d-mars.com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
Donna Fujimoto Cole P resident & C EO, C o l e C hem i cal & D istributing, I nc .
onna Fujimoto Cole founded Cole Chemical more than 32 years ago at the age of 27, divorced with a four-year-old daughter with $5,000 from savings. In 2012, the company’s sales were in excess of $78 million providing chemicals and chemical supply chain management to a wide range of customers and industries. Top customers include: BP, ConocoPhillips, Bayer, ExxonMobil, Lockheed Martin, Procter & Gamble, Shell, Total and Toyota. Cole Chemical is ranked 134 in chemical distributors in the World by ICIS magazine. Cole Chemical has received numerous quality awards from Fortune 500 and the Small Business Administration. Cole was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2009 by Greater Houston Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Junior Achievement as a Laureate. In 2010, she was recognized as a Breakfast of Champions by the Harris County Education Department, one of the Most Influential Women in Houston by Houston Woman Magazine (2010), American Leadership Forum Joseph Jaworski Leadership Award (2012) and recognized as a 2013 Whose Who in Asian American Communities in the United States. Cole is a long time advocate for business, the chemical industry, women and minorities in business and education for youth. Cole has served on many national, regional, advisory boards and currently serves on the Center for Asian Pacific American Women Board, Advisory Board of Helping a Hero, St. Thomas University, Rice University Chao Center for Asian Studies, The Houston Minority Supplier Development Council and
recently served on the Houston Forensic Sci- bot Challenge, Dismantling the Cradle to ence Center. Prison Pipeline, and Building a Leadership She also served on President George H. Pipeline for Asian Women, Young ProfesBush President’s Export Council from 1991- sionals, Women, and Hispanic Boy and Girl 1993. Cole attended Pan American Univer- Scout Initiative. sity, Southwest Texas Junior College and The Amos Tuck School of Business Minority Business Executive Program and graduated from Manpower Business Training Institute of Technology.
Some of her accolades include: an Asian Pacific American Women’s Leadership Institute Fellow in 1996, the Center for Houston’s Future class of 2005, a Japanese American Leadership Delegate in 2006, Asian LeadHer community service includes: Building a ership Delegation to Israel in 2007 by the Pipeline for the Sciences, The All Earth Eco- Jewish American Committee, and American Leadership Forum Class of XXV. TOP 30 Influential Women of Houston