Sunday Mail Living

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SundayMail Dance platform

What a ball

13 years later the annual festival is still going

Night of Viennese fun and debutantes



MARCH 3ďšş 9

Documenting Mari The artist behind a new book giving a scabrous and colourful reection on the Mari blast

WIN a Rasul spa treatment at the St Raphael resort



Hollywood owes it to UK to take Oscars there

N 04

People: The artist who has turned anger at Mari blast into comic book

06 Culture: Dance Platform to hit Limassol for 13th year

17 21 Fashion: A taste of what you’ll be wearing Italian style

Whatson: Get a taste for Vienna with third annual charity ball

ext year they should hold the Oscars in London. After decades in which London has pumped its talent Hollywood’s way, some return recognition would be only fair. Each year Europe stays up into the night while what appears to be a group of well-heeled former hippies and beach bunnies pretend the movie business is just about Los Angeles. As it was, this year’s big winners were Daniel Day-Lewis, Anglo-Irish but London-born and schooled in Charlton, Sevenoaks and Hampshire; Les Misérables, which is about France and came from London; and Adele from Tottenham, who sang the title track to Skyfall. Cardiff ’s Shirley Bassey sang Goldfinger. Jacqueline Durran, winner of the Best Costumes award for Anna Karenina, is British. Life of Pi was a Canadian book promoted by Canongate in Britain. Of the other winners, best foreign fi lm, Amour, is Austrian/French, and best documentary, Searching for Sugarman, is South African. As for the “best picture”, Argo, it should have been British. The rewriting of America’s history to portray its fiascos as victories (an old British trick) led the director, Ben Affleck, to the tired American world view that foreigners are either bearded terrorists or cheese-eating surrender monkeys. The initial British rescue of the six hapless American hostages in Tehran in 1979 was thus turned on its head to become a cowardly refusal to help. Two of the British envoys in Tehran at the time, ambassador Sir John Graham and Martin Williams, have erupted in understandable outrage. They put themselves and their families at great personal danger. Williams hid them in his own house. Only when the Americans grew frightened did the British staff shepherd them to the Canadian embassy. There is no way the scriptwriters and researchers who work on the rash of fi lms now claiming the accolade “based on a true story” were unaware of this. When challenged, Affleck did not apologise. He pooh-poohed all such criticism as pedantry. Film-makers are artists not historians, whose fabrications are a higher form of what he called “poetic truth”. This is the garbage gospel of faction according to Oliver Stone. It exploits the excitement and veracity of reportage but cares nothing for its discipline. Journalists who do this are dragged up before Lord Leveson and Hugh Grant and excoriated. Film-makers who do it get Oscars. Hollywood can make amends and take the Oscars to London. For decades London has poured its creative writing, directing and acting ability across the Atlantic, regularly refuelling the Hollywood supertanker with talent. Nor is its contribution just the productions and stars. A sizeable chunk of movie post-production work takes place in that hive of electronics that is subterranean Soho. Its watering holes crowd with the bloodshot eyes of trog-

For decades London has been fuelling Hollywood with movie talent. In return it should host its top ceremony says SIMON JENKINS lodyte editors and engineers, propping up bars with square eyes and headphone ears. I am no chauvinist. I love California and have family living there. The movie industry rightly sees Hollywood as its ancestral home. But it is an industry, not a religion. Film people do not have to go to Hollywood each year, like Catholics to Rome or Muslims to Mecca. As every list of Oscar nominaese days shows, tions these us of fi lm is inthe genius nental. It is an tercontinental. h a passport in art with et. its pocket. rding to the According unct UK Film now-defunct Council, fi lm production is now a serious British y. Mostly industry. based in London, it em,000 ploys 35,000 people, hree with three hat times that number working in cinemas her and other related es. activities. op Of the top s200 grossing fi lmss e of the epast de0 cade, 10 per centt w e r e British nd made and ent 15 per cent UKof “UKoriginated story material”. ollywood A Hollywood set, like a Broadage, had way stage, ed the converted onary cry revolutionary ritish are “The British coming” into a siness clishow-business ché. The truth is he arts and that in the nt, e nt e r t a i n m e nt London, New York and Loss Angeles ngle conare a single tinuous cultural lis. The metropolis. ames are same names hts. The up in lights. shows same

are advertised. The same reviews say the same things. The same restaurants play the same tunes. I went two years ago to the opening of a Woody Allen play in New York, and the afterparty could have been in London, the same converted lofts, drinks, clothes, faces, talk. This fusion of diverse urban cultures is a strength. It has given London-NewYork-LA a global pre-eminence detached from their hinterlands. London’s cultural life is closer to that of New York than to Paris or Berlin, or even than to Edinburgh or Dublin. The tie of language is the tightest bond of all. There are said to be 200,000 Americans living in London, against an estimated 70,000 French and 40,000 Italians (embassies always claim more). Hardly a London radio show lacks a transatlantic accent. Rare is a French or Italian one, and usually with reference to their home country. With Americans Britons share the entire cultural menu. So let the Brits acknowledge this bond by inviting the Oscars to London. They have an Olympic stadium which is, to put it mildly, going begging. They have an expertise in son et lumière t h a t couldput Hollywood to shame. It would be a festival of fi lm set on a global stage - and, incidentally, at the right time of day. It could even open with Danny Boyle staging a tableau of what really happened in Tehran back in 1979.

Flying the flag: Daniel Day-Lewis and his wife Rebecca Miller arrive at the Oscars

SUNDAY Y MAIL• MAI AIL• L March L• Mar arch ch 3, ch 3 2013 2013


Papal ponderings S By Richard Dickenson

o the old Pope is opting to lay down his burden, a timing more traditionally left to his Superior Officer. I’ve often thought it unfair to select the best possible candidate for leading the Catholic church but not give him the job until he’s practically in his dotage. Infallibility? However the whole thing prompts me to a long overdue reconsideration of all matters religious. I used not to like religion much. I used not to respect it much. Now I like to think I have mellowed. Certainly my overall concept has fundamentally changed. I no longer don’t like religion much. I no longer rather disrespect it. No, now I totally loath it and utterly disrespect it. There’s not one religion that I can truly say I think contributes good to the world and its hoodwinked, enslaved occupants. Yes, I know all the arguments about it creating a moral guidance without which we would be animals. This is plainly silly. First, we are animals and we’d better get used to that. Second, it’s not the only option. Also, I’ve heard that it can console and comfort at times of grievous sorrow. But that’s bad too. It’s just another way to erode man’s independence by making him blame or request help from some shadowy fatherfigure instead of relying on his own moral fibre. Religious comfort is a false comfort and it is a poor substitute for self-dependence. Furthermore, I have totally failed to find any evidence that gods have anything to do with love. Oppression, yes, cruelty, yes, vindictive petulance yes, selfish autocracy yes, but love comes nowhere near the top of the list of attributes.

Man, it is glibly said, has free will. Well, maybe there is a trace of that peeping through here and there. But, in general, I do not believe that it accounts for very much. In fact I believe that we are all largely the playthings of our accidental genetics and our environmental upbringing together with all its deliberate subjection to pressures of race, loyalty and worship during those vulnerable, formative years and education. Of course it’s all a superb natural function cleverly adapted. Human infants follow the parents’ teach-

All the top jobs are held by biological males whatever their sexual orientation. And the very top slot is held by an old man without experience of mature family life ings. It’s good for them, a safer path to survival, which churches have ruthlessly exploited, a quagmire of natural self-preservation instincts and oedipal complexes, a fertile, natural flower bed in which to grow the thorns and poisons that will ensnare people in infancy and gain lifelong control and coercion. Churches have millennia of experience at the profitable catch-’em-young-and-hook’em-good system. Their grip is lifelong and remorseless. And the sole fundamental motive is money. One way or another the priesthood, and that means any priesthood, has

The Pope greeting well wishers during his last public appearance on Wednesday

invented hideous concepts like sin, which we must all seek to expiate only to fi nd that the only people who can do the forgiving are those very priests that invented god’s sins and told us we were sinners. Surely one has to question, in this, the judgement of a god who finds that the only way he can think of to forgive man’s vile sin of eating an apple was to have his own son brutally executed. If it were not so selfish, cruel and downright wicked it would be a sitcom script. So be sure the church will never condone anything, condoms or same sex marriage, that reduces fertility because the one thing the church wants even more than your money is your children, increasing the church population means more and more easy funds, so it’s back to money again. Medallions of hearts with pins and nails poking into them, anguished, near naked chaps writhing on a scaffold, visions of demons cast out and dead guys emerging from the tomb to ask for a nice cup of tea - all fascinating escapism and apart from a few goldedged pages originally written by the already bought-over, there isn’t a shred of evidence to validate a word of it. Chuck in the paradoxical misogyny of these mother-worshippers and you have ample grounds for suspecting the entire façade is nothing but that, built onto an edifice without any sound foundation. All the top jobs are held by biological males whatever their sexual orientation. And the very top slot is held by an old man without experience of mature family life. What a miserable, humiliating credo designed for subjugation and profit. If it were a new idea it would attract a government health warning.

Poverty risk

Property sales

Tax collection up

people turned up on Wednesday night outside the Presidential Palace to see off President Demetris Christofi as on his last night in power and commemorate the 13 dead of the Mari naval base blast. Relatives of the 13 soldiers and sailors killed in the blast also attended the event where protesters held a banner saying: “Christofias you are leaving with your head held high but you’re leaving exposed! The 13 demand justice.” The crowd sang songs composed after the Mari blast and dedicated to the 13 dead before releasing white balloons in the air and dispersing into the cold night. The July 11, 2011 blast killed 13 and injured many while incapacitating the island’s biggest power station, causing rolling power cuts for around a month.

per cent risk of poverty or social exclusion is faced by the elderly in Cyprus, double the EU-27 average of 20.5 per cent, Eurostat said this week. The UK was also above the average at 22.7 per cent. Iceland posed the smallest risk to the elderly at 4.5 per cent, followed by Luxembourg at 4.7 per cent and the Netherlands at 6.9 per cent. Romania – which followed Bulgaria and Cyprus in terms of the risk to the elderly EU-wide – was at 35.3 per cent. Persons at risk fulfilled at least one of three conditions: living below the riskof-poverty threshold; being “severely materially deprived”; and having very little work (for those aged 59 or less). People who lived in a household with a disposable income set at 60 per cent of the national median after receiving benefits were considered to be living below the risk-of-poverty threshold.

billion euro was spent on property sales during 2012, of which approximately €571 million was recorded during the fourth quarter of the year, data released this week by the Department of Lands and Surveys showed. The total value of voluntary property sales came to €1,903,530,424 while the value of forced sales came to €10,203,897. Data on the fourth quarter of the year show that the value of voluntary property sales came to €568,563,913, while forced ones came to €2,341,650.00. The number of cases these amounts involved was for the entire year 10,846 voluntary and 184 forced sales, of which 2,968 and 60 were during the fourth quarter.

per cent more tax was collected in January than in the same month last year, the Inland Revenue Department announced this week. According to data released by the department, the €40.5 million increase is mainly due to a 47 per cent increase in revenue from the special contribution to the defence fund and a 28 per cent increase in company tax revenues. The IRD’s total collections for January 2013 reached €240,259,908 compared to €199,738,918 in January 2012. The collections from the special contribution to the Defence Fund climbed to €129m last month, compared to €87.8m in January the year before. Collections for corporation tax saw an increase of 28 per cent in January 2013, equivalent to €9.7m, taking revenue from just under €35m to €44.6m.


March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL





‘Indignant’ protest


A person of excess E

leni Nicodemou is everything you’d expect in an artist – and I’m not even talking about her art. To be honest, I didn’t even know it existed – which is embarrassing, since she’s been doing it for 30 years (her first exhibition was in Paris in 1982). The walls of her twostorey Nicosia flat, a large airy space with a studio on the lower floor and a garden out back, testify to her life as an abstract painter. Two similar pieces dominate the far wall, dated 1994 and 1997 (these come from the same period; as she says, it’ll often take her three years to finish a project). On the wall as you walk towards the garden, which is packed with rose bushes, jasmine and jacaranda (Eleni wants a garden that’ll flower all the year round), stands a large canvas with a pair of behemoth-like blotches, one ochre, the other turquoise. Of course, the fact that an artist chooses to decorate her home with her own work – as opposed to that of other artists – may be significant in itself. But we’ll get to that later. As I say, I didn’t even know about the work. What drew me to Eleni was her latest project – 17 comic-book panels (actually diptychs) focusing on the tragedy in Mari in July 2011. The panels were made as paintings (most are downstairs in her studio), and shown in an exhibition at the Gloria Gallery in Nicosia last year, but have also been collected into a book called Document. Eleni calls them “art comics” (zografocomics) and they’re quite something, blending naïve art with wordy, often scabrous captions. President Christofias is shown in bed next to his wife, the caption reading “Wake me up in four days” as demonstrators clamour outside. A later panel shows him visiting the Noble Energy natural-gas platform, the caption making fun of his bad English and rustic image: “I bring some souvla and meze and koupepia for our picnic”. A few panels on, Angela Merkel leads a line of German soldiers wearing Nazi armbands, while a scientist carries out “Fourth Reich-type experiments” on the Greek psyche. The final panel runs the gamut of Cypriot politicians, showing them in a lush jungle background with birds and wild animals. Newly-elected President Anastasiades is depicted next to a wolf: “Pure-bred wolf” reads the caption for the animal – then, for Anastasiades: “Genetically-modified wolf”. The comics reflect their creator, in several ways. First, like Eleni, they tend to rant and ramble: Mari is just a starting-point, the project taking off to encompass her views on local politics, Greece and Europe (hence the Merkel cameo). Second, like Eleni, they pull no punches and say exactly what they mean, even at the risk of offending – though it’s also true (like Eleni?) that they have a softer side, because the bottom half of each diptych is a more pensive, less lurid sketch on the same topic, drawn later on when she’d calmed down a little (the top halves, she explains, look at actual events; the bottom halves are

Out of the ordinary, passionate and strong minded – THEO PANAYIDES meets artist Eleni Nicodemou

Colourful: Eleni Nicodemou (top - Photo Christos Theodorides) and one of the Mari images

her own, more oblique comments). Like Eleni, the comics are both funny and intense – and they also represent her more literally because she herself appears in one panel, along with her husband and mother. “If they put you in jail, who’ll come and visit me? You

know I can’t walk,” says her mum from behind a Zimmer frame. “It’s your DNA, Mum, that’s the problem,” replies Eleni; “So you’ll probably end up in jail too, to keep me company”. Eleni’s mother is a real person, of course (they’re very similar, says her

daughter), though I don’t know if she reads Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, like she does in the comics (caption: “Had I been born today, I’d be a Minister!”). I assume she was tough yet inspiring when Eleni was growing up in the mountain village of Alona, the fifth of sixth children, only four of whom survived. So she comes from the mountains? That’s right, she grins: “That’s why I’m a savage!” The family were poor, though her dad (a builder by trade) was the village mukhtar due to having been an EOKA fighter. Aged 11, Eleni moved to secondary school in Nicosia with the rest of her siblings, only going back to the village on weekends – when they regularly got “the rod of correction” for misdemeanours committed during the week, which for her included training without her parents’ permission. She

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

was a runner in her teens, braving parental beatings (“Fortunately, I won my first race”) – then went to Athens to study, again without permission. “I called them on the village’s red telephone,” she recalls, “and I said ‘I’m leaving on Friday, I’m going off to study. If you want to say goodbye, come to the airport’. They came in the end – even gave me £70, I think”. Her grandma gave another £50 and off she went, toting a blanket, a couple of sheets, and a few clothes crammed in a single red suitcase.

The comics are unlike the rest of her work, more direct, more aggressive – yet perhaps closer to the woman herself


arious things happened to her in Athens. Her hoped-for place at the Gymnastic Academy fell through, so she ended up studying Economics (Art came later, at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, though in fact she’d been drawing and painting since childhood). She was also taken in by some nice AKEL-supporting Cypriot girls, who – along with the Turkish invasion and the ferment of the last days of the junta – turned the apolitical teen into an activist, though she left the Red camp long before Christofias came along. All her adult life, it seems, she’s been taking part in demonstrations: as a student, witnessing the raid on the Polytechnic in Athens (“I saw the tanks go in. I hid people in my house, and my roommates threw me out as a result”); in 2004, campaigning on the streets for the ‘No’ vote in the referendum (the Annan Plan, she says, would’ve turned us into “a protectorate”); and of course in 2011 when she joined the crowds outside the Presidential Palace, braved the tear-gas and Christofias’ indifference – and started writing her series of ‘art comics’ as a result. The comics are unlike the rest of her work, more direct, more aggressive – yet perhaps closer to the woman herself, or at least the wildhaired, sloe-eyed, 57-year-old woman who blasts sheep-like voters and venal politicians (but also, sweetly, asks about my love-life) from behind a haze of cigarette smoke, her face often wobbling with indignation. She’s small and sturdy, and talks unstoppably with the radio (Logos FM) playing old Greek songs in the background – though we’ve only been talking for 28 seconds before she gets up for her pack of cigarettes. Later she’ll rant about the hypocrisy of the “undemocratic” smoking ban (she has a point, of course), her anger at friends who won’t let her smoke in their homes – but are happy to smoke in hers – and how much better it’d be if smoking were banned altogether and smokers given help to quit, instead of these fascistic half-measures. Which doesn’t really make sense, then again you don’t expect artists to be totally rational. She came back to Cyprus from France with her husband Raphael in 1993, having been away for two decades. There were health problems,

March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL

leading to severe panic attacks, so she came for the sunshine and slower pace of life; she’s been here ever since – yet there is something she finds “disappointing” in Cyprus, the way people seldom speak out, worrying too much about the consequences. “What I have to say to someone, I say to their face,” she asserts. “I’m never going to think about what I might lose, that whole process bores me – I want them to know it, and I don’t care”. She takes a drag of her cigarette: “I’m a Scorpio, you know, and Scorpios are a bit self-destructive!” Doesn’t she have enemies, though? “I don’t know if I have enemies,” she shrugs. “Certainly, there are people who don’t like me. But what can you do? My big problem used to be that I wanted everyone to like me. It took me a long time to realise – I was almost 50 before I realised – that it’s impossible for everyone to love me”. She smiles: “But I think the people who love me, really love me.” Does she ever have confrontations with those who don’t like her? She shakes her head: “They don’t dare tell me to my face. You know how it is in Cyprus: in front of me they’re scared, they know I’m not the type to hold back, I’ll run into them somewhere and let them have it in public – I mean, I won’t hesitate, or be polite. So most people don’t say it to my face – but I hear about it later, usually with more ‘spice’ added. But I don’t care. Let them say what they like”. After 50, she says ruefully, you feel yourself starting to decline – and you realise that “the most important thing is to be OK with yourself, your partner, and a few people around you”. She takes another drag: “I think

I’m relatively at peace with myself at the moment”. That’s probably true. Her lifestyle is simple, says Eleni: “I’m usually home alone all day”, painting and gardening. She has a driver’s licence but doesn’t drive, as a kind of silent protest against the appalling standards of driving in Cyprus (“How can a country prosper with such people, and such behaviour?”). She has no email or Facebook, again (I suspect) as a kind of protest against the “cold and foreign” dominion of the computer. She loves to dance, “everyone knows me as a dancer” – mostly Greek dancing but “I can dance to anything. I’m a person who likes to dance”. She loves going to the same few restaurants, above all Aegeon in Nicosia. She comes off as a fiercely loyal friend, though she’s also been known to critique her friends in custommade comics which she then presents to them (“When I wanted to tell them I didn’t like something [they did], I told them in a comic”). She and Raphael have been together for 30 years, but have no children. “I never wanted any,” confirms Eleni. “Everyone adores kids, but I’m afraid they leave me rather coldly indifferent. I have nothing against them, but I don’t want kids”. She doesn’t regret it, she adds – and besides, “I don’t think I’d be a very good mother if I had a child”. She shrugs again: “Maybe I would. We’ll never know.” That’s all right, though; you don’t expect an artist to be maternal. After all – as Eleni herself points out – her paintings (and comics) are her children. You expect an artist to be brave, and she is. You expect her to be out of the ordinary, and she is. You expect her to be rather self-centred, and she is, I think (after all, she does put her own work on the walls of her home). You expect her to be passionate – and she is, especially when it comes to politics. The first-round election results were a scandal, she sputters (we talk just before the second Sunday); in a proper country, Malas and AKEL wouldn’t get more than 15 per cent! Europe is a mess, “it’s no longer the Europe I knew when I lived in France, [the Europe] of social welfare. It’s a Europe that cares only about money. We have Merkel now, who is the destroyer of Europe! For me, it’s actually Germany that should get out of Europe, because they’re the ones who are different to other countries”. She calls for the “countries of the south” to rise up in revolt against the creation of a “Fourth Reich”. This is strong stuff. Above all, you expect an artist to be creative, using her talent to lead by example. “I’m generally a person of excess,” says Eleni Nicodemou, which I’m sure is true (she’s a bit exhausting) – and her crowded, angry ‘art comics’ are a testament to that excess. “I believe artists should point the way in difficult times, through their work,” she explains. “They can’t change the world – but they can point the way”. She’s done her bit.



Green role Green party head Ioanna Panayiotou who was this week named ment as the new Environment Commissioner, a rolee that is ed. about to be upgraded.

‘Indignant’ nt’ revisit

Around 200 people turned ed up tside the on Wednesday night outside ee off Presidential Palace to see stofias President Demetris Christofi er and on his last night in power ead of commemorate the 13 dead t. They the Mari naval base blast. shouldn’t be forgotten.

Charity at home Non-Governmental organisation (NGO) Volunteer Doctors Cyprus, which will start offering free healthcare next month to serve the unemployed, vulnerable and those struggling on a basic salary. The organisation better known for its work in the third world has decided, given the economic crisis, to give something back to their own country.

Christofias under fire Former president Demetris Christofias spoke of an ‘orchestrated attack’ against the Presidential Palace after the 2011 Mari munitions blast, as he bid farewell to staff ahead of his departure from the palace this week. He was referring to the demonstrations outside the palace in the days immediately after the blast.

Drugs ring The drug squad believe they have broken up a drug-ring after two customs officials, aged 58 and 53 were arrested on Monday afternoon, police said. The arrests came after cannabis with a street value of €400,000 was discovered in Germany on the way to Cyprus.

All men President-elect Nicos cos Anastasiades announced his cabinet this ded a couple week, which included of new faces but noo women, resulting in some criticism. “Thee complete lack of women will not give the best image in Europe where the female presence is strong,” the Greenn oveparty’s women’s movement said.

New Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides

06 FEATURE Harry Koushos

The annual Platforma dance event in Limassol gets underway this week. DARA MILOVANOVIC-MICHAEL on what to expect

Platform of contemporary dance N ow in its 13th year, the annual Contemporary Dance Platform that takes place every March at Rialto Theatre in Limassol will showcase 13 groups as it provides a glimpse of contemporary dance on the island. It began modestly in 2001 with only six groups taking part, while last year 40 groups applied to take part. Organisers have been struggling to establish the event’s identity as contemporary dance is an umbrella term that encompasses many styles. Organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Rialto

Amfidromo theatre, the festival was originally created to provide an opportunity to young choreographers to present new works that have not been presented elsewhere. Then the term ‘young’ became problematic – did it imply the age of the choreographer or their experience? Either way, choreographers sought to fi nd ways to hold on to their eligibility to participate in the festival as it provides a great venue to present work. Apart from a budget that is granted by the ministry, they also gain great technical support from Riatlto and exposure to festival curators from Europe invited to attend the festival. For some, the platform has been a great springboard. Still, the problems prevailed and after last year’s large number of applications and a questionable melting pot of dance works presented, organisers needed to keep revising the rules of eligibility. With advice from working dance artists, they chose to create a rule that only choreographers who have already presented two professional choreographic works are eligible to apply. This excludes young choreographers who have just returned from their studies. Also, choreographers who have presented at the platform or have extensive choreographic experience get a larger budget than the choreographers who present their works for the fi rst time.

Rumour has it that organisers felt last year’s platform was too ‘theatrical’ so they asked all applicants to submit a video proposal of movement studies that would lead to their fi nal work. Of course, this does not necessarily solve the problem as movement studies may not be indicative of what the fi nal outcome will be. And again it brings the question of what contemporary dance aesthetic is ‘supposed’ to be and the answer is impossible to find as the term contemporary implies a sense of exploration and experimentation rather than a movement vocabulary. For the fi rst few years, the platform was conceived as a choreographic competition, the winner of which was awarded a cash prize and invited to perform at the European Dance Festival in May and June at Rialto Theatre. Choreographers felt that competition factor disturbed the artistic purpose of the festival and suggested the cash could be better spent to bring more international festival presenters, giving their works more exposure. The result is that three works are chosen each year for the European Festival which means that the competition factor is alive and well. Audiences anticipate the platform with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Thirteen years on, the audience has come to expect certain artistic tendencies and results from particular choreographers, however many artists continue to surprise. This year’s line-up contains many well-known local dance names and a few newcomers. On Friday the evening will open with Fotis Nikolaou, a dancer and choreographer whose style has been influenced by his extensive professional career in Greece, followed by Fouli Stylianidou, a young choreographer who will be presenting her work for the second time at the platform. Following intermission will be a new work by Harry Koushos, a promising young choreographer whose past choreographies have proven successful; and lastly Aelion Dance Company will present a piece by Fotini Perdikaki, a choreographer with a great critical eye and thinking skills. Saturday night will be packed with five works starting with Amfidromo, a dance group led by Elena Christodoulidou who has been an integral part of the development of dance in Cyprus; followed by a young choreographer Eliza Kapodistira, a graduate of the University of Nicosia Dance Programme who will merge

Cyprus Contemporary Dance Platform 13 years with 13 dance groups. Parallel events Dance House Lemesos and Palia Xydadiko. March 8-10. Rialto Theatre. 8.30pm. €5 all €10. Tel: 77-777745

Eliza Kapodistira her background in hip hop with contemporary composition skills. Lia Haraki’s new work is based on her continuing dance research concerned with repetition. Alexander Michael’s piece will deliver a plethora of movement, spatial and rhythmical patterns. Finally, Milena Ugren Koulas’ piece conceived as a duet between a dancer and a musician will continue to push the boundaries of her quintessential dance making. The last evening, Sunday, will open with Mayia Kikkidou, who will be presenting work at the platform for the fi rst time, followed by Machi Dimitriadou-Lindahl’s work. A work

Audiences anticipate the platform with a mixture of excitement and trepidation

Fotis Nikolaou

by two newcomers, Eva Kaloimiri and Mary-Fofi Anestou, will be followed by Alexandra Waierstall’s work for Noema Dance Works, which appears to follow in her well-known aesthetic. To provide an opportunity to young dancers who may not be eligible for the platform or have not received the grant, Dance House Lemesos has organised a parallel event called Dance Throughout the Year and this will feature choreographic works by Christina Patsali, Kalia Maliali, Eleana Alexandrou, Giorgos Dimopoulos and Styliana Aristeidou and Petros Konnaris. On Saturday at 11am a discussion regarding critical responses to dance works will take place at the Dance House Lemesos with Roberto Cassaroto. The platform and the accompanying events promise a weekend full of dance but the only way to approach this experience is to enter the performing space with an open mind and no judgement. Allow yourself to critically consider the works, but at the same time allow yourself the freedom to enjoy the sensations - the movement, the visual composition, the music, the crowd. These dances can be about whatever your mind wants them to be as our personal social, political, historical background affects the way we interpret the composition before us.

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

Escanti Tattoo Kyriakou Matsi 57A, Ayios Dometios, Nicosia, Tel: 96 551092,,

Tattooing her way around the world E rika Malmgreen confounds my expectations. Admittedly, my familiarity with body art is limited to LA Ink but I did not expect a tattoo artist to be quite so unaffected, well-spoken and chic. Perhaps it’s her sensible Scandanavian heritage, or the fact that she’s travelled the world and absorbed a wealth of cultures that make Erika so unexpected in a profession more often associated with middle-aged men and dodgy bikers. Her passion is evident on the studio walls, graced with tasteful tattooinspired paintings and sketches. Yes, she’s dressed in black, the furniture is dark and the wallpaper monochrome, but on the walls is an explosion of colour. “They’re all mine,” she nods, noticing my interest. “I drew them all. Art in any form is my passion: painting, sewing, revamping old furniture – anything to do with being creative. “I was always going to be a tattoo artist,” she continues, “it just took me a while to get here.” I’m surprised by this, as Erika is youthful-looking 31 years of age, but maybe time runs at a different pace for someone who has led such an eventful existence. The quintessential globe-trotter, she has worked everywhere from the cities of the Orient to the ghettos of Los Angeles. Raised in Sweden, Erika always dreamt of making a living from her art, and while in her teens she was apprenticed to a British tattoo artist who was working on contract in Lund. When her mentor and his partner left Sweden for the balmy Greek isles, Erika went with them, working for a few months before returning home to a job in computing. “I had my own machines, and I was practising, but I wasn’t that good,” she says. “At that point, I’d already got my first tattoo – a small dragon on my back – and no, you’re not the fi rst person who’s compared me to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo!” she quips. But though her IT job paid the bills, it wasn’t fulfilling Erika’s love of art or

March 3, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL

Erika’s love of art or travel, and a brief holiday to Thailand became a long stay when she infiltrated the worldwide network of tattoo artists

travel, and a brief holiday to Thailand became a prolonged stay when she infiltrated the worldwide network of tattoo artists. “While in Thailand, I met Alan, a tattoo artist from the Philippines,” she explains. “He was an excellent teacher, and working in his studio I learnt a great deal. But without a visa, I had to exit the country every three months.” Which is how she ended up on a mini-bus to Malaysia, spending two months in Kuala Lumpur, working and learning the whole time, before meeting a New Zealander of Tongan descent who was on his way to tattoo AmErika. Barely 20 at this time, Erika upped sticks and moved to the suburbs of Los Angeles. “This was the ghetto,” she laughs, “Tupak grew up round the corner!” Immersed in the culture for three months, Erika tattooed day and night from a renovated garage. “Yes, I saw some terrible incidents, but everyone

The girl with the dragon tattoo: Erika at work (Photo Christos Theodorides)

Growing up with a love of art, one Nicosia based tattooist now creates great pieces on a growing clientele says ALIX NORMAN

was very friendly,” she says. On the expiration of her visa Erika returned to Sweden to join forces with another female tattooist. “But, after a while, the long dark winters of the north got to me: I went to the Job Centre in search of something – anything – in a warmer country. The only foreign jobs on offer were for waitressing: one in Turkey and one in Cyprus.” Without hesitation, Erika chose


the latter - spending several months in Protoras before eschewing the heady Napa nights for the capital; working part time while she searched for the perfect location for Escanti, her studio. Though it took a few years to find the right place, Escanti is ideally situated between two UN bases: one British soldier with a tattoo led to a massive influx, and as word spread, locals began to visit as well. “I find the English are generally unconcerned about the placing of their tattoo,” says Erika, comparing the two cultures, “but Cypriots are more professionally conscious. The men often demand designs on the upper arm where it can’t be seen at work, while women tend to choose the inside of the wrist, often opting for their children’s initials.” Lettering is a trend in which Erika has noticed an increase of late, with many people requesting wording and names, especially in memory of loved ones. But Erika is quick to discourage clients who want a permanent reminder of their current spouse: “Partners change, but tattoos don’t, so I suggest they go for the names of children or parents instead.” Since setting up her studio two years ago, Erika has noticed a considerable increase in her clientele, and it’s not just because her reputation is spreading: “Tattooing is becoming more socially acceptable all the time; it’s rare to find someone under the age of 50 in Europe without one.” I ask Erika about her own tattoos. She pauses, and answers with a graceful shrug: “Too many to count! Some I did myself, like the portrait of my sister. It was my first likeness, and I wanted to practise on myself.” Others have special meaning, like her tattoo of Jesus: “It’s simple and beautiful. I consider myself quite religious, and since arriving on the island, I have converted to Orthodoxy.” Does this mean she may have settled in one place for good? After all, she’s been in Cyprus for an age by her roaming standards, she’s adopted a dog from the Nicosia Dog Shelter and has, in turn, been adopted by a cat named Gucci. She speaks fluent Greek, loves the sun and lives for the sea. Could Cyprus be the end of the road? “We-ell, I do have a Hungarian step-brother who does piercing,” she grins, “and he’s suggested we should set up shop in Britain. But it’s freezing, and I love the heat! So I’ve been thinking about opening another outlet in Limassol, where I’m closer to the sea...”


Chic retreats In the fickle world of fashion, destinations come and go, but a handful will always stay in style. HETTIE HARVEY packs her luxury kaftan and goes on a grand tour of the globe’s most glamorous getaways Heirs and graces - Marrakech A favourite haunt in the 1960s and 1970s of Cecil Beaton, the Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix and Yves Saint Laurent (whose breathtaking Majorelle Garden can still be visited today), not to mention earlier visitors including Samuel Pepys, Winston Churchill and Jack Kerouac, Marrakech has long been a source of fascination and inspiration for travellers, drawn by its vibrant colours, culture and shopping. These days those delights still bring in fashionable types, from Kate Moss, Sienna Miller and Lily Cooper (née Allen), who might hole up in one of the luxurious city-centre riads, or pass through en route to a stay at the desert oasis La Gazelle d’Or, or Richard Branson’s Kasbah Tamadot in the Atlas mountains. The 1980s supermodel, and former First Lady of France, Carla Bruni recently bought a holiday home here with her husband Nicolas Sarkozy.

Ourika Villa in the Ourika Valley

Where to stay There are more beautiful riads in the city and spectacular hotels outside its walls than you could shake a Fendi clutch at. Why not opt for something a little different and stay instead at one of four vil-

Talitha and John Paul Getty on the terrace of their holiday house in Marrakech in 1970

Hotel Sezz

las on the books of new villa company Scott Williams? The houses, all of which are within 30km of the city in the Ourika Valley, sleep from nine to 14 people and each one is stylishly done up, and fully staffed

with cooks, drivers on request, and housekeepers, making them just as comfortable as the fi nest hotel. (

The Eden Project - St Barths Ah, the Caribbean. Forever sunny, forever fashionable. Ever since the 1950s, when aviator and sailor Rémy de Haenen built Eden Rock-St Barths, the tiny island of St Barthélemy has lured celebs to its white-sand beaches. In the 1950s and 1960s it was Greta Garbo and the Rothschilds, today it’s Marc Jacobs, Giorgio Armani and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Where to stay To this day, the really smart place is the Eden Rock St-Barths on lively St Jean beach, but the major fashion players don’t stay in the main hotel. Oh no. For them it’s the luxury of the hotel’s slick villas, one with its own art gallery, another with a recording studio, at a cool £20,000 a night. There are 30 further villas available for rent, so no fashionista need slum it with the nameless Joes in the (rather lovely) hotel. (

Côte Allure - St Tropez Ever since Brigitte Bardot pouted her way through And God Created Woman in the 1950s, this tiny beach town has become the Côte d’Azur’s go-to resort for the beautiful people. After Bardot came Fonda, Mick and Bianca Jagger (who

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

09 A Hilton yoga room

A bathroom at the Aman Sveti Stefan

Hotels take fitness to great outdoors By Dorene Internicola

Eden Rock - St Barts

Ever since the 1950s, when aviator and sailor Rémy de Haenen built Eden Rock-St Barths, the tiny island of St Barthélemy has lured celebs to its white-sand beaches married here in 1971), Joan Collins... these days you’re likely to bump into Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, Roberto Cavalli, Rihanna, Penelope Cruz - probably all having a topless lunch together at Club 55, the world’s chicest (and arguably most expensive) beach bar. Where to stay The Byblos - where Mick and Bianca spent their wedding night - remains a seriously sexy spot, and retains more than a little 1970s charm in the décor. The new Alain Ducasse restaurant, Rivea, is sure to be the scene of many a stylish soirée. For something more tranquil, try the Hotel Sezz, if only for the glorious swimming pool, or head for the hills and stay at La Réserve Ramatuelle, an oasis of calm away from the hectic beachfront - and with one of the best spas on the Riviera. (byblos. com;;

Heavenly islet - Montenegro After its heyday in the 1950s and 1960s, when Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren all holidayed on the islet of Sveti Stefan, the tiny

March 3, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL

Adriatic state of Montenegro fell off the fashion map for several decades while a war with neighbouring Croatia raged. Then in the late 2000s, a group of investors, including LVMH’s Bernard Arnault and Nat Rothschild, decided to revamp it. Now, Porto Montenegro - an old naval port that can accommodate the most gargantuan yachts - and a handful of new hotels are drawing the rich and absurdly rich, including house-hunters Natalia Vodianova and Catherine Zeta-Jones, global citizens Brad and Angelina, and even Beyoncé and Jay-Z. Where to stay The most fashionable spot is Aman Sveti Stefan, a pristine resort that includes a 2km stretch of coastline, including three beaches. Rooms are divided between the islet of Sveti Stefan and the grand Villa Milocer on the mainland, overlooking the shore. The private island offers the most character, with its winding lanes, old chapels and original buildings. There are three restaurants, and a spa is set to open this year - but the views alone justify the eye-watering bill. (

From sightseeing city runs and nature hikes down country trails to surfi ng sessions, hotels are luring leisure and business clients outside their climatecontrolled rooms for outdoor activities to keep fit while travelling for business or pleasure. Morning runs, afternoon power walks and bicycle rides are fast becoming standard fare for hotels in urban centres, with the cityscape dictating the route. "Since most of our hotels are urban, we like our guests to get outside in the neighbourhood," said Mike DeFrino, executive vice president of hotel operations at Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants. In cities with a strong running population, he said, managers or assistant managers at the chain of boutique hotels will lead the morning run. Many US hotels also offer bicycle borrowing, particularly in cities such as San Diego, California, and Washington, DC, and New York City.

Studies have shown that exercising outdoors can offer advantages over indoor, gymbased fitness routines. British researchers found that natural environments may increase activity levels with less perceived exertion, reduce stress and improve mood. The Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa, in California wine country, offers bike tours to local wineries, walking tours to local purveyors and a hike to a 2,000-year-old Redwood Tree, as well as treks of varying levels of difficulty and water yoga classes in thermal mineral pools. "The hikes sell out almost every morning," said Michelle Heston of Fairmont Hotels & Resorts, which has 60 hotels around the globe. Business travellers, who make up about half of Fairmont's clientele, work out to a schedule different from the tourist. "The business traveller has different habits. Early 6am offerings are popular with them,

those on holiday are much later," she said. Jodi Sullivan, senior director, global fitness, at Hilton Worldwide, said both business and leisure travellers are increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. "We always want to take advantage of the great outdoors, said Sullivan, adding fitness activity at Hilton, depending on location, may include bike rentals and beach volleyball courts. Sullivan, a personal trainer, said Hilton created its fitness programme in 2006. For its bicycle programme city route maps are printed on the backs of water bottles. For people who prefer not to leave their hotel rooms, at some Hilton hotels they can book a Yoga Room, with a king-size bed and a designated area to practice headstands and postures, or a Cardio Room, which comes with a cardio machine that simulates the workout of an elliptical, a treadmill and a bike.

Emirates launches special Economy Class fares to selected destinations Emirates is offering special Economy Class fares to eight selected destinations for leisure and business passengers from Cyprus. The Emirates fares, starting from €508, are for travel from Cyprus to Dubai; Mumbai in India starts from €626, while fares for Beijing and Shanghai both start from €708. Bangkok in Thailand now starts from €746. Fares to Johannesburg in South Africa start from €918, while those for Melbourne and Sydney are from €1,249 and €1,255 respectively. The special promotion runs until March 31 for travel until May 31. Customers are being encouraged to plan ahead and book early to enjoy these great fares. Prices include airport taxes and fuel surcharge and local terms and conditions apply. Emirates operates a daily fl ight between Dubai and Cyprus, now using a larger Boeing 777-200 aircraft.

Cheap flight to China: discount fares include those to Shanghai

10 FOOD & DRINK WINES with George Kassianos

On doctor’s orders it, that wonderful taste will remain un unchanged - a fact that ought to be life life-enhancing enough in itself.

The evidence that wine is good for you keeps stacking up

Kalamos Wines Ka 201 Chardonnay, Pafos Regional, 2011 Abv Abv12.5%


ow many times do we hear that ‘wine is good for you,’ to the delight of producers and lovers alike. You see this statement has been gaining scientific evidence since the discovery of the so called French paradox. First it was the heart that was said to benefit from moderate consumption of red wine, then moderate drinking reduced the risk of strokes by up to 45 per cent. A run of studies declared alcohol in general – and wine in particular – was good for helping prevent everything from age-related macular degeneration to stomach ulcers. Even brain performance levels and death were said to be improved and held at bay by enjoying the occasional drink – to which we all raised our glasses and rejoiced. Yet it seems that not all news is good news – especially if you talk to oncologists. They say that if you don’t drink alcohol, don’t start. If you do drink, do so in moderation. Limit yourself to no more than two drinks per day for men and one for women. The reason? There is strong evidence that drinking alcohol increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus and liver. There are many good studies from many countries - the evidence linking alcohol consumption to increased cancer risk is very solid. So they said. Breast cancer is a particularly worrying area although they argue that the link between alcohol and breast cancer development is unclear. There are still some studies that reveal women who drink two to five alcoholic beverages per day increase their risk of contracting breast cancer by 41 per cent. That’s as may be, but before you cancel the two cases of wine you would do well to read between the scientific lines. Many cancer societies declare that moderate drinking

appears to impart so many benefits that death from almost any cause is delayed. Doctors generally do not want to forbid alcohol for those who already drink due to evidence of health benefits in other areas, including a reduced risk for other types of cancer. So, where does that leave us? Still in better health as moderate drinkers than we would be if teetotal according to several doctors and scientists. Red wine and other drinks in moderation are good for all but a tiny minority regardless of whether you are male or female, old or young. Alcohol in itself has a cardio-protective effect that is enhanced further by the presence of antioxidants such as those found in red wine, old matured malt whisky and dark-brown beer such as Guinness or porter. In addition to helping the cardiovascular system these antioxidants may not only prevent malignancy starting but some think they may inhibit malignant development and possibly even cause regression of any carcinogenic process. As far as red wine is concerned the antioxidants in question are known as flavanoids – more specifically, the phenolic substances that inhabit grape skins. Five of these – resveratrol, quercetin, cattechin, epicatechin and rutin – have been studied in greater depth than others. The good news for the wine drinker is that many of these flavanoids are 20 times more powerful in their antioxidant effect than vitamin E. The benefits of these flavanoids could far outweigh

om any supposed risk that may rise from moderate wine consumption. me What studies revealed is that some wines are much better sources of flase, vanoids than others. Red, of course, act is better than white, due to the fact om that flavanoids are derived from pes grape skins. Yet certain red grapes ers. yield more flavanoids than others. fluTerroir wields an enormous infl uven ence on flavanoid content and even an different wine making practises can ids influence just how many flavanoids Pi remain in the finished product. Pinot Noir is the best wine to imbibe if you are after resveratrol, which has been shown to prevent blood clots and strokes and inhibit skin cancer. Fresh Pinot Noir seems to contain more resveratrol than most other reds and indeed most other Pinot Noirs. But be warned from the same vineyard in Burgundy you can have highly varying amounts of resveratrol in different wines. Research into the reasons behind the differences in flavanoid content of different wines revealed that grapes with thicker skins have levels of flavanoids with Chilean and to a lesser extent French Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir having consistently high concentrations of flavanoids. Will wine list nutritional constituents? Will wine bottles be sold in the health-food section of the supermarket? The day may surely come. Yet whatever happens on the marketing front I, for one, will still enjoy my glass or two a day, safe in the knowledge that, no matter who says what about

Yellow lemon colour, the nose is complete with citrus fruit as in gra grapefruit and mandarin, followed by lemon blossoms, green apple and hon honeydew melon are front and centre in this Chardonnay. This crisp fru fruitiness is combined with nuances of b butter, making this wine both easy to enjoy and seductively simple. It is sim simple, with supple fruit and medium lin lingering flavours, yet a tingle of crisp aci acid on the finish; a good accompanim niment for Caesar salad, deep fried pra prawns with olive oil and lemon or gri grilled sea bass. €6.50

201 Gerani Maratheftiko - Opthalmo, 2011 Paf Pafos Regional Abv 13% A blend of two indigenous grape var varieties, the Maratheftiko amounts ffor up to 90%. This wine has an easy, app a approachable style; this Marathefttiko has a deep, rich, ruby colour. S Some warm cherry aromas are acc cented with notes of mocha, red liq quorice, sage, nutmeg and cinnamon. S Soft, round tannins make this wine e easy to drink with flavours of black c cherries and plums balanced with s some sweet spice. Food pairings inc clude roast duck with cherry sauce, p pork with plum sauce, Camembert a and Cheddar cheese. €11

22007 Merlot, Pafos Regional, Abv 12.5% Medium bodied and reasonably ffruity for a five-year-old with a soft a and elegant palate laced with ripe ffruit, all spice, pepper and liquorice w with some whispers of dark berry p pie. This Merlot is ruby colour, and iits fruity and spicy taste mingles w well on the juicy and concentrated p palate with some flowery notes. It is a an ideal partner to a robust grilled s sirloin, pork loin, Moussaka and a rrange of kefalotyri type cheese. Succ culent with a pleasing finish, a Merlot tthat can be developed for further two y years. €9

In globalising Sweden, state still big brother over drinking Few CEOS would welcome news of a fall in sales. But Magdalena Gerger, head of Sweden's retail alcohol monopoly that is one of the world's biggest single buyers of wine, is one of them. Gerger's job as head of Systembolaget exemplifies Sweden's attitude that an interventionist state is good for you, and highlights Sweden's conservative attitude to alcohol use despite its stronger reputation abroad for liberal social policies. Contrary to popular belief about Sweden, which lies in the so-called vodka belt, the Nordic country has one of the smallest per capita alcohol consumptions in Europe. If you want to buy wine, beer

or spirits in Sweden outside a restaurant, you must contend with Systembolaget, stores that offer no promotions, are closed most of the weekend and have an uncanny ability to make you feel a guilty consumer. Systembolaget made sales of 24.4 billion Swedish crowns ($3.79 billion) in 2011 and a 168 million operating profit though Gerger tends to be more occupied with ensuring age checks - 20 years old is the limit - are rigorously enforced. Polls show a majority of Swedes support the system. But it is a model that is increasingly under scrutiny as Swedes buy more on the internet from Europe.

The Systembolaget website features a video warning what would happen if it loses the monopoly. It shows a gloomy and untidy kitchen littered with empty bottles of wine, warning that sales would jump 30 per cent. The shops, mostly non-descript supermarkets with bright, unfriendly lights are aimed as much at limiting sales as encouraging consumption and can make one feel more like browsing in a pharmacy than a wine store. Unlike Sweden's innovative companies from Spotify to IKEA, Systembolaget moves at a glacial pace. One of the biggest reforms happened 15 years ago - opening on Saturdays - though only to around 3pm.

It is still closed on Sundays. The golden rule of drinkers in Sweden is to plan ahead. While most of the Nordics and Canada also have state alcohol monopolies, Sweden's is touted as one of the most successful in mixing relative low sales per capita with high customer satisfaction. The stores are not allowed to highlight one brand over another. Beer is not refrigerated, because that may encourage people to buy the colder brands over another. Stores cannot sell to anyone who appears drunk. For years, customers were unable to even pick up a bottle off the shelf but rather tell a clerk behind a desk what number

they wanted, like a prescription drug. Polls show that about two thirds of Swedes support it. But there are critics. "Systembolaget is trusted. And for the average consumer it is OK. But as soon as you have more of a strong wine interest, it is extremely limited, especially for fi ne wines," said Erica Landin, a Swedish wine writer. Systembolaget is making reforms and there are plans to expand into home deliveries. But there is little chance of radical changes. "We are one of the world's biggest wine buyers. If nothing happens to taxes, no one can really compete," said Gerger.

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013


with Maria Socratous

Mother’s treats Get a head start for Mothering Sunday with these family pleasers Chester Tarts Makes 4 For the pastry 200g plain flour, sifted 100g butter, cubed, at room temperature For the filling 100g butter 8 large egg yolks Finely grated zest of 2 lemons and 8tbsp lemon juice 200g caster sugar 80g ground almonds 2tsp cornflour For the topping 2 large egg whites 110g caster sugar ½tsp cornflour ½tsp lemon juice Put the flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl. Add the butter and rub with fingertips until the mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Add 3-4tbsp cold water and bring the pastry together. Roll out on a lightly floured surface to 5mm thickness. Line 4 x 10cm x 3cm deep loose-bottomed tart tins. Chill for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5 and place a baking sheet in the oven to heat up. Prick the pastry bases with a fork, line with baking paper and fi ll with baking beans. Place on the hot baking sheet and blind bake for 15 minutes – removing the beans 5 minutes before the end. Reduce the oven temperature to 160C/gas 3. For the filling, melt the butter in a pan; add the egg yolks, lemon zest and 6tbsp lemon juice, sugar and almonds. Stir over a very low heat for 10 minutes or until the mixture is thick

enough to hold itself when a spoon is dragged through. Mix the remaining lemon juice with the cornflour; stir it through the fi lling and cook, stirring until the mixture comes away from the sides of the pan. Divide the mixture evenly among the pastry cases. For the topping, whisk the egg whites to the soft peak stage. Spoon by spoon, whisk in the sugar and beat until thick. Whisk in the cornflour and lemon juice and spoon on top of the tarts. Bake for 25 minutes until the meringue is a light golden colour. Serve warm with cream.

Sticky Chocolate Loaf Cake Serves 12 250g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing 225g dark brown sugar 3 medium eggs 150g golden syrup 1 tbsp vanilla essence 100g dark chocolate, melted 225g plain flour 1tsp bicarbonate of soda 25g cocoa powder

Whyyoushouldeat Mint ‘Minty fresh’ may be the selling point for most toothpastes, but there’s a lot more to this aromatic herb that makes it worth brushing up on. Belonging to a large family with about 30 species and native to the Mediterranean and western Asia, you’re probably familiar with many of its almost 500 varieties - peppermint, spearmint, water mint, lemon mint to name a few – all of which contain the volatile oil menthol, which gives mint that characteristic cooling, cleansing feeling. The Greeks believed mints could clear the voice and cure hiccups, and the word ‘mint’ stems from the legend of Menthe, a nymph who angered the gods and was transformed – like so many other hapless

March 3, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL

250ml boiling water 250g icing sugar Pink food colouring – optional Sugared rose petals Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5. Grease and line a 900g loaf tin. Using a mixer, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually add the golden syrup, vanilla essence and melted chocolate. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and cocoa powder into a bowl. Add a third to the egg mixture and beat well. Pour in half the boiling water, then half the remaining flour mixture and beat well. Add the remaining water, then the remaining flour mixture. Beat well. Carefully pour the batter into the prepared tin and bake for 30 minutes. Reduce the heat to 170C/gas 3½ and bake for 30-40 minutes more or until cooked. Leave to cool in the tin and transfer to a serving plate. To decorate, mix the icing sugar with enough cold water to form a thick, spreadable paste. Mix in the colouring – if using. Spread over the cooled cake and decorate with petals.


mythological souls – into a plant. Pliny recommended that a wreath of mint would increase intelligence and “exhilarate the minds” of his students, while powdered mint leaves were the Pearl Drops of the Middle Ages, used to whiten one’s teeth. In Roman times, dignitaries and politicians carried mint sprigs in their pockets as the scent supposedly stopped one from losing one’s temper. Used throughout history as a flavouring and culinary condiment, nowadays menthol - produced from mint essential oil - is used in a wide variety of medicines. The aroma activates both the glands that produce saliva and those which secrete digestive enzymes, making mint ideal for calming an inflamed

stomach and soothing the pains of indigestion. And the same properties make it an excellent remedy for the nausea and headaches associated with motion sickness. Mint is very effective against coughs and colds: used in numerous respiratory medicines, the strong scent decreases congestion and opens up thee body’s oothing nasal passages, cooling and soothing the throat and relieving coughh symptoms. Many balms and king inhalers contain menthol, making thma the herb very beneficial to asthma ant sufferers: mint is a good relaxant of the respiratory channels – though don’t overdo things as too much can cause irritation..

Excellent in the long hot summer months, mint is often an ingredient of after-sun skin care and insecticides. Antiseptic and antipruritic, it aids in soothing sunburn, helps cure infections and alleviates itching caused by insect bites. Mint

juice is also an excellent cleanser, inside and out: as well as the ability to freshen breath, it inhibits harmful bacteria inside the mouth and can be used as an effective skin cleanser. And lastly, one of the wackier reasons to eat e mint: apparently it works brillian liantly as a mouse deterrent, though whe whether one should eat copious am amounts and exhale into the skirting boa bo boards, or simply strew the leaves on the t floor and hope for the best is unc unclear. Whatever you choose with r regards to rodent infestation, one thing is clear: eating mint will do you a lot of good. There’s definite some truth to the saying ‘in mint nitely con condition’!


OTHER PLACES TO TRY NICOSIA DISTRICT Garidomania 63 Kyriacou Matsi, Tel: 22 777179 Family Nest 4 Keramikis str Strovolos, Tel: 22 429028 Kavouri 125, Strovolos Avenue, Tel: 22 425153 Latsi 1, Agiou Pavlou, Tel: 22 772459 Paragadi 3, Niovis Str Acropolis, Tel: 22491310 Pixida 5 Menandrou str, 22445636 Ocean Basket 18 Themistocli Dervis, Tel: 22 673777

LIMASSOL DISTRICT Aggelos 91, Makariou Mesa Gitonia, Tel: 25 725333 Glaros 50 Eleftherias str, Tel: 25 357046 Giagini 6 Hatziloizi Michaelides, Tel: 97839617 Carmi at Molos 224 Christodoulou Hatzipavlou, Tel: 25 357046 Fat Fish Vasileos Georgiou A, Tel: 25 828181 Kavourotrypa 44 Serifou Str Zakaki, Tel: 25 390372 Kyani Akti Georgiou A, Tel: 25 322496 Ladas Palio Limani, Tel: 25 3657606

LARNACA DISTRICT Varoshiotis Seafood 7 Piale Pasia Ave, Tel: 70003536 Gorgona 145 Piale Pasia Ave, Tel: 24 622505 Charmers Piale Pasia Ave., 140 Lordos Sea gate, Tel: 24 624127 Zephyros 37 Piale Pasia Ave, Tel: 24 657198 Zakos Beach Restaurant Makenzie Beach, Tel: 24 652411

PAPHOS DISTRICT Atlantida Geroskipou Tourist Beach, Tel: 26 964525 Yiangos Latsi, Kathikas, Tel: 26 321411 Kanali Pomos, Tel: 26 342191 Nikos Tyrimos 71 Agapinoros, Tel: 26 942846 Periyiali

Latsi, Tel: 26 321288 Psaropoulos Latsi, Tel: 26 321089

AGIA NAPA / PROTARAS Kalamies Pernera, Tel: 23 831145 Karas Tavern Kaparis Ave. Tel: 23 820565 Spartiatis 79 Kon/ou Ave., Tel: 23 831386

Seaside sun and fresh produce Pelagos, Oroklini, Larnaca


haven’t been to Oroklini for ages, so it was nice to drive over there last weekend to discover that the Pelagos Restaurant was booming with business and serving good wholesome Cyprus food. This district has a plethora of decent restaurants, including two well-established curry houses, a decent Mexican and half a dozen fi sh tavernas. The Pelagos however, describes itself as a ‘Mediterranean Bar and Grill’. It overlooks the sea with a large patio which literally touches the water and gives a stunning vista of Larnaca bay, it is the perfect place to spend a few relaxed hours. On a clear day the spectacular turquoise and indigo waters are breathtaking and it is impossible to resist fl ipping off your sandals and dipping your toe in the water, even at this time of year. This is a place to which locals head – which is always a good sign and there is nothing on the menu that would frighten you - inevitably being a traditional Cypriot grill, the accent is very much on fi sh and meat dishes. It champions the use of fresh local produce, serving a fairly limited but delicious menu consisting mostly of familiar, favourite Mediterranean delicacies. So keeping it simple, but fresh and tasty, we decided for starters to splurge and try a little of everything - fresh olives, beetroot, hummus and garlic mushrooms were all

duly ordered. The dark purple beetroot was exquisite – it is such an underrated dish, which deserves recognition. I was recently informed that scientists have discovered that beetroot has a remarkable effect on lowering blood pressure (all the more reason to make it a regular dish). The hummus (€2.90), made with fresh chickpeas and sesame seeds is OK as part as a mezze or for a light starter, albeit a little lacklustre in flavour – it’s always a gamble, because the taste of hummus varies so much in Cyprus. The star of the starters show was without doubt the warm garlic mushrooms (€5.25), which were

It champions the use of fresh local produce, serving a fairly limited but delicious menu consisting mostly of familiar, favourite Mediterranean delicacies

VITAL STATISTICS SPECIALTY Fish WHERE Pelagos Bar and Grill, Oroklini CONTACT 24 627721 PRICE Calamari €11.90, steaks from €19

cooked superbly and bathed in a rich, creamy sauce. We were more than delighted with our choice of starters. Pelagos is known for its local calamari (€11.90), which is melt in the mouth delicious, and comes with fresh lemon and home-cut chips. There is no skimping on the portions either; you’ll get a plate crammed with calamari rings, all peeling with a crispy outer coat. The menu offers a huge selection of locally caught seafood – including Salmon, Inkfis h, Sea Bream, Cod and Octopus. There is a wide variety of steaks, which are all cooked on charcoal and served with chips and mushrooms. A sirloin will cost you €19.50 and a T-bone €29. My dining partner, being ever adventurous, ordered the plain omelette, which admittedly was flavoursome, fresh and light and fluffy. Generally, I have always thought omelettes are among the most boring foods available, but they serve their purpose when you dine with fi nicky eaters. For dessert, three scoops of vanilla ice cream will set you back €4.75, or you could indulge in a plate of seasonal fruits for a couple of euros. There is a good range of local and imported wines on offer including Medoc, St Emilion and at €29 you can enjoy a bottle of Chablis. This is a nice place – it’s the location and friendly service that really make it special. On Saturday nights, live musicians bang out traditional Greek music in the main part of the restaurant and it can get very noisy and go on into the early hours. Luckily, we were there on a Sunday afternoon – and once you’ve eaten and if you can tear yourself away from your seat, take a stroll along the beach path – it stretches for miles and is popular with families cooking souvla, dog walkers and city folk escaping to the seaside.

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

games Tomb Raider Tomb Raider is a fresh reimagining of the classic action-adventure franchise and will explore the intense and gritty origin story of an iconic character. In the game, Lara Croft will ascend from a frightened young woman on her first adventure and emerge as a hardened survivor. Armed with only her instincts and her innate ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight, explore and use her intelligence to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island and escape its relentless hold. Smart/Resourceful Lara Lara must use her brawn and her brains to overcome an impossible situation. The player must guide Lara through physics puzzles, challenging environments, and a high-octane story to overcome a harrowing situation and make it off of the island alive. Combat Tomb Raider is pushing the action genre forward with visceral third-person com-

discs Johnny Marr

bat and a deep weapon and gear upgrade system that Lara will have to strategically employ to overcome increasingly difficult enemies and environments. If you like the Uncharted or Batman Arkham franchises, Tomb Raider’s offering will compare favourably to these high quality experiences, but with a unique Survival Action twist. Dynamic Traversal It wouldn’t be Tomb Raider without certain signature elements. In addition to platforming, Lara will have to explore large areas to earn experience points that will upgrade her weapons and gear. One

Atoms For Peace

Carbon fibre flask ensures your booze will survive the apocalypse

Strap this vibrating compass to your ankle and always know true north

When World War III finally starts and the planet is decimated by nnuclear bombs, facing a postapocalyptic future will be a lot easier with a swig from thi this seemingly indestructible Designed by Oakley working flask. D with The Macallan, The Flask w is made from such Tonkatough materials as carbon fibre, food-grade steel, and aerospace-grade aluminium. If The Flask seems right up your alley, you’ll want to act fast. Only 100 are being produced.

As you battle your way into the great outdoors on a hike or camping excursion, you need both hands free for pushing away branches, or fighting off wildlife not handling a compass. Soo to guarantee you’re still headed ded in the right direction, this vibrating compass will always ys keep you aware of true north, without requiring you to stare at a needle. The anklet uses a set of eight vibrating pager motors ors equally spaced around your ur leg to

March M h 3, 3 2013• 2013 S SUNDAY UN MAIL

Console: PC, PS3, Xbox 360

Stunning swimwear for kids What better way to indulge the senses and prepare for the summer than by doing a touch of online shopping at Sunuva, the emporium for boys and girls’ swimwear. Because if what you’re looking for is bright, colourful and designed for frolicking in the sun with your family then look no further. Whether it’s rash vests, sun tops, boys’ swimwear and shorts, or (for the parents) an incredible range of beach bags, luxury pashminas and swimming costumes, you’ll be hard pushed not to find something you love at the domain where your every holiday need is catered for. High quality, unique children’s swimwear and accessories that you won’t find anywhere near your local high street.

Dinos Chapman Luftbobler This is the first record by one half of the Chapman brothers, who specialise in terrifying the sensibilities of those who think they like modern art. The aim of Luftbobler (which translates as “sloppy” or “slutty” music) is much the same: you won’t be playing this as background music to a soirée, unless it’s Evening of the Dead, or having it on while preparing Sunday lunch. The sound is electronik – think Throbbing Gristle and Stockhausen, plus Giorgio Moroder having a nervous breakdown - and is composed of seismic tremors, sinister basslines, tinkles, beeps and bonks. Occasionally, distorted voices intrude as in Smeyes. The title track is relatively playful, as is Pizza Man, but I can’t tell you what the topping is. Luftbobler is unsettling and all the better for it. By Pete Clark

subtly indicate which direction is north. And eventually your body will adapt and tune out the vibrations, giving you your own spideysense of which direction to go.

Bake an LC LCD display cake with this th pixelated pan If you’r you’re an amateur baker who’s maste mastered the sheet cake, this alph alphanumeric grid pan will let yo you take your creations one step further by turning them into low-res numbers aand letters. All you need to ddo is arrange the included squ square metal dividers to create negativ negative spaces in the pan that

The power to be happier Happier for the iPhone and iPod touch is here to well… give you the power to be happier of course! The app focuses on uplifting events for you to share with loved ones, giving them that much needed dose of serotonin when all around the skies seem particularly grey. A little nugget of technology that allows you to collect and share the standout moments of your year. This free app allows you to put all your ‘happiest moments’ and activities into an incredibly uplifting list; there at a touch of a button to start your day over at any time and remind yourself just how great your life is. It’s true that sometimes all you need is a little smile or a hug, with Happier it’s all kept right in your pocket. Simplicity is the name of the game with the app dedicated to collating your most precious moments; that amazing meal you had, that heart-warming email. It does exactly what it say on the tin - and for that reason it’s simply one of the best pick me ups around.

form characters. You can spell out someone’s entire name as an awesome birthday gift, or just go the lazy route and only bake a cake for their age.


The Messenger A king without a country for the quartercentury since The Smiths split, Johnny Marr has played on countless sessions, sort of joined Modest Mouse and The Cribs, while starting and seemingly finishing his solo career with 2003’s Boomslang. Now, for reasons far from clear, comes The Messenger. It’s lighter on its feet than most of The Smiths’ work and surprisingly epic on Sun and Moon where an echo-laden, singalong chorus tumbles into a thrilling, climactic guitar squall. Less surprisingly, Marr’s guitarwork is innovative without being showy, but his vocals lack strength and his lyrics often resemble fridge poetry. Still, there’s no disgrace in any of this. By John Aizlewood

Amok The second solo album from Radiohead’s Thom Yorke has a band name, because it was recorded with the “supergroup” he put together to perform the last one live. Members include Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich, bassist Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers and Beck/REM drummer Joey Waronker. However, it’s often hard to tell what this top-drawer line-up has contributed as the nine tracks consist almost entirely of jittery electronics and Yorke’s slurred vocals. The beats are the focus, dripping like digital water on Ingenue and stuttering awkwardly around spidery guitar on Reverse Running. It all fits the late night feel of Radiohead’s recent work, with more of a freeform, less painstaking sound, but any thrills it offers are minor ones. By David Smyth

of the key elements of dynamic traversal is the gear gating gameplay loop: over the course of the game, Lara will continually improve her gear and will be able to reach previously inaccessible locations that will allow her to upgrade her gear and weapons even further. Xbox LIVE Achievements/PlayStation Trophy Support Grow your Xbox LIVE gamer score or PlayStation Trophies as Lara pushes beyond the limits of human endurance and unravels the dark history of a forgotten island.





FILM REVIEW by Preston Wilder

DIRECTED BY Ruben Fleischer STARRING Josh Brolin, Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone US 2013 113 mins

Taking the Mickey Gangster Squad is an Untouchables ripoff and a giant waste of talent, despite an enjoyable villain


evin Costner was a straight arrow, but Josh Brolin is “a bull in a china shop”. Kev was Elliot Ness in The Untouchables, and Gangster Squad is a poor man’s Untouchables – once again positing an elite team of incorruptible cops, formed to fight a ruthless crime boss in a bygone America (in this case, post-war Los Angeles). The squad is almost identical. Once again you have the nerdy ‘genius’ techie (Giovanni Ribisi), who’s always going to be the most vulnerable member. Once again you have the veteran cop (Robert Patrick) and the Hispanic (Michael Pena). Once again you have the sharp-shooter, though in The Untouchables he was also the Hispanic whereas here he’s also the veteran. And the fi lm adds a touch of sex in the person of Ryan Gosling, as a languid clothes-horse who initially thinks it’s better to swim with the tide but gets shocked into action by the murder of a minor, sacrificial-lamb character. The only difference? The Untouchables is a classic, whereas Gangster Squad is a giant waste of talent. Technical credits are top-notch: cinematographer Dion Beebe is a magician who’s worked his magic even on bad fi lms (he made Green Lantern look eye-popping), but here he mostly goes for a superficially glossy ‘period’ look. Then there’s the actors. Gosling is capable of so much, but the volatile punk from The Believer and Half Nelson is rapidly being supplanted by a sleepy-eyed zombie with pretensions to existential hero. He and Emma Stone (another big talent) share some bog-standard romantic banter – “I like to play Post Office”; “Post Office? That’s a kids’ game”; “Not the way I play it!” – but otherwise look lost in loose-fitting characters anyone could’ve played. Brolin, too, is a treasure, the most unforced purveyor of not-quite-noble

machismo in American cinema, and an excellent actor besides: in a year when Daniel Day-Lewis won an Oscar for his impersonation of Abraham Lincoln, Brolin’s impersonation of Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black 3 was equally adept and a lot more fun (granted, the two roles are nothing alike). Yet his brutal hero in Gangster Squad is a one-note character with a primitive credo and not much between his ears. The only exception to the wasted-talent charge is Sean Penn as Mickey Cohen, the gangster being fought by our heroes. Penn has always seemed (to me) a very mannered actor who can never forget that he’s acting – but now, in his 50s, with two Oscars on his mantelpiece, he fi nally seems able to channel all that self-consciousness into comedy. His eccentric, androgynous rock star in last year’s This Must Be the Place was a bold slice of ham, and Cohen is a worthy follow-up. Cohen may be based on a real person but he is, in a word, a monster, the most outrageous bad guy in years. Movie villains have always been unforgiving to minions who fail them (remember Blofeld feeding underachievers to the piranhas?) but Cohen goes beyond the call of duty, setting fire to an entire elevator shaft with two hapless employees trapped inside and splitting open another’s head with an electric drill (“Carl,” he instructs his chief goon, “you know the drill”). When we first see him, he’s quoting Bela Lugosi’s Dracula – “Children of the night…” – and chaining a rival to the bumpers of two cars going in opposite directions (it gets pretty messy). He punches cops,

Cohen may be based on a real person but he is, in a word, a monster, the most outrageous bad guy in years

dines on roast peacock, and even calls Stone “Claude Rains” when she starts avoiding him. Claude Rains, of course, was the Invisible Man, one of several references to classic Hollywood (there’s also a glimpse of movie Injuns and a singer in a Carmen Miranda costume) – but the film’s attempts to create a kind of collective dreamworld are half-baked, just as its suggestions that WW2 is being re-fought (Brolin’s character is a war hero; Cohen believes, Hitler-like, in “manifest destiny”) are half-baked. Characters may talk like refugees from fi lm noir – one mug is promised “a permanent vacation in a pine-box” – but even the basest 40s B-movie tried a bit harder than this big-budget squib. Gangster Squad is mindlessly macho. Some will like it anyway (or perhaps for that very reason), but in

fact it’s quite depressing. Kevin Costner had a plan, but Josh Brolin has no plan. He and his men simply blunder in with guns blazing (even the men complain about always “going headon”), beating people up and, for instance, attacking a convoy of armed cars (“Let’s take them now!”) when it clearly makes more sense to wait for the right moment. The plotting is so dumb it starts raising questions. Do cops really have to shoot their way in when they have an arrest warrant? Wouldn’t beating someone to a pulp prior to arresting them count as police brutality? At a time when people say – as more and more are saying – that Hollywood is creatively bankrupt and TV shows like Homeland are smarter than big-screen movies, Gangster Squad is exactly the kind of Hollywood movie they have in mind. It doesn’t have to be this way.

filmsummaries Gangster Squad

Playing for Keeps

In the post-war Los Angeles of 1949, Brooklynborn ex-boxer turned crime boss Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) runs as many rackets as he can command under his ruthless control. He does it all with the protection of not only his own paid goons, but also the police, judges and politicians who are on his payroll. Determined to crush Cohen, police chief Bill Parker (Nick Nolte) commissions Sgt. John O’Mara (Josh Brolin) – a decorated commando from the US Army – to set up a small, secret crew of LAPD officers. Led by O’Mara and Sgt. Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling), the small team set about breaking up Cohen’s illegal operations. Also starring Emma Stone, Robert Patrick and Anthony Mackie. Directed by Ruben Fleischer. (Crime action, 113 mins.)

George (Gerard Butler) is a former football (a.k.a. ‘soccer’) star who’s fallen on hard times. He’s hoping to become a sports commentator on TV – but meanwhile visits his ex-wife Stacie (Jessica Biel) and starts coaching his 9-year-old son’s soccer team as a way to get his life together. Alas, his attempts to become an adult are met with challenges from the attractive soccer moms who pursue him at every turn, including Denise (Catherine Zeta-Jones) who’s herself a former sportscaster. Also starring Dennis Quaid and Uma Thurman. Directed by Gabriele Muccino. (Romantic comedy, 105 mins.)

Our rating:

first time after travelling to Moscow to help his wayward son Jack (Jai Courtney) – unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them unstoppable heroes. Also starring Sebastian Koch. Directed by John Moore. Includes some dialogue in Russian, with Greek subtitles. (Action, 97 mins.) Our rating:

Our rating:

A Good Day to Die Hard Irreverent, take-no-prisoners cop John McClane (Bruce Willis) finds himself on foreign soil for the

when they reach Istanbul. A boy, secretly in love with his best friend, finally manages to express his feelings through a fake Facebook profile – till she finds out the truth! And two strangers spent a night together in Thessaloniki, falling in love, but when they part ways, the girl’s mobile phone is stolen, along with the boy’s number. Starring Tzortzina Liosi, Leonidas Kalfagiannis and Katerina Geronikolou. Directed by Vasilis Kehagias. IN GREEK. (Drama, 90 mins.) Our rating: N/A

Love in the End


Three love stories intersect. A girl on a cruise with her family falls in love with the ship’s lieutenant, and has to make a dramatic decision

As the 1979 Iranian revolution reaches a boiling point, six of the American embassy staff escape the mob attacking the compound and find shelSUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013



DIRECTED BY Gabriele Muccino STARRING Gerard Butler, Jessica Biel, Dennis Quaid, Catherine Zeta-Jones US 2012 105 mins

Playing for memorability A ccording to the internet, I’ve now seen Jessica Biel in 14 fi lms, and even liked her in a couple (she was fun in Easy Virtue) – yet I still don’t recognise her. Maybe it’s just me, but I spent much of Playing for Keeps knowing that I knew the actress playing Gerard Butler’s exwife without being able to place her. Ms. Biel might be a symbol for the fi lm itself, which is similarly pleasant (or at least not unpleasant) but so anonymous that, when people ask you in the future if you’ve seen Playing for Keeps, it might ring a bell but you won’t be able to place it – at least till they add that it stars Gerard Butler as a football (a.k.a. ‘soccer’) star fallen on hard times, tangled up in suburbia when he starts to coach his young son’s football team. The clash between free-spirited Gerard and soccer-mom culture provides most of the fi lm’s best moments: the day he takes charge, he fi nds 15 new messages from concerned parents on his answering machine (one mother mentions that her son had a bad experience recently, and wonders if Gerard can keep the kid “as far away from the ball as possible”). He also fi nds himself being ogled by various suburban MILFs, notably Judy Greer as a clingy, lachrymose type, Catherine Zeta-Jones as a former TV sports anchor (a job our hero himself craves) and Uma Thurman as the rather pathetic wife – “He takes very good care of me” – of sleazy rich jerk Dennis Quaid, who shows his appreciation for Gerard by “lending” him a Ferrari. The director is Gabriele Muccino, who made two fi lms with Will Smith (The Pursuit of Happyness and the less successful Seven Pounds) – and it’s interesting to imagine Smith in this role, because he’d certainly be smarmier and more aggressive. But-

Playing for Keeps is pleasant but forgettable, a curiously muted mix of farce, rom-com and football

Butler has a different style, more laid-back and rugged in the Sean Connery manner – but he also has less presence, leading mostly with his tousled hair and Scottish accent

ter at the home of the Canadian ambassador in Tehran. Another 52 Americans are taken hostage. CIA ‘exfiltration’ specialist Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) concocts a risky plan to free the six living in daily danger of discovery. He plans to fly in posing as the producer of a Hollywood sci-fi movie, ‘Argo’, and – with the six consular staff posing as his location scouting team, using false papers – lead them out on a flight to safety and freedom. It’s a crazy plan; but will it work? Based on a true story. Also starring Alan Arkin and John Goodman. Directed by Affleck. (Dramatic thriller, 120 mins.) Our rating:

The Impossible A family of five is caught, with tens of thousands of strangers, in the chaos and mayhem of one of the worst natural catastrophes of our time, the Thailand tsunami on Boxing Day 2004. Maria (Naomi Watts) is swept away and struggles to

March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL

survive with her eldest son, teenage Lucas (Tom Holland). Somewhere in the chaos – or perhaps already dead – are her husband Henry (Ewan McGregor) and her two smaller sons, Simon and Thomas. Based on a true story. Directed by Juan Antonio Bayona. (Drama, 114 mins.) Our rating:

Anna Karenina In late-19th-century St. Petersburg, the vivacious Anna (Keira Knightley), wife of respected politician Karenin (Jude Law), embarks on a torrid affair with a handsome Russian cavalry officer, Count Vronsky (Aaron Taylor-Johnson). Her husband is initially understanding, asking only that Anna end the affair – but Anna is unable to stop, her mad love sending her on a path to self-destruction. Also starring Matthew Macfadyen, Kelly Macdonald and Domhnall Gleeson. Directed by Joe Wright. NOTE THAT SOME SCREENINGS ARE DUBBED INTO RUS-

ler has a different style, more laidback and rugged in the Sean Connery manner – but he also has less presence, leading mostly with his tousled hair and Scottish accent (you’re “a ticking time-bomb with a charming accent,” says one of the ladies). The fi lm also protects him by making clear he’s football royalty: he’s not just a small-timer with nowhere to go after his career sputtered out – he once took the ball from David Beckham (the only name likely to be recognised by a US audience), and it’s clear he’s unappreciated in footballilliterate America. “Now, if you had some LeBron James…” sighs a dealer, having offered him a mere $300 for his collection of memorabilia. The effect is to create a fi lm that’s curiously muted. Our hero is never in serious trouble, and Butler as an actor never seems especially bothered anyway. The only real question is whether he’ll get back together with Biel (“the only woman I ever really loved”), which would also please his freckle-faced son – and I won’t spoil the ending, but the fact that the Other Man (Biel’s fiancé) has absolutely no personality, barely interacts with his wife-to-be and only gets about three lines of dialogue may or may not be significant. The fi lm seems perched on the edge of farce, especially when Gerard starts being pursued by the man-hungry females (Uma surprises him by turning up

SIAN. (Drama, 129 mins.) Our rating:

Sammy’s Great Escape Sammy and Ray, a pair of leatherback turtles, are captured by a poacher and shipped off to a spectacular aquarium show in Dubai. The kingpin of the place, Big D the seahorse, enlists them in his plans for a great escape – but, with their new friends Jimbo the bug-eyed blob fish and Lulu the snippy lobster, Annabel the sweet octopus and a whole family of penguins, Sammy and Ray hatch breakout plans of their own. That is when little Ricky and Ella arrive, determined to break in to rescue them. Directed by Vincent Kesteloot and Ben Stassen. DUBBED INTO GREEK. (Kids’ cartoon, 92 mins.) Our rating: N/A

Finding Nemo 3D Marlin, a clownfish, is devastated when his wife

half-naked on his bed in the middle of the night; unfortunately, she’s got the wrong house), but never really takes the plunge. Mostly it just sort of hangs there, drab and disposable. Most critics called Playing for Keeps one of the worst fi lms of 2012. I guess it is but it feels excessive to say so, like taking a sledgehammer to a fl imsy house of cards that would actually collapse if you blew on it. The suburban satire never gets going (though I liked the bit when the kids offer Too Much Information on their parents’ home lives). Quaid’s character comes on strong in the fi rst act – then simply disappears for an hour, only turning up at the end when we’ve all but forgotten him. Comic relief is supplied by a Pakistani landlord who shakes his head ‘hilariously’ at Gerard’s list of conquests (“Maybe it’s the accent,” offers our hero; “I have an accent too,” he replies with a straight face). The whole thing alternates between lame and inept. Some may also call it misogynist, since the women – Biel excepted – are pretty silly, but in fact I don’t mind women (or men) behaving foolishly in a comedy; I do mind spending 105 minutes of my life (and €8) on a fi lm that never takes off and isn’t going to leave any residue. Playing for Keeps won’t irk too much if you happen to catch it on TV in 2014, but it’s still as forgettable as … well, Jessica Biel. Sorry, Ms. Biel.

and 399 or so of their children are wiped out by a barracuda, and becomes over-protective of his sole surviving son Nemo. One day, stung by his father’s observation that he’s not a strong swimmer, Nemo sets out for a boat on a dare and is captured by a diver, who relocates him to his office aquarium – so Marlin sets off to look for him, getting into various adventures including a run-in with some sharks, an encounter with a school of jellyfish and a ride on a sea turtle, not to mention being swallowed by a whale. Directed by Andrew Stanton in 2003. In 3D. DUBBED INTO GREEK. (Kids’ cartoon, 104 mins.) Our rating:

Hotel Transylvania Welcome to the Hotel Transylvania, Dracula’s lavish five-stake resort, where monsters and their families can live it up, free to be the monsters they are without humans to bother them. It’s a special weekend and Dracula has invited some TURN TO PAGE 16


Films change on Friday. Check the Cyprus Mail for details of new films for Friday and Saturday.


Ratings Key


Lincoln In 1865, over the final four months of his second term as President of the USA, Abraham Lincoln (Daniel Day-Lewis) focuses his energies not just on ending the devastating Civil War, but something even bigger – the fight to pass the 13th Amendment, permanently abolishing slavery. Lincoln is a man of paradoxes: funny and solemn, a playful storyteller and fierce power-broker, a shrewd commander and a vulnerable father. But in his nation’s darkest hour, when the times demand the very best of people, he reaches from within himself for something powerful and everlasting. Also starring Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones and David Strathairn. Directed by Steven Spielberg. (Historical drama, 150 mins.)

continued from page 15


Our rating:

of his best friends – Frankenstein and his wife, the Mummy, the Invisible Man, the Werewolf family and many more – to celebrate his beloved daughter Mavis’ 118th birthday. For good old Drac, catering to all of these legendary monsters is no problem; but everything could change for the over-protective dad when one ordinary human guy stumbles on the hotel and takes a shine to Mavis. Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky. In 3D. DUBBED INTO GREEK. (Cartoon comedy, 91 mins.) Our rating:

Barbie in the Pink Shoes

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters Once upon a time, as children, they were in deadly danger from a witch – but Hansel (Jeremy Renner) and his sister Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have grown up to be bounty hunters who track and kill witches all over the world. As the fabled Blood Moon approaches, the siblings encounter a new form of evil that might hold a

secret to their past. Also starring Famke Janssen and Peter Stormare. Directed by Tommy Wirkola. (Action fantasy, 88 mins.)

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Unforgettable Unmissable Recommendable Watchable Regrettable Abominable

Our rating:

Barbie in the Pink Shoes Barbie is Kristyn, a ballerina with big dreams. When she tries on a pair of sparkling pink shoes, she and her best friend Hailey are whisked away to a fantastical ballet world where Kristyn discovers she must dance in her favourite ballets in order to defeat an evil Snow Queen. Directed by Owen Hurley. DUBBED INTO GREEK. (Kids’ cartoon, 75 mins.)

been looking for work, so he can be eligible for benefits – but Philippe hires him for a trial period, and keeps him on even after learning of his conviction for robbery. Philippe, who was disabled after a paragliding accident, is a widower with a spoiled teenage daughter, while Driss has problems dealing with his younger brother Adama who’s keeping bad company. Driss and Philippe develop a relationship that changes both their lives. Directed by Eric Tolenado. In French, with Greek subtitles. (Comedydrama, 112 mins.) Our rating:


Le Prenom

Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) and Anne (Emmanuelle Riva) are in their Upsideare Down eighties. They cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter Eva (Isabelle Huppert), who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, out of nowhere, Anne has an attack, and her health – especially her mind – rapidly deteriorates. The couple’s bond of love is severely tested. Directed by Michael Haneke. In French, with Greek subtitles. (Drama, 127 mins.)

Vincent (Patrick Bruel) is about to become a father. At a meeting with childhood friends he announces the name of his future son, whom he plans to call Adolphe in honour of a literary character of the XIX Century – but everyone else can only think about Adolf Hitler. The scandalous name sparks a discussion, which reveals unpleasant secrets from the collective past of the group. Also starring Valerie Benguigui and Charles Berling. Directed by Alexandre De La Patelliere and Matthieu Delaporte. In French, with Greek subtitles. (Comedy, 109 mins.)

Our rating:

Intouchables Philippe (Francois Cluzet), a rich Parisian quadriplegic, is interviewing for a live-in carer when street-smart, unemployed Driss (Omar Sy) turns up. All he wants is a signature to show that he’s

Our rating: N/A

Our rating: N/A

(K) All Audiences (12/15/18) No admittance to Under-12s/15s/ 18s (N/A) Not Available

What’sonwhere NICOSIA Lincoln (12)

K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 7 and 10.05pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2) at 7 and 10.05pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (N/A)

K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 5.30, 7.50 and 10.10pm, weekends also at 3.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 1) at 5.30, 7.50 and 10.10pm, weekends also at 11.20am, 1.20pm and 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Love in the End (K)

Playing for Keeps (K)

K-Cineplex (Screen 4) (in Greek) at 5.30, 8 and 10.05pm, weekends also at 3.25pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 4) (in Greek) at 5.30, 8 and 10.05pm, weekends also at 11.10am, 1.20pm and 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383


Rio 5 at 7.45pm, weekends also at 3.30 and (N/A) 5.30pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 5.30, 7.50 and 10.10pm, weekends also at 3.20pm. Tel: 3) at 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383 7777-8383 A Good Day to Die Hard (15) Barbie in the Pink Shoes (K) Rio 4 at 7.45 and 10pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 5.30 and 8pm, 5.25pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Tel: 7777-8383 Love in the End (K) Gangster Squad (18) Rio 2 (in Greek), weekdays at 7.45 and K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 5.30, 7.50 and 10pm, weekends at 6.15, 8 and 10pm. 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.15pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 4) (in Tel: 7777-8383 Greek) at 5.30, 8 and 10.05pm, weekends Playing for Keeps (K) also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383 K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 10.15pm. Argo (12) Tel: 7777-8383 Rio 6 at 10.10pm, weekends at 3.45 and 6pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) A Good Day to Die Hard (15) K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 5.30, 8 and at 7.45pm. Tel: 7777-8383 10.10pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. The Impossible (12) Tel: 7777-8383 Rio 6 at 8pm. Tel: 25-871410

Lincoln (12)

Sammy’s Great Escape (K)

Love in the End (K)

Rio 3 at 7.40 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 5pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 7 and 10.05pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Rio 4 (in Greek), weekends only at 2.30, 4.15 and 6pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383

K-Cineplex (Screen 4) (in Greek) at 5.30, 8 and 10.05pm, weekends also at 3.25pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Rio 1 at 7.45 and 10pm; Rio 2, weekends only at 4.20pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 1) at 5.30, 7.50 and 10.10pm, weekends also at 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Finding Nemo 3D (K)

K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7.45pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Barbie in the Pink Shoes (K)

Rio 5, Monday at 8.30pm, presented by the Limassol Cine Club.

Sammy’s Great Escape (K)

Barbie in the Pink Shoes (K)

K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.20pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 11.20am, 1.15pm and 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383

K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 5.25pm, weekends also at 3.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 5.25pm, weekends also at 11.30am, 1.20pm and 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Cine Studio, tonight at 8pm, Tuesday and Thursday at 9pm, presented by the Friends of the Cinema Society. Tel: 96420491,

Gangster Squad (18)

K-Cineplex (Screen 6) at 5.30, 7.50 and 10.15pm, weekends also at 3.15pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) at 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Playing for Keeps (K)

K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 10.15pm; KCineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) at 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383 A Good Day to Die Hard (15)

K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 5.30, 8 and 10.10pm, weekends also at 3.30pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 5) at 5.30 and 8pm, weekends also at 11.10am, 1.20pm and 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Argo (12)

K-Cineplex (Screen 3) at 7.45pm; K-Cineplex, Mall of Cyprus (Screen 3) at 7.45pm. Tel: 7777-8383


Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (N/A)

Rio 1 (in Greek), weekends only at 3, 4.30 and 6pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 2) (in Greek) at 5.25pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Gangster Squad (18)

Rio 5 at 10pm. Tel: 25-871410; K-Cineplex (Screen 5) at 10.15pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Rio 2 (in Greek), weekends only at 2.30pm. Tel: 25-871410 Le Prenom

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Argo (12)

Sammy’s Great Escape (K)

K-Cineplex (Screen 3) (in Greek) at 5.30pm, weekends also at 3.20pm. Tel: 7777-8383 Amour

LARNACA Lincoln (12)

K-Cineplex (Screen 2) at 7 and 10.05pm. Tel: 7777-8383

Thursday at 8.30pm, presented by the Larnaca Cinema Society. Tel: 99-658831, 99-462903.

PAPHOS Lincoln (12)

Rio 5 at 5, 7.30 and 10pm. Tel: 26-207000 Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (N/A)

Rio 1 at 5.45, 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 26207000 Barbie in the Pink Shoes (K)

Rio 7 (in Greek) at 6pm, weekends only at 3 and 4.30pm. Tel: 26-207000 Gangster Squad (18)

Rio 4 at 9.45pm. Tel: 26-207000 Playing for Keeps (K)

Rio 4 at 5.30 and 7.30pm, weekends also at 3.30pm. Tel: 26-207000 A Good Day to Die Hard (15)

Rio 7 at 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 26-207000 Love in the End (K)

Rio 6 (in Greek) at 5.45, 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 26-207000 Argo (12)

Rio 2 at 7.30pm, weekends also at 5pm. Tel: 26-207000 The Impossible (12)

Rio 3 at 5.15, 7.30 and 9.45pm. Tel: 26207000 Anna Karenina (K)

Rio 2 at 9.45pm. Tel: 26-207000 Sammy’s Great Escape (K)

Rio 3 (in Greek), weekends only at 3.30pm. Tel: 26-207000 Finding Nemo 3D (K)

Rio 1 (in Greek), weekends only at 4pm. Tel: 26-207000 Hotel Transylvania (K)

Rio 6 (in Greek, in 3D), weekends only at 4pm. Tel: 26-207000 SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

17 Charity 3rd Vienna Ball The Hilton, Nicosia. March 8 from 7.30pm to 3am. Dress code: Long evening or ball dress, tail-coat , tuxedo or dress uniform. €150 per person (VIP), €100 per person

(buffet and unlimited drinks), €50 per person (cocktail menu and unlimited Drinks). Tel: 97 810022, www.viennaball-cyprus. com,

For the third year running a Viennese ball will be held in Nicosia, debutantes and all. ALIX NORMAN digs out her tiara


ach year over 450 Balls take place in Vienna; that’s more than 2,000 hours of exuberant dancing! There’s the Grand Bal on New Year’s Eve, the legendary Opera Ball, the flower-fi lled Blumenball; there are even balls for Doctors, Lawyers and Coffee-House Owners. But if you can’t make it to Austria this year, don’t despair: Cyprus is holding its very own Vienna Ball where you can mingle with the great and the good, and waltz the night away in style. The Vienna Ball started in Nicosia in 2011, the innovation of Tatiana Zenevich, a choreographer, ballet artist and director of the Professional Artistic School ‘Fly-in-Dance’ in Nicoplained how she sia. Tatiana explained he idea: “a friend came up with the of mine told me she had been to one of the Vienna us year, but Balls the previous had spent the entire evening standing ashamed he didn’t in the corner as she altz. Havknow how to waltz. d again, ing been invited mined to she was determined d join take lessons and in the dancing.”” On ana’s her return, Tatiana’s friend was full of exch so citement, so much new that Tatiana knew erishe had to experion. ence the season. nd “My husband and e I attended the Viennese Bonbon Ball; there were over 2,000 e people and the


atmosphere was incredible. I knew I had to bring this to Cyprus.” Although Tatiana wasn’t sure where to start, she soon found any number of people who were as excited about the idea as she was; help and sponsorship flooded in and the fi rst Vienna Ball was held at The Hilton Park in 2011. Now in its third year, and hosted by The Hilton Hotel, the Ball has gone from strength to strength and boasts a programme including the ‘coming out’ of the debutantes. Young ladies of society aged between 18 and 25, the debutantes have been honing their skills for the last few months at the Fly-In-Dance school, which offers lessons in dance, deportment and etiquette. (The school also offers free classes for ball guests who feel their polka may not be up to par, the their waltzing is wayward o or their quad drille is quest i o n a b l e .) “Many of the musicians and s i n g er s have flown in from Austri tria, Russia an and Prague to perform for the night, an and we have peo people attending the ball from all over the world,” says Tat Tatiana. Last

Debutantes will ensure the dance floor is never empty

Waltz the night away year guests flew in from England, Scotland, Russia, Austria and a number of Arab countries to enjoy the elegance of the Vienna Ball, and this year visitors will have the chance to experience an even more sophisticated event. Beginning with the champagne reception, the ballroom doors open at 9pm and guests will be greeted with gifts before being welcomed by the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria, and addressed by Stella Kyriakides of the Europa Donna Foundation. “We are fortunate to have a number of sponsors for the event, which enables us to give all our profits to charity,” says Tatiana, who is coordinating an order of fuschia roses and orchids as we speak. “This year, our main sponsor is the InterStatus Group of Companies, and we have chosen the Europa

Donna Foundation as our beneficiary,” – hence the pink floral theme – “it’s wonderful to know that we are helping others.” The debutante couples will open the dancing with a polonaise to the strains of the ‘Blue Danube’, and guests will be serenaded by renowned opera singers and musicians as dinner is served. Tatiana has also choreographed a fashion show of gowns by Spanish designer Adolfo Dominguez, so expect something a little more exciting than the usual catwalk struts: “It will be a feast for the eyes, more like theatre than runway,” she smiles. There’s also a charity auction, with lots of lovely lots for guests to bid on, and though Tatiana is not at liberty to reveal too much, she does mention that the catalogue includes paintings by renowned artists,

What’sonlistings Exhibitions Nicosia district

Deep Connection Solo painting exhibition by George Heracleous. Until March 12. Gallery Technis Dromena, 53 Arch. Kyprianou, Nicosia. Monday-Friday: 10am1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 5pm-8pm. Tel: 22-496398

March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL

designer dresses and intimate dinners for two at the Hilton. Dancing will continue throughout the evening - “We ask the debutantes to ensure the floor is never empty, and they are trained to invite people to dance so there will always be movement,” says Tatiana – with classical music and ballroom dancing giving way to the lighter strains of jazz, Latin and disco later in the evening. After the Master Dance Class and Midnight Quadrille, the event will end – as all Balls should - with the Election of the King and Queen of the Ball. Nights like this are an unparalleled treat for our island, so dig out your white tie and tails, your best ballgown and your tiara, and get ready for an enchanted evening as the magic of Vienna comes to Nicosia.

AnThrOPOS: Faces of Cyprus through the Ages An exhibition that explores the human form as it is represented in the art of Cyprus from the Neolithic period until today, focusing specifically on depictions of the human face. Until March 3. The Cyprus Museum 1 Special Exhibition Hall, Museum Street. Tel.: 22865854. Olga Spanou Solo art exhibition. Until March 5. Gallery Gloria, 3 Zinonos Sozou Street. Monday-Friday: 10.30pm-12.45pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10.30pm12.45pm. Tel: 22-760286 Spontaneous and Raw Solo painting exhibition. Opens March 6, 7.30pm until March 23. Argo Gallery, 64E D. Akrita Avenue. Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tel: 22-754009. The Work of Art as a Functional Object Second part of group exhibition. Until March 8. Centre of Contemporary Art Diotopos, 11 DZ, Crete Street. TuesdayFriday: 11am-1pm and 5pm-8pm. Saturday: 11am-1pm. Tel: 22-766117 Deep Connection Solo painting exhibition by George Heracleous. Until March 12. Gallery Technis Dromena, 53 Arch. Kyprianou. Monday-Friday: 10am-1pm and 5pm8pm. Saturday: 5pm-8pm. Tel: 22496398

Asia Minor, 90 Years of Memory Exhibition of relics, records and works of art from Asia Minor. Until March 31. Cultural Centre of the Archbishop Makarios III Foundation, Archbishop Kyprianos Plazza. Monday-Friday: 9am-4.30pm, Saturday: 9am-1pm. Tel: 22-430008 Terra Mediterranea – In Crisis Group contemporary art exhibition curated by Yiannis Toumazis scrutinising the current turbulence experienced globally, from both a political and a poetic stance. Until July 21. Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre 19, Palaias Ilektrikis. Tuesday-Saturday: 10am-3pm and 5pm-11pm. Sunday: 10am-4pm. Tel: 22797400. The project includes a second contemporary art exhibition curated by Re Aphrodite team. The exhibition deals with the unwritten feminine histories of Cyprus and their private and public structure. Until July 21. Ethological Museum – The House of Hagjigeorgakis Kornesios, 20, Patriarxou Grigoriou. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8.30am-3 .30pm. Wednesday: 8.30am-5pm. Saturday: 9.30am-3.30pm. Tel: 22-305316 Cyprus Icons and Mosaics Makarios III Foundation, Archbishopric, old Nicosia. Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm, Saturday 9am-1pm. Tel: 22-430008 Old Maps and Engravings 16th-19th Century Permanent exhibition: Cyprus and other Greek lands, Europe and America. Viewing by appointment. Gallery Leventi, 6 Polykleitos St. Tel: 99-658694 Cyprus Yesterday and Today Permanent exhibition. Diachroniki Gallery Idalion, 32 Makarios Ave., Dhali. Open Monday-Saturday 11am-5pm. Tel: 22-525691

Larnaca district U and I Exhibition of artwork in oil, acrylic, print and glass paint by Irene Ioannou and Ulla Nicolaou. Until March 16. Peri Texnis, 92 Kalogera Street. Tel: 99725590 Helen Tumelty’s Mosaic Studio Permanent exhibition of mosaic pictures, tables and mirrors. Just off Zenon Kitieos St. Studio also offers mosaic classes in a small friendly environment throughout the year. Tel: 99-925315 Cyprus Artists Pieces from the Larnaca municipality’s permanent collection on display. Larnaca Municipal Gallery. Monday-Friday: 9am-4pm, Saturday: 10am-1pm. Tel: 24-657745

Limassol district Cheapart Limassol Group exhibition at affordable prices. Opens March 8, 7.30pm until March 23. Penindaplinena Gallery, 49 Ellados. Monday-Friday: 4pm-8pm. Saturday: 12-4pm.Tel: 25-340727. www.penindaplinena. com ...The Other Shore Solo painting exhibition by Marina Emphietzi-Harris. Until March 13. Thiseas Art Gallery, 9 Thiseos Street, Agia Zonis. Tel: 99-674243/96-335889 New York Between the Lines Photo exhibition by Christina Drakos. Until March 31. Library Cafe Bar, 1 Themidos Street. All proceeds from this exhibition will be given to Sagapo Children’s Foundation. Tel: 25-361362


18 WHAT’S ON Nightlife Nicosia district Kro! An event featuring music and speech with the collaboration of three music groups and three actors. March 8. Melina Merkouri Hall, Famagusta Gate, Athina Avenue. 9pm. €15. Tel: 96-350144 Banda Lathos Local band plays live. March 10-11. Antonaki’s Music Hall, 17 Vasileiou Voulgaroktonou Street. 8.30pm. €5. Tel: 22-664697 Marlenka Café Music Weekends Come and enjoy a glass of wine, favourite cocktail or dinner while you listen to violin pedagogue Professor Robert Hovanesyan and member of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra. Marlenka Cafe, Phaneromenis Street, old Nicosia. Saturday and Sunday evening from 8.30pm. Tel: 70-001129 Live Jazz Event Jazz music with band ‘D Lirious’, food and drinks available. Every Friday night at Baroque Lounge Bar, Cleopatra Hotel. 9:30pm. For reservations contact 22-844000 Music Nights Entechno and folk music at RED. Every Saturday. Red, Dionysus 15, old town hall square. Tel: 22-767711. Agapiou Escuela de Danza Parties Latin parties every Sunday at Sitio Cafè, 20 Makarious Avenue, Nicosia.10pm Milonga/Argentinean Tango Regular Milonga/Argentinean Tango every Thursday at Enallax,16-17 Athinas Avenue, Nicosia. 10pm

The Petsteppers Trio playing live every Monday. Lotofagi Bar, 8 Athinas Avenue, Old Nicosia. 10pm. Tel: 22-347573 Funky Jelly at Domus With DJ Yiotis and Theo playing uplifting lounge tunes. Domus lounge bar, 5 Korai St, Old Nicosia. 10pm until late. Tel: 22433722 Arabesque Sundays With belly dancers and ethnic music. Mberdema Gold, 30 Nikiforou St, Famagusta Gate. 11.30pm until late. Tel: 22345946 Club Red Live Greek music and various events. 15 Dionysiou St, Old Municipality Square, Nicosia. Thursdays-Sundays, 10pm onwards. Tel: 99-516799/ 22-767711 Lush Playing R&b, hip-hop, basement and old school music. Friday and Saturday, 11.30pm. 6 Evagorou Avenue. Tel: 99853333 Scorpios Platinum With various theme nights from Wednesday-Sunday. Stasinou 3, Engomi. Wednesday and Thursday 11pm- 3am, and Friday and Saturday 11pm-4am. Tel: 99-545690 Skaraveos Restaurant, café and bar with Persian Cuisine. Wednesdays: electronic music, Thursdays: reggae and Fridays: progressive psychedelic and Saturdays: rock and funk. 11pm-2am. 4 Nikokreontos St. Tel: 99-935777

Horseshoe Pub 60s, 70s and 80s music from Monday-Sunday. Horseshoe Pub, Larnaca-Dhekelia road, opposite Palm Beach Hotel. Tel: 24646111

Limassol district Giorgos Theofanous - Constantinos Christoforou One of the most successful composers in Greece and Cyprus meets popular singer on stage. March 3. Rogmes, 197 Saint Andrew Street. 9pm. Part of the proceeds will go to charity. Tel: 99-993232 Beggar’s Blues Diary Greek rock band plays live. March 8. Rolling Stone, Spyrou Araouzou 63. 10pm. €10. Tel: 99-867777 Crowne Plaza Lounge-Bar On Mondays rediscover your romantic side with Violin Duo playing classical music and popular melodies on the violin. Every Wednesday, local guitarist - Byron Athinodorou will be playing a mix of Spanish melodies, pop-rock hits and Greek classics on the guitar, alongside his own compositions. Every Friday Jazz – Blues night with a mix of upbeat and smooth jazz classics. Crowne Plaza. Tel: 25-851515 Cuba Tropical Local band playing live Cuban-Latin sounds every Sunday. Wet Beach Bar, Amathountos Avenue. 9pm-11.30pm. Tel: 25-320006

Woodman’s Pub Traditional English pub, serving an excellent range of foods including Sunday Roast. Big Screen TV’s, Karaoke every Friday evening and a quiz with a rolling jackpot every Monday. 73 Georgiou Avenue. Tel: 25-879082

Blue Wine and Lounge Bar Serving over 140 selected wines from across the world. 96 Rigenis St, Classic Hotel, Old Nicosia. Open daily except Sunday. 12 noon until late at night. Tel: 22-664006 Marco Polo Playing live Latin music. Marco Polo Bar, Holiday Inn rooftop, 70 Regina St. 11pm until late. Monday- Thursday €10 with one drink. Friday and Saturday €20 including two drinks. Tel: 22-712712 Ithaki Bar Charismatic bar with outdoor summer area. 33 Nikiforou Foka St. Old Nicosia. 7pm-2am expect Mondays. Tel: 22-434193 Avlaia Music Stage Hosting live bands on weekdays and regular Greek music weekends with George Arestis and Dimitris Makris. Avlaia, Corner of Emmanuel Roidis and Prodromou St. Tel: 22 675638 Chateau Status A café/bar and restaurant with various theme rooms catering to different tastes. Ledra Palace Road. Monday-Sunday 10am2am. Tel: 77771167 Potopion to Ellinikon With live Greek music on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Potopion to Elinikon, 18 Theophani Theodotou St, Zina Palace building. 9pm until late. Tel: 22-722760 Brew Lounge and tea bar. Brew, 30b Hippocrates St, Nicosia. 11.30am-2am on weekdays, 11.30am-3am on weekends. Tel: 22-100133 Mystiagogia Relaxed bar playing both Greek and English rock, and a selection of chill out music. Mystiagogia, 42 Areos St, Old Nicosia. Open daily 8pm-2am. Tel: 99-788486 Baroque Live music every Thursday night from the 70s, 80s and 90s, 9.30pm until late. Open on a daily basis as regular bar from 10am-2am. Baroque Lounge Bar, Cleopatra Hotel. Tel: 22-844000

Amalfi Lounge Bar Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday live music with Yiota Louka, Christos Andreou, Konstantinos Koutras and Yiannos Hadjiloizou. Enjoy exotic cocktails, finger food and Cuban cigars daily from 5pm-2am. Hilton Park Hotel. Tel: 22-377777 Enallax With various live music shows each week, with a focus on English and Greek rock. Athinas St. old Nicosia. Wednesdays & Thursdays 11pm-2pm, Fridays-Saturdays 11.30-3pm. Reservations: 22-430121/99-617820 Orpheas Piano Bar With live jazz and piano on various nights. Orpheas Piano Bar, 24 Athinas St, old Nicosia. Free entrance. Tel: 22-439311/99-697259

Cyprotel Cypria Bay Hotel Every Monday Jezebel & Lisa-Marie present a themed show 9.45pm for an hour at Cyprotel Cypria Bay Hotel. Free entry Moonlight Bar Every Friday Jezebel sings golden oldies 9pm – midnight in the Moonlight Bar inside the Aloe Hotel on the harbour road in Kato Paphos. Free entry The Sea Gypsies Live acoustic blues and country music every Friday from 10pm. The Old Fishing Shack Ale and Cider House, Margarita Gardens, Tefkrou Street, Kato Paphos. Tel: 99-805390/99170667 Latin Nights at Notos Latin music in a rooftop bar. Notos, Harbour area. Every Thursday and Saturday. 10 pm until late. Tel: 26-939616

Larnaca district Beggar’s Blues Diary Greek rock band plays live. March 9. Savino Live, 1 Watkins Street. 10.30pm. €10. Tel: 99860304/99-426011 Casa de la Musica Club night with resident DJ Jon Fitz joined by internationally famous guest DJs from Ibiza TBA. Every Friday night. Club Deep, Finikoudes Promenade. 12 midnight-4 .30am. €10 with a free drink included. Dress code: Style and sophistication. Tel: 97843001 Times Bar ‘Manic Sundays’ with Manic Mike playing progressive/electro. 73 Athens Avenue, Finikoudes Promenade. Tel: 24-625966 DMC An uplifting atmosphere with a range of stimulating weekly events. Laiki Gitonia, 1 Watkins St, Finikoudes. Open daily from 9.30pm. Tel: 99-458138 Salsa Island Regular event every other Friday featuring DJ Escobar. Music includes Pure Salsa, with a twist of Pure Salsa, Merengue, Mambo, Son and Cha Cha Cha. Blitz Roof and Pool Bar Terrace, 4th Floor, Kition Hotel. 10pm until late. Tel: 96-717271

Relaxed, laid back style in old town Pi kai Fi, Nicosia

Cypriot musicians Lefteris Moumtzis and Andreas Trachonitis experiments with many concepts that deal with living and dreaming in Cyprus today. Acapella Solo Loop is a solo project by Dimitris Spyrou. He will present his voice as an instrument and use of everyday objects as accompanying audio, and Christou will perform songs from the anecdote circle of I Niko accompanied by musicians Pavlos Michaelides, Antonis Antoniou, Nikos Ioannou and Ellie Aloneftis. Meanwhile, the actors involved will read are excerpts from works of their choice.

Kro! An event featuring music and speech with the collaboration of three music groups and three actors. March 8. Melina Merkouri Hall, Famagusta Gate, Athina Avenue, Nicosia. 9pm. €15. Tel: 96-350144

Harleys Café Bar Happy hour 10am-6pm. Every Tuesday, pub games night. Every Thursday, quiz night. Special theme nights once a fortnight. Near Esso station, Amathus Area. Tel: 25-328533 Electronic music at Barfly Quality house, techno and minimal beats with guest DJ. Every other Friday. Barfly, 1 Elenis Paleologinas St. 10pm until late. Mandaloun With Lebanese food and DJs every Friday and Saturday night playing a variety of ethnic, world and chill out music. Mandaloun, opposite Le Meridien Hotel. 7pm-2am. Tel: 25-636845 Graffiti House, tribal house, oriental and mainstream hits. Enjoy your drink with finger food and nargile. Wednesdays- Saturdays, 9pm-2am. Graffiti bar, 236 Ayios Andreas St. Tel: 25-747552 Jazzy B With live jazz music on various nights each week. JazzyB, Corner of Anexartisias & Athinon str. €8. 10.30pm. Tel: 99-605502 Half Note Blue velvet play classic soul, funk and RnB every Saturday night. Half note Music Bar, cnr Saripolis and Socratous st. Tel: 25377050

by Peter Stevenson

Paphos district

Music and speech ‘Nevermore’ Not everyone likes going to bars and clubs. Sometimes you need a different type of night out. Whether you want to simply try something different, or want a change of pace, there are always plenty of options if you know where to look. This Saturday, the Melina Merkouri Hall in old Nicosia is hosting a rather unusual event at which the master of morbid stories Edgar Allen Poe will be the ‘guest of honour’, in an event that unites music and speech through the collaboration of three music groups and three actors. This gathering that brings together a group of talented individuals is called Kro! and is inspired by Poe’s line, “Quoth the Raven, ‘Nevermore’,” which echoes the infamous solitary call of the wicked crow. In answer to this call, musicians Stelafi, Acapella Solo Loop and Stella N Christou are pitted against actors Antonis Katsaris, Manolis Michaelides and Katerina Loura in a quirky, original show. Some of you might be familiar with Stelafi following their debut album release last year. The collaborative venture between established Greek actress Stela Fyrogeni and


Paphiessa Hotel Thursday: Dave Roberts sings hits, Paphiessa Hotel, Kato Paphos. Tel: 99-185952 Square Bistro Saturdays: David East entertains on the guitar. 8 pm. Square Bistro, Tala Square. Tel: 26930408/99-966139

Famagusta district Sirena Bay Bar Playing a diverse range of music, from chill out to upbeat electronic tunes. Sirena Bay, near Golden Coast Hotel, Paralimni. 7am-1am. Tel: 99-511701 Guru Bar Live music with DJ Dimi, bongos and dancers. Guru Bar, 11 Odysseos Elitis Street, Ayia Napa. Every Thursday, 10pm. Tel: 23-721838 Vanilla Bar Playing funky house tunes. Vanilla Bar, 41 Makarios III Avenue, Ayia Napa. Monday-Sunday 9am-2am. Tel: 23-721126 Cliff Bar Open air bar/café playing chill out music and offering a great selection of cocktails. Grecian Park Hotel, Konnos Bay, Cavo Creco, Protaras. 12noon-2am daily. Tel: 23-832000

The old town has seen a resurgence of trendy, laid-back bars recently which is refreshing and allows people to go out for a casual drink without worrying about who they need to impress. Driving through the old town on the winding roads which take you past Brewfellas and then the Weaving Mill you will come across Pi kai Fi (roughly translated it means in a jiffy), a quiet unassuming café restaurant by day and bar and grill by night. The entrance is full of interesting décor and modern design that we are told was created by the owners on a small budget, using the internet for different tips. It certainly is an interesting approach to interior design that might catch on during these tough times. A visit at lunch-time is not indicative of the nightlife that is attracted and different events take place on Friday and Saturday nights. Whether you like being stuck up against a speaker, grooving to a guest DJ’s beats, chilling in the back room or relaxing outside in the spacious garden, the place provides something for everyone. The garden area takes our fancy during our ‘working lunch’ and it’s very likely that during the warmer summer months the garden will be choc-a-block with people as it gives off a very relaxed feel. The food is definitely up-to-scratch and the prices are very reasonable although the drinks menu is not as varied as you might expect from a bar. The basics are all there though so it might not make a huge difference unless you are looking for strange exotic beers and cocktails. After asking we are told that the chef is a parent of one of the owners and it would definitely explain the quality and homely feel to both the food and the atmosphere. It’s my style of place, reasonably priced food, relaxed surroundings and good service. The evenings draw in the hipster and hippie crowds but also a lot of youngsters, which gives the place a hustle and bustle feel. The name is rather misleading unless of course they are referring to the service but without visiting during an extremely busy period it’s difficult to judge. One drawback for me, although not for my colleague, is the fact that they don’t take visas but the majority of people in Cyprus tend to go out with cash so it shouldn’t prove to be a problem. One of the owners, 27-year-old French-Cypriot, Jean-Christophe Lafon revealed to us that they have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of business they have drawn in since they opened in September of last year. Pi kai Fi Where: 61 Aischylou Street, Old Nicosia When: Open every day from 10am until late except Mondays when they are closed SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

19 What’sonlistings Blackdove Art Studio Permanent exhibition of artwork in oils, acrylic, print and mixed media, including painted driftwood, by Mary-Lynne Stadler. Commissions welcome and art tuition on offer in a number of media. Tel: 99-048369. Anoyira Mosaic Artwork Discover the magic of mosaics and Anoyira. Friday-Sunday 10am-4pm. Tel: 99-108710 Katie Sabry Studio Permanent exhibition of paintings in oils, watercolours and pastels. Mosaics Workshop, 9 Georgiou Malekidi St, nr Rialto Theatre. Tel: 99-571139. Art by Susanne Gallery with contemporary artwork. Shop 2, Marina Beach, Amathus Avenue. Daily 10am-4pm. Percentage of profits go to children with Cystic Fibrosis. Tel: 99-247668 Theomaria Art Gallery Permanent exhibition of Vera Parlalidou’s ceramics. 7 Vassilisis Karlotta St. Monday-Friday 8am-1pm. Tel: 25745777 Michael Owen Galleries Permanent exhibition of oil and watercolour paintings. Lania. Tel. 25-432404. Olivera Papathoma Permanent exhibition in City Art Gallery. 255A Saint Andreas St. Monday-Friday 9am-1pm, 4pm-7pm. Sat. 9am-2pm Sea King Permanent exhibition of old aviation photos. Sea King restaurant, near Akrotiri base. Tel: 25-954500

Paphos district Judith Constantinou Permanent exhibition of watercolours. The Studio, Stephanie Village, Tala. Tel: 26-652760 Stewart B Johnson Open house viewings of Scottish artist’s works by appointment. G. Xenopoulou st. Tel: 26-930525 Gallery at Home with Theresa French Watercolours, prints and cards. 2 Modestou Panteli, 2 Nicolas Cliff, Yeroskipou. Tel: 26-962597/ 99-316485 Stone Sculptures Permanent exhibition by Andreas Constantinou. Polis Chrysochous, near central square. Call artist for viewing. Tel: 26-321227/99-585543 Michael Gorman Figurative paintings and prints. 20 Theodorou Kolokotroni, Peyia. Open daily. Tel: 99-952376/99-006832/26-621424 Harry and Sheila Hawkins Art by Harry Hawkins and books by Sheila Hawkins. Ayias Zonis St., Neo Chorio. Open daily. Tel: 26-321123 Herbs and Wild Flowers Arts and crafts inspired by the flora of Cyprus. Medicinal herbal teas and oils available. Information Centre for the Akamas National Park at the School of Pano Arodes. Tel: 99-616748 David Lester Working Studio in Peyia, with permanent exhibition of oil paintings and other works by the author of ‘Wishful Thinking’. Tel: 26-621130

Famagusta district Blue Spice Restaurant Permanent exhibition of Carolina Alotus’ works. Blue Spice, 29 Aphroditis St (between Perneras and Protaras rd), Ayia Napa. Tel: 23-832088. Where are the Rights of the Children of Karpasia? Permanent photographic exhibition. Famagusta Cultural Centre, 35 Evagorou St, Dherynia. Closed Sundays. MondayFriday 7.30am-4.30pm and Saturday 9.30am-4.30pm. Tel: 23-740860

Music Nicosia district Margarita Zorbala with Diastasis Musical journey through 20th century Greece. March 10. Pallas Theatre, old Nicosia. 830pm. €20. Tel: 77-777040

Limassol district Margarita Zorbala with Diastasis Musical journey through 20th century Greece. March 6. Lanitis Carob Mill Complex, Vasilissis Street. 9.30pm. €25 including 1 drink. Tel: 77-777040 The You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Tour The classic songs of Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand with Ross Neil, Tina Chester & Andrew Oliver. March 9. Lenia’s Tavern, Souni. 7pm - Show 8.30pm. €16 inc. buffet dinner. Tel: 25-717117/ 99-832538.

compiled by Ledha Socratous

Paphos district The Firebirds America’s 1950s greatest hits played live. March 6. Y & P Latchi Hotel. 7pm Showtime 8.30pm. €20 inc. dinner. Reservations - Tel: 99-885428/26-321411 The You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Tour The Classic songs of Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand with Ross Neil, Tina Chester & Andrew Oliver. March 8. Old Kamaroudi Tavern, Konia. 8.30pm. €10 . Meals available in restaurant. Tel: 99-832538/ 99-857851

CARNIVAL Has it already been a year? The last Carnival seems like it was only yesterday! Yes, the Limassol Carnival is upon us once again. Ahead of the fasting and penances of Lent, the

Theatre & Dance

Let the Carnival begin!

Nicosia district

country is seizing on carnival to drown its sorrows. Cyprus may be facing its worst economic downturn ever. But so what? After 36 years, the Queen of the Carnival is returning to the celebrations, playing the role of The Queen of the Crisis and Craziness, reminding us all that we must smile despite difficult times. Brazil, of course, is home to the largest and arguably the most famous Carnival in the world, but Carnival in Cyprus has become an important institution and is celebrated almost exclusively in Limassol, which holds the largest annual event on the island. As always, the Limassol carnival spirit begins every Tsiknopempti or Stinky Thursday (this Thursday), so called because the smell of souvla permeates the air, and culminates with the Grand Parade on March 17. The Queen of the Crisis and Craziness and her entourage will enter the town in a festive atmosphere on an illuminated float. She will be accompanied by the Giorgalletos Serenaders, the Group of Cypriot Serenaders, the Limassol Municipality Brass Band, the Batucinio

Gone With the Jobless A comedy performance by Marinos Hatzivasiliou who, together with other actors from the popular TV programme Patates, present a hilarious show with humour and laughter. March 3 until May 5. Diachroniki Music Stage, 2 Yianni Koromia Street, Kaimakli. Every Sunday at 9pm. €15. In Greek. Tel: 99-783455 Below Zero Drama directed by Photis Georgidis. March 5-7, 11-14 until March 31. Melina Merkouri Hall, Famagusta Gate, Athina Avenue. On specific days at 8.30pm. €15. In Greek. Tel: 70-007410 /99308232 The Harley Jacket THOC’s New Stage presents play by Vasilis Katsikonouris. March 6 until April 5. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. Performances at the exterior spaces of THOC’s New Theatre Building. Every two weeks Wednesday through Friday at 8.30pm. €12/10. In Greek. The performances on March 6 and 20 will be with Greek and English surtitles. Tel: 77-772717 I Love You But... Idea Planners presents interactive ‘couple-comedy’ on marriage, divorce and modern relationships. March 8-10. Latsia Municipal Theatre, 57 Yiannos Kranidiotis Avenue. 8.30pm. €20. In Greek. Tel: 22-878688 Nursing Home The Cherubim Theatre Anemona celebrates its tenth anniversary presents comedy by Nearchos Ioannou. Until March 17. Anemona Theater, 7 Archagelou Street, Latsia. Every Friday and Saturday at 8.30pm and Sunday at 8pm. In Greek. Tel: 22573031 Shear Madness Popular Cypriot actor and director Loris Loizides returns with an adaptation of one of the longest-running non-musical plays in the world. Until March 17. Pantheon Art Cinema, 29 Diagorou Street. Every Saturday and Sunday at 8.30pm. €20. In Greek. Tel: 70-001910/22-675787 God of Carnage Dionysos Theatre presents multiaward winning comedy by Yasmina Reza directed by George Mouaimis. Until March 17. Dionysos Theatre, 29 Diagorou Street. Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8.30pm and Sunday 6.30pm. In Greek. €20/15. Tel: 99-621845 The Switch Theatro Ena presents play by Argiro Toumazou. Until March 28. Theatro Ena, 4 Athinas Avenue. Every Wednesday and Thursday at 8.30pm. In Greek. €15/12. Tel: 22-348203 Shakespeare in an Hour Pirasmos Productions presents a theatrical comedy directed by popular Cypriot actor and director Loris Loizides. Until March 29. Pantheon Art Cinema, 29 Diagorou Street. Thursday and Friday at 8.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 70001910 The Children of Cain Theatro Ena presents the psychological thriller by Andreas Thomopoulos. Until March 31. Theatro Ena, 4 Athinas Avenue. Every Friday through Sunday at 8.30pm. In Greek. €15/12. Tel: 22348203 The Dispute The Main Stage of THOC presents tragic comedy by Pierre de Marivaux. Until March 31. THOC New Theatre Building, 9 Gregori Afxentiou. Friday and Saturday at 8.30pm and Sunday 6.30pm. In Greek. The performances on March 30 and 31 will be with Greek and English surtitles. €12/10. Tel: 77-772717 Pinocchio Theatre Maskarini unique adaptation of well-known tale. Until April 14. Russian Cultural Centre, 16 Alassias Street. every Sunday at 10.30am. In Greek. Tel: 22-761607/22-270420

March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL

In the Land of Peter Pan The Puppet Group of Satiriko Theatre presents work by James Barry. Until April 28. Vladimiros Kafkarides Cultural Centre, 11-15 Vladimiros Kafkarides Street, Αglantzia. Every Sunday at 10.30am. In Greek. €10. Tel: 22-312940/22-421609

Larnaca district Katsarida Pocket musical combining physical theatre with stand-up comedy. March 7. Skala Theatre, 15 Kyriakou Matsi Street. 8.30pm. In Greek. €15. Tel: 96-443350 How to Rob a Bank Skala Theatre presents comedy by Samy Fayad. Until March 31. Skala Theatre, 15 Kyriakou Matsi Street. Saturday 8.30pm and Sunday 6.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 99-490102

Limassol district Cyprus Contemporary Dance Platform 13 years with 13 dance groups. Parallel events Dance House Lemesos and Palia Xydadiko. March 8-10. Rialto Theatre. 8.30pm. €5 all €10. Tel: 77-777745 Tone Clusters The Second Stage of ETHAL presents work of famous American author Joyce Carol Oates. Until March 24. Technohoros ETHAL, 76 Franklin Roosevelt Avenue. Tuesdays, Saturdays at 8.30pm and Sundays 6.30pm. In Greek. Tel: 25-877827

Paphos district Disposing of the Body Stage One Theatre Group production of mystery/thriller by Hugh Whitemore. March 5-9. Stage One Theatre, Emba. 7.30pm. €12/6. Tel: 99-967737.

Other Events Nicosia district The Know Now Project Group exhibition posing the question: how does modern technology affect art today? Through a series of events. Opens March 3, 6pm until March 10. Vladimiros Kafkarides Cultural Centre, 11-15 Vladimiros Kafkarides Street, Αglantzia. Monday-Friday: 5pm-9pm. SaturdaySunday: 9.30am- 1pm & 5pm-11pm. Tel: 99-840804.

percussion instruments group, the Limassol Majorettes, the Mayor and the Members of the Municipal Council. The parade will set off from the Grigoris Afxentiou Square (In front of the District Office Building) at 7pm and end at the Heroes’ Square, where a party will take place, to the sounds of the music group Los Carnavales. Over the course of ten days, the usual fanfare of exhibitions, mask workshops, serenaders, treasure hunts, parties and dancing will take place. The Carnival will end with a massive Carnival Ball at the Enaerios parking place. Free style Carnival Costume Competition – Awards will be given to the best three. To help plan your Carnival festivities, please check the website.

Limassol Carnival Open-air parties, children’s parades and serenaders evenings culminating with the Grand Parade. March 7-17. Multiple locations in Limassol. events/limassol-carnival-2013/

First Steps in Engraving Artistic creation afternoons at the printmaking workshop for children 7-12 years of age. From March 7. Educational Centre for Children, the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre. Thursday: 4pm-5.30pm (Project A). Saturday: 3pm-4.30pm (Project A). 5pm-6.30pm (Project B). Lessons are free. Tel: 22797393/22-797400 Performance Art Lecture Performance artist Christina Georgiou will talk about performance art, her artistic creation through this field and the 1st Cyprus International Performance Art Festival (CIPAF). March 7. Art and Design Studio of the University of Nicosia. 6.30pm. Free. In English. Tel: 22-841500 Charity Third Vienna Ball An evening of food, fine wine, music, outstanding live performances , unlimited dancing and chance to socialise and establish new friendships and contacts. March 8. Hilton Hotel. 7.30pm-3am. Dress code: Long evening or ball dress, tail-coat, tuxedo or dress uniform. €50 per person (cocktail menu and unlimited drinks) €100 per person (buffet menu and unlimited drinks). Part of the profits will be donated to Europa Donna Cyprus. Tel: 97-810022 (English), 97-810011 (Greek), 97-810033 (Russian) 99-896490, Dancing school (for the Ball Dance lessons Fly-in-Dance). e-mail: www.viennaball-cyprus. com Japanese Nights A unique opportunity to taste a Japanese Fusion dinner in an exotic atmosphere. Until March 9. Fontana Restaurant, Hilton Cyprus. 8pm. €30 per person. Tel: 22-377777 8th Francophone Film Festival Screenings of award-winning Swiss films. March 9: Hiver Nomade. Ciné Studio, University of Nicosia. Cocktail at 8pm offered by the Embassy of Switzerland, screening at 9pm. in French with English subtitles. Free Aglantzia Carnival Parade A parade that aims to entertain children and adults, to revive the tradition and give colour and vibrancy to the city March 10. Kyrenia Avenue, Aglantzia. 11am. All welcome to join and watch. Tel: 22-332909. Email:

Screenings at the Shoe Factory An extraordinary selection of rare eclectic films. Until March 29. The Shoe Factory, 304 Ermou Str. 8pm. Free. Films shown in original language with English subtitles where applicable. For more information: Kyriakos Michaelides Tailor Museum A sightseeing attraction for visitors in the area as well as a space where the young and new generations may become aware of the richness of the traditional tailor’s craft dating back to the sixties. Old Nicosia, Phaneromeni area. Tel: 99-796333 Singing Group Singing for fun. All kinds of music in harmony small Nicosia group Tuesdays 5.30pm-7pm, all welcome. Call Olivia 99-497318 Rooftop Theatre Group Regular play script-writing workshop. In the room next to Kala Kathoumena coffee shop in old Nicosia (Phaneromeni Square). 6pm. In English. Tel: 22- 661354 Kindermusik with Vaso Come and see how music and movement can stimulate your young child’s developing mind and body. Tel: 96693462. For full details please visit: Childrens African DrumagiQ Includes: Drums and rhythm tuition with educational approach, psychological expertise, culture, customs, games, dance and innovative creative techniques. Every Friday. Kisa Centre, old Nicosia. 5-6pm for children under 12, 6-7pm for children 12-15. Tel: 22-878181 Serenity House Offering classes in yoga, tai chi and anger management, self awareness seminars traditional Thai and classic massage, and more. Serenity House, 2 Einstein St, Ay. Omologites. Tel: 99434353, Rebecca (Yoga) 99-487927 or Healing Rooms Free 20 minutes healing sessions for the well-being of spirit, mind and body in a loving atmosphere. Confidential. Every second and fourth Thursday of the month. 8-9.30pm. 225 Strovolos Avenue, near Metro roundabout (above Afrikanos Bath Store). Tel: 99-771084 Inter-faith prayers and meditation Every Friday. Baha’i Centre, 11 Parthenonos, Kaimakli. Tel: 22-624283

HIV Discussion Group Discussing issues around HIV for sufferers and friends of sufferers. Every Thursday. UNESCO Amphitheatre, Intercollege, Makedonitissas Ave. 7pm. Free Nicosia Horrible Hash House Harriers Exercise, eat, drink and be merry with Nicosia Hash House Harriers. Meetings every Tuesday 7.30pm for a walk, jog or run around Nicosia. For directions to the run or more info, Tel: 99-308436 or visit Nicosia Writers’ Workshop If you enjoy creative writing and want to meet people with similar skills, then the Nicosia Writers’ Workshop is the place to be, so bring your ideas and we’ll open a new world together. 48 Rik Avenue, Angantzia. Every Sunday from 11am-1pm. Free membership to new candidates. Ring Machela on 99-867315 Writing Workshops Unleash your creative side with Rhay Christou. Rhay’s Studio, Old Nicosia. Tel: 99 522333 Italian for Beginners Lessons offered by the Dante Alighieri Society and the Italian Embassy. Monday and Wednesday 6.30pm-8pm.Tel: 22-358168/99-339644 Children’s Theatre Workshop Dionysus Theatre brings kids closer to theatre. Three different age groups, ranging from 6-18+. Classes are in Greek. Dionysus Theatre, 29 Diagorou St. Tel: 22-818999/99-621845 or visit Play in a Day Fun theatre workshops geared towards adults. Every Thursday 6-8pm. (lessons for youths between 14 and 17 also take place on Wednesday 5pm-7pm). 15 per session or 50 per month. Taught in Greek and English. For registration Tel: 99-130916/99-552654. theatrenicosia@ Arts & Moods Creative workshops for children of all ages. 15 Averoff Street, Strovolos. Tel: 22313142. email: Brocante Antique and vintage furniture market. Every Sunday 9am-7pm. In front of the old municipal market in old Nicosia and outside the Akanthos workshop space. Tel: 22-100984. St Paul’s Thrift Shop Thrift Shop for clothes and bric-a-brac is open every Saturday morning from 10am- midday in St Paul’s Cathedral car park. Lots of bargains on offer at very reasonable prices. Tel : 22-445221 St Paul’s Babies and Toddlers Non-religious, non-political and multinational organisation that caters for newborn to pre-school kids with activities including outdoor and indoor play equipment and toys. St Paul’s Church Hall, Byron Avenue. No membership required. Cans for Kids Quiz Nights First Friday of every month. 8.30pm. Esogba, behind the Junior School. €5. Drinks and home cooked food available. Tel: 99-666011. www.cansforkids. org Cyprus Go Association Meetings every Saturday to learn the game and improve skills. Oktana Café, 2 Aristidou St. 5pm. Tel: 99-476253., Porcelain Painting Paint your own dinner set or special gift for your loved ones. Beginners classes morning and afternoon. Strovolos. Tel: 99-620992 Saint Andrews Bridge Club Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 4pm, Saturday 7pm-10pm; 15 Heroes Avenue. Tel: 22-781063 or 96-510121 Tarot Card Game Lessons Not lessons in the divination art but rather the strategy and memory game. Every Wednesday evening. Brasserie Au Bon Plaisir, 15 Alasias Street. 8pm. Tel 96-755111 The World of Wine Beginners and advanced specialised courses for enthusiasts who wish to become more confident in understanding and enjoying fine wines and spirits. Tailor-made courses, wine classes and tasting can also be organised on request. Spectus shops, Nicosia and Limassol. Tel: 22-511521/25-341525 Coffee Morning A warm welcome for all women. Interesting talks and a chance to get together socially. Second Thursday of the month. (except July and August). 9.30am St.Paul’s Church Hall, Byron Avenue. In English. Tel: 22-329293/99924363



Art versus technology

Larnaca district Transformative Tarot Course Fun & educational, meet other likeminded people. Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 7.30-9.30pm. contact: Kara – Mind & Body Centre Gain a certificate in Tarot Reading. An 18-week course that covers symbology, colourology, numerology and much more. KARA - Mind & Body Centre, Oroklini. Tel: 99-029952. tarotcyprus. Fisu Meditation Learn Fisu Meditation. Free introductory talks on why meditate and what meditation is all about. Book by appointment, 24-532479/99-665330 Larnaca Hash House Harriers Every Monday, 5pm. For more information call Fred-the-web on 24-647175 Kition Hash House Harriers Run/jog/walk from a pub/taverna round the town and back. Wednesday evenings, 7.30pm. All welcome. Join us and have some fun. Tel: 24-647283 Antidote Theatre Workshops Drama workshops for children aged 5can attend weekly workshops to learn about theatre through games and play, and participate in productions staged at the end of each year. Theatre Antidote also offers its students the Trinity Guildhall drama examinations in June, a useful qualification for university applications. Antidote Theatre, Apothikes st.Lazarus. Tel: 24-822677. www.theatreantidote. com Baby Antidote Brings the young tots up to 3yrs in touch with theatre, by combining storytelling, fairytales and play. Through interactive performances inspired by favourite children’s books, the heroes come to life as the little ones embody them in their own unique way. Apothikes st. Lazarus. Every Monday and Friday, 9.30-11.30am. Entrance is €4 per family, and includes refreshments and snacks. Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos Social and benevolent organisation supporting charitable groups. The James Mercury Lodge meets at Dhekelia Barracks. Every Tuesday, 7.30pm. Next to ‘George’s Taxi’ on the South Road. Tel: 24-635812 RAFA Larnaca Bay Branch Social gathering taking place on second Tuesday of each month. Beachcomber Restaurant, Makenzie Beach . 7pm. Tel: 24-363752. Larnaca Reading Group If you enjoy reading and debating the pros and cons of a book, you are welcome to join, the group endeavours to read a diverse selection of books. Larnaca Reading Group (LRG) meets the first Monday of each month in the Reading Lounge, upstairs in the Academic & General Bookshop, address: 41 Hermes Street. Tel: 24-628401/99-597094/99925315 Cash Bingo Eyes down every Wednesday, 8.30pm, and Sunday, 8.30pm, Makedonas restaurant, Dhekelia road. Food and drinks available at venues. Tel: 99-108391 Line Dancing Every Friday, 8pm. Makedonas restauraunt, Dhekelia road. Tel: 99-108391 Royal Engineers’ Association Meets on second Tuesday of the month at venues around the Island. For details of next meeting contact Bob Beer (Chair) on 97-633728 Larnaca Chicago Bridge Club Thursdays, 9.30am-1pm. Tel: Pete on 24-424899 Larnaca Walking Tours Wednesdays: Larnaca Past and Present, 10am from CTO office in Vassileos Pavlou Square. Fridays: Skala and its Craftsmen, 10am from Larnaca Fort. Tel: 24654322 Leon Friendly Darts League Meetings carried out at selected pubs: Tuesdays, 8.30pm. Tel: Bob Johnson on 24-427275 Mazotos Camel Park Adventures for the family. Camel rides, swimming, play areas and more. Tel: 24991243/99-416968. www.camel-park. com

Limassol district Limassol Carnival Open-air parties, children’s parades and serenaders evenings culminating with the Grand Parade. March 7-17. Multiple locations in Limassol. http://www. International Christian Fellowship East Please join us, Sundays 10.30am, Angel’s English Nursery School, 37 Ampelakion, Germasogia. Sunday school available, small groups meet midweek. Tel: 99-815033. Day out in Lania Visit the museum, church, olive mill, wine press and the artists’ galleries. Lania. Island Blend Barber shop group sing a wide repertoire of songs at events and raise money for Friends for Life. Every Thursday at UKCA, 4pm-6pm. Tel: 25-397456 The World of Wine Beginners and advanced specialised courses for enthusiasts who wish to become more confident in understanding and enjoying fine wines and spirits. Spectus shops, Nicosia and Limassol. Tel: 22-511521/25-341525 Food for Friends Vegetarian social group, with monthly lunch-time outings to tavernas and short presentations on related subjects. Monthly lunch on last Saturday of month. Tel: 25-634487/25-634487 Rising Star Youth Theatre of Limassol Theatre workshop for aspiring actors and actresses from the age of 6 years and up. Call 99-608826 for information. Children’s Theatre Workshop Organised by the Versus theatre group. Theatro Ena, Limassol Municipal Market, old town. Classes for ages: 5-9, 1013, 17-17. Saturdays 9am-3pm. Tel: 99428691. Magic Craft Supplies For the latest on Magic Craft Supplies & Penny’s Parties, please visit 25-634487/99304237 Theatre Workshops Open to students between six and 16. Every Saturday. ETHAL Theatre. Basement, 76 Franklin Roosevelt Ave. Tel: 25-877827 Premiere Group Theatre group producing annual musicals. The group conducts monthly social events that include camping, picnics and sports evenings. Tel: 25775922. C3A Limassol Join us and share educational, creative and leisure activities in friendly, sociable groups. Attend Open meetings, listen to informative talks, enjoy social activities. Contact: c3a.limassol@gmail. com. Help Me Grow Lecture on child development by the Health Ministry. Every Wednesday. Lecture hall, New Limassol Hospital. 6pm. In Greek. Free Baha’is of Limassol Weekly discussion circle. Tel: 25-340021 Happy Valley Hash House Harriers Weekly runs on Thursdays around the southwest of the island, times vary, see Tel: 99-434794 Amathus Hash House Harriers Run, jog or walk every Sunday afternoon. For more info Tel: 99-905746. Limassol Walks Get to know the historical centre of Limassol. Mondays at 10am. Walks begin at the CTO Information Office, 115A Spyros Araouzos St. Free. Tel: 25362756 Limassol Crusaders Rugby Club Training on grass for Cyprus League matches, or just to get fit, Tuesdays 6.30-8.30pm and Thursdays 7-9pm, AEK Katholiki Stadium, Tagmatarchou Pouliou St. Seniors and Juniors. Tel: 96-323962. www.limassolcrusadersrfc. com Table Tennis Monday and Friday at 10 am at UKCA, 37 Termopilis Street. Contact Antonio 99-334706

How does modern technology effect art today? That is the question being posed at a group exhibition entitled the Know Now Art Event in the basement of the Vladimiros Kafkaridis Cultural Centre (Satiriko Theatre). While art and technology may seem like two distinct disciplines they are becoming interlinked more than ever, with technology being a fundamental force in the development and evolution of art. This evening the event opens its doors with a tribute to the late Niki Marangou, the award-winning author and artist, followed by a musical performance by Alex Panayi alongside Electra Fotiadou. Different related events will take place during the exhibition which will run until Sunday and aim to cultivate an interest in the arts. During this week there will be lectures or seminars, not only on art but on literature and health as well. The idea behind this project is to introduce the public to contemporary artists in different fields Limassol Bridge Club Mondays and Fridays, 3.30pm at Limassol Sporting Club. Tel 99-645338 Car Boot Sale Every Saturday and Sunday at Moni Station. Tel: 25-323525/25-365102 Linopetra Corner Car boot sale on Saturdays, 8am-2pm. Tel: 99-612832 Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes Social and benevolent organisation. Aphrodite Bitter Lake Lodge meet at the UKCA Club. Wednesdays, 6pm. Tel: 99-425527. The Troodos Pride of Cyprus Lodge meets at the UKCA Club. Every other Sunday, 10am. Tel: 99-345384 Riding for the Disabled Horse riding for disabled riders from The Red Cross and Theotokos Foundation every Thursday morning 8.30am11.30am. Happy Valley, Episkopi. Volunteers greatly needed to assist with rides. Tel: 25-773058. Email: rdaroster@ RAFA Aphrodite Branch Social Meeting First Wednesday of every month. Sergeants Mess. Akrotiri. No food provided. 7.30pm. Tel: 25-932196 RAF Akrotiri Voluntary Band The band plays a large repertoire of classical music at military dinners, Episkopi Fete and charity fund raisers. Meetings every Monday: 7.30pm. Padre’s Centre at RAF Akrotiri. Tel: 99-925524 The Royal Military Police Association The Cyprus branch seeks new members. First Friday of every month. The RMP Corporals Mess, WSBA Episkopi. 2pm. Tel: 26-642120/99-453867 Cyprus Donkey Sanctuary Visitor centre with shop, refreshments, hillside walk and picnic area. Friends of the Cyprus Donkey, Vouni. Daily 10am4pm. Tel: 25-945488 Ocean Bar Restaurant Every Thursday: Bingo Night, 8pm. Tel: 96-381509. Every Friday: Multi Media Quiz with many prizes to be won, 8.30pm. Tel: 99-032876. Ocean Bar Restaurant, 10 Christina Court, Onicilliou St, Ayios Tychonas

of art and to build a bridge between the public and the artist. By doing so, artists are given new experiences and a platform for communication with the public. At the exhibition, you’ll also be able to enjoy the launch of this year’s Anama naturally sweet wine, ballet performances, music events, a bar night and other events. In addition, the artists will be present to interact with visitors. The Know Now Project Group exhibition posing the question: how does modern technology affect art today? Through a series of events. Opens March 3, 6pm until March 10. Vladimiros Kafkarides Cultural Centre, 11-15 Vladimiros Kafkarides Street, Αglantzia, Nicosia. MondayFriday: 5pm-9pm. SaturdaySunday: 9.30am- 1pm & 5pm-11pm. Tel: 99-840804.

Paphos district 8th Francophone Film Festival Screenings of award-winning Swiss films. March 4: La Petite Chambre. University of Neapolis Paphos. Cocktail at 7.15pm offered by the University, screening at 8pm. in French with English subtitles. Free Stories in Screen A series of video work presentations. Until March 15. Chiaki Kamikawa Contemporary Art Gallery, 10 Solonos Street. Monday- Friday: 10am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. Saturday: 10am-1.30pm. Tel: 99-311225 Spiritualist Meetings. Monthly ‘Modern Spiritualists in Cyprus’ meetings are held on the last Sunday of the month in Stroumbi. 7pm start. For full details www.yvebrooks. org or Tel 97-801472 Paphos Flower Club Courses in flower arranging. Anglican Church Hall, Kato Paphos. Beginners 2pm, intermediate classes 12.30pm. Beginners. Tel: 99-475564/99-533704. Intermediate: 99-744635 Orphean Singers Three times a year this well established singing group delights audiences with an entertaining concert. Meetings every Friday at Kamaras club, 9.30am12pm. Tel: 26-913249 Paphos Light Music Society A new group starting up in Paphos for the appreciation of light opera, Gilbert and Sullivan etc. Non-singers also welcome. Meetings every fourth Monday at 3.00pm in Paphos area. Tel: 26- 723002/ 99-370883 Paphos Town Centre Walking Tour Get acquainted with the newest part of the city and learn how the town evolved from the late Byzantine and Mediaeval times. Every Thursday, 10am. CTO Information Office, 3 Gladstonos St. Tel. 26-932841

The Corona Society Go along and meet new friends at monthly meetings held every second Wednesday of the month, 2.30pm – 4pm. Coffee mornings held every last Tuesday of the month, 10.30am – 12.00pm. Annabelle Hotel. All proceeds go to local charities. Tel: 99- 177479 Scottish Country Dancing With the St Andrew’s Society, Paphos, at the Latin Parish Hall every Tuesday evening from September to May 6-8pm. Beginners welcome 5.30pm. Tel: 99-298512 Timi Village Car Boot Market Every Sunday 7am-1pm all through the year. Tel: 99-611637 Evans Plus Evans Comedy Magic Show, at the New Kikkos Bar Coral Bay - Alternate Tuesdays. 9.30pm. Tel 99-173801 Singles Nights at Ollie’s Bar Every second and fourth Saturday of the month. Ollie’s Bar, Trimithousa. 8pm. Tel: 99-769899 Quiz Nights Play for weekly prizes and a jackpot. Every Friday. Kings Hotel, Tomb of the Kings Road. 8.30pm. €2. Tel: 26-939075 Quiz night Quiz at the New Olympus Hotel. Every second Thursday of the month. 7.30pm. To register your team call: 26-932020 New Friendly Bridge Chicago bridge every Tuesday with all bridge partnerships welcome. Fantasia Club. 6.45pm. Tel: 26-937551 Table Tennis Club Night Coaching for all levels by Gordon Allen. Every Wednesday night. New venue, 7pm. Tel: 99-841471, 26-652763 Badminton Club Atromitos Badminton Club for children and adults meets four times a week, days and evenings, to suit all levels, coaching available or play just for fun. Tel: 99-971150/ Emba Badminton club Emba Badminton club meets on Saturday mornings, and Tuesday and Friday afternoons. All levels of play are catered for. Tel: 99-276192. Paphos Tigers RFC Mini Rugby: Tuesdays, 4.30pm-5.30pm. Kinyras Centre, Cypria Maris Sports Ground. Tel: 99-934315/26-652959. Paphos Cycling Club Newly founded to help promote cycling in Paphos as a great form of exercise, meeting and making new friends and a perfect way to see areas of beauty in Cyprus you would never normally see. We are an informal club and we welcome new members from all walks of life and abilities. We meet every Sunday at Hectors Barin Coral Bay at 9am. Tel: 99-320213. www.paphoscyclingclub. com Paphos Adonis Lions Club Meetings every second and fourth Monday of the month at Paphos Gardens Hotel Resort. New members welcome as well as visiting members of other Lions Clubs. Tel: 26-622810/97-635883

Take a musical journey through 20th century Greece with Margarita Zorbala and the Diastasis Cultural Association, a time of romance and poetry. Zorbala is a singer who has won crowds over with her vocal abilities and interpretation and this week audiences will be called upon to remember songs that marked an era that has remained alive and well to this day. Hear songs from great Greek composers, from the magical Attik, to the charming, timeless melodies introduced by Souyoul,

Chairopoulos, Glannidis, and Mouzakis. Margarita Zorbala with Diastasis Musical journey through 20th century Greece. March 6. Lanitis Carob Mill Complex, Vasilissis Street, Limassol. 9.30pm. €25 including 1 drink March 10: Pallas Theatre, old Nicosia. 830pm. €20 March 14: Larnaca Municipal Theatre. 830pm. €20. Tel: 24-665795

Cancer Patients’ Support Group Association’s Day Centre - 84 Ellados Avenue, Paphos, near Carrefour’s on Polis Road. Tel: 26-952478. Coffee morning on the second Tuesday of the month, 10.30am. Craft group meet every Thursday, 10am-12pm. New members always welcome. Quiz nights and meal on Thursdays and meal, 7 for 7.30pm. Tel: 26-654007 or visit www. Cancer Patients’ Support Group – Paphos Information Help Line Trained volunteers who will listen and assist anyone needing information, emotional support, befriending or referral to an appropriate professional. Available from 9am-1pm Monday to Friday. Tel: 97-760989 Paphos Bereavement Support Group If you’ve suffered a loss or death, either recently or in the past, you are welcome to share your feelings with others in a safe and confidential environment. Group meets on the first Monday of each month, 2pm-4pm. Association’s Day Centre, 9 Dimitriou Mavrogenous, (the road alongside Constantinides Bakery opposite CYTA). Tel: 26-952478 Gamblers Anonymous Support group for gambling addicts, partners and families. Meetings every Tuesday. Ayia Kyriaki Anglican Church Hall, Kato Paphos. 7.30pm. Tel: 26622289 Self-Improvement and Fulfilment Dr. Eva Bratslavsky clinical psychologist and psychotherapist weekly discussion group meetings on self-confidence, self-esteem, relationship enhancement, assertiveness. 3pm. Tel: 99-495467 Hemi-Sync sound technology of The Monroe Institute Metamusic CDs for quantum learning, deep relaxation, meditation, workshops. Contact Linda Leblanc, accredited Outreach Trainer of The Monroe Institute. Tel: 26-621272/ Reiki Training Philip Westwood, Reiki Master/Teacher is now taking bookings for Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 training courses.Tel: 99-407526/26271640 or email philipreiki@cytanet. Polis Charity Bookshop, Crafts and More Now open six days a week. MondaySaturday, 10am- 1pm. Large stock of books, videos, talking books, jigsaws and greeting cards. Proceeds donated to local charities. Goods in first rate condition always needed. Arch. Makarios Avenue, Polis Chrysochous. Tel: 99-867511 Mums ‘n’ Toddlers Group Mums, Tots & Babies - Join us for a fun filled morning of Music & Movement, Story time, Arts & Crafts, Free Play, snack & coffee time etc. Spacious garden at our new location in Chloraka. Five groups per week offered. Also ongoing sale of nearly new clothing (1Euro per item) raising funds for local charities. Tel: 99-867662. First Time Mums’ Club Come and join us for a cup of tea. Bring baby with you and meet other mums and get tips, ideas and advice on caring for your little infant. Weekly meetings where topics include breastfeeding, bottle feeding, sleeping tips for baby and mom, milestones, what works and lots more. Thurs 10-12. Cholorakas. Tel: 96-429659 Apollo Branch of the Royal Air Forces Association Meeting on the third Thursday of every month. UKCA Clubhouse, Tombs of the Kings Road. 7pm. Tel: 26-991615 New PAWS charity shop Yeroskipou next door to Pet Stop. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 9am-5pm. Saturday 9am-4pm. Tel: 97695857 Basic Dog Training and Grooming Fridays. 3pm. Kallepia. Tel: 26643079/99-105557

Famagusta district

A time to remember


Walking Tours of Nicosia Mondays: Palouriotissa and Kaimakli: the past restored guided bus and walking tour. Thursdays: walking tour of Nicosia.. Free. Tel: 22-674264 Bird Watching in Cyprus Birdlife Cyprus regularly arranges bird watching trips around the island. Tel: 22-455072, 99-059541. Horse Races Every Wednesday and Sunday at the Nicosia Race Club. Tel: 22-782727. Subject to change check website.

Alzheimer Self-Help Group Offers dementia sufferers and their carers the opportunity to meet others with this condition, share feelings and exchange experiences. Every first Wednesday of the month. Crazy Spoon Centre Coral Bay Road, opposite Paphian Sun Hotel, Kissonerga. 10am. Tel: 26-621530/ 26-622234

Tours around Ayia Napa Ayia Napa and the Sea: a different dimension. Mondays in English and German; Fridays in English and Swedish, 10am from CTO office. Tel: 23-721796 Folk Art Workshop Art workshop for children. Cultural Centre of Famagusta, Evagorou 35, Dherynia. Tel: 23-721140 Bingo and Games Every Tuesday night. Quiz, bingo and games every Thursday night. Party night every Saturday. Woody’s Inn, Protaras. Tel: 23-831690 Charity Boot Sale Every Tuesday morning. Woody’s Inn, Protaras. 10am-12pm. Tel: 23-831690 Open Air Market Every Wednesday. St Thekla Beach restaurant, Ayia Thekla, 500m from the church. 9am-4pm. Tel: 23-743778

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

FASHION 21 Miuccia Prada’s gauntlet sleeves

Your new winter wardrobe, Italian style The gauntlet sleeve Sleeves are the new shoulders and coming to a Zara near you. Miuccia Prada, an unfaltering trend dictator, has decreed it in her autumn/winter offering. Come winter, ed sleeve will apap a wide, bell-shaped omber jackets pear on tweed bomber and stiff shirts while tactile me to coats. cuffs will add volume


Tactile materials and oversized rsized d shion shapes showed Milan Fashion ys Week meant business says KAREN D DACRE The new pri prim

Oversized coat

Miuccia Prada’s heroine for sea next season is a Forties fi lm star w with a penchant for Ninet Nineties grunge. She is joine by the object of joined Stef Stefano Gabbana and Dom Domenico Dolce’s affect fection - a church-going lady whose clothes evoke mos mosaics from Sicily’s Mon Monreale Cathedral.

When it came to o outerwear, s picked Milan’s designers n left off. up where London d, sculpCoats in oversized, emained tural shapes remained ada and the focus. At Prada na an Dolce & Gabbana elegant Forties silhouette dominated, while at ints reMarni, we saw prints turn to favour.

The m mini kilt The power polo

Swinging skirts with Sw box pleats will play a leadin role next winter leading but th thankfully they need b tartan. Sportmax not all be u nveiled a pared-down interunveiled pretation of the style alongstat side statement sweaters. Expect to se see interpretations all h over the high street.

The humble roll-neck goes super-sexy next seaner Frida son. Gucci designer he style Giannini chose the to punctuate herr collecoats and tion of cocoon coats side skimming pencil s with atskirts. Polo necks ur power titude will be our oice come dressing tool of choice autumn.

Tactile tr trousers

Vunk Count on Donatella natella Verst the grain. sace to go against While her peers seemed intent on ex appeal she was toning down the sex eat. For autumn, turning up the heat. eets Punk - is her Vunk - Versace meets inspiration. Expect fluoro military coats and tartan blazers with bondage chains.

From fuzzy fu mohair as seen at Emporio Armani (left) to leath and tweed, troubuffed leather sers cut from fro textured fabrics are big news for winter. The antidote to the rapidly tiring trend for printed pyjamas, trousers hi that rank high on the touchability scale will add much-needed warmth.

Printed coat at Marni Dolce & Gabbana

Gucci’s polo

March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL

50 shades of brown Grey is so 2012. Next season on nd hues of tobacco, chocolate and micoffee are set for world domination. Max Mara flew the fl ag rifor camel by unveiling luxuring in ous cashmere and shearling eneta the shade, while Bottega Veneta (above) teamed sepia-brown knee length skirts with matching rollneck sweaters.

Versace meets punk


Could you live without your mirror?


irror, mirror on the wall - hang on, what mirror? Mine has gone. Or at least for the last week it has been covered up with several sheets of paper, concealing my reflection from its greatest critic - me. I have been on a mirror fast - joining in with a trend started by New York-based writer August Whitefield-Madrano, who last year took to her blog, The Beheld, to explain that she would be giving up mirrors for a month in the hope, she wrote, of addressing “the overriding self-consciousness that’s taken up residence in my psyche”. She has since completed another month of mirror fasting, fi lming her experience for US television, and claiming that “letting it [the mirror] fall by the wayside just let me feel calm and serene”. Not feeling quite brave enough for the full month of reflection rejection - and decidedly sceptical about impending serenity - I restricted my fast to a week. During that time I would get no chances to stand - as I admittedly do, twice daily, while dressing and undressing – prodding my hips and stomach and whining that I’ve gained weight, while my boyfriend chants “BORING, BORING” from the next room. Fine, so that’s a good thing. But I would also be unable to notice a tea stain on my dress or to assess whether a particular skirt and top combination would be complementary or a complete clash. Since Whitefield-Madrano allowed herself a hand mirror “because not wearing make-up for a month is another sort of challenge” and also because blind eyeliner application would have left my face looking like a nursery school art project, my makeup mirror remained uncovered. But here’s the thing: it’s not until you are trying not to look in the

It may sound off the wall but one New York blogger swears rejecting her reflection has conquered her selfconsciousness. Could it work? JASMINE GARDNER conducted a week’s trial mirror that you realise they are everywhere. Mirrors confront you every few paces inside shops and are apparently a mandatory part of lift interior design. At work, two walls of the ladies lavatories are mirrored. Even on the street, there is glass which, when you have been denied

Here’s the thing: it’s not until you are trying not to look in the mirror that you realise they are everywhere the mirror in the morning, becomes harder than ever to ignore. If I really wanted to mirror fast I’d have to walk around with my eyes closed. In addition, while it is true that patients suffering with body dysmorphic disorder may spend hours “mirror gazing” in the hope that they might look different, experts have rejected the idea that denying oneself a mirror is a helpful remedy. Conversely, body image problems are sometimes addressed through “mirror exposure technique” where the sufferer looks in the mirror and learns how to view their reflection

The newest London on n By Emma McCarthy LFW doesn’t just dictate what we’ll be wearing on our bodies. From underthe-eye-liner to fierce frizzy locks, it preludes next season’s top trends. Under-liner: gone are the days when eyeliner was limited to the lash line. Models at Preen sported a floating undereye liner squared off at the corner, courtesy of makeup artist Val Garland. Next season, go graphic or go home. Free your frizz: there wasn’t a hairdryer or straightening iron in sight backstage at the Sister by Sibling show. Instead,

What does your reflection say to you?

models embraced a wiry mane of frizz created by Bumble & Bumble. The best way to wear it? th Topped off with an oversized beret. Matchy scratchy: y matchy matchy manicures are the order of the day this season. Colourr coordinated talons were h spotted at both Clements Ri-

less critically. Whitefield-Madrano said she realised she had been “using it [the mirror] as a way to centre myself”, and that when she stopped checking herself out all the time she “was alarmed to fi nd that without looking in the mirror, it was difficult to tell how I was really feeling”. I can thankfully say that, mirror or no mirror, I am aware of my emotions. When I’m in a bad mood, it doesn’t take a look at my reflection to discover the fact. What I did realise is that on a usual day, if I have eaten a few too many biscuits or given in to the temptation for chips, I will spend some minutes in the evening examining my body and, despite knowing it is nonsense, persuading myself that these transgressions have already made their way to my hips. As I now can’t see

my hips, a week of looking closely at nothing in the mirror but my eyes has given me the chance to critique the newly noticed dark circles underneath them. Presumably if I had no mirror at all I’d begin fi nding fault with my feet. Where women have fat days, however, we also have thin days and, if I can be honest without sounding smug, most of the time I don’t actually hate my reflection - yet being required not to look at it all made me feel that I should. Rather than make me feel bad about myself, what I see in the mirror is usually reassuring - even if only because I can tell that my skirt is not tucked into my knickers - and after a week, I rather missed myself. And, since my reflection doesn’t scare me, I’m not going to hide from it.

looks on catwalk beiro and Holly Fulto while at Fulton, He Henry Hollland Sophy Robson used Leight ton Denny va varnish to re recreate the to tortoiseshell pr print seen on bags and sh shoes. Blueey girl: eyed a according t Topshop, to you can never have enough b blue eyeshadow as its

Unique offering used layer upon layer of metallic cornflower shadow all over the eye and right up to the brow line. Best of all, you can dabble in this next season trend now as the exact shade used is available. (Game On eye palette, High brow: big and bold brows took centre stage at Whistles’ fi rst ever LFW show. Keeping faces bare with a base of Nearly Naked Foundation and a sheer tinted lip, Revlon bypassed brow products altogether and instead used its Colourstay Eyeliner to get the full-on and focus-stealing effect.

X- straordinary: eyeliner at Preen goes underneath the peeper. Inset: frizz at Sister by Sibling

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013


High energy aerobics provide a full body workout says DORENE INTERNICOLA


Poisonous plant used to get rid of ants


oonya, which combines high-energy aerobics and conditioning with the hip-swaying, armswirling exuberance of Indian folk, pop and classical dance, is a Bollywood-based workout that experts say can be fun and effective. Named for the Hindi word for world, Doonya is the brainchild of two fitness instructors who tapped their heritage for inspiration. It draws on the infectious song and dance numbers popularised by the prolific Hindi-fi lm industry based in Mumbai, nicknamed Bollywood, where movies usually feature intricate love sagas and plot twists. “Our parents are from India so it was a way of connecting with our roots,” said Priya Pandya, a New Jersey native who created the workout with Mississippian Kajal Desai. “We grew up learning dance. We both wanted to bring Bollywood dance to the world.” Doonya classes are held in the Washington, DC area and in New York City and will launch in Los Angeles next month. A DVD was due for release in February. Jessica Matthews, a spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise (ACE), said in addition to being addictive and fun, dance fitness classes can provide an effective

Name: Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) Otherwise known as: Bitter Buttons, Golden Buttons Habitat: An aromatic perennial member of the Compositae family growing up to 1.2m in dry hedgerows in Europe and Asia. The plant has an invasive rhizome that produces erect stems supporting deeply divided compound leaves terminating in clusters of flat-topped orange flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Pandya, a yoga teacher, said the onehour Doonya classes are carefully structured to ensure a full-body workout

Doonya classes offer fitness as Bollywood dance party workout. Research studies sponsored by ACE on Zumba, a Latin-based dance workout, and Qi Dance, which merges the Eastern concept of Qi with world music, found them to be sound fitness routines. “These modalities do elicit cardio-respiratory response. You can gain lean muscle mass, and when there’s a core sequence it can strengthen that area of the body,” she said. “Dance fitness really resonates with some people. They get hooked on it and form communities around it.” Pandya, a yoga teacher, said the one-hour Doonya classes are carefully structured to ensure a full-body workout. “We always make sure there’s a warm up,” she explained. “Then there’s the peak of the class with the most intense cardio. Finally as you slowly come down there’s more conditioning and a cool down.” She said the workout can burn 600 calories if done full-out. “We vary the playlist class by

March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL

class,” she said, “to incorporate different dance versions.” The Bolly-Pop portion fuses traditional South Asian styles with hiphop and jazz, while classical conditioning borrows from ancient styles and emphasises intricate hand motions. Pop Bhangra is an energetic dance from northern India in which the basic motion focuses on squeezing the shoulder blades together while keeping the arms tight. Desai, who holds a fitness certification from the ACE, said instructors stress the connection of movement to muscle. “The more that you understand that the more you’ll condition your muscles,” she explained. “Some people come to class just for cardio, which is fi ne, but for others we’ve developed the routine so that connection is there.” Enthusiast Magdalena Slawecka credits Doonya with bringing fun back into her fitness routine. “I’d been working out for a few years but I wasn’t enjoying it,” said Slawecka, a 45-year-old pharmaceu-

tical representative based in Brooklyn, New York. “But I absolutely love the energy of Doonya. I tell people it’s my Prozac.” Slawecka, a longtime dance lover, said she had given up ballroom dancing for want of a partner. “I watched my fi rst Bollywood movie about a year ago and I fell in love with the music and dancing. So I Googled and went,” she said. “With Doonya you don’t need a partner.” Her enjoyment, she added, is also about the people she has met. “When you come to Doonya you have people who have a love of the same thing,” she said. “You don’t get that at the gym.” Slawecka said through Doonya she has also discovered India. “(It’s) such a fascinating country. Not only the dance, but the culture, the food,” she said. “My daughter and I just went to India in November,” she said, something she doubts she’d have done without Doonya. “I was involved in a wedding there,” she said. “I danced at someone’s wedding in India.”

What does it do: Tansy was known to the ancients and widely used as an anthelmintic and a strewing herb. The name is thought to derive from the Greek for immortal –Athanaton - as it was popularly believed to prevent the flesh from decaying after death. Some credibility was attached to this belief when a former president of Harvard was buried with a bouquet of tansy and when exhumed a century later was in remarkable condition. In the middle-ages tansy featured prominently in the Easter festivities being served as a cake after the Lenten fast when it was claimed to purify the body. Culpeper suggested that ‘… the root eaten is a singular remedy for the gout: and the rich may bestow the cost to preserve it’. Tansy has an aroma of a mixture of camphor and rosemary and has been used for centuries as a natural insecticide and was used extensively by country wives to repel ants, which was done by drying the leaves and crushing them to a powder that was then spread over the kitchen surface; some claim that it is also most effective against house-flies. The main compounds of the plant are thujone and cineole which are responsible for its toxicity that can cause liver and brain damage; thujone is the main constituent of Absinthe. There is evidence that skin contact may result in dermatitis although there are claims that it is effective in treating eruptive diseases. Next dangerous plant



Could this woman really be a genius? By Richard Godwin Sheila Heti’s autobiographical novel (How Should a Person Be?) raises a good question. The short answer is that a person should be less monstrously self-absorbed. In this protracted examination of her own self, Heti, a 35-year-old from Toronto, suffers like Jesus, sins like Moses and suggests that Buddha (!) is self-indulgent. “One good thing about being a woman is we haven’t too many examples yet of what a genius looks like. It could be me,” she decides in the fi rst chapter. The book opens with “Sheila”, a divorced twentysomething JewishCanadian writer, experiencing a 21stcentury female version of an existential crisis. She has always sought inspiration in other people, she says. But the questions remains: how should she be and what sort of mark should she leave? The central action consists of Sheila’s attempt to write a play for a theatre company, and her developing friendship with “Margaux”, a painter. Early on, Sheila sets Margaux and another friend the task of painting the ugliest picture they can. Later, Sheila and Margaux go to an art fair in Miami, where Sheila buys the same yellow dress as Margaux, causing them to fall out. Even if it is exasperating, this is a serious work about authenticity, how to lead a moral life and accept one’s own ugliness. The important stuff, then. The title actually comes from the Old Testament. It’s what Moses was asked before he came up with the Ten Commandments. And as Sheila reasons: “If the king of my people had to be told by God to take off his shoes for he was standing on holy ground when God addressed him for the first time, I should not worry that I – who have never been addressed by God - am all the time standing on holy ground with running shoes on.”

The World’s Most Dangerous Place: Inside the Outlaw State of Somalia By James Fergusson

Gun law: an Islamist fighter aims a machine gun towards government forces in Mogadishu

Africa’s land of the lawless By Robert Fox Of all broken societies and nations, Somalia must rank among the most broken. It has seen almost no serious national government for nearly 30 years; it hosts pirates, endemic disease and one of the most off-the-wall extremist groups, the al–Shabaab. It is a monument to the failure of international humanitarian policy, the UN, the lot. For James Fergusson, veteran traveller to hairy places at the wrong time, it is the world’s most dangerous place - hence the title of his new book. Curiously, his chronicle of journeying through the dismembered limbs of this strange and exotic place, and through Somali exile communities in Britain and America, is far from disheartening and one of the best narratives of discovery I have read for years. The sense of place is acute, the characters and landscapes vivid. Mogadishu is the capital of multiple failure, yet here Fergusson sees signs of growing opti-

PAPERBACKS By William Leith The Soldier’s Wife

Full Service

By Joanna Trollope

By Scotty Bowers

Ray Riley served, and died, in the First World War; his brother, Eric, fought in the Second. Eric’s son, George, was in the Falklands. And now George’s son, Dan, is about to come home after a tour of duty in Afghanistan. He’s a soldier’s soldier, steeped in masculine tradition. His wife, Alexa, a diplomat’s daughter, awaits him. As always, Joanna Trollope sucks you into the story; as always, she pins people’s emotions with deft details. She sees how modern communication can make war harder, in some ways, for soldiers and their families. You really get a sense of what happens when a soldier comes home. In some ways, he doesn’t.

What fun, I kept thinking, as I read this sex memoir by Scotty Bowers, a former petrol pump attendant and barman in old-time Hollywood. Bowers tells us he had an inside track on the sex lives of the stars. He had sex with them himself, both men and women. He says he also procured sex partners for people. Here are some of the things he tells us. Cole Porter: oral (recipient). Cary Grant: affair with Randolph Scott. Duke of Windsor: liked sex with chaps. Wallis Simpson: liked girls. Spencer Tracy: gay, and urinated on floor. Errol Flynn: asked for young girls but was often too drunk to perform. Bowers had sex with Vivien Leigh - she had loud orgasms. He also liked to stir cocktails with his private parts. Etcetera.

mism. The UN African Force AMISOM is succeeding in pushing the Islamist al-Shabaab out of the city and from the principal port of Kismayu; the markets are flourishing again. Life is still cheap, as we discover from the testimony from the secular saints running the clinics and the survivors. Aden, a young Somali from the wrong time, tells of the loss of his entire family in a whole string of mishaps including kidnaps, sniper attacks, recruitment into the militia, and people trafficking. Journeying to Puntland, the pirate coast, we enter the economy of the surreal. Piratical skills vary hugely, with some amateurs from inland tribes never making the grade. Even those who do live life on a short fuse; they don’t know what to spend their wealth on and most cannot escape the Somali genius for murderous gang war. Saddest and barmiest is the regime of the al-Shabaab. Now in retreat, even their much proclaimed alliance with al Qaeda

now seems an act of desperation and declaration of weakness. Their insane denial of medical aid and food relief for the repeated famine seems beyond belief. The famine is a UN conspiracy “put about by infidel men”, says the appropriately named Sheikh Rage. During the delvings into the diaspora communities of Somalis in the US and London we get to the heart of the matter. Young Somalis are in thrall to gang culture and “clanism”, even more than other minorities, their violent activities fuelled by the pervasive chewing of qat, a narcotic banned in the US but not in Britain. Clanism leads to destruction, grooming for fighting and self-immolation back in Somalia. The twin cities of Minneapolis-St Paul, home to one of the largest Somali groups in America, has produced three Somali suicide bombers in the space of a few years. Yet some families, such as that of the mayor of Mogadishu, “Tarzan” Nur Mohamed,

who live in London, have become highly motivated participants in their adoptive community as doctors, community workers, and local government officers. In looking at the clashing clans of Somali Slough or Croydon, or Minnesota, Fergusson produces real insight, helped by a French criminologist Daniel LaDouceur, at the time working with the al-Shabaab deserters’ camps in Puntland. Gang culture is a survival mechanism, when everything else, from family to government, has collapsed, so the internationals’ strategy of working through the elders is doomed - “because, as they themselves acknowledge, they have lost control of the young men”. Curiously, Somali extremists brought no threat to the Olympic Games, though Stratford is home to a large Somali community. Perhaps it was too late for the book - as were the heroics of Mo Farah, Somali-born British citizen, double gold medallist and international role model.

Tea cosies and pencil sharpening vie for the oddest book title award A guide to sharpening pencils and a craft manual about how tea cosies changed the world are among a shortlist of books competing for the Oddest Book Title of the Year award. The shortlist in the 35th annual Diagram Prize also includes a study of Adolf Hitler’s health by Henrik Eberle and Hans-Joachim Neumann titled Was Hitler Ill? and Lofts of North America: Pigeon Lofts by Jerry Gagne. These are up against How to Sharpen Pencils by David Rees, God’s Doodle: The Life and Times of the Penis by Tom Hickman, Goblinproofing One’s Chicken Coop by Reginald Bakeley and How Tea Cosies Changed the World by Loani Prior. Philip Stone, coordinator of the prize run by industry

publication the Bookseller, said the award might seem flippant but publishers and booksellers are well aware of the fact that a title can make all the difference to the sales of a book. “Publishers realise if a book has an unusual title, particularly a novel, it can help make them more attractive to the public,” Stone said. “People think it looks interesting and will pick it up and read the synopsis and that makes them more likely to buy it.” As examples he cited A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian that has sold almost a million copies and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the

Night-Time that has sold more than two millions copies. “There is a cliche that you can’t judge a book by its cover but I think people do, the cover and the title,” said Stone. The winner, chosen by an online public vote, will be announced on March 22. The Diagram Prize was founded at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 1978 and first awarded to Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Nude Mice. Last year’s winner was Cooking with Poo, a Thai cookbook by Bangkok resident Saiyuud Diwong whose nickname is Poo.

SUNDAY MAIL • March 3, 2013

25 It’s a mystery: JM Coetzee’s first novel since 2007 takes time to unravel

Horoscope The Childhood of Jesus By JM Coetzee


ARIES Don’t just believe what you are told this week - go out and verify it for yourself. Second-hand information is often misleading and sometimes dangerous and there is a very real March 21 - April 20 possibility that someone will try to deceive you – especially if there is money involved.


Coetzee at his most complex W hat JM Coetzee writes matters. He has won the Booker Prize twice and, 10 years ago, the Nobel Prize for Literature. Among English language novelists writing now, it is Coetzee whom I most admire – and I have followed him closely and reviewed his work pretty consistently since Disgrace in 1999. Yet I’ve found The Childhood of Jesus quite puzzling and difficult to evaluate. Narrated in the present tense, it is set in no identifiable time or place, perhaps actually in the afterlife. Simón, a man aged around 45, and a boy called David, aged about five, arrive at a relocation centre in a Spanish-speaking country, having come from a resettlement camp where they have learned the language for six weeks. They have nothing but the clothes they stand up in and they need to find shelter for the night. Simón is not David’s father but insists that he is “responsible for him”. They are allocated a stark room in a hostel and Simón fi nds work as a stevedore, hauling sacks of grain at the city’s wharves. “Why are we here?” asks the boy. “I don’t know what to say,” Simón replies. “We are here for the same reason everyone else is. We have been given a chance to live and we have accepted that chance. It is a great thing, to live.” The whole novel is conducted in this abstract way. It seems they arrived in the new country after a sea voyage which washed them clean of all memories of their old life. On board ship, the boy

Journey of man and boy turns into a Kafkaesque adventure says DAVID SEXTON

had a letter with him, in a pouch around his neck, that may have identified his family, but it was lost. Simón, though, is determined to find the boy’s mother somehow. David makes friends with a boy called Fidel and a carthorse at the wharves he calls El Rey. Simón strikes up a sexual but low-key relationship with Fidel’s mother, Elena - for in this new country, there is no love, no desire, just goodwill, rationality and a dull, vegetarian diet, to his frustration. Then Simón sees a woman, aged about 30, playing tennis, and he is convinced that she must be David’s mother. Inexplicably, the woman, Ynes, accepts - and takes over Simón’s flat. David is a strange child, self possessed, oddly authoritative, convinced that he can do anything he wants. At school, his behaviour is considered disruptive and he is sent away to a residential reformatory - but escapes. Simón and Ynes join forces to run away with him, to start a new life in a distant town called Estrellita (Little Star). And there the novel ends, unexplained. This puzzling story is presented in the most level way. Much of the narration is through dialogue, for ev-

erybody in this strange world seems philosophically minded, even the stevedores, and wants to argue the case. The prose is clear and flat in the special way that Coetzee has perfected which can seem artless but which is anything but. So taking the title at face value, if what we have here is the childhood of Jesus, it has been translated to another world, another narrative mode, one that is akin to that of Kafka - Coetzee’s inspiration. “As a writer I am not worthy to loose the latchet of Kafka’s shoe,” he has said. Jesus was of the House of David, of course. This mother, who is yet not his mother, is in some form the Virgin. When David first arrives with Simón, they are told: “There are no rooms free.” When a schoolmaster challenges him to write “I must tell the truth” on the blackboard, he writes instead: “Yo soy la verdad. I am the truth.” It’s almost like a high literary version of the I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue game, one song to the tune of another. Then again, it’s serious. When Simón asks Elena what good is a new life if we are not transfigured by it, she retorts that he should take his lead from children who live in the present: “Instead of waiting to be transfigured, why not try to be like a child again?” Or as it might be: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18.3) At once lucid and elusive, this novel is frustrating, despite its strange beauty. Will Coetzee explain?

Set yourself targets that put your abilities to the test this week. For too long you’ve been coasting along, doing just enough to get by, but fate endowed you with talents and it would be a shame to drift through life at half capacity when April 21 - May 21 you could be achieving great things.

GEMINI If you are of a mind to move up in the world then what happens over the next few days could make your reputation – or break it if you are not careful. The important thing is that May 22 - June 21 you recognise you won’t get far alone. You need to cultivate some powerful friends.

CANCER It seems you can do no wrong this week. The planets are making an extremely helpful pattern and you are almost certain to come up trumps no matter what dubious things you happen to get up to. That’s not an excuse to break all June 22 - July 22 the rules so don’t get too carried away.

LEO You may not be able to do what you want to do but this should be a rewarding week nonetheless. Family and financial matters will go very well indeed if you let partners, July 23 - Aug 23 relatives and business associates make the decisions. You can just sit back and reap the rewards.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Sept 24 -Oct 23

The setting for Maggie O’Farrell’s new novel about an Irish family (Instructions for a Heatwave) is north London in mid-July 1976, one of the hottest summers on record. The story takes place over three swelteringly hot days, beginning early one morning, when retired bank manager Robert Riordan tells his wife Gretta that he’s going out to buy a newspaper. Off he goes but, mysteriously, he never comes back. Within hours, Gretta has marshalled the support of her three grown-up children, who come home as fast as they can. What could have happened? The police can’t help and he has left no clues. The first to arrive is the eldest,

March 3, 2013 • SUNDAY MAIL

Michael Francis, a schoolteacher in Stoke Newington with two children of his own and a marriage in crisis. Then comes Monica, now living in Gloucestershire with her second husband and two stepdaughters who hate her; last, Aoife, 10 years younger than the other two and the wild child who ran away to New York, where she has lived for the past three years and is still grappling with the fact she never learned to read. If Gretta is a compulsive talker, a pill-popping, Hail Mary-exclaiming and slightly hysterical Oirish Mammy, her three children are more rounded - fallible yet likeable, each with their own secret turmoils. Apart from being a ripping yarn - you want to know what happened to Dad and how everyone’s

crises will be resolved - this is a terrific story about the power of sibling love, rivalry and jealousy, as O’Farrell’s characters can’t help but slip back into their familiar roles within the family. Everyone has their own theories about what might have happened but it’s only when Monica sifts through her father’s desk and finds a chequebook stub with regular payments to an unknown payee that the truth starts to emerge and Gretta has to own up to having a few secrets of her own. In spite of its slightly creaky ending, O’Farrell has produced a brilliant domestic drama that teeters on the edge of being a thriller; it’ll hook you in at the start and keep you dangling.

Something you have grown used to over the years will go out of your life over the next few days but there is no reason to feel sad as something even better will come in to fill the gap. You must be alert to new ideas as the old way of doing things is coming to a close.

SCORPIO Positive links to your ruler Pluto mean you’ll advance by well-planned efforts this week rather than rushing around trying to get everything done at once. This applies to all Oct 24 - Nov 22 areas but especially relationships and creative activities. Slow down: you have nothing to prove.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Just because someone is a rival does not mean they can’t be a friend. Your chart suggests that someone you clash with regularly in a professional capacity is a person you could get along with famously on a personal level. Don’t let work come before friendship.


Secrets, lies and the lost soul of the family By Katie Law

Long-term relationships are under favourable stars at the moment and you should make the most of it while you can. Whatever your past differences you’ll have a warm feeling that you’re on the same emotional wavelength. It may not last but it will be fun while it does.

Dec 22 - Jan 20

It might pay you to play hard to get this week, especially if you are dealing with someone either a lot older or a lot younger than you. Whatever they offer, your chart suggests you can get a little, maybe a lot, more if you make it seem you’re not really that interested.


Jan 21 - Feb 19

You like to be in control but sometimes even an Aquarian has to take orders and it looks like this is one of those times. The good news is that if you show willing and give those above you in the pecking order the respect they deserve the rewards could be substantial.

PISCES With a four-way alliance linking analytical Mercury, creative Venus, critical Saturn and fervent Pluto passions will run high this week and hidden rivalries and animosities won’t stay hidden for long. Make life easier for yourself by not Feb 20 - March 20 paying too much attention to others’ opinions. The important thing is that you know what you want and where you are going. What others think of your aims is irrelevant.


Combat first signs of ageing with Kiehl’s Acai Damage Correcting Moisturiser The Açaí Damage-Correcting Moisturiser with Açaí Berry Extract series moisturises, tones and protects the skin from environmental assault, improves texture and restores its lost lustre. Made with 100 per cent organic ingredients and its main component, the Açaí Berry, this powerful formulation contains 10 times more oxidant properties than red grapes, protecting skin from various environmental attacks including UV radiation, while correcting its texture and helping to revive the vitality and brightness of the skin. The complete series consists of foam cleanser, day cream and night, and condition. Suitable for normal, sensitive skin and mixed skins, they are all parabens and silicone free.

Stil time to Still e enjoy Japanese N Nights at the H Hilton Thr Throughout the first week of March, until March 9, Hilton Cyprus will be hosting Japanese Nights at the Fontana restaurant, in cooperation with Akakiko restaurant and Blue Island Company. It is a unique opportunity to taste a Japanese Fusion dinner in an exotic atmosphere. The chefs of Akakiko will join the Hilton Cyprus team to prepare a mouth-watering buffet dinner. Japanese nights will be at the Fontana restaurant, from 8pm at €30 per person. For information and reservations call Hilton Cyprus on 22 377777

Recognition for Louis hotels in Greece and Cyprus The high level of services at Louis Hotels has been confirmed by guests themselves. The completely renovated and upgraded lti Louis Grand hotel, Corfu, was voted ‘Best Evaluated Hotel of the world” by Holiday Check, one of the most popular sites in Europe for posting reviews for hotels from customers. The hotels Louis King Jason and Louis Ledra Beach in Paphos, were placed fourth and 19th in the category Travellers Choice - Top 25 hotels in Cyprus by Trip Advisor. The evaluations of guests are a key tool for Louis Hotels that responds to each comment individually, so stays close to the needs of tourists as it has done for more than seven decades. Louis Hotels has 19 hotels in all resorts of Cyprus and the Greek Islands: Corfu, Zakynthos, Crete, Rhodes and Mykonos.

High calibre watch from de Cartier With its strong lines and robust case, the Calibre de Cartier watch has made its mark as a distinguished timepiece whose balance relies on a contrasting combination of satinbrushed and polished finishes. In 2013, Cartier will equip it with its brand new Manufacture chronograph movement, the calibre 1904-CH MC, and will redesign the sporty look of this watch with a strongly defined character. Armed with the first Manufacture selfwinding chronograph movement created by Cartier, the Calibre de Cartier chronograph watch inaugurates a collection of eight models on leather straps and metal bracelets, from the all-steel version to the version in gem-set white gold. They are sporty versions that toughen the Calibre de Cartier watch’s provocative spirit and encourage the wearer to excel.




New service ‘Team’ from Cytamobile-Vodafone for sports fans



A new service for fans of Cypriot football teams, developed by Cytamobile-Vodafone was presented recently at an event attended by actors, sports reporters and journalists. The service ‘Group’ is a unique and very simple to use communication channel between teams and fans, and enables fans to: have the anthem of their team as a ring tone on their mobile to receive free newsletters and interesting messages from their team to automatically participate in sweepstakes and to financially support their team. 6


1. Yiannakis Ioannou, Panikos Xiouroupas, Panayiota Konnari and Stelios Milonas 2. Thoukis Thoukidides 3. Maria Papapetrou, Alexia Giallouridou, Anna Kouma and Maria Chalka 4.Nikolas Georgiades 5.Costas Christou, Yiannakis Ioannou and Andreas Giappas 6. Stelios Milonas, Yiannakis Ioannou and Panikos Xiouroupas

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013





2 8



5 7 9


2 3 9 7 7 5 3

4 2

6 8 8 4 6

3 5

1 6 4 7

8 9 4 7 6 9

9 5 7 8 3 6 3

3 4

1 6 9 2 5 3 7 9 8 5 3 3 6 5 1 7 9 7 6 9 8 9 4 2 1 5 4 8 3 2 3 8 6 3 7 3 4 9 4 5 4 9 8 5 7 6 1 3 6 8 8 4 1 1 4 5 9 5 9 4 2 4 4 1 3 9 4


5 5

9 3 2


The rules for Samurai Sudoku are the same as usual: fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9. There’s no maths involved, you solve the puzzle with reasoning and logic










5 4

No. 35




6 5







1 3 5



Place a letter from A to I in each empty cell so that each row, each column and each 3X3 box contains all the letters A to I.


4 9 2

6 4 3 2 1 5 9 8 7

8 2 7 4 6 9 3 5 1

7 6 4 8 9 2 1 3 5

1 5 8 6 7 3 4 2 9

3 9 2 1 5 4 8 7 6

7 5 8 4 2 1 9 3 6

2 3 9 6 7 8 5 4 1

4 1 6 9 3 5 7 2 8

6 9 5 7 8 4 2 1 3

1 8 7 3 6 2 4 9 5

3 2 4 5 1 9 6 8 7

2 3 5 9 4 6 7 1 8 2 6 5 9 4 3 8 5 6 1 7 2

9 8 6 7 2 1 5 4 3 9 1 7 8 6 2 1 9 7 3 5 4

4 7 1 5 3 8 6 9 2 4 3 8 5 7 1 2 4 3 8 6 9

4 8 5 3 2 6 1 9 7

1 2 7 5 8 9 4 3 6

9 3 6 1 7 4 2 8 5

1 2 4 7 8 6 3 5 9 6 4 2 7 1 8 3 6 5 4 2 9

3 7 5 9 1 2 8 6 4 7 5 1 3 2 9 1 4 8 7 5 6

8 6 9 5 3 4 2 7 1 8 9 3 6 5 4 9 7 2 1 8 3

9 4 2 6 7 5 1 8 3

5 3 1 8 2 9 7 4 6

6 8 7 1 4 3 9 2 5

7 9 6 3 5 8 4 1 2

4 1 3 2 6 7 5 9 8

2 5 8 4 9 1 6 3 7

2 9 6 4 1 7 8 3 5

5 3 1 2 8 9 6 4 7

8 4 7 6 5 3 2 9 1

9 6 5 7 2 4 3 1 8

4 7 3 8 9 1 5 6 2

1 8 2 5 3 6 9 7 4

Koudus No. 34 E H A D F B G I




















Books of Koudus available from

Puzzle by

Whatzit?: Coat hanger

5 1 9 3 8 7 2 6 4



Puzzle by

DOUBLE CROSSWORD no 2328 Cryptic clues



1 Interrogator who knows all the answers (10) 8 A 50-50 combination for everybody (3) 9 Too early to tamper unduly with the river (9) 10 Settle completely what to do with the parcel (4,2) 11 After time, Pru’s removed the paint solvent (5) 13 Country Anatole came from (6) 15 Stress it is money on account (6) 17 Man is back before Monday (5) 18 Unexpected refusal of an enthusiast (6) 21 The art of an oral examiner (9) 22 Go nimbly and get some snippets (3) 23 Remove pear found in cold Welsh castle (10)

1 Important-sounding landing-place (4) 2 I will get medication or abuse (3-9) 3 Make a clean sweep (3,2) 4 Walked endlessly on the dry plain (6) 5 Springy fabric from Castile (7) 6 Fourth last antepenultimate contest (7-5) 7 Stupidity or compactness (7) 12 Away team falling into this trap? (7) 14 Frank takes a girl (7) 16 Larger-sounding utensil (6) 19 Somewhat pebbly there in port in Northumberland (5) 20 Nimble pair in Surrey disheartened (4)





5 6






12 13


15 16



19 20

Quick clues




1 Large sweet (10) 8 Mate (3) 9 Became less heavy (9) 10 Beset with bad luck (6) 11 Robbery (5) 13 Oily (6) 15 Signal-fire (6) 17 Open (5) 18 A sport (anag.) (6) 21 Smooth peach (9) 22 Rose fruit (3) 23 Plant food (10)

1 Yawn (4) 2 Aggressiveness (12) 3 Telegraph message (5) 4 Eastern temple (6) 5 Give a right to (7) 6 Lingerie (12) 7 Ignited (anag.) (7) 12 Beached (7) 14 Gratify fully (7) 16 Quick run (6) 19 Period (5) 20 Box (4)

Answers to the crossword will appear in Tuesday’s newspaper March 3, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL



Answers to Double Crossword 2327 CRYPTIC: Across – 5 Tote; 7 Understudy; 8 Fullback; 10 Each; 11 Mind; 13 Schnapps; 15 Commoner; 16 Tape; 17 Amos; 18 Arbiters; 21 Uphill task; 22 Eyes. Down – 1 Huff; 2 Heal; 3 Assassin; 4 Bunk; 5 Typecast; 6 Touchpaper; 9 Uniformity; 12 Damascus; 14 Harebell; 18 Achy; 19 Tate; 20 Saki. QUICK: Across – 5 Alga; 7 Evaporated; 8 Disowned; 10 Orgy; 11 Spur; 13 Learners; 15 Gendarme; 16 Doom; 17 Isis; 18 Brackish; 21 Gloucester; 22 Jean. Down – 1 Seed; 2 Up to; 3 Granular; 4 Stud; 5 Adjoined; 6 Gregarious; 9 Impressive; 12 Redesign; 14 Abeyance; 18 Book; 19 Kiss; 20 Horn.


Chris King Elvis impersonator Where do you live?

Best book ever read?

Coral Bay with my beautiful wife Sian.

Arnold Schwarzenegger bio Total Recall, wow! His mindset, his love for life, everything from a poor non-English speaking boy from Austria to Mr Olympia, movie star, millionaire and governor of California within 36 years of getting to America. He lets you see anything is possible if you just believe in yourself and work hard enough and never give up.

Best childhood memory? Being woken up while it was still dark by mum and dad so we could set off early in the car on holidays; the memory of the excitement I felt and then asking ‘are we there yet, are we there yet?’ and ‘Look! There’s the sea’.

Most frequented restaurant and absolute favourite dish? What food would you really turn your nose up to? Don’t have a regular restaurant as I love the adventure of trying new places. Fav dish, meze; nose up at anything spicy.

What did you have for breakfast? Full English.

Astounding likeness: Chris King as Elvis. Below: Viva Las Vegas. Inset: the inspirational Schwarzenegger

Would you class yourself as a day or night person? What’s your idea of the perfect night/day out? Night person. A night in Las Vegas; a meal then the ‘viva Elvis’ show then party Vegas style!

from roads and other houses with a place for our seven dogs to run and play; a place to sit and dream and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

If you could pick anyone at all (alive or dead) to go out for the evening with, who would it be? Elvis without question, because he is my total hero; I think to spend just one day of his life would be a lifetime experience like no other.

Favourite film of all time? Too many, as I’m fi lm mad, but love all action and James Bond big time; Sci fi too, love Star Trek, Rocky, Bruce Willis, Arnold.

Favourite holiday destination? What’s your dream trip? Las Vegas. It’s a different place and time from anywhere else in the world; it’s pure dreamland. I would also love to go on a round the world cruise.

What music are you listening to in the ca car at the moment?

If the world is ending in 24 hours what would you do? Spend it with the people I love the most in my life and the people who have influenced and helped me grow; to make sure I told every one of them how much they meant to me and how grateful I am to have had them in my life.

What is your greatest fear? Dying I guess, as I’m having so much fun with this life I don’t want it to end.

Elvis o of course.

Tell me a joke… What is always in your fridge? f

What do you call a 3-legged donkey? A Wonkey.

A ligh light bulb… and Halloumi cheese.

Dre Dream house: rural re retreat or urban d dwelling? Where would it be, what would it be like? Rural retreat, Sea Caves, Cyprus; private beachfront overlooki ing sea, large garden, p peaceful and quiet, away


Chris King appears with The Firebirds in a dynamic 50s rock’n’roll programme in six venues across the island this March. For full details see Whatson listings or go to


Answer: swer: ........................... .................


............................................................ ......................................................

A cleansing ritual that combines the health enhancing properties of heat, aroma infused steam and different types of mud for a totally relaxing and skin conditioning treatment in a magical and sensory private steam temple.

Name: ................................................ ............................................................ Address: ............................................. ............................................................

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Telephone: ......................................... Email: ................................................ Answers must reach us by January 21st.The winner will be announced on January 27th. Send replies to: PO Box 21144, Fax: 22 676385. Email: (answers by email must be accompanied by full address and contact numbers) (Winners will be notified by telephone)

To win, answer the following question: Question: What is the

For more information please call now Tel: (+35725834332 Email:

SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

T V FRIDAY 0 8/03 March 3, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL

CYBC 1 06.45 08.15

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Local variety show, with entertainment options, cookery tips and more.

11.00 11.30

Kaftis Piperies (rpt) Istories Tou Horkou (rpt)

CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 17.00 18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10

Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.


Apo Mera Se Mera



Current affairs show. Local cultural show.

16.00 18.00 18.15

Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies

20.10 21.00

Paizoume Kypriaka Local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect.


Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.

20.00 21.15


Tete A Tete Tasos Tryfonos interviews Greek celebrities from the world of showbiz.

23.00 23.30 23.45

Local Sketch (rpt) News Repeats

05.30 06.30 06.50 07.00

A series of documentary films whose aim is to shine the spotlight on some of the few places on earth where nature and man exist in harmony.

09.30 10.25 11.15

07.50 08.40

NRG Zone FILM: Oliver’s Story


12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45 16.40


Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Strivein Dia Tou Arravonos (rpt) Akros Oikogeneiakon (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Deliyianneio Parthenagogeio (rpt) Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) Local comedy series, with village setting.

17.30 17.40

Top Gear Sixteenth season. Episode 3: The trio visit Albania to test three luxurious vehicles - the Rolls-Royce Ghost, Bentley Mulsanne and Mercedes-Benz S65 AMG. Jeremy also drives three high-performance hatchbacks in the form of the limited-edition. Jonathan Ross is the Star in the Reasonably Priced Car.

News Patates 8 Local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.


NRG Zone Kids’ TV Kati Psinetai (rpt) Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Vu Sur Terre Somewhere On Earth (rpt)

A wealthy law student is devastated by the death of his lover and begins alienating everyone around him, but a chance meeting with a woman in Central Park gives him a reason to carry on living. Romantic drama, starring Ryan O’Neal. 1978.

Live cookery show.



Lefta Sto Lepto Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt)

MEGA 06.00 06.15 07.00 10.00 12.45 14.00 15.00

Local investigative show.

16.00 18.00 18.20

01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40

Tin Patisa (rpt) Niose Me News Oneiropagida (rpt) Laikes Paraskeves News Sports News Vradi Me Ton Petro Kostopoulo (rpt) Klemmeni Zoi (rpt) Angigma Psihis (rpt) News Deal (rpt)

Yia Sena News Master Chef Greek reality competition show where amatuer chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.


20.20 21.15

06.10 07.00 08.20 10.30 11.20 12.00 14.30 15.20 17.10 18.00 18.05 18.40


Oi Vasiliades


Daily family comedy based on the Argentinian sitcomtelenovela Los Roldan.

20.20 21.20

Efta Ouranoi Kai Sinnefa Alites News Aspra Balonia

News Klemmena Oneira


Al Tsantiri News

Greek drama series. A highly successful live satirical comedy show that features Lakis Lazopoulos giving ‘his version’ of the news.

FILM: Escape To Victory Two soldiers take to the football field in a bid to escape their German captors. World War II adventure, starring Michael Caine and Sylvester Stallone. 1981.

00.00 00.10 01.00 03.00

Vourate Geitonoi (rpt) Protoselido Eleni Mila Mou (rpt) Vasiliki (rpt) Mesimeri Me Kati Efta Ouranoi Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Magazino Siga Min To Xeres News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama (rpt) Anna Paola Latin American telenovela.

Two episodes of Greek drama series.

With News at 18.00.

18.40 19.30 20.15 21.30 22.15 00.00 00.05 00.30

Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Retire Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Deka Lepta Kirigma Eheis Meson


News Gimnoi Angeloi (rpt) Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt)

00.10 00.15 01.20 02.10 03.30 04.00 04.30

News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) Mono Mia Fora (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)

PLUS TV 06.45 07.20 08.30 09.05 10.00 10.45 11.40 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50 19.40

Star News Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of I Kouzina Me Tin Dina (rpt) Mila (rpt) To Kleidi (rpt) Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Kids’ TV To Kleidi Fotis Maria Live Mila Discussions about various issues based on a woman’s life (men, relationships, sex, kids etc.).

21.15 22.00

Exelixeis Stin Showbiz FILM: On Deadly Ground A tough firefighter clashes with the president of an oil company who is planning to drill in Alaska. Ecological thriller, directed by and starring Steven Seagal. 1994.


08.20 08.50 09.25 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.25 15.15 16.05 16.45 17.35 18.15

LTV Sports News Star News Repeats

Magikos Kosmos S’Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron Ston Asterismos Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Epi Topou (rpt) Milagros Kids’ TV Top Models S’Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue With News at 18.30.

19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00

News Sports Time O Anthropos Tis Thalassas FILM: Brokedown Palace Two women who befriend an Australian man in Thailand end up in jail after he uses them as unwitting drug mules. Drama, starring Claire Danes and Kate Beckinsale. 1999.


FILM: Wake Of Death An underworld enforcer takes on a Chinese Triad gang to get revenge for his wife’s murder. Action adventure starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. 2004.

FILM: Nobody Knows Anything An aspiring filmmaker tries to make it in Hollywood with help from her washed-up uncle. Comedy, starring Linda Black. 2003.

01.00 01.50 02.20



FILM: Another 9 1/2 Weeks Erotic drama, starring Mickey Rourke. 1997.

The Help (Novacinema4, 18.30)

01:10 The Weakest Link 01:55 EastEnders 02:25 Doctors 02:55 Keeping Up Appearances 03:25 Emma 04:15 Gavin & Stacey 04:45 The Stephen K Amos Show 05:15 Beautiful People 05:45 Keeping Up Appearances 06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Me Too! 07:30 Jackanory Junior 07:45 The Large Family 07:55 Balamory 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:25 Me Too! 08:45 Jackanory Junior 09:00 Balamory 09:20 Keeping Up Appearances 09:50 Mastermind 10:20 The Weakest Link 11:05 EastEnders 11:35 Doctors 12:00 Emma 12:55 Last Man Standing 13:45 Gavin & Stacey 14:15 Mastermind 14:45 The Weakest Link 15:30 EastEnders 16:00 Doctors 16:30 Emma 17:20 Gavin & Stacey 17:50 Keeping Up Appearances 18:20 The Weakest Link 19:05 EastEnders 19:35 Doctors 20:05 Emma 21:00 Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Roadshow 21:45 Gracie! 23:00 Live At The Apollo 23:45 The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15

How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Fifth Gear 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 One Car Too Far 22:00 Stan Lee’s Superhumans 23:00 Werner Herzog’s Death Row 00:00 Ultimate Cops 01:00 Banged Up Abroad 01:55 One Car Too Far 02:50 Stan Lee’s Superhumans 03:50 Werner Herzog’s Death Row 04:50 Ultimate Cops 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’

09:30 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 10:30 Biathlon: World Cup Russia 12:45 Nordic Combined Skiing: World Cup Finland 13:45 All Sports: Watts 14:30 Cycling: ParisNice France 15:15 Nordic Combined Skiing: World Cup Finland 16:30 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 17:15 Cycling 18:15 Ski Jumping: World Championship 19:00 Ski Jumping: World Cup Finland 20:00 Biathlon: World Cup Russia 21:00 All Sports: Watts 22:00 Boxing: Bigger’s Better-Heavy Weight Contest: Bigger’s Better 00:00 Ski Jumping: World Cup Finland 01:00 All Sports: Watts 01:45 Cycling: Paris-Nice France

05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Bones 07:10 Melissa & Joey 07:35 Scrubs 08:00 Grey’s Anatomy 08:50 Tough Love: Miami 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Bones 11:10 Melissa & Joey 11:35 Scrubs 12:00 Happy Endings 12:25 Don’t Trust The B... In Apartment 12:50 Glee 13:40 Grey’s Anatomy 14:30 Tough Love: Miami 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Bones 16:50 Melissa & Joey 17:15 Scrubs 17:40 Grey’s Anatomy 18:30 Tough Love: Miami 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Bones 21:00 Happy Endings 21:25 Don’t Trust The B... In Apartment 21:50 Glee 22:40 Raising Hope 23:05 Scrubs 23:30 Happy Endings 23:55 Don’t Trust The B...In Apartment 00:20 Glee 01:10 Bones 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Raising Hope 03:10 Scrubs 03:35 Surviving Suburbia 04:00 Grey’s Anatomy 04:50 Tough Love: Miami

07:30 Nowhere Boy 09:10 Bound By Honor 12:10 Hot Tub Time Machine 13:50 Barbarian Princess 15:30 Buried 17:15 True Crime 19:30 Hollywood Buzz 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Beyond Borders 23:15 Faster 01:00 Hustler TV 02:45 Extract 04:30 Nick Of Time 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Kids TV 15:45 Justice League Unlimited 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 La Liga Show 2012-13 17:30 Planet Speed 18:00 Barclays Premier League World 18:30 Nba Action 19:00 La Liga World 19:30 Coca-Cola Cup 2012-13 21:30 2010 World’s Strongest Man 22:00 Espn Films 23:30 Barclays Premier League Preview 00:00 Barclays Premier League Review 01:00 2010 World’s Strongest Man 01:30 Pba All-Star Shootout 02:00 La Liga Review 2012-13 03:00 Nba 2012-13 05:30 Grand American Series 2012 06:30 Planet Speed

07:15 Privileged 08:00 Friends 08:30 Closer, The 09:15 Five Days 2 10:20 One Tree Hill 11:05 Borgias The 12:55 Harry’s Law 13:40 Privileged 14:25 Closer, The 15:10 Five Days 2 16:15 Big Bang Theory The 16:40 According To Jim 17:25 Mentalist The 18:10

Underbelly Nz: Land Of The Long Green Cloud 19:00 Harry’s Law 19:45 Gossip Girl 20:30 Friends 21:00 Fringe 22:30 C.S.I. Miami 23:15 Supernatural 00:05 All Good Things 01:50 Red (2010) 03:45 Big Bang Theory The 04:10 According To Jim 04:55 Mentalist The 05:40 Underbelly Nz: Land Of The Long Green Cloud 06:30 Harry’s Law

08:15 Strictly Sexual 10:00 Private Benjamin 12:00 Guitar, The 14:00 Sparkle 16:00 Veronica Guerin 18:00 Trucker 20:00 Miss Congeniality 22:00 Eat Pray Love 00:20 Daring! TV 04:00 Road, The 06:00 Last Night

05:15 Payback 06:55 Restoration 08:55 Open Season 3 10:15 Footloose 12:15 Jane Eyre 14:20 Hollywood Buzz 15:00 Monte Carlo 19:20 A Thousand Words 21:00 Ncis 22:00 Yo Tambien 23:50 Chronicle 03:20 Cine News 03:50 Let Me In

06:10 Air Force One 08:15 Friends With Benefits 10:05 Cine News 10:30 Ola Tha Pane Kala! 12:15 Rango 14:05 Salvation Boulevard 15:45 O Annivas Pro Ton Pilon 17:30 Action Zone 18:05 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 20:05 Abduction 22: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol 02:20 Cine News 03:15 Kill Bill: Vol.2

19:25 Old School 21:00 TheRiver Wild 23:00 Fright Night 00:55 Cine News 01:30 Mio Padre 03:25 Shark Night 3d 04:55 TheVanishing

06:55 The Stone Angel 08:50 The Hours 10:45 Sagan 12:50 The Iron Lady 14:35 Conviction 16:25 Albert Nobbs 18:30 The Help 23:15 I Don’t Know How She Does It 00:55 Frida 03:00 Malena 04:35 Killing Bono

19:30 Big Ten Women’s Basketball Big Ten Tournament #5: Teams Tba 22:00 Big Ten Women’s Basketball Big Ten Tournament #6: Teams Tba 00:00 Rip To The Tip 2011 Sea To Shining Sea 00:30

The Moto: Inside The Outdoors Southwick National 01:00 Car Warriors 2 Le Mans 02:00 Big Ten Women’s Basketball Big Ten Tournament #7: Teams Tba

06:00 Only Hits 08:00 MTV Disaster Date 09:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 10:00 Only Hits 11:00 Pure Local 12:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 13:00 MTV Made 14:00 MTV Big Time Rush 14:30 MTV Victorious 15:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 16:00 MTV Crash Canyon 17:00 MTV Pranked 18:00 Only Hits 19:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 20:00 MTV Catfish 21:00 MTV Hitlist Hellas 22:00 MTV World Stage 23:00 McCafé Music Project 23:30 MTV Savage U 00:00 MTV Jersey Shore 01:00 MTV Geordie Shore 02:00 Only Hits

07:00 Hell Divers 08:55 Bells Are Ringing 11:00 The Time Machine 12:40 Forbidden Planet 14:15 The Omega Man 15:50 Bhowani Junction 17:35 The Rounders 19:00 The Younger Brothers 20:20 Penelope 22:00 The Outfit 23:40 The Wild Bunch 02:00 Bells Are Ringing 04:05 The Time Machine 05:45 The Omega Man

By Preston Wilder

Miss Congeniality (LTV3, 20.00) Sandra Bullock swigs beer and scarfs pizza. She snorts like a pig when she laughs, beats up fellow FBI agents in training (“She’s got a lot of rage,” comments an onlooker), does unladylike things like extract her earwax in public. “She’s Dirty Harriet!” cries an exasperated Michael Caine - but Caine must somehow perform a miraculous makeover, turning this mannish broad into a plausible contestant in the Miss America beauty pageant, which is where a terrorist plans to strike next. Some might wonder if that makeover is really so miraculous - what kind of Message are we sending when Sandra becomes more ‘feminine’ by learning how to walk gracefully and smile vapidly? -

especially when it comes with a musical montage set to ‘She’s a Lady’, but it’s best to approach this likeable comedy without asking too many questions. Enough people did to spawn a sequel (without the excellent Caine), at which point it became clear that congeniality will only get you so far. Made in 2000.

Werner Herzog’s Death Row (Discovery Channel, 23.00) What would Werner Herzog’s Death Row look like? Well, there wouldn’t be any Death Row if the veteran German filmmaker (and well-known wild man) had his way, though he might make an exception for people who support capital punishment. Herzog is

against the death penalty - he says he “respectfully disagrees” in his opening statement - and put his filmmaking chops to work in this documentary series, looking at four murders whose (alleged) perpetrators were on Death Row at the time of filming (Discovery might also be showing Into the Abyss, a fifth episode that got expanded into a standalone movie). “Focusing on what it feels like to know how and when you will die, Herzog enters into a dialogue with the inmates,” says the synopsis - and we open tonight with James Barnes, who was jailed for killing his estranged wife then confessed to additional murders after converting to Islam, and got the death penalty. Yeah, fry the bastard! Sorry, was that out loud? Part 1 of 4.

Werner Herzog’s Death Row

SundayMail Man on a Ledge From pungent urban vibe to narrow escapes

25th Hour Convicted criminal enjoys last night of freedom

Tuesday, NovaCinema1, 10pm

Thursday, Capital, 10.45pm

MARCH 3ďšş 9

The Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence in future world fighting to the death for a TV audience Sunday, NovaCinema1, 10pm

Complete guide to what’s on the small screen this week, including our selections and satellite choices

T V MONDAY 0 4/03 March 3, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL

CYBC 1 06.45 09.00

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Early morning entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.


Kaftes Piperies (rpt)


Istories Tou Horkou (rpt)

Cookery show.

CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 17.00

18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10

Apo Mera Se Mera Entehnos Local cultural show.


Mazi Sto CyBC

20.00 21.00

Local talk-show.

18.00 18.15 18.45

News Kaftes Piperies Paizoume Kypriaka Local game show, asking questions having to do with the Cypriot dialect.


Moiraia Fengaria


22.00 22.30


MINI-Series: La Commanderie


Ego Ki Esi (rpt) Code Europe

07.50 08.40 09.30 10.25 11.15 12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00

15.45 16.40 17.30

Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Strivein Dia Tou Arravonos (rpt) Akros Oikogeneiakon (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Deliyianneio Parthenagogeio (rpt) Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) Lefta Sto Lepto

MEGA 06.00 06.30 07.00 10.00

18.40 19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.00 00.00 00.05 00.30

Tin Patisa (rpt) Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi Replay

12.30 14.00

Enimerosi Tora Deka Lepta Kirigma Greek comedy series.


Eheis Meson


Yia Sena

18.00 18.20

News Master Chef (rpt)

Current affairs show. Local talk-show.

New season of Greek reality competition show where amatuer chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.


08.20 10.30 11.20 12.00 14.30 15.20 17.10 18.00 18.05 18.45 19.40 20.20 21.15 22.20 23.30

News Klemmena Oneira

Greek sports show.



News Sports News Radio Arvila

00.00 00.50

Greek drama series. Greek variety show.

00.20 00.25

News Gymnoi Angeloi (rpt)


Local drama series, based on true events.

01.30 03.30 04.40

Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)

Eleni Aspra Balonia (rpt) Vasiliki (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Epta Ouranoi Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Magazino Siga Min To’ Xeres News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama Anna Paola Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) News Aspra Balonia Oikogeneiakes Istories CSI: NY Fifth season. ‘Enough’. When three men are simultaneously shot dead in separate locations, the agents try to link the murders and discover all of the victims were on trial for the killing of a drug lord. However, the investigation grinds to a halt when forensic tests show the suspects were executed by the same weapons.

Oi Vasiliades

20.20 21.20

Klemmeni Zoi (rpt) Erotas Kleftis (rpt) News Deal (rpt)


New daily family comedy based on the Argentinian sitcomtelenovela Los Roldan, replacing I Zoi tis allis.

Live parady show.

News Repeats

Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Retire Nea Mera Proino Mou Lifestyle programme features entertainment, cooking music and more. Hosted by real life couple Giorgos Liagas & Fay Skorda.

With News at 18.00.

01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40

Local investigative show.

23.30 23.45

05.30 06.30 06.50 07.00


French series showing the Middle Ages as a dark and turbulent period when religion ran society and led to tragic results. Historical drama, starring Clement Sibony. 2010.

News Vimmata Stin Ammo Third season of local period drama, based on true events.

NRG Zone MINI-Series: Ce Jour Là, Tout A Changé A re-enactment of the last day of King Henri IV of France before his murder by the fanatical catholic Ravaillac. Historical drama, starring Arnaud Bedouët. 2009. Part 2 of 3.

Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.

20.00 21.30

Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Prehistoric Park (rpt) Nigel Marven travels through time to save prehistoric species from extinction, using CGI animation to bring the creatures back to the 21st century.

Current affairs show.


NRG Zone Kids’ TV Kati Psinetai (rpt) Amateur chefs compete and rate one another on performance.

Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.



02.00 03.00 03.45 04.10

News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) Mono Mia Fora (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)

PLUS TV 07.20 08.35 09.05 10.00 10.45 11.40

Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of I Kouzina Me Ti Dina (rpt) Mila (rpt) To Kleidi Greek comedy series

12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50 19.40 21.15 22.00

Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Kid’s TV To Kleidi Fotis - Maria Live Mila Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Cold Case (rpt) Fourth season. ‘Torn’. Rush and the team investigate their oldest case yet when they look into the 1919 death of Frances May Stone - a young suffragette intent on changing women’s rights for ever.


17.35 18.15

Kids’ TV S’ Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron (rpt) Ston Asterismos Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Remington Steele Milagros Kids’ TV Top Models S’Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue

19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00

News Sports Time Capital Sports FILM: Blue Smoke

11.00 11.30 12.30 13.20 15.15 16.05 16.45

With News at 18.30.

An arson investigator becomes the target of a stalker who displays a disturbing fascination with fire. Thriller, starring Alicia Witt. 2007.


LTV Sports News Star News

FILM: 12 Bucks An ex-con and his younger brother set out on a road trip from California to Florida. Drama, starring Matthew Fishman. 1998.


FILM: The Indian In need of a lifesaving transplant, a man tries to reconnect with the son he abandoned years earlier. Drama, starring Matt Dallas. 2007.

Nistikoi Praktores (rpt) Greek cookery show.

00.15 01.10

06.45 08.40 09.15 10.00

Supernatural Sixth season of fantasy drama. ‘All Dogs Go to Heaven’. Dean and Sam investigate what seems to be a werewolf killing but turns out to be a skinwalker posing as a family dog who is taking revenge on his owner’s enemies.




FILM: Dressed To Kill Thriller, starring Michael Caine. 1980.

The Iron Lady (Novacinema1, 20.10)

01:10 Live At The Apollo 01:55 32 Brinkburn Street 02:40 Fawlty Towers 03:15 Little Britain 03:45 The Weakest Link 04:30 32 Brinkburn Street 05:15 The Old Guys 05:45 Little Britain 06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Me Too! 07:30 Bobinogs 07:45 The Large Family 07:55 Balamory 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:25 Me Too! 08:45 Bobinogs 09:00 The Large Family 09:10 Balamory 09:30 Spot’s Musical Adventures 09:35 The Old Guys 10:05 The Weakest Link 10:50 EastEnders 11:20 Doctors 11:50 New Tricks 12:40 Full Circle With Michael Palin 13:30 Rock & Chips 15:00 The Weakest Link 15:45 EastEnders 16:15 Doctors 16:45 New Tricks 17:35 India With Sanjeev Bhaskar 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 EastEnders 19:40 Doctors 20:10 Emma 21:00 dinnerladies 21:30 The Green Green Grass 22:00 Waking The Dead 22:50 Ideal 23:20 The Fixer 00:10 32 Brinkburn Street 00:55 The Impressions Show With Culshaw &...

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs

10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Street Customs Berlin 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:00 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Dynamo: Magician Impossible 22:00 The Real Hustle 23:00 Magic Of Science 00:00 River Monsters 01:00 Ross Kemp On Gangs 01:55 Dual Survival 02:50 The Real Hustle 03:50 Magic Of Science 04:50 River Monsters 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’

09:30 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 10:15 Athletics: European Indoor Championships Sweden 11:15 Snooker: Haikou World

Open 12:30 Ski Jumping: World Championship 13:30 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 15:00 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 17:15 Ski Jumping: World Championship 18:30 Football: Eurogoals 19:15 Athletics: European Indoor Championships Sweden 20:30 Snooker: Haikou World Open 21:45 All Sports: Watts 22:00 Pro Wrestling: This Week On World Wrestling Entertainment 22:30 Pro Wrestling: Vintage Collection 23:30 Fight Sport: Total Ko 00:30 Athletics: European Indoor Championships Sweden 01:30 Football: Eurogoals 02:15 All Sports: Watts

05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Bones 07:10 Melissa & Joey 07:35 Scrubs 08:00 Grey’s Anatomy 08:50 Tough Love: Miami 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Bones 11:10 Melissa & Joey 11:35 Scrubs 12:00 Once Upon A Time 12:50 Revenge 13:40 Grey’s Anatomy 14:30 Tough Love: Miami 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Bones 16:50 Melissa & Joey 17:15 Scrubs 17:40 Grey’s Anatomy 18:30 Masterchef 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Bones 21:00 Once Upon A Time 21:50 Revenge 22:40 Melissa & Joey 23:05 Scrubs 23:30 Once

Upon A Time 00:20 Revenge 01:10 Bones 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Melissa & Joey 03:10 Scrubs 03:35 Surviving Suburbia 04:00 Grey’s Anatomy 04:50 Masterchef

07:30 Cemetery Club, The 09:30 Just Go With It 11:45 Taking Lives 13:45 Horrible Bosses 15:45 Sin Nombre 17:45 Deceived 19:30 Action Zone 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Killer Inside Me, The 23:00 Greenberg 00:55 Hustler TV 02:30 Bringing Out The Dead 04:35 Sleepless In Seattle 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Kids TV 15:45 Justice League Unlimited 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Liga Bbva 201213 19:00 Nba 2012-13 21:00 Barclays Premier League Review 22:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 00:00 Planet Speed 00:30 Pba All-Star Shootout 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League Review 04:00 Espn Films 05:00 Grand American Series 2012

07:15 Friends 07:50 Fringe 09:30 Big Bang Theory The 10:00 Ac-

cording To Jim 10:45 Mentalist The 11:30 Underbelly Nz: Land Of The Long Green Cloud 12:30 Gossip Girl 13:15 Harry’s Law 14:00 Fringe 15:30 Big Bang Theory The 16:00 Eastbound & Down 16:30 According To Jim 17:20 Hawaii Five 19:00 Harry’s Law 19:45 One Tree Hill 20:30 How To Make It In America 21:00 Borgias The 22:50 C.S.I. Miami 23:35 Bones 00:20 Strictly Sexual 02:10 Girlfriends 03:40 Eastbound & Down 04:10 According To Jim 05:00 Hawaii Five 06:30 Harry’s Law

Stars 20:10 The Iron Lady 22:00 The Raven 00:00 The Following 01:00 Perfect Sense 02:40 Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

08:00 Peacemaker, The 10:15 Special 12:00 Aspen Extreme 14:15 Bonfire Of The Vanities, The 16:30 50/50 18:15 Underbelly Files - Tell Them Lucifer Was Here 20:00 Faster 22:00 Passed Away 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 Street Fighter: The Legend Of Chun-Li 06:00 Police Academy

19:25 Robinson Crusoe 21:00 TheCompany Men 23:00 Ncis 23:50 Cine News 01:00 Looking For Mr. Right Now

05:15 Outrage 07:05 The Talented Mr. Ripley 09:25 Loufa Kai Parallagi: Sirines Sti Steria 11:20 Hollywood Buzz 11:50 The Art Of Getting By 13:20 A Distant Neighborhood 15:00 A Little Bit Of Heaven 16:50 Cine News 17:35 The Rum Diary 19:40 Films And

10:00 Cine News 11:00 Spinning Into Butter 12:30 Beastly 14:00 Never Been Kissed 15:50 Cine News 16:35 My Super ExGirlfriend 18:15 Rounders 20:20 Retreat 22:00 Tower Heist 23:50 Kill Bill: Vol.2 02:10 Underworld: Awakening 03:40 The ChangeUp

18:40 Sling Blade 21:00 The Romantics 22:45 The Tree Of Life 01:05 Take Me Home Tonight

15:00 Big Ten Women’s Basketball Wildcard: Penn State At Nebraska 17:00 Nhl: Chicago Blackhawks At Detroit Red Wings 18:00 Pre Game 18:45 Cup 2012-13: Aepvs Ael 20:45 Post Game 21:30 Big Ten Women’s

Basketball Wildcard: Penn State At Nebraska

06:00 Only Hits 08:00 MTV Disaster Date 09:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 10:00 Only Hits 11:00 Pure Local 12:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 13:00 MTV Made 14:00 MTV Big Time Rush 14:30 MTV Victorious 15:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 16:00 MTV Crash Canyon 17:00 McCafé Music Project 17:30 MTV Pranked 18:00 Only Hits 19:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 20:00 MTV Mission Lydia 20:30 MTV Everyday Girls 21:00 MTV Catfish 22:00 MTV Teen Mom 4 23:00 MTV The Pauly D project 0:00 MTV Jersey Shore 01:00 Only Hits

07:00 20,000 Years In Sing Sing 08:20 Across The Wide Missouri 09:40 The King’s Thief 11:00 Cimarron 13:30 The Americanization Of Emily 15:30 The Asphalt Jungle 17:20 Blackboard Jungle 19:00 Edge Of The City 20:25 Agatha 22:00 Diner 23:50 The Asphalt Jungle 01:40 Death In Venice 03:50 20,000 Years In Sing Sing 05:10 The Americanization Of Emily

By Preston Wilder

The Raven (Novacinema1, 22.00) “Over my dead body!” says someone. “Is that an option?” replies Edgar Allan Poe. That’s right folks, the father of modern horror (and author of The Raven) has gone the way of Robert Downey Jr’s snarky Sherlock Holmes, snapping out quips about “a mental oyster” and “a marsupial of an editor” and generally being a smart-aleck. Poe (John Cusack) is not a success - he offers drinks to any patron in a tavern who can finish a line from the titular poem, but only a visiting Frenchman even knows what he’s talking about! - but he has a fan in the shape of a serial killer who’s basing his gruesome murders on our hero’s oeuvre, inevitably making him a suspect. The result

The Raven

never rises above the conventional, and the murders are off-puttingly nasty (that swinging cleaver!), but it’s still quite a (g)ripping yarn, with enough of Poe in some purple dialogue to suggest some fellow feeling behind the gimmickry. Watch it on a midnight dreary / While you ponder weak and weary. Made in 2012.

Passed Away (LTV3, 22.00) What a wonderful world we live in, when a film can be released, make absolutely no impact - but still turn up on TV 20 years later, puzzling those of us who never knew Bob Hoskins lent his name to such obscurities in between his more famous roles. “Passed Away is one of those movies that introduces a family

filled with troubled people, brings them all together at a funeral and solves their dilemmas, while also trying desperately to be funny and heartwarming,” wrote Roger Ebert at the time. “If you can believe the troubles in this movie, you may never have known real trouble, and I envy you”. Ouch! Hoskins is the eldest son in the aforementioned troubled family, all of them coming together for Dad’s funeral - and they also include Pamela Reed as the daughter whose marriage to a gay man (Tim Curry) has inevitably ended in divorce, plus Frances McDormand as the other daughter, an activist nun who brings a political refugee to the big occasion. Quirkily comic, utterly obscure - and now on TV. Rejoice, no? Made in 1992.

T V SATURDAY 0 9/03 SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

CYBC 1 07.30

Oikogeneia Solomou (rpt) Local series with events unfolding in a Cypriot village before and after the Turkish invasion of 1974.

08.00 10.30

Moiraia Fengaria (rpt) Paizoume Kypriaka Local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect.

13.00 14.00 14.30

Edoxe Ti Vouli Kai To Dimo News Me Kali Parea

CYBC 2 07.00 08.00

18.30 18.50 19.00 19.10 21.00

Vimmata Stin Ammo (rpt)

News Patates Antinahtes (rpt)


Ego Ki Esi Local Sketch News Savvato Ki Apovrado Variety show, with wellknown guests pretending to have a good time for the benefit of You At Home.

23.30 23.45

New Scooby Doo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Handy Manny, Barney and Friends, etc. Shown till 12.30, then repeated till mid-afternoon.


Candid Camera News In English New In Turkish NRG Zone Weekend FILM: Evening Star

Ghost Whisperer (rpt)

00.00 00.15

07.30 08.00 08.50 09.40 10.30 11.20 12.10 13.50 15.10 16.45

News In English And Turkish (rpt) Euronews

News Repeats

Dada Yia Oles Tis Douleies (rpt) Cheek To Cheek (rpt) Men Kai Den (rpt) San To Skilo Me Ti Gata (rpt) 40 Kimata (rpt) Super Babas (rpt) O Tzitzigas Kai O Mermingas (rpt) Tihi Vouno (rpt) Laikes Paraskeves (rpt) Yia Tin Agapi Sou Niose Me (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) With News at 18.00.

18.30 20.20 21.30 23.00

Fifth and last season of paranormal drama, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, as a woman able to communicate with the dead. ‘On Thin Ice’. A graphic novelist discovers he is being haunted by the ghost of a teenage boy, and a series of unusual incidents occurs when he begins work on his new book.

Local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.

18.45 19.30 20.00 21.30


Drama about an eccentric woman who gets entangled in the lives and loves of her three adult grandchildren. Disappointing sequel to Terms of Endearment, starring Shirley MacLaine. 1996.

Two episodes of local period drama, based on true events.

18.00 18.15

NRG Zone Kids’ TV

Unsuspecting people react to bizarre events.

Vivian Kanari hosts new show featuring a mix of news, information and live music.



Vals Me 12 Theous News Exairetika Afieromeno FILM: What About Bob? A neurotic patient follows his psychiatrist on holiday and unwittingly makes the doctor’s life hell while winning over his family. Comedy, starring Bill Murray. 1991.

00.05 00.20 00.30 01.40 02.40 03.50 04.40

News Sports News Vradi Me Ton Petro Kotsopoulo Blackout Mavros Okeanos (rpt) News Eftyhismenes Meres (rpt)

MEGA 07.00 09.40 10.20 11.00 12.10 13.00

Proino Mou (rpt) Kid’s TV Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes Klemmena Oneira (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt) Chuck A computer geek finds himself in charge of the government’s most sensitive data.


Master Chef (rpt)

SIGMA 05.40 06.20 07.20 08.00 10.00 14.00 15.40

Greek cookery show.


16.40 18.00 18.30 20.15 21.20 23.10

Mousiko Kouti Live (rpt) Oi Vasiliades (rpt) News Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) News Mousiko Kouti - Live FILM: Midnight Express


02.30 03.20 04.00 04.30 05.00 05.40

News Kleise Ta Matia (rpt) Mila Mou Vromika (rpt) Big Bang (rpt) Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes (rpt) Patir, Yios Kai Pnevma (rpt) Oi Afthairetoi Palirroia (rpt) Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou

Pame Paketo (rpt) Popular talk-show, that deals with human interest stories such as reuniting people, fulfilling dreams and connecting individuals who want to correct past mistakes in their lives.

20.15 21.20

News Stin Igeia Mou Variety show for the benefit of You At Home.

00.20 00.25

07.50 11.35 12.05 13.00 13.40


02.20 04.00

Kids’ TV Exelixeis Sti Showbiz LTV Sports News (rpt) Star News Ta Kopelia (rpt) Local comedy series.

14.20 15.40 16.30

Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Stin Kouzina Me Tin Dina (rpt) Greek FILM: Oikogeneia Papadopoulou Comedy. 1960.

18.00 19.30

Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Mila (rpt) Popular Greek talkshow.

21.15 22.00

News Las Vegas (rpt)

Exelixeis Sti Showbiz FILM: Charlie Bartlett A wealthy teenager becomes an amateur psychiatrist to his classmates while romancing his jaded principal’s daughter. Comedy, starring Anton Yelchin and Robert Downey Jr. 2007.

Drama series focusing on a security team at a large casino. Stars Tom Selleck and Josh Duhamel. 1994.

Fact-based drama, starring Brad Davis. 1978. See Pick Of The Day.

00.00 00.50 01.40

Annita SoS) With News at 18.00.

Greek reality competition show where amateur chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.


Oi Adiafthoroi (rpt) Oi Takkoi (rpt) Zoi Podilato (rpt) Simba The Lion King Mes Stin Kala Hara Aspra Balonia (rpt) The Cooking Factory


Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Greek crime drama series.


Mes Stin Kali Hara (rpt) Magazino (rpt)

00.10 01.05 01.40

CAPITAL 11.40 12.10 13.20 15.25 15.40 16.10 16.15

Kouzina Me Apopsi Telemarketing Greek FILM: Gambros Me Fountes Mila Mou Prasina Kouzina Me Apopsi News FILM: Tornado Auditors threaten to halt the pioneering work of a scientist investigating tornadoes. Adventure, starring Bruce Campbell. 1996. With News at 17.30.

18.00 18.55 19.05 19.55 20.05 21.00

Remington Steele News Acapulco HEAT News O Anthropos Tis Thalassas FILM: Buffalo Girls Story charting the friendship between no-nonsense cowgirl Calamity Jane and brothel madam Dora DuFran. Two-part Western drama, starring Anjelica Huston 1995.


FILM: Out For A Kill An archaeologist vows vengeance on the Chinese gangsters who killed his wife, and sets out to eliminate them one by one. Martial arts adventure, with Steven Seagal. 2003.

Vathi Kokkino Greek drama series.

LTV Sports News Star News Repeats 01.40

FILM: The Stone Merchant Drama thriller, starring Harvey Keitel. 2006.

Johnny English Reborn (Novacinema1, 13.15)

01:15 Live At The Apollo 02:00 Luther 02:50 EastEnders 03:20 Doctors 03:50 Doctor Who Confidential 04:00 Robin Hood 04:45 Live At The Apollo 06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Me Too! 07:30 Jackanory Junior 07:45 The Large Family 07:55 Balamory 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:25 Me Too! 08:45 Jackanory Junior 09:00 The Large Family 09:10 Balamory 09:30 Little Human Planet 09:35 The Weakest Link 10:20 Doctor Who 11:05 Last Man Standing 11:55 Full Circle With Michael Palin 12:45 dinnerladies 13:15 The Green Green Grass 13:45 Fawlty Towers 14:20 As Time Goes By 14:50 Casualty 15:40 EastEnders 18:10 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 18:40 The Weakest Link 19:25 Doctor Who 20:10 Drop Zone 21:00 Live At The Apollo 21:45 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 22:50 Luther 23:45 Ideal 00:15 The Impressions Show With Culshaw &... 00:45 Drop Zone

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Twist The Throttle 08:15 Fifth Gear 09:10 Mega Builders 10:05 Mighty Ships 10:55 Gold

Rush 14:30 Extreme Engineering 15:25 You Have Been Warned 16:20 James May’s Man Lab 17:15 Fast N’ Loud 18:10 Texas Car Wars 19:05 Mythbusters 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Auction Hunters 22:00 Baggage Battles 23:00 9/11: Heroes Of The 88th Floor 01:00 Chris Ryan’s Elite Police 01:55 Auction Hunters 02:50 Baggage Battles 03:50 9/11: Heroes Of The 88th Floor 05:40 Texas Car Wars 06:35 How It’s Made

09:30 Fitness: The Box 09:45 Ski Jumping: World Cup Finland 10:30 Alpine Skiing: World Cup Slovenia 11:00 Nordic Combined Skiing: World Cup Finland 11:45 Cross-Country Skiing: World Cup Finland 13:30 Ski Jumping: World Cup Finland 14:00 Biathlon: World Cup Russia 15:15 Nordic Combined Skiing: World Cup Finland 16:45 Biathlon: World Cup Russia 18:15 Ski Jumping: World Cup Finland 19:45 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 21:00 Cycling 22:00 Fight Sport: Superkombat 01:00 Ski Jumping: World Cup Finland 02:15 Cycling: Paris-Nice France

05:40 The Gates 06:30 Desperate Housewives 10:20 Melissa & Joey 11:10 Scrubs 12:00 Happy Endings 12:25 Don’t Trust The B...In Apartment 12:50 Masterchef 14:30 Grey’s Anatomy 18:30 Tough Love: Miami 21:00 Once Upon A Time 21:50 Revenge 22:40 Modern Family 23:05 New Girl 23:30 Glee 00:20 Bones 04:25 Melissa & Joey 05:15 Raising Hope

07:30 Hollywood Buzz 08:00 Miracle 10:30 New York Stories 13:00 Arthur (2011) 14:55 How Do You Know 17:00 Pre-Game 18:00 A’ Division Cyprus Soccer Championship 2012-13 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Walk On The Moon, A 23:00 Rite, The 01:00 Hustler TV 02:30 In The Valley Of Elah 04:35 First Deadly Sin, The 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Kids TV 13:15 Legion Of Super Heroes 13:40 Max Adventures 14:05 Barclays Premier League Preview 14:45 Barclays Premier League 2012-

Chicago Blackhawks At Colorado Avalanche 21:30 Big 12 Women’s Basketball Tournament Quarterfinal #2: Teams Tba 23:30 Pac-12 Men’s Basketball Arizona St. At Arizona

13 19:00 Nba 2012-13 21:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 23:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League 201213

07:15 Gossip Girl 08:00 Friends 08:30 Big Bang Theory The 09:00 According To Jim 10:00 Privileged 10:45 Borgias The 11:45 Mentalist The 12:30 Hawaii Five 13:15 Closer, The 14:15 Fringe 15:00 According To Jim 00:05 Safe Passage 01:50 Il Ciclone 03:30 Harry’s Law

07:45 Evita 10:15 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge Of Kitty Galore 12:00 Country Strong 14:00 Poseidon 16:00 Centurion 17:45 Beyond Borders 20:00 Practical Magic 22:00 Faster 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 Extract 05:45 Red (2010)

05:45 Fierce Creatures 07:20 Azur Et Asmar 09:00 What’s Your Number? 10:45 One Day 12:35 Cine News 13:15 Johnny English Reborn 15:00 Ncis 16:40 Cine News 17:30 Young

Adult 22:00 A Happy Event 23:55 The Hunger Games 02:20 Mad Love 03:10 The Tomb 04:40 Transit

News 23:00 Along Came A Spider 00:50 Cine News 01:30 Moving 03:05 TheCompany Men 04:50 Animal Kingdom

05:35 The Change-Up 07:30 The Hunting Party 09:15 My Super Ex-Girlfriend 10:55 Cine News 11:15 Rumor Has It... 13:00 Spinning Into Butter 14:30 Rio 16:10 Beastly 17:40 Mad On Novacinema 18:20 Tower Heist 20:10 The Adjustment Bureau 22:00 The Client 00:00 Blitz 03:25 Chasing Amy

06:30 Love And Other Impossible Pursuits 08:15 Cine News 09:15 The Tree Of Life 11:35 Lola Montes 13:35 Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 15:20 Courageous 17:35 The Beaver 19:15 The Romantics 23:20 Bounce 01:15 Amnesty 02:40 White Material

06:45 TheHit List 08:15 TheLongest Yard 10:10 TheGame 12:20 Your Highness 14:10 Burn Notice 14:55 Burn Notice 21:00 The Resident 22:35 Cine

15:00 Big Ten Women’s Basketball Big Ten Tournament #8: Teams Tba 16:15 Pre Game 17:00 Championship 201213:Apollon Vs Olympiacos 19:00 Post Game 19:45 Nhl:

06:00 Only Hits 11:00 Pure Local 12:00 MTV World Stage 13:00 McCafé Music Project 13:30 MTV VHI Pop up Video 14:00 MTV Daria 15:00 MTV Crash Canyon 16:00 MTV Mission Lydia 16:30 MTV Everyday Girls 17:00 MTV Movies & Stars 18:00 MTV Megadrive 18:30 MTV Slips 19:00 Only Hits 20:00 Pure Local 22:00 Only Hits 00:00 S7S Lockdown Top10 00:30 MTV Party Zone 04:00 Only Hits

07:00 The Great Lie 08:50 Hotel Paradiso 10:30 An American In Paris 12:20 The Big Sleep 14:15 Bachelor In Paradise 16:05 The Comedians 18:25 Gone With The Wind 22:00 Westworld 23:25 The Great Lie 01:15 Hotel Paradiso 02:55 An American In Paris 04:45 Bachelor In Paradise

By Preston Wilder in: “I’m all confused,” she wails. “I feel no pleasure, I’m drained”. Critics claim the heavy drama doesn’t quite convince in this glossy film (I haven’t seen it) but they also claim it’s amusing, with tongue-in-cheek narration and six different babies playing the bundle of joy. Semi-happy, at the very least. Made in 2011.

A Happy Event (Novacinema1, 22.00) What’s a happy event? Novacinema showing a French film on a Saturday night, that’s quite happy. Getting married, that’s (allegedly) happy - though most marriages don’t last long nowadays, so how happy are they really? No, the one event that’s undeniably happy is having a baby; the joy of motherhood, the patter of tiny feet, you know the drill - but it still takes Louise Bourgoin by surprise in this warts-and-all comedy-drama. During pregnacy she becomes “a hormonal hurricane”, craving constant sex - but then she’s faced with a squalling newborn daughter (her boyfriend faints in the delivery room) and post-partum depression sets

Midnight Express (Mega, 23.10)

A Happy Event

“Catch the Midnight Express...” purrs heroin-addled John Hurt in this based-on-fact drama - and you too can catch Midnight Express, albeit not quite as often nowadays. Mega have been showing it on a regular basis for years, for a very obvious reason - it makes Turks look bad! - though screenings have become a

bit less frequent as the film’s trappings (and Oscarwinning synth score by Giorgio Moroder) increasingly mark it out as a 70s relic. Brad Davis is our hero, a young American named Billy Hayes who tries to smuggle two kilos of hashish out of Turkey, then compounds his problems by foolishly trying to escape; it’s true he’s been a very naughty boy - but he hardly deserves the living hell of a Turkish prison, where he tries to survive among crazy inmates and abusive guards. Written by Oliver Stone, who didn’t change the facts so much as exaggerate the more lurid elements - and years later, during a visit to Turkey, apologised for having depicted all Turks as monsters. ‘We wouldn’t have it any other way,’ reply Mega patriotically. Made in 1978.

T V SUNDAY 03/03 SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

CYBC 1 07.30 10.30

Church Service Savvato Ki Apovrado (rpt) Variety show, with wellknown guests pretending to have a good time for the benefit of You At Home.


07.00 08.00 17.05 17.30

Kypros Ena Taxidi Eimaste Edo News Me Kali Parea

20.00 20.10 20.20


Grigoris Afxentiou Documentary (rpt) Aminesthai Peri Patris


News Patates Antinahtes (rpt) Local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.

19.00 19.30 20.00 21.30

23.30 23.45


News Repeats


News In English News In Turkish Dogs 101 (rpt)

23.15 00.15 00.30 02.30

07.30 08.00 08.50 09.40

MINI-Series: Ce Jour Là, Tout A Changé

Ghost Whisperer (rpt)

Tete-A-Tete (rpt) News In English & Turkish (rpt) Me Kali Parea (rpt) Euronews

Aliki (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Dada Yia Oles Tis Douleies (rpt) Cheek To Cheek (rpt) Oi Men kai oi Den San To Skilo Me Ti Gata (rpt) 40 Kimata (rpt) Santa Yiolanta (rpt)

MEGA 07.00 09.40 10.00 11.00 11.00 12.40 13.30

10.30 11.20 12.10

15.10 16.10 (rpt) Tihi Vouno Exairetika Afieromeno (rpt) Yia Tin Agapi Sou (rpt) Tha Vreis Ton Daskalo Sou (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) With News at 18.00.

18.30 20.20 21.20

Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) News FILM: Troy An adaptation of Homer’s great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces and chronicles the fates of the men involved. Historical drama, starring Brad Pitt. 2004.

00.30 01.40 02.40 04.00 04.40

Vradi Me Ton Petro Kostopoulo Blackout Mavros Okeanos (rpt) News Eftyhismenes Meres (rpt)

Church Service Kids’ TV Mia Stigmi Dio Zoes Klemmena Oneira (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt) Chuck FILM: Glitter A songstress is eager to make it big in the world of pop, little suspecting how difficult it will prove. Drama, starring Mariah Carey. 2001.

Local comedy series, with village setting.


Fifth and final season of paranormal drama, starring Jennifer Love Heweitt. ‘Old Sins Cast Long Shadows’. A routine estate sale lands Melinda in the centre of dark forces battling for the soul of a girl who has remained trapped in a haunted house for years.

Ego Ki Esi Local Sketch News FILM: A.I. Artificial Intelligence A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become “real” so that he can regain the love of his human mother. Sci-fi drama, starring Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law. 2001.

05.30 06.20 06.50

A re-enactment of the last day of King Henri IV of France before his murder by the fanatical catholic Ravaillac. Historical drama, starring Arnaud Bedouët. 2009. Part 1 of 3.

Local military and defence show.

18.00 18.15

NRG Zone Kid’s TV Mihanokinitos Athlitismos 32nd European Athletics Indoor Championships

A guide to different types and breeds of dog featuring expert opinions from trainers, groomers and vets.

Local talk-show with studio discussion and viewers calling in.



Live coverage from Gothenburg, Sweden.

I Ypaithros Weekly farming show.

13.00 13.30 14.00 14.30


15.00 16.40 18.00 18.30 19.00 20.20 21.20 22.20 00.00 00.10 01.00 01.40 02.20 03.20 04.00 04.30 05.00

Anonymous Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) News Epta Thanasimes Petheres (rpt) Oi Vasiliades (rpt) News Anonymous Mousiko Kouti - Live News Kleise Ta Matia (rpt) Mila Mou Vromika (rpt) Big Bang Eheis Meson (rpt) Mia Stigmi, Dio Zoes (rpt) Patir, Yios Kai Pnevma (rpt) Oi Afthairetoi More Repeats

SIGMA 05.35 06.50 07.50 09.30 10.00 14.00


Oi Adiafthoroi (rpt) Oi Takkoi (rpt) Zoi Podilato (rpt) UEFA Champions League Magazine Mes Tin Kali Hara (rpt) Barbie

07.50 11.35

Animated adventure, dubbed in Greek.



Efta Ouranoi Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt)


The Cooking

18.20 18.25

News Pame Paketo (rpt)

12.05 13.00 13.40 15.10

Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition. Hosted by Dina Nikolaou.

Local drama series. Greek cookery show.

Talk-show, that deals with human interest stories such as reuniting people, fulfilling dreams and connecting individuals who want to correct past mistakes in their lives.

20.15 21.30 22.30

News Siga Min To’ Xeres Celebrity FILM: Man In The Iron Mask The Musketeers set out to depose the King of France and reinstate his imprisoned twin brother to the throne Swashbuckling adventure, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and John Malkovich. 1998.

00.50 00.55 02.00 03.20

News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Mes Tin Kali Hara (rpt) Magazino (rpt)

Kids’ TV Exelixeis Sti Showbiz LTV Sports News Star News Quiz Fun Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Stin Kouzina Me Tin Dina (rpt)


CAPITAL 07.00 11.35 12.05 13.15 15.00 15.15 15.45 16.15

Against all odds, a young woman realizes her dreams to study vocal music. Family drama, starring Lindsey Haun. 2004. With News at 17.30.

Mila (rpt) Discussions about various issues based on a woman’s life.

19.00 19.30

Exelixeis Sti Showbiz FILM: Raspberry Magic Coming of age story about a young girl’s connection to nature. Comedy drama, starring Lily Javaherpour. 2010.




LTV Sports News News Repeats

Remington Steele News Acapulco HEAT News O Anthropos Tis Thalassas FILM: Desert Saints A hit man recruits a woman to help him kill a Mexican drug dealer. Action thriller, starring. Kiefer Sutherland. 2000.


FILM: Submerged A top mercenary leads his crew aboard a stranded submarine commandeered by terrorists. Action, starring Steven Seagal. 2005.

FILM: 36 Crazy Fists A monastery novice strives tirelessly to learn advanced kungfu techniques with which to avenge his father’s death. Martial arts comedy, starring Jackie Chan. 1977.

00.15 01.05 02.05

18.00 19.55 19.05 19.55 20.00

FILM: Fool’s Gold Adventure, starring Matthew McConaughey, Kate Hudson and Donald Sutherland. 2008. See Pick Of The Day.

Kids’ TV Kouzina Me Apopsi (rpt) Telemarketing Greek FILM: Zoi Gemato Pono Kipotehnia Kouzina Me Apopsi (rpt) Star Stories FILM: Brave New Girl


FILM: Harsh Times An unstable Gulf war veteran’s efforts to start a new life come to nothing, driving him and an old friend to crime. Drama, with Christian Bale. 2005.

Happy Feet Two (LTV, 09.30)

00:40 As Time Goes By 02:10 Live At The Apollo 02:55 The Weakest Link 03:40 The Stephen K Amos Show 04:10 Last Man Standing 05:00 Live At The Apollo 05:45 As Time Goes By 06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Me Too! 07:30 Bobinogs 07:45 The Large Family 07:55 Balamory 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:25 Me Too! 08:45 Bobinogs 09:00 The Large Family 09:10 Balamory 09:30 The Weakest Link 10:15 One Foot In The Grave 10:45 Keeping Up Appearances 11:15 Gavin & Stacey 11:45 The Old Guys 12:15 Rock & Chips 13:45 The Weakest Link 14:30 One Foot In The Grave 15:00 Oliver Twist 16:00 Doctors 18:20 Keeping Up Appearances 18:50 Gavin & Stacey 19:20 Heart & Soul 20:10 32 Brinkburn Street 20:55 Fawlty Towers 21:30 Little Britain 22:00 Outcasts 22:50 The Suspicions Of Mr Whicher 00:20 Waking The Dead

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 How Do They Do It? 08:15 Motor City Motors 09:10 Mythbusters 10:05 Destroyed In

Seconds 10:55 Extreme Engineering 11:50 American Guns 12:40 Rattlesnake Republic 13:35 Auction Kings 14:30 Dealers 15:25 Gold Rush 16:20 Gold Divers 17:15 Jesse James Outlaw Garage 18:10 Ultimate Survival 19:05 Man, Woman, Wild 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Outback Truckers 22:00 Ultimate Survival 23:00 River Monsters 00:00 Aircrash Confidential 01:00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive 01:55 Outback Truckers 02:50 Ultimate Survival 03:50 River Monsters 04:50 Aircrash Confidential 05:45 Jesse James Outlaw Garage 06:35 How It’s Made

09:30 Snooker: Haikou World Open 11:30 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 13:15 CrossCountry Skiing: World Championship 15:45 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 16:45 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 18:00 Athletics: European Indoor Championships Sweden 20:00 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 21:00 Snooker: Haikou World Open 23:30 Cross-Country Skiing: World Championship 00:30 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 01:30 Athletics: Euro-

pean Indoor Championships Sweden

05:40 The Gates 06:30 Scrubs 07:45 Melissa & Joey 08:10 Scandal 08:55 Castle 09:40 Grey’s Anatomy 10:25 Private Practice 11:10 Once Upon A Time 12:00 Revenge 12:50 Modern Family 13:15 New Girl 13:40 Glee 14:30 Bones 18:30 Masterchef 20:10 Happy Endings 20:35 Don’t Trust The B... In Apartment 21:00 Scandal 21:50 Castle 22:40 Grey’s Anatomy 23:30 Private Practice 00:15 Melissa & Joey 01:55 Masterchef 03:35 Scrubs

07:30 Secret Garden, The 09:30 Happy Feet Two 11:30 Roxanne 13:30 Town, The 16:00 50/50 18:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Faster 23:00 Kings Of Mykonos, The 00:35 Hustler TV 02:45 Crazies, The 04:30 Witches Of Eastwick, The 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Kids TV 13:15 Legion Of Super Heroes 13:40 Max

A d v e n tures 14:05 P l a n e t Speed 14:35 2011 World’s Strongest Man 15:05 Liga Bbva 2012-13 17:00 Pre-Game 18:00 A’ Division Cyprus Soccer Championship 2012-13 20:00 Liga Bbva 201213 00:00 Nba Action 00:30 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 02:30 Planet Speed 03:00 Pba All-Star Shootout 04:00 Espn Films 05:00 Grand American Series 2012 06:00 2010 World’s Strongest Man

07:15 According To Jim 07:40 How To Make It In America 08:10 Eastbound & Down 08:40 Friends 09:05 According To Jim 09:55 Chuck 10:40 Borgias The 11:35 Underbelly Nz: Land Of The Long Green Cloud 12:25 Hawaii Five 13:10 Five Days 2 14:15 Fringe 15:00 According To Jim 00:10 Country Strong 02:05 Friday After Next 03:30 C.S.I. Miami

08:00 Mr. Troop Mom 10:0 10:00 Men In Black (1997) 1 12:00 Kisses 13:30 School Fo For Scoundrels 15:30 Tinker Tailo Tailor Soldier Spy 17:45 Phenome Phenomenon (1996) 20:00 Deception (2008) 22:00 Fine Madness, A 0 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 Friends With Money 06:00 Triage

06:10 Gone 07:45 My Father The Hero 09:25 Jane Eyre 11:25 The Muppets 13:15 Fish N’ Chips 15:00 How I Met Your Mother 15:30 C.S.I. 16:20 Person Of Interest 17:10 Cine News 17:25 The 85th Anual Academy Awards 19:10 The Adjustment Bureau 21:00 Person Of Interest 22:00 The Hunger Games 02:05 The Devil Inside 03:35 Payback

05:55 La Fille De Monaco 07:30 A Better Life 09:10 Fast Five 11:20 Cine News 12:05 Alvin And The Chipmunks: Chipwrecked 13:35 Emma 15:40 Cine News 16:35 Man Of The House 18:20 O An-

nivas Ton Pilon 20:05 Friends With Benefits 22:00 Blitz 23:45 Hanna 01:40 The Vanishing 03:35 The English Patient

06:10 Your Highness 07:55 Cine News 08:40 TheRiver Wild 10:30 Cine News 11:00 Starsky & Hutch 12:45 Inspector Gadget 14:10 Breaking Wind 17:30 TheResident 19:05 TheGhost And The Darkness 21:00 Old School 22:35 Straw Dogs 00:30 Cine News 01:30 Taking Memphis 03:25 Scream 4

05:55 Korkoro 07:45 Courageous 09:55 Open Season 3 11:15 Mr. Popper’s Penguins 12:50 Lola Montes 14:45 Fame 17:00 High Noon 18:35 Cine News 21:00 Straight Story 22:40 Something Borrowed 00:40 She’s The One 02:20 Bloodworth 04:00 The Names Of Love

14:15 Pre Game 14:30 2nd Division Championship 2012-13: Arhs Vs Aek Kouklion 16:30 Post Game 16:45 European

Tour Tshwane Open Final Rd. 19:30 Nhl: Chicago Blackhawks At Detroit Red Wings 22:00 Sea Master 22:30 Pac12 Men’s Basketball Washington St. At Washington

06:00 Only Hits 11:00 Pure Local 11:30 S7S Lockdown Top10 12:00 MTV Hitlist Hellas 13:00 MTV Movies & Stars 14:00 MTV Daria 15:00 MTV Crash Canyon 16:00 MTV Catfish 17:00 Only Hits 19:00 2012 UK Hosted Countdowns 20:00 MTV Paris Hilton my new BFF 23:00 MTV Underemployed 0:00 MTV Teen Mom 4 01:00 Only Hits

07:00 The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre 09:05 Betrayed 11:00 Young Tom Edison 12:30 Kismet 14:25 Kelly’s Heroes 17:00 Cimarron 19:25 Bad Day At Black Rock 20:45 Arena 22:00 Flareup 23:35 Mutiny On The Bounty 02:30 Johnny Eager 04:15 Kelly’s Heroes

By Preston Wilder

Fool’s Gold (Plus TV, 21.00) If you’re making a soufflé, beware! A soufflé that fails to rise is no good at all - and the same might be said of a romp that goes stale, like this rather deadly comedy that tries for light-hearted but ends up feeling leaden. Matthew McConaughey (slack-jawed, ragged, a long way from his razor-sharp performances in Killer Joe and Magic Mike) is a deep-sea diver and treasure hunter; Kate Hudson (prim, phony, forced in her comic timing) is his ex-wife and former diving partner - and the couple’s love-hate relationship gets re-ignited when Matt finds sunken treasure near an island owned by a homicidal rap star. The film tries hard, but the balance is wrong - the dialogue witless, the villains overly

unpleasant, the rich bimbo (Alexis Dziena) weighed down by some horribly po-faced father-daughter bonding. A sadly collapsed soufflé, though I guess you can still eat the sweet doughy bits at the bottom of the pan if you’re really hungry. Made in 2008.

The Hunger Games (Novacinema1, 22.00) Here’s a little stat for you: The Hunger Games is the 57th most successful film of all time (unadjusted for inflation), but if you only look at American box-office numbers it ranks 13th! Translation: fans of the ‘young adult’ books by Suzanne Collins - which are huge in the US - lapped up this big-screen version, but those

The Hunger Games

unfamiliar with the books (i.e. the rest of the world) weren’t too impressed. The rest of the world was right, because the film is mediocre - though its premise is admittedly killer (no pun intended), set in a future society where children and teenagers fight to the death for the delectation of a live-TV audience. Jennifer Lawrence (I beg your pardon, ‘Academy Award Winner Jennifer Lawrence’) is our heroine, a girl from a dirt-poor district who gets chosen to fight in the Hunger Games, paired with a boy (Josh Hutcherson) with whom she may also be in love. The concept is diluted (watch a Japanese film called Battle Royale for a much edgier version), our heroes dull, the class-war angle half-baked. Read the book(s) instead. Made in 2012.

T V THURSDAY 07/03 SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

CYBC 1 06.45 08.15

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Local variety show, with entertainment options, cookery tips and more.

11.00 11.30

Kaftes Piperies (rpt) Istories Tou Horkou (rpt) Local comedy series, which happens to be longest-running weekly show on Cyprus television.


Apo Mera Se Mera



CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 17.00

18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10

18.00 18.15

Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies Live cookery show.



20.00 21.00 21.35

Paizoume Kypriaka New season of local game show, asking questions having to do with Cypriot dialect.

Moiraia Fengaria

News Patates 8 Local satirical show, using comedy sketches and embarrassing TV clips to skewer local politicians.

22.00 23.00 23.30 00.45

Proektaseis Local Sketch (rpt) News Repeats

Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Prehistoric Park (rpt)

NRG Zone Motor Sports UEFA Europa League

08.40 09.30 10.25 11.15 12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45

Pre-game analysis.


UEFA Europa League

16.40 17.30 17.40

Live coverage


Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.

20.00 21.15


Nigel Marven travels through time to save prehistoric species from extinction, using CGI animation to bring the creatures back to the 21st century.

Local cultrual show. Local talk-show.

05.30 06.30 06.50 07.00

NRG Zone Kids’ TV Kati Psinetai (rpt) Amateur chefs each stage a dinner party to find who will be crowned the winning host.

Current affairs show.



UEFA Europa League

01.30 03.00 06.30

06.00 06.15 07.00 10.00 12.45 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 18.20

Kati Psinetai (rpt) News In English & Turkish (rpt) Proti Enimerosi (rpt) Apo Mera Se Mera (rpt) Euronews

18.40 19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.00 00.00 00.05 00.20 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40

Tin Patisa (rpt) Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi Eilikrina News Sports News Ola Bahalo Fetos Yia Tin Anna (rpt) Erotas Kleftis (rpt) News Deal (rpt)

Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Retire Nea Mera Proino Mou Enimerosi Tora Deka Lepta Kirigma Eheis Meson Yia Sena News Master Chef Greek reality competition show where amatuer chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.


Oi Vasiliades Daily family comedy based on the Argentinian sitcomtelenovela Los Roldan.

20.20 21.15

SIGMA 07.00 08.20 10.30 11.20 12.00 14.30 15.20 17.15 18.00 18.05 18.45 19.30 20.20 21.15 23.20


FILM: Tears Of The Sun A veteran lieutenant leads a Navy Seal team on a dangerous mission to rescue a US doctor from crisistorn Nigeria. Anti-war drama, starring Bruce Willis. 2003.

00.00 00.10 01.00 03.00

News Gimnoi Angeloi (rpt) Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt)


Protoselido Eleni Mila Mou (rpt) Vasiliki (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Magazino Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama Anna Paola Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites News Pame Paketo CSI: NY Fifth season. ‘Dead Inside’. The owner of a property relocation company is found dead and the evidence initially points toward a former tenant, but further investigation puts the victim’s own family in the frame. Meanwhile, Flack worries about his sister’s erratic behaviour.

News Klemmena Oneira Greek drama series.

With News at 18.00.

Highlights of the best matches played from the first leg of the Round of 16.

23.00 01.15

Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Strivein Dia Tou Arravonos (rpt) Akros Oikogeneiakon (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Deliyianneio Parthenagogeio (rpt) Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) Lefta Sto Lepto Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt)


00.00 00.05 01.20 02.10 03.00 03.20 04.30

News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) Mono Mia Fora (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)

07.20 08.35 10.00 10.45 11.40 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50 19.40

Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz I Kouzina Me Ti Dna (rpt) Mila (rpt) To Kleidi (rpt) Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Kid’s TV To Kleidi Fotis Maria Live Mila Discussions about various issues based on a woman’s life (men, relationships, sex, etc.), with showbiz guests.

21.15 22.00

Exelixeis Stin Showbiz Fringe Third season of action sci-fi series. ‘The Abducted’. Olivia is sent to the alternate universe to investigate the case of a serial kidnapper, and her fight to return home rages on when she is reunited with Henry and decides to enlist his help.


08.20 08.50 09.25 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.25 14.30 15.15 16.05 16.45 17.35 18.15

LTV Sports News Star News Repeats

Magikos Kosmos S’Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron Ston Asterismos Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Epi Topou (rpt) Milagros Kids’ TV Telemarketing Top Models S’Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue With News at 18.30.

19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00

News Sports Time O Anthropos Tis Thalassas FILM: Detonator A former FBI agent working as a postal inspector returns to duty to investigate a series of bombings. Action thriller, starring Randall Batinkoff. 2003.


FILM: 25th Hour Spike Lee’s drama, starring Edward Norton and Philip Seymour Hoffman. 2002. See Pick Of The Day.

FILM: Miss Nobody A mild-mannered secretary discovers that she has a talent for murder as she ascends the corporate ladder. Comedy, starring Leslie Bibb and Adam Goldberg. 2010.

00.15 01.00 03.00



FILM: Domestic Disturbance A divorced father becomes convinced his ex-wife’s new man isn’t all he appears to be. Thriller, with John Travolta. 2001.

Twilight (LTV, 21.00)

01:15 The Weakest Link 02:00 EastEnders 02:30 Doctors 03:00 Casualty 03:50 Beautiful People 04:25 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 04:55 Little Britain 05:25 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 06:30 One Foot In The Grave 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Me Too! 07:30 Jackanory Junior 07:45 The Large Family 07:55 Balamory 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:25 Me Too! 08:45 Jackanory Junior 09:00 Little Human Planet 09:05 Balamory 09:25 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 09:55 One Foot In The Grave 10:25 The Weakest Link 11:10 EastEnders 11:40 Doctors 12:10 Casualty 13:00 Oliver Twist 14:00 Outcasts 14:50 The Weakest Link 15:35 EastEnders 16:05 Doctors 16:35 Casualty 17:25 Oliver Twist 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 EastEnders 19:40 Doctors 20:10 Emma 21:00 Keeping Up Appearances 21:30 Gavin & Stacey 22:00 Money 22:50 Beautiful People 23:20 Dad’s Army 23:50 The Stephen K Amos Show 00:20 Last Man Standing

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 Ameri-

can Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Rides 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Extreme Fishing 22:00 River Monsters 23:00 Off The Hook 00:00 Trouble In Paradise 01:00 Kidnap And Rescue 01:55 Extreme Fishing 02:50 River Monsters 03:50 Off The Hook 04:50 Trouble In Paradise 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’

09:30 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 10:30 Cycling 11:30 Ski Jumping: World Championship 12:30 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 15:00 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 15:45 All Sports: Watts 16:15 Biathlon: World Cup Russia 19:30 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 20:30 Cycling 21:30 Fight Sport: Fight Club 00:00 Poker: European Poker Tour 01:00 Biathlon: World Cup Russia 02:15 All Sports: Watts

05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Bones 07:10 Melissa & Joey 07:35 Scrubs 08:00 Grey’s Anatomy 08:50 Masterchef 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Bones 11:10 Melissa & Joey 11:35 Scrubs 12:00 Scandal 12:50 Castle 13:40 Grey’s Anatomy 14:30 Tough Love: Miami 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Bones 16:50 Melissa & Joey 17:15 Scrubs 17:40 Grey’s Anatomy 18:30 Tough Love: Miami 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Bones 21:00 Scandal 21:50 Castle 22:40 Melissa & Joey 23:05 Scrubs 23:30 Scandal 00:20 Castle 01:10 Bones 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Melissa & Joey 03:10 Scrubs 03:35 Surviving Suburbia 04:00 Grey’s Anatomy 04:50 Tough Love: Miami

07:30 Corruptor, The 09:30 Elder Son, The 11:00 Bachelor, The 13:00 Lost In Space 15:30 Vincere 18:00 Last Night 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00 Twilight (2008) 23:15 All Good Things 01:00 Hustler TV 02:45 Oscar 05:00 Piranha 06:30 LTV Sports News

How To Make It In America 16:30 One Tree Hill 17:15 Borgias The 19:05 Harry’s Law 19:50 Privileged 20:35 Friends 21:00 Closer, The 21:45 Five Days 2 22:50 C.S.I. Miami 23:35 Supernatural 00:30 Love In The Time Of Cholera 03:25 How To Make It In America 03:55 One Tree Hill 04:40 Borgias The 06:30 Harry’s Law

07:00 Kids TV 15:45 Justice League Unlimited 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 A’ Division Cyprus Soccer Championship 2012-13 19:00 Barclays Premier League Review 20:00 Planet Speed 20:30 La Liga World 21:00 Barclays Premier League World 21:30 La Liga Show 2012-13 22:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 00:00 2010 World’s Strongest Man 00:30 Planet Speed 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 05:00 Grand American Series 2012

07:15 According To Jim 08:00 Eastbound & Down 08:30 Hawaii Five 10:00 Friends 10:30 Gossip Girl 11:15 Fringe 12:50 Harry’s Law 13:40 According To Jim 14:30 Hawaii Five 16:00

08:00 Il Ciclone 10:00 Outland 12:00 Heartbreaker 14:00 Hole, The (2009) 16:00 Invisible Sign, An 18:00 Roommate, The 19:45 Agora 22:00 Lovely Bones, The 00:20 Daring! TV 04:05 Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows 06:30 Twilight

Basketball Big Ten Tournament #3: Teams Tba 06:25 It’s Kind Of A Funny Story 08:10 A Better Life 09:50 Runaway Jury 12:00 Cine News 12:50 Uranya 14:30 The Three Musketeers 16:25 $5 A Day 18:05 Hollywood 1on1 18:40 Doctor Dolittle 20:10 The Ides Of March 22:00 A Thousand Acres 23:55 We Need To Talk About Kevin 01:50 The Son Of No One 03:25 Cine News 04:20 Seeking Justice

18:50 Midnight Run 21:00 Real Steel 23:10 TheFollowing 00:00 Cine News 01:00 Prostitution

06:00 Only Hits 08:00 MTV Disaster Date 09:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 10:00 Only Hits 11:00 Pure Local 12:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 13:00 MTV Made 14:00 MTV Big Time Rush 14:30 MTV Victorious 15:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 16:00 MTV Crash Canyon 17:00 MTV Pranked 18:00 Only Hits 19:00 McCafé Music Project 19:30 MTV VHI Pop up Video 20:00 MTV The Hard Times Of RJ Berger 21:00 MTV Underemployed 23:00 MTV Flash Prank 00:00 MTV Jersey Shore 01:00 Only Hits

19:25 The Cake Eaters 21:00 Nicostratos: Le Pelican 22:40 Paul 00:30 Bloodworth 05:40 Another Earth 07:15 Extreme Measures 09:15 Source Code 10:50 Cine News 13:05 War Of The Buttons 15:00 Sweet Home Alabama 16:55 Cine News 17:30 The Deep Blue Sea 19:15 Mad On Novacinema 19:55 The Descendants 22:00 Catch. 44 23:45 Friends With Kids 01:35 Cine News 03:50 Operation: Endgame

19:30 Big Ten Women’s Basketball Big Ten Tournament #1: Teams Tba 22:00 Big Ten Women’s Basketball Big Ten Tournament #2: Teams Tba 00:00 Pass Time 00:30 Stuntbusters 01:00 Pinks All Out Atlanta 02:00 Big Ten Women’s

07:00 Northern Pursuit 08:35 Designing Woman 10:30 High Society 12:15 The Champ 14:20 Double Trouble 15:50 The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn 17:45 Cheyenne Autumn 20:20 Forbidden Planet 22:00 Straight Time 23:55 Eye Of The Devil 01:30 The Outfit 03:10 Double Trouble 04:40 High Society

By Preston Wilder

Catch .44 (Novacinema1, 22.00) Malin Akerman is a waitress - but “you also do somethin’ else really well,” leers a sleazy Bruce Willis. Bruce is talking about robbery, and he’s got a little job to suggest - but the job goes wrong, the whole thing is a set-up, the double-crosses pile up and no-one is what they seem. Have we left out any crime-movie clichés yet? “The guy who made this movie is trying to be Quentin Tarantino,” quips a wise man on YouTube, though even Tarantino has moved on from this kind of flippant neo-noir; QT-heads may like it anyway, especially if they have a strong stomach for violence, thrive on sarcastic adolescent humour and appreciate the thought of pudgy Forest Whitaker with a Mexi-

can accent. “A good soundtrack, bunch of cute girls, somewhat stylish cinematography and gun play does not make for a passable movie,” claims an irate Canadian at the Internet Movie Database. Actually, mate, you just made it sound irresistible. Made in 2011.

25th Hour (Capital, 22.45) This soulful Spike Lee drama was all but ignored when it came out (it won no Oscar nominations) yet it made loads of ‘Best of the Decade’ lists eight years later, especially in the US. What changed? Maybe the difference is 9/11, which Americans were more able to process by the end of the decade - and the film isn’t ‘about’ 9/11 but the tragedy looms large over this tale

25th Hour

of a convicted criminal (Edward Norton) enjoying a final night of freedom in the company of his two best friends, Wall Street trader Barry Pepper and highschool teacher Philip Seymour Hoffman. Or maybe it’s because it contains two of the most dazzling scenes in 00s cinema - including a haunting ending which obviously stuck in critics’ minds when it came time to choose the Best of the Decade. The rest of it is full of pleasures - including a mournful symphonic score and Isiah Whitlock Jr (Sen. Davis in The Wire) bringing out his patented “Sheeeeyit!” - but it’s hard to decipher what it’s saying (though it’s clearly about Doing the Right Thing) and “Make me ugly” is vaguely ludicrous. You’ll know it when you hear it. Made in 2002.

T V TUESDAY 05/03 SUNDAY MAIL• March 3, 2013

CYBC 1 06.45 08.15

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Early morning entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.


Kaftes Piperies (rpt)


Istories Tou Horkou (rpt)

CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 17.00


18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10

Entehnos Local cultural show.

16.00 18.00 18.15 18.45

Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies Paizoume Kypriaka

20.00 21.00

Local game show, asking questions having to do with the Cypriot dialect.


20.00 21.15

News Vimata Stin Ammo


Ego Ki Esi (rpt) Local comedy series.

22.30 23.30 23.45

Eponymos News Repeats


05.30 06.20 06.50 07.00 07.50 08.40 09.30 10.25 11.15 12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.40

MINI-Series: La Commanderie French series showing the Middle Ages as a dark and turbulent period when religion ran society and led to tragic results. Historical drama, starring Clement Sibony. 2010.

New season of local period drama, based on true events.


NRG Zone MINI-Series: Ce Jour Là, Tout A Changé A re-enactment of the last day of King Henri IV of France before his murder by the fanatical catholic Ravaillac. Historical drama, starring Arnaud Bedouët. 2009. Part 3 of 3.

Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.

Biz/Emeis News In English News In Turkish Prehistoric Park (rpt) Nigel Marven travels through time to save prehistoric species from extinction, using CGI animation to bring the creatures back to the 21st century.

Apo Mera Se Mera Current affairs show.


NRG Zone Kids’ TV Kati Psinetai (rpt) Greek version of the show where contestants try to outdo each other by throwing the perfect dinner party, which is then judged on its merits by their rivals.

Cookery show. Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.



16.40 17.30 17.40

Erotas (rpt) Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Strivein Dia Tou Arravonos (rpt) Akros Oikogeneiakon (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras (rpt) Deliyianneio Parthenagogeio (rpt) Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) Lefta Sto Lepto Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) With News at 18.00.

18.40 19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.00

Tin Patisa (rpt) Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi Castle

00.00 00.05 00.30 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40

News Sports News Radio Arvila Klemmeni Zoi (rpt) Erotas Kleftis (rpt) News Deal (rpt)

MEGA 06.00 06.30 07.00 10.00

Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Retire Nea Mera Proino Mou Lifestyle programme features entertainment, music and more. Hosted by real-life couple Giorgos Liagas & Fay Skorda.

SIGMA 07.00 08.20 10.30 11.20 12.00 14.30 15.20 17.10

12.45 14.00 15.00

Enimerosi Tora Deka Lepta Kirigma Eheis Meson

18.00 18.05

Current affairs show.


Yia Sena


New Latin American telenovela.

Local talk-show.

18.00 18.20


News Master Chef (rpt)


Reality competition show where amateur chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.

20.20 21.15 22.20

20.15 21.15 22.30

News Klemmena Oneira FILM: The Prestige Two Victorian magicians engage in a bitter rivalry as one becomes obsessed with the secret to the other’s greatest illusion. Mystery thriller, with Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale. 2006.

American crime drama.

00.00 00.50 01.30 03.30 04.40

Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites News Aspra Balonia Al Tsantiri News Live satirical comedy show that features Lakis Lazopoulos giving ‘his version’ of the news.

Oi Vasiliades New daily family comedy based on the Argentinian sitcom.

Protoselido Eleni Mila (rpt) Vasiliki (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Magazino Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama Anna Paola

00.40 00.45 01.20 02.00 02.40 03.00 03.30

News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) Mono Mia Fora (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) Ta Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)

News Gimnoi Angeloi (rpt) Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)

PLUS TV 07.20 08.30 09.05 10.00 10.45 11.40 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50

Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of I Kouzina Me Ti Dina (rpt) Mila (rpt) To Kleidi (rpt) Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Kids’ TV To Kleidi Fotis - Maria Live Entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, health, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.


Mila Discussions about various issues based on a woman’s life (men, relationships, sex, kids etc.).

21.15 22.15 23.15

Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Epikaira Eleventh Hour (rpt) First and only season drama, starring Rufus Sewell as a special adviser to the US government who is tasked with investigating incidents caused by serious abuses of science. ‘Minamata’. Dr Hood investigates when a former FBI helicopter pilot is killed after being mysteriously blinded in mid-fligh.

00.00 00.50 01.50

LTV Sports News Star News Repeats

CAPITAL 06.45 08.20 08.50 09.25 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.20 14.30 15.15 16.05 16.40 17.25 18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00

Kids’ TV Magikos Kosmos S’ Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron (rpt) Ston Asterismo Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Capital Sports Milagros Kids’ TV Telemarketing Top Models S’ Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue News Sports News Igeia & Zoi FILM: Coastlines Released from prison, a man stays with an old friend and has an affair with his wife. Drama, starring Timothy Olyphant. 2002.


FILM: Trapped A devious couple plot to carry out the perfect kidnapping, keeping the parents under guard to ensure they pay the ransom to get their daughter back. Taut thriller, starring Charlize Theron. 2002.


FILM: A Bronx Tale An honest, hard-working man watches helplessly as his teenage son is drawn into the criminal underworld. Crime drama, directed by and starring Robert De Niro. 1993.

War Horse (Novacinema1, 19.25)

01:25 dinnerladies 01:55 EastEnders 02:25 Doctors 02:55 Ideal 03:25 The Weakest Link 04:10 The Green Green Grass 04:40 The Impressions Show With Culshaw &... 05:10 Ideal 05:40 The Green Green Grass 06:10 The Weakest Link 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Me Too! 07:30 Bobinogs 07:45 The Large Family 07:55 Balamory 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:25 Me Too! 08:45 Bobinogs 09:00 The Large Family 09:10 Balamory 09:30 dinnerladies 10:00 The Green Green Grass 10:30 The Weakest Link 11:15 EastEnders 11:45 Doctors 12:15 32 Brinkburn Street 12:55 Fawlty Towers 13:35 Emma 14:25 dinnerladies 14:55 The Weakest Link 15:40 EastEnders 16:10 Doctors 16:40 The Green Green Grass 17:10 32 Brinkburn Street 17:50 dinnerladies 18:20 The Weakest Link 19:05 EastEnders 19:35 Doctors 20:05 Emma 21:00 Fawlty Towers 21:30 The Impressions Show With Culshaw &... 22:00 32 Brinkburn Street 22:45 As Time Goes By 23:15 Lab Rats 23:45 Outcasts 00:35 Fawlty Towers

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American

Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Overhaulin’ 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Mythbusters 22:00 You Have Been Warned 23:00 Guns: The Men Who Made Them 00:00 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie 01:00 An Idiot Abroad 01:55 Mythbusters 02:50 You Have Been Warned 03:50 Guns: The Men Who Made Them 04:50 Penn & Teller Tell A Lie 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’

09:30 All Sports: Watts 09:45 Football: Eurogoals 10:30 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 12:00 All Sports: Watts 13:00 Ski Jumping: World Championship 14:00 Cross-Country Skiing: World Championship 15:00 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 17:15 Snooker: Haikou World Open 18:30 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 20:00 Ski Jumping: World Championship 21:00 Boxing 22:00 Boxing: Ibf World Championship France 00:00 Ski Jumping: World Cham-

pionship 01:00 Biathlon: World Cup Norway

05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Bones 07:10 Melissa & Joey 07:35 Scrubs 08:00 Grey’s Anatomy 08:50 Tough Love: Miami 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Bones 11:10 Melissa & Joey 11:35 Scrubs 12:00 Modern Family 12:25 New Girl 12:50 Glee 13:40 Grey’s Anatomy 14:30 Masterchef 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Bones 16:50 Melissa & Joey 17:15 Scrubs 17:40 Grey’s Anatomy 18:30 Masterchef 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Bones 21:00 Modern Family 21:25 New Girl 21:50 Glee 22:40 Melissa & Joey 23:05 Scrubs 23:30 Modern Family 23:55 New Girl 00:20 Glee 01:10 Bones 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Melissa & Joey 03:10 Scrubs 03:35 Surviving Suburbia 04:00 Grey’s Anatomy 04:50 Masterchef

07:30 Action Zone 08:00 Todos Tus Muertos 09:30 Simple Twist Of Fate, A 11:30 Ghost Writer 14:00 Something’s Gotta Give 16:15 Finn On The Fly 18:00 Fools Rush In 20:00 LTV Sports

News 21:00 Atl 23:00 Incendiary 00:45 Hustler TV 02:40 Ticking Clock 04:30 It Runs In The Family 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Kids TV 15:45 Justice League Unlimited 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Nba Action 17:30 Barclays Premier League World 18:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 20:00 2010 World’s Strongest Man 20:30 Planet Speed 21:00 La Liga Review 2012-13 22:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 00:00 2010 World’s Strongest Man 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13

07:15 One Tree Hill 08:00 How To Make It In America 08:30 Borgias The 10:20 According To Jim 10:45 Eastbound & Down 11:15 Hawaii Five 12:45 Harry’s Law 13:30 One Tree Hill 14:15 Borgias The 16:10 Friends 16:35 Two And A Half Men 17:10 Closer, The 17:55 Five Days 2 19:00 Harry’s Law 19:45 According To Jim 20:30 Big Bang Theory The 21:00 Mentalist The 21:45 Underbelly Nz: Land Of The Long Green Cloud 22:35 C.S.I. Miami 23:20 Bones 00:05 Life As We Know It

The Artist 01:35 Cine News 02:05 Polisse 03:55 Hara Kiri: Death Of A Samurai

02:00 Tourist, The 03:45 Friends 04:15 Two And A Half Men 04:40 Closer, The 05:25 Five Days 2 06:30 Harry’s Law

07:45 Prince Of The City 10:45 Eye For An Eye 12:30 Just Go With It 14:30 Taking Lives 16:30 Lottery Ticket 18:10 Hesher 20:00 Killer Inside Me, The 22:00 Leaves Of Grass 00:05 Daring! TV 04:05 American, The 06:00 Class Of ‘44

05:25 Chronicle 06:50 The Illusionist 08:40 The Adventures Of Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn 10:35 Hop 12:15 Films And Stars 12:45 Anonymous 15:00 This Means War 16:45 Cine News 17:05 Page Eight 18:50 Hollywood 1 on 1 19:25 War Horse 22:00 Man On A Ledge 23:50

05:35 Barney’s Version 07:50 Alfie -2004 09:40 Mrs. Brown 11:25 Cine News 12:05 Air Force One 14:15 Good Morning Vietnam 16:20 Happy Gilmore 17:55 Hollywood Buzz 18:30 Pal Joey 20:20 Cheri 22:00 I Am Legend 23:45 The Grey 01:50 Glory 03:55 Cine News 04:30 The Last Temptation Of Christ

19:10 Tt3d: Closer To The Edge 21:00 TheHit List 22:35 Cine News 23:00 How I Met Your Mother 00:20 Cine News 01:30 Luna Stern - La Prima Volta Con Un Uomo

19:05 A Far Off Place 22:45 The Edge Of Love 00:40 Sundays At Tiffany’s

13:30 Big Ten Indoor Track & Field Men’s & Women’s Indoor Championships 16:00 Big 12 Women’s Basketball Kansas St.

At Baylor 18:00 Pre Game 18:45 Cup 2012-13: Apollon Vs Nea Salamina 20:45 Post Game 21:30 Snapshots Cyprus Football

06:00 Only Hits 08:00 MTV Disaster Date 09:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 10:00 Only Hits 11:00 Pure Local 12:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 13:00 MTV Made 14:00 MTV Big Time Rush 14:30 MTV Victorious 15:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 16:00 MTV Crash Canyon 17:00 MTV Pranked 18:00 Only Hits 19:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 20:00 MTV The Hard Times Of RJ Berger 21:00 MTV Underemployed 22:00 MTV Catfish 23:00 MTV The Inbetweeners 00:00 MTV Jersey Shore 01:00 Only Hits

07:00 Hook 08:40 The Unsinkable Molly Brown 10:50 Agatha 12:25 April In Paris 14:00 Ask Any Girl 15:40 Casablanca 17:25 4 For Texas 19:40 2001: A Space Odyssey 22:00 Death In Venice 00:05 The Unsinkable Molly Brown 02:15 The Wrath Of God 03:55 April In Paris 05:35 Ask Any Girl

By Preston Wilder

ATL (LTV, 21.00) Ah yes, life in the ’hood’. The stunted dreams, the hip-hop, the crime, the roller skating. Wait, what was that last part? Yes indeed, there’s a roller-skating rink called Cascade in this ghetto-set teen drama, which is where our heroes gather every Sunday night to show off their moves. There’s Rashad (played by hip-hop star T.I.), and his younger brother Ant, and ‘New New’ (that’s a girl) and ‘Esquire’ - is there no-one called Michael or Kevin in the ghetto? - and the inevitable drug kingpin (played by Big Boi of OutKast fame) and supportive Dad (“I believe in you, even when you’re too stupid to believe in yo’ damn self”) and the rest of the dramatis personae - all set in Atlanta (hence the title)

with the bizarre addition of roller skating. What next, homeboys hangin’ out at a T.G.I. Fridays?. “ATL dosen’t [sic] subscribe to HOOD stereotypes in fact no one in this movie is ever shown Drinking Beer or Smoking weed,” says a fan at the Internet Movie Database, going a bit nuts with the capital letters. Made in 2006.

Man on a Ledge (Novacinema1, 22.00) Sam Worthington (a.k.a. the guy from Avatar, a.k.a. a wooden actor whose 15 minutes are surely almost up) is the man on a ledge. He checks into a hotel, goes to his room on the 21st floor, orders an expensive meal with champagne - then walks out on the ledge, just a

Man on a Ledge

step away from a messy death! But why does he meticulously wipe all fingerprints before he opens the window? Is there more to his attention-grabbing suicide bid than meets the eye? There is indeed - and the film is lively, going from pungent urban vibe to narrow escapes and nick-of-time cross-cutting, but this kind of thing needs to be smart in order to convince (see, for instance, the ingenious Inside Man) and Man on a Ledge isn’t smart. It doesn’t even make much sense, though I won’t spoil your fun by going into detail - and you do get Ed Harris as the villain, an evil tycoon who at one point smokes one of the biggest cigars I’ve ever seen, in or out of a movie. It was worth enduring the film, just to see that cigar. Made in 2012.

T V WEDNESDAY 0 6/03 March 3, 2013• SUNDAY MAIL

CYBC 1 06.45 08.15

Proti Enimerosi Kali Sas Mera Early morning entertainment magazine featuring segments on cooking, fashion, lifestyle issues and more.


Kaftes Piperies (rpt)


Istories Tou Horkou (rpt)

CYBC 2 07.00 08.00 17.00


Apo Mera Se Mera

18.00 18.50 19.00 19.10

Entehnos Local cultural show.

16.00 18.00 18.15 18.45

Mazi Sto CyBC News Kaftes Piperies Paizoume Kypriaka

20.00 21.00

Moiraia Fengaria Local drama series inspired by Maro Kranidioti’s book ‘Otan i Moira Apofasizei’.

20.00 21.15

News Vimata Stin Ammo


I Kypros Konta Sas Tofalos O Klonarites (rpt) Local sketch show.

23.30 23.45

News Repeats

NRG Zone FILM: Staying Alive

MINI-Series: La Commanderie French series showing the Middle Ages as a dark and turbulent period when religion ran society and led to tragic results. Historical drama, starring Clement Sibony. 2010.

New season of local period drama, based on true events.

22.00 22.30

Kato Apo Ton Idio Ourano News In English News In Turkish Prehistoric Park (rpt)

The struggling dancer tries to make it big in a spectacular new Broadway musical while dividing his affections between two girlfriends. Musical, starring John Travolta. and Cynthia Rhodes 1983.

Local game show, asking questions having to do with the Cypriot dialect.


06.30 06.50 07.00

Nigel Marven travels through time to save prehistoric species from extinction, using CGI animation to bring the creatures back to the 21st century.

Current affairs show.


NRG Zone Kids’ TV Kati Psinetai (rpt) Greek version of the show where contestants try to outdo each other by throwing the perfect dinner party, which is then judged on its merits by their rivals.

Cookery show. Local comedy series, which happens to be the longest-running show on TV.




07.50 08.40 09.30 10.25 11.15 12.10 13.00 13.20 14.00 14.50 15.45 16.40

Proini Enimerosi Me Agapi Strivein Dia Tou Arravonos (rpt) Akros Oikogeneiakon (rpt) Lyke, Lyke Eisai Edo (rpt) Einai Stigmes (rpt) Pansellinos (rpt) Ekeino To Kalokairi (rpt) Niose Me (rpt) News Mera Mesimeri Konstantinou Kai Elenis (rpt) To Kafe Tis Haras Deligianneio Parthenagogeio (rpt) Aiyia Fuxia (rpt) Local comedy series, with village setting.

17.30 17.40

Metrita Sto Lepto Vals Me 12 Theous (rpt) With News at 18.00.

18.40 19.30 20.15 21.15 22.10 23.00 00.00 00.05 00.20 01.40 02.30 03.20 04.40

Tin Patisa (rpt) Niose Me News Vals Me 12 Theous Ekeino To Kalokairi Oikonomahies News Sports News Ola Bahalo Fetos Klemmeni Zoi (rpt) Erotas Kleftis (rpt) News Deal (rpt)

MEGA 06.00 06.30 07.00 10.00

Ta Epta Kaka Tis Moiras Mou Retire Nea Mera Proino Mou Lifestyle programme features entertainment, music and more. Hosted by real-life couple Giorgos Liagas & Fay Skorda.

12.45 14.00 15.00 16.00 18.00 18.20

Enimerosi Tora Deka Lepta Kirigma Eheis Meson Yia Sena News Master Chef Greek reality competition show where amateur chefs compete against each other in weekly challenges.


Oi Vasiliades Daily family comedy based on the Argentinian sitcomtelenovela Los Roldan.

20.15 21.15

News Klemmena Oneira Two episodes of Greek drama series.

22.30 00.00 00.10 01.00 03.00 04.20

Pername Kala (rpt) News Gimnoi Angeloi (rpt) Yia Sena (rpt) Enimerosi Tora (rpt) Proino Mou (rpt)

SIGMA 07.00 08.20 10.30 11.20 12.00 14.30 15.20 17.15 18.00 18.05 18.45

Protoselido Eleni Aspra Balonia (rpt) Vasiliki (rpt) Mesimeri Kai Kati Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites (rpt) Magazino Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) News Ti Tha Fame Simera Mama Anna Paola

PLUS TV 07.20 08.30 09.05 10.45 11.40 12.30 13.00 15.30 17.00 17.50 19.40

Latin American telenovela.


Efta Ourani Kai Sinnefa Alites

20.20 21.15

News UEFA Champions League

Discussions about various issues based on a woman’s life (men, relationships, sex, kids etc.) with showbiz guests.

Local drama series.

Live coverage of last 16 second leg between PSG and Valencia.

00.10 00.15 01.20 02.10 02.40 02.00 04.00

News Istories Tou Astinomou Beka (rpt) Siga Min To’ Xeres (rpt) Mono Mia Fora (rpt) Se Fonto Kokkino (rpt) To Hrisopsara (rpt) Eleni (rpt)

Fotis - Maria Live Best Of Exelixeis Sti Showbiz Mesimeriani Meleti Best Of Mila (rpt) To Kleidi (rpt) Star News Mesimeriani Meleti Kids’ TV To Kleidi Fotis - Maria Live Mila

21.15 22.00

Exelixeis Sti Showbiz The Closer Sixth season. ‘Help Wanted’. Brenda is unaware of the possible implications for her career when she investigates alongside Captain Raydor a case involving the disappearance of a nanny who worked for important clients.


Vathi Kokkino


Nistikoi Praktores (rpt)

CAPITAL 06.45 08.15 08.45 09.15 10.00 11.00 11.30 12.30 13.25 15.20 16.10 16.50 17.35 18.15 19.15 19.50 20.05 21.00

A mild-mannered professor’s world is turned upside down when he discovers a mysterious briefcase containing a police file. Sci-fi thriller, starring Timothy Hutton. 2002.


Cooking show, with helpful tips on eating well and nutrition.

LTV Sports News Star News Repeats

FILM: The Body An Israeli archaeologist working in Jerusalem uncovers the body of a man who appears to have died from crucifixion, prompting suspicions that she’s found the body of Christ. Thriller starring Antonio Banderas. 2002.

Greek drama series.

00.15 01.15 02.20

Kids’ TV Magikos Kosmos S’ Agapo (rpt) Akti Oneiron (rpt) Ston Asterismo Tis Imeras Kouzina Me Apopsi Igeia & Zou (rpt) Milagros Kids’ TV Top Models S’ Agapo Sabrina, To Koritsi Tis Agapis Akti Oneiron Pacific Blue News Sports News Epi Topou FILM: 5ive Days To Midnight


FILM: Fool For Love Drama, starring Sam Shepard. 1985.

Kingdom of Heaven (Novacinema2, 15.00)

01:10 The Weakest Link 01:55 EastEnders 02:25 Doctors 02:55 The Impressions Show With Culshaw &... 03:25 As Time Goes By 03:55 32 Brinkburn Street 04:40 Lab Rats 05:10 The Impressions Show With Culshaw &... 05:40 Fawlty Towers 06:15 The Weakest Link 07:00 Charlie and Lola 07:10 Me Too! 07:30 Bobinogs 07:45 The Large Family 07:55 Balamory 08:15 Charlie and Lola 08:25 Me Too! 08:45 Bobinogs 09:00 The Large Family 09:10 Balamory 09:30 Fawlty Towers 10:05 Lab Rats 10:35 The Weakest Link 11:20 EastEnders 11:45 Doctors 12:15 Emma 13:10 As Time Goes By 13:40 32 Brinkburn Street 14:25 Fawlty Towers 15:00 The Weakest Link 15:45 EastEnders 16:15 Doctors 16:45 Emma 17:40 32 Brinkburn Street 18:25 The Weakest Link 19:10 EastEnders 19:40 Doctors 20:10 Casualty 21:00 ‘Allo ‘Allo! 21:30 Little Britain 22:00 Outcasts 22:50 One Foot In The Grave 23:20 Alan Carr: Chatty Man 00:25 Waking The Dead

07:00 How It’s Made 07:25 Wheeler Dealers 08:15 American Chopper 09:10 Dirty Jobs 10:05 Deadliest Catch 10:55 Ultimate

Survival 11:50 How Do They Do It? 12:15 How It’s Made 12:40 Extreme Engineering 13:35 Fast N’ Loud 14:30 Wheeler Dealers 15:25 American Chopper 16:20 Mythbusters 17:15 Dirty Jobs 18:10 Deadliest Catch 19:05 Ultimate Survival 20:00 How It’s Made 21:00 Gold Rush 22:00 Gold Divers 23:00 Jungle Gold 00:00 Deadliest Catch 01:00 Swords: Life On The Line 01:55 Gold Rush 02:50 Gold Divers 03:50 Jungle Gold 04:50 Deadliest Catch 05:45 How Do They Do It? 06:10 Overhaulin’

09:30 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 10:30 Snooker: Haikou World Open 11:45 Athletics: European Indoor Championships Sweden 12:45 All Sports: Watts 13:30 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 15:00 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 17:15 Cycling 18:15 Biathlon: World Cup Norway 19:45 All Sports: Watts 20:45 Snooker: Haikou World Open 21:45 Athletics: European Indoor Championships Sweden 22:45 All Sports: Wednesday Selection 22:50 Equestrian Sports: Riders Club 22:55 Golf: U.S. P.G.A. Tour-Honda Classic Usa 23:55 Golf: The European Tour-Tshwane Open South Africa 00:25 Golf: Golf Club 00:30 Sail-

ing: Yacht Club 00:35 All Sports: Wednesday Selection 00:45 Cycling: Paris-Nice France 01:45 Cycling

05:40 Desperate Housewives 06:25 Bones 07:10 Melissa & Joey 07:35 Scrubs 08:00 Grey’s 08:50 Masterchef Anatomy 09:40 Desperate Housewives 10:25 Bones 11:10 Melissa & Joey 11:35 Scrubs 12:00 Grey’s Anatomy 12:50 Private Practice 13:40 Grey’s Anatomy 14:30 Masterchef 15:20 Desperate Housewives 16:05 Bones 16:50 Melissa & Joey 17:15 Scrubs 17:40 Grey’s Anatomy 18:30 Tough Love: Miami 19:20 Desperate Housewives 20:10 Bones 21:00 Grey’s Anatomy 21:50 Private Practice 22:40 Melissa & Joey 23:05 Scrubs 23:30 Grey’s Anatomy 00:20 Private Practice 01:10 Bones 02:00 Desperate Housewives 02:45 Melissa & Joey 03:10 Scrubs 03:35 Surviving Suburbia 04:00 Grey’s Anatomy 04:50 Tough Love: Miami

07:30 Mirror Has Two Faces, The 09:45 Heartbreaker 11:45 Mumford 13:45 Roommate, The 15:30 Hall Pass 17:45 Brooklyn’s Finest 20:00 LTV Sports News 21:00

News 16:50 From Prada To Nada 18:40 Fish N’ Chips 20:25 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 22:00 Think Like A Man 00:15 Lower Learning 01:55 Coriolanus 03:55 Happy Few

White Countess, The 23:30 Skyline 01:25 Hustler TV 03:00 Double Jeopardy 05:00 Fast Freddie, The Widow & Me 06:30 LTV Sports News

07:00 Kids TV 15:45 Justice League Unlimited 16:10 Legion Of Super Heroes 16:35 Young Justice 17:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 21:00 La Liga World 21:30 Planet Speed 22:00 Coca-Cola Cup 2012-13 00:00 La Liga Review 2012-13 01:00 Liga Bbva 2012-13 03:00 Barclays Premier League 2012-13 05:00 Grand American Series 2012

07:15 According To Jim 08:00 Big Bang Theory The 08:25 Mentalist The 09:10 Underbelly Nz: Land Of The Long Green Cloud 10:00 Friends 10:30 Two And A Half Men 11:15 Closer, The 12:00 Five Days 2 13:05 Harry’s Law 13:50 According To Jim 14:35 Mentalist The 15:20 Underbelly

Nz: Land Of The Long Green Cloud 16:10 Friends 16:35 Gossip Girl 17:20 Fringe 19:00 Harry’s Law 19:45 According To Jim 20:30 Eastbound & Down 21:00 Hawaii Five 22:30 C.S.I. Miami 23:15 Bones 00:05 Incendiary 01:50 Social Network, The 03:50 Friends 04:15 Gossip Girl 05:00 Fringe 06:30 Harry’s Law

07:10 Fame 09:25 To Tango Ton Christougennon 11:10 Dead Poet’s Society 13:25 Jack And Jill 15:00 Kingdom Of Heaven 17:35 Films & Stars 18:10 The Debt 20:10 No Reservations 23:55 Cold Mountain 02:30 30 Minutes Or Less 03:55 Traffic

19:35 Inspector Gadget 21:00 ThePelican Brief 23:25 Person Of Interes 00:15 TheVetera 01:55 Laly’s Angels

08:00 Fifth Patient, The 09:45 Beatdown 11:30 Love & Dance 13:15 Philadelphia 15:30 Akeelah And The Bee 17:30 Ed Wood 20:00 Distinguished Gentleman, The 22:00 La Princesse De Montpensier (The Princess Of Montpensier) 00:25 Daring! TV 04:05 Ticking Clock 06:00 Wild Things

19:25 Marley & Me: The Puppy Years 21:00 My Week With Marilyn 22:45 The Deep End Of The Ocean 00:40 A Little Bit Of Heaven

06:00 Take Shelter 08:00 Cine News 08:45 One For The Money 10:20 Hollywood 1on1 12:50 Tooth Fairy 2 14:25 Action Zone 15:00 Like Crazy 16:35 Cine

15:00 Super Bowl Highlights: Vii: Miami V Washington 15:30 Super Bowl Highlights: Viii: Miami V Minnesota 16:00 America’s Game:

By Preston Wilder

The Princess of Montpensier (LTV3, 22.00) CyBC are deep in their annual ‘Francophonie Month’, showing the same French mini-series they showed last year. Francophones should head over to LTV3 instead, and this consistently intelligent period piece - though perhaps avoiding the trailer, which makes it look like any other genteel period drama. “A young heiress in love with a Duke, but sworn to a Prince,” it proclaims. “With no rights of her own, she will renounce her fate to reclaim her destiny,” it adds, throwing in a touch of Girl Power - but in fact the film’s unfashionable message is that our heroine’s pride is her undoing, her refusal to be told what to do wreck-

ing her happiness (she’s all set to open the door to her husband - at least till he foolishly tries to threaten her). Mélanie Thierry is our heroine, who is indeed in love with a Duke but sworn to a Prince - but the film is stolen by Raphael Personnaz as another Duke, the flamboyant Duc d’Anjou with his earring and campy appearance, the kind of character you seldom see in genteel period dramas. In French; made in 2010.

Think Like a Man (Novacinema1, 22.00) Think like a man but thwim like a fish, I always say (I’m sorry, that was totally uncalled-for). Then there’s this comedy, a two-hour infomercial for a self-help book

called ‘Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man’ by Steve Harvey (who also appears in the movie, as himself) and four lovely ladies use the book to get inside the minds of their frankly impossible men, at least till the guys find out what the girls have been doing and decide to retaliate. The characters are stereotypes, so for instance one guy is commitment-shy (that’s “The Non-Committer vs. The Girl Who Wants the Ring”, to quote the chapter heading), another is a mummy’s boy and so on - and couples may nudge each other in ‘That’s you!’ fashion as they sit on the sofa, but in fact the comedy is so broad you’re unlikely to find many talking-points. Chris ‘Rihanna’ Brown heads the mostly African-American cast. Made in 2012.

Think Like a Man

1970 Baltimore Colts 17:00 Mobil 1 The Grid 17:10 Pre Game 18:00 Cup 2012-13: Apollon Vs Ayia Napa 20:00 Post Game

06:00 Only Hits 08:00 MTV Disaster Date 09:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 10:00 Only Hits 11:00 Pure Local 12:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 13:00 MTV Made 14:00 MTV Big Time Rush 14:30 MTV Victorious 15:00 MTV Hollywood Heights 16:00 MTV Crash Canyon 17:00 MTV Pranked 18:00 S7S Lockdown Top10 18:30 Only Hits 19:00 MTV VHI Pop up Video 20:00 MTV Movies & Stars 21:00 MTV Awkward 22:00 McCafé Music Project 22:30 MTV Awkward 23:00 MTV Underemployed 00:00 MTV Jersey Shore 01:00 Only Hits

07:00 The Scapegoat 08:35 Fighting 69th 10:00 2001: A Space Odyssey 12:20 Boys Town 14:00 Captain Sindbad 15:25 Elvis: That’s The Way It Is 17:35 Rio Bravo 19:55 The Champ 22:00 The Wrath Of God 23:40 2001: A Space Odyssey 02:00 Eye Of The Devil 03:30 The Scapegoat 05:05 Elvis: That’s The Way It Is

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