The Leventis Municipal Museum, 15-17 Hippocrates Street, Laiki Yitonia. Open: 3.30pm -5.30pm. Tel: 22-661475 Our Lady of Nicosia Exhibition about the church of Phaneromeni and it relics. Until September 30. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 96-90 Phaneromenis Street, old Nicosia. Monday-Sunday: 10am-7pm. Tel: 80-000800 Nicosia: Topographies of Memory From Ermou Street to the Buffer Zone Presents the research of Anita Bakshi, who sought to uncover the memories of Ermou Street using maps that were created from memories and narratives provided by shopkeepers who once worked or lived in this area. Until September 30. Home for Cooperation. Tel: +90 542 8506681/22-445740. www.home4cooperation. info/

AnThrOPOS: Faces of Cyprus through the Ages Exhibition exploring the human form represented in the art of Cyprus from the Neolithic period until today, focusing specifically on depictions of the human face. Until January 18, 2013. The Cyprus Museum 1 Special Exhibition Hall, Museum Street. Tel.: 22-865854. Cyprus Icons and Mosaics Makarios III Foundation, Archbishopric, old Nicosia. Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm and Saturday 9am-1pm. Tel: 22-430008 Old Maps and Engravings 16th-19th Century Permanent exhibition: Cyprus and other Greek lands, Europe and America. Viewing by appointment. Gallery Leventis, 6 Polykleitos St. Tel/Fax: 22-348451, 99-658694. Cyprus Yesterday and Today Permanent exhibition. Diachroniki Gallery Idalion, 32 Makarios Ave., Dhali. Open MondaySaturday 11am-5pm. Tel: 22-525691

Larnaca district Helen Tumelty’s Mosaic Studio Permanent exhibition of mosaic pictures, tables and mirrors. Just off Zenon Kitieos St. Studio also offers mosaic classes in a small friendly environment throughout the year. Tel: 99-925315 Cyprus Artists Pieces from the Larnaca municipality’s permanent collection on display. Larnaca Municipal Gallery. Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm, Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tel: 24-657745

Limassol district Jane Webster Solo art exhibition with10 per cent of sales will be donated to the Sirius Dog Sanctuary. Until July 11. Antithesis Coffee Shop, 203 St Andrews, Limassol. Tel: 25-369479.


18 WHAT’S ON What’sonlistings Maniera Cypria: Lemesos, Fabula, Historia, Memoria Exhibition dedicated to ancient findings. Until August 12. Evagoras Lanitis Centre, Lanitis Carob mill. 5pm-9pm daily except Mondays. Tel: 25342123 Summer 2012 Group exhibition of paintings and sculptures. Until September 30. Morfi Gallery, 84 Agkyras St. Monday-Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tuesday-Friday: 5pm-8pm.Tel: 25-378733. Anoyira Mosaic Artwork Discover the magic of mosaics and Anoyira. Friday-Sunday 10am-4pm, other times by appointment. Tel: 99-108710 Katie Sabry Studio Permanent exhibition of paintings in oils, watercolours and pastels. Mosaics Workshop, 9 Georgiou Malekidi St, nr Rialto Theatre. Tel: 99-571139. Art by Susanne Gallery with contemporary artwork. Shop 2, Marina Beach, Amathus Avenue. Daily 10am-4pm. Percentage of profits go to children with Cystic Fibrosis. Tel: 99-247668 Theomaria Art Gallery Permanent exhibition of Vera Parlalidou’s ceramics. 7 Vassilisis Karlotta St. Monday-Friday 8am-1pm. Tel: 25-745777 Michael Owen Galleries Permanent exhibition of oil and watercolour paintings. Lania. Tel. 25-432404. Olivera Papathoma Permanent exhibition in City Art Gallery. 255A Saint Andreas St. Monday-Friday 9am-1pm, 4pm7pm. Sat. 9am-2pm Sea King Permanent exhibition of old aviation photos (Tiger/Gypsy Moths, Hurricane, Spitfire, etc.). Sea King restaurant, near Akrotiri base. Tel: 25954500

Paphos district Studio 7 Visitors welcome to my permanent exhibition of paintings, lithographs, driftwood art, cards and small gifts in artist’s working studio. Occasional workshops. Personal tuition also offered. Studio 7, Ammochostou St, Kallepia. Tel: 99-048369 or Judith Constantinou Permanent exhibition of watercolours. The Studio, Stephanie Village, Tala. Tel: 26-652760 Stewart B Johnson Open house viewings of Scottish artist’s works by appointment. G. Xenopoulou st. Tel: 26-930525 Gallery at Home with Theresa French Watercolours, prints and cards. 2 Modestou Panteli, 2 Nicolas Cliff, Yeroskipou. Tel: 26-962597/ 99-316485 Stone Sculptures Permanent exhibition by Andreas Constantinou. Polis Chrysochous, near central square. Call artist for viewing. Tel: 26-321227/99-585543 Michael Gorman Figurative paintings and prints. 20 Theodorou Kolokotroni, Peyia. Open daily. Tel: 99-952376/99006832/26-621424 Harry and Sheila Hawkins Art by Harry Hawkins and books by Sheila Hawkins. Ayias Zonis St., Neo Chorio. Open daily. Tel: 26-321123 Herbs and Wild Flowers Arts and crafts inspired by the flora of Cyprus. Medicinal herbal teas and oils available. Information Centre for the Akamas National Park at the School of Pano Arodes. Tel: 99-616748 David Lester Working Studio in Peyia, with permanent exhibition of oil paintings and other works by the author of ‘Wishful Thinking’. Tel: 26-621130

Famagusta district Blue Spice Restaurant Permanent exhibition of Carolina Alotus’ works. Blue Spice, 29 Aphroditis St (between Perneras and Protaras rd), Ayia Napa. Tel: 23-832088. www. Where are the Rights of the Children of Karpasia? Permanent photographic exhibition. Famagusta Cultural Centre, 35 Evagorou St, Dherynia. Closed Sundays. Monday-Friday 7.30am-4.30pm and Saturday 9.30am-4.30pm. Tel: 23-740860

Music Nicosia district Cyprus – Corfu: Journeys to the Opera Concert by the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra with excerpts from famous operas, featuring soloist: Pantelis Kontos (baritone) and Corfu Choir (conductor: Christina Kaliaridou). July 1. Strovolos Municipal Theatre. 8.30pm. Tel: 22-313010 Lo Squintetto Band from southern Italy meets Mediterranean traditions and rhythms. July 3. Phaneromeni Square. Also performing on July 4 within the framework of the Ethnic World Festival at Heroes Square in Limassol. Free. 8.30pm Alkistis Protopsalti and Evanthia Rempoutsika Charity concert by popular singers in support of the Cyprus Red Cross. July 4. Makarios III Amphitheatre (School for Blind), 28th October Street. 9pm. Tel: 77-772717 Alkinoos Ioannidis Popular Cypriot composer, lyricist, singer and orchestrator live in concert. July 6. Lakatamia Amphitheatre. 9pm. Tel: 22-380905. Tickets are available at the following locations: Armenias Kiosk - Tel: 22-420503. Lakatamia Municipality Tel: 22-364019

compiled by Ledha Socratous and Zoe Christodoulides

Limassol district Seventh Ethnic Music Festival A festival with an ethnic and Mediterranean flavour organised by the Rialto Theatre. July 4-29. Heroes Square. 8.30pm. Free. Tel: 77- 777745. The performances will also be held in Nicosia within the framework of Summer Nights Alkistis Protopsalti and Evanthia Rempoutsika Charity concert by popular singers in support of the Cyprus Red Cross. July 6. Curium Ancient Theatre. 9pm Alkinoos Ioannidis Popular Cypriot composer, lyricist, singer and orchestrator live in concert. July 7. Curium Ancient Theatre. 9pm. Tickets are available at the following locations: Musical Paradise Stores Tel: 25-392411/25-338995

Theatre & Dance Nicosia district Liar Wanted Theatro Ena presents play by Dimitris Psathas, ser in a modern day Cyprus. Until July 1. Theatro Ena, 4 Athinas Avenue. 8.30pm on specific dates. In Greek. €15/12. Tel: 22-348203 16th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama With performances by a variety of theatre groups. July 4-31. Makarios III Amphitheatre. The performances will be staged with Greek and English surtitles and commence at 9pm each evening. €17/10. Tel: 99-542165/99-388160. www. Miss Pepsi Anemona Theatre presents classic comedy by French author Pierrette Bruno. Until July 29. Anemona Theatre, 7 Archagelou Street, Latsia. Every Friday through Sunday at 8.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 22-573031

Larnaca district 16th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama Performances by a variety of theatre groups. July 4-31. Patticheon Municipal Amphitheatre. The performances will be staged with Greek and English surtitles and commence at 9pm each evening. €17/10. Tel: 99-542165/99-388160. www.

Limassol district 16th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama With performances by a variety of theatre groups. July 4-31. Curium Ancient Theatre. The performances will be staged with Greek and English surtitles and commence at 9pm each evening. €17/10. Tel: 99-542165/99-388160. cy.

Paphos district 16th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama With performances by a variety of theatre groups. July 4-31. Paphos Ancient Odeon. The performances will be staged with Greek and English surtitles and commence at 9pm each evening. €17/10. Tel: 99-542165/99-388160. cy.

Famagusta district 16th International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama With performances by a variety of theatre groups. July 4-31. Municipal Amphitheatre Deryneia. The performances will be staged with Greek and English surtitles and commence at 9pm each evening. €17/10. Tel: 99-542165/99-388160. www.

Other Events Nicosia district A Dip into the Sea of Art, Inside the Heart of Nicosia, for Young and Older Friends An original educational programme for families, with stories, movement and music activities, dramatisations, theatre games, painting, games and more. June 30-July 1. Loukia and Michael Zampelas Art Museum, 27 Arch. Makarios III Avenue, Kaimakli. 11am-12.30. In Greek and English. €5. Tel: 22-456099 The Nicosia Chess Open 2012 The tournament will be 7 rounds, Swiss system. July 2-12. Nicosia Chess Club, located in the PASYDY building 4th floor, 3 Demosthenis Severis Avenue. 25th Festival of EDON Three major concerts, one for each day, along with performances by student bands, Cypriot music and traditional dances, Bi-communal events, playground for children and a lot more activities. July 4-6. Famagusta Gate Moat. 8pm. €15/25 for all 3 days. Presale tickets available from all Zorpas bakeries. Tel: 22-766459 An Evening at The Races This includes entrance to the racecourse & a sumptuous buffet supper with desserts. Exclusive Marquee Prizes for Best Dressed Lady and Best Dressed Gentleman. July 6. Nicosia Race Club. €25/30 (Drinks not included). Tel: 22-614756/99-413479. E-mail: The New Music Show A spectacular three-hour show of professional singing and choreography including both Greek and foreign repertoire. July 6. Pyles Live, 38 Kilkis, Latsia Industrial Area. 8.30pm. €15 with 1 drink. Tel: 22-571857


Class, love and a battle of the sexes July seems to be a great time of the year for theatre lovers around the island what with the Ancient Greek Drama Festival and various other productions bringing open amphitheatres around the island to life. And if a story of class, love and a battle of the sexes is of interest to you then you may well want to get your mitts on tickets for Miss Julie, in a groundbreaking Patrick Marmper adaptation of the Swedish play originally written in 1888 by August Strindberg. To be staged in Cyprus by XMAS Productions and directed by Athena Xenidou, it will be performed at a number of theatres around this island both this month and next. As the play comes to life you’ll meet aristocrat Julie (Christie Papadopoulos), the servant John (Alexis Georgoulis) and his fiancée Christina (Nedi Andoniadou) located in the whirlwind struggle of the classes and merciless conflict of gender in a fierce game of passion, power and betrayal. Marmper’s adaptation entitled After Miss Julie was first broadcast on BBC television in Rooftop Theatre Group Regular play script-writing workshop. In the room next to Kala Kathoumena coffee shop in old Nicosia (Phaneromeni Square). 6pm. In English. Tel: 22- 661354 Kindermusik with Vaso Come and see how music and movement can stimulate your young child’s developing mind and body. Classes every Tuesday. St. Paul’s Church Hall, Byron Avenue. 5pm. Tel: 96-693462. For full details please visit: www.kindermusikwithvaso. com. Childrens African DrumagiQ Includes: Drums and rhythm tuition with educational approach, psychological expertise, culture, customs, games, dance and innovative creative techniques. Every Friday. Kisa Centre, old Nicosia. 5-6pm for children under 12, 6-7pm for children 12-15. Tel: 22-878181 Tango Argentine Classes Regular Tango with Julia Gorina and guest maestros. La Excelencia Pilates & Dance Studio, Nikitaras str. 6. (parallel street to 28th October). Mondays: 7.30pm-8.30pm beginners class / practica for improvers and 8.30pm-10pm improvers. Wednesdays: 7.30pm-8.30pm beginners class / practica for improvers and 8.30pm-10pm improvers. Tel: 99-406032 or TANGO-y-TU presents Eight week foundation course every Wednesday. Athena’s School of Dance, 13 Prince Charles St, Ayios Dometios - opposite Asty Hotel. 7.30-9pm €16 per class €55 prepaid for 4 weeks + free CD. Improvers/Intermediate Class. 9pm-10 .30pm - €16 per class or €55 for 4 prepaid. Tel: 99-377102 - email: Tango Argentine Classes Tango classes and bi-communal Milonga. Regular classes every Sunday. Ledra Palace, 12 Markos Drakos Street. Classes: for beginners and advanced on Sundays. 9pm. Tel: 99-651706. www. Contemporary Dance, Yoga, Pilates and Latin Contemporary dance: Tuesday 5pm for beginners’ ages 20-30 years. Yoga: Wednesday 6pm and Saturday 10.30am. Pilates: Saturday 11.30am. Latin: Fridays: 8pm. Equus gym (behind Laiki Bank with the horn). €60 for any two classes a week or €40 for one. Tel: 99-618556 Adult Tap Classes Weekly adult tap lessons every Thursday, 7pm. Engomi. Payment is with a voucher of 12 lessons for €90, allowing flexibility in attendance, ideal for working mothers. First trial lesson free. Tel: 99-522821 Belly Dancing Belly dancing at Fanous Lebanese Restaurant. Every Saturday. 7C Solonos Street, old Nicosia. Tel: 22-666663. Fly-in-Dance With weekly classes in belly dance, latin and club dance, hip hop, body ballet and yoga (power and astanga). Fly-in-Dance, Archimidus, Engomi. Tel: 99-896490 Tai Chi Tai Chi classes every Monday. Bubishi Dojo, Aglandjia. 7pm-9pm. Tel: 96-515355 Yoga at the Life Centre Hatha yoga, advanced yoga, pregnancy yoga, baby yoga and massage for all levels offered throughout the day. Private sessions available. First class free. The Life Centre, 4 Persefonis St, Flat 301, Acropolis. Tel: 22-377630, 99-413707. email:, www.

1995 and re-written for the stage, where it premiered at the Donmar Warehouse theatre in London in 2003 with great success. The 2009/2010 project then went on to Broadway starring Sienna Miller. The action takes place in the kitchen of Miss Julie’s father’s manor and when Marmper rewrote the play he transported the plot to an English country house on the eve of the Labour Party landslide 1945 General Election Win.

Miss Julie July 12 at 9:00pm until August 3 at 11:00pm Latsia Munical Theatre, Nicosia: July 12, 13 and 14. 9pm. Skala Theatre, Larnaca: July 17 and 18. 9pm. Xenion Amphitheatre, Paralimni: July 24 and 25. 9pm Ancient Odeon, Paphos: July 27 and 28. 9pm. Limassol Garden Theatre: August 2 and 3. 9pm. €20. In Greek. Tel: 7000 3313

Yoga and Pilates Studio Yoga and Pilates sessions, mornings and evenings with a fully-qualified instructor. Private classes also available. Tel: 22-448130/99-373776 Hatha Yoga Classical Hatha Yoga. Asanas, breathing, relaxation. Small groups and individual private lessons. Also private meditation instruction. 4 Kikeronas St, Strovolos. Tel: 99-435687 or visit Reiki - Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Japanese system of natural healing instruction, attunement & certification. Reiki Master with over 20 years teaching & practical experience. Tel: 97-801472 or email to Yoga for Health and Beauty Sivananda, Hatha and Dynamic Yoga offered. Daily Yoga sessions, mornings and evenings with a qualified teacher. 128 Kyriakou Matsi St, Agios Dometios. Tel: 99-375471. email: Ashtanga Yoga Traditional Ashtanga Yoga primary series for all levels with a qualified instructor. Small group classes and individual tuition. Archangelos. Tel: 99-290202 The Terra Centre Offering Hatha Yoga, Beginners Power Yoga. First class free. Discounts for couples and students. Reiki classes for adults and kids. Energy healing sessions, hypnosis and regression sessions, counselling, workshops and more. Near the European University. Tel: 99-538163 Serenity House Offering classes in yoga, tai chi and anger management, self awareness seminars traditional Thai and classic massage, and more. Serenity House, 2 Einstein St, Ay. Omologites. Tel: 99434353, Rebecca (Yoga) 99-487927 or splishys@ Healing Rooms Free 20 minutes healing sessions for the wellbeing of spirit, mind and body in a loving atmosphere. Confidential. Every second and fourth Thursday of the month. 8-9.30pm. 225 Strovolos Avenue, near Metro roundabout (above Afrikanos Bath Store). Tel: 99-771084 Inter-faith prayers and meditation Every Friday. Baha’i Centre, 11 Parthenonos, Kaimakli. Tel: 22-624283 HIV Discussion Group Discussing issues around HIV for sufferers and friends of sufferers. Every Thursday. UNESCO Amphitheatre, Intercollege, Makedonitissas Ave. 7pm. Free Nicosia Horrible Hash House Harriers Exercise, eat, drink and be merry with Nicosia Hash House Harriers. Meetings every Tuesday 7.30pm for a walk, jog or run around Nicosia. For directions to the run or more info, Tel: 99-308436 or visit Toastmasters Crusaders Club Improve your public speaking skills. Meetings every three Fridays. Tel: 99-851102. Nicosia Writers’ Workshop If you enjoy creative writing and want to meet people with similar skills, then the Nicosia Writers’ Workshop is the place to be, so bring your ideas and we’ll open a new world together. Papantoniou Institute, Byron Avenue every Sunday. 11am-1pm Writing Workshops Unleash your creative side with Rhay Christou. Rhay’s Studio, Old Nicosia. Tel: 22 344744 or 99 522333

Italian for Beginners Lessons offered by the Dante Alighieri Society and the Italian Embassy. Monday and Wednesday 6.30pm-8pm.Tel: 22-358168/99-339644 Children’s Theatre Workshop Dionysus Theatre brings kids closer to theatre. Three different age groups, ranging from 6-18+. Classes are in Greek. Dionysus Theatre, 29 Diagorou St. Tel: 22-818999/99-621845 or visit Play in a Day Fun theatre workshops geared towards adults. Every Thursday 6-8pm. (lessons for youths between 14 and 17 also take place on Wednesday 5pm-7pm). 15 per session or 50 per month. Taught in Greek and English. For registration Tel: 99-130916/99-552654. theatrenicosia@gmail. com Arts & Moods Creative workshops for children of all ages. 15 Averoff Street, Strovolos. Tel: 22313142. email: Brocante Antique and vintage furniture market. Every Sunday 9am-7pm. In front of the old municipal market in old Nicosia and outside the Akanthos workshop space. Tel: 22-100984. www.facebook. com/ St Paul’s Thrift Shop Thrift Shop for clothes and bric-a-brac is open every Saturday morning from 10am- midday in St Paul’s Cathedral car park. Lots of bargains on offer at very reasonable prices. Tel : 22-445221 St Paul’s Babies and Toddlers Non-religious, non-political and multi-national organisation that caters for newborn to preschool kids with activities including outdoor and indoor play equipment and toys. St Paul’s Church Hall, Byron Avenue. No membership required. Cans for Kids Quiz Nights First Friday of every month. 8.30pm. Esogba, behind the Junior School. €5. Drinks and home cooked food available. Tel: 99-666011. www. Cyprus Go Association Meetings every Saturday to learn the game and improve skills. Oktana Café, 2 Aristidou St. 5pm. Tel: 99-476253., Porcelain Painting Paint your own dinner set or special gift for your loved ones. Beginners classes morning and afternoon. Strovolos. Tel: 99-620992 Saint Andrews Bridge Club Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 4pm, Saturday 7pm-10pm; 15 Heroes Avenue. Tel: 22-781063 or 96-510121 Tarot Card Game Lessons Not lessons in the divination art but rather the strategy and memory game. Every Wednesday evening. Brasserie Au Bon Plaisir, 15 Alasias Street. 8pm. Tel 96-755111 The World of Wine Beginners and advanced specialised courses for enthusiasts who wish to become more confident in understanding and enjoying fine wines and spirits. Tailor-made courses, wine classes and tasting can also be organised on request. Spectus shops, Nicosia and Limassol. Tel: 22511521/25-341525 Coffee Morning A warm welcome for all women. Interesting talks and a chance to get together socially. Second Thursday of the month. (except July and August). 9.30am St.Paul’s Church Hall, Byron Avenue. In English. Tel: 22-329293/99-924363

Walking Tours of Nicosia Mondays: Chrysaliniotissa and Kaimakli: the past restored guided bus and walking tour. Thursdays: walking tour of Nicosia; Friday, Nicosia outside the walls guided bus and walking tour. In English. Start from the CTO office in Laiki Yitonia at 10am. Free. Tel: 22-674264 The Love Bus Guided tours through the north of Cyprus focussing on the Kyrenia area. Leaving from Eleftheria Square and locations around Nicosia. €25. Tel: 99-761761/97-761761 Bird Watching in Cyprus Birdlife Cyprus regularly arranges bird watching trips around the island. Tel: 22-455072, 99059541. Horse Races Every Wednesday and Sunday at the Nicosia Race Club. Tel: 22-782727. Subject to change check website. Larnaca district Angelic Reiki Level 1&2 Attunement to the Angelic Reiki system level 1 & 2 empowers the student to use the energy to heal self, family, friends, and clients. July 6-8. Spirit and Sole Psematismenos. €342 includes manual, certificate, crystal and ongoing support. Tel: 97-648218, email Hooves and Grooves Monthly family fun days with horse ride and drum orchestra. Farm visits, horse/pony rides & drumming. Drapia Horse Farm, Kalavasos. 4pm6pm: Horse journeys/pony rides. 6pm-7.30pm: Sunset drum orchestra. €22/12. Bookings for horse journey: 97-836005. To reserve your drum: 99-238660 Transformative Tarot Course Fun & educational, meet other like-minded people. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 7.30-9.30pm. contact: for more details Angel Workshops Call Susan Rudd Master Teacher of the Diana Cooper School of Angels for full details. 97648218, email, www. Yogalife Hatha yoga, meditative breathing, stress management, singing bowls meditation, private and group sessions. Call for introductory lesson. ALSO Yoga for young people (6-12yrs and 1318yrs). Yoga Life, Nik Milona and Gr Afxentiou St, opposite American Academy. Tel: 24-623123 or The Living Tao Centre Weekly classes in Tai Chi, Chi Kung, Tao Ying Yoga, Hatha Yoga and meditation. Living Tao Centre, 2 Dimokinou St. Mondays-Fridays. Tel: afternoon classes- 99 658217, morning classes- 99-304202. Kara – Mind & Body Centre Unique opportunity to gain a certificate in Tarot Reading, starting this September. An 18-week course will cover symbology, colourology, numerology and much more. KARA - Mind & Body Centre, Oroklini. Tel: 99-029952. tarotcyprus. Fisu Meditation Learn Fisu Meditation. Free introductory talks on why meditate and what meditation is all about. Book by appointment, 24-532479/99-665330 Reflexology, Reiki and Ear Candle Treatments Relax, revitalise and improve your health and well being. Call for an appointment 97-648218 Larnaca Hash House Harriers Every Monday, 5pm. For more information call Fred-the-web on 24-647175 Kition Hash House Harriers Run/jog/walk from a pub/taverna round the town and back. Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm. All welcome. Join us and have some fun. Tel: 24647283 Antidote Theatre Workshops Drama workshops for children aged 5- can attend weekly workshops to learn about theatre through games and play, and participate in productions staged at the end of each year. Theatre Antidote also offers its students the Trinity Guildhall drama examinations in June, a useful qualification for university applications. Antidote Theatre, Apothikes st.Lazarus. Tel: 24-822677. Baby Antidote Brings the young tots up to 3yrs in touch with theatre, by combining storytelling, fairytales and play. Through interactive performances inspired by favourite children’s books, the heroes come to life as the little ones embody them in their own unique way. Apothikes st. Lazarus. Every Monday and Friday, 9.30-11.30am. Entrance is €4 per family, and includes refreshments and snacks. Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos Social and benevolent organisation supporting charitable groups. The James Mercury Lodge meets at Dhekelia Barracks. Every Tuesday, 7.30pm. Next to ‘George’s Taxi’ on the South Road. Tel: 24-635812 RAFA Larnaca Bay Branch Social gathering taking place on second Tuesday of each month. Beachcomber Restaurant, Makenzie Beach . 7pm. Tel: 24-363752. Writing Group Creative writing group meets bi-weekly in Larnaca, Episkopi and possibly Paralimni. Every participant will have work published online and in a print anthology. New and established writers welcome. €15 per meeting. Tel: 99-046237. www. Writers Workshop Unleash the writer within. Classes for all ages with writing coaching also available. Classes in Larnaca. Tel: 99-522333. rchristou@cytanet.


SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

19 Nightlife Nicosia district Live Jazz Event Jazz music with band ‘D Lirious’, food and drinks available. Every Friday night at Baroque Lounge Bar, Cleopatra Hotel. 9:30pm.For reservations contact 22-844000

Music Nights Entechno and folk music at RED. Every Saturday. Red, Dionysus 15, old town hall square. Tel: 22-767711.

Funky Jelly at Domus

Horseshoe Pub

With DJ Yiotis and Theo playing uplifting lounge tunes. Domus lounge bar, 5 Korai St, Old Nicosia. 10pm until late. Tel: 22-433722

60s, 70s and 80s music from MondaySunday. Horseshoe Pub, LarnacaDhekelia road, opposite Palm Beach Hotel. Tel: 24-646111

Arabesque Sundays

Limassol district

With belly dancers and ethnic music. Mberdema Gold, 30 Nikiforou St, Famagusta Gate. 11.30pm until late. Tel: 22-345946

Club Red

Agapiou Escuela de Danza Parties

Live Greek music and various events. 15 Dionysiou St, Old Municipality Square, Nicosia. Thursdays-Sundays, 10pm onwards. Tel: 99-516799/ 22-767711

Latin parties every Sunday at Sitio Cafè, 20 Makarious Avenue, Nicosia.10pm


Milonga/Argentinean Tango Regular Milonga/Argentinean Tango every Thursday at Enallax,16-17 Athinas Avenue, Nicosia. 10pm

Blue Wine and Lounge Bar

Club playing R&b, hip-hop, basement and old school music. Friday and Saturday, 11.30pm. Former Ekriksi Club, 6 Evagorou Avenue. Tel: 99- 853333

Scorpios Platinum

Over 140 wines from across the world. 96 Rigenis St, Classic Hotel, Old Nicosia. Open daily except Sunday. 12 noon until late at night. Tel: 22-664006

With various theme nights from Wednesday-Sunday. Stasinou 3, Engomi. Wednesday and Thursday 11pm3am, and Friday and Saturday 11pm-4am. Tel: 99-545690

Marco Polo


Playing live Latin music. Marco Polo Bar, Holiday Inn rooftop, 70 Regina St. 11pm until late. Monday- Thursday €10 with one drink. Friday and Saturday €20 including two drinks. Tel: 22-712712

Restaurant, café and bar with Persian Cuisine. Wednesdays: electronic music, Thursdays: reggae and Fridays: progressive psychedelic and Saturdays: rock and funk. 11pm-2am. 4 Nikokreontos St. Tel: 99-935777

Ithaki Bar Charismatic bar with outdoor area. 33 Nikiforou Foka St. Old Nicosia. 7pm2am expect Mondays. Tel: 22-434193

Avlaia Music Stage Hosting live bands on weekdays and regular Greek music weekends with George Arestis and Dimitris Makris. Avlaia, Corner of Emmanuel Roidis and Prodromou St. Tel: 22 675638

Amalfi Lounge Bar Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday live music with Yiota Louka, Christos Andreou, Konstantinos Koutras and Yiannos Hadjiloizou. Enjoy exotic cocktails, finger food and Cuban cigars daily from 5pm-2am. Hilton Park Hotel. Tel: 22-377777

Cuba Tropical Local band playing live Cuban-Latin sounds every Sunday. Wet Beach Bar, Amathountos Avenue. 9pm-11.30pm. Tel: 25-320006

Harleys Café Bar Open all day with happy hour 10am-6pm. Every Tuesday, pub games night. Every Thursday, quiz night. Special theme nights once a fortnight. Near Esso station, Amathus Area. Tel: 25-328533

Electronic music at Barfly Quality house, techno and minimal beats with guest DJ. Every other Friday. Barfly, 1 Elenis Paleologinas St. 10pm until late. pmdj

Paphos district Cyprotel Cypria Bay Hotel Every Monday Jezebel & Lisa-Marie present a themed show 9.45pm for an hour at Cyprotel Cypria Bay Hotel - turn left facing the Amathus Hotel and it’s one of the big hotels along that road heading towards the water park. Free

Moonlight Bar Every Friday Jezebel sings golden oldies 9pm – midnight in the Moonlight Bar inside the Aloe Hotel on the harbour road in Kato Paphos. Free entry

Chateau Status A café/bar and restaurant with various theme rooms catering to different tastes. Ledra Palace Road. MondaySunday 10am-2am. Tel: 77771167

Potopion to Ellinikon With live Greek music on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Potopion to Elinikon, 18 Theophani Theodotou St, Zina Palace building. 9pm until late. Tel: 22-722760

Brew Lounge and tea bar. Brew, 30b Hippocrates St, Nicosia. 11.30am-2am on weekdays, 11.30am-3am on weekends. Tel: 22-100133

Mystiagogia Relaxed bar playing both Greek and English rock, and a selection of chill out music. Mystiagogia, 42 Areos St, Old Nicosia. Open daily 8pm-2am. Tel: 99-788486

Latin music in a rooftop bar. Notos, Harbour area. Every Thursday and Saturday. 10 pm until late. Tel: 26-939616

Paphiessa Hotel

With Lebanese food and DJs every Friday and Saturday night playing a variety of ethnic, world and chill out music. Mandaloun, opposite Le Meridien Hotel. 7pm-2am. Tel: 25-636845

Pizza Express

Thursday: Dave Roberts sings hits, Kato Paphos. Tel: 99-185952 Sundays: N-Tyme play funk jazz & soul, 9pm. Pizza Express, Pafiana Seaview, Paphos Harbour. Tel: 26-923034

House, tribal house, oriental and mainstream hits. Enjoy your drink with finger food and nargile. WednesdaysSaturdays, 9pm-2am. Graffiti bar, 236 Ayios Andreas St. Tel: 25-747552

Square Bistro

Jazzy B

Famagusta district

With live jazz music on various nights each week. JazzyB, Corner of Anexartisias & Athinon str. €8. 10.30pm. Tel: 99-605502

Sakis Rouvas Live

Saturdays: David East entertains on the guitar. 8 pm. Square Bistro, Tala Square. Tel: 26-930408/99-966139

Unique live performance with Greek superstar. July 7. Makronissos Beach Club, Ayia Napa. 9pm. €30/100. Tel: 99- 888327


Cosmic Gate German DJ duo playing their beats. CTO Beach, Larnaca-Dhekelia Road, Larnaca. July 7. €30 / €20 / €15. Tel: 99310031- 77772939

Orpheas Piano Bar With live jazz and piano on various nights. Orpheas Piano Bar, 24 Athinas St, old Nicosia. Free entrance. Tel: 22439311/99-697259

Larnaca district Cosmic Gate

‘Manic Sundays’ with Manic Mike playing progressive/electro. 73 Athens Avenue, Finikoudes Promenade. Tel: 24-625966

Live music every Thursday night from the 70s, 80s and 90s, 9.30pm until late. Open on a daily basis as regular bar from 10am-2am.Baroque Lounge Bar, Cleopatra Hotel. Tel: 22-844000


The Petsteppers

Salsa Island

Trio playing live every Monday. Lotofagi Bar, 8 Athinas Avenue, Old Nicosia. 10pm. Tel: 22-347573

world the following year. Powered by their hugely received albums, many will be familiar with their club-rocking singles like ‘Not Enough Time’, ‘Body of Conflict’ and ‘Analog Feel’. Go along to Saturday’s event and you’ll also experience a performance by rising star Wippenberg and a live performance of the greatest hits of dance music by vocalist Emma Hewitt.

With various live music shows each week, with a focus on English and Greek rock. Athinas St. old Nicosia. Wednesdays & Thursdays 11pm-2pm, Fridays-Saturdays 11.30-3pm. Reservations: 22-430121/99-617820

Times Bar

An uplifting atmosphere with a range of stimulating weekly events. Laiki Gitonia, 1 Watkins St, Finikoudes. Open daily from 9.30pm. Tel: 99-458138 Regular event every other Friday featuring DJ Escobar. Music includes Pure Salsa, with a twist of Pure Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Son and Cha Cha Cha. Blitz Roof and Pool Bar Terrace, 4th Floor, Kition Hotel. 10pm until late. Tel: 96-717271

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

Half Note Blue velvet play classic soul, funk and RnB every Saturday night. Half note Music Bar, cnr Saripolis and Socratous st. Tel: 25-377050

Molly Malones Irish pub playing live jazz, Latin and blues music on Thursday and Sunday nights. 80 Amathountas Ave. Tel: 25-821082

Woodman’s Pub Traditional English pub, serving an excellent range of foods including Sunday Roast. Big Screen TV’s, Karaoke every Friday evening and a quiz with a rolling jackpot every Monday. 73 Georgiou Avenue. Tel: 25-879082

Bellini, Limassol

Latin Nights at Notos


German DJ duo playing their beats. CTO Beach, Larnaca-Dhekelia Road. July 7. €30/15. Tel: 99-310031/ 77-772939

The perfect place for a summer night out

Live acoustic blues and country music every Friday from 10pm. The Old Fishing Shack Ale and Cider House, Margarita Gardens, Tefkrou Street, Kato Paphos. Tel: 99-805390/99-170667

Electronic dance takes over Larnaca beach Things are about to get a little otherworldly down in Larnaca this coming Saturday as German DJs and producers Cosmic Gate are about to touch down on our shores for a special summer performance. Set to play at the CTO beach, it’s high time to get your cool party gear on and make the most of the madness. Nic and Bossi’s Cosmic Gate partnership has proved to be one of electronic dance music’s most successful and most enduring. Creating a perfect in-studio and behind-the-decks storm, ten years into their career they became the highest-climbers on DJ Mag’s 2009 top 100 chart and were then named as one of the 25 biggest DJs in the

by Constantina Georgiadou

The Sea Gypsies




Sirena Bay Bar Playing a diverse range of music, from chill out to upbeat electronic tunes. Sirena Bay, near Golden Coast Hotel, Paralimni. 7am-1am. Tel: 99-511701

Guru Bar Live music with DJ Dimi, bongos and dancers. Guru Bar, 11 Odysseos Elitis Street, Ayia Napa. Every Thursday, 10pm. Tel: 23 - 721838

Vanilla Bar Funky house tunes. Vanilla Bar, 41 Makarios III Avenue, Ayia Napa. Monday-Sunday 9am-2am. Tel: 23-721126

Cliff Bar Open air bar/café playing chill out music with a great selection of cocktails. Grecian Park Hotel, Konnos Bay, Cavo Creco, Protaras. 12noon-2am. Tel: 23-832000

With summer settling on the island a need has grown to be closer to the sea to enjoy Cyprus’ beauty and nightlife in all its glory. Bellini, situated on Limassol’s sea front, encompasses all the key elements of a perfect summer night – drinks, music and the sea at your feet. Bellini is divided into three descending levels: the dining area, the main bar area which consists of two bars and an array of tables, couches and stools, and the third and lowest level which unfolds like a deck onto the sea and consists of more tables. Being a summer venue, the décor at Bellini is very Mediterranean, the furniture made mainly of white bamboo, white stools, couches and pouffes, and a vintage looking grey parquet floor. The two main bars are made of white tiles and the only hint of colour can be seen in the top level in the dining area where the wallpaper and lampshades are splashed with vivid red and orange shades. A Friday night at Bellini is a night of style, fun and glamour as the venue hosts a number of events revolving around the theme ‘Fashion Fridays’. World famous DJs are frequent guests at Bellini, playing a selection of house and mainstream music and the summer agenda includes big names such as DJ Ravin from Buddha Bar in Paris on July 6 and Carlos Campos from Barrio Latino. Drinks at Bellini are priced between €7 and €10, with cocktails at €8-10. It is open from the evening until early morning and on weekends it is open from 12am, serving lunch as well as dinner. The cuisine at Bellini is a fusion of Mediterranean dishes and sushi dishes and there is also a menu with different flavoured shishas to enjoy after a meal or with a drink. Bellini is a must on everyone’s summer outings agenda, the gorgeous setting and exciting events a guarantee for a fun night out. Inspired by the name of the famous champagne cocktail, Bellini possesses those special elements of glamour and elegance that every summer bar should have. Bellini Where: Amathountos Avenue 5, Limassol When: Weekdays 7pm-3am, weekends 12am-3am Contact: 25 747552



A taste of Italy in the centre of town

Limassol district Charity Beach Tennis Tournament Contestants are invited to compete in three available categories: Men’s Doubles, Women’s Doubles & Mixed Doubles. June 30-July 1. Limassol Sailing Centre, 21 Amathus Avenue, Agios Tychonas. All day event. €10. All proceeds from the event will be donated to Ayios Stefanos Centre for the mentally handicapped and to Apostolos Pavlos School in Liopetri for children with special needs. Tel: 96-720808 Oriental World Cup With plenty of entertainment including belly dance competitions, shows and parties. July 5 and 6. Carob Mill Area. Starts 7pm. Tel: +7 3433837477. International Christian Fellowship East Please join us, Sundays 10.30am, Angel’s English Nursery School, 37 Ampelakion, Germasogia. Sunday school available, small groups meet midweek. Tel: 99-815033. International Women’s Association of Limassol Our aim is to extend the hand of friendship to all women regardless of race, culture or creed. We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at St Barnabas Church Hall at 7.30 for 8pm, when we have a speaker, a raffle and social time. During the month we have social, cultural and recreational activities. Tel: 99-768943/99-457617 Day out in Lania Visit the museum, church, olive mill, wine press and the artists’ galleries. Lania. Glennis208@ Island Blend Barber shop group sing a wide repertoire of songs at events and raise money for Friends for Life. Every Thursday at UKCA, 4pm-6pm. Tel: 25397456 Tango Milonga Tango social dancing parties for all. Los Amigos Club. 7 Themidos Street, Limassol old town. Every Friday, Curium Palace Hotel. Free. 10pm-1am. Tel: 25-822842/ Tango Argentine Classes Regular Tango with Julia Gorina and guest maestros. Hallmark Dance Studio, Mefanos str.10. Tuesdays: 7.30pm-8.30pm beginners class / practica for improvers. 8.30pm-10pm – improvers. Thursdays: 7.30pm-8.30pm beginners class / practica for improvers. 8.30pm-10pm – improvers. Tel: 99-406032 or Line Dancing Every Tuesday from 9.30am for Beginners, Improvers and Intermediate. Sunquest Hotel, Tel: 99-434131 Line Dancing Tuesdays 9.30am–10am absolute beginners and 10am-12 noon improvers-intermediate at Sunquest Hotel. Tel: 99-434131 Adult Dance A series of improvised movement based workshops. Dance House Lemesos. Every Wednesday: 7pm-8.30pm. €35/25. Tel: 77-777798/99-662927 Morris Dancing The Cyprus Morris meet on Mondays 10am-12noon in Kivides and the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month 7pm-9pm. Tel: 97-722576

Irish Dancing Come along and join in the fun getting fit, and learning or brushing up on Irish dancing skills for a ceili. Sessions in Limassol on Tuesday evenings from 7.30-9.00pm. For further details contact or Tel: 97-715131 The World of Wine Beginners and advanced specialised courses for enthusiasts who wish to become more confident in understanding and enjoying fine wines and spirits. Spectus shops, Nicosia and Limassol. Tel: 22-511521/25-341525 Food for Friends Vegetarian social group, with monthly lunchtime outings to tavernas and short presentations on related subjects. Monthly lunch on last Saturday of month. Tel: 25-634487/25-634487 Rising Star Youth Theatre of Limassol Theatre workshop for aspiring actors and actresses from the age of 6 years and up. Call 99608826 for information. Children’s Theatre Workshop Organised by the Versus theatre group. Theatro Ena, Limassol Municipal Market, old town. Classes for ages: 5-9, 10-13, 17-17. Saturdays 9am-3pm. Tel: 99-428691. Magic Craft Supplies For the latest on Magic Craft Supplies & Penny’s Parties, please visit www.pennycyprusmagic. com 25-634487/99-304237 Theatre Workshops Open to students between six and 16. Every Saturday. ETHAL Theatre. Basement, 76 Franklin Roosevelt Ave. Tel: 25-877827 Premiere Group Theatre group producing annual musicals. The group conducts monthly social events that include camping, picnics and sports evenings. Tel: 25-775922. Writers’ Workshop Unleash the writer within. Classes with writing coaching also available. Classes in Nicosia, Limassol, Larnaca. Tel: 99-522333. email: rchristou@ Toastmasters International Limassol Improve speaking, listening and thinking skills while giving the opportunity to develop leadership ability and gain self-confidence. Atlantica Mirame Beach Hotel. For reservation and details call SAA Bob Buckerfield 25-470582/99-754042 or visit Help Me Grow Lecture on child development by the Health Ministry. Every Wednesday. Lecture hall, New Limassol Hospital. 6pm. In Greek. Free Women’s Group Self development discussions by life coach Laura Michael. Topics include anxiety, assertiveness, knocking out negativity. Tel: 25-326692/99352879 Yoga Hatha Yoga classes all levels, beginners welcome. Monday to Friday, 8.30am-9.30am and 6pm-7pm. First class free. Therapolis, Potamos Germasogeia. Tel: 25-328585. info@therapolis. com. Satyananda Yoga Centre Yoga and meditation classes mornings, afternoons and evenings, Tai Chi and Kung Fu classes, counselling and self-development groups. Tel: 25-364690 Reflexology, Reiki and Ear Candle Treatments Relax, revitalise and improve your health and well being. Call for an appointment 97-648218 Working with Angels Six classes over 12 weeks, each class will cover different topics including guardian angels, angel messages, Archangel Michael plus much more. Soap Shack. 6.30pm-9.30pm. Tel: 97-648218 Baha’is of Limassol Weekly discussion circle. Tel: 25-340021 Happy Valley Hash House Harriers Weekly runs on Thursdays around the southwest of the island, times vary, see Tel: 99-434794 Amathus Hash House Harriers Run, jog or walk every Sunday afternoon. For more info Tel: 99-905746. www.ah3.freeservers. com Limassol Walks Get to know the historical centre of Limassol. Mondays at 10am. Walks begin at the CTO Information Office, 115A Spyros Araouzos St. Free. Tel: 25-362756 Limassol Crusaders Rugby Club Training on grass for Cyprus League matches, or just to get fit, Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm and Thursdays 7-9pm, AEK Katholiki Stadium, Tagmatarchou Pouliou St. Seniors and Juniors. Tel: 96-323962. Table Tennis Monday and Friday at 10 am at UKCA, 37 Termopilis Street. Contact Antonio 99-334706 Limassol Bridge Club Mondays and Fridays, 3.30pm at Limassol Sporting Club. Tel 99-645338 Car Boot Sale Every Saturday and Sunday at Moni Station. Tel: 25-323525/25-365102

The Flea Market For clothes, furniture, fruit’n’veg. Asomatos village, Fassouri. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. 9am-7pm. Tel: 77-778828 Linopetra Corner Car boot sale on Saturdays, 8am-2pm. Tel: 99612832 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Social and benevolent organisation. Aphrodite Bitter Lake Lodge meet at the UKCA Club. Wednesdays, 6pm. Tel: 99-425527. The Troodos Pride of Cyprus Lodge meets at the UKCA Club. Every other Sunday, 10am. Tel: 99-345384 Riding for the Disabled Horse riding for disabled riders from The Red Cross and Theotokos Foundation every Thursday morning 8.30am-11.30am. Happy Valley, Episkopi. Volunteers greatly needed to assist with rides. Tel: 25-773058. Email: RAFA Aphrodite Branch Social Meeting First Wednesday of every month. Sergeants Mess. Akrotiri. No food provided. 7.30pm. Tel: 25-932196 RAF Akrotiri Voluntary Band The band plays a large repertoire of classical music at military dinners, Episkopi Fete and charity fund raisers. Meetings every Monday: 7.30pm. Padre’s Centre at RAF Akrotiri. Tel: 99-925524 The Royal Military Police Association The Cyprus branch seeks new members. First Friday of every month. The RMP Corporals Mess, WSBA Episkopi. 2pm. Tel: 26-642120/99-453867 Cyprus Donkey Sanctuary Visitor centre with shop, refreshments, hillside walk and picnic area. Friends of the Cyprus Donkey, Vouni. Daily 10am-4pm. Tel: 25-945488 Ocean Bar Restaurant Every Thursday: Bingo Night, 8pm. Tel: 96381509. Every Friday: Multi Media Quiz with many prizes to be won, 8.30pm. Tel: 99-032876. Ocean Bar Restaurant, 10 Christina Court, Onicilliou St, Ayios Tychonas

Paphos district Sunday Lunch Piano Party Andrew Oliver plays soothing piano melodies as you dine along with sing-along hits and classic pop music for dancing. Every Sunday until July 29. Sundowners Beer Garden & Restaurant, Ayias Anastasias Street. Sunday lunch is served from 12 noon-5pm. €7.95 and a la carte menu. Reservations - Tel: 26-948300 Mark Widdler’s Local Heroes The 5 piece tribute band perform the hits of Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler with special guest guitarist Davy Woodford. July 1. Tala Amphitheatre, top of Stephanie Hill, Tala. 8pm. €5 on the door. Doors open at 7pm, bring a cushion. Tel: 26653132 or Email: Like to Move it Movement and performing arts summer workshop. July 2-7. Demotika Mbania Poseidonos Avenue. 8pm. A site-specific demonstration of dance through the activities, findings and main topics of the workshops will be presented at the Mbania. July 7. 8pm. Tel: 99-818436/99-514 976 The Elvis & Elton Show & Dance Two of the top tribute acts in Cyprus combine with one amazing performance to celebrate American and British music at its best starring Chris King as Elvis Presley, Andrew Oliver as Elton John. Every Tuesday until July 31. Pentaras Hall, Coral Bay Road. 8.30pm. €10. Show reservations essential - Tel: 99832538. Book online - www. Meals available in the restaurant - Tel: 26271130

to produce authentic and traditional rhythms like the tarantela and pizzica through a complex colourful musical canvas. As for the band members themselves, they regularly appear in international world music festivals and have recorded two CDs of their work. Lo Squintetto Band from southern Italy meets Mediterranean traditions and rhythms. July 3. Phaneromeni Square, Nicosia. Also performing on July 4 within the framework of the Ethnic World Festival at Heroes Square in Limassol. Free. 8.30pm. The Ultimate Tribute Show & Dance Four top tribute acts in Cyprus combine with one amazing performance to celebrate American Independence Day. July 4. Pentaras Hall, Coral Bay Road. Matinee: doors 2pm, show 3pm - 5.30pm then disco. Evening: doors 7pm, show 8pm then disco. €10. Show reservations essential - Tel: 99832538. Book online - Meals available in the restaurant - Tel: 26271130 Guided Meditation Weekly Gatherings for the purpose of stilling the mind, balancing & healing the soul and uplifting the emotions. Every Wednesday morning 10am - 11am & Wednesday evening 7pm - 8pm held in Stroumbi. For full details or Tel 97-801472 Spiritualist Meetings. Monthly ‘Modern Spiritualists in Cyprus’ meetings are held on the last Sunday of the month in Stroumbi. 7pm start. For full details or Tel 97-801472 Morning Cooking Workshops Tuesday Morning Cooking Workshops at Kasparis Restaurant on the Tombs of the Kings Road (opp. Helios Bay Hotel) with Zoe and Elena (Orexi Catering). Cypriot, Italian, Lebanese and Greek cuisine. Be an active participant or watch closely while we prepare everything from scratch using fresh ingredients that have been either grown or caught by the cooks! €30 per person including coffee, snacks, lunch and a glass of wine. From 9am-2pm. Tel: 99-887293 or email : Paphos Flower Club Courses in flower arranging. Anglican Church Hall, Kato Paphos. Beginners 2pm, intermediate classes 12.30pm. Beginners. Tel: 99-475564/99533704. Intermediate: 99-744635 Orphean Singers Three times a year this well established singing group delights audiences with an entertaining concert. Meetings every Friday at Kamaras club, 9.30am-12pm. Tel: 26-913249 Paphos Light Music Society A new group starting up in Paphos for the appreciation of light opera, Gilbert and Sullivan etc. Non-singers also welcome. Meetings every fourth Monday at 3.00pm in Paphos area. Tel: 26723002/ 99-370883 Paphos Town Centre Walking Tour Get acquainted with the newest part of the city and learn how the town evolved from the late Byzantine and Mediaeval times. Every Thursday, 10am. CTO Information Office, 3 Gladstonos St. Tel. 26-932841 The Corona Society Go along and meet new friends at monthly meetings held every second Wednesday of the month, 2.30pm – 4pm. Coffee mornings held every last Tuesday of the month, 10.30am – 12.00pm. Annabelle Hotel. All proceeds go to local charities. Tel: 99- 177479 Scottish Country Dancing With the St Andrew’s Society, Paphos, at the Latin Parish Hall every Tuesday evening from September to May 6-8pm. Beginners welcome 5.30pm. Tel: 99-298512 Adult Tap Dance Tuesdays 6.30pm–7.15pm and Wednesdays 9.00am- 9.45am. Also stretch and tone intensive class, Mondays 9.00am– 10.00am. With professional instructors. Shogun Karate/Dance studio, 133 Nicolaou Elina, Emba. Tel: 99-891811/99-892478

Belly dance and more Middle Eastern sensuality and dance will no doubt be the highlight of the coming weekend in Limassol, with the seaside town playing host to the fifth annual international oriental world cup. Not just limited to belly dance shows, there’ll also be a wide range of other events to enjoy including workshops by famous oriental dance tutors and traditional Oriental-style beach parties.

Oriental World Cup With plenty of entertainment including belly dance competitions, shows and parties. July 5 and 6. Carob Mill Area, Limassol. Starts 7pm. Tel: +7 343 383 74 77 http:


Larnaca Writers’ Group Established, friendly and informal group; who love to write. Meetings a mixture of writing news, workshop exercises and ongoing projects. Looking for writers of poetry and prose at all levels. Every alternate Saturday Oroklini village. 11am. Tel: 99-321927. Larnaca Reading Group If you enjoy reading and debating the pros and cons of a book, you are welcome to join, the group endeavours to read a diverse selection of books. Larnaca Reading Group (LRG) meets the first Monday of each month in the Reading Lounge, upstairs in the Academic & General Bookshop, address: 41 Hermes Street. Tel: 24628401/99-597094/99-925315 Cash Bingo Eyes down every Wednesday, 8.30pm, and Sunday, 8.30pm, Makedonas restaurant, Dhekelia road. Food and drinks available at venues. Tel: 99-108391 Line Dancing Every Friday, 8pm. Makedonas restauraunt, Dhekelia road. Tel: 99-108391 Tango Argentine Classes Regular Tango with Julia. School of Dancing Art in Aradippou. 28 Pavlou Michaila, 7104, Aradippou. Sundays: 4pm-5.30pm – beginners. Tel: 99406032 or TANGO-y-TU presents Eight week foundation course every Friday. Deborah’s School of Russian Ballet, 192 Faneromenis Avenue. 7.30-9pm - €15 per class or €50 for 4 prepaid. Improvers/Intermediate Class every Monday. 8-10pm - €15 per class or €50 for 4 prepaid. Free tango practica at Cafe da Vinci, St Lazarus Square. - Tues nights 8.30pm. Tel: 99-377102. Royal Engineers’ Association Meets on second Tuesday of the month at venues around the Island. For details of next meeting contact Bob Beer (Chair) on 97-633728 Larnaca Chicago Bridge Club Thursdays, 9.30am-1pm. Tel: Pete on 24-424899 Larnaca Walking Tours Wednesdays: Larnaca Past and Present, 10am from CTO office in Vassileos Pavlou Square. Fridays: Skala and its Craftsmen, 10am from Larnaca Fort. Tel: 24-654322 Leon Friendly Darts League Meetings carried out at selected pubs: Tuesdays, 8.30pm. Tel: Bob Johnson on 24-427275 Mazotos Camel Park Adventures for the family. Camel rides, swimming, play areas and more. Tel: 24-991243/99416968.

Mid-summer nights for some are hailed as warm and glorious, while others tend to moan and groan at the very idea of the humidity and heat. While hanging around town isn’t always as rewarding as relaxed evenings by the beach, the Nicosia Municipality is doing its best once again to bring forth slight relief for inhabitants. As the so called Summer Nights in the Capital start up for another year, this Tuesday evening will be all about music from Southern Italy mixing with Mediterranean traditions and rhythms as the Lo Squintetto band jets in. Go along to the concert and you’ll hear traditional instruments like the Calabrian lira, mandola, accordion combine with the bass and saxophone

Jazzercise Dance fitness routines choreographed to the latest music. Mesogi Community Centre. Wednesday and Friday 9am-10am and Monday and Thursday 6.15pm7.15pm. Classes also held at Shogun Karate Club, Emba. Tuesday and Friday: 9am-10am, in Peyia School, Tuesday and Thursday: 6.15pm-7.15pm. €8 per class or €47 per month. Tel: 99-990348 Salsacise Get fit and fabulous while having fun. The class combines basic salsa moves in an aerobic workout. Burn calories and lose weight. Beginners welcome. Every Wednesdays 6-7 pm in B.M.S.Studio, Peyia (above Spirou). Every Tuesdays 11-12 am at Crowns Resorts Spa and every Fridays 4-5 pm at Crowns Resorts Spa. Tel: 99981294 Hand-made bijoux displays Beautiful hand-made jewellery for the perfect gift at affordable prices starting from €10-35, including elegant packaging. Every Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 10am - 12pm. Please call Niki on 99-858734 Timi Village Car Boot Market Every Sunday 7am-1pm all through the year. Tel: 99-611637 Weekly Craft Fair A wonderful selection of handmade and imported crafts. Coral Star Restaurant, opp. Philippos Supermarket. Every Thursday. 9am-2pm. Tel: 99-387311 Weekly Summer Evening Craft Market A fine selection of handmade and imported gifts available. Angelika Restaurant, St George’s traffic lights, Tombs of the Kings Road. Every Friday to September 28, from 5pm through to 9pm. Tel: 99-387311or Evans Plus Evans. Comedy Magic Show, at the New Kikkos Bar Coral Bay - Alternate Tuesdays. 9.30pm. Tel 99-173801 Singles Nights at Ollie’s Bar Every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Ollie’s Bar, Trimithousa. 8pm. Tel: 99-769899 Quiz Nights Play for weekly prizes and a jackpot. Every Friday. Kings Hotel, Tomb of the Kings Road. 8.30pm. €2. Tel: 26-939075 Quiz night Quiz at the New Olympus Hotel. Every second Thursday of the month. 7.30pm. To register your team call: 26-932020 New Friendly Bridge Chicago bridge every Tuesday with all bridge partnerships welcome. Fantasia Club. 6.45pm. Tel: 26-937551 Table Tennis Club Night Coaching for all levels by Gordon Allen. Every Wednesday night. New venue, 7pm. Tel: 99841471, 26-652763 Badminton Club Atromitos Badminton Club for children and adults meets four times a week, days and evenings, to suit all levels, coaching available or play just for fun. Tel: 99-971150/ Emba Badminton club Emba Badminton club meets on Saturday mornings, and Tuesday and Friday afternoons. All levels of play are catered for. Tel: 99-276192. www. Paphos Tigers RFC Mini Rugby: Tuesdays, 4.30pm-5.30pm. Kinyras Centre, Cypria Maris Sports Ground. Tel: 99934315/26-652959. Paphos Cycling Club To help promote cycling in Paphos as a great form of exercise, meeting and making new friends and a perfect way to see areas of beauty in Cyprus you would never normally see. We are an informal club and we welcome new members from all walks of life and abilities. We meet every Sunday at Hectors Barin Coral Bay at 9am. Tel: 99320213. Paphos Adonis Lions Club Meetings every second and fourth Monday of the month at Paphos Gardens Hotel Resort. New members welcome as well as visiting members of other Lions Clubs. Tel: 26-622810/97-635883 Alzheimer Self-Help Group Offers dementia sufferers and their carers the opportunity to meet others with this condition, share feelings and exchange experiences. Every first Wednesday of the month. Crazy Spoon Centre Coral Bay Road, opposite Paphian Sun Hotel, Kissonerga. 10am. Tel: 26-621530/ 26-622234 Cancer Patients’ Support Group Association’s Day Centre - 84 Ellados Avenue, Paphos, near Carrefour’s on Polis Road. Tel: 26952478. Coffee morning on the second Tuesday of the month, 10.30am. Craft group meet every Thursday, 10am-12pm. New members always welcome. Quiz nights and meal on Thursdays and meal, 7 for 7.30pm. Tel: 26-654007 or visit Cance Cancer Patients’ Support Group – Paphos Information Help Line L Trained volunteers will listen and Train assist anyone needing infora mation, emotional support, m befriending or referral to apb propriate professional. Availp able a from 9am-1pm Monday to Friday. Tel: 97-760989 Paphos Bereavement Pap Support Supp Group If you’ve you suffered a loss or death, either recently or in the past, you welcome to share your feelings are we with oothers in a safe and confidential eenvironment. Group meets on the first Monday of each month, mon 2pm-4pm. Association’s Day CCentre, 9 Dimitriou Mavrogenous, (the road alongside Conenous stantinides Bakery opposite CYTA). stantini Tel: 26-952478 26-

Gamblers Anonymous Support group for gambling addicts, partners and families. Meetings every Tuesday. Ayia Kyriaki Anglican Church Hall, Kato Paphos. 7.30pm. Tel: 26-622289 Self-Improvement and Fulfilment Dr. Eva Bratslavsky clinical psychologist and psychotherapist weekly discussion group meetings on self-confidence, self-esteem, relationship enhancement, assertiveness. 3pm. Tel: 99-495467 Hemi-Sync sound technology of The Monroe Institute Metamusic CDs for quantum learning, deep relaxation, meditation, workshops. Contact Linda Leblanc, accredited Outreach Trainer of The Monroe Institute. Tel: 26-621272/ Krhem Workshops Learn to use this powerful yet gentle, loving energy healing system evolved from Ancient Egypt. Three day course in a warm, friendly environment. Krhem is not a level of Reiki and it is not necessary to have trained in Reiki first. Reiki workshops also available. Also: EFT Level 1 workshops: Learn a most effective self help and self development technique. EFT will enhance health and wellbeing for you, friends and family. A one day workshop taught in a fun, friendly environment. You will become more confident and gain a brighter, happier outlook on life. Tel: 26-934319/99-479426. cy. Reiki Training Philip Westwood, Reiki Master/Teacher is now taking bookings for Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 training courses.Tel: 99-407526/26-271640 or email Pilates Classes Small group classes morning and evening. Kissonerga, Yeroskipou and Skoulli, Polis. Tel: 99172504. Pilates Mat based exercises for all levels, to tone and stretch the whole body. Tuesdays: 7.45-9pm in Central Paphos old town. €10. Tel: 99-266783 or Seeing Anew: The Artist’s Eye Ongoing workshop in visual art, breaking through inhibitions, developing confidence and fostering creative process. Studio 7, Kallepia. €80. Tel: 99-048367 Yoga Pure traditional yoga. Caroline has over thirty years experience, and is trained in the Iyengar method of hatha yoga. In her fully equipped studio she instructs both small groups and individual students. Tel: 99-834470 Polis Charity Bookshop, Crafts and More Now open six days a week. Monday- Saturday, 10am- 1pm. Large stock of books, videos, talking books, jigsaws and greeting cards. Proceeds donated to local charities. Goods in first rate condition always needed. Arch. Makarios Avenue, Polis Chrysochous. Tel: 99-867511 Art Courses Pencil drawing, watercolour, pastels and acrylic. Ring Caroline Ludwig 26967008. Mums ‘n’ Toddlers Group Mums, Tots & Babies - Join us for a fun filled morning of Music & Movement, Story time, Arts & Crafts, Free Play, snack & coffee time etc. Spacious garden at our new location in Chloraka. Five groups per week offered. Also ongoing sale of nearly new clothing (1Euro per item) raising funds for local charities. Tel: 99-867662. First Time Mums’ Club Come and join us for a cup of tea. Bring baby with you and meet other mums and get tips, ideas and advice on caring for your little infant. Weekly meetings where topics include breastfeeding, bottle feeding, sleeping tips for baby and mom, milestones, what works and lots more. Thurs 10-12. Cholorakas. Tel: 96-429659 Apollo Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association Meeting on the third Thursday of every month. UKCA Clubhouse, Tombs of the Kings Road. 7pm. Tel: 26-991615 New PAWS charity shop Yeroskipou next door to Pet Stop. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9am-5pm. Saturday 9am-4pm. Tel: 97695857 Basic Dog Training and Grooming Fridays. 3pm. Kallepia. Tel: 26-643079/99105557

Famagusta district Tempo Dance and Theatre School Running two classes a week. Pernera Area, Protaras. Monday 7-30pm-8.30pm for advanced dancers. Wednesday 6.45-7.45pm for beginners. €40 per month. Tel: 99-416821. Tours around Ayia Napa Ayia Napa and the Sea: a different dimension. Mondays in English and German; Fridays in English and Swedish, 10am from CTO office. Tel: 23-721796 Folk Art Workshop Art workshop for children. Cultural Centre of Famagusta, Evagorou 35, Dherynia. Tel: 23721140 Bingo and Games Every Tuesday night. Quiz, bingo and games every Thursday night. Party night every Saturday. Woody’s Inn, Protaras. Tel: 23-831690 Charity Boot Sale Every Tuesday morning. Woody’s Inn, Protaras. 10am-12pm. Tel: 23-831690 Open Air Market Every Wednesday. St Thekla Beach restaurant, Ayia Thekla, 500m from the church. 9am-4pm. Tel: 23-743778

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

FASHION 21 Buffed leather top from a selection at Celine

Leather’s hot There are plenty of cool ways to wear skin says KAREN DACRE

Double breasted leather look jacket from Zara


magine a hot, balmy Saturday afternoon - not dissimilar to the one we enjoyed last weekend and can expect to for the foreseeable future. The air is muggy, the breeze is slight and you are slipping into a soft cotton shift dress in anticipation of the day ahead. Now, imagine how it would feel to slip out of that easy breezy cotton shift and into a pair of skin-skimming leather trousers. Does that sound like an inviting option? No, I didn’t think so either, and yet fashionistas are doing just that. It all began with Sofia Helin (aka the coolest woman on the planet), star of BBC4’s recent Scandi thriller The Bridge. A fervent advocate of a cigarette-cut pair of black leather trousers, Helin’s protagonist Saga Norén is at the fore of an accidental PR campaign which looks set to ensure that leather and hide are among the most coveted fabric choices of the summer - irrespective of their practicality issues. And who could blame us for falling hook, line and sinker for Norén’s unique charms? While we partake in a daily battle with too tight summer shorts and gaping shirts, Norén’s radar fails to register fashion and its frivolity there’s no time for that. Instead she remains loyal to her faithful leather trousers/T-shirt combo. The result: a look that is simple, effortless and, most importantly, achingly cool. But this infatuation doesn’t begin and end with leather trousers, it includes skirts, shorts and dresses too. At least it does for us civilians – I doubt Norén would ever dabble in anything so light-hearted. And thank goodness it does: while the thought

Pencil skirt at Prada

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

Laser cut leather top from Whistles

of pulling on a pair of skin tight pants in the heat may be too much for most to bear, a leather skirt or slouch-cut pair of shorts makes for an altogether more inviting option. Pioneered on the catwalk by a number of designers who sought to experiment with skins in their S/S 2012 offerings, summer leather is among the season’s key fabrics. For her Americana extravaganza which featured hot-rod cars and pleated Fifties skirts, Miuccia Prada created side-skimming leather pencil skirts in butter-soft leather, while in her collection for Céline, Phoebe Philo unveiled tunic dresses and loose-fit T-shirts in buffed versions of the fabric. Leather trousers à la Norén were also seen on the runways of Altuzarra and Balmain. To really embrace this hot - and rather sticky - moment in summer fashion, it is essential we view leather in a whole new light. While it was once a fabric for Harley Davidson riders or Vauxhall Club attendees, it is now a valid, feminine choice for style plates - and not just those who have been glued to The Bridge box set. For a summer wedding outfit with an edge, Whistles has a host of lovely leathery options including a scalloped-edge pencil skirt and top in nude and a stunning laser-cut tunic, while Zara has a studded biker jacket which, when teamed with a soft silk dress, will make for the ultimate formalwear cover-up. For pleated leather skirts inspired by the work of Mrs Prada, head to Warehouse, which has an amiably priced interpretation in sky blue. And if it’s Norén’s leather trousers you’re after, US denim brand J Brand has the perfect pair. Now, let us pray for a cold snap.

Quatro leather pants from J Brand


Creams with benefits Is it a cream? Is it make up? No, it’s a BB cream!


B creams are the latest buzz in the retail beauty world and have become very popular with consumers. BB stands for blemish balm, beauty balm or beauty benefit. This type of cream has been a very popular part of beauty culture in Asia for years, but it has only hit western shores in the last year. The concept originated way back in 1950s Germany when dermatologist Dr Christine Schrammek developed a special beauty balm that served as a soothing and protective cream and had a little colour in it for coverage purposes, for post surgery faces. That concept has morphed into a product which is a sort of tinted moisturiser with benefits. Its main attraction is that it is supposed to give the skin a dewy and more evened out look and will slightly lessen the look of marks and blemishes due to the slight covering or reflective effect. So it is similar to the tinted moisturisers of old in that they make the skin look a little clearer. The difference today is that they are a little more specialised, as some are formulated for oily skins and have a matt, dryer finish; some have a reflective finish; various sun protection factors or have special skin and pore refining effects which are either instant and cosmetic or long term treatment oriented or both. Some BB creams also boast whitening or sun stain fading ingredients, again either instantly or as a long term treatment and this type has always been popular in Asia and the Far East. Since 2011, when the expression BB appeared on the UK mainstream

It seems BB creams sound like a great and innovative idea, but maybe not right for everyone

beauty eauty market, several brands have l d their th i own version. i F released From reading articles, blogs, and beauty literature, it seems BB creams sound like a great and innovative idea, but not necessarily right for everyone. They are after all well marketed tinted moisturisers with benefits! Some of these creams may be either a little too drying for some skins, or too waxy or oily. And, if you have dark areas under the eyes or a blemish, you are going to need the coverage of foundation or concealer on those areas. If any product, with sunscreen in it or not, touts itself as having ingredients that help fade sun damage, I would avoid using it during sunny or hot weather, as it may cause even more sun staining because those ingredients render the skin a little more sensitive to the sun. Another thing which seems apparent is that the creams should not be used instead of or

without your no normal moisturiser. BB creams are more like a primer. They are not designed to hydrate and protect in the same way as a moisturiser and are not categorised or made available for particular skin types. Having said all that, the marketing of this ‘new’ idea obviously works, because I am now itching to get my hands on some of them to try out! I am quite lazy when it comes to my own make up and face care, and the idea that I can use a product that is quicker and easier to blend in than foundation, albeit with less effective cover, sounds interesting. I am also curious to see whether I can fi nd one which has a texture and finish that is just right for my particular skin type and colour, as they don’t come in many colour variations. I prefer the original idea of a soothing, nurturing balm which actually works like a proper moisturiser for

sensitive or post surgery skin, with some cosmetic coverage pigments in it. In theory the BB concept sounds good and I believe it has a ‘newness’ appeal to it. It sounds like something completely different and so makes us want it. In practice however, it is trying to do too many jobs at once. In theory, a product that is used over your usual day cream to replace foundation if you have quite clear skin should work very well. It will be popular with women who don’t like the look or feel of foundation or who like to look ultra natural. If they are also lucky enough to fi nd a BB cream that has just the right texture for them, then great. Some BB creams will be perfect for some people and of no use at all to others, who may fi nd that they are better suited to individual products that are more targeted in what they do. There’s only one way to fi nd out…

Milan menswear splashes colour on grey times By Antonella Ciancio

First timers: Sicilian men on the Dolce & Gabbana catwalk

Menswear designers showcased colourful jackets, mid-thigh shorts and sockless loafers in Milan this week to impress men who need more than grey suits to shine in tough economic times. The Milan fashion shows that ended on Tuesday brought fresh ideas to an industry starting to feel the pinch of the euro crisis. Star shoemaker Ferragamo, renowned for its classic elegance, surprised the wellheeled audience at an all-white Milan stock exchange with models in coloured suits and sneakers. Trend-setter Prada explored new coloured, geometric patterns and Roberto Cavalli swapped his signature animal prints for a butterfly theme. A tribute to the sunny Italian summer came from Gucci,

whose men looked like holidaymakers in watermelon, green and sky blue suits. “My starting point was a blatant desire for colour to evoke summer,” said Gucci’s creative director, Frida Giannini. Armed with new ideas, fashion executives shrugged off concerns about a slowdown in Europe as Asian shoppers continue to travel. But some acknowledged there were challenges ahead, even in the fastgrowing Eastern markets. In Milan, fashion executives and designers put a brave face on the challenging times. Italian businessman Diego Della Valle called for “real men” to stand united against the crisis. “We need normal, quality men. We need to act together for change,” the head of luxury shoemaker Tod’s said at the launch of “Italian portraits”, which featured pictures of self-

confident businessmen in informal suits and leather loafers. Italian fashion doyen Giorgio Armani created sporty jackets and pleated trousers for a new relaxed “American Gigolo” look that seduces with natural elegance. “Excess leads nowhere,” he said. Glamorous fashion house Versace, however, shocked its audience with daring men in gladiator sandals and boxing belts. Trouser suits came with sleeveless jackets and metallic shirts - a theme also seen at British brand Burberry, where collars shone under the natural light fl ooding the catwalk. It was up to celebrity designers Dolce & Gabbana to bring glamour back down to earth, with more than 70 ordinary Sicilian men, all fi rsttimers on the runway, modelling striped shirts amid rows of green cacti.

Summer breeze: Armani

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012



Eat yourself beautiful REBECCA NEWMAN finds that eating right for your body type can be as effective as any diet


mid the prevailing health opinion on any given day – eat eggs/ don’t eat eggs; carbs are great/carbs make you fat – has it ever struck you that, just maybe, we are not all created equal? When it comes to food at any rate. I’ve recently discovered two intriguing initiatives designed to tailor your diet specifically to your body type, banishing lethargy, discomfort and bloating, optimising your general health and – wait for it – even making you beautiful. Sounds pretty good to me.

Skinny genes Professor Elena Baranova spent the fi rst part of her career as an award winning geneticist. Latterly she has brought her experience to designing bespoke nutrition programmes to teach doctors and clients how to live – in particular, how to eat to promote youth, vitality and beauty. Each client goes through a seven-page questionnaire and consultation with Elena (she consults in London by appointment, or via Skype from Monaco), as well as a DNA test. Once she has assessed your genetic make-up, Elena can design a diet whose specific nutrients have a range of bespoke benefits to address your needs, including promoting appropriate levels of hormones and digestive enzymes, and regulating gene activity to slow down gene degeneration. She has also created a new collection of supplements designed to support the plan. Breakfast Elena told me to eat protein to raise my morning dopamine levels because I looked

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

tired and dopamine equals energy (its synthesis is most active in the mornings), so an egg with a runny yolk (once the yolk is cooked hard its non-saturated fats become saturated and therefore less beneficial) and salmon. Then pink grapefruit juice to support my visible lack of antioxidants (dull, dry, pale skin and dark circles under my eyes), helping to give my skin more radiance. Snack Almonds, dried cranberries and dark chocolate to help increase antioxidant production, sup-

sessment of around 150 questions. This enables her to analyse your autonomic nervous system (which controls your digestion, immune system and body temperature) and your oxidative type (the rate at which your cells make energy from food). She discovers that I am a fast oxidiser – ie, someone who converts food swiftly – and that for me eating an orange, for example, will boost undesirable levels of acidity; for a slow oxidiser, an orange would have a positive alkaline effect. There is

Dye used as war paint and mosquito repellent Name: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis) Otherwise known as: Pucoon, Indian Paint, Redroot Habitat: A creeping, perennial member of the Papaveraceae, growing up to 60cm in woodlands in central Canada and northern United States. It has a delicate rhizome and single, palmately lobed leaves with scalloped edges. The stems terminate in a single white poppy type flower. Large doses induce vomiting, diarrhoea and narcotic trances. What does it do: Bloodroot is one of the traditional medicinal plants of the northern Native Americans that was adopted by the Eclectics, a group of early settler physicians and used to treat a range of ailments. The Mohawk and the Huron tribes extracted an orange/red dye and used it as war-paint, also it served as a powerful midge and mosquito repellent; it was this practice which led to the discovery that the plant was effective in removing moles and warts. Bloodroot is mildly anaesthetic and was applied to the skin before some of the more painful initiation ceremonies undertaken by Mohawk youths. It is antiseptic, antispasmodic, antibacterial, cardioactive, stimulating to the womb and circulatory system, mildly anaesthetic, and emetic in large doses. In traditional medicine it is used externally to treat warts, moles, fungal infections such as ringworm, varicose ulcers, some topical tumours, and the dried root is powdered and inhaled like snuff to treat nasal polyps. Internally, bloodroot was given as drops to combat asthma, croup, whooping cough, pneumonia, emphysema, and to halt bleeding in tubercular lungs. Current herbal practice no longer favours the internal use of the plant as it can induce nausea and vomiting. Modern research indicates that the traditional claims that bloodroot would cure some skin cancers are valid, and that experiments being conducted in Japan on methods to reduce brain tumours have included the use of the alkaloid berberine. Another constituent, sanguinarine, is now known to prevent dental plaque and is to be found in a number of proprietary toothpastes. Bloodroot is used to stimulate appetite in humans and cattle and is used by veterinarians as a natural antibiotic for domestic animals. Next week


Almonds, dried cranberries and dark chocolate help increase antioxidant production, supporting healthy skin porting healthy skin. General recommendations Elena told me I should eat at least 20 different types of food per day as a varied diet is incredibly important. Consultations with Elena cost from £450 per hour (

The typing pool Do you fi nd that, having eaten the perfect porridge and blueberry breakfast, you’re craving chocolate half an hour later? Or that you never really seem to feel full and fi nd yourself perpetually grazing? Take cheer. It may not be natural gluttony, it may be that you’re not eating correctly to type. Functional diagnostic nutritionist Hannah Richards specialises in Metabolic Typing. First, she asks you to write a diary of everything you eat and how it makes you feel, and conducts a detailed as-

a colour-coded food chart demonstrating the best nutrients for your type: for me 50 to 60 per cent of each meal should be protein, with an emphasis on red meat. Further, I should eat the protein at the beginning of the meal, to dampen insulin release before I start on the carbs. Over eight weeks Hannah further tailors the proportions of the diet, until each client fi nds their best body weight and comfortable digestion. For fast oxidisers: 50% protein, 20% carbs, 30% fat Breakfast Salmon, eggs, spinach Snack Walnuts, chicken breast, rice cracker with nut butter For slow oxidisers: 60% carbs, 25% protein, 15% fat Breakfast Oats with berries and milk Snack Fruit, Ryvita Initial consultation, £140; follow-up session, £100 (

24 BOOKS Restless grave: officers place a wreath in the Thames in 2001 at the spot where “Adam’s” body was found a year earlier

PAPERBACKS By William Leith The Uncoupling By Meg Wolitzer

I love Meg Wolitzer. Her novels remind me of Anne Tyler’s; sometimes you even feel a dash of John Updike. This one is set in a middle-class community in New Jersey. Dory and Robby Lang are teachers at a high school. They are responsible, decent and also good fun - and they have a fabulous sex life. Then a new teacher arrives - the feisty Fran Heller. Things start to happen. Drama teacher Fran puts on a play - Lysistrata, a Greek play in which women go on a sex strike. And then, all over Stellar Plains, women lose their libido. Suddenly, Dory doesn’t want Robby. Unthinkable. And yet, as of now, universal. And weird. But compelling. Death in the City of Light By David King

In this true story, which is gruesome, police find a house full of body parts in the centre of Nazi-occupied Paris. It’s a posh house; in fact, neighbouring houses have been commandeered by the Gestapo. It belongs to a doctor with a chequered past, who seems to be a cross between Harold Shipman and Ted Bundy. All his adult life, people around him have disappeared without trace. Also, it looks as if he’s a big time morphine dealer. But where is he? A detective, Georges-Victor Massu, brilliantly realised, gets to work. And things get more and more disturbing as he goes on. You won’t read many better true crime books.

Darkest side of human nature By John Preston In September 2001, a man walking across Tower Bridge saw what he thought was a dummy floating in the water wearing a pair of bright redorange shorts. As he came closer, he saw that it was a human torso. An autopsy showed that the body belonged to a boy aged between five and 10. And there was something else it revealed: the boy’s body had been drained of blood. At the time Richard Hoskins was the senior lecturer in African religions at Bath University. “In my midthirties, I was very close to being a contented man,” he says. All that, though, was about to change. With their investigations going nowhere, the police called in Hoskins to see if he could help. The more he learned, the more appalled he became. To begin with, he thought that the boy, dubbed “Adam” by the police, had been killed as part of a South African practice called “muti” - taking body parts for magic. In muti, the body parts are often removed while the victim is still alive: “They think the parts get greater power from the victim’s screams.” However, there were a number of things that didn’t add up. The boy’s genitals had been left intact

- not normal practice in muti. Also his internal organs hadn’t been removed - again, not normal practice. But Hoskins’ suspicions of what had actually happened were just as appalling. The boy, he became sure, had been sacrificed: “Sacrifice was about a transferral of power via the spilling of blood, the life force.” He narrowed his search to the Yoruba tribe in south-west Nigeria and to a cult known as the Guru Maharaj, whose “sacred colour” was a bright red-orange. By now Hoskins and the police team realised they were dealing with a degree of depravity they’d never encountered before - “We were now entering a different world.” Yet it was a world that Hoskins wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with. As a young man, and a committed Christian, he had gone to work in a medical centre in the Congo. While he was there, his then wife had given birth to twin girls. One of the girls died at birth but the other appeared perfectly healthy. One day a colleague of Hoskins warned him that the dead twin was calling to her sister - “to join her in the shadowlands”. If Hoskins didn’t want to lose his daughter, he must make a sacrifice. At the time he took no notice, but a few weeks later his

The Boy in the River By Richard Hoskins

daughter died. Ever since, Hoskins had been less dismissive - and more fearful - of the power of magic. His search for Adam’s killers also became a journey back into his own darkness. Far from being an isolated incident, he realised that Adam’s murder was part of an “unspeakable new trend” whereby African children are tortured - and sometimes killed – in a bid to drive out demons. This was what happened with Victoria Climbié, murdered by her great-aunt and her boyfriend in Haringey, and with “Child B”, who survived but only at the cost of being cut, beaten, starved and having chilli peppers rubbed in her eyes. As well as being an important book for all sorts of reasons, The Boy in the River is a remarkable one. The horror it evokes will be matched by a sense of disbelief that such appalling things are happening, now, in London. What makes it all the more powerful is the deliberately measured manner in which it is written. Throughout, there’s a sense that Hoskins is struggling to maintain his own equilibrium, his own sanity even, as he explores what he calls, with ample justification, “the darkest underbelly of human nature”.

Lay the Favourite By Beth Raymer

Beth Raymer, an adventurous woman from Florida, has been a waitress, an “in-home stripper”, an amateur boxer, and an assistant to two men who made fortunes in sports gambling. This is her memoir; it has also been made into a film with Catherine Zeta-Jones. Raymer is sharp, quick and ballsy. You are caught up in the rush of her life; she falls in and out of love quickly, which adds to the pace. The best bits are when she gets caught up in the mania of gambling - she’s brilliant at describing sleazy guys, and seems to have a soft spot for them. The best is “Dink” Heimowitz – an obsessive gambler with awful toenails and a green tongue.

City of doggerel and visionaries Finding a By AN Wilson First, let it be said that for bookish Londoners or those who love the city all your Christmas and birthday problems are solved. Here is a rich, poetic evocation of the city by one who is himself a learned poet; and dull would he be of soul who did not find something to enjoy in its voluminous bulk. That said, this compiler has set himself a formidable task: not merely an anthology of verse about London but A History in Verse. There are some really great poems about London, such as Wordsworth’s Sonnet on Westminster Bridge, but they do not tell us much about the city’s history. The result is a doorstopper, bulging with the very familiar (Oranges and Lemons), and the less familiar (George Eliot’s surprisingly bad poem, In a London Drawing Room, or UA Fanthorpe’s Rising Damp, a surprisingly good one about the lost rivers of London).

Naturally, one of the pleasures of reading an anthology - vexing as it is to the compiler to state this obvious fact - is puzzling over omissions. If he’s going to put in bad doggerel by ASJ Tessimond (“Already men are brushing up/Brown leaves around the saddened parks” - and yes, you guessed it, “parks” will rhyme with “Karl Marx”) then why not have the good doggerel of Noël Coward’s London Pride? (“Grey city, sleepily enchanted, taken so for granted for a thousand years”). If you are going to have pages of frankly tedious smut by Rochester, why not have some of our contemporary, extremely ungallant smut by Craig Raine about a dead lover picking up rough trade on the Underground? The omission of the uneven but undoubtedly real poet Raine is all the more striking when you turn the last, dire 30 pages of living poets. Surely it would have been better to end on a high than whimper to the end with quite so much tosh?

By Lucy Worsley

London: a History In Verse Edited by Mark Ford

Three Houses, Many Lives is the bookish equivalent of herbal tea, a subtle, delicate and slightly dotty choice of refreshment. It’s a variation in a minor key upon Gillian Tindall’s magnificent The House on The Thames. The books share the same central idea: the house as a plumb-line down into the depths of the past, providing a path for us to follow through the centuries. It’s a not uncommon device but no other author could have spun such a confection as Tindall does from the slender resources of the three houses covered here. None of them is particularly distinguished, the antiquity of each has been overlooked, and in each case a lot of vital details are still missing. Tindall chooses fi rstly a mansion in Limpsfield, Surrey, secondly a house formerly used as Stroud

SUNDAY MAIL • July 1, 2012


Desperado days in border country


ell Parsons, the narrator of this powerful, mesmeric story, tells us about the summer and autumn of 1960, when he was 15 and his life changed forever. Told like that, you might think this is a story about a kid losing his virginity. And it is, tangentially – although the circumstances are very unusual, to say the least. But mostly, it’s a story about a kid whose parents rob a bank. One of the wonderful things about Richard Ford is that he can make people who do outlandish things, such as rob banks, seem almost normal. Dell explains how his father, who was in the Air Force during the war, became involved in small-time crime; he set up as a middle man in a racket involving stolen beef. One day, he delivers the

WILLIAM LEITH is impressed with a story about adolescence, about crime, about broken families, and about trying to escape

Canada By Richard Ford

beef but can’t collect the money, making him vulnerable to threats. He can’t think what to do so he comes up with a plan - he’ll hold up a bank, using his old Air Force pistol. He recruits his wife as the getaway driver. All this is told from the perspective of Dell, a naive kid who likes chess, is interested in bees, and has a twin sister, Berner. Dell is a geek; Berner seems much older. She has a boyfriend, she smokes, and she’s desperate to run away from home

- a rented house in the smallest of small towns in Montana. Then there’s the robbery. I won’t tell you how it turns out. But Ford is superb at suspense. Twice in the book, you know something very bad is going to happen. You just don’t know quite when, or quite how. At fi rst, Dell spots cars cruising past his home, over and over. Then, after his parents have been away on their mysterious trip, they act oddly - and, in fact, are never the same again. Ford captures exactly the way people in trouble never give you a straight answer. There’s a lovely scene, as the tension approaches breaking point, when Dell watches his father, Bev, try to complete a jigsaw puzzle. On the face of it, Bev is a dreadful man - dishonest and self-important. But Ford tells you lots of perfectly-placed details

about him; he makes you see him through Dell’s eyes. And weirdly, you feel for him. This is a book about dysfunctional lives in a bleak North America that existed half a century ago - it sometimes has the feel of Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood. What a backdrop - you feel as if anything might happen here. It’s like the last knockings of the Wild West. In the aftermath of the crime, Dell escapes across the border into Canada, where life is even more marginal. Here people live in shacks, shoot geese and deer - and eventually, at the book’s climax, each other. This is a story about adolescence, about crime, about broken families, and about trying to escape. It’s very engaging, and, in the end, quite sad.

rich seam of history in the fabric of ordinary buildings Green Conservative Association, and fi nally a vicarage in Taynton, near Burford, Oxfordshire. The most exciting inhabitants belong to the Limpsfield house, as Lord Chesterfield’s secret daughter-in-law, Eugenia Stanhope, bought it with the proceedings of publishing his famously black hearted and worldly correspondence. Despite the lack of celebrities, though, each house seems to Tindall “to exemplify in its own way something about the everyday history of England over the past 300 years”. From each building she riffs off endlessly, into railways, the Church of England, the villa, urban sprawl, and the nature of archives. On top of that, though, she has a personal link to each of them. The first house was Tindall’s hated Surrey boarding school, another she happened across on a pilgrimage to north London to fi nd out exactly where a rakish boyfriend actually lived, while

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

the Oxfordshire vicarage ish clerk of 18th-century was occupied formerly by Limpsfield, she conjures her cousins and a collection up a real and entirely symof paying guests known colpathetic human being. lectively as “The Crones”. There are an awful lot of Yet the self who introducunknown details, and ends es us to the houses is rather left untied, and this is not coyly hidden behind the so much a history book as character of “the girl”. “The a jeu d’esprit on the nature girl” lives in the country, is of place. intrigued from an early age Tindall is attracted to by the possibilities offered the idea of lives overlooked by places, says things such and deeds mislaid, “iras “Oh do let us make it our Three Houses, Many retrievable in dusty lofts house, Mummy”, and wor- Lives or forgotten trunks, deries about being too posh. By Gillian Tindall stroyed by bombs or ignoBut the welcome company rance, used to clean guns of the young Tindall soon slips quior line pie dishes or made into lampetly away, to be replaced by a host of shades”. In a sense, this is history figures from the past, some of them mislaid, with so many details and rather drably indistinguishable characters lost along the way, the through the paucity of the detail. houses themselves barely recognWith others, though, Tindall’s ised for what they are, and Tindall imagination takes fl ight: from the herself both present yet absent. Yet casual doodlings of Margaret Hardthis intriguing, imaginative book is ing, for example, wife of the parstill very much my cup of tea.

Costwolds oddity: a watercolour of the Old Vicarage in Taynton, near Burford, formerly occupied by “The Crones”


Alphamega hypermarkets ‘share’ the social family A Alp Alphamega hypermarkets are updating their status, inv inviting you to join the ‘Social Family’. The ‘Social Fam Family’ is Alphamega’s new communication channel on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which provides all its members with unique privileges. To jjoin the ‘Social Family’ just like the Alphamega hyper permarkets page on Facebook, or follow it on Twitter, or vvisit the hypermarket website, complete the online app application membership card and then receive your me membership number via email. ‘So ‘Social Family’ members will be informed through

social networking sites of exclusive offers, competitions, prizes and more news. Each week Alphamega hypermarkets will provide exclusive offers for the ‘Social Family’. Facebook, Twitter YouTube

Hyundai i-oniq concept car Hyundai unveiled a brand-new four-seater concept car called i-oniq at the 2012 Geneva Auto Show. The i-oniq concept vehicle showcases Hyundai’s future styling cues and the company’s near future powertrain technology. The all-new Hyundai i-oniq concept vehicle is an electric sports hatchback with a range-extending petrol engine. Under the hood, the stylish concept car features the automaker’s brand-new 1.0L

turbocharged three-cylinder petrol engine mated to electric motor, which generates 109 horsepower, and lithium-ion batteries. According to Hyundai, the i-oniq has a driving range of 120km on electricity alone, while the distance gets boosted to around 700km with the assistance of the three-cylinder petrol engine. The CO2 emission from i-oniq are claimed to be at 45 grams per kilometre.

Vodka Belvedere gets a million fans on Facebook Your favourite Vodka Belvedere enthusiastically announces that it has got 1,000,000 fans on Facebook! To celebrate it has uploaded a personal video from Charles Gibb, Vodka Belvedere’s head thanking the famous vodka’s fans on their Facebook page. At the same time, Claire Smith got inspired and created Belvedere Millionaire Martini, especially for this joyous occasion! And even better… Vodka Belvedere gave 100 Belvedere Bar kits to the first Facebook users who “liked” the festive announcement. Visit Vodka Belvedere on FaceBook at


Remove your nail varnish in ic seconds with Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover Bourjois Magic Nail Polish remover has a smart product for removving nail polish in moments, with manufacturers claiming it takes only one second for each nail, without cotton wool or any other extras. For each nail, simply Dip-Twist-Remove in 1 second withhishout any cotton wool. In addition to your nails being polishfree in just seconds, its red berry and vanilla fragrance leaves nails delicately scented. Bourjois has developed a formula that takes care of nails with sweet eet almond oil, which is known for its nutritional properties and ideall for nails and cuticles.

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

SOCIETY 27 Jerome Kirszenberg, Stelios Athanasiou and Alberto Ahedo

Mary Hamatsou, Vaso Komninou and Marilena Constantinou




March 21 - April 20

If someone annoys or offends you this week it is highly unlikely that you will turn the other cheek. With your ruler Mars, planet of aggression, moving into your opposite sign of Sagittarius you will shoot first and ask questions later. No change there then!


April 21 - May 21

Stelios Athanasiou

Presentation of the new product Piano, with technology induction

As Mars, planet of action, enters the work and wellbeing sector of your chart this week you must be careful that you don’t take on too many things at once. Your enthusiasm may be high but your energy levels are low, so don’t dip your fingers in too many pies.


May 22 - June 21

This should be a productive week for you, especially if you’re involved in anything of a creative or artistic nature. And if you’re not involved in anything of a creative or artistic nature you should be. You have so much to offer, and so many people want to see you perform.


June 22 - July 22

A family difficulty will escalate over the next few days and there are likely to be some uncomfortable moments. But at least once it’s out in the open you can deal with it and, hopefully, move on. Upfront Mars’ change of signs, combined with a Full Moon, warns you not to be too outspoken. If you do make an error of judgement be prepared to apologise and then put it out of your mind completely.


The latest word in kitchen appliances The last word in kitchens was presented to the media and invited guests recently in the form of the new line from De Dietrich. The brand has over 400 years experience and presented its new range of electrical kitchen appliances. Included in the presentation were the Intelligent Cooking System and De Dietrich, which makes oven cleaning easy without the use of any chemicals. Also shown was the Tactilium oven which uses the latest technology and is controlled by a screen with a scroll up and down menu.

July 23 - Aug 23

You won’t be content to sit around the same old places with the same old faces this week: you will want to get out and about, you will want to have fun. Is that too much to ask? No it is not, so leave the chores to the bores and go where the action is, where you belong.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

Your energy and enthusiasm may decline after Mars moves out of your sign on Tuesday but that is no excuse not to finish what you’ve started. You have a reputation for delivering on your promises: it would be a shame to lose it simply because you could not be bothered.

LIBRA Sept 24 -Oct 23

Andreas Diamantides

If you have ever wanted to be more ambitious, if you have ever wanted material success, then now is the time to do something about it. Mars, planet of action and energy, remains in your birth sign for the next seven weeks - more than enough time to make your mark.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

Although one part of your mind may fear the worst this week another part will tell you that even if the worst should happen it will not be the end of the world: it could even be the start of something better. You are likely to see quite a few changes over the next few weeks.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Even if you are the most carefree of Sagittarians you will find something to worry about this week. Full Moons affect everyone but this one will affect you more than most if you let your fears get the better of you. Whatever it is, it’s not as bad as it seems.

CAPRICORN Foni Pantakidou and Haris Pavlides

Dec 22 - Jan 20

This is potentially one of the best weeks of the year for you but it won’t be without conflicts, possibly with powerful people. As Mars fires your ambition a Full Moon in your birth sign will shorten your fuse. Despite that, anything is now possible if you want it enough.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

You appear to believe certain people don’t like you and are trying to avoid you. Most likely it is your imagination playing tricks on you, but even if you’re right, why should it bother you? You’ve got it all the wrong way round - they should be trying to impress you.


Feb 20 - March 20

July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL

Be careful what you agree to this week as a sudden rush of enthusiasm for something you know little about could cost you dear in the future. It might be fun to begin with but it won’t be fun when the bills start coming in and you’re having trouble paying them.


Achilleas Kentonis Artistic Director of the ARTos Foundation Where do you live? I live in Nicosia (though sometimes I feel I live in different airports) with my family, my wife Maria, and children Nefeli 14 and Antonis 11

Best childhood memory? Excavating caves s

Most frequented d restaurant and absolute favourite vourite dish? I am not a frequent ent customer to resnjoy simple things taurants but I enjoy in life so I like Stekki tou Costi in Agalantzia. As far food is concerned, I like Mediterranean cuisine and sushi!

What music are you listening to in the car at the moment? It depends where I am driving to. so om metal to basically everything from opera and simple stuff like R.E.M. rries, Amy Agnies Obel, Cranberries, eter Gabriel Winehouse (right), Peter etc. Driving is a transit area for me. s in my comThe real music for me is puter.

What did you have for breakfast? I have an issue here. I have no breakfast in the morning. Breakfast for me should be on the table waiting for you but I am the fi rst to wake up so I get this only when I travel abroad

If the world is ending in 24 hours what would y you do? I would ignore it. It’s I been fo years in that mode for now.

What is your greatest fear? That one d day my mind will stop s followin lowing creativ ativity

What is always in your fridge? Yogurt, beer, wine and tonic water.

Would you class yourself as a day or night person? What’s your idea of the perfect night/day out? I am both but I plan to remain only a night person. Perfect night or day is when you or somebody else or life itself surprises you with new information.

Best book ever read? Jonathan Livingston Seagull, written by Richard Bach. I liked the absolute freedom of Jonathan.

Tel me a Tell jok joke…

Dream house: rural retreat reat or urban dwelling? Where e would it be, what would it be like?

Head in the clouds: Achilleas on his travels, Jonathon Livingstone Seagull and Charlie Chaplin's The Dictator

Favourite holiday destination? Greek Islands, Berlin, Madrid and Barcelona, Tokyo, New York, London. Each place stimulates a different part of my mind and memory.

What’s your dream trip? Favourite film of all time?

Cuba... maybe, the journey is what matters.

The Dictator by Charlie Chaplin


Wh Why you ru run out of lau laughter?

White cube by the sea and a large d scientific basement for music and experiments.

If you could pick anyone ne at all (alive or dead) to go outt for the evening with, who would uld it be? There in none who has as it all. So I am left with the good old d. You trial and error method. try in cannot predict chemistry humans.


Answer: nswer: ........................... .................


............................................................ ........................................................ Name: ................................................ ............................................................ Address: ............................................. ............................................................ Telephone: ......................................... Email: ................................................ Answers must reach us by July 16thThe winner will be announced on July 19th. Send replies to: PO Box 21144, Fax: 22 676385. Email: (answers by email must be accompanied by full address and contact numbers) (Winners will be notified by telephone)

Fasouri Watermania Waterpark is owned by Heaven’s Garden Waterpark Ltd, a member of the Lanitis Group of Companies. Launched in 1999. Fasouri Water Park was developed in a way to blend naturally within the beautiful environs of a 105,000 square metres citrus grove and landscaped gardens. The water park, which boasts a Polynesian theme, is presently the biggest Water Park in Cyprus both in size and number of attractions and facilities. Fasouri Water mania is the ideal place for families, friends and children and promises a fun-filled outing away from work troubles and paper loads. LOCATION Limassol (Fasouri area). The Water Park also caters for Birthday Parties, Summer School Outings, Company staff outings, Corporate Themed parties, After- Hour parties. ATTRACTIONS: 28 different slides for all ages are on offer. The Waterpark’s thrilling attractions include: Kamikazi slide, Wave Pool, Six-lane Mat Racer, Aqua Tube Slides, Cross Over Pool, Black Hole and Extreme Black Hole Slides ,Web bubble, Black Cannons, Pro Bowl Combination, shower slide, Lazy river, interactive Centre. New this year Massage Parlour and Nail Express. MANAGEMENT TEAM: Fasouri Watermania Water Park is managed by Heaven's Garden Water park Ltd. With a solid background and an established reputation in the Entertainment and Tourism Industry. Heaven's Garden is also the owner and operators of KTIMA LANITI. The Water Park management team consists of highly motivated and well trained individuals whose only concern is your well being and enjoyment.

To win, answer the following question: Question: How many attractions has the Fasouri Waterpark?

Tel: 25 714235 E-mail: Website:

SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012




2 4



7 6 3

8 9 1

5 4


8 2


5 9 3 2 9 8 8 6 2 7 5 4 5 6 5 2 2 1 4 2 3 8 1 9 7 5 4 5 4 9 6 9 9 4 9 6 3 5 6 5 8 6 7 7 5 7 3 5 4 9 6 9 9 1 7 1 5 8 3 5 6 6 7 9 7 5 9 1 8 3 3 1 2 3 2 4 5 3 8 2 5 8 6 5 8 2




9 8 9

1 5

The rules for Samurai Sudoku are the same as usual: fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved, you solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic
























4 9 7

No. 52


Place a letter from A to I in each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3X3 box contains all the letters A to I.

4 7 6

9 5

6 9 8 3 5 4 2 7 1

3 2 4 6 7 8 1 9 5

2 7 3 9 6 1 8 4 5

8 9 5 1 2 4 3 7 6

4 5 1 2 7 8 6 9 3

6 4 9 7 3 1 5 8 2

9 8 2 4 3 6 5 1 7

5 1 8 9 4 2 6 3 7

1 3 7 5 8 2 4 6 9

2 7 3 5 8 6 9 1 4

5 4 6 1 9 7 3 8 2

4 5 7 2 1 9 8 6 3 9 5 2 7 1 4 8 2 5 9 3 6

1 8 6 4 5 3 7 2 9 1 4 8 3 6 5 7 4 9 1 2 8

9 3 2 8 6 7 4 5 1 3 7 6 8 2 9 6 1 3 7 5 4

2 7 5 4 8 3 1 9 6

9 4 8 7 6 1 2 5 3

1 3 6 5 2 9 4 7 8

9 6 2 5 8 4 3 1 7 8 9 5 6 4 2 7 1 9 8 3 5

8 7 5 2 3 1 6 9 4 2 3 7 5 8 1 6 2 3 9 7 4

4 1 3 9 6 7 5 8 2 6 1 4 9 3 7 8 5 4 1 6 2

6 5 4 3 1 9 7 2 8

2 6 8 3 7 1 5 4 9

7 9 1 6 2 8 4 3 5

4 5 9 2 8 6 7 1 3

2 3 8 7 4 5 1 6 9

1 7 3 9 4 5 2 8 6

5 8 6 1 7 2 9 4 3

8 9 6 5 3 7 4 2 1

1 4 9 8 5 3 2 7 6

7 1 5 4 6 2 3 9 8

3 2 7 4 9 6 8 5 1

Koudus No. 51

3 2 4 1 9 8 6 5 7
















































































Books of Koudus available from

Puzzle by

Whatzit?: Dominoes

7 6 1 3 9 5 2 4 8



Puzzle by

DOUBLE CROSSWORD no 2123 Cryptic clues

Across 5 Eggs left on the ground (4) 7 Confused soul, obtain forgiveness (10) 8 Language coming from Roman churchyard! (6) 10 He leaves the US soldier in brokendown car – that’s sad (6) 11 Part of poem mysteriously receives award (4) 12 Treat as valid retrospectively and support Ted, a revolutionary (8) 14 Unclear situation in space between black and white? (4,4) 16 Idolise Dorothy having energy (4) 17 The way to go round on a leisurely walk (6) 19 Does this scheme suppress depravity? (6) 21 Joining pieces of metal having gone round the bend? (3-7) 22 Girl catching ball before long (4)



1 Fine member to cultivate the land (4) 2 Reach journey’s end easily upset (6) 3 Cool vegetable? (8) 4 Just over 50 feet up and down it goes (4) 5 With advancing motion draw on members (6) 6 Worker still accepting one that’s not attracting dust (10) 9 Maid arranged allowance out of respect (10) 13 Grocer who wrote mystery and crime novels (8) 15 You of old ring fellow countryman (6) 16 Split I’d introduced into drinking-den (6) 18 Security 19 across found during blockade (4) 20 Mishit boundary (4)




















Quick clues



5 Contribute (4) 7 Topsy-turvy (6,4) 8 Religious founder (6) 10 Mental (anag.) (6) 11 Absence of wind (4) 12 Daintiness (8) 14 Astonished (4-4) 16 Small loaf (4) 17 Charged a gun (6) 19 Encourage (6) 21 Disrobing (10) 22 Ova (4)

1 Corm (4) 2 Royal crown (6) 3 Armorial bearings (8) 4 Bubble up (4) 5 Of pithy sayings (6) 6 Native language (10) 9 Not hopeful (10) 13 Like damaged stockings (8) 15 Storm cloud (6) 16 Reuse (6) 18 Decorative skirting (4) 20 West African country (4)

21 22

Answers to Double Crossword 2122 CRYPTIC: Across – 1 What for; 5 Kraal; 8 Shallow; 9 Origami; 10 Sniffle; 11 Thereat; 14 Buckram; 16 Capitol; 18 Isthmus; 19 Iron out; 20 Green; 21 Earnest. Down – 1 Way-out; 2 Accident-prone; 3 Floater; 4 Resist; 5 Khaki; 6 All of a tremble; 7 Lawyer; 12 Scatter; 13 Acting; 14 Blithe; 15 Musket; 17 Thorn. QUICK: Across – 1 Go to war; 5 Ratel; 8 Undoing; 9 Genesis; 10 Exotica; 11 Equator; 14 Alcohol; 16 Oblique; 18 Nonplus; 19 Instate; 20 Giddy; 21 Deep-end. Down – 1 Gaggle; 2 Tranquillised; 3 Website; 4 Rouser; 5 Rodeo; 6 This is the life; 7 Logjam; 12 Aconite; 13 Coming; 14 Aeneid; 15 Lashed; 17 Quaky.

Answers to the crossword will appear in Tuesday’s newspaper SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012


FRIDAY 0 6/07 SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

CYBC 1 06.45 08.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00

13.00 15.30

17.00 17.30 18.00 18.15



20.00 21.00



Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Entechnos (rpt) Kypros Ena Taxidi (rpt) Cinema Show (rpt) Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) Local comedy series. Apo Mera Se Mera Syn Plyn Local talk-show with studio discussion and viewers calling in. Kypros Ena Taxidi Entechnos News Candid Camera Hidden cameras document various pranks. Kati Psinetai Greek version of the show where contestants try to outdo each other by throwing the perfect dinner party, which is then judged by their rivals. Treis Ki O Kokos (rpt) Local comedy series. News / Weather / Financial Report Vimata Stin Ammo (rpt) Local period drama, based on true events. FILM: Forces Of Nature A harassed publisher faces a variety of obstacles en route to his wedding - including an encounter with a vivacious woman. Romantic comedy, starring Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck. 1999. With News at 23.30. Repeats



08.00 Kids’ TV 16.45 My Wife And Kids (rpt) Third season. ‘Samba Story’. Michael and Janet try to spice up their date nights by taking samba lessons, but their instructors arouse jealousy. 17.10 Airplay Charts (rpt) 17.40 Cinema Show (rpt) 18.10 60 Minute Makeover (rpt) DIY challenge, in which a team of designers have just one hour to transform a home. 18.50 News In English 19.00 News In Turkish 19.10 Biz/Emeis 20.00 NRG Music Channel 21.00 Summer Night Concert Schonbrunn 2012 Annual concert by the Vienna Philharmonic, and conducted by Gustavo Dudamel from Venezuela. Under the theme of Dances and Waves, the Philharmonic performed compositions by Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Debussy, Strauss and Ponchielli. 22.30 Criminal Minds (rpt) Fifth season of crime drama series. ‘Cradle to Grave’. The BAU travels to Albuquerque to investigate a serial killer who gets women pregnant only to murder them after they have given birth. 23.15 Album Show 23.45 Repeats

07.00 Tis Ellados Ta Paidia (rpt) 07.40 Oi Men Kai Oi Den (rpt) 09.00 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 09.50 Fast Money (rpt) 10.40 To Evdomo Kleidi (rpt) 11.30 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 12.15 Tin Patisa (rpt) 13.00 News 13.15 Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) 14.10 Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) 15.20 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 16.10 Vale Antenna 17.40 Tha Vreis To Daskalo Sou (rpt) With News at 18.00. 18.40 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 19.30 Eva Luna 20.20 20.15 21.20 22.10

23.00 23.50 00.10 01.00

01.50 02.45 03.50 04.20

News News Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) Grey’s Anatomy Fifth season. ‘An Honest Mistake’. Derek’s confidence is shaken after a confrontation with Addison. Cristina calls the abilities of a renowned surgeon into question when she makes a mistake during a routine procedure, and Bailey is unimpressed with the Chief’s letter of recommendation. Einai Stigmes (rpt) News Ekeines Ki Ego (rpt) Kai Oi Pantremenoi Ehoun Psihi Athoos I Enohos (rpt) News Skertsakia (rpt) Fili Zois (rpt))

MEGA 06.00 Haravgi (rpt) 06.50 Nea Mera 10.00 Proino Mou Lifestyle programme that features entertainment, music and more. Hosted by real-life couple Giorgos Liagas & Fay Skorda. 12.00 Yia Banaki Local talk-show. 15.00 Eheis Meson 16.00 Yia Sena 18.10 News 18.20 Mousiko Kouti Special Edition (rpt) Greek game show, testing contestants on their music knowledge. 20.10 News 21.20 Kliniki Periptosi (rpt) Greek comedy drama series, about a surgeon who is forced to retrain as a GP and takes up a post in a sleepy village where he soon finds himself at odds with the locals. 22.20 Eisai To Tairi Mou (rpt) Greek comedy series. 23.20 Singles (rpt) 00.00 News 00.10 Drop Dead Diva When a beautiful but shallow model is killed in a car crash, she is given the opportunity to return to Earth to do good for those who once surrounded her. 01.00 Yia Sena (rpt) 02.00 Eheis Meson (rpt) 03.50 Proino Mou (rpt)

PICK OF THE DAY Lesbian Vampire Killers (LTV, 21.00) So what’s this one about? Well, there’s a group of nice old ladies, and they’re getting ready for their annual crocheting contest ... no, not really. I’m afraid the title is self-explanatory - ‘afraid’ being the operative word, not because this British horror comedy is scary but because it’s pretty dire. A couple of lads (Mathew Horne and James Corden, from Gavin & Stacey) go on a hiking holiday in Norfolk, and get all excited when they

SIGMA 06.10 07.00 08.00 10.20 11.00 12.00 14.00




20.20 21.20 00.10 00.15


Rafaela (rpt) Protoselido Kalimera Vourate Geitonoi (rpt) Beauty Contest (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Eleni Variety show featuring entertainment as well as segments on cooking, health, astrology, lifestyle, youth issues and more. Tolmo Local talk-show. With News at 18.00. Tropico Latin American telenovela. Refaela Mexican drama series with medical theme, based on the popular Venezuelan telenovela. News Cyprus Beauty Contest Final News Se Eida (rpt)

01.00 Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) 02.20 Allou Ximeromenoi (rpt) 03.40 Otan Megaloso (rpt) 04.10 Eleni (rpt) 06.40 Agapi Tropiki (rpt)

07.45 Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of 09.15 Max Adventures 09.25 Franny’s Feet 09.50 Rastamouse 10.15 Bo On the Go 10.40 King 11.05 Martha Speaks 11.25 Beyblade 11.50 Diet Please 12.30 Star News 13.00 Max Adventures 13.10 Rastamouse 13.20 Bo On the Go 13.45 King 14.10 Martha Speaks 14.30 Beyblade 15.00 Mesimeriani Meleti 17.15 Fotis - Maria Live Entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, health, fashion, lifestyle issues and more. 18.45 Mila Discussions about various issues based on woman’s life. 20.15 Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition. 21.00 Exelixeis Stin Showbiz 22.00 FILM: Tenacious D In The Pick Of Destiny Comedy, starring Jack Black, Kyle Gass, Tim Robbins, Ben Stiller and John C Reilly. 2006. See Pick Of The Day. 00.45 LTV Sports News 01.30 Star News 02.00 Repeats

CAPITAL 07.00 08.00 10.30 11.30 13.15 15.00 15.30

17.20 18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00



Alpha News Kids’ TV Igeia & Zoi (rpt) Deste Tous Greek FILM: O Boufos Beyond The Break FILM: What Matters Most A man’s wealthy family forbid him to conduct a relationship with his childhood sweetheart, who doesn’t meet up to their lofty standards. Drama, starring Chad Allen. 2001. O Anthropos Tis Thalassas Melrose Place With News at 18.30. News Sports Time Tropical Heat FILM: False Pretenses A woman rebuilds her life after the suicide of her husband - but a shady figure from her past soon returns to bring back painful memories. Thriller, starring Peta Wilson. 2004. FILM: Basic Instinct 2 A femme fatale plays mind games with a psychologist investigating her role in a suspicious death. Thriller sequel, starring Sharon Stone. 2006. FILM: Under Hellgate Bridge A Mafia gangster is released from prison to discover his family has been rent asunder by the evils of narcotics. Drama, starring Jonathan LaPaglia. 1999.

By Preston Wilder

meet a passel of hot girls staying at the same cottage - but it turns out the girls are lesbians, which is bad enough but then they’re also vampires. And, you know, killers. A fi lm for those who are always going on about the ‘English sense of humour’, and how dry and witty it is compared to the American - because it shows that Brits can totally match the Yanks when it comes to gore, raunch and bodily-fluid humour, not to mention weird Christian names: Mr. ‘Matthew with one t’ Horne is bad enough, but would you believe our heroine is played by an actress called MyAnna Buring? It’s enough to turn a girl into a lesbian vampire. Made in 2009.

Lesbian Vampire Killers

Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny (PlusTV, 22.00) Long before Jack Black became a Hollywood actor he was known to music fans as one half of Tenacious D, the rock band he formed with ageing slaphead Kyle Gass - though in fact Black was always a wannabe actor, and the band always a bit of a joke (the joke being that two tubby white guys could add up to ‘The Greatest Rock Band in the World’). This patchy comedy relates how Tenacious D was born - kicking off “a long-ass f***in’ time ago in a town called Kickapoo,” to quote the sung prologue - and tells the stirring tale of the band’s quest for the fabled Guitar Pick of Destiny, created by a dark wizard with the help of Satan

BBC World Service (1323 MW) 07:00 Karina: Wild On Safari 07:25 Chris Humfrey’s Wild Life 08:15 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 08:40 Breed All About It 09:10 Penguin Safari 10:05 Wildest Arctic 11:00 Wildlife Sos 11:25 Going Ape 11:55 Animal Cops Philadelphia 12:50 E-Vets: The Interns 13:45 Animal Precinct 14:40 Wildest Arctic 15:30 Karina: Wild On Safari 16:00 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 16:30 Jeff Corwin Unleashed 17:25 Must Love Cats 18:20 Cats 101 19:15 Wildlife Sos 19:40 Going Ape 20:10 Cheetah Kingdom 20:35 Predator’s Prey 21:05 Wildest India 22:00 Shark Attack Survival Guide 22:55 Up Close And Dangerous 23:50 Miami Animal Police 00:45 Crime Scene Wild 01:40 Untamed & Uncut 02:35 Shark Attack Survival Guide 03:30 Up Close And Dangerous 04:25 Wildest India 05:20 Cheetah Kingdom 05:45 Predator’s Prey 06:10 EVets: The Interns

01:10 The Weakest Link 01:55 Monarch Of The Glen 02:45 Eastenders 03:15 Doctors 03:45 Great Ormond Street 04:35 Keeping Up Appearances 05:05 Lab Rats 05:35 The Old Guys 06:05 Balamory 06:25 3rd & Bird 06:35 Bobinogs 06:45 Nina & The Neurons 07:00 Teletubbies 07:25 Boogie Beebies 07:40 Little Robots 07:50 Balamory 08:10 3rd & Bird 08:20 Bobinogs 08:30 Nina & The Neurons 08:45 Teletubbies 09:10 Boogie Beebies 09:25 Little Robots 09:35 Keeping Up Appearances 10:05 Lab Rats 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 Eastenders 11:50 Doctors 12:20 Monarch Of The Glen 13:10 Great Ormond Street 14:00 The Old Guys 14:30 Keeping Up Appearances 15:00 The Weakest Link 15:45 Eastenders 16:15 Doctors 16:45 Inspector Lynley Mysteries 17:30 Great Ormond Street 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 Walk On the Wild Side 19:40 Doctors 20:10 Doctor Who 21:00 The Royle Family 21:30 Twenty Twelve 22:00 New Tricks 22:50 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 23:20 Allo Allo 23:50 Live at the Apollo 00:35 Little Britain

07:00 Fifth Gear 07:25 Dirty Jobs 08:15 Deadliest Catch 09:10 Extreme Fishing 10:05 Mythbusters 11:00 How Do They Do It? ; 11:30 Destroyed In Seconds 11:55 Ultimate Survival 12:50 Wheeler Dealers 13:45 Fifth Gear 14:40 American Chopper 15:35 Dirty Jobs 16:30 Mythbusters 17:25 Deadliest Catch 18:20 Extreme Fishing 19:15 River Monsters 20:10 How It’s Made 20:40 How Do They Do It? ; 21:05 Curiosity 22:00 Swamp Loggers 22:55 Stan Lee’s Superhumans 23:50 A Haunting 01:40 Curiosity 02:40 Swamp Loggers 03:40 Stan Lee’s Superhumans 04:40 A Haunting 05:35 How It’s Made 06:00 Overhaulin’

09:35 Snooker: 6 Red World Championship Thailand 13:00 All Sports: Watts 13:30 Fitness: The Box 13:45 Olympic Games: Together To London 14:00 Cycling: Tour De France 18:30 Football: Uefa European Under-19 Championship Estonia 22:00 Boxing: Bigger’s Better-Heavy Weight Contest Lithuania 00:00 Rally: Intercontinental Rally Challenge San Marino 00:30 Strongest Man: Giants Live In Australia 01:30 Cycling: Tour De France

08:15 Cine News 09:00 Summer Kids Zone 10:45 Melinda And Melinda 12:25 Cine News 13:20 Unstoppable 15:05 Men Of Honor 17:15 Spotlight On 17:55 Birth 19:40 The Two Jakes 22:00 Love And Other Drugs 23:55 Once Upon A Time In America 03:40 Cine News 04:15 Rosemary’s Baby

20:05 The Other Guys 22:00 C.S.I. 23:00 Choose 00:30 Cine News 01:30 Adult Zone

19:05 The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader 21:00 A Far Off Place 22:55 The Tempest 00:50 Sling Blade 03:05 Cine News 03:35 The Edge Of Love

Fast Five (Novacinema1, 02.05)

05:30 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 06:15 Family Guy 07:05 No Ordinary Family 07:50 How I Met Your Mother 08:40 White Collar 09:25 Criminal Minds 10:10 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 10:55 Family Guy 11:45 No Ordinary Family 12:35 How I Met Your Mother 13:25 White Collar 14:15 Criminal Minds 15:00 The Cleveland Show 15:25 Bob’s Burgers 15:50 The League 16:15 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 17:05 Family Guy 17:55 No Ordinary Family 18:40 How I Met Your Mother 19:30 White Collar 20:15 Criminal Minds 21:00 The Cleveland Show 21:25 Bob’s Burgers 21:50 The League 22:15 Call Me Fitz 22:45 White Collar 23:30 The Cleveland Show 23:55 Bob’s Burgers 00:20 The League 00:45 Call Me Fitz 01:15 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 02:05 Family Guy 02:55 No Ordinary Family 03:45 How I Met Your Mother 04:35 White Collar

07:00 Pawn Stars 08:00 The Universe 09:00 Battle Stations 10:00 Pawn Stars 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 Ice Road Truckers 13:00 Mounted In Alaska 14:00 Battle Stations 15:00 The Universe 16:00 Ice Road Truckers 17:00 Mounted In Alaska 18:00 Battle Stations 19:00 The Universe 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Ax Men 22:00 Ancient Wonders 23:00 Tony Robinson Down Under 00:00 Pawn Stars 01:00 Ax Men 02:00 Ancient Wonders 03:00 Tony Robinson Down Under 04:00 The Universe 05:00 Battle Stations 06:00 Ax Men

07:30 Blume In Love 09:30 Ant Bully 11:15 Oscar Et La Dame Rose (Oscar And The Lady In Pink) 13:10 Hollywood Buzz 13:45 Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel 15:20 Videofashion 16:00 30 Rock 17:00 Noises Off... 19:00 Friends 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Lesbian Vampire Killers 22:30 Action Zone 23:00 Twilight Saga: New Moon 01:15 Hustler TV 02:50 Pearl Diver 04:25 Charlie Valentine 06:00 Action Zone 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Baby Looney Tunes 07:25 Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs 08:15

Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed 09:05 Scooby-Doo Where Are You! 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series 09:55 Big Cartoonie Show Nickelodeon 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B! 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 15:20 Batman: The Brave And The Bold 17:00 Irc 2012: Ypres 17:30 Planet Speed 18:00 Barclays Premier League World 18:30 Nba Action 19:00 Nascar Sprint Cup Series 22:00 Pba World Championship 23:30 2012 Wimbledon Championships 00:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Barclay’s Premier League 02:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Laiki Bank Championship 04:30 Momentum: What Drives You 05:00 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga

07:15 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 08:00 Two And A Half Men 08:30 Chuck 10:00 Friends 10:25 V I 11:15 Criminal Minds 12:45 Fringe 13:30 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 14:15 Chuck 15:45 The Big Bang Theory 16:15 According To Jim 17:00 Shameless 18:45 Fringe 19:30 Grey’s Anatomy 20:15 Brothers & Sisters 21:00 Friends 21:30 Hawaii Five 23:05 Desperate Housewives 00:05 Everybody Wants To Be Italian 02:00 Old Dogs 03:55 The Big Bang Theory 04:20 According To Jim 05:05 Shameless

08:15 American Flyers 10:10 Being Human 12:15 Distinguished Gentleman 14:15 Candidate 16:15 Burn After Reading 18:00 Education N 20:00 Fork In The Road 22:00 Neighbor 23:35 Action Zone 00:05 Daring! TV 03:45 12 Rounds 01:05 Action Zone 06:10 Mumford

05:15 The Son Of No One 06:50 A Better Life 08:30 Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 10:10 Mad On Novacinema 10:45 The Grace Card 12:30 Les Emotifs Anonymes 14:00 Cine News 14:45 Illegal 16:25 African Cats 18:00 The Beaver 19:35 Stars In Style 20:10 Love And Other Impossible Pursuits 22:00 Mpilompa 23:50 Your Highness 01:35 Cine News 02:05 Fast Five 04:15 Black Death

21:00 Johnny Guitar 22:55 The Last Tycoon

01:30 The o: Inside the Outdoors Freestone National 02:00 Race Freaks 03:00 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Highlights Kentucky Speedway 04:00 PGA Tour: The Greenbrier Classic 07:00 Feherty – Vince Gill, Rascal Flatts and Darius Rucker 08:00The Golf Fix 08:30 Being Graeme McDowell 09:00 Golf Central International 09:30 School of Golf – Chapter 20: Guide to Pope Practice 10:00 MLB: Minnesota Twins at Detroit Tigers 13:00 Hard Parts: South Bronx Bronx to the Future 13:30 Speed TBA 15:00 Asian Tour Queens Cup 15:30 European Tour: Alstom Open de France 19:30 PRE GAME 19:45 CHAMPIONSHIP LAIKI POPULAR BANK 2011–12: ARHS VS ETHNIKOS AXNAS 21:45 POST GAME 22:15 PGA Tour: The Greenbrier Classic 01:00 Inside the PGA Tour

07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Intrepid Journeys 09:00 Essential 09:30 Cruise Today 10:00 Planet Food 11:00 Journey Into Wine 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Intrepid Journeys 14:00 Globe Trekker 15:00 Megalopolis 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Journey Into Wine 18:00 Planet Food 19:00 Globe Trekker 20:00 The World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides 21:00 Planet Food 22:00 Megalopolis 23:00 Globe Trekker 00:00 Intrepid Journeys 01:00 The World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides 02:00 Planet Food 03:00 Megalopolis 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Planet Food 06:00 Journey Into Wine

06:00 The Charge Of The Light Brigade 07:55 Two Weeks In Another Town 09:45 Yearling, The 11:50 American in Paris, An 13:40 White Heat 15:30 The Year of Living Dangerously 17:25 Ziegfeld Follies 19:10 The Band Wagon 21:00 Hot Millions 22:45 Blow-Up 00:35 The Day They Robbed The Bank Of England 02:00 The Dirty Dozen 04:25 The Catered Affair

00:00 BBC News 00:06 World Briefing 00:30 BBC News Summary 00:32 World Business Report 00:50 Sports News 01:00 BBC News 01:06 World Briefing 01:30 BBC News Summary 01:32 World Football 02:00 BBC News 02:06 World Briefing 02:30 BBC News Summary 02:32 Business Daily 02:50 Sports News 03:00 BBC News 03:06 HARDtalk 03:30 BBC News Summary 03:32 Science In Action 03:50 From Our Own Correspondent 04:00 BBC News 04:06 World Briefing 04:30 BBC News Summary 04:32 World Business Report 04:50 Witness 05:00 BBC News 05:06 The World Today 05:30 BBC News Summary 05:32 World Football 06:00 BBC News 06:06 The World Today 06:30 BBC News Summary 06:32 The World Today 07:00 BBC News 07:06 The World Today 07:30 BBC News Summary 07:32 The Strand 07:50 Witness 08:00 BBC News 08:06 The World Today 08:30 BBC News Summary 08:32 The World Today 09:00 BBC News 09:06 The World Today 09:30 BBC News Summary 09:32 The World Today 10:00 BBC News 10:06 HARDtalk 10:30 BBC News Summary 10:32 Science In Action 10:50 From Our Own Correspondent 11:00 BBC News 11:06 World Football 11:30 BBC News Summary 11:32 Business Daily 11:50 Sports News 12:00 BBC News 12:06 World Update 12:30 BBC News Summary 12:32 World Update 13:00 BBC News 13:06 World Have Your Say 13:30 BBC News Summary 13:32 The Strand 13:50 Witness 14:00 BBC News 14:06 Newshour 14:30 BBC News Summary 14:32 Newshour 15:00 BBC News 15:06 World Briefing 15:30 BBC News Summary 15:32 Business Daily 15:50 Sports News 16:00 BBC News 16:06 HARDtalk 16:30 BBC News Summary 16:32 Science In Action 16:50 From Our Own Correspondent 17:00 BBC News 17:06 World Briefing 17:30 BBC News Summary 17:32 World Football 18:00 BBC News 18:06 World Briefing 18:30 BBC News Summary 18:32 Sport Today 18:50 Witness 19:00 BBC News 19:06 World Briefing 19:30 BBC News Summary 19:32 World Business Report 20:00 BBC News 20:06 World Have Your Say 20:30 BBC News Summary 20:32 World Have Your Say 21:00 BBC News 21:06 World Briefing 21:30 BBC News Summary 21:32 The Strand 21:50 Witness 22:00 BBC News 22:06 Newshour 22:30 BBC News Summary 22:32 Newshour 23:00 BBC News 23:06 HARDtalk 23:30 BBC News Summary 23:32 One Planet 23:50 From Our Own Correspondent

BFBS 1 (N’sia 91.7, WSBA 92.1, ESBA 99.6 FM) 02.00 Groove Collective 04.00 BFBS Shuffle 05.00 Ops Breakfast 06.00 Cyprus Breakfast With Mark Humphries 09.00 Chris Pearson 11.00 CNeil Skinner 13.00 Total Ops Connection 15.00 Wez Thompson 18.00 Charlene Guy 21.00 Jessie Aru 00.00 The Vibe BFBS 2 (Ni’sia 89.7, WSBA 89.9, ESBA 95.3 FM) 03.00 BFBS Radio News 03.03 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 04.00 Up All Night 07.00 Morning Reports 07.30 Wake Up To Money 08.00 Today 11.00 Simon Marlow 14.00 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 15.00 World At One 15.45 Simon Guettier 19.00 PM 20.00 6 O’Clock News 20.30 Five Live Drive 00.00 Late Night Live

LiveCyBC2 (91.1, 92.4 FM) 06.00-07.30 Programmes in Turkish with News at 7.30 07.40 Good morning Cyprus 10.00-12.00 Kalimerhamba 12.00 Gunortasa 12.45 Greek Cyprus Press 13.00 Turkish Music 13.15 News in Turkish 13.30 News in English 13.45 PM Classics 16.00 Greek Radio 16.15 Our country doesn’t divide 16.50 News in Turkish 17.00-18.00 Programmes in Armenian; News at 17.15 18.0020.00 Round & About 20.00 News in English 20.10 Welcome to Cyprus in French and German 20.40 Ship of Fools with Robert Camassa 22.00 News in English 22.00 International Music 00.0006.00 Rebroadcast of the evening’s programme

Radio Napa (106.3 FM) 06.00 Morning Music 08.30 BBC World Today 09.00 News, Weather and Exchange 09.05 Nathan Morley 12.00 BBC News 12.06 Lunchtime Classics 15.00 BBC News 15.06 Chris Yearley 18.00 News 18.06 Michael Godin 19.00 The Juke Box 98.5 Rock FM The Breakfast Show - Tony Newell - 07:00-10:00 2 Hours With Bejay Browne 10:00-12:00 Rock Fm’s Lunch Box - Jason Collins - 12:00-14:00 Non Stop Music 14:00-15:00 Valentina 15:00-18:00 Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday Liquid Radio Show - Pavlos - 15:00-18:00 Wednesday Drive Time - Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Monday - Tuesday Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Wednesday (Mix @ 6) The Cocktail Show - Antonis - 18:00-20:00 Thursday - Friday Panic In The Year Zero - 20:00-22:00 Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Radioactive Metal - 20:00-22:00 - Thursday Live Dj Set- Dj Allen D 20:00-22:00 - Friday 22:00-24:00 The Gathering - With Your Hosts Dj Mr Smith And Mc Svennyb – Live Wednesday & Friday Night Train 24:00-07:00 Monday To Friday

Oldies Digital

(Hotbird SAT / (

MONDAY-FRIDAY 05:00 That Was The Year 06:00 Easy Going Gold 10:00 The Juke Box 17:00 That Was The Year 18:00 Oldies Overnights - Hear the greatest hits of all time playing non stop during the darkest hours.

Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny himself. Dave Grohl appears as Satan (if you don’t know who Dave Grohl is, don’t even think of watching this movie), with cameos by Meat Loaf and Ronnie James Dio - but the fi lm doesn’t always respect the fi ne line between rock’n roll madness and crude lowbrow comedy, though the prologue in particular is enjoyably demented. Foul-mouthed fun; made in 2006.

Choose (Novacinema3, 23.00) “The killer struck again last night, this time forcing a young girl to choose between the life of her mother or father.” Serial killers really need to stop watching so many Saw fi lms; they all want to be Jigsaw, playing sadistic games with their prey instead of just kill-

ing them already. “He makes the rules, you make the choice,” says the trailer for this little-known horror fl ick - and Katheryn Winnick is college student Fiona, a journalism major who may be the Choose Killer’s next victim, though her sheriff dad (Kevin Pollak) makes light of her fears. “A plucky young journalist uses the power of Google searching to solve a series of crimes that her father, a high-ranking police officer, inexplicably doesn’t seem to give a toss about,” as a sardonic Brit puts it at the Internet Movie Database, adding: “The script has unintentional laugh-out-loud moments, and that’s about the best I can say for this gently steaming pile of tepid naffness”. This fi lm or 90 minutes’ extra sleep? Choose! Made in 2011.

T V FR IDAY 0 6/07

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

SundayMail Cowboy classic Once Upon a Time in the West

Tenacious D Foul mouthed fun with Jack Black’s rock band

Sunday, CyBC1 9pm

Friday, PlusTV 10pm

J U LY 17

Water for Elephants Lip smacking villain and cute pachyderm in 1930s drama Thursday, NovaCinema1, 10pm

Complete guide to what’s on the small screen this week, including our selections and satellite choices

T V MONDAY 02/07 SUNDAY MAIL • July 1, 2012




06.45 Proti Enimerosi 08.00 Kali Sas Mera 10.30 Eimaste Edo (rpt) Talk-show aimed at younger audiences. 11.00 Kypros Ena Taxidi (rpt) 12.00 Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) 13.00 Apo Mera Se Mera 15.30 Syn Plyn Local talk-show with studio discussion and viewers calling in.

08.00 Kids’ TV Repeated in the early afternoon. 17.00 My Wife And Kids (rpt) 17.20 Reload (rpt) 18.00 60 Minute Makeover (rpt) 18.50 News In English 19.00 News In Turkish 19.10 Biz/Emeis 20.00 NRG Music Channel 21.00 Brothers and Sisters (rpt) Two episodes from the third season, starting with ‘S3X’. The Walkers are hopeful that Tommy will return when Holly considers dropping the charges. Sarah makes a decision about changing career and Kitty questions the future of her marriage. Followed by ‘Julia’. Julia grows impatient waiting for Tommy to return and makes a lifechanging decision. Robert discovers Kitty’s secret, and Holly and Sarah finally find a balance in their relationship. 22.30 Criminal Minds (rpt) Fifth season of crime drama series. ‘Nameless, Faceless’. Rossi, Morgan and JJ try to find a killer who is targeting an ER doctor and has threatened to kill a person every day until he manages to murder the medic’s son. Elsewhere, Prentiss realises that Hotchner is missing. 23.15 Album Show 23.45 Repeats

06.30 Proini Enimerosi 07.00 Tis Ellados Ta Paidia (rpt) 07.30 Oi Men Kai Oi Den (rpt) 08.00 Fast Money (rpt) 08.50 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 10.40 Deixe Mou To Filo Sou (rpt) 11.20 Ergazomeni Gynaika 12.10 Plaka Kaneis (rpt) 13.00 News 13.15 Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) 14.10 Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) 15.20 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 16.10 Vale Antenna 17.40 Tha Vreis To Daskalo Sou (rpt) With News at 18.00. 18.40 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 19.30 Eva Luna 20.20 News 21.20 Tin Patisa (rpt) 22.10 Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) 23.00 Grey’s Anatomy Fifth series. ‘Stairway to Heaven’. Bailey grows desperate as a young patient’s condition deteriorates, and everyone in the hospital tries to help. Meanwhile, an injury leaves Mark in a compromising position, Cristina tries to avoid Owen, and Izzie discovers the reason behind her visions of Denny. 23.50 News 00.10 Ekeines Ki Ego (rpt) 01.00 Kai Oi Pantremenoi Ehoun Psihi 01.50 Athoos I Enohos (rpt) 02.45 News 03.50 Skertsakia (rpt) 04.20 Fili Zois (rpt)

17.00 Science of the Seven Seas (rpt) Documentary series, looking at scientific research on the mysteries of life underwater. Part 6. 17.30 Paraskinio 18.00 News 18.15 Candid Camera 18.30 Kati Psinetai (rpt) Greek version of the show where contestants try to outdo each other by throwing the perfect dinner party, which is then judged on its merits by their rivals. 19.20 Paizoume Kypriaka (rpt) Local game show. 20.00 News 21.00 Vimata Stin Ammo (rpt) 21.45 I Limni (rpt) Local mystery series. 22.15 Code Europe 23.40 News 23.55 Repeats

MEGA 06.00 Haravgi (rpt) 06.50 10.00 12.00 15.00

Nea Mera Proino Mou Yia Banaki Eheis Meson Current affairs programme.

16.00 Yia Sena Local talk-show. 17.40 Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes Greek drama series, based on the Latin American telenovela about mistaken identities. 18.20 News 18.30 Mousiko Kouti Greek game show, testing contestants on their music knowledge. 19.20 Peninta Peninta (rpt) Greek comedy series. 20.10 News 21.20 Kliniki Periptosi (rpt) Greek comedy drama series, about a surgeon who is forced to retrain as a GP and takes up a post in a sleepy village where he soon finds himself at odds with the locals. 22.20 Eisai To Tairi Mou (rpt) Greek comedy series. 23.20 Antitheseis (rpt) 00.00 News 00.10 Drop Dead Diva US comedy-drama series about a vapid model killed in a car crash who gets brought back to life as a smart but overweight lawyer. 01.00 Yia Sena (rpt) 02.00 Eheis Meson (rpt) 03.30 Proino Mou (rpt)

PICK OF THE DAY Birth (Novacinema2, 18.10) Pity the Nicole Kidman fans (this was eight years ago, when Ms. Kidman had a lot more fans than she has now) who went to the multiplex for what sounded like a fantasy drama - Nicole’s husband comes back from the dead (or does he?) as a 10-year-old boy - only to fi nd an arty, deliberately glacial fi lm with creepy undertones. The kid (Cameron Bright) is smart and precocious, but surely insane when he claims to be the reincarnation of Nicole’s late hubby; her new fi ancé doesn’t think it’s funny at

SIGMA 06.05 07.00 08.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00 16.40 18.30


20.20 21.20 22.00


00.15 00.20 01.10

02.20 03.40 03.45 06.45


Rafaela (rpt) Protoselido Kalimera Aspra Balonia (rpt) I Kouzina Tis Mamas (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Eleni Tolmo With News at 18.00. Tropico Latin American telenovela. Rafaela Mexican drama series with medical theme. News Irthe Ki Edese (rpt) Cyprus Beauty Contest 2012 Part 3, with more parading ladies coming up tomorrow. CSI: NY Third season. ‘A Daze of Wine and Roaches’. The tutor of a 15-year-old socialite meets her death as she poses alongside a mock guillotine at a French Revolution-themed event. Meanwhile, a blood-spattered bejewelled cockroach gives Danny and Lindsay apparent clues to an up-and-coming chef’s demise, leading them to the designer who created the unorthodox ornament. News Beta Queen (rpt) Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Allou Ximeromenoi (rpt) Otan Megaloso (rpt) Eleni (rpt) Tropico (rpt)

06.45 Star News 07.45 Mesimeriani Meleti - Best Of 09.15 Kids’ TV 11.50 Diet Please Local comedy series. 12.30 Star News 13.00 Kids’ TV 15.00 Mesimeriani Meleti 17.15 Fotis - Maria Live Entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, health, fashion, lifestyle issues and more. 18.45 Mila 20.15 Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition. 21.00 Exelixeis Sti Showbiz (rpt) 22.00 Fringe Two episodes from the second season of imaginative sci-fi series, starting with ‘Brown Betty’. A musical edition of the quirky drama series, in which Walter’s state of mind is explored after he receives distressing news. Followed by ‘Northwest Passage’. Peter teams up with law enforcement official Sheriff Mathis on a serial murder investigation which has links to Newton. Walter has to deal with the possibility of being sent back to St Claire’s, and someone from the alternate universe pays a visit. 23.30 LTV Sports News 00.30 Star News 01.00 Repeats

CAPITAL 08.00 10.30 11.30 13.15 15.00 15.30

17.20 18.10 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00




Kids’ TV Igeia & Zoi (rpt) Deste Tous Greek FILM: To Vlahomoutro Beyond The Break FILM: Across The Tracks A recently paroled teenager’s prowess on the sports track brings him into conflict with his straight-A student brother. Drama, starring Brad Pitt and Rick Schroder. 1990. O Anthropos Tis Thalassas Melrose Place With News at 18.30. News Sports Time News FILM: Mind Games A woman suffers from retrograde amnesia, forgetting the last seven months of her life. When a mysterious man tells her they’re married, her world begin to unravels. Thriller, starring Kari Keegan. 2003. FILM: Direct Action An honest cop blows the whistle on police corruption, only for his crooked colleagues to frame him for drug dealing. Action thriller, starring Dolph Lundgren. 2004. FILM: River’s End A small-town sheriff challenges his troubled grandson to canoe down a rugged river. Action, starring Barry Corbin. 2005. FILM: Black Eagle Martial arts adventure, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. 1988.

By Preston Wilder

all, but Nicole fi nds herself succumbing to the spell and ‘spell’ is the operative word, the boy standing for Magic more than anything, the sense of something hidden and primeval in a rational world. Ace director Jonathan Glazer also weaves a spell, in the use of music, tableaux in wintry light (as if Time itself stood still) and such little touches as the breeze that ruffles Kidman’s hair when the door opens bringing in a letter from the boy, like a spirit’s invisible caress. A strange, abstracted fi lm, though admittedly the spell peters out before the end. Made in 2004.


Shattered Silence (LTV, 21.00) Also known as Sexting in Suburbia - which makes it sound like a wacky comedy, whereas it’s actually a sombre drama about teen suicide. Liz Vassey is our heroine, loving mother of a 17-year-old daughter, at least till teenage Dina unaccountably hangs herself in her bedroom and distraught Mum discovers that her daughter was being cyber-bullied. An online search (“The internet never forgets”) soon uncovers evidence of harassment from fellow schoolmates, but the school doesn’t want to know - “Please stop this witch-hunt!” says the Principal, worried about the school’s reputation - and the offending teens’ parents are understandably hostile to Liz’s attempts to

Cine News 13:30 The Birdcage 15:30 The Green Hornet 17:30 Cine News 18:10 Birth 00:00 Sliver 01:50 Jennifer Eight 04:00 Jude 07:00 Escape To Chimp Eden 07:25 Growing Up... 08:15 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 08:40 Breed All About It 09:10 Cats Of Claw Hill 10:05 The Natural World 11:00 Wildlife Sos International 11:25 Dark Days In Monkey City 11:55 Animal Cops Philadelphia 12:50 New Breed Vets With Steve Irwin 13:45 Animal Precinct 14:40 The Natural World 15:30 Karina: Wild On Safari 16:00 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 16:30 Baby Planet 17:25 America’s Cutest Cat 18:20 Dogs 101 19:15 Wildlife Sos 19:40 Going Ape 20:10 Cheetah Kingdom 20:35 Predator’s Prey 21:05 Wildest Arctic 22:00 Great Animal Escapes 22:55 Must Love Cats 23:50 Animal Cops Miami 00:45 Your Worst Animal Nightmares 01:40 Untamed & Uncut 02:35 Great Animal Escapes 03:30 Must Love Cats 04:25 Wildest Arctic 05:20 Cheetah Kingdom 05:45 Predator’s Prey 06:10 New Breed Vets With Steve Irwin

01:20 Live at the Apollo 02:05 Walk On the Wild Side 02:35 Doctor Who 03:20 20,000 Streets Under The Sky 04:10 Blackadder The Third 04:45 Spooks 05:35 Walk On the Wild Side 06:05 Balamory 06:25 3rd & Bird 06:35 Bobinogs 06:45 Gigglebiz 07:00 Teletubbies 07:25 Jackanory Junior 07:40 Little Robots 07:50 Balamory 08:10 3rd & Bird 08:20 Bobinogs 08:30 Gigglebiz 08:45 Teletubbies 09:10 Jackanory Junior 09:25 Little Robots 09:35 Allo Allo 10:05 The Royle Family 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 Walk On the Wild Side 11:50 Doctors 12:20 Coast 13:20 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 13:50 New Tricks 02:40 The Royle Family 03:10 The Weakest Link 03:55 Walk On the Wild Side 04:25 Doctors 04:55 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 05:25 New Tricks 06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 Eastenders 07:30 Doctors 08:00 Coast 09:00 One Foot In The Grave 09:30 Rev (aka Handle With Prayer) 10:00 Spooks 10:50 Dinnerladies 11:20 As Time Goes By 11:50 20,000 Streets Under The Sky 12:40 Gavin & Stacey

07:00 Fifth Gear 07:25 Dirty Jobs 08:15 Deadliest Catch 09:10 Extreme Fishing 10:05 Mythbusters 11:00 How Do They Do It? ; 11:30 Destroyed In Seconds 11:55 Ultimate Survival 12:50 Wheeler Dealers 13:45 Hot Rod Apprentice 14:40 American Chopper 15:35 Dirty Jobs 16:30 Mythbusters 17:25 Deadliest Catch 18:20 Extreme Fishing 19:15 River Monsters 20:10 How It’s Made 20:40 How Do They Do It? ; 21:05 The Real Hustle 22:00 I Escaped: Real Prison Breaks 22:55 Get Out Alive 23:50 Robson Green’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 00:45 I Shouldn’t Be Alive 01:40 The Real Hustle 02:40 I Escaped: Real Prison Breaks 03:40 Robson Green’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 04:40 I Shouldn’t Be Alive 05:35 How It’s Made 06:00 Overhaulin’

09:30 Motorsports: Motorsports Weekend Magazine 09:45 Cycling: Tour De France 11:00 Snooker: Wuxi Classic China 12:15 Athletics: European Championship Finland 13:30 Athletics: Photo Finish (Magazine) 13:45 Cycling: Tour De France 18:45 Athletics: European

20:20 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 22:00 C.S.I. 22:50 Twelve 00:30 Cine News 01:00 Adult Zone

19:00 Country Strong 21:00 The Back-Up Plan 22:50 Scusa Ma Ti Chiamo Amore 00:45 London

21:00 Some Like It Hot 23:05 Paper Moon

The Blind Side (LTV, 23.00) Championship Finland 20:15 Snooker: Wuxi Classic China 21:45 All Sports: Watts 22:00 Pro Wrestling: This Week On World Wrestling Entertainment 22:30 Pro Wrestling: Vintage Collection 23:30 Cycling: Tour De France 00:00 Football: Euro 2012/Ukraine 02:00 Athletics: European Championship Finland

05:30 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 06:15 Family Guy 07:05 No Ordinary Family 07:50 How I Met Your Mother 08:40 White Collar 09:25 Criminal Minds 10:10 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 10:55 Family Guy 11:45 No Ordinary Family 12:30 How I Met Your Mother 13:20 White Collar 14:05 Criminal Minds 14:50 24: Day 16:20 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 17:05 Family Guy 17:55 No Ordinary Family 18:40 How I Met Your Mother 19:30 White Collar 20:15 Criminal Minds 21:00 24: Day 22:30 White Collar 23:20 24: Day 00:50 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 01:40 Family Guy 02:30 No Ordinary Family 03:20 The Goode Family 03:45 How I Met Your Mother 04:35 White Collar

07:00 Pawn Stars 08:00 The Universe 09:00 Dogfights 10:00 Pawn Stars 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 WWII: Lost Films 14:00 Dogfights 15:00 The Universe 16:00 WWII: Lost Films 18:00 Dogfights 19:00 The Universe 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Ax Men 22:00 Irt: Deadliest Roads 23:00 Pawn Stars 01:00 Ax Men 02:00 Irt: Deadliest Roads 03:00 Pawn Stars 04:00 The Universe 05:00 Dogfights 06:00 Ax Men

07:30 The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants 09:30 Duma 11:30 Letters To Juliet 13:20 Greetings From The Shore 15:30 Action Zone 16:00 Spotlight 17:00 The Goonies 19:00 Friends 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Shattered Silence 22:30 Hollywood Buzz 23:00 The Blind Side 01:15 Hustler TV 03:30 Groupie 05:00 The Sunset Limited 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Baby Looney Tunes 07:25 Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs 08:15 Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed 09:05 Scooby-Doo Where Are You! 09:30

Superman: The Animated Series 09:55 Big Cartoonie Show Nickelodeon 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B! 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 15:20 Justice League Unlimited 17:00 2012 Wimbledon Championships 21:00 Planet Speed 21:30 K9 Nation 22:00 Pba World Championship 22:30 Ironman 23:30 2012 Wimbledon Championships 00:30 Nascar Sprint Cup Series 03:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga 05:15 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Primera Division

07:15 Friends 07:45 Hawaii Five 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 10:00 According To Jim 10:45 Shameless 12:30 Fringe 13:20 Brothers & Sisters 14:05 Hawaii Five 15:40 The Office 16:05 House M.D. 16:50 Boardwalk Empire 18:45 Fringe 19:30 Grey’s Anatomy 20:15 V I 21:00 Friends 21:30 Criminal Minds 23:05 Desperate Housewives 00:05 12 Rounds 01:55 The Secret Life Of An American Wife 03:25 The Office 03:50 House M.D. 04:35 Boardwalk Empire 06:30 Grey’s Anatomy

08:00 Miracle 10:15 Sleepy Hollow 12:15 Demolition Man 14:15 Dennis The Menace 16:00 After.Life 18:00 500 Days Of Summer 19:45 Twilight Saga: New Moon 22:00 Finding Amanda 00:05 Daring! TV 03:45 Everybody Wants To Be Italian 05:30 Action Zone 06:00 Run

05:15 The Names Of Love 07:00 Cine News 07:30 A Better Life 09:10 African Cats 10:40 Stars In Style 11:10 The Conquest 13:05 Spinning Into Butter 14:35 Cine News 15:05 Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 16:50 Cine News 17:20 Fast Five 19:35 Films & Stars 20:10 Larry Crowne 22:00 Kung Fu Panda 23:40 Bright Star 01:40 Sniper Reloaded 03:15 Cine News 03:45 The Son Of No One

05:50 Ghosts Of Mississippi 08:00 Cine News 09:00 Summer Kids Zone 10:40 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps 12:55

02:00 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Kentucky Speedway 05:00 Super Bowl Highlights: IX: Pittsburgh v Minnesota 05:30 Super Bowl Highlights: X: Pittsburgh v Dallas 06:00 America’s Game: 1987 Washington Redskins 07:00 Golf Fitness - 20 Minute Home Workout 07:30 School of Golf – Chapter 19: Hitting it Pure 08:00 Feherty – Churry Chandler 09:00 Golf Central International 09:30 Feherty – Don Cheadle 10:00 Champions Tour: Constellation Senior Players Championship Final d. 12:30 Golf Central International 13:00 Strangers in Danger Vietnam 13:30 Thrillbillies 4 Shrimpy the Kid 14:00 Ball Up Streetball 15:00 Nationwide Tour United Leasing Championship at Victoria National Golf Club 17:00 FUTSAL 18:00 PRE GAME 18:15 CHAMPIONSHIP LAIKI POPULAR BANK 2011–12: APOLLON VS NEA SALAMINA 20:15 POST GAME 21:00 Super Bowl Highlights: IX: Pittsburgh v Minnesota 21:30 Super Bowl Highlights: X: Pittsburgh v Dallas 22:00 America’s Game: 1987 Washington Redskins 23:00 Strangers in Danger Vietnam 23:30 Thrillbillies 4 Shrimpy the Kid 00:00 Ball Up Streetball 01:00 Golf Central International

07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Essential 09:00 Dirt Biking New Zealand 10:00 Opening Soon 11:00 Journey Into Wine 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Departures 14:00 Think Green 15:00 Dirt Biking New Zealand 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Journey Into Wine 18:00 Opening Soon 19:00 Globe Trekker 20:00 Distant Shores 20:30 Travel Today 21:00 Megalopolis 22:00 Essential 23:00 Globe Trekker 00:00 Intrepid Journeys 01:00 Distant Shores 01:30 Travel Today 02:00 Megalopolis 03:00 Essential 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Opening Soon 06:00 Floyd Uncorked

06:00 42nd Street 07:30 Bhowani Junction 09:20 Conspirator 10:45 Penelope 12:20 King Solomon’s Mines 14:00 Billy Rose’s Jumbo 16:00 The Tunnel Of Love 17:35 Julie 19:10 Memphis Belle 21:00 Pennies From Heaven 22:45 2001: A Space Odyssey 01:00 Alex In Wonderland 02:50 Please Don’t Eat The Daisies 04:40 The Petrified Forest

BBC World Service (1323 MW) 00:00 BBC News 00:06 From Our Own Correspondent 00:30 BBC News Summary 00:32 Discovery 00:50 More Or Less 01:00 BBC News 01:06 World Briefing 01:30 BBC News Summary 01:32 Outlook 02:00 BBC News 02:06 World Briefing 02:30 BBC News Summary 02:32 Business Daily 02:50 Sports News 03:00 BBC News 03:06 HARDtalk 03:30 BBC News Summary 03:32 One Planet 03:50 From Our Own Correspondent 04:00 BBC News 04:06 World Briefing 04:30 BBC News Summary 04:32 World Business Report 04:50 Witness 05:00 BBC News 05:06 The World Today 05:30 BBC News Summary 05:32 Outlook 06:00 BBC News 06:06 The World Today 06:30 BBC News Summary 06:32 The World Today 07:00 BBC News 07:06 The World Today 07:30 BBC News Summary 07:32 The Strand 07:50 Witness 08:00 BBC News 08:06 The World Today 08:30 BBC News Summary 08:32 The World Today 09:00 BBC News 09:06 The World Today 09:30 BBC News Summary 09:32 The World Today 10:00 BBC News 10:06 HARDtalk 10:30 BBC News Summary 10:32 One Planet 10:50 From Our Own Correspondent 11:00 BBC News 11:06 Outlook 11:30 BBC News Summary 11:32 Business Daily 11:50 Sports News 12:00 BBC News 12:06 World Update 12:30 BBC News Summary 12:32 World Update 13:00 BBC News 13:06 World Have Your Say 13:30 BBC News Summary 13:32 The Strand 13:50 Witness 14:00 BBC News 14:06 Newshour 14:30 BBC News Summary 14:32 Newshour 15:00 BBC News 15:06 World Briefing 15:30 BBC News Summary 15:32 Business Daily 15:50 Sports News 16:00 BBC News 16:06 HARDtalk 16:30 BBC News Summary 16:32 One Planet 16:50 From Our Own Correspondent 17:00 BBC News 17:06 World Briefing 17:30 BBC News Summary 17:32 Outlook 18:00 BBC News 18:06 World Briefing 18:30 BBC News Summary 18:32 Sport Today 18:50 Witness 19:00 BBC News 19:06 World Briefing 19:30 BBC News Summary 19:32 World Business Report 20:00 BBC News 20:06 World Have Your Say 20:30 BBC News Summary 20:32 World Have Your Say 21:00 BBC News 21:06 World Briefing 21:30 BBC News Summary 21:32 The Strand 21:50 Witness 22:00 BBC News 22:06 Newshour 22:30 BBC News Summary 22:32 Newshour 23:00 BBC News 23:06 HARDtalk 23:30 BBC News Summary 23:32 Discovery

BFBS 1 (N’sia 91.7, WSBA 92.1, ESBA 99.6 FM) 02.00 BFBS Rocks 04.00 BFBS Shuffle 05.00 Ops Breakfast 06.00 Cyprus Breakfast 09.00 Chris Pearson 11.00 Neil Skinner 13.00 Total Ops Connection 15.00 Wez Thompson 18.00 Charlene Guy 21.00 Jessie Aru 00.00 Lip Locked BFBS 2 (Ni’sia 89.7, WSBA 89.9, ESBA 95.3 FM) 03.00 BFBS Radio News 03.03 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 04.00 Up All Night 07.00 Morning Reports 07.30 Wake Up To Money 08.00 Today 11.00 BFBS Radio News 11.03 Simon Marlow 14.00 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 15.00 World At One 15.45 Simon Guettier 19.00 PM - BBC Radio 4 20.00 6 O’Clock News 20.30 5 Live Sport 00.30 Late Night Live LiveCyBC2 (91.1, 92.4 FM) 06.00-7.30 Programmes in Turkish with News at 7.30 07.40 Good morning Cyprus 10.00-12.00 Kalimerhaba 12.00 Gunortasa 12.45 Greek Cyprus Press 13.00 Turkish Music 13.15 News in Turkish 13.30 News in English 13.45 PM Classics 16.00 Greek Radio 16.15 Our country doesn’t divide 16.50 News in Turkish 17.0018.00 Programmes in Armenian; News at 17.15 18.00-20.00 Round & About 20.00 News in English 20.10 Welcome to Cyprus in French and German 20.40 Ship of Fools with Robert Camassa 22.00 News in English 22.00 International Music 00.00-06.00 Rebroadcast of the evening’s programme

Radio Napa (106.3 FM) 06.00 Morning Music 08.30 BBC World Today 09.00 News, Weather and Exchange 09.05 Nathan Morley 12.00 BBC News 12.06 Lunchtime Classics 15.00 BBC News 15.06 Chris Yearley 18.00 News 18.06 Michael Godin 19.00 The Juke Box 98.5 Rock FM The Breakfast Show - Tony Newell - 07:00-10:00 2 Hours With Bejay Browne 10:00-12:00 Rock Fm’s Lunch Box - Jason Collins - 12:00-14:00 Non Stop Music 14:00-15:00 Valentina 15:00-18:00 Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday Liquid Radio Show - Pavlos - 15:00-18:00 Wednesday Drive Time - Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Monday - Tuesday Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Wednesday (Mix @ 6) The Cocktail Show - Antonis - 18:00-20:00 Thursday - Friday Panic In The Year Zero - 20:00-22:00 Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Radioactive Metal - 20:00-22:00 - Thursday Live Dj Set- Dj Allen D 20:00-22:00 - Friday 22:00-24:00 The Gathering - With Your Hosts Dj Mr Smith And Mc Svennyb – Live Wednesday & Friday Night Train 24:00-07:00 Monday To Friday

Oldies Digital

(Hotbird SAT / (

MONDAY-FRIDAY 05:00 That Was The Year 06:00 Easy Going Gold 10:00 The Juke Box 17:00 That Was The Year 18:00 Oldies Overnights - Hear the greatest hits of all time playing non stop during the darkest hours.

Kung Fu Panda 2 punish those responsible. A made-for-TV drama, a genre which has always reflected hot-button issues: 30 years ago they were all about domestic violence and/or rape victims seeking justice, now they’re all about kids being stalked by online predators, viral videos and other Terrors of the Internet. “I feel sorry for teens these days glad facebook and shit werent [sic] around in my day,” reads a rueful comment on YouTube. Then again, at least they’ve got those cute videos of dancing kittens now. Made in 2012.

Kung Fu Panda 2 (Novacinema1, 22.00) I’ve got bad news, and I’ve got worse news. The bad news is that Kung Fu Panda 2 is a by-the-numbers

sequel to the fi rst KFP, a surprise smash-hit about a panda with a penchant for kung-fu. The worse news is that Nova are showing the dubbed-into-Greek version, so you don’t even get Jack Black’s amusing bluster as Po, the panda in question - or indeed Gary Oldman as Shen the peacock, an evil despot haunted by a prophecy that he’ll someday be vanquished by “a warrior of black and white”. Shen does a King Herod on pandas, trying to pre-empt the prophecy, but baby Po escapes the panda-cide and grows into his goofy self - though the joke of a kung-fu panda may have run its course, especially since Po is now a famous warrior so the fi lm is less comic and more action-packed. Strictly for the small fry. Made in 2011.

T V MONDAY 02/07

July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL


SATURDAY 07/07 SUNDAY MAIL • July 1, 2012

CYBC 1 08.00 09.00 10.00 11.30 12.00

14.00 14.40

15.30 16.00



18.00 18.15 18.30

20.00 21.00

23.30 23.45


I Plateia (rpt) Code Europe (rpt) Concert Entehnos (rpt) FILM: Here Comes The Groom A foreign correspondent who runs an adoption agency for war orphans in Paris returns to Boston to woo his girlfriend with two youngters in tow : but unfortunately, she’s already engaged to someone else. Musical comedy, starring Bing Crosby. 1951. News Edoxe Ti Vouli Kai To Dimo Weekly show, catching up with the work of Parliament. My Cypriot Kitchen (rpt) Stin Akri Tou Paradeisou (rpt) Local period drama. Reload Show featuring music videos, stories, polls, games and entertainment options. Eimaste Edo Local talk-show aimed at younger crowds. News Candid Camera Paizoume Kypriaka Local game show. News / Weather / Financial Report Savvata Ki Apovrado Local music show. News EPI 2 Me Ton Angelo Iakovidi Interview programme. Repeats




08.00 Kids’ TV 14.25 60 Minute Makeover (rpt) 15.15 FILM: Julius Caesar A group of Roman senators conspires to murder a triumphant war leader before he can make himself king. Drama, starring Charlton Heston. 1970. 17.20 Girismata (rpt) 17.55 Passage To Malaysia Denise Keller goes on a maritime tour of the beautiful, historical seas and straits that surround Malaysia. 18.50 News In English 19.00 News In Turkish 19.10 Life Unexpected Second season. ‘Music Faced’. Crossover episode featuring One Tree Hill characters Haley and Mia as the girls attend a music festival hosted by Ryan. Cate and Haley discover they share similar pasts, so when a secret is revealed about the radio host she turns to Haley for advice. 20.00 NRG Music Channel 21.00 Doctor Who (rpt) Fifth season. ‘The Eleventh Hour’. With his TARDIS in ruins, the newlyregenerated Doctor with the help of Amy Pond must save the world in less than twenty minutes from galactic policemen known as the Atraxi. 21.45 FILM: El Dorado Western, starring John Wayne and Robert Mitchum. 1967. See Pick Of The Day. 23.50 Repeats

06.00 Kai Sera... Sera (rpt) 06.50 Proini Enimerosi (rpt) 07.30 Kids’ TV 08.00 Ano Kato (rpt) 08.40 Super Babas (rpt) 09.30 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 10.20 Deixe Mou To Filo Sou (rpt) 11.00 Tychi Vouno (rpt) 11.50 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 12.30 Tin Patisa (rpt) 13.20 Galileo 14.00 Dis Madiam (rpt) 14.50 Paris kai Eleni (rpt) 16.20 Eleftheros Ki Oraios (rpt) 17.40 Me to Deksi (rpt) With News at 18.00. 18.40 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 19.30 Ypo Yo Fos Tou Fengariou (rpt) 17.10 Ikogenia tis Symforas (rpt) 20.20 News 21.20 Tin Patisa (rpt) 22.00 Ellada Eheis Talento (rpt) 23.25 News 23.30 FILM: Attila The Hun Chronicles the life of the infamous warrior who dedicated his life to conquering nations in a bid to establish a new world order. Biopic, starring Gerard Butler. 2001. With Sports News at 00.10. 01.00 Top Chef Repeat of Greek cookery show. 02.30 Trito Stefani (rpt) 03.20 News 04.10 To Monopati Tis Agapis (rpt) 05.00 S’Agapo Yia Panta (rpt)

06.00 Haravgi (rpt) 06.30 Eheis Meson (rpt) Current affairs programme. 07.00 Yia Banaki (rpt) 10.00 An Thimitheis To Oneiro Mou (rpt) 11.00 Glykes Alhimies (rpt) Cooking show focusing on desserts, hosted by famed Greek pastry chef Stelios Parliaros. 12.00 Mpoukia kai Sychorio (rpt) A virtual tour through Greece, the Mediterranean and Europe that focuses on local cuisine and culture. 13.00 Oi Kipouroi Tou Mega 13.50 Baba Min Treheis (rpt) 14.40 Savvatogennimenes (rpt) 15.30 An Iperhes Tha Se Horiza (rpt) 16.10 Parea Stin Kouzino 16.30 I Ora I Kali (rpt) 17.30 Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) Greek comedy series. With News at 18.00. 19.20 Peninta Peninta (rpt) 20.20 News 21.05 Pername Kala 23.30 I Oikogeneia Vlaptei (rpt) 00.00 News 00.10 Dio Meres Mono (rpt) 01.00 Hawthorne US medical drama. 02.00 Meli Gala (rpt) 04.00 Mana Einai Mono Mia (rpt) 04.30 Ola Ta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou (rpt) 05.00 O Ios Tou Petera (rpt) 05.40 Paralliloi Dromoi (rpt)

PICK OF THE DAY Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D (Novacinema1, 19.20) Wait, isn’t the fourth dimension Time? Is this fi lm going to take you back in Time - maybe to the days when you were a kid and appreciated gags about exploding gadgets and talking dogs? Well, yes - but also no, because 4D in this fourth Spy Kids movie refers to ‘Aromascope’, a gimmick adding the sense of smell to the fi lm experience (cinema audiences had special scratch-and-sniff cards, and scratched off a

SIGMA 06.00 07.40 10.00 14.00 14.40 15.10 16.10 17.10 18.00 18.05 19.00 20.15 21.20 22.20

00.15 00.20

01.10 04.00


Zoi Podilato (rpt) Kids’ TV Mes Stin Kali Hara Rafaela (rpt) Sfinakia Light (rpt) Oi Atromitoi (rpt) Eho Ena Mistiko (rpt) Entimotatoi Keratades (rpt) News Oikogeneiakes Istories (rpt) Cyprus Beauty Contest (rpt) News Pame Paketo (rpt) FILM: Seduced By Lies A successful businesswoman is relieved to move on from her obsessive ex when she meets a handsome oil heir. However, romance gives way to suspicion when she discovers someone is watching her every move. Psychological thriller, starring Josie Davis. 2010. News CSI: NY (rpt) Third season. ‘Obsession’. Mac and Stella look into the death of an estate agent whose body has been found in an unoccupied property by Central Park. Danny and Hawkes investigate a murder linked to the dangerous minority sport of shopping trolley racing, and suspect the culprit could have been a member of a rival team. Mes Tin Kali Hara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)

07.50 Kids’ TV 11.05 Exelixeis Sti Showbiz (rpt) 11.30 Diet Please (rpt) 12.05 LTV Sports News (rpt) 13.00 Star News 13.30 Kostakis Ki Yioi Local comedy series. 14.00 Mila (rpt) Discussions about various issues based on woman’s life. 15.30 Fotis-Maria Live Best Of Entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, health, fashion, lifestyle issues and more. 17.00 Exelixeis Sti Showbiz 17.30 Mesimeriani Meleti (rpt) 19.00 Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition. Hosted by Dina Nikolaou. 19.45 Star News 21.00 Greek FILM: Ap’ Ta Alonia Sta Salonia Comedy. 1972. 22.45 One Tree Hill (rpt) Second season. ‘Between Order and Randomness’. Nathan is forced to tell Haley about his tryst with Taylor - but she continues to keep her flirtatious correspondence with Chris a secret. Lucas refuses to take the heart test, while Brooke fights for better working conditions in her new job. 23.30 LTV Sports News 00.15 Star News 01.00 Repeats

CAPITAL 08.00 11.15 11.30 13.15 13.30 13.55


19.15 20.05





Kids’ TV Mila Mou Prasina Deste Tous Kipotehnia (rpt) The Adventures Of Shirley Holmes Greek FILM: Angeloi Horis Ftera Lives Of The Saints With News at 18.30. News Remington Steele Detective drama series. FILM: Crash Landing A military officer tries to save the passengers on a private jet that has been hijacked by terrorists. Action thriller, starring Antonio Sabato Jr. 2005. FILM: Hostage A former hostage negotiator draws on his old skills to save children held captive in their own home by a gang of crazed delinquents. Thriller, with Bruce Willis and Kevin Pollak. 2005. FILM: Ann Rule Presents: The Stranger Beside Me While working at a Seattle clinic for women in the 1970s, Ann Rule becomes friends with Ted Bundy. Based on a book by Ann Rule. Crime drama, starring Billy Campbell, 2003. FILM: Graves End An FBI agent investigates a town that provides ex-convicts with a second chance - only for many of them to disappear suspiciously. Thriller, with Eric Roberts. 2005.

By Preston Wilder

number when it appeared on the screen), which of course you won’t get on Nova. Jessica Alba is a ‘spy mum’, trying to conceal her James (or Jane) Bond credentials from her new stepchildren - but then the kids fi nd out and become spy kids, meeting the aforementioned talking dog (voiced by Ricky Gervais) and going after a villain called the Timekeeper. All quite silly but revelling in its silliness, like previous Spy Kids fi lms - and the franchise may be juvenile but at least it isn’t cynical, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. I love the smell of kidpic in the morning. Made in 2011.

Spy Kids: All The Time in the World 4D

El Dorado (CyBC2, 21.45) Yay, classic Westerns on CyBC! Turns out Once Upon a Time in the West [see Sunday] wasn’t a fluke, though this one - made two years earlier - is in some ways its polar opposite, not a revisionist spaghetti Western but an old master (director Howard Hawks) following up Rio Bravo with something equally laidback and discursive. John Wayne was paired with Dean Martin in the earlier fi lm, but here it’s Robert Mitchum - and here it’s the sheriff (Mr. Mitchum) who’s the drunk, joining forces with cowboy Wayne and a motley crew of sidekicks to fight a nasty rancher. The plot is mostly an excuse for a certain stylised atmosphere (lots of evocative night-time exteriors)

Radio BBC World Service (1323 MW) 05:05 Machete 06:50 Monsters 08:25 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story 10:00 Largo Winch 2: The Burma Conspiracy 12:00 The Lincoln Lawyer 14:00 Gentlemen Broncos 15:35 The Ghost And The Darkness 22:00 Killer Inside Me, The 23:55 Fair Game 01:50 Adult Zone

07:00 Karina: Wild On Safari 07:25 Meerkat Manor 07:50 Bondi Vet 08:15 Corwin’s Quest 09:10 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 09:35 Breed All About It 10:05 Crocodile Hunter 11:00 Dogs/Cats/ Pets 101 11:55 Michaela’s Animal Road Trip 12:50 Wildlife Sos 13:45 Animal Planet’s Most Outrageous 18:20 O’Shea’s Big Adventure 20:10 Great Ocean Adventures 21:05 Wildest Africa 22:00 Cats 101 22:55 Whale Wars 23:50 Untamed & Uncut 00:45 Shark Attack Survival Guide 01:40 Animal Cops South Africa 02:35 Cats 101 03:30 Whale Wars 04:25 Wildest Africa 05:20 Great Ocean Adventures 06:10 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101

01:05 The Weakest Link 01:50 Doctor Who 02:35 Doctor Who Confidential 02:50 Walk On the Wild Side 03:20 Doctors 03:50 Live at the Apollo 04:35 The Royle Family 05:05 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 05:35 Allo Allo 06:05 Balamory 06:25 3rd & Bird 06:35 Bobinogs 06:45 Nina & The Neurons 07:00 Teletubbies 07:25 Boogie Beebies 07:40 Little Robots 07:50 Balamory 08:10 3rd & Bird 08:20 Bobinogs 08:30 Nina & The Neurons 08:45 Teletubbies 09:10 Boogie Beebies 09:25 Doctor Who 10:10 One Foot In The Grave 10:40 Dinnerladies 11:10 As Time Goes By 11:40 The Weakest Link 12:25 Coast 13:25 Robin Hood 14:10 After You’ve Gone 14:40 2 Point 4 Children 15:10 Casualty 16:00 Eastenders 18:00 Monarch Of The Glen 18:50 Doctor Who 19:35 Doctor Who Confidential 19:45 Robin Hood 20:30 Allo Allo 21:00 Rev (aka Handle With Prayer) 21:30 Gavin & Stacey 22:00 Live at the Apollo 22:45 Fawlty Towers 23:20 Great Ormond Street 00:10 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 00:40 Twenty Twelve

07:00 Fifth Gear 07:25 Rides 08:15 Fifth Gear 08:45 Fifth Gear 09:10 Mega Builders 10:05 Mighty Ships 11:00 Dual Survival 14:40 Extreme Engineering 15:35 Deconstruction 16:30 Huge Moves 17:25 How It’s Made 17:55 How Stuff’s Made 18:20 Crisis Control 19:15 Battle Machine Bros 20:10 How It’s Made 21:05 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie 22:00 An Idiot Abroad 22:55 Ultimate Survival 23:50 Dual Survival 00:45 Rampage! 01:40 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie 02:40 An Idiot Abroad 03:40 Ultimate Survival 04:40 How It’s Made 05:05 Dual Survival 06:00 Battle Machine Bros

09:30 Fitness: The Box 09:45 Rally: Intercontinental Rally Challenge San Marino 10:15 Snooker: 6 Red World Championship Thailand 12:15 Football: Uefa European Under-19 Championship Estonia 13:45 Cycling: Tour De France 18:30 All Sports: Watts 19:00 Swimming 21:00 Fight Sport: Total Ko 22:00 Fight Sport 00:00 Rally: Intercontinental Rally Challenge San Marino 00:30 Rally Raid: Silk Way 00:45 Cycling: Tour De France 02:00 Swimming

05:25 A Family Thanksgiving 06:55 Cine News 07:25 The King Of Comedy 09:15 Little Women 11:15 Cine News 11:50 The Last Airbender 13:35 The Back-Up Plan 17:50 R.T.T. 19:25 Lies In Plain Sight 21:00 Mia Fora Kai Ena... Moro 22:35 Biutiful 01:05 Jumping The Broom 03:00 Somewhere 04:40 London Boulevard

21:00 We’re No Angels 22:55 Country Girl

Biutiful (Novacinema4, 22.35)

05:30 Family Guy 08:00 Around The World For Free 10:15 Family Guy 10:40 The Cleveland Show 11:05 Bob’s Burgers 11:30 How I Met Your Mother 15:40 White Collar 19:30 24: Day 21:00 Lights Out 22:30 Sons Of Anarchy 23:20 American Horror Story 00:10 The Walking Dead 01:00 Criminal Minds 03:20 How I Met Your Mother

07:00 Life After People 10:00 How The Earth Was Made 13:00 Life After People 16:00 Ancient Wonders 17:00 Tony Robinson Down Under 18:00 The Universe 19:00 American Restoration 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 American Pickers 22:00 Lee & Grant 00:00 American Restoration 02:00 Pawn Stars 03:00 American Pickers 04:00 Lee & Grant 06:00 American Restoration

07:30 Dennis The Menace 09:15 Bird 12:00 Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’hoole 13:45 Preacher’s Kid 15:45 Overnight Delivery 17:30 Shutter Island 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Lethal Weapon 23:00 Tell Me You Love Me 01:00 Hustler TV 03:10 Special 04:40 Mars Attacks! 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Baby Looney Tunes 07:25 Legion Of Super Heroes 07:50 Loonatics Unleashed Nickelodeon 08:15 Wonder Pets 08:40 Dora The Explorer 09:05 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 09:30 Spongebob Squarepants 09:55 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:20 Fanboy & Chum Chum 10:45 X’s 11:10 Mighty B! 11:35 My Life As A Teenage Robot 12:00 Hey Arnold! 12:25 Icarly 13:15 Looney Tunes Show 13:40 Young Justice 14:05 Pba World Championship 14:55 2012 Formula 1 16:15 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga 18:15 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Coupe De France 20:15 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Laiki Bank Champion-

ship 22:00 Pba World Championship 23:30 2012 Wimbledon Championships 00:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Primera Division 02:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga 04:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Barclay’s Premier League 06:30 Momentum: What Drives You

07:05 Friends 07:30 House M.D. 08:30 Brothers & Sisters 09:30 The Big Bang Theory 09:55 According To Jim 10:45 Criminal Minds 11:30 Shameless 12:20 Boardwalk Empire 13:20 Chuck 14:05 Hawaii Five 15:00 Friends 17:15 The Vampire Diaries 21:00 Sons Of Anarchy 00:30 Midnight Chronicles 02:10 After… 03:30 Fringe

08:15 Being There 10:30 Action Zone 11:00 Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo 12:30 Living Out Loud 14:15 Wedding Singer 16:00 Michael 18:00 Lesbian Vampire Killers 19:30 Action Zone 20:00 Flipped 21:30 Action Zone 22:00 Twilight Saga: New Moon 00:15 Daring! TV 03:50 John Rambo 05:30 Pearl Diver

06:00 Room In Rome 07:55 Paul 09:40 Cine News 10:10 Something Borrowed 12:05 Cine News 12:40 The Tree Of Life 15:00 Burn Notice 15:50 Cine News 16:15 Les Emotifs Anonymes 17:45 Kung Fu Panda 2 19:20 Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The Word 21:00 Burn Notice 22:00 Happythankyoumoreplease 23:50 Atonement 00:50 Larry Crowne 02:35 The Hit List 04:05 13 Assassins

06:30 Shanghai 08:15 Cine News 09:00 Summer Kids Zone 10:15 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps 12:30 Heart Condition 16:05 My Cousin Vinny 18:05 Mad On Novacinema 18:40 American Graffiti 20:35 Inspector Gadget 22:00 Against All Odds 02:00 Sliver 03:50 A Time To Kill


01:30 Champions Tour: Nature Valley Fist Tee Open At Pele Beach 03:30 Asian Tour Queens Cup 04:00 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Highlights Kentucky Speedway 05:00 Prime/Time Ring 07:00 Top 10 07:30 School of Golf 08:00 Golf Now 08:30 Golf’s Amazing Videos 09:00 Golf Central International 09:30 Golf Now 10:00 PGA Tour: The Greenbrier Classic 13:00 Super Bowl Highlights: XI: Oakland v Minnesota 13:30 Super Bowl Highlights: XII: Dallas v Denver 14:00 America’s Game: 1988 San Francisco 49es 15:00 European Tour: Alstom Open de France 19:00 PRE GAME 19:45 CHAMPIONSHIP LAIKI POPULAR BANK 2011–12: ARHS VS OMONOIA 21:45 POST GAME 22:30 PGA Tour: The Greenbrier Classic 01:00 Asian Tour Queens Cup

07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Intrepid Journeys 09:00 Flavours Of Peru 10:00 Journey Into Wine 11:00 Planet Food 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Intrepid Journeys 14:00 Megalopolis 15:00 The World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Distant Shores 17:30 Travel Today 18:00 The World’s Greatest Motorcycle Rides 19:00 Globe Trekker 20:00 Flavours Of Greece 20:30 Flavours Of Spain 21:00 Cruise Today 21:30 Essential 22:00 Departures 23:00 Globe Trekker 00:00 Third Class Traveller 01:00 4real 01:30 Essential 02:00 Cruise Today 02:30 Essential 03:00 Flavours Of Greece 03:30 Flavours Of Spain 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Flavours Of Greece 06:00 Culinary Travels With Varun Sharma

06:00 Bonnie Scotland 07:20 The Adventures of Quentin Durward 09:05 A Life Of Her Own 10:50 Ziegfeld Girl 13:00 Kiss Me Kate 14:50 A Yank At Eton 16:20 Big Sleep, The 18:15 Father’s Little Dividend 19:35 Moonfleet 21:00 Dead Calm 22:40 The Hunger 00:15 The Last Run 01:50 Poltergeist 03:40 Kelly’s Heroes

00:00 BBC News 00:06 World Briefing 00:30 BBC News Summary 00:32 World Business Report 00:50 Sports News 01:00 BBC News 01:06 World Briefing 01:30 BBC News Summary 01:32 The Bottom Line 02:00 BBC News 02:06 World Briefing 02:20 Sports News 02:30 BBC News Summary 02:32 In The Balance 03:00 BBC News 03:06 The Secret Policemen 03:30 BBC News Summary 03:32 Global Business 04:00 BBC News 04:06 Top Of The Pops 04:30 BBC News Summary 04:32 Top Of The Pops 05:00 BBC News 05:06 The World Today 05:30 BBC News Summary 05:32 Healthcheck 05:50 More Or Less 06:00 BBC News 06:06 The World Today 06:30 BBC News Summary 06:32 The 5th Floor 07:00 BBC News 07:06 The World Today 07:20 Sports News 07:30 BBC News Summary 07:32 In The Balance 08:00 BBC News 08:06 The World Today 08:30 BBC News Summary 08:32 One Planet 08:50 Witness 09:00 BBC News 09:06 The World Today 09:30 BBC News Summary 09:32 The World Today 10:00 BBC News 10:06 The Secret Policemen 10:30 BBC News Summary 10:32 Global Business 11:00 BBC News 11:06 The Forum 11:30 BBC News Summary 11:32 The Forum 11:50 Witness 12:00 BBC News 12:06 World Briefing 12:20 Sports News 12:30 BBC News Summary 12:32 Click 12:50 More Or Less 13:00 BBC News 13:06 From Our Own Correspondent 13:30 BBC News Summary 13:32 Living Along Africa’s Faultlines 14:00 BBC News 14:06 Newshour 14:30 BBC News Summary 14:32 Newshour 15:00 BBC News 15:06 The Strand 15:30 BBC News Summary 15:32 The Strand 16:00 BBC News 16:06 Sportsworld 17:00 BBC News 17:06 Sportsworld 18:00 BBC News 18:06 Sportsworld 19:00 BBC News 19:06 Sportsworld 19:32 Sportsworld Have Your Say 20:00 BBC News 20:06 World Briefing 20:30 BBC News Summary 20:32 The 5th Floor 21:00 BBC News 21:06 HARDtalk 21:30 BBC News Summary 21:32 Healthcheck 21:50 Sporting Witness 22:00 BBC News 22:06 Newshour 22:30 BBC News Summary 22:32 Newshour 23:00 BBC News 23:06 The Forum 23:30 BBC News Summary 23:32 The Forum 23:50 Witness

BFBS 1 (N’sia 91.7, WSBA 92.1, ESBA 99.6 FM) 02.00 The Chill Out Room 04.00 BFBS Shuffle 05.00 Ops Breakfast 08.00 Cyprus Saturday Breakfast 10.00 UK Saturday Breakfast 12.00 Gareth John 16.00 Vicki And Adam’s Saturday Show 20.00 Club Culture Live 23.00 Groove Collective BFBS 2 (Ni’sia 89.7, WSBA 89.9, ESBA 95.3 FM) 03.00 BFBS News 03.03 Nigel Rennie Country 04.00 BFBS News 04.03 The BFBS Radio 2 Saturday Show 06.00 BFBS News 06.03 Soul On 2 07.00 Morning Reports 08.00 Weekend Breakfast 09.00 Today 11.00 BFBS News 11.03 The BFBS Radio 2 Saturday Show 13.00 BFBS Radio 4 News 13.02 BFBS Radio 4 13.30 BFBS Radio 4 14.00 Five Live Sport 22.00 Saturday Edition 01.00 Late Night Live

LiveCyBC2 (91.1, 92.4 FM) 06.00-7.30 Programmes in Turkish with News at 7.30 07.40 Good morning Cyprus 10.00-12.00 Kalimerhamba 12.00 Gunortasa 12.45 Greek Cyprus Press 13.00 Turkish Music 13.15 News in Turkish 13.30 News in English 13.45 PM Classics 16.00 Greek Radio 16.15 Our country doesn’t divide 16.50 News in Turkish 17.00-18.00 Programmes in Armenian; News at 17.15 18.00-20.00 Round & About 20.00 News in English 20.10 Welcome to Cyprus in French and German 20.40 Ship of Fools with Robert Camassa 22.00 News in English 22.00 International Music 00.00-06.00 Rebroadcast of the evening’s programme Radio Napa (106.3 FM) 06.00 Morning Music 08.30 BBC World Today 09.00 News, Weather and Exchange 09.05 Nathan Morley 12.00 BBC News 12.06 Lunchtime Classics 15.00 BBC News 15.06 Chris Yearley 18.00 News 18.06 Michael Godin 19.00 The Juke Box

98.5 Rock FM The Breakfast Show - Pafian Paul 08:00-10:00 The Weekend Link 10:00-12:00 Frock Fm - Philippos - 12:00-14:00 Double Dutch - Joep - 14:00-16:00 My Big Fat Arts Show - Kathleen Ruddy - 16:00-18:00 Non Stop Music - 18:00-20:00 Ready To Blow Up The Seen - With Your Hosts Dj Mr Smith And Mc Svenny B – Live 20:00-22:00 22:00-24:00 Saturday Live Dj SetDj Allen D Night Train 24:00-07:00

Oldies Digital

(Hotbird SAT / (www.oldies-digital.

com) SATURDAYS 08:00 Sinatra Hour 09:00 Solid Gold Music Show with John Watson 11:00 Easy Going Gold 19:00 Oldies Digital plays some great classic party hits - perfect for a Saturday night. 22:00 Night Gold

Happythankyoumoreplease and a certain view of the West - a place where everyone knows each other but even best friends hide their affection, a moving hymn to deep-rooted bonds; as the opening song puts it, “There’s much more to life than things we can see”. Delightful, and richly emotional behind the easy-going surface. Made in 1966.

Happythankyoumoreplease (Novacinema1, 22.00) Funnytitlemakesnosense - but then neither do the lives of our five heroes, late 20-somethings in bohemian New York. Sam (Josh Radnor, who also wrote and directed) is a struggling writer who semi-adopts a lost little boy he fi nds on the subway; Malin Aker-

man is Annie, who suffers from alopecia (a.k.a. baldness) but is trying to be thankful, having been told by a cabbie that “the key to your life is gratitude; you do not give enough thanks” (whatever happened to New York cabbies being rude and driving like maniacs?); Kate Mara is a singer, Zoe Kazan a girl who’s unhappy with her boyfriend (Pablo Schreiber). “With very little modification, the relationship woes in this self-absorbed indie could be reworked into episodes of TV’s How I Met Your Mother,” wrote Entertainment Weekly - maybe because Mr. Radnor plays Ted on that show - and it does give off that plastic sitcom vibe, its trendy people turning out to be basically hollow. OKthankyougoawaynow. Made in 2010.


July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL

T V SUNDAY 01/07 SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

CYBC 1 08.00 I Plateia (rpt) Two episodes. 09.00 Paraskinio (rpt) 09.30 Peri Kyprou 09.45 Girismata Travel show exploring the beauty of Greece. 10.30 I Ypaithros Local farming programme. 11.00 Savvato Ki Apovrado (rpt) 13.00 I Kypros Konta Sas Local show looking at Cyprus past and present. 14.00 News 14.40 Kyprion Nostos Weekly show focusing on the Greek-Cypriot diaspora. 15.30 My Cypriot Kitchen (rpt) An introduction to the island’s food, with the bubbly Tonia Buxton. 16.00 Stin Akri Tou Paradeisou (rpt) Local period drama, based on true events. 16.30 Reload Show aimed at teens featuring music, videos, polls, games and more. 17.30 Aminesthai Peri Patris 18.00 News 18.15 Peri Kyprou 18.30 Airplay Charts 18.45 Paizoume Kypriaka (rpt) Local game-show, based around the Cypriot dialect. 20.00 News 21.00 FILM: Once Upon A Time In The West Western, starring Henry Fonda and Jason Robards. 1969. See Pick of the Day. 23.40 News 00.00 Repeats

CYBC 2 00.30 08.00 08.15 08.40 08.50 09.15 09.40 10.05 10.30 11.00 12.00 12.25 12.50 13.15 14.00






Euronews Everything Rosie Maya The Bee Thomas And Friends Hurray For Hucle Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Handy Many Barney Inspector Gadget Noonborry And The Super 7 The Suite life on Deck Wizards Of Waverly Place Sti Hora Tou Yiati (rpt) Album Show 60 Minute Makeover (rpt) DIY challenge, in which a team of designers have just one hour to transform a home. I Ypaithros (rpt) Local farming programme. Euromaxx Magazine show focusing on cultural news from Europe. Candid Camera Hidden cameras document various pranks. European Athletics Championship Live from Helsinki. News In English

ANTENNA 07.20 07.30 08.00 08.40 09.30 10.20 11.10 13.00 13.50 14.40 15.30 16.20 17.10 18.00 18.10 19.30 20.20 21.20 22.10

23.50 00.00 00.10

20.10 News In Turkish 20.20 NRG Music Channel 20.45 Euro 2012 Final. 00.00 Repeats

01.40 02.30 03.20 04.20

Sports News (rpt) Kids’ TV Ano Kato 40 Kymata (rpt) Kai Sera... Sera (rpt) Deixe Mou To Filo Sou (rpt) Ipo Fos Tou Fengariou (rpt) Tychi Vouno Galileo Dis Madiam (rpt) Paris kai Eleni (rpt) Me to Dexi (rpt) Ikogenia tis Symforas (rpt) News O Polemos Ton Astron (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) News Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo FILM: Deliver Us From Eva Three men decide to set up their meddling sisterin-law to stop her interfering in their marriages - but their plan goes badly wrong. Comedy, starring Gabrielle Union and LL Cool J. 2003. News Sports News FILM: Accepted A high school slacker who’s rejected by every school he applies to opts to create his own institution of higher learning, on a rundown piece of property near his hometown. Comedy, starring Justin Long. 2006. Istories Mystiriou Trito Stefani (rpt) News To Monopati Tis Agapis (rpt)




06.00 Haravgi (rpt) 07.00 Church Service 10.00 Greek Series TBA (rpt) 11.00 Glykes Alhimies Cookery show focusing on desserts, hosted by famed pastry chef Stelios Parliaros. 12.00 Pername Kala (rpt) 14.00 Meli Gala 16.00 Parea Stin Kouzina 16.30 Money Drop A team of two people with a preexisting relationship is presented with a large amount of cash and must risk the entire amount on seven multiplechoice questions. 17.30 Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) Long-running comedy series about annoying mother-in-laws. With News at 18.20. 19.30 Mousiko Kouti (rpt) Greek game show that tests contestants on their music knowledge. 20.20 News 21.05 Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) 23.20 I Oikogeneia Vlaptei (rpt) With News at 00.00. 00.30 Dio Meres Mono (rpt) 01.20 My Boys A female sportswriter looks for romance within her maledominated world. 02.00 Meli Gala (rpt) 04.00 Mana Einai Mono Mia (rpt) 04.30 Ola Ta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou (rpt) 05.00 Love Sorry (rpt) 05.40 Paralliloi Dromoi (rpt)

05.45 Tolmo (rpt) 07.40 Zoi Podilato (rpt) 09.10 Pink Panther Show 10.00 Mes Stin Kali Hara 13.25 Kids’ TV 15.10 90210 (rpt) New teen drama series, about a close circle of friends in West Beverly Hills navigating life after high school. 17.10 Cyprus Beauty Contest (rpt) With News at 18.00. 18.30 Pame Paketo (rpt) Greek popular talk-show now in its fourth year, that deals with human interest stories such as reuniting people. 20.20 News 21.30 FILM: Benny And Joon A mentally ill woman falls for an eccentric stranger, to the concern of her brother. Romantic comedy, starring Johnny Depp and Mary Stuart Masterson. 1993. 23.00 CSI: NY (rpt) Third season. ‘Silent Night’. Mac and the team are called to the home of a family who cannot hear, where a woman has been shot and killed - a case that brings up memories of Lindsay’s troubled past. Meanwhile, Stella and Danny investigate the murder of a promising figureskater who has been found dead at the ice rink. 23.45 News 23.50 Dekati Entoli (rpt) 00.40 Mes Tin Kali Hara (rpt) 04.30 Eleni (rpt)

07.50 Kids’ TV 11.05 Exelixeis Sti Showbiz (rpt) 11.30 Diet Please (rpt) 12.05 LTV Sports News (rpt) 13.00 Star News 13.30 Kostakis Ki Yioi (rpt) Local comedy series. 14.00 Mila (rpt) Discussions about various issues based on woman’s life. 15.30 Fotis - Maria Live (rpt) Entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, health, fashion, lifestyle issues and more. 17.00 Exelixeis Sti Showbiz 17.30 Mesimeriani Meleti (rpt) 19.00 Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition. 19.45 Star News 21.00 LTV Sports News 22.00 FILM: He’s Just Not That Into You The Baltimoreset movie of interconnecting story arcs deals with the challenges of reading or misreading human behaviour. Romantic comedy starring Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Connelly. 2009. 00.15 FILM: Master With Cracked Fingers A man learns the deadly ‘snake fist’ technique in a bid to gain vengeance on his father’s killers. Kung-fu thriller, with Jackie Chan, Shi Tian and Tian Feng. 1973. 01.30 Star News 02.00 Repeats


Once Upon a Time in the West (CyBC1, 21.00) Classic Westerns, part 1. Begin at the beginning, with the pre-credits sequence - a tour de force of tension as three men wait at a railway station, sitting impassively as repeated sounds (dripping water, a buzzing fl y, a creaky hinge) create a sense of mounting unease. Then they meet Charles Bronson as ‘Harmonica’ (“Looks like we’re shy one horse”; “You brought two too many”), then we move on to the massacre at the farmhouse and Ennio Morricone’s score surg-

CAPITAL 08.00 11.30 13.15 13.30 14.00


19.15 20.05





Kids’ TV Deste Tous Kipotehnia The Adventures Of Shirley Holmes Greek FILM: Tapeinos Kai Katafronimenos FILM: The Ring A signet ring with special meaning provides a beacon in the life of a young German woman during World War II. Drama, starring Natassja Kinski. 1996. With News at 18.30. News Remington Steele Light-hearted adventure series. FILM: A Deadly Encounter A hard-working mother angers another driver when she cuts him up on her way home from work, prompting him to terrorise her. Thriller, starring Laura Leighton. 2004. FILM: The Flock A paranoid federal agent forced to take early retirement recruits his successor into helping him find a missing girl. Crime thriller, with Richard Gere and Claire Danes. 2006. FILM: Time Of Fear A FBI agent and a grieving father are thrust into the dark world of a demented killer. Thriller, starring Nick Mancuso. 2005. FILM: Out Of The Cold A washed-up American tap dancer finds new success - and romance. Drama, starring Keith Carradine. 1999.

By Preston Wilder

ing unforgettably as three men - led by Henry Fonda, cast against type as a thin-lipped killer - appear over the crest of a hill, their long coats swaying in the breeze. If the fi lm ended there, it would still be acclaimed as a masterwork - and in fact it might’ve been better if the fi lm had ended there, because the rest of it is muddled (something about the coming of the railroad, and Claudia Cardinale as a widow out for revenge) and defi nitely drags here and there. Clint Eastwood might’ve made it even better - but a stylish Western

Once Upon a Time in the West

with at least 20 minutes of genius isn’t really something to complain about. Classic! Made in 1968.

Cat Ballou (Nova Classics, 21.00) Classic Westerns, part 2. Actually another patchy oldie, alternating delightful moments - mostly courtesy of Lee Marvin (who won an Oscar) and troubadours Nat King Cole and Stubby Kaye (who appear at regular intervals to sing about the plot, a device copied in There’s Something About Mary) - with rather tedious build-up involving Jane Fonda and a couple of cowardly cowboys. She’s prim schoolteacher Cat Ballou, going up against the railroad like Claudia Cardinale in Once Upon a Time in the West (that

Radio Sto Ksespasma Tou Feggariou 14:55 Secretariat 17:00 Manuale D’am3re 19:10 Cine News 20:00 Le Divorce 22:00 Gran Torino 00:05 The Siege 02:05 Once Upon A Time In America

07:00 Escape To Chimp Eden 07:25 Crocodile Hunter 08:15 Dogs Vs. Cats 09:10 Growing Up... 10:05 The Really Wild Show 10:30 Breed All About It 11:00 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 11:25 Cats Of Claw Hill 11:55 Dogs/ Cats/Pets 101 12:50 O’shea’s Big Adventure 14:40 Wildlife Sos 15:35 Safari Vet School 16:30 Must Love Cats 17:25 Animal Kingdom 18:20 Max’s Big Tracks 19:15 Austin Stevens Adventures 20:10 Great Ocean Adventures 21:05 Wildest Africa 22:00 Wildest Arctic 22:55 Monster Bug Wars 23:50 Animal Cops South Africa 00:45 Untamed & Uncut 01:40 Extreme Animals 02:35 Wildest Arctic 03:30 Monster Bug Wars 04:25 Wildest Africa 05:20 Great Ocean Adventures 06:10 Dogs/Cats/Pets 101

07:00 Teletubbies 07:25 Jackanory Junior 07:40 Little Robots 07:50 Balamory 08:10 3rd & Bird 08:20 Bobinogs 08:30 Gigglebiz 08:45 Teletubbies 09:10 Jackanory Junior 09:25 Little Robots 09:35 Robin Hood 10:20 Keeping Up Appearances 10:50 Lab Rats 11:20 The Old Guys 11:55 Peckham Finishing School For Girls 12:50 Inspector Lynley Mysteries 13:40 20,000 Streets Under The Sky 14:30 The Royle Family 15:00 The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson 15:30 Allo Allo 16:00 Doctors 18:35 Walk On the Wild Side 19:10 Doctor Who 19:55 Doctor Who Confidential 20:10 20,000 Streets Under The Sky 21:00 Blackadder The Third 21:30 Twenty Twelve 22:00 Life On Mars 22:50 Spooks 23:40 New Tricks 00:30 Inspector Lynley Mysteries

07:00 Fifth Gear 07:25 How Do They Do It? ; 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Mythbusters 10:05 Destroyed In Seconds 11:00 Extreme Engineering 11:55 Swamp Loggers 12:50 Dirty Jobs 13:45 Swords: Life On The Line 14:40 Auction Hunters 15:35 Dealers 16:30 How Sports Are Made 17:00 I Could Do That 17:25 Mighty Ships 18:20 Deadliest Catch 19:15 River Monsters 20:10 Extreme Fishing 21:05 Hillbilly Handfishin’ 22:00 Walking The Amazon 22:55 Bear Grylls’ Wild Weekend 23:50 Alone In The Wild 00:45 Surviving The Cut 01:40 Deadliest Catch 02:40 River Monsters 03:40 Extreme Fishing 04:40 How It’s Made 05:05 Alone In The Wild 06:00 Mighty Ships

09:30 Cycling: Tour De France 10:30 Car Racing: World Series By Renault Germany 11:00 Athletics: European Championship Finland 12:00 Cycling: Tour De France 13:00 Superbike: World Championship Spain 14:00 Car Racing: World Series By Renault Germany 15:00 Cycling: Tour De France 18:30 Athletics: European Championship Finland 21:00 Football: Euro 2012 Show - Euro 2012 Show 21:30 Supersport: World Championship Spain 23:00 Snooker: Wuxi Classic China 01:00 Motorsports: Motorsports Weekend Maga-

07:15 Cine News 08:05 The Other Guys 09:55 My Last Five Girlfriends 11:25 Cine News 13:40 Flight Of The Phoenix 15:35 Cine News 16:00 Sea Of Love 17:55 Battle: Los Angeles 19:55 The King’s Speech 22:00 Mechanic 23:40 Extraordinary Adventures Of Adele Blanc-Sec 01:30 Adult Zone 04:35 Executive Decision

The Twilight Saga: New Moon (LTV, 21.00) zine 01:15 Cycling: Tour De France 02:00 Motorsports: Motorsports Weekend Magazine

05:30 How I Met Your Mother 06:20 Family Guy 10:50 The Cleveland Show 11:15 Bob’s Burgers 11:40 Lost 6 14:10 No Ordinary Family 15:40 Criminal Minds 19:30 The Glades 20:15 Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior 21:00 Terra Nova 22:30 American Horror Story 23:20 The Walking Dead 00:10 Sons Of Anarchy 01:00 White Collar 03:20 How I Met Your Mother

07:00 America: The Story Of The Us 10:00 Clash Of The Gods 13:00 Irt: Deadliest Roads 14:00 Deep Wreck Mysteries 15:00 Ax Men 16:00 American Restoration 17:00 Pawn Stars 17:30 Pawn Stars 18:00 No County For Old Men 19:00 Decoding The Past 20:00 Ancient Aliens 21:00 Decoded 22:00 WWII: Lost Films 00:00 Scots At War 01:00 WWII: Lost Films 03:00 Scots At War 04:00 The Universe 05:00 Ancient Aliens 06:00 Decoded

07:30 Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory 09:10 500 Days Of Summer 10:50 Scooby-Doo! Abracadabra-Doo 12:10 Special 13:35 Mars Attacks! 15:20 Spotlight 16:20 C.S.I. Miami 18:00 After.Life 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Twilight Saga: New Moon 23:30 The Good Guy 01:10 Hustler TV 02:45 The Search For El Dorado 06:00 Action Zone 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Baby Looney Tunes 07:25 Legion Of Super Heroes 07:50 Loonatics Unleashed Nickelodeon 08:15 Wonder Pets 08:40 Dora The Explorer 09:05 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 09:30 Spongebob Squarepants 09:55 Tak

& The Power Of Juju 10:20 Fanboy & Chum Chum 10:45 X’s 11:10 Mighty B! 11:35 My Life As A Teenage Robot 12:00 Hey Arnold! 12:25 Icarly 13:15 Looney Tunes Show 13:40 Young Justice 14:05 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Coca-Cola Cup 16:00 Irc 2012: Sicily 16:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Barclay’s Premier League 18:30 2012 Indy Car Series 21:00 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Primera Division 23:00 Planet Speed 23:30 2012 Wimbledon Championships 00:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga 02:30 Momentum: What Drives You 03:00 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Coupe De France 05:00 Ironman Western Australia 06:00 Rugby World Cup Winners

07:15 Friends 07:45 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 08:35 The Big Bang Theory 09:00 Two And A Half Men 09:30 30 Rock 09:55 V I 10:45 Criminal Minds 11:30 Shameless 12:20 Boardwalk Empire 13:20 Chuck 14:05 Hawaii Five 15:00 Bones 02:15 Action Zone 02:45 C.S.I. New York 06:30 Grey’s Anatomy

07:15 New York Stories 09:30 Simple Twist Of Fate 11:30 It Runs In The Family 13:30 Short Track 15:15 Lovely Bones 17:45 Funny Bones 20:00 Oscar 22:00 North Country 00:05 Daring! TV 04:15 Simon Birch 06:10 Slammin’ Salmon

06:25 Fright Night 08:10 Love Crime 09:55 Rio 11:30 Illegal 13:10 Rango 15:55 Friends With Benefits 19:20 Source Code 22:00 Larry Crowne 23:50 Manolete 01:30 Cine News 02:00 Straw Dogs 03:50 30 Minutes Or Less

06:00 Final Analysis 08:05 Cine News 09:00 Summer Kids Zone 10:35 Unstoppable 12:15 Cine News 13:15

05:00 Extraordinary Measures 06:50 Cine News 07:20 The Portrait Of A Lady 09:45 Cine News 10:15 R.L. Stine Presents: The Haunting Hours 11:45 The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader 15:05 Soul Surfer 16:55 A Far Off Place 18:50 Something’s Gotta Give 21:00 The Deep End Of The Ocean 22:55 Big Business 02:25 Cine News 02:50 Biutiful

21:00 Cat Ballou 22:40 Lola Montes

BBC World Service (1323 MW) 00:00 BBC News 00:06 Europe’s Choice 00:30 BBC News Summary 00:32 Global Business 01:00 BBC News 01:06 World Briefing 01:30 BBC News Summary 01:32 Living Along Africa’s Faultlines 02:00 BBC News 02:06 World Briefing 02:20 Sports News 02:30 BBC News Summary 02:32 The 5th Floor 03:00 BBC News 03:06 The Forum 03:30 BBC News Summary 03:32 The Forum 03:50 Witness 04:00 BBC News 04:06 From Our Own Correspondent 04:30 BBC News Summary 04:32 Discovery 04:50 Sporting Witness 05:00 BBC News 05:06 The Strand 05:30 BBC News Summary 05:32 The Strand 06:00 BBC News 06:06 The World Today 06:30 BBC News Summary 06:32 The Bottom Line 07:00 BBC News 07:06 The World Today 07:20 Sports News 07:30 BBC News Summary 07:32 Global Business 08:00 BBC News 08:06 From Our Own Correspondent 08:30 BBC News Summary 08:32 Living Along Africa’s Faultlines 09:00 BBC News 09:06 The World Today 09:30 BBC News Summary 09:32 The World Today 10:00 BBC News 10:06 Top Of The Pops 10:30 BBC News Summary 10:32 Top Of The Pops 11:00 BBC News 11:06 Europe’s Choice 11:30 BBC News Summary 11:32 Science In Action 11:50 Sporting Witness 12:00 BBC News 12:06 World Briefing 12:20 Sports News 12:30 BBC News Summary 12:32 One Planet 12:50 Over To You 13:00 BBC News 13:06 Assignment 13:30 BBC News Summary 13:32 The Bottom Line 14:00 BBC News 14:06 Newshour 14:30 BBC News Summary 14:32 Newshour 15:00 BBC News 15:06 The Forum 15:30 BBC News Summary 15:32 The Forum 15:50 Sporting Witness 16:00 BBC News 16:06 The 5th Floor 16:30 BBC News Summary 16:32 Click 16:50 More Or Less 17:00 BBC News 17:06 World Briefing 17:30 BBC News Summary 17:32 Global Business 18:00 BBC News 18:06 Sportsworld 19:00 BBC News 19:06 Sportsworld 20:00 BBC News 20:06 Sportsworld 20:30 BBC News Summary 20:32 Sportsworld Have Your Say 21:00 BBC News 21:06 World Briefing 21:30 BBC News Summary 21:32 Living Along Africa’s Faultlines 22:00 BBC News 22:06 Newshour 22:30 BBC News Summary 22:32 Newshour 23:00 BBC News 23:30 BBC News Summary 23:32 In The Balance

BFBS 1 05:00 Sports Unlimited 06:00 Sports Unlimited 07:00 The Golf Fix 07:30 Big Break Academy 08:00 Big Break Atlantis 09:00 Golf Central International 09:30 Golf with Style – San Diego 10:00 MLB on FOX: New York Mets at Los Angeles Dodgers 15:30 European Tour: The Irish Open Final 19:30 LPGA Tour: Wal-Mart NW Arkansas Championship Presented by P&G 21:30 Champions Tour: Constellation Senior Players Championship Final 00:00 LPGA Tour: WalMart NW Arkansas Championship Presented by P&G Final

07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Julian And Camilla’s World Odyssey 09:00 People Of The Sea 10:00 Globe Trekker 11:00 Megalopolis 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Third Class Traveller 14:00 Departures 15:00 Planet Food 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Wild Camping 19:00 Globe Trekker 21:00 Megalopolis 22:00 Essential 23:00 Globe Trekker 00:00 Departures 01:00 Third Class Traveller 02:00 Essential 03:00 Megalopolis 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Planet Food 06:00 Floyd Uncorked

(N’sia 91.7, WSBA 92.1, ESBA 99.6 FM)

01.00 BFBS Hosts 03.00 Heavens Gate 05.00 BFBS Shuffle 06.00 The Vault 08.00 UK Sunday Breakfast 10.00 Cyprus Sunday Brunch 12.00 Access All Areas 16.00 Forces Life 17.00 Sim Courtie 20.00 Music First 22.00 Elevation 00.00 Chill Out Room

BFBS 2 (Ni’sia 89.7, WSBA 89.9, ESBA 95.3 FM) 03.00 BFBS News 03.03 The BFBS Radio 2 Sunday Show 04.00 BFBS News 04.03 Nigel Rennie on Sunday 06.00 BFBS News 06.03 The Gentle Breeze 07.00 Morning Reports 08.00 Weekend Breakfast 10.00 BFBS News 10.03 The BFBS Radio 2 Sunday Show 11.00 Broadcasting House 12.00 BFBS News 12.03 Nigel Rennie On Sunday 14.00 BFBS News 14.03 The Gentle Breeze 15.00 Five Live Sport 01.00 Late Night Live

(Five Live) LiveCyBC2 (91.1, 92.4 FM) 06.00-7.30 Programmes in Turkish with News at 7.30 07.40 Good morning Cyprus 10.00-12.00 Kalimerhaba 12.00 Gunortasa 12.45 Greek Cyprus Press 13.00 Turkish Music 13.15 News in Turkish 13.30 News in English 13.45 PM Classics 16.00 Greek Radio 16.15 Our country doesn’t divide 16.50 News in Turkish 17.00-18.00 Programmes in Armenian; News at 17.15 18.00-20.00 Round & About 20.00 News in English 20.10 Welcome to Cyprus in French and German 20.40 Ship of Fools with Robert Camassa 22.00 News in English 22.00 International Music 00.00-06.00 Rebroadcast of the evening’s programme Radio Napa (106.3 FM) 06.00 Morning Music 08.30 BBC World Today 09.00 News, Weather and Exchange 09.05 Nathan Morley 12.00 BBC News 12.06 Lunchtime Classics 15.00 BBC News 15.06 Chris Yearley 18.00 News 18.06 Michael Godin 19.00 The Juke Box

98.5 Rock FM 06:00 36 Hours 07:55 All The Fine Young Cannibals 09:50 Captain Blood 11:45 They Died With Their Boots On 14:00 Gone With the Wind 17:35 Edward, My Son 19:25 Billy The Kid 21:00 Poltergeist 23:00 Brainstorm 00:45 G-Men 02:10 Humoresque 04:10 The Postman Always Rings Twice

The Breakfast Show - Pafian Paul 09:00-11:00 Blues Sunday - Eamon - 11:00-13:00 Sports And Music - Tony Theo - 13:0015:00 Non Stop Music - 15:00-20:00 The Sunday Sessions - 20:00-22:00 Non Stop Music - 22:00-00:00 Night Train 24:00-07:00

Oldies Digital

(Hotbird SAT / ( SUNDAYS 05:00 Glen Sauter’s Hits of Yester Year 07:00 The Non stop Jukebox - with the greatest hits of all time from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. 18:00 Oldies Digital Overnights

Larry Crowne darn railroad!) and seeking revenge after her father is killed; she turns to Marvin, as drunken gunfighter Kid Shelleen, though in fact Dad’s killer is also played by Marvin (with fake nose) and the Kid is in bad shape anyway, literally unable to hit the side of a barn when he shoots. A big hit, partly because the comedy Western was a new thing (there hadn’t been a good one since Bob Hope in Son of Paleface); still entertaining, five decades later. Made in 1965.

Larry Crowne (Novacinema1, 22.00) Classic Westerns, part ... oops sorry, no, it’s Larry Crowne - not a Western, or indeed much of anything really. Larry (Tom Hanks) is a super-nice guy

who loses his job. He’s made redundant because he doesn’t have a college degree - so he decides to enrol in an adult-education course taught by Julia Roberts, who gives the best performance in the movie just by not being super-nice (“What do men see in these irritating free spirits?” she grumbles, with some justification). Larry soon makes friends with his mildly eccentric classmates, getting adopted by a scooter gang (!) and hanging out with people half his age who presumably don’t mind his square-cut lack of personality; one of them, told to speak on Disraeli, reckons that must mean “a guy from Disrael”, which is typical of the general level. Still quite amiable, not to mention super-nice. Made in 2011.

T V SUNDAY 01/07

July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL


THURSDAY 05/07 SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012




06.45 Proti Enimerosi 08.00 Kali Sas Mera Magazine show featuring entertainment as well as segments on cooking, health, astrology, lifestyle issues and more. 10.30 Entechnos (rpt) 11.00 Kypros Ena Taxidi 11.30 Peri Kyprou 12.00 Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) 13.00 Apo Mera Se Mera 15.30 Syn Plyn Local talk-show with studio discussion and viewers calling in. 17.00 Cinema Show 17.30 Entehnos 18.00 News 18.15 Candid Camera 18.30 Kati Psinetai (rpt) Greek version of the show where contestants try to outdo each other by throwing the perfect dinner party, which is then judged on its merits by their rivals. 19.20 Paizoume Kypriaka (rpt) Local game show. 20.00 News / Weather / Financial Report 21.00 Vimata Stin Ammo (rpt) Local period drama. 21.35 Ego Ki Esi (rpt) 22.00 Jamie’s School Dinners (rpt) Jamie Oliver takes over the kitchen of Kidbrooke School in Greenwich, hoping to reeducate the junk food-loving children by introducing a healthy diet through his Feed Me Better campaign. 23.00 Oi Erastes Ton Kimaton (rpt) 23.30 News 23.45 Repeats

04.30 Euronews 08.00 Kids’ TV 16.40 My Wife And Kids (rpt) Second season. ‘The Kyles Go to Hawaii - Part Three’. Part three of three. Michael finds out that the family’s flight leaves much earlier than he thought, and Junior insists on staying behind with his new love Leilani. 17.00 Reload (rpt) 18.00 Candid Camera Unsuspecting people react to bizarre events. 18.20 Ypaithros Local farming programme. 18.50 News In English 19.00 News In Turkish 19.10 Biz/Emeis 20.00 Opening Ceremony Of The EU Presidency See Pick Of The Day. 21.30 FILM: Barefoot In The Park A newlywed couple find living in New York’s Greenwich Village in a pokey apartment with oddball neighbours a growing ordeal. Neil Simon’s comedy, with Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. 1967. 23.15 Criminal Minds (rpt) Fifth season of crime drama. The team investigates a spate of apparently random murders and discovers the perpetrators are acting as a pack and killing for the thrill of it. 00.00 Repeats

06.30 Proini Enimerosi 07.00 Tis Ellados Ta Paidia (rpt) 07.40 Oi Men Kai Oi Den (rpt) 09.00 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 09.50 Fast Money (rpt) 10.40 To Evdomo Kleidi (rpt) 11.30 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 12.15 Tin Patisa (rpt) 13.00 News 13.15 Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) 14.10 Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) 15.20 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 16.10 Vale Antenna 17.40 Tha Vreis To Daskalo Sou (rpt) With News at 18.00. 18.40 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 19.30 Eva Luna

MEGA 06.00 Haravgi (rpt) 06.50 10.00 12.00 15.00 16.00 17.40

18.10 18.30


20.10 21.20

20.20 News 20.15 News 21.20 Tin Patisa (rpt) 22.10 Grey’s Anatomy Fifth season. ‘Sympathy for the Devil’. Derek’s mother makes a surprise visit and death-row inmate William announces he wants to donate his organs to Bailey and Arizona’s patient. Mark and Lexie try to conceal their relationship, while Owen and Cristina attempt to go on their first date. 23.00 Einai Stigmes (rpt) 23.50 News 00.10 Ekeines Ki Ego (rpt) 01.00 Kai Oi Pantremenoi Ehoun Psihi 01.50 Athoos I Enohos (rpt) 02.45 News 03.50 Skertsakia (rpt) 04.20 Fili Zois (rpt))


23.20 00.00 00.10

01.00 02.00 03.50

Nea Mera Proino Mou Yia Banaki Eheis Meson Yia Sena Mia Stgmi Dio Zoes Greek drama series, based on the popular Latin American telenovela about mistaken identities. News Mousiko Kouti (rpt) Greek game show, testing contestants on their music knowledge. Peninta Peninta (rpt) Greek comedy series. News Kliniki Periptosi (rpt) Greek comedy drama series, about a surgeon who is forced to retrain as a GP and takes up a post in a sleepy village where he soon finds himself at odds with the locals. Eisai To Tairi Mou (rpt) Greek comedy series. Singles (rpt) News Drop Dead Diva When a beautiful but shallow model is killed in a car crash, she is given the opportunity to return to Earth to do good for those who once surrounded her. Yia Sena (rpt) Eheis Meson (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)

PICK OF THE DAY Opening Ceremony of the EU Council Presidency (CyBC2, 20.00) A vox-pop in today’s Sunday Mail fi nds a certain amount of apathy regarding Cyprus’ EU Council Presidency; ‘It doesn’t affect me personally but I’m sure it must be a good thing’ seems to be the general response from the man and woman in the street - yet our politicians have been getting quite excited, making you wonder if they think we’re actually going to be in charge of the EU for six months (at last! our chance to solve the Cyprus Problem!) as opposed to chairing meetings and asking people to read the minutes of the last meeting. Not entirely sure what today’s opening ceremony at the Curium Amphithe-

SIGMA 06.10 07.00 08.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 14.00

16.40 18.40 19.40 20.20 21.20 22.30 23.20

00.10 00.15 01.00

02.20 03.40 04.10 06.40


Rafaela (rpt) Protoselido Kalimera Vourate Geitonoi (rpt) I Kouzina Tis Mamas (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Eleni Variety show featuring entertainment as well as segments on cooking, health, and more. Tolmo With News at 18.00. Tropico Rafaela News Irthe Ki Edese Kokkino Domatio CSI: New York Third season. ‘Cold Reveal’. A man dressed as an angel is killed when he falls through a church’s stainedglass window. Mac comes under pressure when he is investigated following the suspicious death of Clay Dobson, while Stella also faces awkward questions from Philadelphia Detective Scotty Valens (Daniel Pino reprising his role from Cold Case) when her DNA is linked to a homicide in 1997. News Beta Queen (rpt) Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Allou Ximeromenoi (rpt) Otan Megaloso (rpt) Eleni (rpt) Tropico (rpt)

07.45 Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of 09.15 Kids’ TV 11.50 Diet Please 12.30 Star News 13.00 Kids’ TV 15.00 Mesimeriani Meleti 17.15 Fotis - Maria Live 18.40 Mila 20.15 Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) 21.00 Exelixeis Stin Showbiz 22.00 The Forgotten ‘Canine John’. The team investigates the killing of a John Doe found buried at a popular vacation destination; a stray dog standing vigil over the grave is the only clue in the case. 22.45 Supernatural (rpt) Fourth season. ‘Sex & Violence’. Sam and Dean enter a small town in Iowa, where three men have inexplicably killed their wives. They realise that the murders were caused by a Siren, which eventually puts them under its spell. 23.30 One Tree Hill Second season of young adult drama series. ‘The Heart Brings You Back’.

CAPITAL 07.00 08.00 10.30 11.30 13.15 15.00 15.30 15.30

17.20 18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00




Alpha News Kids’ TV Epi Topou (rpt) Deste Tous Greek FILM: Simmoria Eraston Beyond The Break Jouana I Parthena Young Blades Swashbuckling adventure series following a group of musketeers-intraining as they defend the future King Louis XIV. O Anthropos Tis Thalassas Melrose Place With News at 18.30. News Sports Time Alpha News FILM: Devil Wins A storm chaserturned-cop faces up to the memory of his family’s demise in a cyclone when a giant tornado sweeps through Oklahoma. Adventure, starring Joe Lando. 2003. FILM: Sniper 3 An expert marksman thinks his days of secret missions are over - until he is asked to help take down an Asian crime syndicate. Thriller, with Tom Berenger. 2004. FILM: Treasure Raiders A professor and a street racer search for Moscow’s ancient treasures. Action, starring Alexander Nevsky, 2007. FILM: Family Doctor No details supplied.

00.15 LTV Sports News 00.30 Star News 03.00 Repeats

By Preston Wilder

atre will entail, but three things seem fairly clear: (a) President Christofi as will make a speech, (b) assembled delegates will sweat, even at 8 p.m., especially if they come from the Nordic end of the EU, and (c) it’s unlikely that Irish TV will spend an hour and a half broadcasting the opening ceremony live next January, when Ireland takes over the EU Presidency. Ah, the joys of living in a place where politicians are treated like rock stars...

Starsky & Hutch (Novacinema2, 20.10) Such a feeble comedy, and absolute-

ly nothing to do with the 70s cop show - but it merits a tiny footnote in the annals of comedy for Ben Stiller’s “Do it!” guy, a kind of deep-voiced Dustin Hoffman impression that punctuates the simplest request with a peremptory “Do it!” (to a waitress asking what he’d like to drink: “Johnny Red, neat. Do it! Do it!”). Stiller is Starsky, Owen Wilson is Hutch, a pair of 70s cops racing to the scene of the crime in their red-andwhite Ford Torino - though the only crime is how little the fi lm does with this promising material, totally whiffi ng on

Starsky & Hutch

Radio 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 WWII: Lost Films 14:00 Dogfights 15:00 The Universe 16:00 WWII: Lost Films 18:00 Dogfights 19:00 The Universe 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Ax Men 22:00 Ice Road Truckers 23:00 Lifeboat Heroes 00:00 Pawn Stars 00:30 Pawn Stars 01:00 Ax Men 02:00 Ice Road Truckers 03:00 Mounted In Alaska 04:00 The Universe 05:00 Dogfights 06:00 Ax Men

07:00 Karina: Wild On Safari 07:25 Crocodile Hunter 08:15 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 08:40 Breed All About It 09:10 Natural Born Hunters 10:05 Wildest Arctic 11:00 Wildlife Sos 11:25 Going Ape 11:55 Animal Cops Philadelphia 12:50 Clinically Wild: Alaska 13:45 Animal Precinct 14:40 Wildest Arctic 15:30 Karina: Wild On Safari 16:00 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 16:30 Penguin Safari 17:25 Bad Dog 18:20 Cats 101 19:15 Wildlife Sos 19:40 Going Ape 20:10 Cheetah Kingdom 20:35 Predator’s Prey 21:05 Wildest Arctic 22:00 Whale Wars 22:55 Max’s Big Tracks 23:50 Miami Animal Police 00:45 I’m Alive 01:40 Untamed & Uncut 02:35 Whale Wars 03:30 Max’s Big Tracks 04:25 Wildest Arctic 05:20 Cheetah Kingdom 05:45 Predator’s Prey 06:10 Clinically Wild: Alaska

07:30 Deceived 09:30 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa 11:15 Pay It Forward 13:30 Safe Passage 15:20 Hollywood Buzz 16:00 Friends 17:00 An Education 19:00 30 Rock 19:30 30 Rock 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Tell Me You Love Me 23:00 A Fork In The Road 00:50 Hustler TV 02:30 Love Affair 04:30 Tropic Thunder 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Baby Looney Tunes 07:25 Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs 08:15 Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed 09:05 Scooby-Doo Where Are You! 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series 09:55 Big Cartoonie Show Nickelodeon 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B! 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 15:20 Ben 10 17:00 2012 Wimbledon Championships 20:30 Planet Speed 21:00 Barclays Premier League World 21:30 Irc 2012: Ypres 22:00 Pba World Championship 22:30 Momentum: What Drives You 23:00 K9 Nation 23:30 2012 Wimbledon Championships 00:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Laiki Bank Championship 02:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Primera Division 04:30 Momentum: What Drives You 05:00 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga

01:10 The Weakest Link 01:55 Casualty 02:45 Eastenders 03:15 Doctors 03:45 Life On Mars 04:35 My Family 05:05 Last Of The Summer Wine 05:35 Big Top 06:05 Balamory 06:25 3rd & Bird 06:35 Bobinogs 06:45 Gigglebiz 07:00 Teletubbies 07:25 Boogie Beebies 07:40 Little Robots 07:50 Balamory 08:10 3rd & Bird 08:20 Bobinogs 08:30 Gigglebiz 08:45 Teletubbies 09:10 Boogie Beebies 09:25 Little Robots 09:35 My Family 10:05 Last Of The Summer Wine 10:35 Big Top 11:10 Eastenders 11:40 Doctors 12:10 Casualty 13:00 Bleak House 14:00 My Family 14:30 Last Of The Summer Wine 15:00 Big Top 15:35 Eastenders 16:05 Doctors 16:35 Casualty 17:25 Bleak House 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 Eastenders 19:40 Doctors 20:10 Monarch Of The Glen 21:00 Keeping Up Appearances 21:30 Blackadder The Third 22:00 Great Ormond Street 22:50 Lab Rats 23:20 The Old Guys 23:50 New Tricks 00:40 Twenty Twelve

07:00 Fifth Gear 07:25 Dirty Jobs 08:15 Deadliest Catch 09:10 Extreme Fishing 10:05 Mythbusters 11:00 How Do They Do It? ; 11:30 Destroyed In Seconds 11:55 Ultimate Survival 12:50 Wheeler Dealers 13:45 Rides 14:40 American Chopper 15:35 Dirty Jobs 16:30 Mythbusters 17:25 Deadliest Catch 18:20 Extreme Fishing 19:15 River Monsters 20:10 How It’s Made 20:40 How Do They Do It? ; 21:05 Sons Of Guns 22:00 Finding Bigfoot 22:55 River Monsters 23:50 River Monsters 00:45 Hell Roads 01:40 Sons Of Guns 02:40 Finding Bigfoot 03:40 River Monsters 05:35 How It’s Made 06:00 Overhaulin’

09:35 Car Racing: World Series By Renault Germany 10:00 Snooker: 6 Red World Championship Thailand 13:45 Cycling: Tour De France 18:30 Snooker: 6 Red World Championship Thailand 20:30 All Sports: Watts 21:00 Strongest Man: Champions League Turkey 22:00 Fight Sport: Fight Club 01:00 Cycling: Tour De France

Eat Pray Love (Novacinema2, 15.15)

05:30 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 06:15 Family Guy 07:05 No Ordinary Family 07:50 How I Met Your Mother 08:40 White Collar 09:25 Criminal Minds 10:10 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 10:55 Family Guy 11:45 No Ordinary Family 12:30 How I Met Your Mother 13:20 White Collar 14:05 Criminal Minds 14:50 Terra Nova 16:20 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 17:05 Family Guy 17:55 No Ordinary Family 18:40 How I Met Your Mother 19:30 White Collar 20:15 Criminal Minds 21:00 Terra Nova 22:30 White Collar 23:20 Terra Nova 00:50 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 01:40 Family Guy 02:30 No Ordinary Family 03:20 The Goode Family 03:45 How I Met Your Mother 04:35 White Collar

07:00 Pawn Stars 08:00 The Universe 09:00 Dogfights 10:00 Pawn Stars

07:15 House M.D. 08:00 The Office 08:25 Boardwalk Empire 10:20 Brothers & Sisters 11:05 Hawaii Five 12:35 Fringe 13:20 House M.D. 14:05 Boardwalk Empire 16:05 Friends 16:30 V I 17:15 Criminal Minds 18:45 Fringe 19:30 Grey’s Anatomy 20:15 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 21:00 Two And A Half Men 21:30 Chuck 23:05 Desperate Housewives 00:05 The Bleeding 01:30 The World According To Garp 03:50 Friends 04:15 V I 05:00 Criminal Minds 06:30 Grey’s Anatomy

08:00 Dave 10:00 Killing Fields 12:30 Be Kind Rewind 14:30 Chloe 16:30 Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight 18:15 Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard 20:00 Dangerous Attraction 21:30 Action Zone 22:00 Titanic 01:10 Daring! TV 04:15 My Soul To Take 06:00 Ed Wood

05:40 Majority 09:15 Cine News 09:45 Habemus Papam 11:30 Spotlight On 12:00 Rango 13:50 The Company Men 15:40 Cine News 16:05 Oranges And Sunshine 17:55 Larry Crowne 19:40 Mad On Novacinema 20:20 Kung Fu Panda 2 22:00 Water For Elephants 00:10 30 Minutes Or Less 01:40 Cine News 03:50 Essential Killing

BBC World Service (1323 MW) 06:10 Gran Torino 08:15 Cine News 10:25 The Emperor’s Club 12:20 Cine News 13:20 Shirley Valentine 15:15 Eat Pray Love 17:40 Hollywood 1on1 18:20 Morning Glory 20:10 Starsky & Hutch 22:00 The Pelican Brief 00:25 Return To Paradise 02:15 Beautiful People 04:05 Fallen F

22:00 C.S.I. 22:50 Strange Crime 01:00 Adult Zone

19:05 The Deep End Of The Ocean 21:00 The Switch 22:50 Soul Surfer 00:40 Last Night

21:00 My Geisha 23:00 The Trouble With Harry

01:30 Inside the PGA Tour D 02:00 MLB: Texas Rangers at Chicago White Sox 05:00 Champions Tour Highlights Constellation Senior Players Championship 06:00 Nationwide Tour Highlights United Leasing Championship at Victoria National Golf Club 07:00 Big Break Academy: Long Ball Schooling 07:30 Morning Dive 08:30 The Haney Project – NFL Legends: Bill Cowher 09:00 Golf Central International 09:30 The Haney Project – NFL Legends: Hem Edwards 10:00 MLB: Texas Rangers at Chicago White Sox 13:00 The o: Inside the Outdoors Hangtown National 14:00 Race Freaks 15:00 Inside the PGA Tour 15:30 European Tour: Alstom Open de France 19:30 MLB Player Poll 20:00 MLB: Minnesota Twins at Detroit Tigers 23:00 PGA Tour: The Greenbrier Classic 01:00 The o: Inside the Outdoors Hangtown National

07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Intrepid Journeys 09:00 Flavours Of Greece 09:30 Flavours Of Spain 10:00 Opening Soon 11:00 Journey Into Wine 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Intrepid Journeys 14:00 Essential 14:30 Travel Today 15:00 4real 15:30 Cruise Today 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Journey Into Wine 18:00 Opening Soon 19:00 Globe Trekker 20:00 Departures 21:00 Globe Trekker 22:00 Megalopolis 23:00 Globe Trekker 00:00 Intrepid Journeys 01:00 Departures 02:00 Globe Trekker 03:00 Megalopolis 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Opening Soon 06:00 Journey Into Wine

06:00 Adam’s Rib 07:40 Invitation to the Dance 09:10 Lassie Come Home 10:40 Jezebel 12:20 Three Little Words 14:00 Logan’s Run 15:55 Boom Town 17:50 Flipper’s New Adventure 19:25 Manhattan Melodrama 21:00 My Favorite Year 22:35 The Bad and the Beautiful 00:30 Clash By Night 02:20 Girl Happy 03:55 Ten Thousand Bedrooms

00:00 BBC News 00:06 World Briefing 00:30 BBC News Summary 00:32 World Business Report 00:50 Sports News 01:00 BBC News 01:06 World Briefing 01:30 BBC News Summary 01:32 Outlook 02:00 BBC News 02:06 World Briefing 02:30 BBC News Summary 02:32 Business Daily 02:50 Sports News 03:00 BBC News 03:06 Assignment 03:30 BBC News Summary 03:32 Healthcheck 04:00 BBC News 04:06 World Briefing 04:30 BBC News Summary 04:32 World Business Report 04:50 From Our Own Correspondent 05:00 BBC News 05:06 The World Today 05:30 BBC News Summary 05:32 Outlook 06:00 BBC News 06:06 The World Today 06:30 BBC News Summary 06:32 The World Today 07:00 BBC News 07:06 The World Today 07:30 BBC News Summary 07:32 The Strand 07:50 Witness 08:00 BBC News 08:06 The World Today 08:30 BBC News Summary 08:32 The World Today 09:00 BBC News 09:06 The World Today 09:30 BBC News Summary 09:32 The World Today 10:00 BBC News 10:06 Assignment 10:30 BBC News Summary 10:32 Healthcheck 11:00 BBC News 11:06 Outlook 11:30 BBC News Summary 11:32 Business Daily 11:50 Sports News 12:00 BBC News 12:06 World Update 12:30 BBC News Summary 12:32 World Update 13:00 BBC News 13:06 World Have Your Say 13:30 BBC News Summary 13:32 The Strand 13:50 Witness 14:00 BBC News 14:06 Newshour 14:30 BBC News Summary 14:32 Newshour 15:00 BBC News 15:06 World Briefing 15:30 BBC News Summary 15:32 Business Daily 15:50 Sports News 16:00 BBC News 16:06 Assignment 16:30 BBC News Summary 16:32 Healthcheck 17:00 BBC News 17:06 World Briefing 17:30 BBC News Summary 17:32 Outlook 18:00 BBC News 18:06 World Briefing 18:30 BBC News Summary 18:32 Sport Today 18:50 Witness 19:00 BBC News 19:06 World Briefing 19:30 BBC News Summary 19:32 World Business Report 20:00 BBC News 20:06 World Have Your Say 20:30 BBC News Summary 20:32 World Have Your Say 21:00 BBC News 21:06 World Briefing 21:30 BBC News Summary 21:32 The Strand 21:50 Witness 22:00 BBC News 22:06 Newshour 22:30 BBC News Summary 22:32 Newshour 23:00 BBC News 23:06 Assignment 23:30 BBC News Summary 23:32 Science In Action 23:50 From Our Own Correspondent


(N’sia 91.7, WSBA 92.1, ESBA 99.6 FM) 02.00 BFBS Hosts 04.00 BFBS Shuffle 05.00 Ops Breakfast 06.00 Cyprus Breakfast With Mark Humphries 09.00 Chris Pearson 11.00 Neil Skinner 13.00 Total Ops Connection 15.00 Wez Thompson 18.00 Gareth John 20.30 Sitrep 21.00 Jessie Aru 00.00 Heaven’s Gate

BFBS 2 (Ni’sia 89.7, WSBA 89.9, ESBA 95.3 FM) 03.00 BFBS Radio News 03.03 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 04.00 Up All Night 07.00 Morning Reports 07.30 Wake Up To Money 08.00 Today 11.00 Simon Marlow 14.00 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 15.00 World At One 15.45 Simon Guettier 18.30 Sitrep 19.00 PM 20.00 6 O’clock News 20.30 Five Live Drive 21.45 5 Live Sport 00.30 Late Night Live

LiveCyBC2 (91.1, 92.4 FM) 06.00-7.30 Programmes in Turkish with News at 7.30 07.40 Good morning Cyprus 10.00-12.00 Kalimerhamba 12.00 Gunortasa 12.45 Greek Cyprus Press 13.00 Turkish Music 13.15 News in Turkish 13.30 News in English 13.45 PM Classics 16.00 Greek Radio 16.15 Our country doesn’t divide 16.50 News in Turkish 17.00-18.00 Programmes in Armenian; News at 17.15 18.00-20.00 Round & About 20.00 News in English 20.10 Welcome to Cyprus in French and German 20.40 Ship of Fools with Robert Camassa 22.00 News in English 22.00 International Music 00.0006.00 Rebroadcast of the evening’s programme

Radio Napa (106.3 FM) 06.00 Morning Music 08.30 BBC World Today 09.00 News, Weather and Exchange 09.05 Nathan Morley 12.00 BBC News 12.06 Lunchtime Classics 15.00 BBC News 15.06 Chris Yearley 18.00 News 18.06 Michael Godin 19.00 The Juke Box

98.5 Rock FM The Breakfast Show - Tony Newell - 07:00-10:00 2 Hours With Bejay Browne 10:00-12:00 Rock Fm’s Lunch Box - Jason Collins - 12:00-14:00 Non Stop Music 14:00-15:00 Valentina 15:00-18:00 Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday Liquid Radio Show - Pavlos - 15:00-18:00 Wednesday Drive Time - Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Monday - Tuesday Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Wednesday (Mix @ 6) The Cocktail Show - Antonis - 18:00-20:00 Thursday - Friday Panic In The Year Zero - 20:00-22:00 Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Radioactive Metal - 20:00-22:00 - Thursday Live Dj Set- Dj Allen D 20:00-22:00 - Friday 22:00-24:00 The Gathering - With Your Hosts Dj Mr Smith And Mc Svennyb – Live Wednesday & Friday Night Train 24:00-07:00 Monday To Friday

Oldies Digital

(Hotbird SAT / (

MONDAY-FRIDAY 05:00 That Was The Year 06:00 Easy Going Gold 10:00 The Juke Box 17:00 That Was The Year 18:00 Oldies Overnights - Hear the greatest hits of all time playing non stop during the darkest hours.

Water for Elephants 70s ambience and pounding the whole gay-subtext joke into the ground. What you’re left with is a disco dance-off, a scene in a biker bar, Snoop Dogg as ‘Huggy Bear’, Vince Vaughn as a smooth criminal, plus an air of scattershot comedy that veers from pastiche to irrelevance; has its occasional moments, but if you must watch a 70s-set Hollywood comedy watch Anchorman instead. Do it! Made in 2004.

Water for Elephants (Novacinema1, 22.00) It’s Robert Pattinson, a cuddly toy for the world’s teenage girls - though his leading lady is considerably older in this likeable drama, Reese Witherspoon as Marlena, wife of the tyrannical boss (Christoph

Waltz) of a travelling circus. It’s the 1930s and young Robert joins the circus after losing both his parents in a car accident, shovelling manure and almost getting mauled by lions but enjoying himself nonetheless, mostly thanks to Reese and a Polish-speaking, champagne-quaffi ng elephant named Rosie. A romantic triangle ensues (with Reese and Waltz, not the elephant), the voice-over does its best to inject sexual tension - “I knew it was just a matter of time...” - and the fuzzy anti-Fascist subtext (it’s the 1930s, after all) comes a distant second to Pattinson’s rather moist presence; the result is dopey to the point of being charming, with a cute pachyderm and a lip-smacking villain. Made in 2011.


July 1, 2012 • SUNDAY MAIL


T U E S D AY 0 3 / 0 7 SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012, 2011

CYBC 1 06.45 08.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 13.00 15.30


17.30 18.00 18.15



20.00 21.00


22.00 23.00 23.30 23.45

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Paraskinio (rpt) Kypros Ena Taxidi (rpt) Cinema Show (rpt) Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) Apo Mera Se Mera Syn Plyn Local talk-show with studio discussion and viewers calling in. Science of the Seven Seas (rpt) Documentary series on underwater research. Part 7. Entehnos News Candid Camera Hidden cameras document various pranks. Kati Psinetai (rpt) Greek version of the show where contestants try to outdo each other by throwing the perfect dinner party, which is then judged on its merits by their rivals. Paizoume Kypriaka Repeat of local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect. News / Weather/ Financial Report Vimata Stin Ammo Repeat of local period drama, based on true events. I Limni (rpt) Two episodes of local mystery series. Oi Mahes Ton Ellinon Oi Erasters Ton Kimaton (rpt) News Repeats



08.00 Kids’ TV Mostly cartoons, repeated in the afternoon. 17.00 My Wife And Kids (rpt) 17.20 Reload (rpt) 18.00 Kyprion Nostos (rpt) 18.50 News In English 19.00 News In Turkish 19.10 Biz/Emeis 20.00 NRG Music Channel 21.00 Desperate Housewives Two episodes from the fifth season, starting with ‘In a World Where the Kings Are Employers’. Susan is jealous when Mike leaves MJ with Katherine while she starts a new job. Lynette tells Tom they have no option but to sell the pizzeria, and Dave fears the neighbours could find out his deadly secret. Followed by ‘Crime Doesn’t Pay’. Bree tells Lynette she will help Tom secure a new job. Meanwhile, Gabrielle is forced to provide an alibi for Carlos’s adulterous boss, and Edie digs deeper into Dave’s past. 22.30 Criminal Minds (rpt) Fifth season. ‘Haunted’. The team is called to Louisville to help local authorities determine what caused a disturbed man to have a psychotic episode and murder several customers at a pharmacy before fleeing the scene. The agents try to catch the killer before he targets anyone else. 23.15 Album Show 23.45 Repeats

07.00 Tis Ellados Ta Paidia (rpt) 07.40 Oi Men Kai Oi Den (rpt) 08.00 Fast Money (rpt) 08.50 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 09.50 To Evdomo Kleidi (rpt) 10.30 Deixe Mou To Filo Sou (rpt) 11.30 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 12.20 Tin Patisa (rpt) 13.00 News 13.15 Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) 14.10 Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) 15.20 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 16.10 Vale Antenna 17.40 Tha Vreis To Daskalo Sou (rpt) With News at 18.00. 18.40 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 19.30 Eva Luna 20.20 News 21.20 Tin Patisa (rpt) 22.10 Grey’s Anatomy Fifth season. ‘All By Myself’. Cristina is awarded the first solo surgery among the residents, but is then forced to give up the position and choose a replacement. Mark impresses Lexie by performing a cutting-edge procedure and Callie struggles to determine whether Sadie is flirting with her. 23.00 Enopion Tou Laou 23.50 News 00.10 Ekeines Ki Ego (rpt) 01.00 Kai Oi Pantremenoi Ehoun Psihi 01.50 Athoos I Enohos (rpt) 02.45 News 03.50 Skertsakia (rpt) 04.20 Fili Zois (rpt)

MEGA 06.00 06.50 10.00 13.00 15.00

16.00 17.40

18.20 18.30


20.10 21.20


23.20 00.00 00.10

01.00 02.00 04.00


Haravgi (rpt) Nea Mera Proino Mou Yia Banaki Eheis Meson Current affairs show, with vigilant viewers urged to report any incidents of public negligence or abuse of power. Yia Sena Local talk-show. Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes Greek drama series, based on the popular Latin American telenovela about mistaken identities. News Mousiko Kouti Greek game show, testing contestants on their music knowledge. Peninta Peninta (rpt) Greek comedy series. News Kliniki Periptosi (rpt) Greek comedy drama series, about a surgeon who is forced to retrain as a GP and takes up a post in a sleepy village where he soon finds himself at odds with the locals. Eisai To Tairi Mou (rpt) Greek comedy series. Singles (rpt) News Drop Dead Diva US comedy-drama series about a vapid model killed in a car crash who gets brought back to life as a smart but overweight lawyer. Yia Sena (rpt) Eheis Meson (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)


06.10 07.00 08.00 10.20

Rafaela (rpt) Protoselido Kalimera Vourate Geitonoi (rpt) 11.00 I Kouzina Tis Mamas (rpt)

12.00 Mesimeri Kai Kati 14.00 Eleni 16.50 Tolmo with News at 18.00. 18.30 Tropico 19.30 Rafaela 20.20 News 21.20 Irthe Ki Edese 22.10 Cyprus Beauty Contest 2012 Part 4. 23.20 CSI: NY Third season. ‘What Schemes May Come’. A man in a fancy-dress medieval knight’s suit of armour is found impaled on a lance in Central Park and evidence suggests the victim had been jousting before his death. Meanwhile, a bodysnatching case takes a strange turn. 00.20 News 00.25 Beta Queen 01.20 Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) 02.20 Allou Ximeromenoi (rpt) 03.40 Otan Megaloso (rpt) 03.20 Eleni (rpt) 06.40 Tropico (rpt)

07.45 Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of 09.15 Kids’ TV 11.50 Diet ... Please 12.30 Star News 13.00 Kids’ TV 15.00 Mesimeriani Meleti 17.15 Fotis - Maria Live 18.45 Mila 20.15 Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) 21.00 Exelixeis Stin Showbiz 21.20 The Forgotten Crime drama about a group of civilians, who identify and solve crimes and missing persons, starring Christian Slater. ‘Parachute Jane’. The amateur detectives are given a case involving a teenager who collapsed in a park. When test results reveal she died from an insulin overdose, the team suspects foul play. 23.10 Supernatural (rpt) Fourth season. ‘Criss Angel Is a Douche Bag’. A mysterious death draws Sam and Dean to a town full of magicians. Their investigation leads them to three friends who were famous in their day but have now been replaced by flashier, younger conjurers. One of the older men has made a deal to acquire real magical powers, but the price was extremely high and the brothers must figure out a way to reverse the spell before others are harmed. 23.30 LTV Sports News 00.30 Star News 01.00 Repeats

CAPITAL 08.00 10.30 11.30 13.15

15.00 15.30


18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00



Kids’ TV Igeia & Zoi (rpt) Deste Tous Greek FILM: Elpides Pou Navagisan Beyond The Break FILM: Ladies In Lavnder The lives of two elderly spinsters living peacefully by the Cornish coast are thrown into turmoil by a Polish castaway. Period drama, with Judi Dench, Maggie Smith and Daniel Brühl. 2004. O Anthropos Tis Thalassas Latin American telenovela. Melrose Place With News at 18.30. News Sports Time News FILM: Live Once Die Twice A recently widowed woman is abducted by strangers who give her one week to find the money they claim her husband owed them. Thriller, starring Kellie Martin. 2006. FILM: Cop A dedicated policeman’s obsessive hunt for a serial killer leads to the breakdown of his marriage and professional relationships. Thriller, starring James Woods. 1987. FILM: Blue Steel A rookie cop jeopardises her own life by falling for a charismatic stockbroker who is also a suspected serial killer. Thriller, starring Jamie Lee Curtis. 1990.

By Preston Wilder

Operation Petticoat (Nova Classics, 21.00) Is Hollywood on a path to self-destruction? (Discuss!) Profits may be up - albeit inflated by 3D - but you only have to watch something like this (a big hit from 53 years ago) to see how inferior the current infantile model is, as opposed to the older one. Plot and characters are generic in this comedy - actually a naval comedy, set on a pink (!) submarine during WW2 - yet the mix works superbly: comedy, action and even the occasional poignant touch (“Auld Lang Syne”) co-exist in well-judged proportions, the putdowns are often smart, the plotting lively and the humour quite earthy and risqué (at least for 53 years ago). Cary Grant is strange casting as the uptight

disciplinarian Captain but Tony Curtis is in his element as a brash young lieutenant, a hustler forever on the make; then a stranded group of nurses come aboard and the fi lm does become a bit sexist and dated - the girls are implausibly fi xated on marriage, as opposed to wartime nooky - but is something like The Hangover any less sexist, when you come right down to it? Good fun. Made in 1959.

Fighting (LTV3, 22.00) Channing Tatum, the sensitive hulk. Tatum looks like a bruiser but prefers to play bruised,

with his croaky voice and wry, easy charm - and he’s just trying to survive in New York City when he gets in a street-fight and is spotted by a seasoned scam-artist (Terrence Howard, excellent). Howard thinks the big guy has potential in the deeply illegal world of underground bare-knuckle brawling, seduces him with the promise of big money (“Where we going?” “We’re in a $100,000 Mercedes, that’s where we’re going!”) and becomes his manager on the fight circuit which is all quite intriguing, but in fact the fight scenes are tame and the plot increasingly predictable,


SATELLITE 01:15 Cycling: Tour De France

07:00 Karina: Wild On Safari 07:25 Weird Creatures With Nick Baker 08:15 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 08:40 Breed All About It 09:10 Baby Planet 10:05 Wildest Arctic 11:00 Wildlife Sos 11:25 Going Ape 11:55 Animal Cops Philadelphia 12:50 Safari Vet School 13:45 Animal Precinct 14:40 Wildest Arctic 15:30 Karina: Wild On Safari 16:00 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 16:30 Growing Up... 17:25 Cats 101 18:20 Dogs 101 19:15 Wildlife Sos 19:40 Going Ape 20:10 Cheetah Kingdom 20:35 Predator’s Prey 21:05 Wildest Arctic 22:00 Rescue Vet 22:55 World Wild Vet 23:50 Animal Cops Miami 00:45 I’m Alive 01:40 Untamed & Uncut 02:35 Rescue Vet 03:30 World Wild Vet 04:25 Wildest Arctic 05:20 Cheetah Kingdom 05:45 Predator’s Prey 06:10 Safari Vet School

01:10 The Weakest Link 01:55 Coast 02:55 Eastenders 03:25 Doctors 03:55 Spooks 04:45 The Weakest Link 05:35 As Time Goes By 06:05 Balamory 06:25 3rd & Bird 06:35 Bobinogs 06:45 Gigglebiz 07:00 Teletubbies 07:25 Boogie Beebies 07:40 Little Robots 07:50 Balamory 08:10 3rd & Bird 08:20 Bobinogs 08:30 Gigglebiz 08:45 Teletubbies 09:10 Boogie Beebies 09:25 Little Robots 09:35 As Time Goes By 10:05 One Foot In The Grave 10:35 Dinnerladies 11:05 Eastenders 11:35 Doctors 12:05 Coast 13:05 Inspector Lynley Mysteries 13:50 As Time Goes By 14:20 One Foot In The Grave 14:50 The Weakest Link 15:35 Eastenders 16:05 Doctors 16:35 Coast 17:30 Inspector Lynley Mysteries 18:15 The Weakest Link 19:00 Eastenders 19:30 Doctors 20:00 Bleak House 21:00 After You’ve Gone 21:30 Gavin & Stacey 22:00 20,000 Streets Under The Sky 22:50 2 Point 4 Children 23:20 Lead Balloon 23:50 Life On Mars 00:40 Fawlty Towers

07:00 Fifth Gear 07:25 Dirty Jobs 08:15 Deadliest Catch 09:10 Extreme Fishing 10:05 Mythbusters 11:00 How Do They Do It? ; 11:30 Destroyed In Seconds 11:55 Ultimate Survival 12:50 Wheeler Dealers 13:45 Overhaulin’ 14:40 American Chopper 15:35 Dirty Jobs 16:30 Mythbusters 17:25 Deadliest Catch 18:20 Extreme Fishing 19:15 River Monsters 20:10 How It’s Made 20:40 How Do They Do It? ; 21:05 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie 22:00 Mythbusters 22:55 Moments Of Terror 23:50 Kidnap And Rescue 00:45 Ultimate Survival 01:40 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie 02:40 Moments Of Terror 03:40 Kidnap And Rescue 04:40 Ultimate Survival 05:35 How It’s Made 06:00 Overhaulin’

09:30 Fitness: The Box 09:45 Cycling: Tour De France 10:45 All Sports: Watts 11:45 Football: Euro 2012/Ukraine 13:45 Equestrian: Horse Racing Time 14:00 Cycling: Tour De France 18:45 Football: Uefa European Under-19 Championship Estonia 22:45 Boxing: European Title-Super Middle Weight Contest 00:15 Car Racing: Lamporghini Super Trofeo 00:45 Car Racing: World Series By Renault Germany

05:30 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 06:15 Family Guy 07:05 No Ordinary Family 07:50 How I Met Your Mother 08:40 White Collar 09:25 Criminal Minds 10:10 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 10:55 Family Guy 11:45 No Ordinary Family 12:30 How I Met Your Mother 13:20 White Collar 14:05 Criminal Minds 14:50 The Glades 15:35 Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior 16:20 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 17:05 Family Guy 17:55 No Ordinary Family 18:40 How I Met Your Mother 19:30 White Collar 20:15 Criminal Minds 21:00 The Glades 21:45 Sons Of Anarchy 22:35 White Collar 23:20 The Glades 00:05 Sons Of Anarchy 00:50 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 01:40 Family Guy 02:30 No Ordinary Family 03:20 The Goode Family 03:45 How I Met Your Mother 04:35 White Collar

07:00 Pawn Stars 08:00 The Universe 09:00 Dogfights 10:00 Pawn Stars 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 Irt: Deadliest Roads 13:00 Pawn Stars 14:00 Dogfights 15:00 The Universe 16:00 Irt: Deadliest Roads 17:00 Pawn Stars 18:00 Dogfights 19:00 The Universe 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Ax Men 22:00 American Restoration 23:00 No County For Old Men 00:00 Pawn Stars 01:00 Ax Men 02:00 American Restoration 03:00 No County For Old Men 04:00 The Universe 05:00 Dogfights 06:00 Ax Men

07:30 School ol For Scoundrels 09:30 Free Willy 11:30 1:30 Videofashion 12:00 Eye For An Eye ye 13:45 Hollywood Buzz 14:15 The Greatest 16:00 Friends 17:00 The Special pecial Relationship 19:00 Action Zone 19:30 Entourage 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 C.S.I. Miami 23:00 Love Ranch 01:05 Hustler TV 02:35 Art Of Travel 04:15 Hors-LaLoi (Outside The Law) 06:30 LTV TV Sports News

07:00 Baby Looney Tunes 07:25 Steven Spielberg Presents ts Animaniacs 08:15 Steven en Spielberg Presents Tiny ny Toon Adventures 08:40 40 Loonatics Unleashed 09:05 9:05 ScoobyDoo Where Are You! 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series 09:55 5 Big Cartoonie Show Nickelodeon odeon 10:20 Tak & The Powerr Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum hum Chum 11:10 X’s 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer plorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants ants 13:15 Mighty B! 13:40 My Life fe As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey ey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 15:20 Road Runner Show 17:00 2012 Wimbledon edon Championships 21:00 Nba Action ction 21:30 Barclays Premier League ue World 22:00 Pba World Championship pionship h 23:00 Irc 2012: Ypres 23:30 2012 Wimbledon Championships onships 00:30 Nascar Sprint Cup Series 03:30 Best Soccer Games es Of The Season: Primera

Radio Division 05:15 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga

07:15 V I 08:00 Friends 08:30 Criminal Minds 10:00 The Office 10:25 House M.D. 11:10 Boardwalk Empire 13:05 Fringe 13:50 V I 14:35 Criminal Minds 16:05 Two And A Half Men 16:30 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 17:15 Chuck 18:45 Fringe 19:30 Grey’s Anatomy 20:15 According To Jim 21:00 The Big Bang Theory 21:30 Shameless 23:10 Desperate Housewives 00:05 Groupie 01:45 Becoming Jane 03:45 Two And A Half Men 04:15 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 05:00 Chuck 06:30 Grey’s Anatomy

07:35 Action Zone 08:15 Lone Star 10:30 Eastwood Factor 12:00 Letters To Juliet 14:00 Greetings From The Shore 16:15 Swing Kids 18:15 Parallax View 20:15 Shattered Silence 22:00 Fighting 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 Father’s Day 06:00 Fathers And Sons

05:20 Sundays At Tiffany’s 06:50 Fast Five 09:00 Cine News 09:35 My Future Boyfriend 10:55 Films & Stars 11:30 West Is West 15:00 Cine News 15:30 La Fille De Monaco 17:10 Cine News 17:40 A Better Life 19:25 Hollywood 1on1 22:00 Magic City 23:00 Les Emotifs Anonymes 00:30 The Son Of No One 02:10 The Names Of Love 03:55 Animal Kingdom

06:05 American Graffiti 08:00 Cine News Summer 09:00 Kids Zone 10:50 How Do You Know 12:50

Cine News 13:50 9 To 5 15:40 DeLovely 17:50 Cine News 18:30 Ap’ Ta Kokkala Vgalmena 20:05 Step Up 3 00:05 L.A. Confidential 02:20 Sex, Lies, And Videotape 04:00 The Deep End

19:35 Burn Notice 22:00 C.S.I. 22:50 Route Irish 00:45 Cine News 01:30 Adult Zone

19:25 R.T.T. 21:00 Rabbit Hole 22:40 Welcome To The Rileys 00:35 Holy Smoke

21:00 Operation Petticoat 23:10 Fun With Dick And Jane

02:00 Morning Dive 03:00 Top 10 – Bad Breaks 03:30 Golf Fitness – Women 04:00 Asian Tour Queens Cup 04:30 Mobil 1 The Grid 05:00 MLB: Boston Red Sox at Los Angeles Dodgers 08:00 Nationwide Tour United Leasing Championship at Victoria National Golf Club 10:00 MLB: Boston Red Sox at Los Angeles Dodgers 13:00 Lucas Oil on the Edge 13:30 Lucas Oil on the Edge Best of On the Edge 14:00 Sports Unlimited 15:00 Nationwide Tour United Leasing Championship at Victoria National Golf Club 16:30 Sea Master 17:00 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Kentucky Speedway 20:00 PRE GAME 20:45 CHAMPIONSHIP LAIKI POPULAR BANK 2011–12: ARHS VS OLYMPIACOS 22:45 POST GAME 23:30 Lucas Oil on the Edge Best of On the Edge 00:00 Sports Unlimited 01:00 Golf Central International

07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Departures 09:00 Think Green 10:00 Opening Soon 11:00 Journey Into Wine 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Intrepid Journeys 14:00 Travel Today 14:30 Distant Shores 15:00 People Of The Sea 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Journey Into Wine 18:00 Opening Soon 19:00 Globe Trekker 20:00 Planet Food 21:00 Flavours Of Greece 21:30 Flavours Of Spain 22:00 Wild Camping 23:00 Globe Trekker 00:00 Intrepid Journeys 01:00 Planet Food 02:00 Flavours Of Greece 02:30 Flavours Of Spain 03:00 Wild Camping 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Opening Soon 06:00 Journey Into Wine

Step Up 3 (Novacinema2, 20.05)

06:00 A Day At The Races 07:50 Boys’ Night Out 09:40 Green Fire 11:20 Go West 12:40 Lili 14:00 Doctor Zhivago 17:05 Ada 18:50 Ziegfeld Girl 21:00 Viva Las Vegas 22:25 Escape From Fort Bravo 00:05 Key Largo 01:45 Love Me Or Leave Me 03:45 The Wonderful World Of The Brothers Grimm

BBC World Service (1323 MW) 00:00 BBC News 00:06 World Briefing 00:30 BBC News Summary 00:32 World Business Report 00:50 Sports News 01:00 BBC News 01:06 World Briefing 01:30 BBC News Summary 01:32 Outlook 02:00 BBC News 02:06 World Briefing 02:30 BBC News Summary 02:32 Business Daily 02:50 Sports News 03:00 BBC News 03:06 Europe’s Choice 03:30 BBC News Summary 03:32 Discovery 04:00 BBC News 04:06 World Briefing 04:30 BBC News Summary 04:32 World Business Report 04:50 Witness 05:00 BBC News 05:06 The World Today 05:30 BBC News Summary 05:32 Outlook 06:00 BBC News 06:06 The World Today 06:30 BBC News Summary 06:32 The World Today 07:00 BBC News 07:06 The World Today 07:30 BBC News Summary 07:32 The Strand 07:50 Witness 08:00 BBC News 08:06 The World Today 08:30 BBC News Summary 08:32 The World Today 09:00 BBC News 09:06 The World Today 09:30 BBC News Summary 09:32 The World Today 10:00 BBC News 10:06 Europe’s Choice 10:30 BBC News Summary 10:32 Discovery 11:00 BBC News 11:06 Outlook 11:30 BBC News Summary 11:32 Business Daily 11:50 Sports News 12:00 BBC News 12:06 World Update 12:30 BBC News Summary 12:32 World Update 13:00 BBC News 13:06 World Have Your Say 13:30 BBC News Summary 13:32 The Strand 13:50 From Our Own Correspondent 14:00 BBC News 14:06 Newshour 14:30 BBC News Summary 14:32 Newshour 15:00 BBC News 15:06 World Briefing 15:30 BBC News Summary 15:32 Business Daily 15:50 Sports News 16:00 BBC News 16:06 Europe’s Choice 16:30 BBC News Summary 16:32 Discovery 17:00 BBC News 17:06 World Briefing 17:30 BBC News Summary 17:32 Outlook 18:00 BBC News 18:06 World Briefing 18:30 BBC News Summary 18:32 Sport Today 18:50 Witness 19:00 BBC News 19:06 World Briefing 19:30 BBC News Summary 19:32 World Business Report 20:00 BBC News 20:06 World Have Your Say 20:30 BBC News Summary 20:32 World Have Your Say 21:00 BBC News 21:06 World Briefing 21:30 BBC News Summary 21:32 The Strand 21:50 Witness 22:00 BBC News 22:06 Newshour 22:30 BBC News Summary 22:32 Newshour 23:00 BBC News 23:06 Europe’s Choice 23:30 BBC News Summary 23:32 Click 23:50 From Our Own Correspondent

BFBS 1 (N’sia 91.7, WSBA 92.1, ESBA 99.6 FM) 02.00 The Vibe 04.00 BFBS Shuffle 05.00 Ops Breakfast 06.00 Cyprus Breakfast with Mark Humphries 09.00 Chris Pearson 11.00 Neil Skinner 13.00 Total Ops Connection 15.00 Wez Thompson 18.00 Charlene Guy 21.00 Jessie Aru 00.00 The Vault BFBS 2 (Ni’sia 89.7, WSBA 89.9, ESBA 95.3 FM) 03.00 BFBS Radio News 03.03 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 04.00 Up All Night 07.00 Morning Reports 07.30 Wake Up To Money 08.00 Today 11.00 BFBS Radio News 11.00 Simon Marlow 14.00 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 15.00 World At One 15.45 Afternoon Show 19.00 PM 20.00 6 O’Clock News 20.30 Five Live Sport 00.30 Late Night Live

LiveCyBC2 (91.1, 92.4 FM) 06.00-7.30 Programmes in Turkish with News at 7.30 07.40 Good morning Cyprus 10.00-12.00 Kalimerhaba 12.00 Gunortasa 12.45 Greek Cyprus Press 13.00 Turkish Music 13.15 News in Turkish 13.30 News in English 13.45 PM Classics 16.00 Greek Radio 16.15 Our country doesn’t divide 16.50 News in Turkish 17.00-18.00 Programmes in Armenian; News at 17.15 18.00-20.00 Round & About 20.00 News in English 20.10 Welcome to Cyprus in French and German 20.40 Ship of Fools with Robert Camassa 22.00 News in English 22.00 International Music 00.00-06.00 Rebroadcast of the evening’s programme

Radio Napa (106.3 FM) 06.00 Morning Music 08.30 BBC World Today 09.00 News, Weather and Exchange 09.05 Nathan Morley 12.00 BBC News 12.06 Lunchtime Classics 15.00 BBC News 15.06 Chris Yearley 18.00 News 18.06 Michael Godin 19.00 The Juke Box 98.5 Rock FM The Breakfast Show - Tony Newell - 07:00-10:00 2 Hours With Bejay Browne 10:00-12:00 Rock Fm’s Lunch Box - Jason Collins - 12:00-14:00 Non Stop Music 14:00-15:00 Valentina 15:00-18:00 Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday Liquid Radio Show - Pavlos - 15:00-18:00 Wednesday Drive Time - Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Monday - Tuesday Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Wednesday (Mix @ 6) The Cocktail Show - Antonis - 18:00-20:00 Thursday - Friday Panic In The Year Zero - 20:00-22:00 Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Radioactive Metal - 20:00-22:00 - Thursday Live Dj Set- Dj Allen D 20:00-22:00 - Friday 22:00-24:00 The Gathering - With Your Hosts Dj Mr Smith And Mc Svennyb – Live Wednesday & Friday Night Train 24:00-07:00 Monday To Friday

Oldies Digital

(Hotbird SAT / (

MONDAY-FRIDAY 05:00 That Was The Year 06:00 Easy Going Gold 10:00 The Juke Box 17:00 That Was The Year 18:00 Oldies Overnights - Hear the greatest hits of all time playing non stop during the darkest hours.

Les Emotis Anonymes not exactly helped by a generic romance. Worth a look for the ever-entertaining Luis Guzman, for its glimpses of the Bronx, the vintage soul soundtrack (giving it a funky 70s feel) and its feel for the rhythms of young men together - and of course for Channing Tatum, a guy who’ll beat you up then write a poem about it. Still a bit patchy, however. Made in 2009.

Les Emotifs Anonymes (Novacinema1, 23.00) Known in the UK as Romantics Anonymous, though ‘Emotionals’ might be a closer translation. “My name is Angelique and I’m an émotif,” says our heroine (Isabelle Carré), introducing herself to the titular sup-

port group for people who are just a bit too ... emotional. Angelique is a chocolate maker and gets a job in a chocolate factory owned by Jean-René (Belgian comic Benoit Poelvoorde) who’s so émotif he gets flustered just by being close to people, especially women - and of course they fall in love, but their mutual pathological shyness gets in the way. A specific kind of French romantic comedy (emotionally blocked people doing odd, self-consciously ‘quirky’ things) that stems from the huge success of Amelie 10 years ago - and it sounds a bit twee for my taste, but maybe I’m just not émotif enough. “A useful film for the overly timid,” adds an educationally-minded fan at the Internet Movie Database. Made in 2010.


July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL20

T V WEDNESDAY 0 4/07 SUNDAY MAIL• July 1, 2012

CYBC 1 06.45 08.00 10.30 11.00

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Entechnos (rpt) Kypros Ena Taxidi (rpt) 11.40 Peri Kyprou 12.00 Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) 13.00 Apo Mera Se Mera 15.30 Lottery Draw 15.35 Syn Plyn Local talk-show with studio discussion and viewers calling in. 17.00 Science of the Seven Seas (rpt) Reports on research projects into the mysteries of the deep. Part 5 of 7. 17.30 18.00 18.15 18.30

19.20 20.00 21.00 21.45

22.15 23.00

23.30 23.45

Entehnos News Candid Camera Kati Psinetai (rpt) Greek version of the show where contestants try to outdo each other by throwing the perfect dinner party, which is then judged on its merits by their rivals. Paizoume Kypriaka (rpt) News / Weather/ Financial Report Vimata Stin Ammo (rpt) Ego Ki Esi (rpt) Comedy series about the everyday arguments and bickering of an ordinary couple. Kato Apo Ton Idio Ourano I Skoteini Plevra Tou Fengariou (rpt) Local drama about the drugs problem, “based on real events which have happened in Cyprus”. News Repeats



08.00 Kids’ TV Mostly cartoons, repeated in the afternoon. 16.40 My Wife And Kids (rpt) 17.00 Reload (rpt) 18.00 Kypros Ena Taxidi (rpt) 18.50 News In English 19.00 News In Turkish 19.10 Biz/Emeis 20.00 NRG Music Channel 21.00 Desperate Housewives (rpt) Fifth season. Two episodes ‘The Story of Lucy and Jessie’. Susan’s efforts to impress a colleague fall spectacularly flat and Carlos is reunited with an old acquaintance when he hires Lynette. Edie digs further into Dave’s past. Followed by ‘A Spark. To Pierce the Dark’. Bree considers selling the business to save her marriage and Lynette is threatened by her new boss. Meanwhile, Katherine is caught in an awkward situation, and Edie’s worst fears come true. 22.30 Criminal Minds (rpt) Fifth season of crime drama series. ‘Reckoner’. The BAU investigates a case in Rossi’s hometown that involves both his personal and professional lives. 23.15 Album Show 23.45 Repeats

06.30 Proini Enimerosi 07.00 Tis Ellados Ta Paidia (rpt) 07.30 Oi Men Kai Oi Den (rpt) 08.00 Fast Money (rpt) 08.50 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 09.50 To Evdomo Kleidi (rpt) 10.30 Inauguration Of EU Presidency 13.00 News 13.15 Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) 14.10 Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) 15.20 To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) 16.10 Vale Antenna 17.40 Tha Vreis To Daskalo Sou (rpt) With News at 18.00. 18.40 Santa Yiolanta (rpt) 19.30 Eva Luna 20.20 News 21.20 Tin Patisa (rpt) 22.10 Grey’s Anatomy Fifth season. ‘Wish You Were Here’. Miranda teams up with new paediatric surgeon to save the life of a young patient. The admittance of a death-row inmate angers Derek and causes Meredith and Cristina’s friendship to deteriorate further, while Izzie tells Alex she has been seeing visions of Denny. 23.00 Einai Stigmes (rpt) 23.50 News 00.10 Ekeines Ki Ego (rpt) 01.00 Kai Oi Pantremenoi Ehoun Psihi 01.50 Athoos I Enohos (rpt) 02.45 News 03.50 Skertsakia (rpt) 04.20 Fili Zois (rpt))

MEGA 06.00 Haravgi (rpt) 06.50 Nea Mera 10.00 Proino Mou 13.00 Yia Banaki New local talkshow.



07.00 Protoselido 08.00 Kalimera 10.20 Vourate Geitonoi (rpt) 11.00 I Kouzina Tis Mamas (rpt) 12.00 Mesimeri Kai Kati

07.45 Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of 09.15 Max Adventures 09.25 Franny’s Feet 09.50 Rastamouse 10.15 Bo On the Go 10.40 King 11.05 Martha Speaks 11.25 Beyblade 11.50 Diet ... Please 12.30 Star News 13.00 Kids’ TV 15.00 Mesimeriani Meleti 17.15 Fotis - Maria Live 18.45 Mila 20.15 Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition. 21.00 Exelixeis Stin Showbiz 21.20 FILM: St. Trinians Comedy starring Rupert Everett, Colin Firth, Russell Brand and Talulah Riley. 2007. See Pick Of The Day. 23.00 Supernatural (rpt) Fourth season of fantasy drama series. ‘After School Special’. The Winchester brothers go undercover to investigate a string of murders at their old high school. The case causes them to have flashbacks about their time there, and recall how Sam was picked on by the school bully while Dean was Mr Popular. 00.40 LTV Sports News 01.40 Star News 02.40 Repeats

14.00 Eleni 16.40 Tolmo With News at 18.00. 18.30 Tropico 19.30 20.20 21.20 22.10

15.00 Eheis Meson 16.00 Yia Sena 17.40 Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes 18.20 News 18.30 Mousiko Kouti 19.20 Peninta Peninta (rpt) 20.10 News 21.20 Kliniki Periptosi (rpt) Greek comedy drama series, about a surgeon who is forced to retrain as a GP and takes up a post in a sleepy village where he soon finds himself at odds with the locals. 22.20 Eisai To Tairi Mou (rpt) 23.20 Singles (rpt) 00.10 News 00.10 Drop Dead Diva US comedy-drama series about a vapid model killed in a car crash who gets brought back to life as a smart but overweight lawyer. 01.00 Yia Sena (rpt) 02.00 Eheis Meson (rpt) 04.00 Proino Mou (rpt)


00.10 00.15 01.00

02.20 03.40 04.10 06.40

Rafaela News Irthe kai Edese 60 Lepta Local topical investigative show. Today featuring an interview with Athanasios Orphanides, former Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus. CSI: NY Third season. ‘Past Imperfect’. The arrest of Detective Truby (in the earlier episode Consequences) comes back to haunt the team when his conviction leads to the release of Clay Dobson, a vicious criminal from Mac’s past with a penchant for removing his victim’s eyelids. When a woman’s body is found sporting the killer’s signature mutilation, Mac places his own life in danger to put the murderer behind bars for the last time. News Beta Queen (rpt) Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Allou Ximeromenoi (rpt) Otan Megaloso (rpt) Eleni (rpt) Tropico (rpt)

CAPITAL 08.00 10.30 11.30 13.15 15.00 15.30

17.20 18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00



Kids’ TV Igeia & Zoi (rpt) Deste Tous Greek FILM: Oloi The Zisoume Beyond The Break FILM: About A Boy A layabout Lothario hits on the bright idea of posing as a father to improve his luck with the ladies - but gets more than he bargained for when a lonely youngster with a depressed mother latches onto him. Romantic comedy, starring Hugh Grant. 2002. O Anthropos Tis Thalassas Melrose Place With News at 18.30. News Sports Time Epi Topou FILM: Rapid Exchange A daring gang of crooks plot to commit an audacious robbery - raiding an aeroplane’s valuable cargo during a flight. Crime drama, starring Lance Henriksen. 2003. FILM: Wake of Death An underworld enforcer takes on a Chinese Triad gang to get revenge for his wife’s murder. Action adventure starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. 2004. FILM: Mirror Wars A super powerful secret fighter jet developed by the Russian government is stolen by a group threatening to use it for their nefarious purposes. Action, starring Starring Aleksandr Efimov. 2005.

By Preston Wilder

Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore (LTV3, 20.00) Can you blame her? Her husband’s abusive, her kid is an annoying little smart-aleck, her life is going nowhere; it’s no wonder Alice (Ellen Burstyn, who won an Oscar) takes off - though only after the husband unexpectedly dies - taking the kid (Alfred Lutter) along as she tries to pursue her childhood dream of a singing career. Martin Scorsese directed, and the fi lm is a case of Feminism for Beginners, giving Alice a

kind of empowerment while keeping her unthreatening, a little bit helpless and certainly in thrall to the nice man (Kris Kristofferson) she meets along the way; it’s also irresistible, warm and funny, “blending the road movie with the conventions of the women’s weepie,” to quote the Time Out Film Guide. The kid is especially hilarious, driving Mum crazy with his terrible jokes (“Shoot the dog!”) - and he’s matched by 11-year-old Jodie Foster as a tough-as-nails tomboy who initiates him into drinking and shoplifting. Clarice, how could you? Made in 1974.

Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard (LTV, 21.00) “I’m Don Ready. And I’ve got the goods!” says our hero (Jeremy Piven, from Entourage). Don can sell anything to anyone, so he and his team are hired by an ailing used-car dealership to pep up sales: they have three days to sell over 200 cars - which sounds like fun, especially with a cast including many wellknown US comics, but a red fl ag is thrown up by the trailer which urges you to “check out the longer and dirtier trailer at”, confi rming it as yet another raunchy American comedy where smuttier = better. Still worth checking out (I haven’t seen it), with so many funny people involved - Ed

BBC World Service (1323 MW) 07:00 Karina: Wild On Safari 07:25 Corwin’s Quest 08:15 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 08:40 Breed All About It 09:10 Growing Up... 10:05 Wildest Arctic 11:00 Wildlife Sos 11:25 Going Ape 11:55 Animal Cops Philadelphia 12:50 Rescue Vet 13:45 Animal Precinct 14:40 Wildest Arctic 15:30 Karina: Wild On Safari 16:00 Dick ‘N’ Dom Go Wild 16:30 Natural Born Hunters 17:25 Your Pet Wants This 18:20 Cats 101 19:15 Wildlife Sos 19:40 Going Ape 20:10 Cheetah Kingdom 20:35 Predator’s Prey 21:05 Wildest Arctic 22:00 Monster Bug Wars 22:55 Wildest India 23:50 Animal Cops Miami 00:45 I’m Alive 01:40 Untamed & Uncut 02:35 Monster Bug Wars 03:30 Wildest India 04:25 Wildest Arctic 05:20 Cheetah Kingdom 05:45 Predator’s Prey 06:10 Rescue Vet

01:15 The Weakest Link 02:00 Bleak House 03:00 Eastenders 03:30 Doctors 04:00 20,000 Streets Under The Sky 04:50 The Weakest Link 05:35 After You’ve Gone 06:05 Balamory 06:25 3rd & Bird 06:35 Bobinogs 06:45 Gigglebiz 07:00 Teletubbies 07:25 Boogie Beebies 07:40 Little Robots 07:50 Balamory 08:10 3rd & Bird 08:20 Bobinogs 08:30 Gigglebiz 08:45 Teletubbies 09:10 Boogie Beebies 09:25 Little Robots 09:35 After You’ve Gone 10:05 2 Point 4 Children 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 Eastenders 11:50 Doctors 12:20 Bleak House 13:20 Mastermind 2006 14:20 Lead Balloon 14:50 After You’ve Gone 15:25 Eastenders 15:55 Doctors 16:25 Bleak House 17:25 Mastermind 2006 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 Eastenders 19:40 Doctors 20:10 Casualty 21:00 My Family 21:30 Fawlty Towers 22:00 Life On Mars 22:50 Big Top 23:20 Last Of The Summer Wine 23:50 Peckham Finishing School For Girls 00:40 Blackadder The Third

07:00 Fifth Gear 07:25 Dirty Jobs 08:15 Deadliest Catch 09:10 Extreme Fishing 10:05 Mythbusters 11:00 How Do They Do It? ; 11:30 Destroyed In Seconds 11:55 Ultimate Survival 12:50 Wheeler Dealers 13:45 Twist The Throttle 14:40 American Chopper 15:35 Dirty Jobs 16:30 Mythbusters 17:25 Deadliest Catch 18:20 Extreme Fishing 19:15 River Monsters 20:10 How It’s Made 20:40 How Do They Do It? ; 21:05 Flying Wild Alaska 22:00 Gold Rush 22:55 Extreme Fishing 23:50 River Monsters 00:45 Hillbilly Handfishin’ 01:40 Flying Wild Alaska 02:40 Extreme Fishing 03:40 River Monsters 04:35 Hillbilly Handfishin’ 05:35 How It’s Made 06:00 Overhaulin’

09:30 Cycling: Tour De France 10:30 Football: Euro 2012/Ukraine 12:30 Football: Uefa European Under-19 Championship Estonia 14:00 Cycling: Tour De France 18:45 All Sports: Watts 19:30 Olympic Games: Together To London 19:50 All Sports: Wednesday Selection 19:55 Equestrian: Fei Classics Series Germany 20:55 Equestrian: Nations Cup Series Netherlands 21:55 Equestrian Sports: Riders Club - 22:00 All Sports: Month Selection - 22:05 Golf: U.S. P.G.A. Tour-At&T National Usa 23:05 Golf: Golf Club 23:10 Sailing: Yacht Club 23:15

No Strings Attached (Novacinema1, 15.40)

All Sports: Wednesday Selection 23:25 Olympic Games: Olympic Magazine 23:50 Cycling: Tour De France 01:15 Snooker: Wuxi Classic China

05:30 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 06:15 Family Guy 07:05 No Ordinary Family 07:50 How I Met Your Mother 08:40 White Collar 09:25 Criminal Minds 10:10 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 10:55 Family Guy 11:45 No Ordinary Family 12:30 How I Met Your Mother 13:20 White Collar 14:05 Criminal Minds 14:50 The Chicago Code 15:35 The Killing 16:20 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 17:05 Family Guy 17:55 No Ordinary Family 18:40 How I Met Your Mother 19:30 White Collar 20:15 Criminal Minds 21:00 Lights Out 21:45 Lights Out 22:30 White Collar 23:20 Lights Out 00:05 Lights Out 00:50 Jesse James Is A Dead Man 01:40 Family Guy 02:30 No Ordinary Family 03:20 The Goode Family 03:45 How I Met Your Mother 04:35 White Collar

07:00 Pawn Stars 08:00 The Universe 09:00 Dogfights 10:00 Pawn Stars 11:00 Ax Men 12:00 American Restoration 13:00 No County For Old Men 14:00 Dogfights 15:00 The Universe 16:00 American Restoration 17:00 No County For Old Men 18:00 Dogfights 19:00 The Universe 20:00 Pawn Stars 21:00 Ax Men 22:00 WWII: Lost Films 00:00 Pawn Stars 01:00 Ax Men 02:00 WWII: Lost Films 04:00 The Universe 05:00 Dogfights 06:00 Ax Men

07:30 World’s Greatest Dad 09:30 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge Of Kitty Galore 11:00 Chloe 12:45 Mafia! 14:30 Dragonball: Evolution 16:00 Action Zone 16:30 Entourage 17:00 Dangerous Attraction 18:30 Videofashion 19:00 Friends 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard 22:30 Hollywood Buzz 23:00 Valentine’s Day 01:10 Hustler TV 03:15 Election 05:00 Bleeding 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Baby Looney Tunes 07:25 Steven Spielberg Presents Animaniacs 08:15 Steven Spielberg Presents Tiny Toon Adventures 08:40 Loonatics Unleashed 09:05 Scooby-Doo Where Are You! 09:30 Superman: The Animated Series 09:55 Big Cartoonie Show Nickelodeon 10:20 Tak & The Power Of Juju 10:45 Fanboy & Chum Chum 11:10 X’s 11:35 Ni Hao, Kai-Lan 12:00 Dora The Explorer 12:25 Spongebob Squarepants 13:15 Mighty B! 13:40 My Life As A Teenage Robot 14:05 Hey Arnold! 14:30 Icarly 15:20

Legion Of Super Heroes 17:00 2012 Wimbledon Championships 21:00 2012 Indy Car Series 23:30 2012 Wimbledon Championships 00:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Barclay’s Premier League 02:30 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Primera Division 04:30 Planet Speed 05:00 Best Soccer Games Of The Season: Bundesliga

07:15 According To Jim 08:00 The Big Bang Theory 08:25 Shameless 10:05 Two And A Half Men 10:30 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 11:15 Chuck 12:45 Fringe 13:30 According To Jim 14:20 Shameless 16:05 Friends 16:30 Brothers & Sisters 17:15 Hawaii Five 18:45 Fringe 19:30 Grey’s Anatomy 20:15 House M.D. 21:00 The Office 21:30 Boardwalk Empire 22:30 Boardwalk Empire 23:30 Desperate Housewives 00:15 Love Ranch 02:20 Jonah Hex 03:50 Friends 04:15 Brothers & Sisters 05:00 Hawaii Five 06:30 Grey’s Anatomy

08:00 Outbreak 10:15 Secret Pact 12:00 Big Fat Important Movie 13:30 Special Relationship 15:10 Action Zone 15:45 Becoming Jane 18:00 Normal Life 20:00 Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore 22:00 Perfect Getaway 23:35 Action Zone 00:05 Daring! TV 04:15 Desert Son 06:00 Art Of Travel

05:50 Super 07:25 Tt: Closer To The Edge 11:05 Hollywood 1on 1 11:50 Thor 13:50 Rango 15:40 No Strings Attached 17:35 Love Crime 19:25 Spotlight On 20:00 Killing Bono 22:00 Priest 23:35 Animal Kingdom 01:30 Cine News 02:00 Room In Rome 03:55 Fright Night

05:40 A Perfect World 08:00 Cine News 09:00 Summer Kids Zone 10:40 Just Married 12:25 Cine News 13:00 Shining Through 15:15 Cine News 15:50 In Love And War 17:45 Films & Stars 18:25 28 Days 20:15 Winter’s Bone 22:00 Robinson Crusoe 23:55 Girl, Interrupted 02:05 Casino Jack 03:55 Cine News 04:30 Kiss Of Death

20:00 Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World 22:00 C.S.I. 22:50 In Gold We Trust 00:35 Cine News 01:30 Adult Zone

18:30 The Portrait Of A Lady 21:00 Conviction 22:55 Mad Dog And Glory 00:35 Worried About The Boy

21:00 The Rose Tattoo 23:05 Appointment With Death

01:30 MLB Player Poll D 02:00 MLB: New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays 05:00 Sea Master 05:30 Nationwide Tour United Leasing Championship at Victoria National Golf Club 07:00 Big Break Atlantis: Constant Bearing, Deceasing Range 08:00 Morning Dive 09:00 Golf Central International 09:30 Academy – Greg Norman: Bunker Play 10:00 MLB: New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays 13:00 Pops 7 Super Slackers 13:30 Pops 7 Brutal Crashes 14:00 Built to Shred 4 Shred Ranch 15:00 Nationwide Tour United Leasing Championship at Victoria National Golf Club 17:00 PRE GAME 17:15 CHAMPIONSHIP LAIKI POPULAR BANK 2011–12: APOLLON VS NEA SALAMINA 19:15 POST GAME 19:45 MLB: New York Yankees at Tampa Bay Rays 22:00 NASCAR Camping World Truck Series Highlights Kentucky Speedway 23:00 Pops 7 Super Slackers 00:00 Built to Shred 4 Shred Ranch 01:00 Golf Central International

07:00 Globe Trekker 08:00 Intrepid Journeys 09:00 Essential 09:30 Travel Today 10:00 Opening Soon 11:00 Journey Into Wine 12:00 Globe Trekker 13:00 Intrepid Journeys 14:00 Planet Food 15:00 Flavours Of Greece 15:30 Flavours Of Spain 16:00 Globe Trekker 17:00 Journey Into Wine 18:00 Opening Soon 19:00 Globe Trekker 20:00 Cruise Today 20:30 Essential 21:00 4real 21:30 Essential 22:00 Third Class Traveller 23:00 Globe Trekker 00:00 Intrepid Journeys 01:00 Cruise Today 01:30 Essential 02:00 4real 02:30 Essential 03:00 Third Class Traveller 04:00 Globe Trekker 05:00 Opening Soon 06:00 Journey Into Wine

06:00 Above Suspicion 07:30 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 10:00 Honky Tonk 11:45 Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo 14:00 Meet Me In St: Louis 15:50 Seven Women 17:15 Action In The North Atlantic 19:20 Manpower 21:00 Singin’ In The Rain 22:40 All Fall Down 00:30 Pat Garrett And Billy The Kid 02:25 Never Let Me Go 03:55 Little Women

00:00 BBC News 00:06 World Briefing 00:30 BBC News Summary 00:32 World Business Report 00:50 Sports News 01:00 BBC News 01:06 World Briefing 01:30 BBC News Summary 01:32 Outlook 02:00 BBC News 02:06 World Briefing 02:30 BBC News Summary 02:32 Business Daily 02:50 Olympic Update 03:00 BBC News 03:06 HARDtalk 03:30 BBC News Summary 03:32 Click 03:50 From Our Own Correspondent 04:00 BBC News 04:06 World Briefing 04:30 BBC News Summary 04:32 World Business Report 04:50 Witness 05:00 BBC News 05:06 The World Today 05:30 BBC News Summary 05:32 Outlook 06:00 BBC News 06:06 The World Today 06:30 BBC News Summary 06:32 The World Today 07:00 BBC News 07:06 The World Today 07:30 BBC News Summary 07:32 The Strand 07:50 Witness 08:00 BBC News 08:06 The World Today 08:30 BBC News Summary 08:32 The World Today 09:00 BBC News 09:06 The World Today 09:30 BBC News Summary 09:32 The World Today 10:00 BBC News 10:06 HARDtalk 10:30 BBC News Summary 10:32 Click 10:50 From Our Own Correspondent 11:00 BBC News 11:06 Outlook 11:30 BBC News Summary 11:32 Business Daily 11:50 Sports News 12:00 BBC News 12:06 World Update 12:30 BBC News Summary 12:32 World Update 13:00 BBC News 13:06 World Have Your Say 13:30 BBC News Summary 13:32 The Strand 13:50 Witness 14:00 BBC News 14:06 Newshour 14:30 BBC News Summary 14:32 Newshour 15:00 BBC News 15:06 World Briefing 15:30 BBC News Summary 15:32 Business Daily 15:50 Sports News 16:00 BBC News 16:06 HARDtalk 16:30 BBC News Summary 16:32 Click 16:50 From Our Own Correspondent 17:00 BBC News 17:06 World Briefing 17:30 BBC News Summary 17:32 Outlook 18:00 BBC News 18:06 World Briefing 18:30 BBC News Summary 18:32 Sport Today 18:50 Witness 19:00 BBC News 19:06 World Briefing 19:30 BBC News Summary 19:32 World Business Report 20:00 BBC News 20:06 World Have Your Say 20:30 BBC News Summary 20:32 World Have Your Say 21:00 BBC News 21:06 World Briefing 21:30 BBC News Summary 21:32 The Strand 21:50 Witness 22:00 BBC News 22:06 Newshour 22:30 BBC News Summary 22:32 Newshour 23:00 BBC News 23:06 HARDtalk 23:30 BBC News Summary 23:32 Healthcheck


(N’sia 91.7, WSBA 92.1, ESBA 99.6 FM) 02.00 BFBS Bass’d 04.00 BFBS Shuffle 05.00 Ops Breakfast 06.00 Cyprus Breakfast With Mark Humphries 09.00 Chris Pearson 11.00 Neil Skinner 13.00 Total Ops Connection 15.00 Wez Thompson 18.00 Charlene Guy 21.00 Jessie Aru 00.00 BFBS Rocks

BFBS 2 (Ni’sia 89.7, WSBA 89.9, ESBA 95.3 FM) 03.00 BFBS Radio News 03.03 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 04.00 Up All Night 07.00 Morning Reports 07.30 Wake Up To Money 08.00 Today 11.00 Simon Marlow 14.00 BFBS Gold With Dave Windsor 15.00 World At One 15.45 Simon Guettier 19.00 PM 20.00 6 O’Clock News 4 20.30 Five Live Sport 00.30 Late Night Live

LiveCyBC2 (91.1, 92.4 FM) 06.00-7.30 Programmes in Turkish with News at 7.30 07.40 Good morning Cyprus 10.00-12.00 Kalimerhamba 12.00 Gunortasa 12.45 Greek Cyprus Press 13.00 Turkish Music 13.15 News in Turkish 13.30 News in English 13.45 PM Classics 16.00 Greek Radio 16.15 Our country doesn’t divide 16.50 News in Turkish 17.00-18.00 Programmes in Armenian; News at 17.15 18.00-20.00 Round & About 20.00 News in English 20.10 Welcome to Cyprus in French and German 20.40 Ship of Fools with Robert Camassa 22.00 News in English 22.00 International Music 00.00-06.00 Rebroadcast of the evening’s programme

Radio Napa (106.3 FM) 06.00 Morning Music 08.30 BBC World Today 09.00 News, Weather and Exchange 09.05 Nathan Morley 12.00 BBC News 12.06 Lunchtime Classics 15.00 BBC News 15.06 Chris Yearley 18.00 News 18.06 Michael Godin 19.00 The Juke Box 98.5 Rock FM The Breakfast Show - Tony Newell - 07:00-10:00 2 Hours With Bejay Browne 10:00-12:00 Rock Fm’s Lunch Box - Jason Collins - 12:00-14:00 Non Stop Music 14:00-15:00 Valentina 15:00-18:00 Monday - Tuesday - Thursday - Friday Liquid Radio Show - Pavlos - 15:00-18:00 Wednesday Drive Time - Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Monday - Tuesday Johny G. 18:00-20:00 Wednesday (Mix @ 6) The Cocktail Show - Antonis - 18:00-20:00 Thursday - Friday Panic In The Year Zero - 20:00-22:00 Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday Radioactive Metal - 20:00-22:00 - Thursday Live Dj Set- Dj Allen D 20:00-22:00 - Friday 22:00-24:00 The Gathering - With Your Hosts Dj Mr Smith And Mc Svennyb – Live Wednesday & Friday Night Train 24:00-07:00 Monday To Friday

Oldies Digital

(Hotbird SAT / (

MONDAY-FRIDAY 05:00 That Was The Year 06:00 Easy Going Gold 10:00 The Juke Box 17:00 That Was The Year 18:00 Oldies Overnights - Hear the greatest hits of all time playing non stop during the darkest hours.

The Goods: Live hard, Sell Hard Helms as the leader of a “man band” (30-something boy band); Will Ferrell in a cameo as an angel; Ving Rhames in comic mode; manic Ken Jeong, from The Hangover - but it’s not a good sign that plot keywords at the Internet Movie Database include “Sex Talk”, “Vomit”, “Female Rear Nudity” and (yikes!) “Reference to Google”. Likely to be crude, lewd, sometimes hysterically funny and basically witless. They should’ve called it ‘The Mediocres’. Made in 2009.

St. Trinian’s (PlusTV, 21.20) An unholy mess - but those with a high tolerance for self-conscious camp might like this British-made flop, vaguely based on the St. Trinian’s fi lms of the

50s (in turn based on the Ronald Searle cartoons). St. Trinian’s is an anarchic school for the worst girls in the world, incorrigible hellions one and all (yes, even head girl Gemma Arterton) - yet they try to save the school from bankruptcy when the bank threatens to foreclose, hatching a plan to steal a Vermeer and use the proceeds. The headmistress is played by a man (Rupert Everett) in drag - also the case in the 50s fi lms - but the plot has been much updated, with references to Hogwarts and C.S.I. and the school now full of cliques (the Posh Tottys, the Chavs, etc) like in Mean Girls or something. Not a success, but more fun than cleaning your house with a toothbrush on a Wednesday night. Made in 2007.


July 1, 2012• SUNDAY MAIL

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