d-mars.com Top 30 Influential Women of Houston
Dr. Jacqueline Horton-Cobbin President and CEO, Cobbin & Associates Consulting, LLC.
sultant, and technical writer for profit/ non-profit organizations. She taught as an adjunct professor at St. Thomas University, and University of Houston, as well as a grants consultant for Lamar University and the University of Houston-Victoria. Dr. Cobbin served as Executive Director of Wheeler Avenue Christian Academy, CEOWomen of Windsor and presently sits on the Women’s Partnership board for the College of Biblical Studies. She praises and worships with the Gospel Company Choir of Windsor Village UMC and comments that “God has His hand over my life. With spiritual and intellectual knowledge, you are a powerful individual.” In 2009, she opened a “Galleria-style Store”, Divine Closet by Jackie in Southwest Houston. With one successful consultant business to her credit, Dr. Cobbin is a fashion consultant and true “southern girl” from Memphis, Tennessee.
ueled by a passion for her God given purpose, Dr. Jacqueline Horton-Cobbin has thrived as a multi-dimensional entrepreneur with an influential role in the field of education as CEO of Cobbin & Associates Consulting, LLC and as a Professional Service Provider for the Texas Education Agency.
Dr. Cobbin is engaged in mission work as a philanthropist and fundraiser for KBC Orphanage in Kenya, and supports local youth scholarships for Angels Surviving Cancer, the Houston Area Urban ous talks shows. Her most recently pub- League, Suburban Sugar Land Women, lished book, According to His Purpose Earth Angels and Windsor Village UMC landed Dr. Cobbin the 2015 Influential CEO ministry. Authors Award. As a widow to the late, Sullie Eugene Dr. Cobbin holds a Doctorate of Educa- Cobbin, Dr. Cobbin is especially proud of tion degree in Education Administration her son, Charles Horton, Jr. (Toni), her emphasis on Curriculum & Instruction grandchildren, Haileigh (interning in Brawith Superintendent Certification from zil), Hannah the “artist” and Christopher Texas Southern University. She was the “singer.” one of the first inductees (along with Dr. Dr. Cobbin is an active member of Delta Rod Paige) into TSU’s “Education Hall of Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Fame” and selected as a National Teacher Corps Associate, one of 30 across the country. She studied leadership at the University of Wisconsin upon completing Dr. Jacqueline Horton-Cobbin a Masters in Education and Bachelor of President and CEO Cobbin & Associates Consulting, LLC. Science degrees. Dr. Cobbin is currently 5826 New Territory, Suite 320 enrolled in professional development at Sugar Land, TX 77479 Harvard University.
Fort Bend Business Journal recognized her as “one of the most effective and results oriented consultants in America” and she was nominated to receive the African American Business Achievement Pinnacle Award by Houston Citizen Chamber of Commerce. Over the span of her career, Dr. Cobbin is a recipient of numerous awards and congressional recognition. As a “national speaker of choice” she has a unique way of reachPh. 832.715.6830 ing her audiences through the release of With a purpose-driven mandate on her jcobbin2@sbcglobal.net audio teachings and appearing on vari- life, Dr. Cobbin serves as a mentor, con- www.jcobbin2.wixsite.com/drcobbin 66
Top 30 Influential Women of Houston 2017