24 | May 2022 EDUCATION & CAREER
CONGRATULAT to these graduates and all the young scholars in Nicholas
Q: What college are you attending? NC: I plan on attending Southern University. Q: With your hard work and diligence to get to this point, what does National Signing Day mean for you? NC: This means so much, as it brings joy to my parents and family as they see me blessed to continue my journey in life and take another step. Q: Are there any mentors/teachers/coaches whom you want to mention and advice they have given you that has been helpful for you? NC: There are too many people to name. All the adults and friends who have been there at my lowest to help me prevail, I am grateful for them being by my side and getting me through challenges that I might not have made it through without their encouragement. Q: Are there any special awards/honors/ accolades/achievements received that you want to mention? NC: I lettered in academics 2 times in high school and as a student-athlete. This proves that I am more than just an athlete and that there is a deeper surface than what people think. Q: Are there any clubs/organizations/ activities that you are a part of that you want to mention? NC: I want to mention EMBODI and Omega Lamplighters. I want to thank them for teaching me how to become the man I am today and giving me valuable life lessons that I will use for the rest of my life. Q: College is a different environment than high school. How will you prepare to adapt, not only academically, but mentally to have a successful college experience? Academically NC: I have taken AP and dual credit classes, so hopefully the speed and curriculum will not be too vigorous. As long as I stay focused and have good time management, there should not be a problem. Q: You can go into college with a certain major or career in mind, but are you open to change and have an understanding that as you mature and experience different things your career choice will change? NC: Not really. I am confident that the plan I picked and the outline I have for the next 4 years will help me get closer to my goals to excel in life and at my dream job. Q: After graduating from college, in
addition to a great education, what else do you hope to gain as far as personal development during your college experience? NC: I want to experience life without my parents. My parents have been there from the moment I was born and I am forever grateful, but they did such a good job raising me that I want to go out into the world and make them proud, showing people what a great young man they have raised. Q: How does it feel that you are able to go to college, being that there are many young people who can’t afford to go to college, and don’t have scholarships, resources, or support to encourage them in their academics? NC: It is a blessing that my hard work has paid off, having the privilege to earn scholarships. Q: Do you feel that you have a responsibility to do your best and not take this opportunity
for gra nted, being that your generation will continue to keep our communities strong? NC: Yes! It is my job to take my education seriously and make sure I finish with a degree. Q: How do you plan to give back to the community, perform community service, and volunteer during college and after you receive your education? NC: I will participate in projects and join organizations as much as I can with my class schedule. I want to be able to make a difference in my community. Q: Is there a special “thank you” that you want to say to your parent/ parents/guardian? NC: To all my family, I am forever grateful. Your belief in me, even when I did not believe in myself is the reason I am here today. I could not have done it without you and I promise I will accomplish everything I set out to do and make you proud.
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Q: What college are you attending? MC: I will be attending The University of Alabama. Q: With your hard work and diligence to get to this point, what does National Signing Day mean for you? MC: I am so proud of the effort that I have made to get to this point and how I have pushed myself to earn an opportunity to attend such a great university. I learned that hard work does indeed pay off. Q: Are there any mentors/teachers/ coaches whom you want to mention and advice they have given you that has been helpful for you? MC: My leadership training coach