Inspire, Inform & Educate
march 15 - april 15 2009
The POWER of Effective Communication
ReShonda Tate Billingsley Author
Byron Pitts CBS News
Melanie Lawson KTRK ABC News
Keith J. Davis, Jr. Young Entrepreneur
(Top left to right) Gene Norman & MR. D-MARS KHOU Channel 11
Delta Sigma Theta
Christina Robinson Grochett University of Phoenix
Latrice Martin-Gault Save Your Properties
(Bottom left to right) Melinda Spaulding & Kim Davis Fox Channel 26
Gary R. Howard, Sr., James Germany & DeJuan “D.J.” Henry Texas Pirates
Hunter Todd WorldFest Houston
NBC Channel 2
C.J. Eaden & Emmanuel Bernstein 5Linx
March 15 - april 15 2009
Publisher’s Message
Keith J. Davis, Sr. SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr. JR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Jr. VICE PRESIDENT Kevin Davis EDITING CONSULTANT ReShonda Tate-Billingsley OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Jennifer Cobb ACCOUNTING MANAGER Eugenie Doualla PHOTOGRAPHY Leon Galbreath MARKETING CONSULTANTS Lenore Benoit Christopher Keaton MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ghuzzala Malik (Faith) Myron Davis DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Christina Robinson-Grochett Elvia Valdez Alicia Jones Dr. D.L. Jones Gee Powell Carla Lane Tasha Bowen Rodney Mays DeJuan “D.J.” Henry Burt Levine
I’m in the business of communication. That’s why this edition of the D-MARS Business Journal is especially close to my heart. It takes a lot of things to be successful in business – dedication, marketing, networking, mindset, just to name a few. But none of that matters if you don’t know how to communicate - to your employers and more importantly to your customers. In this edition of the D-MARS Business Journal we take a look at the power of effective communication. This issue is designed with you in mind. It’s a valuable resource to help: discover areas where you may be lacking in the communication arena, look at ways you can improve upon your current communication, and grow to be the ultimate communicator. I am proud to say this journal is stock-filled of news you can use. It has everything from tips to effective communication to speaking in public to learning to really listen. By the time you’re done reading, it’s my hope that you’ll find something that will help take you to the next level. And of course don’t forget that dmars.com has everything you need to better communicate with your customers - eblasts, postcards, consultations, business cards and a full fledge marketing program. But until you’re ready to let us help you, you hold in your hands the greatest tool to get you started. Enjoy!
CONTENTS HABJ Honors ……………………………..….......................................… 4 To God be the Glory Sports Complex ……....................................…… 5 The Power of Effective Communication ……...........…………………….12 Order In Disorder OUT! ……………….......................................………..13 Are you Listening to what you Hear? …....................................………..14 Communicate Effectively…………………......................................…….15 Tips for Effective Communication ……….....................................……..16 Master the Art of Public Speaking …………...................................…...17 Talk to your Employees & Improve Employee Morale…........................18 5LINX .………………………………………..........................................…23 Hair Analysis Test with Houston Holistic Health Clinic …......................24 Power of Effective Communication will Push Mayor’s Race .............…24 Get a message not a slogan…………............................................…….26 Delta Sigma Theta ……………...........................................................…27 Gaining Control ………………..........................................................…..28 On the Move…………………........................................................……..29 WorldFest Houston Film Festival ………......................................……..30 Houston, Arena Football is Back!!!........................................................36 Save Your Properties …………………............................................……37
MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month It’s not what you say... it’s how you say it.
March 15 - april 15 2009
D-MARS Business Journal 9898 Bissonnet, Suite 570 Houston, Texas 77036 713-272-9511 . Phone 713-272-6364 . Fax 1-800-453-8752 . Toll Free www.d-mars.com 3.
HABJ Honors
HABJ is a nonprofit organization tunities for college students majorof media professionals from the Hous- ing in communications. Additionally, ton area with members in every facet HABJ presents community outreach of print and broadcast media. Part of programs, seminars and town hall fo-
HABJ’s mission is to provide profes- rums free for community groups and spondent and will receive the coveted one are the days sional development, honor excellence communication professionals. The when individu- HABJ Pinnacle Award. in journalism, cultivate young jour- goal of the dinner is to raise $150,000 als could find one nalists and ensure accurate coverage to enable HABJ to continue its vital thing, one way of
of the minority community. Consis- mission. For more tent with its mission, HABJ provides
doing it, and not
have to worry about a thing. In this era
scholarships, future workforce devel- HABJ’s website at www.habj.org
of Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, You-
opment and summer training oppor-
Tube, Ning and every type of Social and technological advancement imaginable, Houstonians will be forced to learn to multi-task in the multi-media millennium, or risk being left behind. That’s why the Houston Association of Black Journalists is adopting Melanie Lawson, co-anchors KTRKthat theme for its 23rd Anniversary TV’s Live at 5 and Eyewitness News Awards Dinner. The event, which at 11am newscasts. She also hosts takes place at 6:30 P.M. Friday, April “Crossroads”, a weekly Community 3, 2009, at the Hilton Americas- Affairs program. Lawson has won nuHouston hotel, will be led by George merous awards for her work including Foreman, a Houston native, two-time an Emmy for her coverage of PresiWorld Heavyweight Boxing Cham- dent Clinton’s visit to South Africa. pion and entrepreneur. Foreman will She will receive the HABJ Lifetime serve Honorary Chair and special Achievement award for her many guest.
years of exemplifying excellence in journalistic standards.
HABJ will honor three great journalists who continue to pave the way for others:
ReShonda Tate Billingsley is an award-winning and national bestselling author and journalist. She has Byron Pitts, veteran award-winning more than two decades of experience CBS News Correspondent, who was in print, radio and television news. recently named a contributing corre- Billingsley has written 17 books, all spondent to 60 Minutes. A longtime published by Simon & Schuster/Pockcommitted member of the National et Books. Three of her books are being Association of Black Journalists, Pitts made into movies where she will be will become the program’s only Afri- the executive producer. As a journalcan-American contributor, following ism professional in Houston, Billingin the footsteps of the late Ed Brad- sley embodies the spirit and mission ley. Pitts also has been promoted by of HABJ. CBS News as its chief national correMarch 15 - april 15 2009
To God be the Glory Sports Builds New Basketball Facility in Southeast Houston After 10 years of renting gym
The 22,400 square foot facility played professional basketball in Panspace from schools and churches, To sits on 2 acres of land at 7630 Morley ama, Mexico, and China. “Our door God be the Glory Sports founder Cyr- Street - 77061 near Hobby Airport. is open to any kid that wants to work il White said enough was enough.
The gym features a bio cushion hard hard, and any group that shows itself wood flooring system, 2 full basketball to be in line with the mission of To for us to help any person to maximize
Renting gym space was the only courts, NBA-style basketball goals, a God be the Glory Sports.” way To God be the Glory training weight room, a retail store, a barber camps and exhibition teams could shop, and a conference room. TGBTG Sports began in June 1997 continue functioning. In order to with a basketball camp of 46 school-
their gifts,” said White. “All of God’s people are gifted, and we focus on enhancing their strengths while improving on the weaknesses. Whoever
provide high quality sports training
TGBTG Sports runs a basketball aged kids. Today, TGBTG is credited comes through our doors needs to be services and rent gym space out on academy for boys and girls ages 7-15 at with working with thousands of kids ready to work.” their own schedule, TGBTG Sports the facility, rents the gym out for team in its sports fitness camps and other needed to have their own home.
practices/tournaments, and hosts vari- programs in the USA and abroad. ous exposure events for college and
“It was time to make a long term professional athletes. The core of the Through an eight year contract investment in what we plan to do here TGBTG coaching staff have all played with the Chinese Basketball Associain Houston, Texas,” said White, a for- college and professional basketball. tion, TGBTG has taken over 100 promer coaching staff member at Angelifessional athletes on exhibition tours
The To God be the Glory Sports complex is one of the few privatelyowned gym facilities in the greater Houston area. Through the successful ventures in basketball shoe sales, trademarked logo licensing, and a 5
na College and Rice University. “Now
“We use our building in different in China. In addition, TGBTG has ar- year corporate sponsorship agreement, that we have our own gym, we are in a ways, but the goal is the same -- to use ranged NCAA exhibition games for 10 TGBTG was empowered to cover the much better position to make a differ- sports as a vehicle to reach people for years, assisting scores of college pros- total costs of the project in 4 years. ence here in the community.”
the glory of God,” said White, who pects in obtaining athletic scholarship to college. The organization has led
“Our investment in the building
teams to tournaments in Mexico and gives further evidence that we are seriNicaragua, and coordinated coaches ous about what we are doing, and that and scouts to conduct exposure events we are here to stay” said White. “One in the Caribbean nation of St. Kitts for thing is for sure--- if people come to the last 3 years.
us that are serious about training, we will be sure that they never want to
TGBTG offers individual training leave us. No one in Houston is going and hosts several camps and clinics for to be more committed to our work, young developing prospects through- and I think our large investment in out the spring and summer at the new constructing a brand new gym backs facility. With a focus on individual that statement up.” achievement, the TGBTG coaches believe their training services can bring
To schedule individual training,
out the best in any athlete. The TG- sign up for a camp, book gym space, BTG coaching philosophy is to give at- or for general information, contact tention to detail and allow each person Mike Jones, TGBTG Business Develto develop at their own pace with an opment Consultant at 832-876-2952 emphasis on optimistic criticism.
or TGBTG Gym at 713-874-1677.
“The To God be the Glory way is
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
The Power of Effective Communication: University of Phoenix is Lead Example of Online Learning By Christina Robinson Grochett, University of Phoenix – Houston Vice President • Over 3.9 million students were taking percent growth of the overall higher at least one online course during the education student population. fall 2007 term; a 12 percent increase • Over twenty percent of all U.S. higher over the number reported the previeducation students were taking at least ous year. one online course in the fall of 2007. • The 12.9 percent growth rate for on• The number of online students has line enrollments far exceeds the 1.2 more than doubled in the five years percent growth of the overall higher since the first Sloan survey on online education student population. learning. The growth from 1.6 million students taking at least one online • Over twenty percent of all U.S. highcourse in fall 2002 to the 3.94 million er education students were taking at for fall 2007 represents a compound least one online course in the fall of annual growth rate of 19.7 percent. 2007.
University of Phoenix is the pioneer of online education and invests more in learning technologies than any other institution of its kind and offers one of the most up-to-date and relevant curriculums available anywhere. In addition, our students, faculty, staff and alumni have around-the-clock access to a digital library that contains more than 21,000 distinct periodicals, 20 million full-text articles, financial records for more than 10,000 public companies worldwide, encyclopedias, directories, dissertations and other reference materials. These and other digital learning tools not only expand students’ access to educational programs and services, they also help them master critical thinking, problem-solving and other skills that are in greatest demand in today’s workplace. As a student, it is important to determine the kind of education you want, need, and can manage. Electronic learning offers students a greater variety of classes, advanced accessibility, and more flexible scheduling than traditional learning, allowing learners to tailor programs to their specific needs. However convenient it may be, this style of learning requires much stricter self-discipline and impeccable time management. To facilitate multiple learning styles, schools are now merging online and face-to-face classroom formats. The new designs can range from little online course work with heavy classroom interaction to little classroom interaction with ample online course work. In 2008, online learning was sourced as the fastest-growing segment in higher education, reported by Sloan Consortium’s online education survey. March 15 - april 15 2009
• The number of online students has • Using survey results and figures from the most recent federal data (Digest of more than doubled in the five years Education Statistics: 2007, National since the first Sloan survey on onCenter for Education Statistics) to line learning. The growth from 1.6 compare enrollment patterns shows million students taking at least one only slight variations in the proporonline course in fall 2002 to the tions of students by education type. 3.94 million for fall 2007 represents The proportion of undergraduates a compound annual growth rate of in online education (83.9 percent) is 19.7 percent. slightly below that of the total popu• Using survey results and figures from lation of higher education students the most recent federal data (Digest (85.6 percent). of Education Statistics: 2007, National Center for Education Statis- Institutions believe that the economic tics) to compare enrollment patterns changes will have a positive impact on shows only slight variations in the overall enrollments and those specific proportions of students by educa- aspects of an economic downturn restion type. The proportion of under- onate closely with increasing demand graduates in online education (83.9 for online courses with specific types percent) is slightly below that of the of schools. (Sloan Consortium’s 2008 total population of higher education online education survey). students (85.6 percent). • There is widespread agreement that higher fuel costs will lead to more students selecting online courses. • Institutions that offer programs to serve working adults are the most positive about the potential for overall enrollment growth being driven by rising unemployment. For Gen Y students, online learning is a seamless evolution.
FAST FACTS: ONLINE EDUCATION Online learning is the fastest-growing segment in higher education. (Sloan Consortium’s 2008 online education survey). • Over 3.9 million students were taking at least one online course during the fall 2007 term; a 12 percent increase over the number reported the previous year. • The 12.9 percent growth rate for online enrollments far exceeds the 1.2 www.
• One in three students surveyed now takes at least some classes online, according to the most comprehensive study of Generation Y traditional and non-traditional students, conducted by Yankelovich and University of Phoenix in November 2006. In this survey 66 percent of students not currently enrolled in online classes would consider taking classes online. Of those surveyed, 46 percent of students are very satisfied with their online classes, compared to 41 percent ®
who are very satisfied with on-campus classes. Online education is becoming more widespread among traditional institutions. • The largest institutions, defined as those with more than 15,000 total enrollments, were the most likely to have online offerings. More than 96 percent offered online courses, and about two-thirds have fully online programs. (Babson Survey Research Group, Information Week, 2006) • Of U.S. undergraduate institutions that provide instruction face to face in traditional, brick-and-mortar classrooms, the large majority - 63 percent - now offer college courses online as well. (Tony P Martínez, Alison P Martínez. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. Paramus: Jan 8, 2007. Vol. 17, Iss. 7; pg. 24, 2 pgs) • At the doctoral level, 65 percent of institutions offer online, as well as face-to-face instruction. At the master’s level, 44 percent do so. (Tony P Martínez, Alison P Martínez. The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education. Paramus: Jan 8, 2007. Vol. 17, Iss. 7; pg. 24, 2 pgs) The academic quality of online education is comparable when analyzing online versus face-to-face instruction. • Chief academic officers believe the quality of online education is equal to or superior to face-to-face learning. Fully 62 percent rated both forms of learning the same, or online better, compared with 57 percent in 2003. The percentage rating online as superior rose to 16.9 percent from 12.1 percent. (Sloan Consortium, Making the Grade, 2006) Christina Robinson Grochett is the Vice President for University of Phoenix – Houston. An accomplished leader and champion of higher learning, she was named one of the Top 10 business women by the American Business Women’s Association in 2008 and led her campus to receive the 2008 Alfred P. Sloan Award from the city of Houston for Workplace Flexibility and Innovation.
Reduce Distractions for Organized Living By Gee Williams Powell Contributing Writer Have you ever had a scenario like tured system – organization! Placing this? Dad spent 20 minutes looking your items in a structured place every for his lost keys, only to find them in time brings them back to you when his pocket…Mom spends 15 minutes you need them, every time. This may searching for her purse, which is on be achieved with an existing structure, her shoulder. Your teenager is 25 min- building custom cabinetry or adding utes late to school from misplacing organizer accessories.
their special shoes. It happens often
Structure brings new freedom
enough to all of us. Why? General sci- to life; refreshed and organized!
ence offers that every brain has some more rushing haplessly on the freeform of attention deficit. And surely, ways or spending hours searching for we all can relate.
that special misplaced item. Add up all
Conversely, there’s the physi- the time in your life spent looking for
ologically structure-starved brain that something, it might surprise you how misfires from distinct medical condi- it uses up months of your life! Being tions that is equally disarming. From truly organized can add those months adult ADD (attention deficit disor- back to your life and take harmful der) to ADHD (attention deficit hy- stress away to improve your quality of peractivity disorder) or the extreme life. Alzheimer’s, it’s a daunting read.
Sure, you’d love to get orga-
Structure and consistency are nized, but how? It’s hardly an over-
big challenges for individuals with night process, but the good news is high stress, attention problems or there’s a lot of help out there to get packed-calendar busy. Millions of us you on the right path. A number of have a tough time planning, organiz- professional organizers, remodeling ing, or keeping structure. The key is companies, and decorator-designers to cut down on distractions to add are dedicated to the quest for finding more simple organization to our lives. organizing solutions for your life at Organization breeds contentment and home or work. Typical places of disorproductivity. Without distractions, der include closets, garage, pantry, or structure lives. Simply put, having bedroom. Want to function at your a system in place keeps us organized maximum best? Follow your heart and without having to think about it. This take the plunge to a stress free future minimizes the impact of nature on our now! Feel free to contact LuvClosets. com for more information.
The solution is order – a struc-
March 15 - april 15 2009
understood. Therefore, I now understand that the art of LISTENING leads to effective communication. LISTENING is a learned skill. I’ve begun LISTENING to the trees, flowers, and more importantly to what my heart is saying. The power of effective communication is not just being able to LISTEN to what people are saying. Effective communication is when you are able to LISTEN to what creation is saying; what humanity is saying; business, and with valued friends. It enough, they all were saying the same what your tears are saying; what your serves as the vehicle to understanding, thing I HEARD my mother tell me as wife is saying; what your husband is a teenager.
cooperation, and acceptance.
saying; what your children are saying;
The Latin phrase “Quidquid re- and most importantly, what God is Habits of Highly Effective People says cipitur ad modum recipientis recipi- saying! Learning to LISTEN takes work, “Seek first to understand, and then be tur.” which basically means whatever Stephen Covey in his book The 7
Dr. D. L. Jones Contributing Writer
is received, is received according to but it will produce great dividends in I’ll never forget the day when I the mode of the receiver. If the receiv- your business and personal life.
understood.” Just about all of us, at one time or
another, have poured out our hearts turned eighteen and started “smell- er is not LISTENING than the mesin conversation, only to discover that ing myself ” as the old folks would sage from the sender can’t properly be the person you’re talking to wasn’t say. My mother sat me down at the LISTENING at all, only HEAR- kitchen table after waiting up for me ING the words emanating from your until four in the morning. She told mouth.
me “this is my house and these are my
There’s a BIG difference between rules. You’ve got your whole life ahead hearing and listening. Hearing is sim- of you, but if you don’t learn to LISply the act of perceiving sound by the TEN you’re not going to be nothing.” ear. If you are not hearing-impaired,
You think I was LISTENING to
hearing simply happens. LISTEN- her after partying and being full of ING, however, is something you con- two 40oz bottles of Old English 800? sciously choose to do. LISTENING Nope. The following weekend I hung requires concentration so that your out like ‘wet clothes’ and once again, brain processes meaning from words partied all night long. and sentences. LISTENING leads to learning. Most people tend to be “hard of
What’s the message? I heard her, but I wasn’t LISTENING. Fortunately, the day came when
LISTENING” rather than “hard of my hard head humbled my stubborn hearing.” LISTENING is the most heart and I consciously became aware powerful form of acknowledging that LISTENING was a learned that what the other person is saying skill. It was so funny, because as a is vitally important. LISTENING is young man, I began to take counsel the key ingredient to building stron- with my pastor and others who were ger relationships in one’s marriage, concerned about me; interestingly March 15 - april 15 2009
Communicate Effectively
it to your advantage. Find out more about the subject. Admit it is not a familiar topic. Would he mind telling you more about it? People love
to share what they know and nothing communi- communicate with people is to get the person is wearing. Does he have increases confidence more than sharcates, but learning them to talk about themselves instead a detectable accent? If so, ask where ing a subject close to the heart. When how to communicate of making them listen to you. This he’s from or take a guess, if the acyou discover a person’s favorite topic, effectively requires helps the other person feel more at cent is recognizable enough. Be carehe will have no problem opening up skill. In order to be- ease and boosts his or her confidence. ful though; don’t rattle off a string of to tell you all about it. come successful in business (or any On a more subtle level, it creates a questions. This is a sure way to make aspect of life), it is important to de- situation where the other person feels someone feel uncomfortable. A converyone
Start Small
velop proper communication skills. obligated to reciprocate. The indul- versation should not be an interrogaLearning how to communicate For some people, communicating gence of talking places a person in the tion. is easy. Some have a natural flair for position of returning the favor and When asking someone’s name, with people takes time to develop and communicating and a strong sense listening to you. repeat it immediately. Saying a name everyone will advance at their own of confidence or charisma
pace. Start small; be-
that endears them to oth-
come comfortable with
ers. Opening up in order to
each of these steps one
learn about another person
at a time. At its foun-
takes very little effort. But
dation, effective com-
how does the rest of the
munication starts with
population learn how to
confidence and this is
communicate with others?
the thread that binds everything else together.
Each encounter helps to increase your confidence
Good people skills start
and diversify your expe-
with confidence. When a
riences. A good place to
person has confidence, it
practice these new peo-
shows. Confidence attracts
ple skills is the office or
others like a magnet be-
in the store. After it has
cause on some level, the at-
become easier to speak
titude shows this person is
with peers, try talking
worth the time and effort. A strong sense of self moves quickly past the small talk and invites opportunity to reach the heart of the conversation without wasting time. When using effective communication, one of the most important rules to follow is to look a person directly in the eyes. People who lack confidence tend to avoid eye contact.
to people in higher posi-
The Art of the Open-Ended Question
aloud helps to cement it in the mem- tions of power, such as managers. In ory. Use the person’s name often over no time, the skills you taught yourself
One of the quickest routes to awkward silence is asking questions that can be simply answered with yes or no. By asking a question that
the course of the conversation and re- regarding how to communicate with people will become second nature member to smile. and won’t require any thought at all.
Listen Twice, Speak Once
requires a more detailed answer, the
Talking to someone like the CEO of a major company will be a breeze. Nobody ever said learning how to com-
In relation to people skills, this municate with people would be easy. other person has to elaborate and of- means that while the other person is For some, mustering the confidence est or in a worst-case scenario, disfer as much information as possible. talking, give him or her your undivid- required will be a huge step. This is honesty. When two people make eye Why ask, “Are you enjoying yourself,” ed attention. Don’t get caught in the probably the most difficult part, but contact, effective communication is when the question could be phrased, trap of thinking of what you’re going once you take that step, the rest will possible. Eye contact also lends cred“What do you think of this party?” to say next, what will happen later fall into place. Have faith in yourself ibility to what you say. Part of effective communication is that day or any of the other tangents and know that you are as worthy as learning how to phrase questions that where the mind can wander. Stay fo- the next person. Effective communimake the other person think. One cused, absorb the information given, cation is an important skill everyone Many people make the mistake of thing leads to another and in a short and find a way to follow up with a should know, as it is the key to future talking too much about themselves. time, stories are shared and the ice question relevant to the subject. Take success and advancement in practiNothing kills a conversation quicker is broken. Forget about the weather an active interest in what this person cally every aspect of life. than rambling on about oneself. One and definitely stay away from politics is interested in, and if it’s a subject of the best methods to learn how to and religion! Comment on something you know nothing about, you can use Avoiding eye contact shows disinter-
Show Interest
March 15 - april 15 2009
they express their opinions.
3. Use stories or mental pictures to communicate.
Increase people’s comprehension and personal investment in you by repeating the main points of your message throughout all your communication.
People learn faster and remember This will inspire others to probe further better when you create a visual picture and provide you with additional inforIf you hope to succeed in business, and remember your message. Whether for them. Whether you’re networking at you must have effective communica- you’re making a point during a con- a dinner or closing a big deal, illustrate tion. Your message must be personal versation or in an e-mail, always keep major points using descriptive words, and informative to directly connect the goal behind the communication in photos or stories. Turn any conversation with your audience. Regardless of the mind. Most details are more important into a marketing message by incorporat-
mation. Their increased comprehension
format in which you do it -written, ver- to you than to others, so only impart ing client testimonials that are relevant bal, visual -your ability to deliver power- information related to the current dis- to your audience. Rather than just listful and clear messages is one of the most cussion. ing your accomplishments, paint a picessential components of your business. ture of success by highlighting how your
insights and unique opportunities by
You’ve worked hard at establishing your business. Remember, you are not just selling products and services--you
2. Make all communication two-way.
Entrepreneurs are often forceful,
are also selling yourself. Learn the art of driven personalities who consistently communicating positively, and people infuse new ideas into their businesses.
makes it easier for them to spread the word about your business. Keep developing your communication skills. You’ll discover many new having the right conversations. Keep your communications up-to-date as your business evolves. You’ll be amazed
products or services have helped others at how effective communication enables your life and work to move forward achieve specific goals.
4. Increase understanding through repetition.
with ease.
will be drawn to you and your business. Be careful not to dominate every conversation. For a successful exchange of
1. Sharpen your message with editing.
ideas, people desire and expect your full attention and respect. People want to be
Improve the quality of the respons- valued, and the best way to achieve that es you receive by keeping your questions is by listening. Realize there’s always and answers simple. Being clear makes more to learn, and gain commitment it easier for recipients to understand from others by asking questions when
three types of people in the world: those who talk about things happening, those who sit back and watch things happen and those who go out and make things happen.” In my humble opinion, effective communication is the art of the message being delivered. Did it get there? Kind of like sending an email. You get a delivery receipt if you were successful in sending your message or a delivery failure if you were not. It seems pretty simple, right? It’s not all about the medium in which we use to say what we By Elvia Lynn Valdez Contributing Writer
want but rather, did it get there, were we successful? We all didn’t arrive at where we are today by the same means, did we?
Like the song says, “I Ain’t 2 proud No, many of us took the back roads, the 2 Beg.” That song was made famous roads less traveled and others took the by the popular girl group TLC back in good old yellow-brick road. 2005. Yes, begging is a form of verbal
In a world where technology seems
communication. While one could argue to want to take over at the fast rate of the power of its effectiveness, one could lightning, people breaking-up through also say that it never hurts.
text messages, instant messaging and all
Growing up, I had an early fascina- the other hoopla, it’s our job to stick to tion for the news media. I quickly fix- what we know actually works, talking ated on the likes of Barbara Walters and verbally. No one ever got what they reof course, Oprah Winfrey. At the early ally wanted in life without “ASKING” age of nine I read a biography on the for it. Whether it was silently through life of Oprah and I am proud to say that prayer and or vocally, it is best to rememI will never forget a quote, “There are ber; there is great power in the tongue. March 15 - april 15 2009
If the thought of speaking before a crowd brings beads of sweat to your forehead, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Public speaking is a common source of stress for many. Whether you work alone or with large numbers of people, eventually you will need to speak in public to get certain tasks accomplished. And if you want to be leaders or achieve anything meaningful in your lives, you will often need to speak to groups, large and small, to be successful. But public speaking doesn’t have to be stressful. If you correctly understand the hidden causes of public speaking stress, and if you keep just a few key principles in mind, speaking in public will soon become an invigorating and satisfying experience for you. Basically, there are ten key principles to always keep in mind when tackling the task of speaking in public. If you approach any problem in life with the right starting principles, everything else will fall into place. On the other hand, if you start with the wrong guiding principles, you can try all you want, but there is little chance you’ll improve.
Principle #1--Speaking in Public is NOT Stressful To deal with any type of stress effectively, you first must understand that life itself, including public speaking, is NOT inherently stressful. You can conquer the fear of public speaking by implementing the right guiding principles, the right understanding, and the right plan of action to make this goal a reality.
Principle #2--You Don’t have to be Brilliant or Perfect to Succeed Many of us have observed public speakers and thought to ourselves “Wow, I could never be that smart, calm, witty, entertaining, polished . March 15 - april 15 2009
. . or whatever.” The bottom line is you don’t have to be brilliant, witty, or perfect to succeed. That is not what public speaking is all about. You can be average. You can be below average. You can make mistakes, get tonguetied, or forget whole segments of your talk. You can even tell no jokes at all and still be successful. It all depends on how you, and your audience, define “success.” Your audience doesn’t expect perfection. The essence of public speaking is this: give your audience something of value. That’s all there is to it. If people in your audience walk away with something (anything) of value, they will consider you a success. If they walk away feeling better about themselves, feeling better about some job they have to do, they will consider you a success. If they walk away feeling happy or entertained, they will consider their time with you worthwhile.
Principle #3--All You Need is Two or Three Main Points You don’t have to deliver mountains of facts or details to give your audience what they truly want. Many studies have shown that people remember very few of the facts or information speakers convey. While you may choose to include lots of facts and information, you only need to make two or three main points to have your talk be successful. You can even have your whole talk be about only one key point, if you wish.
. . someone is going to disapprove of either you or your argument. That is just human nature. In a large group of people, there will always be a diversity of opinions, judgments, and reactions. Some will be positive, others will be negative. Remember, the essence of public speaking is to give your audience something of value. The operative word here is GIVE not GET! The purpose of public speaking is not for you to get something (approval, fame, respect, sales, clients, etc.) from your audience. It is to give something useful to your audience.
Principle #5--The Best Way to Succeed is Not to consider Yourself a Public Speaker! Believe it or not, the best way to succeed as a public speaker is not to consider yourself a public speaker at all. Many of us have distorted exaggerated views of what successful public speakers do so we end up trying to become someone other than ourselves! We try to be a public speaker, whatever that image means to us. The truth about public speaking is that most successful speakers got that way by doing just the opposite! They didn’t try to be like somebody else. They just gave themselves permission to be themselves in front of other people. And much to their surprise, they discovered how much fun they could have doing something most other people dread.
Principle #4--Know your purpose Principle #6--Humility and One big mistake people make Humor Can Go a Long Way when they speak in public is they have the wrong purpose in mind. Often, they have no specific purpose in mind, but the one that is operating within them unconsciously causes a whole lot of unnecessary stress and anxiety. The truth about public speaking is no matter how good a job you do .
tory, so if it fits your speaking situation, go for it. It usually works, even if you don’t do it perfectly. Humility means standing up in front of others and sharing some of your own human frailties, weaknesses, and mistakes. We all have weaknesses and when you stand up in front of others and show that you’re not afraid to admit yours, you create a safe, intimate climate where others can acknowledge their personal shortcomings as well. Being humble in front of others makes you more credible, more believable, and allows people to connect with you more easily. Don’t try to do this, however, if it’s not authentic for you. True humility is easily distinguished from the pretense of acting humble. If you pretend, your audience will perceive this and lose respect for you. Often, humor and humility can be combined very effectively. Telling humorous stories about yourself, or using your own personal failings to demonstrate some point you are trying to make, can be both entertaining and illuminating.
While each person will eventually find his or her style of public speaking, certain maneuvers can be used by almost everyone. Two of these, humility and humor, can go a long way to making your talks more enjoyable and entertaining for your audience. Humor is pretty much self explana®
Principle #7—Overpreparing is not the answer If you’re slated to speak somewhere, you probably think you need to prepare as much as possible. But over preparation usually means you either don’t know your subject well or you do, but you don’t feel confident about your ability to speak about it in public. In the former instance, you’ll need to do some extra research. In the latter, you’ll need to develop trust in your natural ability to speak successfully. The only way to do this is to put yourself in the spotlight, over and over again. Go out and solicit opportunities to speak on your subject in public. Offer to speak free or for a small fee, enough to cover your expenses. If you have something of value to tell others, keep getting in front of people and deliver it. In no time at all, you’ll gain confidence. You’ll also begin to respect the natural public speaker/communicator within you.
Talk To your Employees & Improve Employee Morale
By Carla Lane Contributing Writer
How do you maintain employee morale in a time of decreasing budgets and increasing demands? Communicate! Awareness of the larger picture can reduce those unpleasant surprises that erode morale. Additionally, time spent building strong relationships with your employees pays dividends in the long run. The unstable nature of our current economy can translate into high stress levels but also affords high opportunity levels. Help your staff see the cup as half full, and do it with a sense of humor. Communication is the key to helping your staff members feel good about themselves and their jobs. I have found that an improvement in morale and a reduction in the stress level among my staff naturally follow when communication is used effectively. No matter what our job descriptions say, those of us who manage people really have one important task: to help our staff do their jobs and to make our companies shine. I have found that if you do the former, the latter will follow. These tips will assist you in doing just that!
Keep everyone talking Share news as you hear it. This gives staff members a view of the big picture and, more importantly, lets them see how important their conMarch 15 - april 15 2009
tributions are to that picture. Showing people how their jobs tie into company goals and how their performance has a ripple effect throughout the organization, fosters a sense of belonging to the whole, and helps reduce the sense of isolation. Building relationships with your employees is important. Keep everyone talking; staff meetings, brown bag lunches, e-mail, professional memberships, and good, old-fashioned socializing are great ways to involve the group.
Let your staff solve the problems Why did you hire the people who work for you? Most likely, it was because they had the expertise to do the job or could learn it. If you try to solve all problems and resolve all issues, at the very least you will become a bottleneck. Even worse, you will undermine the self-esteem of your staff. Your role is to help when asked and to give general direction when necessary. Your staff members are closest to the issue and they will come up with the best answer. Once the work is completed, always give credit to those who deserve it. If you are praised for work performed by a staff member, make sure the individual understands who actually did the work, and equally as important, pass on the compliment to your staff member.
Invest in your staff Invest both time and effort in your staff members. Human nature and office politics will always create problems; be there to listen and try to defuse the situation. Always strive to have all parties leave the conversation feeling they’ve gained something, even if it was just an ear to hear them out. Ask questions and learn your staff members’ personal goals. It’s a little like asking, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” Help define www.
their goals, if necessary, and work to align them with company goals. Then invest the time and effort to help your staff attain those goals. People work better when they are doing something they like.
Employees are people, too Your employees are your colleagues and must be treated with respect. My version of Robert Fulghum’s book, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, is, “Do what your mother told you.” She taught us to say “please” and “thank you.” This holds true when speaking to employees as well as others. For managers, this means making requests rather than barking commands. Own up to mistakes and apologize. At the same time, be tolerant of others’ mistakes. Errors are not signs of weakness, but proof that we are all human. A bad situation can only get worse if your staff hides their mistakes from you out of fear. Recognize that your employees have personal lives outside of the office. Be flexible without inviting employees to abuse the system. Allow staff members to occasionally leave a little early or take a long lunch for personal reasons. Be careful about being a clock watcher, or you will get a clock watcher in return. Most of my employees have put in much more overtime than they ever take in compensatory time.
Don’t sweat the small stuff If you want to set a good example for your employees, you must first reduce your own stress level. When you are uptight and ready for combat, the general stress level of your staff will skyrocket and morale will plummet. Avoid conditioned responses; instead, think about what is really important. Everyone will do something that annoys you at some point. Don’t sweat it. Concentrate on the good and the annoyances will pale by comparison. When you find yourself under stress and ready to explode, go for a walk. Visit someone unrelated to the ®
stress. Exercise naturally lightens your mood and visiting gets your mind off of the problem. If a walk won’t do it for you, close your door and take some time to compose yourself. It is better to be out of touch for a little while than to lash out at someone or say something you will regret.
Just smile As managers and business owners, we will always face stressful situations. That is why it is so important to maintain a sense of humor. Remember, you set the tone for your staff. Learn to laugh at yourself. You don’t always know what impression you are giving others. Make it a rule to smile at everyone who enters your office. When a staff member comes in with bad news, a smile puts the person at ease. And smiling automatically lightens your mood. If someone has come in with good news or just to talk, you’ve set a light tone. So make it a habit to smile at everyone. Always look for the humor in things, and encourage your staff to do the same. Even when you are fuming and ranting, you can always find something to laugh about. Make it a goal to laugh at least once in every meeting, even if it’s at your own expense.
Conclusion Of course, my staff doesn’t work in a constant state of bliss just because we have implemented these six points. And I don’t profess to have all of the answers. But I have seen effective communication turn people around. It won’t stop the overtime, it won’t increase the paycheck, and it won’t completely stop the griping. It can, however, make a job more enjoyable, build self-esteem, resulting in an overall positive attitude. And maybe next time, the griping will be done with a smile. To empower and engage your employees, maintain open communication which includes an ongoing dialogue and continuing feedback. These things need to occur on a daily basis not just in times of crisis.
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
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5LINX offers digital home and business phone pansion of 5LINX in the Houston market service, including the exclusive VideoPhone, cellu- and are seeking community leaders, busilar phones and plans from leading nationwide car- ness owners, entrepreneurs and network riers, satellite television services, home security sys- marketers to capitalize on the emerging tems, and broadband Internet service to customers market of the VoIP/ Videophone technolthroughout the U.S. and abroad.
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minerals are getting stuck in the connective tissues of your body, instead of being utilized by your body. The key is that your minerals needs to be in balance with each other so that they can nourish your body properly as they are inside the cells and the submolecular supposed to do. All minerals should figures of the body. The hair gives a be functioning well so that your body reading of what is being stored in the can function in optimal level. If toxic body. For example, if mercury is high heavy metals have been accumulating in the hair, a higher concentration of in your body like mercury, chlorine, it would also be found in the organs aluminum, arsenic, lead, cadmium , It like the kidney and liver.
can also lead to a variety of symptoms
A hair Tissue Analysis test gives causing harm to the body. If you are a more complete picture of a person’s searching for an answers to how you health history. Our hair test can show feel or just want to know what types of heavy metal toxicity, mineral defi- nutrients your body needs, hair analyciencies, nutritional deficiencies and sis test is a great way to understand some Vitamin deficiencies which have what your body needs in order to feel occurred over a long period of time. healthy because you never know if
Why Use Your Hair For Analysis Test?
An example will be magnesium …a your symptoms may be caused by calming mineral, so if it is low in your those heavy metal toxicity or mineral
Hair is the second most metaboli- and enzymes. A blood test shows what tissues, you may have muscle twitches deficiencies. Sometimes, hair analysis cally active tissue in the body. The hair is happening outside the cell and the or anxiety. The hair analysis test will will help in identifying the root of illtissue is affected by the blood, perspir waste material being discarded while also show if there is an elevated min- nesses. ation,environment,genetics,hormones the hair represents what is occurring eral toxicity. This means that your
Power of Effective Communication will Push Mayor’s Race sented their communication powers senting most entities in Houston. Tuesday, March 10 at Houston’s Ju-
many projects that must be contin-
“I know issues,” Locke said. Most ued but we must work to take it to the
nior Service League to a packed au- important he said is he is the married next level to make this a truly great international city,” said Brown who
dience curious about who will have father to five. authority in a city of more than 2.1
Houston Council Member Peter bemoans businesses building in Sugar
million people where the mayor is Brown said he is a third generation na- Land or Pearland but not Sharpstown armed as one of the country’s most tive Houstonian, husband, father and or Spring Branch, Fifth Ward or Third powerful with regard to his ability to grandfather to 15 that was first trained Ward. strong arm policy as both mayor and as a US Army Soldier and as an archi-
Annise Parker said she worked in
tect, urban planner, university profes- oil and gas for Mosbacher Energy for
city manager.
Harris County Education Trustee sor and business builder before win- 20 years before running for council Roy Morales said as a retired Lt. Colo- ning his first of two terms on council. and then controller.
By Burt Levine Contributing Writer
nel and businessman he wants to do
neighborhoods first before running. scribing her hopes to get more busi-
“I know what it’s like to be told to Bill White has done great things on nesses to Houston.
competing to powerfully and effec- leave a restaurant because of my skin tively communicate to Houston’s color. I grew up as a Texan of Mexican more than 1 million registered vot- descent. I was pained personally by raers and contributors from beyond the cial discrimination I want to work with city to get behind them to succeed Bill folks from all Houston,” Morales said. Former Houston City Attorney White who after three terms is banned from running.
Advertise Your Business Online!!! We received over 3 million hits on our website last year. d-mars.com 10 year anniversary Online Specials: Online Directory, Event Calendar, Classifieds & News
Gene Locke said he’s worked as a steel
Visit d-mars.com or call 713-272-9511 today for more information!
From different ethnicities, politi- worker and has been a civil rights accal parties, and professions each pre- tivist and corporate attorney repreMarch 15 - april 15 2009
“I too am a third generation
more than improve quality of life. He community issues in 43 of its distinct Houston native,” she said before dewants to protect it.
Four candidates for Mayor are
“I know this city. I worked on
March 15 - april 15 2009
Get a message, not a slogan Usually, one of the first things an tention to it. They’ll tell you if you’re
People in all walks of life strive for
aspiring entrepreneur does is come up delivering on it or not. And, if you ask success - be it an engineer, doctor, stuwith a catchy slogan to hammer home them nicely enough, they’ll help you dent or a company CEO. The path to
Email A very effectual and smooth meth-
success lies in when you aim toward a od of communicating is via emails. Seek all honesty, slogans aren’t really good One more benefit of a Unified Mes- certain goal and then work diligently the email addresses of your customers and make suggestions and tips by sendmarketing tools. You are much better off sage (something a slogan could never to achieve it. if you scrap the whole idea of a slogan do) is that it helps the company operate Being able to effectively commu- ing those tips and suggestions once or what their business is all about. But in implement it better.
better. It tells the employees what expe- nicate with your customers ensures the twice in a month. Ensure your customA Unified Message tells your cus- rience they are accountable to deliver success of your company. It is therefore ers that you will send them mail only for tomers why they should do business to their customers. It tells management vital that you know how to retain your the helpful advice. and replace it with a Unified Message.
with you and what to expect when they what they need to empower employees customers from other powerful compado business with you. It’s a statement of to do. And, finally, it helps everyone nies. Superb communication between
Telephone Call
You can also call them at their conwhat the business promises to do for the know how they’re doing because it pro- businesses and customers is a warrant venience to inform them about your customer. It tells not just what they’ll vides an open standard that everyone to prosperity and good fortune. new upcoming schemes and discounts do, but also how. understands. being offered to further promote your The great thing about a Unified So, forget the slogan. Let it go. Inproducts. You can ask for their feedback Message is that it’s developed by em- stead, build a Unified Message for your One of the easiest and time tested and ideas of making your product more ployees, management and customers. company. ways of communication is correspon- appealing and creative. This will make All three have input because it takes all One way to start is to simply cre- dence through newsletters. You can them feel important and they will be three to know what the company should ate a list of customer service standards send them important valuable inforbetter able to connect with you. be doing for their customers. This also (or promises). Do this by getting man- mation with tips and advice regarding Appreciation from the customers makes it much more likely that a Uni- agement, employees and customers in- your products, keeping in mind that can be guaranteed through application fied Message will be remembered and volved. Ask, “what do customers want?” your advice is general and not too proof effectual communication skills. Your executed. Because everyone had a role Combine that with “what can the com- motional so as to keep your newsletter customers will be more willing to do in creating it. pany do for them in a sustainable way?” interesting. business with you if they know that you It also is more likely to get imple- The answers to these questions will tell care for their utmost satisfaction. mented because customers know it, you what your Unified Message needs
remember it and care about it. By defi- to be. nition, a Unified Message is meaning-
Finally, remember, your Unified
ful and relevant to them. And a critical Message is not carved in stone. It’s a part of the process is to publish it, let living, breathing and evolving thing. your customer know about it in as many Understand it will change over time as ways as you can.
you and your customers and employees
Because your Unified Message is a learn more about each other. Let it grow promise to your customers and because and develop naturally and it will serve it’s important to them, they will pay at- your company well.
Let us Promote your Business, Your Event, or You! Advertise today in D-MARS Business Journal March 15 - april 15 2009
Call US TODAY!!! 713.272.9511 ®
Delta Sigma Theta: Working to impact families
and spiritual well-
Through these initiatives, the Bay
being of African- Area Houston Alumnae Chapter raises American
fami- awareness and encourages women to
lies. As part of adopt healthy behaviors that will posithis initiative, the tively impact their families. Bay Area Houston
As it continues its sorority year,
Alumnae Chapter the Bay Area Houston Alumnae ChapAs an organization of over 200,000 styles for the Family: Preserving the of Delta Sigma Theta has embraced ter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. predominately African-American wom- Mind, Body and Spirit” is an initia- the American Heart Association’s “Go looks forward to hosting workshops en, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is tive designed to address health issues Red for Women” campaign, in addi- and activities highlighting chronic uniquely positioned to impact the well- disparately impacting the African- tion to sharing information through diseases and their risk factors as they local events such as their annual “set sail” for better health. Health Symposium.
being of their members, their families American family. The goal of this iniand the communities that they serve. tiative is to encourage behavioral life-
Truly Women in it to Win it!
Delta Sigma Theta’s “Health Life- style change for the physical, mental
March 15 - april 15 2009
Gaining Control
businesses, enhanced their lives, what makes you think that you can’t? Don’t worry about how much time has already passed, or making reasons for
write it down clearly
Those that could possibly provide why it won’t work, start your journey
so you can see exactly the resource you need to take that next tomorrow, stop trying, and just do it!! what you need to tackle. step don’t even know you exist, if othIn various sports, the ers have made it and expanded their coach writes a play, or a game plan for team members to follow that will assist them in over-
Proper Communication
taking their opponent By Tasha Bowen and winning the game. Contributing Writer When you plan a road Have you ever taken the time out aware of non-verbal cues such as vihuge atlas, MapQuest, to realize how your communication sual, tactile and vocal cues. Visual can or maybe even an On- skills and ability to provide positive include body language, facial exprestrip I bet you have a
star button they will as- feedback can directly or indirectly af- sions postures or gestures, while tacsist in mapping the best fect your relationships and the results tile can be described as a pat on the
By Tasha Bowen Contributing Writer
route to your destina- that you may desire to achieve? People back or a handshake. A vocal cue is tion. So why not take in organizations typically spend over the way your words are interpretthe same precaution when mapping 75 percent of their time in an inter- ed, the meaning can be altered sigsomething so precious as your destiny, personal situation; thus it is no sur- nificantly by the intonation of one’s
What is it that you may desire at your success and ultimately your ac- prise to find that at the root of a large voice. If you are someone who always this very moment but you just can’t complishments in life to ensure you number of organizational problems is says “I didn’t mean it that way” or havseem to obtain? It could be a dream have victory at the end of your game. poor communication. ing to apologize for offending someof fulfilling your business idea, a new First, write down any and all goals, Effective communication is an es- one, maybe you need to observe the home, credit stability, or just simply even those that may seem unattainable, sential component of success whether way you handle your conversations. peace of mind. Oftentimes our own because when you write them down, it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, Let’s start by softening your tone, stop negative words and actions knock it becomes something on your “to-do intragroup, organizational, or external trying to control conversations, and if our dreams down before we even get list” and not just a dream. Once it is levels. In business, learning to commu- someone has made you upset, learn to a chance to “attempt.” When we look on your to-do list, begin to put them nicate and create lasting relationships be straight forward and simple but not at the definition of attempt, it sim- in order from the goals that are easiest is no longer an option, it is manda- act angrily. This will definitely assist ply means - “to try to do something, to the goals that may take a bit longer tory in order to effectively reach the in group or organizational situations especially without much expectation or that may need a little preparation. goals that you are ultimately reaching when more than one opinion must be of success.” Too many times we say Give yourself a reasonable deadline for. Think about this for a moment, considered and typically there are vari“I’m trying to get my credit straight,” for when you would like these goals to we don’t talk to each other just to ex- ous characteristics and emotions from or “I’m going to try and save money.” be accomplished, this way you have a ercise vocal cords. Usually a conversa- each person. Learn to ask permission Imagine the results you would achieve timeline and will begin to discipline tion is held to become acquainted with to provide feedback, be careful not to if you stop trying and just do it! We yourself toward taking action. Don’t someone, share information, verbal- take or provide feedback personally pray all day, constantly asking God expect things to happen overnight but ize our ideas, thoughts or feelings, or but directly address the concern and to bless us and then sit back and wait make sure that every single day you do to persuade others to understand our reach a solution right at that moment. on the opportunities to slap us in the at least one thing that will move you personal views. Either way, in order to As business men/women, we need face, but the truth is, sometimes God forward toward one of your goals. The have communication, both listening to learn to not take feedback and critiis waiting on us. Opportunities are ideas and the large visions that develop and speaking become necessary. Listen- cism personally, but embrace the fact waiting on us to come after them, to in our mind are no result of our genius, ing allows you to gather information that someone thought enough of you make forward moves, so that our ef- but placed in our heart and mind by from the speaker, analyze and provide to provide you with information that forts can be backed up and begin to our Creator. Therefore, if He gave us a few seconds to respond appropriately. will assist you in becoming a better form their place in our lives. It is not the vision, then he will obviously make The way you choose to respond can be person. Believe it or not, effective anyone else’s duty to babysit us and provision, opportunities and resources the difference in not hurting a person’s communicators own the world. Repush our dreams, or to beg you to get in which our dreams may come to pass. feelings, getting a point across in a way gardless of who you are, every penny your business in order. How do we expect to meet the right that may ultimately mean a boost in you earn comes as a result of the coopWhatever you desire at this mo- people, or get the right connections if your business position or simply not eration of the people, so start changment, whatever you seem to daydream we have not taken the initiative to do sounding ignorant. ing the way you handle situations and about and wish for, it may be time to our part in changing our own life? March 15 - april 15 2009
In communicating, we must be the rest will follow. www.
On the Move…. Rodney Mays, Contributing Writer
The Urban Debate Camp is proud Barns and Mr. Michael Yates’ duo has to announce that five of its campers won first place in most of the dishave qualified for National Foren- trict tournaments. Recently, Bardon sic Tournament: Bardon Barns, Au- Barns took first place in Dramatic sar Moore, Brittany Walker- Merritte, Interpretation and Ausar Moore took Michael Yates and Taylor Hicks.
2nd place; Mr. Yates took first place
Taylor Hicks, a freshman from in Humunous Interpretation. Finally, Travis High School, is a first-time de- Ms. Brittany Walker-Meritte has been bater. She attended the Urban Debate accepted to Oral Roberts University. Camp held on the campus of Prairie
To register for the Urban Debate
View A&M University last summer Camp logon to www.urbandebateand has been awarded the Rodney El- camp.com. lis Top Speaker Award. Mr. Brandon
We received over 3 million hits on our website last year. d-mars.com 10 year anniversary Online Specials: Online Directory, Event Calendar, Classifieds & News Visit d-mars.com or call 713-272-9511 today for more information!
March 15 - april 15 2009
profit educational and cultural organization with a 501 (c)-(3) status. For more information about WorldFest, its annual competition, and past winners, visit http://www.worldfest.org.
Media Contacts: p.m., and 9:00 p.m. (plus 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. both Sat & Sun) Film Industry Seminars: Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 23, 24 and 25 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Grand Finale Regatta and Barbecue: April 25 at 1 p.m. at The Houston Yacht Club.
Where: • All films will screen at AMC Studio 30 Dunvale located at 2949 Dunvale in Houston, TX 77063. Hunter Todd • Film industry seminars/ Awards WorldFest Houston Gala will be held at the Renaissance Hotel, Greenway Plaza. • Closing Regatta and Barbecue will be held at the Houston Yacht Club WorldFest is one of the longest-runon Galveston Bay. ning independent film and video competitions in the world. The 42nd Annual WorldFest is scheduled for April WorldFest showcases and celebrates 17-26, 2009. the best and the brightest emerging cinematic talents over 10 actionAn annual cinematic competition packed days in April 2009. Film lovers that publicly screens the top winners can be among the first to see and meet selected by our North American film the stars of tomorrow at WorldFest.
should ask for Patricia in Reservations and mention “WorldFest” and call 713-629-1200. Check www.worldfest.org for other options.
Background: WorldFest, founded in 1961, is the third oldest Independent film festival in the United States. This annual event has evolved into a competitive Independent International film festival showcasing the rising stars of tomorrow! WorldFest is managed by Hunter Todd and Kathleen Haney. WorldFest is produced by a core staff of key individuals, dedicated volunteers, and industry professionals who make the detailed work of running a world-class international film festival possible. WorldFest Houston is a non-
Sabrina Dreyer, 281/217-0242 sabrina@penninoandpartners.com Laura Pennino, 281/286-9398 lp@penninoandpartners.com Kathleen Haney, 713-965-9955 kathleen@worldfest.org
d-mars.com Vice President, Kevin L. Davis, congratulates Hunter Todd and WorldFest Houston on their 42nd WorldFest International Independent Film Festival.
industry judges. WorldFest audiences get to meet the directors and talent, who made the cut for these 10 great Options start at $6 for a single matidays in April, 2009. WorldFest-Hous- nee (films before 6 pm) or $10.00 per single evening admission and range ton features: upward based on packages that cus• Opening Night Film Premiere and tomers purchase. Film Buff $100, Champagne Gala After Party Silver Screen $150 and ultimate VIP • 56 award-winning Independent FeaPlatinum Pass $500. Check www. ture Films worldfest.org for details. Tickets will • 100 superb International short films be available mid-March online and • 450+ Indie filmmakers from around up to theatre- capacity at show time the globe at the Cinema Box Office. All films, • 6 Master Classes/Film industry semseminars and events are open to the inars public. Opening Night Prices ~ $20 • 1 Grand Awards Gala & Cocktail per person for Film & Program book. Reception with the filmmakers $30 per person for Film, Program • Closing Day HYC Regatta/Barbecue book and Champagne Reception at & VIP NASA/Space Center HousRenaissance Hotel after the film ton Tour
Ticket Info:
Hotel Info:
Special Festival Room Discounts are Film Festival: April 17 – April 26, 2009 available at the WorldFest headquarDaily Film screenings: 5 p.m., 7:00 ters hotel, The Renaissance. Guests March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
Healthy Hair Program
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
Houston, Arena Football is Back!!!
TEXAS PIRATES HOUSTON’S NEW ARENA FOOTBALL TEAM JOINS THE NEWLY FORMED SIFL DeJuan “DJ” Henry, Contributing Writer son begins April 2009, with six home football, but it is so satisfying to have games in their new home, Kicks In- assembled a group of solid businessdoor Sports Complex. Their first game men who appreciate a solid business is Sunday, April 19 at 3:00 PM against model and are committed to offering Houma Conquerors.
a quality football product both on the
The SIFL announced its char- field and in the community.’’ ter roster of franchises on Tuesday,
The SIFL will kick off an 11-game
November 18, 2008 at O’Charley’s schedule in April 2009 in the followRestaurant in Lake Charles, LA. Loui- ing cities: 1) Austin, Texas 2) Houma, siana Swashbucklers owner, Thom Louisiana 3) Houston, Texas 4) LafayHager, who will also serve as SIFL ette, Louisiana 5) Lake Charles, LouiPresident, indicated that thirteen siana 6) Tampa, Florida7) Pensacola, ownership groups have submitted the Florida 8) Tallahassee, Florida and 9) proper paperwork and have agreed to Waco, Texas with four more ownerthe financial responsibilities. “I’m wearing my sunglasses be-
ship groups showing interest. Visit the Texas Pirates website
cause the future is so bright,’’ Hager at www.texaspiratesfootball.com, or said.”I’m not going to blow this out call 1 (888) 3GO-PIRATES for more of proportion by saying today is the information. greatest day in the history of indoor
(left to right) Gary R. Howard, Sr., James Germany (CO-OWNERS) DeJuan “D.J.” Henry (OWNER/CEO) The Texas Pirates have joined the football franchise. Community sernewly formed Southern Indoor Foot- vice is a big part of our organization ball League (SIFL). The SIFL is an that has helped mold our partnerships Arena 1 indoor football league that with our sponsors. includes 13 professional teams. The
“The talent that we have seen has
Texas Pirates are owned by three busi- been simply awesome,” said COO nessmen: DeJuan “D.J.” Henry, Gary James Germany. “The fans are goR. Howard, Sr., and James Germany. ing to love the action packed Pirates The team has a roster of five coach- team!” es, 23 active players, sales/marketing team and administrative staff.
“It is a very exciting time for the Texas Pirates organization. We were
“We want to provide a first-class very glad when we got the call and family affordable sports experience,” were offered the opportunity to join said CEO and founder DeJuan Henry. the SIFL. When we looked at the busi“I have been involved in sports pro- ness model, we realized it was a great fessionally for over 15 years in some model. The model was well thought form or fashion. We thought that it out and we think Thom Hager did was time to bring indoor football back a great job formulating this league,” to the Houston area. We also pride added Gary Howard, co-owner and ourselves in being the first Houston President of the Texas Pirates. minority owned professional arena March 15 - april 15 2009
The Texas Pirates inaugural seawww.
The Foreclosure Expert ited from her grandmother. She was tifications. We want to be a voice for All SYP events will give the comthe first client to successfully complete those who do not have the courage to munity an opportunity to ask quesboth of the programs offered by her yet speak out for themselves and em- tions, receive answers, and help if they company today. Thankfully, through power the community with the infor- so desire. strong biblical principles, Save Your mation and tools to save their homes. For more information please Properties and the School of FinanSYP has scheduled many commu- contact: Save Your Properties at cial Transformation, she was able to nity outreach projects for the remain- 713-522-0290. redeem her land.
LaTrice Martin-Gault President
Mrs. LaTrice Gault, the Foreclosure Expert, has been in the business of saving homes in the Houston metropolitan area for over 13 years.
der of the year in an effort to educate,
LaTrice Gault is an active member inform, and transform. Foreclosure is of Higher Dimension Church where a crisis that has affected the entire naTerrance Johnson is the pastor. Pastor tion. We as a nation must combat this Johnson supports and believes in Mrs. problem together by beginning at the Gault vision and ability to help the roots with Transformation! community. Throughout her career, Gault has understood the importance Save Your Properties is recognized of educating homeowners and poten- and recommended by: tial homeowners about becoming financially healthy. She has taken on the responsibility of making education her full-time priority. Save Your Properties’ Transforma-
“The best way to evoke change tion Program is a two-fold program is to become part of the process. We serving both the lender and the climust be the change we wish to see ent. In contacting lenders, her comin the world. Save Your Properties is actively and successfully part of this change.” The foreclosure epidemic is rapidly rising, but that did not stop SYP from saving 426 homes from foreclosure in 2008. Save Your Properties has the real foreclosure solution.
pany assures them that if they trust
Let us Promote your Business, Your Event, or You! Advertise today in D-MARS Business Journal
• Houston Councilmember Wanda Adams, District D • Housing Urban Development (HUD) Governmental Agency • Pastor Terrence Johnson, Higher Dimension Church • Mrs. Sharon Phillips, Corporate Consultant- Multi-Cultural Connections
SYP with their un-qualified borrowers, SYP will return to them financially healthy clients within one year. One request is that they first modify the clients’ loan. Save Your Properties provides their clients with all of the necessary tools to effectively speak
LaTrice Gault serves as the Presi- with their lender to request assistance dent of Save Your Properties (SYP), for their overdue loan to be modified. Inc. For the past four years SYP has SYP offer includes loan modifications, helped rescue hundreds of clients financial education, lease and buy from foreclosure and assisted them back program, and most important, in the rehabilitation of their lives Transformation! Gault believes that it through her patented Transformation is her responsibility to share her successful solution to the current forecloprogram. Gault has 13 years of experience sure famine with the country. SYP is partnering with local working in the banking industry. Throughout this time she has served Churches, as well as across the nation, as a banker, a loan officer, a mortgage in a “Break The Silence” campaign broker, and a foreclosure expert. Cur- against foreclosure. The top 10 states rently, her most valuable role is noted that are being plagued by foreclosure as a TRANSFORMER! She is the au- will be the primary concern. Shortly thor of the highly anticipated book thereafter, the remaining states fore‘Does Anybody Want to Be Trans- closure issue will be addressed. Many, who now face this dilemma, face it in formed?’ She was inspired to start her com- silence. Hoping to avoid the embarpany as a result of being faced with rassment, many simply avoid their foreclosure on a home that she inher- lenders telephone calls and mail noMarch 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009
March 15 - april 15 2009