d-mars.com Business Journal 25

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December 2008

Inspire, Inform & Educate



(Top Left to Right) Jason R. Freeman, Dr. Zeb Pointdexter III and Clarence D. Carrington Sr. (Bottom Left to Right) Sonceria M. Jiles, MR. D-MARS and Sharmagne Taylor

Dr. Isaac Williams, Jr. Ed. D. Springfield College Houston

Loranda Hellen-Thomas, Rph It’s a New Me Innovations in Weight Management

HMBC’s 2008 Emerging Ten (E-10) Winners

KWWJ Gospel 1360 AM Skipper Lee, Letitia Jackson & J.J. Williams

december 2008




Publisher’s Message


I know marketing. I know the tricks of the trade, the ins and the outs and everything it takes for a person to effectively market themselves. But while I’m known to many as a “marketing guru,” I know there is much about my craft that is yet to be mastered. That’s why I’m always on the hunt for new ideas, new ways to improve in my business, and more ways to master my craft. That’s what this edition is all about, Mastering your craft. So often we excel in an area, then become complacent or rest on our laurels. I’m a firm believer that for as much as you do know, there’s so much that you don’t. That’s why I’m a proponent of doing all that you can to hone your skills, improve on perfection and do all you can to master your craft. In this issue, you’ll find enlightening articles to help you do just that. For starters, you’ll get inspiration from some entrepreneurs who have reached their pinnacles, yet are still striving to master their craft. We get up close and personal with this year’s Pinnacle Award Winners. There’s much to be learned from their success. There are also great stories about picking a business partner, managing money in hard times and creating a new you! I’m confident you’ll find something to help you in your entrepreneurial journey. Oh, I definitely have to ask you to be on the lookout for a special business journey coming in January. It’s a celebration of change! As always, I have to ask that you support the advertisers in this, and all the D-Mars Business Journal. Your support helps them continue to master their crafts!

Bernard Johnson MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ghuzzala Malik (Faith) Joshua Paul Broussard DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dr. D.L. Jones Christina Robinson Grochett Carla Lane Jennifer Cobb Pastor Lorenzo Ewing Vondalyn Hall Tieasha James Brendan Epps Brandi Rush Dr. Ka-Ron Wade, D.D.S. HEB Public Affairs

CONTENTS Truly Mastering their Crafts………………........................................….….4 It’s Never too late to learn……………………...................................…….12 Are you at your peak?..............................................................................13 2008 Campaign Created Houston Change......…................................…14 A 12-Step Program for Surviving Unemployment…................................18 Dr. Isaac Willams, Jr. of Springfield College……..................................…23 The Art of Consistency…………………….......................................……..24 Coping with Stress and Oral Cancer on the Rise…......................... .......27 Speed is the Key to Success…………………..........................................28 It’s a New Me...Innovations in Weight Management...........................…30 HEB Feast of Sharing…………………......................................……….…36 Mastering the art of First Impressions…….....................................……..37


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Tip of the Month

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You can never practice the basics enough.

december 2008




Truly Mastering their Crafts Pinnacle Awards celebrate business owners

Any entrepreneur can tell you – run- has a mission to establish, operate and and manage a team of professionals who faction in its industries of focus. Realizing ning a business isn’t easy. In an era of maintain a state-of-the-art baseball and are the best at what they do to deliver that mission, since late 2006, HCG has technological advancements, extreme softball training facility in the North Loop consistent, cost-effective meeting and been either a prime contractor or managcompetition, and economic turmoil, sur- 610 area of Houston, while making it ac- event planning services appropriate for ing partner of a team that’s been awarded viving in the world of business is a task cessible, both logistically and financially, the culture of the client’s organization and 11 major contracts with significant revwithin itself. But some local businesses to inner-city athletes with special atten- the goals and objectives of the program. are not only surviving, they’re thriving. tion given to African-American athletes. And they’re doing it by continuously working to Master their Craft.

The company has a goal to help or-

enues. Jason Freeman says his keys to suc-

Always looking for ways to improve ganizations and individuals it works with cess are, “Persistence, dedication, deterhis craft, Carrington sought and was to be stronger after its involvement. Ad- mination, honesty, integrity and profes-

The Houston Citizens Chamber of awarded a contract by SmartSports, Inc. ditionally, on-going and clear communi- sionalism combined with a strong work Commerce (HCCC) recently honored 18 to have exclusive rights in Houston to cation, a sincere commitment and part- ethic.” of those small business owners with the market the SmartKage, a nationwide net- nership with clients and consistency in African-American Business Achievement work of SmartSports environments that processes are Sharmagne Taylor’s keys Pinnacle Award, which honors African- quantitatively measure and analyze ath- to success. American businesses that have made letic performance. significant contributions to the commu-

“I am inspired by the HCCC’s exam-

For the past 14 years, Oaks has been ple to do more to support my colleagues

nity, remained positive and proactive de- the springboard for African-American ath- in the hospitality industry and to find opspite adversity and are visionaries. Three letes. By helping to improve their skills, portunities for other African- American Pinnacle Award finalists in the industry many have gone on to receive college companies who are doing great work,” categories of professional services, hos- scholarships and receive professional exclaimed Taylor. pitality, construction, communications baseball contracts. Clarence Carrington and healthcare were recognized. Three fi- has a goal of acquiring a larger facility nalists in the Mack H. Hannah Jr. Upstart and a baseball field accessible to innerBusiness Award also were honored.

city youth.

The 2008 Pinnacle Award recipients were:

Sonceria Messiah Jiles, Defender Media Group – Communications Sonny Messiah Jiles purchased The Defender in 1981 at the age of 27. Serving more than 60,000 readers, The Defender Media Group is a news and information media company offering a weekly newspaper, newly launched Web site and

Jason R. Freeman, Hallmark Capital Group – Construction

newspaper in education publications. The Defender recently celebrated its 75th

Established in 2002, HCG is an in- anniversary. ternational government support services,

Sharmagne Taylor, CMP, OnSite Partners – Hospitality Clarence D. Carrington Sr., Oaks Batter-Up Texas – Professional Services

disaster recovery and construction man- to produce and distribute the most innoagement organization. Hallmark Capital vative and reliable quality information and

A global company founded in 1998, Group (HCG) and its family of company advertising source for African-Americans On-Site Partners offers meeting planning divisions have had but one driving pur- in Houston and Texas by establishing with a focus on housing, registration and pose: to consistently deliver superior ser- stronger internal and external customer

The only African-American owned on-site management of conventions for vice solutions. baseball and softball training facility in 500-8,000 attendees. Houston, Oaks Batter-Up Texas (Oaks) december 2008

The Defender’s mission statement is

relations with the goal of improving the

The mission of the company is for quality of life in our community.

Its mission statement is to organize continuous service and customer satiswww.


Surrounding herself with a caring 4

staff is Sonny’s key to success and how she believes she’s able to continuously “master her craft.”

Zeb F. Poindexter III, D.D.S., Poindexter Dental, Inc. – Healthcare

The Mack H. Hannah Jr. Upstart Busi-


Standing on the shoulders of his fa- ness Award went to: ther, Dr. Poindexter Jr., Dr. Zeb F. Poin-

Poindexter Dental, Inc. was incorpo- dexter III grew the business from a 500 rated in 1970 and has been in existence square feet private office to its current

Lakesha Reed and Salimah Muhammad, Beaucoup Café

Established December 14, 2006, 1,800 square feet facility. Dr. Poindexsince 1956. Poindexter Dental offers Beaucoup Café has become a platform ter Jr. was the first state-of-the-art diagnostic, preventive, for the commurestorative, endodontic, orthodontic, African-American to nity. Its mission is periodontic, prosthodontic, cosmetic, oral graduate from the surgery and implant solutions. Poindexter UT Dental Branch at

to represent good

Dental, Inc. was incorporated in 1970 and Houston and thus, has been in existence since 1956. The the first African-





practice operates under the mission to American to graduprovide quality care for its patients in a ate from Dental

provide an avenue

spirit-filled family environment. Poindex- School in the state ter Dental offers state-of-the-art diagnos- of Texas.

place for the com-

service, great atfood,

of purpose and munity. It also seeks to offer a variety of

The success keys of Dr. Zeb F. Poin- quality food in an inspiring atmosphere. orthodontic, periodontic, prosthodontic, dexter III are quality of work, a great team cosmetic, oral surgery and implant solu- and “word of mouth” advertising. tic, preventive, restorative, endodontic,

december 2008




december 2008




december 2008




december 2008




december 2008




december 2008




december 2008




By Christina Robinson Grochett Contributing Writer


omeone once said, “All the • Sharpening their management, leadknowledge you need will come

ership and interpersonal skills as

to you from both external and

they challenge and coach their co-

internal sources.”


This is especially true for a young • Gaining fresh perspectives from their

professional who is just beginning their

new or younger colleagues that bring

career. What many people don’t realize,

new insights and energy to the work-

however, is that a 20-year veteran can


continue learning and developing their • Achieving personal satisfaction by ac- the sharing of business information, career as well. A unique way to master your craft is through mentorship. For some this may

cepting the challenge of teaching a skills, attitudes and behaviors. Overall, co-worker and helping them meet this increases employee job satisfactheir career goals.

tion, morale and retention. Other benefits include:

sound unconventional, but studies show

that mentoring a co-worker can strength- Mentee: Through mentorship, the • Leveraging strategic knowledge and en skills for both the mentor and mentee mentee is exposed to a friendly way of

skills throughout the company to in-

as well as create a supportive environ- learning about the company, getting ac-

crease growth and production.

ment rather than a competitive one.

climated to the culture and developing • Accelerating processes for the identi-

In fact, a 2005 survey of about 400 their skills. This can help reduce stress companies by Mentoring Solutions, Inc., and provide motivation for the mentee to found that 71 percent of the businesses succeed. Other benefits include:

fication, development and retention of talent. • Building dedication and loyalty in men-

offered a mentoring program specifi- • Increasing their self-confidence and

tees, who come to appreciate the

cally to help senior management leaders

their ability to work independently

company’s commitment to their learn-

sharpen their skills and enhance their

more quickly;

ing process, as well as mentors, who

careers. Listed below are benefits for the

• Taking a proactive approach of the growth and development of their

gain a sense of pride and ownership in Christina Robinson Grochett is the campus director for University of Phoenix – contributing to the firm’s future.

In summary, it’s never too late to Houston. An accomplished leader and cham• Becoming more resourceful by devel- learn and develop as a professional. Mentor: Mentoring is less poweroping their own network of support Mentoring programs not only help bridge pion of higher learning, she was named related and more about teaching and and being more able to cope with criti- competency gaps, but they also offer an one of the Top 10 businesswomen by the opportunity to help rejuvenate careers American Business Women’s Association development. It is about supporting the cal transitions. mentor, the mentee and the company.


and create lasting results for seasoned in 2008.

all-around growth of the protégé, not

just making them better at their job. As Company: Mentoring programs helps professionals. a result, seasoned professionals receive create an environment that fosters perseveral benefits including:

sonal and professional growth through

Let us Promote your Business, Your Event, or You! Advertise today in D-MARS Business Journal december 2008


713.272.9511 www.



To be at Peak Performance means to be at the top of your game, feeling supremely confident, feeling like everything you do is effortless and achieves its goal, feeling resilient and detached from the outcome, being in the flow, being in the zone, feeling relaxed, feeling happy and joyful, having a sense of clarity and certainty about everything that you do, feeling a sense of fullness in your life, indeed feeling fulfilled. How much of your time do you spend in this state? Probably not as much as you would like. How much of the time would you like to be experiencing this state of peak performance? There are many negative beliefs and emotions that we hold onto that actually “block” us from being in this state of peak performance “all of the time”. They include:

a) It’s not possible b) It would take the meaning out of life c) The fear of success d) The fear of failure e) The need to succeed f) I don’t deserve it g) The need to win h) This reality doesn’t work that way i) It takes a lot of effort, and so on. You may “think” that the “need to win”, if anything, should be helpful rather than detrimental. That’s not always the case. Say you’re on the golf course and you find yourself among a group of very experienced golfers. Suppose also that you are feeling a need to really prove yourself i.e. you are caught up by the “need to win”. What are you likely to notice happening inside you? Well with the need to win comes a definite emotional attachment to the outcome of the game. This means that your emotional state has just become “dependent” on the outcome of the game. Another way of saying this is that your mood state, and ultimately your performance, is now going to fluctuate throughout the game based on whether you feel you are doing well or not. Hence when one of your opponents makes a good shot you are likely to feel somewhat anxious. What impact is this going to have on your ability to focus on your game. It’s obvious that when you are distracted by such anxiety you find yourself making more mistakes. Now because your mood state is dependent on the outcome of the game, making mistakes is only going to cause you more anxiety. You run the risk of plummeting into a vortex of negative emotions and multiple bogeys. The “need to win” can become one of your worst enemies. So how does one address this and other problems that block us from achieving our full potential and therefore our peak performance? Negative beliefs and emotions block your performance are not only detrimental, they are totally unnecessary! In other words it is possible to completely eliminate them. december 2008




2008 Campaign

Created Houston Change ‘09 Change Will Come!

By Burt Levine Contributing Writer The 2008 election was one of the most exciting, four African Americans: Al Bennett, Alexandra Smoots longest serving African American civil district judge in earth-shattering election cycles ever throughout the Hogan, Maria Jackson and Hazel Jones, five from His- Harris County history and one of the area’s finest judgcountry with the code word “change” covering every-

panic backgrounds, four from Jewish backgrounds, four es.

thing, not only with national elections but for Texas

openly gay and “R K” Ravi Sandill will become Harris

statewide and local races and Harris County contests

County’s first Indian American judge.

as well. With 2008 ending, change will now be the word

Pat Lykos, former Houston Police Officer and for- because he was appointed last year after Robert Eckels mer Harris County Criminal District Judge, will be the resigned having just won re-election to a third four-year

for city mayor, controller and council races. January 20, President-Elect Barack Obama is expected to take office as the 44th President of the United States as the first African American, first child of an immigrant and having been born in Hawaii, the first born outside mainland US to become US President. Obama is also one of the country’s youngest chief executives

Judge Ed Emmett won election for the county top job with 53 percent. While that is not change itself, it is

first woman Harris County District Attorney. She de- term unopposed. Houston Council Member and Mayor Pro-Tem Adrifeated Democrat Clarence Bradford in a razor sharp 50.21-49.79 percent race winning by 4,784 out of an Garcia won to become the county’s first Hispanic top cop, beating Sheriff Tommy Thomas who was appointed 1,122,078 votes cast. Supreme Court Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson, Su- in 1995 and is criticized for using prison labor on his preme Court Justice Dale Wainwright and Railroad Com- personal property. Garcia won 56 percent with 637,588

come straight from the Senate. Change is his common

mission Chair Michael Williams will still serve Texas, de- votes. He will be the most far-reaching Hispanic in the spite calls for change for change sake, as the first black region after he resigns from his Heights area council


Americans ever to hold such high statewide posts.

and one of only three in this country’s history to have

November 4, Obama was the first Democrat to carry Harris County for President since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The momentum of Obama’s election carried Army Lt. Col and State Rep. Rick Noriega to carry Harris County for the US Senate but he lost his race statewide to the incumbent and is now being considered for an Obama cabinet position. Jim Sharp, after three tries over six years, became

seat in January to take over America’s third largest

Jefferson, Wainwright and Williams make Texas the county’s sheriff’s office. If U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison resigns to run only state out of all 50 to now have boast of having elected and re-elected three African Americans to top for Governor and if Mayor Bill White is asked to beposts despite all the straight ticket Democrat Party votes come President Obama’s Energy Secretary there could that were votes to fire these African American leaders. be special elections this spring for all three seats. AlWhen voters voted straight ticket Democrat, they voted ready a number of north side citizens are interested to fire African Americans Jefferson, Wainwright and Wil- in Garcia’s council seat. African-American former city liams without knowing who they were or what their plat- attorney Gene Locke, City Controller Annise Parker and

ris, Fort Bend, Brazoria, Galveston and six other coun-

form was. They did win in enough other areas of Texas Council Member Peter Brown are running for Houston outside Harris County to keep to keep their critical state- Mayor. Council Member Ron Green, with a UH MBA, is

ties in more than 14 years.

wide jobs.

the first Democrat to win an appeals court post for Har-

Obama’s pull in the county carried 24 Democratic

running to become the city first African-American City

Judge Levi Benton, however lost to Democrat Steve Controller.

Party attorneys to win as first Democrats to serve as

Kirtland, after ads on African American radio stations

judge across Harris County in a dozen years including

touted from Rev. William Lawson that Benton was the

december 2008




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december 2008




december 2008




on a job interview. On the contrary, job interview attire is a critical component of your job search that must not be overlooked.

Step 8

Experts suggest that job seekers spend at least three hours pre-

paring for each interview. You should research the company with which you are interviewing and the industry in which it operates. You also should draft concise answers to the most commonly asked interview questions such as why you want to work for the company and what you can do for the company. To demonstrate your interest in the position, you also should plan to ask the interviewer several questions of your own such as the skills the ideal candidate will possess and how a typical day looks in

By Carla Lane Contributing Writer

the job.

Step 9

Looking for a job is a full-time job. Make sure your friends

and family know that you are off-limits between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day.

Step 10

Look for ways to expand your skill sets while you have

the time to do so. Is there a computer program you’ve

Lost your job and don’t know where to turn? Relax. scribes your qualifications and achievements. Whenever always wanted to learn and never had the time? How The average person goes through five to seven careers possible, list measurable results and concrete examples about an executive seminar or workshop that you think and ten to 12 job changes in their lifetimes. So how do of your achievements. Here’s a real-life example: Led would be interesting but couldn’t afford the time out of you cope with the stress associated with losing a job and a customer service project team that resulted in a 20 the office? Take advantage of your time off by using it to trying to finding another? Experts say to take it one day percent decrease in customer complaints within three learn a new skill. Learning anything new can be a huge boost to your self-confidence. months. at a time and follow this 12-step program.

Step 1

File a claim for unemployment insurance at your local state un-

employment office on the first business day after you lose your job. Your benefit payments will help bridge the paycheck gap until you find another job.

Step 2

Unemployment is one of the most stressful events you will ever go

through. Whether you’ve known about your termination for months or you just got your pink slip this morning, you’re likely to experience a variety of emotions ranging from guilt and sadness to anger and depression. The important thing to keep in mind is that your feelings are normal and that you need to give yourself the proper time to work through them. Take the next week off. Sleep in, have lunch with friends, or work out.

Step 3

Go through your checkbook register or your debit card receipts.

Determine how and where you spend your money. Find ways to cut unnecessary expenses.

Step 4

Writing a good resume takes time. Spend as much time as

necessary putting together a resume that accurately dedecember 2008

Step 5

Although each and every cover letter you write must be custom-

Step 11

After 5 p.m., your time belongs to you. It’s more im-

ized for the company to which it is being sent, it doesn’t portant than ever that you let off steam by participating hurt to have several well-written paragraphs ready and in activities you enjoy. Take a jog, visit a museum, accept waiting. You can customize this draft in the weeks to a babysitting job or rent some movies. Do what you enjoy . . . you’ve earned it. come when applying to each prospective employer.

Step 6

It doesn’t take long for a job seeker to learn that the old

Step 12

One of the worst things you can do after leaving a job is

statement, “it’s not what you know, but who you know,” to isolate yourself. If you were part of a mass layoff at really is true. Knowing someone on the inside or get- your company, stay in touch with your positive-minded ting your foot in the door is key. A good place to start former co-workers. Accept invitations from friends and networking is with your former co-workers, friends and family members to go out. Invite your friends over to family members. Ask them if they know of any oppor- watch movies or to exercise together. The key is staytunities in your field or if they know of anyone who ing in circulation and staying positive through interacmay have an opening in the industry in which you are tion with people. Being out of work is definitely difficult for not only you, but for your entire family. Shortage of interested. money and shortage of patience can spell difficulty. In

Step 7

During a job search, first addition to searching for your next opportunity, use this impressions are critical. Make time to reflect, improve your skills, sharpen your resume,

sure you have at least one interview suit ready to go so and spend time with family and friends. Remember diathat you are prepared when you receive an invitation monds are made under pressure and this added presto interview. Although most companies have business sure may be the very thing that makes you priceless to casual dress codes, casual dress is never appropriate your next employer www.



december 2008




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december 2008




december 2008




By Jennifer Cobb, Contributing Writer following their paths of caring for the lege systems. For the past fourteen plus teractive experience that cannot be repliwell-being of both youth and adult learn- years Williams served in several adminis- cated in an online degree setting. Human ers and helping to give others a brighter trative positions for the Lone Star College services is a broad and varied field where future.” District. human service workers provide essential Over the last thirty years, Williams

Civically, he previously served as services to specific populations at sohas worked as a college administrator president of the Rotary Club as well as the cial and welfare agencies, mental health in four different college systems. With a Chamber of Commerce of East Montgom- agencies, nursing homes, and hospitals. B.S. Degree in English and Journalism, an ery County and was a former board memAddictions counselors, early childM.S. Degree in Counseling and Ed.D in ber of the New Caney Independent School hood education teachers, and criminal Supervision of Curriculum and Instruction District. Williams presently serves on the justice workers are examples of great ca-

Dr. Isaac Willams, Jr. Ed. D.

from Texas A & M University Commerce, Montgomery County United Way Board as reers in the field of human services. The Dr. Williams has mastered his craft by well as the Lake Houston Family YMCA job outlook for those who earn a human

It has been said that in order to be an preparing himself to the highest degree Board where he was the 2007 recipient services degree is excellent. The U.S. Bueducator, one must have a supreme call- to serve and assist others. of the Volunteer of the Year award. reau of Labor Statistics has ranked the ing, because not everyone has the pasWilliams’ drive to assist others with The Springfield College School of human services occupation among the sion for education. As Assistant Dean and their future has not gone unrecognized. Human Services provides a rich learning most rapidly growing in the country. Campus Director of Springfield College’s He was twice nominated and was a finalist environment where classroom and comFor more information about SpringSchool of Human Services, Dr. Isaac Wil- for the state of Florida’s African-American munity experience is intertwined. Unlike field College’s School of Human Services, liams, Jr. credits his parents- two edu- Educator of the year award. While work- online human services degree programs, contact Claudet Rodriguez, Assistant Dicators who graduated from Prairie View ing in Florida, he was the gubernatorial Springfield College’s human services de- rector of Recruitment/Admissions School A&M University and taught for over forty appointment to the State Board of Cor- gree program promotes proactive learn- of Human Services by phone (713) years- as his role models and the ones rectional Education as well as the Withla- ing through face-to-face interactions 681-1120 or visit the campus located at who helped him realize that passion.

chochee Regional Planning Council. Over and vibrant discussion with colleagues. 2122 E. Governors Circle Houston, Texas “They were both very much civically the last thirty years, he has worked as a Earning a degree in human services from 77092. involved,” said Williams. “I found myself college administrator in four different col- Springfield College is a rewarding and inTheo plans to have a fashion show that will showoping in his teenage years through case his wide range of men’s apparel, shoes, ties, belts, his inspiration from legendary de- and many other accessories; with his men’s line once it signers like Yves Saint Laurent, is complete later this year in December. He will also have Leigh Bowery, Giorgio Armani, a complete ladies line of apparel and accessories avail-

By Brandi Rush, Contributing Writer

and Christian Dior amongst oth- able within the next year. He hopes to have his store and ers. Namanga declares himself to be a lover of people brand in at least five states in the next five years. Theodore Namanga is one of the greatest in the

Emerging with his first store in Tiko, West Africa who he wanted to make beautiful. in early 1995, Theodore Namanga, a talented African-

“I am extremely proud my people and others around fashion industry. His collections are on the forefront of

American fashion designer and entrepreneur, brings the world that dress well today. In many ways I’m happy creating the modern designer as superstar. Today, he rehis unique boutique here to Houston, Texas. His brand to have contributed in changing their wardrobes.” of clothing, Di –Theo offers a ready- to-wear division

mains a popular consultant for stars seeking classic el-

As a man of talent, Theodore has created a bold egance on international red carpet affairs. He also helps

of men’s fashion apparel and accessories. He offers a new dress code and helped launch an era of its own. in assisting other stars with designs on their clothing unique blend of Italian, French and American designs for From the start of his career Namanga has always been lines, fragrances, accessories and house wares. While distinguished gentlemen. A couture division that has its in the footsteps of his mentors doing it in a way that often we find there is never the right place or right boldness with lines in high fashion that is exceptional by conveyed self confidence and style. He has achieved a brand, Di-Theo is a great selection that has its unique far. Many around the world have already seen its variety breakthrough through costuming state officials, gover- look, special designs and still is a household name while and all that his line offers.

nors, footballers and members of parliament from many retaining its class and mystique.

Theodore’s zeal for fashion designing started devel- countries. december 2008




Great Wall of China was torn down never to be isolated again from the world at large. China’s quest for industrial preservation was right but her thinking was wrong. To think it had mastered its craft only to hermit herself from the world of knowlhave in common is consistency in their

The point I’m making is mastering edge, innovation, and ideas was ridicu-

mission, philosophy, methods of teaching your craft entails more than being really lous. and learning and care for students. Do good at what you do; it’s about being con-

I want to make it very clear that we

they have the best books, teachers, facili- sistently excellent at what you do. What should strive for perfection and obtain all ties and students? NO. The reality is that you do must be able to stand the test of the skills and knowledge to be the best, they have the same obstacles as all other reliability, trustworthiness, and depend- provide the best and produce the best. The sad commentary is that skills and

public schools. Nevertheless, they have ability. remained consistently better in keeping consistency the common denominator.

Here’s something to consider. There’s knowledge are not enough in this fast no such thing as mastering your craft! If paced global economy. Being good at

What makes the leading cold drink you could master your craft everyone what you do is only the admission ticket companies such as Coca Cola and Pepsi would run to you because you’d be the into the game. You must be consistently paramount among their competitors? best and no one else would be consid- striving for excellence, never ceasing to Consistency in excellence! Why are we ered. In this global world of ever increas- grow and better your craft. seeing the BIG THREE auto industries: ing knowledge and technology don’t fool

and integrity in your craft are common

Ford, GM, and Chrysler struggling to stay yourself.

By Dr. D. L. Jones Contributing Writer

afloat? The lack of consistency in excel-

The bottom line is that consistency

China of old was foolish in thinking it denominators that are joined at the hip. had mastered every area of life (i.e. tech- Mastering your craft is shown by the con-


For years the Big Three auto com- nology, industry, government, etc.) and sistency you demonstrate in your pursuit panies have seen a steady increase in built the Great Wall of China symbolizing of excellence and integrity is measured by Hands down, two of the top ten Americans buying foreign cars such as an elitist position among the nations. Just how well you live up to it. So the next time Charter schools in Houston are YES and Toyota, Honda, and Mercedes.

Why? when China thought its ship had arrived, someone comes to you and says your

KIPP. Have you ever asked the question These foreign auto makers have one needing no one throughout the world, it product or service didn’t do what you said what catapults them, head and shoulders, thing in common: Consistency in excel- faced the harsh reality that what it had it would do, how will you respond? Will above the rest? They pretty much have lence and dependability.

in the policy or be consistent at mastering

Throughout the years many Ameri- among the nations.

the same curricula and students as any other urban charter school.

mastered became antiquated and lagging you make excuses, look for the loopholes

cans have said that foreign cars are con-

China realized that not only was the your craft? The answer will determine if

As an educator, I know there’s no sistently better in their ingenuity, reliabil- country lagging, but other countries had you are truly mastering your craft. magic wand for educating our children. ity and manufacturer’s warranty when it far surpassed her as the leading vibrant However, what these two charter schools comes to standing behind their product.

Help Healthcare


By Tieasha James and Brendan Epps Contributing Writer

industrial country. The rest is history; the

The funny thing is that prevention is something we tions, or that we even have them. One of the best mediknow works. When we’re hurt enough times, we take cal tools in the Houston is is the South Central Compreventive steps by guarding our hearts a little more, be- munity Health Center (SCHCHC). The opportunities they ing more selective, and working on developing our self- have like primary and dental care, counseling services, esteem and self-confidence. All of those things are pre- and advocacy are all on a sliding scale basis, but more ventive measures. We do that to prevent ourselves from importantly they don’t turn anyone away. being hurt again in the future, or at least cut down the chances. So why can’t we apply them to our health?

Prevention is the best policy. Whether we’re talking

What this means is that SCHCHC has done everything it can to take away the barriers to healthcare in our

For the time being, healthcare in the US is tough community. The rest is up to us to walk, hobble, or roll,

car care or health care, taking steps to prevent prob- to come by. As the new administration reviews a new through their doors and seek preventive care. Would you rather have one flu shot or multiple shots lems is always better than resolving them after things approach to the situation, we can help them help us, by go wrong.

taking better care of ourselves…before we get sick. We and an intravenous (IV) tube in your arm? I can tell you

Have you ever heard the saying, “An apple a day can also visit the doctor for regular checkups to prevent from experience that you’re rather have the one shot. Please put your health in the right perspective and see a keeps the doctor away?” It was never the apple keeping those aches and pains before they happen. the doctor away; it was the habit of eating a nutritious

Oftentimes, in impoverished communities, people doctor regularly (at least annually).

Be sure to contact the South Central Community food that was helping your diet and boosting your im- have been let down so much they don’t want to or don’t mune system. Don’t overlook eating right, drinking 6-8 know how to trust others. Likewise, a sense of indepen- Health Center for your health needs at (713) 734-0199. cups (8 ounces each) of water a day, and exercising dence takes over us, keeping us from seeking or asking for help. Finally, sometimes, we just don’t know our opregularly. december 2008




december 2008




december 2008




and disaster recovery. Although you may not have been affected directly, no Houstonian is untouched by it. In the middle of Hurricane Ike, it was normal to be anxious about your safety and the safety of your family and friends. It was also normal to be worried about your property. Now that Ike has passed and recovery begins, you may begin to wonder about the impact on work or school and the community around you and on your daily activities. You may face many frustrations as you try to get things back to normal. It is important to know that you will get through this. It also helps if you follow a few basic tips to manage your stress. Different people react in different ways -- there is no one right way to feel or to respond to disaster! Taking care of yourself is the right thing to do for yourself and for those who count on you. Here are things to do: • Watch out for emotional exhaustion or strain. Find some “me” time to regroup. • Spend time with family and friends. If your normal supports are not available turn to your church or clergy. • Resume a normal sleep schedule as quickly as possible. Get plenty of rest and take frequent rest breaks before exhaustion builds up. • Pay attention to any change in your use of alcohol and/or drugs. Avoid increasing your use. Continue to take prescription medications as prescribed. By Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade BS, BSN, RN, DDS Previously published in One Love HOUSTON

• Set priorities for clean-up and recovery. Pace yourself to avoid physical or mental exhaustion. • Take advantage of disaster relief programs and services in your community. Learn as much as you can!

Hurricane Ike caused tremendous damage to the Houston area. While the immediate crisis has nearly stabilized, many Houstonians face long hours of clean-up

Early detection and diagnosis can make a tremendous difference in life expectancy; oral cancer is 90 percent curable when found in its early stages. Unfortunately, 70 percent of oral cancers are diagnosed in the late stages, III and IV, leading to a fiveyear survival rate of 57 percent.

THE DEADLY STATISTICS • Every hour of every day, one American dies of oral cancer. • The death rate in the United States for oral cancer is higher than that of cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, cancer of the brain, liver, testes, kidney, or ovary. By Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade BS, BSN, RN, DDS Previously published in One Love HOUSTON

• More than 30,000 Americans will receive an oral cancer diagnosis this year. In five years, only 57 percent will still be alive. • 27 percent of oral cancer victims do not use tobacco or alcohol and have no other lifestyle risk factors.

According to Zila, Inc. most people are surprised to learn that one American dies

Early detection is the key to reducing the devastating impact of oral cancer on

every hour from oral cancer; a death rate that has remained virtually unchanged victims and their families. Annual oral cancer screening of patients at increased risk for more than 40 years. In fact, recent statistics published by the American Cancer for oral cancer, patients age 18 and older, and tobacco users of any age, is the only Society indicate that while the incidence and death rates for cancers overall has de- way to achieve the early detection of oral cancer necessary to reduce the death rate creased, the incidence of oral cancer has increased by 5.5 percent and the death rate of oral cancer – a death rate that has remained unchanged for more than 40 years! has increased by 1.5 percent.

Oral Cancer screening is a very simple process. Your dental professional will give

Oral cancer is far too often discovered in late stage development, the primary you an oral rinse that helps to detect abnormal tissue with the use of a special light. reason for the consistently high death rate. Oral cancer treatment often results in If abnormal tissue is identified your dental professional will determine what the apdisfiguring effects on patients, and can seriously compromise their quality of life. propriate next steps are.

Let us Promote your Business, Your Event, or You! Advertise today in D-MARS Business Journal december 2008


713.272.9511 www.



loaded 2003 Midnight Blue Mercedes 450SL with white leather seats.” The dealer says, “It’s right here. You can pick it up or we can deliver it to you in an hour.”

Key to Success

Business owners who take forever to make decisions soon lose money. Managers who can spot problems and correct them within minutes are valuable and hard to find. Workers who move like lightening are soon promoted. Companies that can quickly change their direction are the most successful. For example, chain bookstores did not start selling books over the Internet until Amazon. com was in business long enough to work out their systems and take over the market.

By L. Ron Hubbard

Chain bookstores lost millions because they took too long to act. How quickly can you move the particles (communications, projects, services and

You succeed based on the quality of your work, the amount of work we can do so on) in your life or work? How fast are you? and one other factor: speed. How fast can you go? When you wait, avoid and make excuses, you kill your speed. You delay your The power and progress of our society is based on speed. When your particle flow success. (information, services, goods and so on) is slow, the rest of the world speeds on by.

When you respond quickly, act without delay and complete tasks faster than

For example, can you imagine working without a computer, telephone, fax ma- anyone else, you have power. chine or the Internet? Can you imagine traveling without a car or an airplane? Imagine

Tips for Speeding up Your Success

being in a world where the telegraph and railroad were major improvements. Speed of particle flow determines the power of a business. The faster the business’ particles (service, sales, payment, delivery and so on) the more prosperous it becomes. For example, you want to buy carpet for your home. Two companies sell the exact carpet you want. One says, “We can install it in six weeks” and the other says, “We can install it tomorrow.” Who do you pick? If the price and quality are comparable, the company that can deliver the goods the fastest always wins in the end. In many cases, speed is more important than quality or price.

1. Jump into projects as soon as possible. 2. Act quickly on opportunities. If you see what you want, jump on it before you lose the chance. 3. Push yourself to walk faster, talk faster, read faster and move faster. 4. Keep up your speed with good habits: sufficient sleep, good food, regular exercise and so on. 5. Reduce or eliminate people or things that delay or stop you from moving quickly. 6. Whenever you think something can’t be done quickly, ask “Why not?” 7. Constantly look for faster methods to get the same result.

Imagine fast service in all areas. You call and say, “Hello, I

was calling to see if you could send someone to fix my furnace.” The furnace company says, “Is ten minutes okay?” You call your dentist and ask, “How soon can I see the doctor?” The receptionist says, “How about 1:00 today?” You call an auto dealer and say, “I’d like a fully-

8. Send and return communications with as little delay as possible. 9. Set tough deadlines for completing tasks and make them. 10. Challenge yourself by taking on more work than ever and getting it done in less time than ever.

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ready to serve 10,000 Houston, the City of Houston and the George R. Brown meals to the citizens Convention Center. of Greater Houston. All

Free parking will be available across the street from

together, 2,500 lbs of the George R. Brown Convention Center Hall B and C at glazed ham; 2,200 lbs the Convention District Garage, located at 1002 Avenida of mashed potatoes; de las Americas, 77010. Free parking will be available 2,200 lbs of vegetable until the parking lot is full. medley; 120 gallons of brown gravy; 7,000

About H-E-B

slices of pecan pies; H-E-B was founded in Kerrville, Texas in 1905 with a 10,000 dinner rolls; single grocery store. For more than 100 years, H-E-B and soft drinks and has been an innovative retailer known for low prices, water will be served. fresh food, quality products and convenient services. The

In addition to a free meal complete with all the holi- company has grown to more than 300 stores in Texas In the spirit of the holiday season, H-E-B will host day trimmings, a full evening of fun will be at hand, with and Northern Mexico with more than 70,000 employees. the 3rd Annual Feast of Sharing dinner, an H-E-B holi- a Winter Wonderland, featuring children’s activities and It conducts a wide range of efforts geared toward helpday tradition for greater Houston residents to enjoy a crafts; a visit from Santa Claus; live on-stage entertain- ing the community and the environment. H-E-B is one of free holiday meal and entertainment. Set for Wednes- ment; and fun with H-E-Buddy and Clutch, the Houston the largest food chains in the United States, with annual day, Dec. 17, 2008, from 4 – 9 p.m. at the George R. Rocket’s mascot. Performers at the event include the sales more than $15 billion, and is the largest privately Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston, H-E- Milby High School Color Guard, Gary Michael Dahl Band, held company in Texas. B’s Feast of Sharing will serve a traditional holiday meal Mecca dancers and HSPVA. Returning to the Feast this year will be the H-E-B

to thousands of attendees.

“H-E-B’s commitment and involvement in the com- Eddie Garcia Mobile Kitchen – a state-of-the-art vehicle munity has been recognized as an important part of the equipped to handle the preparation of more than 2,500 way we do business,” said Winell Herron, group vice meals per hour. The 45-foot trailer is powered by a 45 president of public affairs and diversity. “Feast of Shar- KDA generator and contains two commercial ovens, two ing is part of H-E-B’s Helping Here culture. This event convection ovens, two braising pans, a 30-quart comgives us the opportunity to serve a healthy, holiday meal mercial food mixer and a complete serving staff. Eddie and share a spirit of camaraderie during the holiday sea- Garcia, the kitchen’s namesake, was a 47-year Partner

Let us Promote your Business, Your Event, or You! Advertise today in D-MARS Business Journal

with H-E-B and the pioneer of the Feast of Sharing pro-


A twenty-year tradition started in Laredo in 1988, gram and the company’s other hunger relief efforts. H-E-B’s holiday dinner program has now grown to 28

Social service organizations will also be on-hand to

locations that serve more than 250,000 meals to people provide attendees with helpful information while H-E-B Wireless will offer visitors free phone calls.

throughout Texas and Mexico. In Houston, hundreds of H-E-B and community vol-

Houston Feast of Sharing sponsors include Coca-

unteers will collaborate on the meal preparations, and be Cola, KHOU-TV, Aramark, Bimbo, United Way of Greater



Mastering your craft can only happen when you master certain tenets of the discipline process. For the apprentice to become the successful master, he or she must continuously hone away at self-control, discipline, focus, determination, and patience. Importantly, as the moments tick away, he or she will experience opportunities to make decisions that will eventually bring him either closer to that greatest desire, dream or aspiration, or further from such goal. The notable classical specialist/impresario, Mozart never wrote his famous compositions in the youth of his day. It was only after much practice, study, and over-

By Pastor Lorenzo Ewing coming the challenges along his journey that he was able to produce the ‘Mastered’ compositions that we celebrate today. The gift of 24 hours is given to each of us. Within that time, we may choose to

Demosthenes, the greatest orator of ancient Greece had a speech impediment.

prioritize the tasks for the day by diligently and carefully watching how we use each Legend has it he overcame his impediment by reciting verses with pebbles in his hour and minute. For others, we may choose to flow with that same time with no real mouth as he spoke over the roar of the waves at the seashore. plan or thought.

To become the best at any given craft, takes time and sacrifice. Without this dis-

Time is a valuable component in this span of connected moments called life. cipline, it will be difficult to achieve the destined goal of mastering a craft. Whatever How we choose to use our time will reflect on whether or not we are able to achieve we choose to do, how we decide to proceed with the process will affect the journey the greatest desire through the gifts, talents, and untapped potential we have been to achieving the goal. fortunate to have. december 2008




“It’s a New Me... Innovations in Weight Management”

We are staffed with a licensed Physician, Physician’s Assistant, medical assistant and weight loss counselors who will give you a thorough exam including a physical, blood work, a lifestyle analysis, and a personal and medical history questionnaire, which will enable our medical

to help people lose weight, get fit and live a more spiritu- team to offer one of our four programs. Our program ally balanced life, Christ-centered through the Word of requires that we take your body measurements every God, when there is so much money to be made in the two weeks and body composition using a body weight healthcare arena. The opportunities are seemingly end- analysis, which compares muscle to fat to water ratio, less. But that is the gist of what has happened.

every six weeks. We have two weekly programs that will

I do what I do because it is what I have been born to help you lose up to three pounds a week, the fat burner, do. Since high-school I have taught some form of aero- which stimulates the release of fat stored in the liver and bic exercise, group fitness at gyms, churches, commu- the weekly HCG Program, which works to repair your nity centers, schools and stadiums. After a day of work- hypothalamus from years of abuse through overeating, ing out with my spiritual mother, I asked her “How do you paired with a well-balanced, nutritionally sound eat-

By Loranda Hellen-Thomas, Rph. Contributing Writer

know when God has called you to do something?” Her ing plan. On our daily program you typically lose 1/2-1 response was, “What it is that people draw on you for pound a day; it is usually followed for six weeks. We is what you were called to do.” She went on to say that also would like to invite you to come out and indulge in physical fitness for me is something I just do for fun but a time of detoxification and relaxation as our staff gen-

‘To teach, motivate and encourage is a true calling.”

that is where my ministry is. My response was “no way”. tly massages your muscles during hydrotherapy, or get For years I rejected the thought of doing this for a living an inch-loss body wrap and visibly appear 6-20 inches because I was sick of people who didn’t appreciate the slimmer in 1 hour.

It is virtually impossible to do anything without the body God gave them and not realizing they were all a Lastly we offer “an alternative to yoga”, our Praisehelp of the Holy Spirit to comfort, lead and guide you. It part of His plan. That was nine years ago and for nine Moves Fitness Ministry, designed to enhance you physialso requires the right formula of personal experience, years I have done just that: ministered to people in the cally through gentle movements, postures, stretching, coupled with a dose of relevant education along with lots area of health and fitness through the word of God and deep breathing and spiritually through the word of God of passion, love and faith. You notice I didn’t say drive, my personal experiences. by providing an overall sense of well-being while you are determination, and self-centered ambition because this “It’s a New Me...Innovations in Weight Manage- losing weight and/or getting healthy. leads to what is called “burn-out.” In your pursuit to do ment” is a comprehensive, medically supervised weight In my strive for perfection in my chosen field, I have what you feel God has called you to do, you will find loss and anti-aging program that uses a proprietary for- had many mountains to climb and many obstacles to that there are three things you will encounter: failure, mulation of HCG, a hormone naturally produced in the overcome but through it all I have learned a valuable lesfrustration, and fear. These are the deadly three because placenta of pregnant women, in very small amount to son. That lesson is to not tire of being in a place where with them comes the desire to give up and give in to the stimulate the release and burning of stored- irregular God can use you, because if you humble yourself before temptation thus forfeiting the call upon your life and only fat, which typically is not lost during other diet, exer- the Lord, in due season He will exalt you. settling to being at best, like those around you. To book me at your next Health and Wellness event cise and nutritionally-based programs. We also offer an This led me to the “why” of what I do. By profes- alternative to hormone replacement therapy with bio- or to request PraiseMoves at your church, gym, local sion I am a licensed Pharmacist and have for six years identical hormone replacement therapy, which is com- YMCA, school, community center or privately in your owned and operated a local community pharmacy. A lot pounded by a licensed compounding pharmacy using a home call me at 832-228-6603 for a Fitness for His of people would like to think it is insane to go to school soy-based product similar in structure to your own natu- Witness Health and Wellness seminar or presentation. for pharmacy and decide it is time to follow your calling ral hormones.

Managing money in hard times Don’t let the recent economic downturn affect your money management practices. By paying close attention to your spending activities and keeping a reliable budget, you put yourself in the driver’s seat to stay afloat during these difficult times.

negative impact on your lifestyle. Many people are on a limited budget. Check out some strategies to help you avoid the pitfalls of excessive debt. • Maintain a good credit rating. Your credit score can affect many aspects of your life. Whether you need a loan to buy a home or if you apply for a credit card, your credit score is used to judge your reliability and risk. Learn more about the ins and outs of your credit score.

These three tips below can assist your efforts. Take a few moments to review these pointers and gauge your own financial health.

• Recognize the warning signs of financial difficulty. Financial problems, once started, tend to get worse if they are left unsolved. Pay attention to the warning

• Live within your means to keep your debt level low. There are good reasons to keep your debt level low. In the worst cases, high debt can have a significant

december 2008

signs. If you spot trouble, start turning things around — the sooner the better. Recognize the signs and take action early.




december 2008





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december 2008




Mastering the art of First Impressions If it’s true that first impressions are ple, non-verbal priorities to appear confident skills are the key to a successlasting impressions, chances are you’ll and in control. First, don’t slip into a room ful first meeting. want to make sure you’ve mastered the “all smiles.” Instead, “claim your space” in Prepare in advance, then art of impressing people from the mo- the room by planting your feet six inches just try to forget yourself. Bement you meet them. You are a walking to eight inches apart, one slightly ahead of ing too self-conscious is the billboard for your business. the other--a stance that will make you feel quickest way to shoot yourself In a tough economy, where adver- grounded and confident. in the foot. Remember that it’s tising budgets are cut to the bone, it’s After you’ve established eye contact, about the other person--that’s the crucial that the one shot you have with a smile will create an upbeat, positive best possible way to make a positive customers is a homerun. So how can you environment. Maintain eye contact 85 first impression. To help shift focus to the be sure you’re communicating the right percent of the time during a conversation. other person, a bit of small talk is ap- problem is speed-talking, which dilutes the message? How do you get people to no- Doing so will make you seem trustwor- propriate in almost every setting. When message and makes the speaker sound tice you without offending, boring or con- thy and it will demonstrate that you’re meeting someone new, the conversation anxious. You want to make sure you’re not fusing them?

interested in what the other person has should resemble a tennis match, with “data dumping” but rather communicating

Body language is key. People decide to say. each participant taking a quick swing so that you’re understood. many things about you within 10 seconds The keys to creating a positive first To avoid a fumbling introduction, ev- before sending it back to the other perof seeing you - usually before you even ery entrepreneur should have in mind a son. Too many Americans confuse their impression aren’t secrets that are hidden open your mouth. That’s why entrepre- “verbal business card”--a quick, 30-word sports metaphors, treating a conversa- away and accessible only through visits neurs should always be conscious of the summary of who you are and what you tion more like golf, where you just keep to an oracle or a high-priced seminar. message their body language is sending. can do. Focus on benefits for the other hitting your own ball over and over again Body language, conversation and voice You send a message by what you wear, person rather than job titles or even com- . . . If you’ve talked for more than a min- are three of the most important aspects how you act, how you look. It all goes to- pany names, she recommends. You want ute, it’s too long. of a first impression. The bad news is too gether to make one impression. You could to make sure people remember you as You’ll also want to be cognizant of your many people think they lack skill in these wear a very expensive suit, but if you opposed to others who do the same thing voice. Entrepreneurs who speak in mono- areas. The good news is that most anyone stand slumped over with your head down, you do. tone will be perceived as uninspiring, while can practice each of them and master you won’t give a confident aura. When it’s time to move beyond the those who speak too quietly will come their first impression. Entrepreneurs can focus on a few sim- handshake stage, simple conversational across as uncertain. But the most common

Choose the

the company, for the client, of the meeting or even for the week. Communicate openly about the roles each will

Right Partner

play in the pursuit of those goals. Creating this process of communication is crucial when setting up a partnership. Another is aligning those aforementioned goals: What are your expectations for

You’ve heard the saying opposites attract, but in you’re best at. business, that’s not always a good thing.

You’ll always want to look at your strengths and the what you’re trying to build? Are you aligned and sharing that? For example, is one partner looking at building a

When it comes to choosing a business partner, you’ll strengths of your business partner. want someone you’re on the same page with, someone

“I’m great with the creative/marketing side,” says lifestyle business and the other one’s looking to cash out

who can help you weather the ups and downs of an en- business owner Rene Lewis. “My partner is wonderful in three years? trepreneurial venture and someone who is dedicated to with the money, so we just mesh well together.” helping you master your business plan.

Then, you must decide if your skills really are com-

Finding a business partner should be treated as a plementary. Does one plus one equal three or more? Do

Every business is as unique as its owner. And yes, serious courting process. Tap your network and use pro- you guys really support each other in ways that extend partnerships have to reflect dual personalities, but both fessional head-hunters to help source candidates. But, your capacity as an individual? If you’re duplicative, then parties’ goals need to be aligned. You’ll also want to cre- don’t just stop at the first good catch--there are a lot of that’s hard to support. ate a process of communication, as well as figure out if fish in the sea. Too many entrepreneurs make partnerthe partners’ skill sets are complementary.

ship decisions without thoroughly investigating the many to do – envision the breakup. You should plan not only for success in the relationship, but also for the more

There will be bumps in the road, that’s why it’s im- great options that exist. portant to have someone you can talk to. Just like in

And something many potential partners don’t want

It’s important to inventory your own skills and ex- probable time that you will want to end the relationship,

a personal relationship, when looking for a match, you periences in an honest way that allows you to clearly either through the sale of the business, or separation should not only be on the same wavelength about big- identify the profile of the person who will maximize your on either mutual and pleasant circumstances or difficult times. A ‘prenuptial agreement’ of sorts is vital to ensure

picture values like money, work/life balance and overall success. goals, but also have complementary skills so that on a

When you do secure that partner, you’ll want to that you do not risk the business you have built to date

day-to-day basis, you both do what you enjoy and what work on a regular basis to clearly articulate goals--of and are hoping to grow with the partner. december 2008




december 2008




december 2008




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