feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Inspire, Inform & Educate
Harry Johnson, the man who raised Millions for the Martin Luther King Jr. Monument
Gee Powell Luvclosets.com
Jennifer L. Medearis M.Ed. Special Education Advocate
Phaedra B. Dinkins Samuel Dinkins, III Dinky Drum Company, LLC
Constance Jones, HMBC Director of Member Services
Deborah Ali-Pruitt All Peoples’ Funeral Home
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Publisher’s Message
Keith J. Davis, Sr. SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr. JR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Jr. VICE PRESIDENT Kevin Davis EDITING CONSULTANT ReShonda Tate-Billingsley OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Jennifer Cobb ACCOUNTING MANAGER Eugenie Doualla PHOTOGRAPHY Leon Galbreath MARKETING CONSULTANTS Bernard Johnson Lenore Benoit MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes
When it came time for the D-Mars editorial board to decide on this month’s theme, we went around and around, tossing out ideas that would best convey our message this month. Our meeting kept getting off track as the conversation kept veering back to our new President, Barack Obama. The entire D-Mars.com staff was so proud to witness history in the making as President Obama took the oath of office. Watching the pride that filled the faces in not only our office, but all across the nation, made us settle on a simple theme – Proud to be. And we are proud of where we hope that our country is headed. Not only that, but we are proud of how we overcame the storied past. This issue looks at why entrepreneurs and individuals throughout our city are proud. What gives them a sense of pride and the things they are thankful for in their lives. We reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. Of course, we have stories to boost your business, everything from making your business shine to surviving in tough times. There’s something in this issue for everyone! As always, I have to ask that you support the advertisers in this, and all the D-Mars Business Journals. Because of their support, as well as yours, we’re able to continue to bring you a product that makes us proud!
CONTENTS Proud to be…Creating a Legacy…………………………......................4-5 Proud to be an Educator in the 21st Century…………….....................12 Proud to be…Who We See..…………………………….........................15
LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ghuzzala Malik (Faith) Myron Davis
Proud to be…Constance Jones……………………….....................…..15
DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden
Proud to be…Carla Lane……………………………….....................…..18
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Christina Robinson-Grochett Carla Lane Dr. D.L. Jones Gee Powell Constance Jones Jennifer Medearis, M.Ed. Jessica Medearis Charlotte Jackson Franklin J. Anderson Leona Baker Ann Pitre Elvia Valdez Tasha Bowen Burt Levine
Be proud of your E-Newsletter………………………….....................…24
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Proud to be…a Special Education Advocate………….....................…16 Proud to be…a Teenage Entrepreneur…………...................................16 The Dinky Drum Company, LLC………………………......................….23 The Magic of Organizing………………………………......................…..23 Proud to Be……………………………………………….................…26-27 Job Search Tips to Survive the Economic Slow Down….....................28 Proud to be Texan American………………………….......................…..28 All Peoples’ Funeral Home…………………………….......................….30 Time for Small Businesses to Find Opportunities…..........................…37
MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month Be Proud!
D-MARS Business Journal 9898 Bissonnet, Suite 570 Houston, Texas 77036 713-272-9511 . Phone 713-272-6364 . Fax 1-800-453-8752 . Toll Free www.d-mars.com 3.
CREATING A LEGACY memorial and we want everyone to and Jefferson Memorials. It will sit inspirational quality of his words. His touch it.”
close to the spot where King delivered speeches, sermons and public address-
When he took over the reins of his famous “I have the fraternity, he worked diligently to a dream” speech in see the project to fruition.
1963. Designed by
“This is a once in a lifetime ex- San Francisco based perience, to have my hands touch a ROMA
project like this. It’s akin to having group, the memorial your hand in building the Jefferson will employ natural Memorial or the Lincoln Memorial or elements – water, in bringing the Statue of Liberty here. stone and trees-to It’s having touched something iconic represent the themes that our country and the world will of justice, democraFor Harry E. Johnson, Sr., Presi- look up to for years,” Johnson said. cy and hope. Within dent and CEO of the Washington, the memorial will be es melded themes of democracy deeply D.C. Martin Luther King, Jr. Me24 panels covered with embedded in the American conscience morial Project Foundation, Inc., the excerpts from King’s and reinvigorated these messages with words “I have a dream” couldn’t have sermons and speeches. clear and insightful reflections on the deeper meaning. A council of historians true meaning of justice and equality.” It is Johnson’s dream to see a methat included such noJohnson, a Houston lawyer, who morial in honor of King erected in our table figures as Henry also serves a member of the Texas nation’s capital. And he’s worked tireLouis Gates, Maya An- Southern University’s Board of Relessly to make that dream a reality. gelou and John Hope gents, said he was drawn to the project The King memorial will be the Franklin chose the not just for its historical nature, but first memorial to an African American quotes with the panels because he saw it as a way to give back to be built on the Washington Mall. to emphasize the me- to the community. When completed, the foundation’s morial’s central themes. “There is sacrifice, the amount of mission statement says, the memorial “We don’t build time put into something like this, but will honor King’s “national and intermemorials to people, it’s a labor of love,” Johnson says. national contributions to world peace but to the ideals they Johnson is no stranger to comthrough nonviolence social change.” stand for. Dr. King’s im- munity service. He’s been involved in Johnson acknowledges the idea to pact on the nation came community organizations since he was erect a memorial in Dr. King’s honfrom the eloquence and in high school. In 2001 he was elected or wasn’t initially his. It took nearly president of two decades of hard work and more The memorial will Big Brothers than ten years of intense lobbying bestand as a tangible symbol Big Sisters of fore Congress approved and President of what is still achievable America’s naClinton signed Public Law 104-333 through non-violent actional board in November 1996, authorizing Altion, tolerance and appreof directors. pha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., to raise ciation of diversity; and a Working on funds and manage the design and conreminder for all Americans this project struction of the Memorial to fight racism, injustice, is just an ex“A debt of gratitude is owed to and inequality. It will be tension of Alpha Phi Alpha, Fraternity for the situated on a four-acre the service to idea, and for seeing it through,” said site along the Tidal Basin which he has Johnson, who served as the fraternity’s and will be adjacent to dedicated his 31st general president. “But no one the Franklin D. Roosevelt life. will own this when it is finished. The Memorial and on a direct “I’m lookdeed will be signed over to the United line between the Lincoln ing forward to States government. This is the people’s feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
the dedication, when the entire world terested in donating, contact will come up to see the memorial and
484-3373 or send your tax deduct-
see King in his rightful place in the ible donation to: history of our country.” But the journey is not yet com-
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project
plete. Johnson says they are still work-
Foundation, Inc.
ing to raise money to complete the
401 F Street, NW – Suite 334
memorial, which was slated to cost
Washington, DC 20001
nearly $100 million. If you are in-
Businesses can tighten their belt and still watch their businesses thrive If you’ve applied for credit recent- pany’s cash flow with these easy tips. ly, you know creditors are tightening their regulations. Therefore, entrepreneurs are being advised to watch their dollars carefully. Those companies that
Quickly collect outstanding accounts receivables.
a follow-up call is just as important This is something you’ll want to do, as a new client call. If you’re a small even if business is good. The cash flow business and don’t like doing the dirty statement could alert you to potential work yourself, consider outsourcing problems down the road, especially if and hiring a virtual assistant or collec- you don’t get paid for your work in a tion company.
Read your cash flow statements. When you do receive payments, track them in your financial docu-
timely manner. Not having enough cash on hand could affect your ability to get a loan or access resources to help your company grow.
Keep a cash reserve.
You can’t make money if every- ments. You probably know that the in-
Just as people need to have money
fail most often don’t do so because of one owes you money. It’s imperative come statement and balance sheet are a shortage of customers. They fail be- that you stay on top of your billing. important, but don’t forget to regucause of a shortage of cash. If clients Get your invoices out on time, and larly review your cash flow statement, owe you money, and you don’t have don’t let any slip through the cracks. too. It lists your cash income and
saved for a rainy day, businesses need to keep a cash reserve. Experts say the best time to build a reserve is when you don’t need it. If you’ve had a good
enough funding to pay this month’s In dealing with day-to-day business, outgo, marked at specific time inter- month and gotten paid over and above lease, you have a cash flow problem. it’s easy to forget to follow up with a vals. If you need to create your own, your budget, put some of that money But you can still manage your com- late-paying customer, but remember, there are several free templates online. in your business savings.
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
By Christina Robinson Grochett University of Phoenix – Houston Vice President
n today’s constantly evolving and competitive marketplace, the advancement of cutting-edge technology within higher education continues to be a top priority among Houstonians and employers nationwide. For many, the notion of a competitive edge has become a way of life, especially during the recession. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of unemployed persons increased by 632,000 to 11.1 million in December. As the economy gets tough, working professionals get tougher by sharpening their skills and beefing up their resumes. Historically, education has been a safe haven during a shaky economy, a place where laid-off workers can go for a new career or jobless graduates can turn for an advanced degree. As these individuals flock to higher education institutions to earn advanced degrees,
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
many of these students are looking for from a variety of texts and authors. two simple things – technology and The books include areas of specializations ranging from business and manconvenience. agement, to education, health and soAs a result of modern technol- cial sciences, information technology ogy, the 21st-century classroom is and general studies. not enclosed by four walls as it was Being able to access course matein the past. University of Phoenix has stepped to the forefront in creat- rials or post homework assignments ing technological innovations within when it is convenient for the student higher learning – it comes from in is one of the main reasons online eduand outside the classroom. Technol- cation continues to be an increasing ogy is incorporated into all aspects of trend in higher education. In fact, the educational experience, from sup- according to a 2008 Sloan Survey of port services to interactive tools, such Online Learning, all types of colleges as online simulations, web-based tu- anticipate enrollment increases due to torials and electronic learning materi- high unemployment. Two-year and als including a comprehensive online private for-profit institutions, however, are expected to increase more than library. others because they “tend to offer proUniversity of Phoenix’s electronic grams that have traditionally been tailearning portal allows for emerging lored to serve working adults.” up-to-the-minute information to be As the slow economy prompts available to students 24 hours a day by delivering digitalized materials di- more working professionals into cyrectly to students’ desktop comput- ber classrooms, it will accelerate a ers. This method of delivery allows trend that has been happening since for a rapid revision of text materials the Sloan Consortium began publishand supplemental readings, providing ing its online-education reports, in students with opportunities to ana- 2003. As of 2007—the most recently lyze, synthesize and evaluate informa- analyzed data—more than a fifth of tion in solving problems and decision all students enrolled in higher education were taking at least one online making. course. In addition, the University’s eLiFrom accessibility to the most rebrary is home to an extensive, stateof-the-art collection of 72 online data- cent technology tools, University of bases that can be accessed by students Phoenix has changed the paradigm and faculty from virtually any location of what higher education should look where an Internet connection is avail- like, while keeping academic quality able. Using the eLibrary, students can as the top priority. It has removed the easily access readings from a broad barriers of time and distance, taking selection of resources. University of advantage of the most innovative rePhoenix also offers an exclusive eBook sources to create the classroom needed collection that represents the “best of today, adapting and re-creating themthe best” reading assignments taken selves to continue offering quality ed-
ucation for the 21st century. In Houston, higher education offerings range from vocational certificates to doctorate degrees, which provide students with ample choices depending on their interests and income. University of Phoenix has helped hundreds of thousands of local working professionals earn their advanced degrees both online and at one of our four campus and learning center locations. As a result, the Houston campus was recently recognized by The Houston Business Journal as the top private school in Houston as well as one of the top 10 universities in the area. I am proud to be an educator in the 21st century and helping these students reach their personal and professional goals while not compromising their lifestyle or putting their lives on hold. As we celebrate a new year of hope and change, the instructors and staff at University of Phoenix – Houston will continue to help guide potential students by discussing their struggles, pinpointing their issues and creating solutions to overcome these obstacles so they can realize their dreams of earning advanced degrees. Christina Robinson Grochett is the Vice President for University of Phoenix – Houston. An accomplished leader and champion of higher learning, she was named one of the Top 10 business women by the American Business Women’s Association in 2008 and led her campus to receive the 2008 Alfred P. Sloan Award from the city of Houston for Workplace Flexibility and Innovation.
Don’t get caught up in social networking
The Internet provides an impressive way to connect with people (in essence leveling the playing field for home based business owners). Incorporating social networking into your business’s marketing plan will pay off tremendously. Many entrepreneurs participate in socially geared networking forums as well as business networking forums; the caveat is both reflect heavily on you and, by association, your business. Therefore, it’s important to realize the potential impact of your online activity on your business. Social networking sites are a great way to stay in touch with family and friends, but remember the content published here is accessible by others. This includes people with whom you do business. Even though you may have separate sites/accounts that seemingly split your business and personal online personas, anybody could easily access the information on your personal site prior to doing business with you. For example, many HR departments Google candidates’ names to obtain additional information about them during the hiring process. So why wouldn’t a CEO turn to Google before entering into a business relationship with a person or company? Keep anything you write on the web professional. Someone wanting to do business with you doesn’t want to witness you using vulgar language or discrediting another person or business on an online forum. Once it’s out there, it’s hard to take it back. Also, any pictures posted should be kept to those you’d feel comfortable sharing with your grandmother. Log-in names should also be kept professional; don’t feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
use names or terms that might hurt your image. Blogs are a popular way to add frequent content to your site. It drives traffic to your site and is a useful tool to inform your visitors of issues and trends. If you use a blog to promote your business, it should mirror your business and its website. Formal businesses, such as financial planners, should keep their content focused on business recommendations, financial advice, etc. If you have a website geared toward children’s items, it would be appropriate to have your website more lighthearted. Sharing links on blogs is another popular way to increase website traffic, but caution should be taken regarding what websites you link to from your blog. If they change their blog content and it ends up being something racy or provocative, you probably don’t want to be associated with that type of activity. There are so many forums out there, but we tend to become comfortable communicating with a particular individual or group of people. Even though you may think you know these people, remember, you really don’t know them. Be careful with the information you share. Proceed with caution when asking for feedback regarding a business decision or idea so as not to divulge privileged information. Some people participate in these forums to capture ideas from people who’ve invested lots of time and energy into their product development. It’s important for PR purposes to utilize social networking sites, but it’s just as important to be smart about how you utilize them. www.
As our country spirals deeper into a recession, survival strategies are becoming more and more necessary. At the top of your survival list should be one word - simplify. Thrift experts, green economists and previously closeted coupon clippers are the newest celebrities. Reducing excess and getting back to basics is their cause. Whether it’s the economic reality that we now have less, the ecological premise that we can live on less or the moral argument that we should require less, less has become “the new more.” How does less play out in your business? Where can simplification be a pathway toward a better business-instead of a painful placeholder until this depressing depression ends? Here are some less-is-more strategies taken by business owners who have focused on surviving--and even thriving--during this challenging economic period.
Simplify relationships: Now is the time to take assess all the unhealthy relationships (ineffective alliances, underperforming employees, abusive clients) you’ve hung onto in your business out of habit or fear, and to make some real changes.
Replace excuses with accountability: Seize this tough time as an opportunity to make changes that could yield lasting results, not just shortterm survival. This may include fir-
Do you get a small smile each time someone asks to see your business card? Are you just waiting to bring it out and let them see? Are you truly proud of what you get to hand to people? The answer to all of these questions should be yes, but for a lot of people, that isn’t the case. feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
ing placeholder employees (people who show up but contribute little), switching to a contractor vs. employee model, reabsorbing work previously given to costly vendors, altering the compensation structure, diversifying products or services, or redesigning bonus structures (if they exist) from entitlement to performance-driven.
Live on little: During times of struggle, some business owners find it easier to focus on survival instead of profit. Don’t consider profits a luxury; they’re a requirement, even during difficult times.
Turn your survival plans into strategic repositioning: Approach the changes you’re making in your business as a restructuring strategy instead of a temporary stopgap.
ness cards are so commonplace a lot of people simply forget about how effective they can really be. They don’t care about whether or not their cards look great; they simply know they need to have one. A business card can be the best form of marketing you’ll ever have if you take the time to really make them shine. Here are a few things to look for to know whether or not your card is really doing its job. First, set down fifty business cards from different companies. Close your eyes, and then when you first open them see which cards draw your eye the most. Odds are good the ones with colors will attract you first, along with the cards that have pictures on them. Any unique style will jump out among all the other normal white cards with black lettering. Next, ask yourself what kind of cards you’ve seen people handing out at tradeshows, and then try to remember which cards stood out to you. Was there one that you had to stop and look at twice? What was it about the card that caught your eye so much? This is the foundation for
making your card better. Once you know all the things that you like about other people’s cards you’ll be in a good position to take that information and use it to improve your own cards. Now, if you aren’t sure about all the things you can do with your business card why not go to the place where you get your color printing done and ask them what kind of options they offer? You might discover something you’ve never seen anyone else do and you’ve never heard about before. This is one of the best ways to get a card that will wow people and ensure you’ll be remembered long after you hand a person your card. And really, isn’t that the whole point of the business card? If your card isn’t memorable than it isn’t really serving the best function that the business card has. Next time you hand someone a card, be proud of what you give them.
Think from your garage: If you started your business instead of bought it, now may be the time to revisit why it worked well when it was still in the “garage” stage. Remember, these challenging times may present the best opportunity you ever have to make swift, bold changes to your business. Realize where you stand. Redefine what you need. Recalibrate your business to respond to the inevitable challenges to come. Now’s the time to do more with less. Simplify your life.
Business cards can be a funny kind of thing when you really think about it. They are one of the cornerstones of marketing. They’re used so often, and so expected, that everyone has one. Most business owners wouldn’t be caught without a business card on them at all times. But here’s the thing: because busiwww.
How many talented, gifted and ingenious blacks do you personally know that are locked up in prison, on drugs, and have wasted their lives as a result of this negative psychological identity warfare on our “who-ness” and “what-ness?” I dare not count, knowing that the number is great within my own family.
By Dr. D. L. Jones Contributing Writer
the doubters, haters, and non supporters of President Obama. This is NOT a seventies affirmative action ‘fill the slot’ legislative decision. The African-American heritage of President Obama is wonderful and great, especially knowing the past struggles, discrimination, racism, and unfair man taking the oath as president of practices served on an entire race of the United States of American. Wow! people in this country. But let’s make it very clear, President Obama was the It would be remiss of me if I best qualified candidate running for don’t get the record straight for all the highest position in the world!
The power of seeing positive images is vitally crucial as it relates to our success, attitude, efficacy, and pursuit to excellence as African-Americans. Without this mental and physical imagery the climb to self actualization is very difficult if not impossible.
There have been many blacks There’s a lyrical stanza in the song throughout America who have served as role models to many people of col- “I believe I can fly” by R-Kelly that or. Bill Cosby, Martin Luther King, says: Jr., Oprah Winfrey, and Rosa Parks If I can see it, then I can do it just to name a few. Nevertheless, this If I just believe it, there’s nothing to it country has never seen a black person I believe I can fly obtain the highest, prestigious, and I believe I can touch the sky most powerful position in the world I think about it every night and day Business is in her blood. For as - the presidency of the United States Spread my wings and fly away long as she can remember, Constance President Barack Obama. I believe I can soar Jones has had an affinity for business I see me running through that open door and she’s dedicated her life to helping For years this country has done I believe I can fly entrepreneurs and aspiring entreprea damaging job in the strategic psyI believe I can fly neurs build successful and thriving chological identity warfare on black I believe I can fly businesses. Americans. Television, radio, and Constance is living her passion evprinted media across the country have On January 20, 2009, Black ery day as Director of Member Servicpredominately been produced by the America saw something that made dominant culture, depicting the white all of us “Proud to Be Who We See.” es for the Houston Minority Business phenotype as beautiful and sublime Who would have ever thought it? On Council, where she serves as liaison and the black phenotype as ugly and that glorious day as I watched Presi- between the Council and 1,100 miless desirable. dent Barack Obama take the oath of nority business owners. It’s a job she the office of President of the United takes seriously and one that allows her In the past, these negative psycho- States of America, I envisioned in to play a pivotal role in building better logical images have created low self my mind the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther businesses. While her job keeps her plate full, esteem, low self image, and the lack King, Jr. in Heaven, sitting with the of pride when it comes to positive angels Gabriel and Michael; laugh- Constance still makes it a point to conAfrican-American efficacy. Through- ing with Peter, James, and John; and tinue that love of business after hours. out the years many African-Americans shaking hands with Jesus saying those She participates in several different have wrestled with their “who-ness immortal words “Free at Last, Free at organizations outside of HMBC in and what-ness.” Who they are and Last, Thank God Almighty we’re Free order to promote minority businesses. She has volunteered with the Houswhat they can be and achieve. The at Last.” ton Minority Business Development psychological game is designed to do just that; keep us from truly knowing January 20, 2009 marked the day Center, United States Small Business who we are and the powerful innate of a historical event in this country Administration, Hispanic Chamber gifts that God has endowed within that I a prayed that my twelve year old of Commerce, Houston Area Urban each and every one of us. daughter would one day see, a black League and TAMACC. feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Constance also works as chair of the Economic Development Committee for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, where she has created a minority business directory and business exhibition, which showcases two minority small businesses monthly. She has also partnered with NAACP to host a tax freedom program utilizing minority small businesses to do the computer networking, catering and facilitating. The Houston native and mother of one believes in empowering others so she works closely with North Harris Montgomery Community College, University of Houston and Houston Community College to offer practical educational courses for minority business owners. Constance has engaged in partnerships with Microsoft to facilitate the teaching and utilization of their products within the minority business community. Constance earned a B. S. in Business Administration and a B. A. in Political Science from the University of Southern California. Her hard work has not gone unrecognized. She recently received the YMCA Young Minority Achiever Award and was nominated by Ruby Reynolds of GHG Corporation, who stated Constance has been a jewel to the minority business community and to major corporations with suppler diversity efforts. She is also the proud receipt of the SBA’s Houston District Minority Small Business Champion of the Year Award. Because of this designation, Constance was honored with a proclamation from the Texas Senate.
supports to which they are entitled in accordance with IDEIA, §504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and §74.28 of the Texas Administrative Code (dyslexia law). I have been blessed with a thrivious public school systems assessing, with an in depth understanding of not educating, and providing program- only what the laws are, but what they ming for students with special needs.
should look like in the classroom has
My dedication to this population enabled me to assist over 40 students has resulted in a myriad of profes- in 12 different public school systems sional experiences, including oppor- in Houston and it’s surrounding areas. tunities to work with students with
The satisfaction gleaned from
autism, cerebral palsy, emotional dis- knowing that I have helped a parturbances, other health impairments, ent successfully navigate their way orthopedic impairments, pervasive through the bureaucratic system that developmental delays, specific learn- is unfortunately a part of acquiring ing disabilities, & Tourette’s syn- appropriate special education and/or drome.
By Jennifer L. Medearis, M.Ed. Contributing Writer
Advocacy was an inherent 504 services, affords me the intrinsic
part of my professional endeavors as reward necessary to continue to work an educator and administrator. Thus, not only with parents of students with the transition from educator to pro- special needs, but with the central
Prior to 2005, I worked as a spe- fessional advocate was a natural one. administrations in various school discial educator and administrator in var- Knowledge of federal and state laws tricts. governing special education, along
I pride myself in the fact that I work collaboratively with school dis-
ing private advocacy practice for the past three years. Ideally there should be no need for the services I provide; however, reality dictates otherwise. Such being the case, nothing is more rewarding than the self–confidence and peace of mind I am able to evoke in both my clients and their parents. The fact that my clients know they have an ally, whose primary goal is to build an educational program in for their child in which they can receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), yields parents not only with a sense of relief and comfort, but with restored belief in, and respect for, public education…and that, is why I am extremely proud to be a special education advocate working in the public school system.
tricts to get students the services and
a Teenage Entrepreneur Libby Lu, went out of business. At Club Libby Lu I gave makeovers to young girls and I learned how to do hair and make-up. Many of the parents were upset about our shutting down because their daughters wanted makeovers for their birthday parties. I wanted to find a way to fill this void, so I created Party Princess Makeovers. I’m proud to be an entrepreneur because I get to have complete control over the way I run my business. After Club Libby Lu closed I could’ve found another job working for someone else, but I wanted to be
By Jessica Medearis Contributing Writer
my own boss. I love the freedom and flexibility that Party Princess Makeovers provides because I can still put
As the 16-year-old founder of Par- my education first. ty Princess Makeovers, I am proud to be living a dream.
If you would like to book Party Princess Makeovers for your party,
I started Party Princess Makeovers please e-mail jessicamedearis@yahoo. because my previous company, Club com. feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Choose a domain name you can be proud of! http://www. A domain name is an extremely important part of designing your web site, as that becomes the name of your web site. Your domain name is the first part of the Uniform Resource Locator, or “URL.” There are many things to keep in mind while choosing a suitable domain name. If you haven’t already done so, give some thought as to what your domain name is going to be. For those who are new to the internet, the domain name, also known as a website address, is a word or phrase that a website visitor has to type in to visit your site. It’s preceded by http://www, although for modern-day browsers typing this portion in is optional. It ends with .com, .net, .biz, or a host of other extensions that you’ll be exposed to when you’re ready to sign up for your domain name. Stuffing your domain name with keywords isn’t going to help much, if at all, unless those keywords naturally make sense. For example, don’t pick “peanutbutterandjelly.com” if you’re planning to launch a site for fishing supplies. Also, avoid abbreviations. Using your whole site name will make your domain name easier to remember. Try to get a “.com” name, as those are the most popular and easiest for most users to remember. However, if this is impossible, don’t use .com anywhere in the name if your site is under “.net”. Doing so is tacky, and will only cause confusion to potential visitors. Remember to display your site name-prominently. Multiple domains can be a good idea but only when built as a complete strategy. Each domain also requires different content to avoid being penalized by search engines for duplicate content.
Buying a Domain Name To buy a domain name, you can do so directly from your web hosting provider, or through a separate domain name service (a recommended option feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
for those who are using their own servers). If you’re using a separate domain name service for your server, make sure you choose one such as no-IP.com, which assigns you a static IP address, the numerical address that identifies your computer. If this address is ever-changing (as it is with some internet service providers), you won’t be able to successfully assign a domain name to your server. I personally use register.com and godaddy. com. I like the independence that register.com or similar services provide. Another good strategy is to choose and register your domain in advance of building your site. You then have the comfort of knowing that the name belongs to you. When you register a domain without having a site, typing the name into the browser will bring up a page indicating that it’s parked. This means the name is owned by someone but a website has not yet been launched. The process for signing up for a domain name works the same way whether it’s through a hosting provider or through a separate domain name service. You’ll be asked to enter into a text box the domain name you want to register. The service shows you the extensions you can choose. Generally, you always want to go with .com, since this is the most popular domain name extension. In terms of what domain name to use, this is where keyword optimization comes into play. That’s right--even your domain name should be keyword optimized. Don’t fall into the temptation that many webmasters do and use something catchy and creative for your website. It might be more memorable to potential visitors, especially if you use a lot of offline marketing, but it won’t get your site ranked high in search engines. Ultimately, you will want to use keywords to create a domain name that is both memorable and likely to be ranked in the first 10 listings of search engine results. However, keywords in the domain
are useful for reasons outside of just ranking by its words. How people link to you and what the description reads in the incoming “backlink,” or anchor text, plays a key role. So if you have realestate-mortgage-loans.com it’s better than simply remloans.com. The latter is shorter, but the former yields a better link popularity strategy. If your desired domain name is taken, the domain name service recommends other selections you could use. This can be helpful, since sometimes they can come up with suggestions that might rank better than your original choice. Or, they could be terrible, especially in terms of their length. Generally, the best domain names are short, contain no hyphens, and offer an excellent one-, two-, or three-word summary of what the site is about. An example of an excellent domain name could be cheapknives. com. It’s short, contains no hyphens, and, if it’s pointing to a website selling affordable knives, perfectly summarizes the main point of the site. Another alternative when it comes to domain names is buying one that’s already established or expiring. This is a popular tactic used by internet marketers to generate traffic for their websites. You can find these types of domain names anywhere, from eBay to specialized services selling them (they can be found through a general Google search). You could use snapnames.com to bid on a name that’s already taken. On this site you enter your contact and billing information, the domain name of interest, and your bid price. When the name becomes available, snapnames.com will purchase it for you. This eliminates watching and waiting for the name. This is also helpful after you launch your business if you want to snap up similar domain names. There are auctions specifically for expired domain names. To find the best deals on expired domain names, don’t be afraid to use a shopping comparison site, such as froogle.com. I’ve purchased domains both on eBay and the SitePoint Marketplace. If you get www.
an admin e-mail account and read on the membership site SitePoint--you can transfer a domain over without losing page rank and traffic. Most folks who sell a website/domain will show you traffic charts and money charts (example: AdSense). Make sure that it’s not inflated, and that you can look at it over time. One month is simply not good enough. Make sure you also ask about how traffic has been coming to the site, and ask to see server logs.
Get It Registered Once you’ve selected your domain name, you need to register it. Be careful of whom you select to handle your domain registrations, as losing your domain name could put you out of business. You may want to choose a hosting company before registering your domain name. Many hosting companies will register the name for you when you set up your hosting account. A little over a decade ago, Network Solutions dominated the domain registration field, charging $100 annually for service. Today, hundreds of registrars exist, which can cause difficulty in choosing one. Use a tool such as RegSelect, which can help you compare prices and options of domain registration companies. All registrars require the name of the company or individual who owns the domain (the registrant), the individual authorized to handle daily matters (the administrative contact), and the person who handles all things technical (the technical contact). Most registrars have rules against using false names, and you’ll run the risk of not receiving important notices if you do so. Whoever possesses the registrar username and password is essentially in control of the domain, despite the fact that the legal owner is the registrant, so be careful. Choose a complex password, as this could protect you from being hacked. Hackers could have the opportunity to change ownership or servers associated with your account. Try to find a registrar that allows you to “lock” your accounts. Finally, avoid registering your domain name with your web hosting service. This could complicate a domain transfer, should you decide to change hosting companies later. 17.
individuals has awakened to the fact that we NEED CHANGE. This is truly a historic moment! I am not saying that President Obama is going to wave a magic wand and all of the injustices and problems of the world will go away. No, the change we need will take many years to happen….but we are on the right path, and the world is waking up.
By Carla Lane Contributing Writer
We are in the process, and the best thing we can all do is embrace it and add our energies to it! AND we
On Tuesday, January 20, 2009, each must do our part to make these I watched with the entire world, the changes happen…no one will do it inauguration, of our 44th president, for us. We need to act now! OUR first African American presi-
John Scroggins, President and CEO of Unity National Bank has announced the following promotions at Unity National Bank: • Robert Lancaster- Executive Vice President/Chief Credit Officer • Harold V. Dutton, III- Assistant Vice President- Commercial Lending • Linda Guidry- Vice President/Branch Manager- Fort Bend • Charles Wages- Assistant Vice President/Branch Manager Pavilions “We are very fortunate to add these individuals to our organization. Their experience and expertise in their respective areas will be of tremendous value as we move forward with our growth objectives.” Unity National Bank, chartered in 1985, is a unique urban community bank dedicated to building loyal, life-long banking relationships within the diverse communities they serve. Unity National Bank has been certified by the City of Houston as a Minority Business Enterprise.
Our president, in many ways,
For additional information on Unity National Bank please call 713-387-7400.
dent. I can tell you that, that day was represents the hope for an honest and the first time I have ever felt genuine authentic examination into the mess feelings of pride, patriotism and love we have collectively gotten ourselves towards the country I have lived in my into and the possibility for real, susentire life! President Barack Obama’s words,
tainable solutions to emerge! This IS an exciting time to be
his aura and his presence are enough alive! We are moving beyond examto get me EXCITED about the pos- ining the world through eyes that sibility of a better tomorrow!
look out only for themselves, and re-
But even President Obama, him- connecting to our spiritual and emoself admits that the overwhelming tional ties, and to each other. I am passion for his presidency has nothing VERY proud to be an American right to do with him. And he’s right. He now and to be a part of this global is a manifestation of the collective de- renaissance leading the way to a betsire to see, hear, and feel what we have ter future! been told all of our lives, “You can be
And lastly, I am VERY proud to
whatever you want to be when you be living and breathing at this mogrow up.”
ment in time…and am just in love
It is SO exciting to be alive right with the world for what it is. I hope now, because finally, a critical mass of you are too!
Let us Promote your Business, Your Event, or You! Advertise today in D-MARS Business Journal
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
at CMCH (in the historic Third Ward community of Houston, TX); DDC
worn as much to the farthest of any
moved to the Band Instru-
right side of any wall in your closet.
ment Exchange (in the Museum District of Hous-
5) Save Space:
ton) on August of 1996
Metal hangers versus plastic ones take
where the vision contin-
up far less space on your hanging rod,
ued and grew. Today, the
use them. When not in use, give to
Dinky Drum Company
your local cleaners for recycling.
School of Drums & Percussion is now the DDC
6) Sift:
School of Music. In July
Once a month sift through items that
Company 0f 2003, DDC was located at 2411
need to be taken out for recycling to
School of Drums and Percussion be- Eagle Street (in mid-town Houston,
charity (churches are great for this) or
gan in the fall of 1989; and taught TX). The Eagle Street location pro-
to someone special.
its first student on February 7, 1990 vided the needed space to teach Chilat the Community Music Center of dren and Adults about music thru Houston, Inc. (CMCH). Founder and private and group lessons.
By Gee Powell Luv Closets & Organizers LuvClosets.com
Director Samuel Dinkins, III was in Houston performing with the Scott
7) Stop: Make yourself stop procrastinating on making a decision. If the task is too
Students can study Drums/Per-
Joplin Chamber Orchestra, jazz vo- cussion;
The magic of being organized is overwhelming, contact a friend, asso-
having structure. Here are 10 easy ciate, or a professional to assist. You’ll
calist Kim Wade & Company, with Clarinet/Flute; Bass/Acoustic Guitar;
magic space-making habits to clear love the results and be more produc-
the Music Ministry of Holman Street or Trumpet/Trombone. DDC School
disorder and live an organized life- tive overall.
Baptist Church and doing freelance of Music staff also, travels to Schools,
work as a Drummer/Percussionist. Community Centers, Senior Com-
8) Surprise:
From Brooklyn, New York, Mr. Din- munities, Concert Halls and Church-
1) Stuff:
kins began playing music at an early es performing Educational Shows;
Remember it’s just stuff, and stuff once a task is handled. This stimulates
age and started taking private lessons and teaching at several Summer Mu-
comes and goes. Clear out old stuff endorphins and makes the next time
at 8 years of age. Throughout his life, sic Camps in the Houston area and
before adding new stuff on top of it!
easier to approach.
music thru Grade School; at Erasmus located at Project Row Houses in
2) Shoes:
9) Structure:
Hall High School Academy of Per- the historic Third ward community
Take shoes out of boxes and place on This is a daily routine with a system in
forming Arts and at Howard Universi- of Houston, Texas, the DDC School
shelf systems to keep you from walk- place that you are personally comfort-
ty in Washington, D.C.; Mr. Dinkins of Music is continuing the vision
ing over them to get to your clothes!
able with. Make it easy, yet efficient.
that he got taking Private Music Les- DDC will move into a two story,
3) Shirt Hanging:
10) Smile:
sons as a boy.
3000 square foot building located off
You can use a dual hanging method Storage solutions need your permis-
of Highway 288 minutes from their
to double your shirt or blouse space sion to work. There are several ways
as he studied, played and performed around the United States. Presently
always remembered the valuable start of Mr. Dinkins. In the fall of 2008,
It was this, and; his vision to current location, expanding their serpass on what he’d learned musically vices and adding space for the Kin-
instead of a single hanging bar.
that created the Dinky Drum Com- derMusik group classes for three to
4) Skirt Hanging:
pany School of Drums & Percussion six year old music students.
Skirt Hanging can be long or short.
(DDC). After six plus years operating
Place the long ones that may not be
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Give yourself a small surprise treat
to get organized, one of the first ones is to get up and get going! Do something!
how often you want to prevent your newsletter from being send out your newslet- delivered, and most importantly, your ter. Typically, e-mail email is more likely to be opened and newsletters
sent read because it’s coming from a cred-
out weekly, biweekly ible source. Our extensive database or monthly. If you send recognizes emails sent through our them out less frequent- distribution service, so they know it’s ly, they won’t be as ef- going to be reliable, informative, news fective. The key here is they can use. to be consistent. There’s no question about it, a sics before you get started. newsletter is crucial to reminding peo-
In regard to content, you can in-
You’ll also want to keep in mind clude articles, editor’s notes, discounts
First of all, determine what top- the length of your newsletter. Consid- on featured products or services, up-
ple about your products and services. ics you will cover. If you’re lucky, you er starting out with a one-page e-mail dates on your business or some comAnd if your information is useful and already have a niche that creates a newsletter. Make sure you don’t cre- bination of these items. relevant, you’ll enhance your reputa- newsletter focus for you. For instance, ate a long newsletter and find yourself
Follow these strategies, and you’ll
tion and build your business. While a mortgage company that focuses on constantly searching for information be well on your way to producing a both paper and e-mail newsletters loans could provide new information to fill it with. have their uses, e-mail newsletters are about avenues homeowners can save
successful newsletter that’ll enhance
As for format, you can create your your image and help you grow your
a simpler and more inexpensive way their home from foreclosure. If you own, or better yet hire D-Mars.com business to stay in touch with your mailing list. don’t have a narrow niche, consider to create one for you. Our graphic deBy providing your customers with topics your readers would be inter- signers can personalize your newsletan e-newsletter, you’re creating a win- ested in. A hair salon could provide ter to make your business shine. And win situation by giving readers infor- information on new hair styles and our distribution service can make sure mation they need in a format that’s hair care. A catering business could your newsletter is seen by thousands!
Let us Promote your Business, Your Event, or You! Advertise today in D-MARS Business Journal
quick and easy to understand while provide quick and easy recipes. A chil- It’s advantageous to use a service like providing updates about your busi- dren’s clothing store could provide D-Mars.com because we can tell you ness. But you’ll need to know some ba-
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
parenting tips.
if you have words in your newslet-
Then you’ll need to determine ter that can be tagged as spam that’ll
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Proud to be... By Charlotte Jackson Contributing Writer I am proud to be exactly who I am at this time in history. As a single mother since 1995, I have had the opportunity to pour life into not only my three biological children but into the lives of so many others. I often tell people I have the greatest job, in the greatest community and look forward to seeing how God is going to fulfill His purpose in me each day. I am blessed to work as the Special Event Coordinator at a community college
in the same loving and diverse community I have lived in since 1971. I am also employed as a concierge at a local sports venue and am privileged to volunteer in multiple organizations where I can be used to assist anyone I come in contact with. One lesson I learned early in life was to determine the success of someone, you need not look at their bank balance, degrees or awards, but to look at their heart. I have modeled my life after some wonderful people who have taught me that it is important to live, work, worship and volunteer in your community. In many circles, I am known as a “connector.” I have been blessed to meet many people and have the gift to remember who they are, what gifts and talents they have as well as what their passion is. This allows me to continually network for the good of the community. I have always said that I have an obligation to give to others so that in the times when my own children need something, someone else will be there for them. I truly know where my blessings come from and I am proud to be exactly who I am. While we often hear negative sto-
ries of black men who are absent in the lives of their children, I raised three on
I am proud Of my American Indian, Black, White and West Indian Heritage. It solidifies the beauty and uniqueness within the fragments of my bronze skin. It is not my limitation but, instead my conviction.
I am proud Of the Brilliant Lecture Series for bringing Momma Angelou to Houston Her stories remind us, we can find ways to properly nurture our children despite our imperfections.
I am proud By Leona Baker Contributing Writer
I am proud Of my most prized possessions, Calvin III and Christian.
I am proud Of the torches women in my family carried to light my eternal flame; Our Beloved mother, Christine Baker, Marion Stewart, Willa Ward-Royster, Leonie Adderley-Poitier and my dearest namesake, Mom Bake.
I am proud Of saying, I am a Christian, without being taunted or persecuted.
I am proud Of my country for which my family members have earnestly served to secure freedoms for all.
my own as a single parent since they were four, seven and 11. They are now
which has afforded me opportunities beyond my reach.
I am proud Of my work ethic and education,
Of Poppies touch. He gave me daddy, demonstrated compassionate love and remains my measure of a man.
I am proud Of my faith. In times of uncertainties, during life’s darkest hours, it has taught me, how to love me and as equally important, how to love human beings.
I am proud Of my voice suspending on the ears of women in need of inspiration, waiting for someone to remind them, God’s way of sharing power is by giving everyone choices.
I am proud Of my siblings, Leon Jr., Deborah and Marion. They are my constant companions and true friends. Our promising journey has been paved by Rev Dr. Martin Luther King’s Dream and Barak Obama’s reality. Because of this, I am proud.
17, 20 and 24 and have never been in jail and waited until they finished school before having their own families. I mastered all their needs, except the hair thing for the girls. Somehow their hair always came out like Pippy Longstocking. But I did it. Now I have my first grandchild
By Franklin J. Anderson Contributing Writer
I am helping to raise, and a second on the way. I am board president of the G.R.A.N.D.E. Coalition (Grand-
While others may boast of success parents Recreating a New Direcin their profession or financial success, tion Everyday) an agency that assists I am most proud to be a grandfather grandparents who have the primary and father of three. To most that may responsibility of raising their grandseem minute but for me it is monu- children. I invite other grandparents to join us at grandecoalition.ning. mental. feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
A woman who still believes that there are good people in this world. A woman who smiles EVERYDAY – and looks pretty good doing it! LOL!! A woman who believes we owe it to our ancestors to carry ourselves with grace, class and style! A woman who isn’t afraid to be feminine. A woman who respects our differBy Ann Pitre ences knowing that we are more similar than different. Contributing Writer A woman who treats people the A woman who has endured, way I want to be treated. A woman who knows I am truly learned and grown from all experiblessed and highly favored! ences. www.
By Elvia Valdez Contributing Writer It is an amazing time to be alive in this great land as the reins have shifted from the uncertainty of murky waters to the high levels of hope and inspiration. It is not hard to think of the proudest moment of my life. Our great country is experiencing a national first. This leads me to think and reflect upon the obvious. I am proud to be the first person in my family to graduate college, earning a degree in Communications from the University of St. Thomas. I am then prompted to reflect on the life of our 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. While I am hardly comparing my life to his accomplishments, I’m simply reminded that it does not matter where you have come from; we can all achieve greatness. It also reminds me that without remembering where we have come from and the road traveled we will not get to fully enjoy the benefits of our grand arrival. As the third of four daughters I was raised by a single mother who always had to play the juggling act of managing two and three jobs at a time, just to try to make ends meet. My mother grew up in the days where going the “extra mile” of educating yourself was not necessary, but hardly the norm. She was taught that a woman’s job in life was to stay home with the family, that is until you became a single parent. In a society where single parents are the norm, sometimes people fail to understand that single parents leave behind children. As they venture the hard task of being both parents the children are left to raise themselves. feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Like most children often do, I learned to be like my mom. I too, had the hard task of juggling not only the life of a kid but also being a part-time mom for my sisters. As the middle child you quickly learn to fill in wherever needed. I had dreams like all children do but I honestly did not know how I was going to get to the finish line. All I knew growing up is that I did not want to be like my mother, I wanted to be better. It was extremely confusing growing up, in a time where labels are made for everyone. Labeled by a school system I was determined to be “at risk” by the early age of six. By all textbook standards I was not supposed to make it. I thank God every day for the strength He blessed my mother with to endure everything she did. I look at my mother and wonder what she did or said to us to instill the work ethic that she did. If I am really honest with myself she never said anything as she hardly had the time but, she did not have to. It was not my mother’s muteness that taught us we were inspired by her actions. She definitely taught me and my sisters how to work hard and never give up. I will never forget watching Oprah, where Mary J. Blige said it best, “I blame my mother for nothing, but I forgive her for everything.” This is exactly how I feel I know and trust deeply that my mother did the very best with what she had. As I watched President Obama about to walk down the hall, preparing to enter into the presidential inauguration, I cried. Not because he was black and I was brown but because I knew and really understood what it feels like to, “make it.” We do not have to fall into the pitfall of what society says we have to be and or what we will end up becoming. We can dare to be better and challenge ourselves to want more than what society says we are destined to have. We are all playing the most important roles of our life, and we don’t even live in Hollywood. While we are not actors in a movie, we do play the leading role in our own lives. It is our duty to live out our God given potential to envision things that do not even seem possible. The choice is ours and simply put; we are all blessed with the free-will to be better than those who carved the way.
By Tasha Bowen Contributing Writer I am proud to be a vessel in which God can use me to be a blessing and inspiration to others. As a young African-American woman & successful entrepreneur, I am excited about the obstacles and objectives that I face when pursuing my vision because it builds character and makes me stronger. I am equally proud of my disappointments and mistakes as I am of my achievements. It is my mistakes that I am able to use as a roadmap to steer me back on the
right path in the journey we call “life.” Proud is best described as the feeling I get when I envision my grandmother that raised me and never gave up on me, no matter how many times she thought I’d lost my mind. I am proud to be a mother, proving that having a child is sometimes God’s way of giving us a second chance to live our dreams through our child’s eye or to possibly slow us down and help put together the puzzle pieces of life, in which we’ve made a mess. I’ve realized being a mother also helps take away from selfishness because we are no longer able to make decisions based solely on our own interest. I am proud to be a wife, best friend and family member, learning that patience, selflessness and unconditional love are truly the key ingredients to the recipe for total life prosperity, happiness & satisfaction. I am proud to be alive, every morning opening my eyes to realize that each breath & every creative juice flowing through my mind is because God created me perfectly, according to His will and His purpose for my life. I am proud because no one can take that from me!
get the interview. To demonstrate this, add a specific achievements list to your résumé. Take the list that you developed in the previous section and scale it back to your biggest and most notable accomplishments. Now, describe the benefit that your employer gained from each example. This will put you several steps ahead of your job-seeking competitors. Plus, you’ll now have some talking points ready
Today’s economic news may be gloom and doom but it should not derail your job hunt. You can still win a great job, even in a challenging economy.
Start asking yourself the question, “What’s in it for them?” as opposed to, “What’s in it for me?” Especially in an economic downturn, you’ll want to stay focused on what you can accomplish for your next employer. Show them that you understand the macroeconomic “bigger picture” of the role you play in moving the company forward.
3. Sell results, not skills Leave behind that old mindset that your job-related skills or length of service are selling factors. The new mindset is to think of yourself as a mini profit-and-loss center rather than just an employee. Employers today buy results and are less impressed with candidates promoting a long laundry list of skills. You’ll want to define the many ways your past and present job performance is an asset to your next employer. feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Summary Don’t let all the hype about the recession spook you into a state of panic. By revising your tactics to include a more solution-selling approach to employers, you stand a better chance of getting hired in today’s faltering economy.
4. Start talking money
The downturn has made the private sector economy even more bottomline-oriented than ever. Hiring managers categorize employees into one of two distinct groups: 1. Research your options a.) those who help make money Does your industry or line of work b.) those who help save money. offer little promise of employment in the coming months? If so, now is a Which one are you? good time to step back to identify the Rethink your current or past job projected top performing industries to understand your position in the and jobs. bigger corporate P&L picture. Here
2. Change your focus
for that next phone interview.
are some questions to ask yourself: How did my work improve the performance of my department or company? How many roles did I perform that saved the company the expense of added employees or contractors? How has my work made the work of others (employees and managers) easier, faster and more effective? Collect specific examples of the benefit that your company gained from the work you’ve already performed. Clarify the specific benefits your company received by making money or saving money, and write them down.
5. Add achievements to your résumé Employers don’t hire employees, they hire problem-solvers. Your new résumé should be a hard-hitting sales tool designed to accomplish one goal:
who was trained as a tailor as a teen in Minsk, Russia. One hundred years ago, terrorist night riders like Klansman in the American South burned and robbed their homes and businesses and took him by train to Siberia’s
By Burt Levine Contributing Writer I am proud to be writing for dmars Business Journal and d-mars. com. I’m proud of d-mars values founded on faith, freedom and free enterprise with a push to bring all people together, my work to motivate readers about politics that impact lives at all levels and to encourage political participation. d-mars readers can use politics to improve their lives. In the dark forests of east Europe, my grandparents and great-grandparents were persecuted or purposely killed by racist marauders that used prejudice against a person’s parentage for a reason to see to their destruction. I’m named for my great-grandfather www.
cold to fight the Russo-Japanese War. He knew he had no ties to the Czar. At a break he slipped off the train, walked west and eventually arrived at American freedom. My mother’s father was born in Bialystok, Poland. When he was young his family saw terror was coming. He was smuggled with an aunt by sea to America. Rumors are when Hitler attacked Poland his family was locked in their congregation. It was set on fire where most of his family died. I’m proud of my family sacrifice that includes my father’s patriotism as a retired USN Captain and physician in Vietnam and my mother’s service as a nurse. I’m proud of my USN Religious Program Specialist service in the First Gulf War and later serving Texas and America as a Texas National Guardsman. d-mars’, non-stop campaigns every election for better candidates in all of the area’s diverse and dynamic communities and my faith and family are what make me proud.
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
You probably know that a business’s website is one of the most powerful sales tools a small business can have, but consider this – it can be the best salesperson you have. If you think of your website as a salesperson, you’ll begin to think of it as more than just a glorified brochure. Just as you want your sales reps to look good, you’ll feel better about a well-designed website. To achieve that polished salesperson look, ask yourself the following questions about your website:
about your business that it should? 3. Do you measure your website’s success (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually)? 4. Do you offer your website “training” on your business fundamentals, new trends or economic changes in your local market or in the national business climate for your industry? 5. Does your website have all your current products, services and pricing?
You would never send a sales representative to prospective clients 1. Is your website a true reflection of without ensuring he or she had all the your business? needed information, so your informational expectations of the website 2. Does your website know everything
should be no different. If you are selling women’s purses, it would make sense to describe the fabric and the show the bags from all angles. The same sales routine applies to your website. Sales representatives also educate themselves about their clients, so they spend a lot of time listening to the customer’s needs and concerns before selling a product or service. The same
Deborah Ali-Pruitt All Peoples’ Funeral Home offers professional services in the art of funeral direction. We are a familyowned and operated business committed to quality in every detail. We strive to serve you in a manner to help lighten your burden during your time of grief. Our mission is to provide funeral service with honesty and integrity, provide the families we serve with professional and quality service, serve the community by providing funeral services at an affordable cost, continue the tradition of families helping families and help you celebrate the life of feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
applies to your website. While building your website, keep in mind an overall profile of your customers. Be prepared to update your website as your customer base evolves. In the same way you would expect your salespersons to gain new skills and new sales tools from year to year, the expectations of your website should progress with time. .
your loved one. The services provided by All Peoples’ Funeral Home include traditional services, cremation services, cremation with viewing, graveside services, shipping and receiving remains, pre-arrangements, dove releases, horse drawn carriages and notary public. Deborah Ali-Pruitt, owner and Funeral Director of All Peoples’ Funeral Home, has been in the Funeral industry since 1993. In June of 2000 Deborah was the first African-American woman to own and operate a Funeral Home in Arcola, Texas. She established a reputation for her compassion and dedication for all the families that she serves. Deborah believes in providing her families with quality and professionalism at an affordable cost. With two locations, one in Arcola and the second in Houston, the staff of All Peoples’ Funeral Home are committed to excellence and dedicated to serving you better. With All Peoples’ Funeral Home, there is no service too large, too small or too detailed to accomplish the celebration of a life lived. 30.
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Healthy Hair Program
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
to the next generation of Texas Southern University’s Tavis Smiley School of Communication and Dr. Reza Poudeh’s Film Students!!!
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
By Lenore Benoit Contributing Writer
lenging many business owners to keep Opportunity No. 4: their heads on straight, to cut costs Watch for the opening of new without cutting their throats, and to business doors. President Obama has There is one downturn in our remain optimistic. promised to stimulate the economy economy that is going to be profiled outside of bloated corporations and in hundreds of books to come during Opportunity No. 2: floundering financial institutions. the next 50-plus years. Let’s be honMake crucial succession decisions That can mean new business opportuest: Things are bad, and it is miserable nities for family-owned companies in out there in the world of commerce. and act on them. John Davis of Harsuch areas as infrastructure rebuilding We are in a global recession that will vard Business School urges familyand defense. If you don’t know how last for some time. In this new year, owned companies to plan when the to pursue government contracts, this family-owned companies are gearing times are good. But planning often would be a good time to learn. Look up to seize new opportunities and face has to be done even when times are bad. Leadership and ownership suc- for Franchise Opportunities. A strucnew challenges. tured, already established business Two things are for sure: 1. The cession always benefits from a fresh may be a viable option. economy eventually will improve and look at what the family business needs for continued success. get better. 2. Most companies, especially family-owned companies, rely on salespeople to help with the bottom line. Continuing sales of a product or service for an organization along with great salespeople will be needed even more during these tough times.
Challenge No. 4:
Challenge No. 2:
Thoughtful planning for family ownership continuity can be warped by a sense of crisis brought on by tough economic conditions. If temporary conditions make you wonder if the business really is a success, it might be hard to see the characteristics that Opportunity No. 1: Professionalize your business have made it successful in years past structure and operations. It is impera- and that should be maintained into tive that the owners of growing fam- the future. Keep a cool head. ily-owned companies convert from a Mom and Pop business style to a Opportunity No. 3: Buy low. What is Warren Buffully professional style, with a mission statement, a strategic plan to guide fets’ current advice to stock investors? decisions, an organizational chart Buy! That perspective can be transand job descriptions, written policies lated into golden opportunities for and procedures, affordable benefits, family- owned companies that have a and an agreement on how to change comfortable reserve and can afford the ownership and management without risk of expanding at the bottom of the undue confusion or conflict. The pro- market. If you have the means to buy, cess can be daunting, but with strong the prices are not likely to get much commitment, a family can profession- better. alize successfully. This should be the Challenge No. 3: year for your business to expand.
Challenge No. 1: Respond to unforeseen business and family financial demands. The 2008 economy had the finances of many family companies flapping like bed sheets in a windstorm. Lots of people can be leaders when times are good, but it takes a special person to lead when times are rough. Cash shortages, eroding markets and a near collapse of faith in the future are chalfeb 10 - Mar 10 2009
Grow your business in a tight credit environment. The bankers are likely to keep wearing their “Just Say No” T-shirts for much of 2009. That means owners of family businesses of all types and sizes should try to find
ways to grow and diversify that don’t rely on the formal financial industry. Look for family members and friends who have the means and the confidence to lend or buy in. Consider turning some unproductive assets into needed liquidity. Use the money to invest in advertising to promote your business. You may think those advertising dollars will be better suited elsewhere, but trust me, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Opportunity No. 5: Turn the greatest challenge into an opportunity. OK, maybe every cloud doesn’t come with a built-in silver lining. But the business-owning family that has self-confidence, sound core values, and its eyes on the horizon can convert even the uncertainties of 2008 into a pathway upward in 2009.
Avoid selling low. But if you are an acquisition target and prefer to stay independent, put up every ounce of fight you have to avoid selling at the bottom of the market. Actually, family-owned business often have greater ability to withstand tough times because they can hunker down and live off the land without being harassed by outside shareholders. Grit your teeth and lean into the wind. www.
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009
feb 10 - Mar 10 2009