Faith Based Journal 14

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Faith Based Journal September 2012

Inspire, Inform & Educate

14th Edition

Benny Hinn at Harvest Time Church


Building a Legacy of Hope in Houston

Psalm 91: Qualify for Blessing By Jeanie Rose This passage of Scripture is brimming over with promises of protection and blessing, more than most people realize. PAGE 8

7 Church Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Know By Trenette Wilson Over the years, things have changed considerably when it comes to “code of conduct,” in church. PAGE 9




Starting vs. Managing a Ministry By Cheryl Donovan Achieving a balance between your outreach, evangelism, and management can be mystifying. PAGE 10

Dr. Benny Hinn Founder, Benny Hinn Ministries & Bishop Shelton Bady, Harvest Time Church “Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don’t just stand there, make it happen.” ~Lee Iacocca

Expanding Your Education Empowering Myself for Promotion By Dr. Pamela Randolph I want you to think outside the box when it comes to expanding your education. You are never too old to expand your knowledge. PAGE 13

Bishop James W.E. Dixon II and Community Leaders The Community of Faith Church - WePowerNow

Pastor C.L. Jackson and Minister Johnny Jerimiah established The Church of Hip-Hop in Houston

September, 2012

Behind The



Publisher’s Message

Keith J. Davis, Sr.

SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr. VICE PRESIDENT Kevin Davis

Many of us are familiar with the scripture that states, “Faith without works is dead.” A believer should be a life long learner, expanding their spiritual knowledge on a daily basis. It is good to have faith, but if you are not building that faith by being a student of the word, your faith is not faith at all. In this issue we encourage you to stay on top of your “faith” game by being an avid student, consistently building your spiritual core through spiritual education. As always, thank you for your continued support of When you support, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.



SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Onyebuchi Okoh C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine

Benny Hinn at Harvest Time Church Building a Legacy of Hope in Houston ................................... The Church of Hip-Hop: A Modern Day Revolution for Our Children ........................................... Psalm 91: Qualify For Blessings ...................................................................................................... The Cheapest and Fastest Way to Solve Problems ......................................................................... Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children: 5 Ways God Wants You To Parent Your Adult Child. 7 Church Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Know ....................................................................... God’s Favorite Fragrance ............................................................................................................... Starting vs. Managing a Ministry ...................................................................................................... Be Consistent In Achieving Your God Given Purpose ................................................................... Expanding Your Education Empowering Myself for Promotion ......................................................

PHOTOGRAPHY L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ferland Antwine DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Sharon C. Jenkins Cheryl Donovan Dr. Pamela Randolph Sondra Kelly Gwen Plauche Jeanie Rose Ngozi Nwoke Karla Downing Trenette Wilson

MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”

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September, 2012

Benny Hinn at Harvest Time Church Building a Legacy of Hope in Houston By Sharon C. Jenkins, Contributing Writer

been disappointed at how the church has responded to their needs. So now we are looking for a safe place to place our hope. What can we believe, what will hold up in these times where everything is being challenged? The answer really is in God. People now have tried so many other things that have failed them that I believe now they have come to a place where they will do more than try God but believe Him and really hope in Him. I heard someone say: ‘Until you realize all you have is God, you don’t really have much.’ You have got to come to the point where you say: ‘I realize all I have is God.’ Even if I got $100,000 in the bank today, we all know, a day could go by and that $100,000 could be gone. We could have “the ideal family,”

with His bride, the church. When asked about the culturally diverse audience that attended the Miracle Service, Bishop Bady said “The people who came to the Benny Hinn Miracle service were desperate for a move of God, and I believe that desperation can be a very positive thing because it is moving them to do something that they have never done before.” And that is to reach out to God in any way possible. People were moved beyond their cultural barriers to seek God, when the spirit of God showed up, the importance of race or class was erased, all that mattered was the tie that bound the audience together: “belief.” This service was attended by a huge number of believers from the Y and Z Generation.

Until you realize all you have is God, you don’t really have much. but that too can be shaken, divorce has affected so many people in our society today. We can’t put our trust in anything else but God. And yes when I trust in God, I will see some other things improve, but the foundation of trust has to be in God.” Just being in the service with Pastor Hinn was enough for his followers, he didn’t have to touch them or blow on them, just being in the atmosphere was infectious. The audience was moved by Pastor Hinn’s transparency in sharing the details of his reconciliation with his estranged wife. He proved that he is just an everyday guy with everyday struggles who recognizes God’s grace and operates in an unyielding faith in God. They saw him operating as he truly was, an instrument being used by God. His prayer for broken marriages, ministered to hundreds and helped couples to “hope” again for the love that they once shared with each other. It also ignited a zeal to fulfill their kingdom purpose as a snapshot of God’s relationship


n August 18th a crowd of over 3000 people were in attendance at Harvest Time Church for a miracle. Benny Hinn Ministries notified Harvest Time Church’s Bishop Shelton Bady that he would be coming to his church in seven days in response to an earlier promise made to Bady in 2011. They had one week to get ready. They used social media, word of mouth, texts, mobile messaging, telephone messages from Bishop Bady and Pastor Hinn and video e-blasts to get the message out to the masses in a hurry. When asked why there was such an outpouring of interest in the famed

televangelists’ miracle services on such short notice, Bady responded that “People need hope. Without hope we don’t have the energy and power to move forward. So you have to have hope. Hope is a desire and belief that things will be better in the future and everything’s going to be alright. Now people have had disappointments in so many things, in their personal lives, in their careers, their relationships, some have been disappointed in their families, and with their community structures, some have even been disappointed with the government. There are so many areas in life for everyday people to be discontent and the truth be told, some of them have

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Their attendance was prompted solely on the premise that a move of God was about to occur. There was no promise of a concert, a giveaway, or a sports event, only the guarantee that God would show up and they came. That promise was enough to cause some people to stand in line for hours to get in. Others came the night before in their RV’s and campers to spend the night in the parking lot, in a desperate attempt to be first in line. They were redirected to come back the following day at the appropriate time for service, but they came and they came from everywhere. As an African American pastor, Bady said that he had to take inventory of the attendees. He reveled in the fact that certain churches proudly profess that they reach a certain demographic, but his philosophy is that if you meet the needs of people, they will overlook the typical barriers in gathering together. “I challenge Harvest Time Church to do more than the normal congregation by having our church offer

VISION T he d e s i re d e n d re s u l t . A people joyfully fulfilling t h e i r Go d - o rd a i n e d p u r p o s e

September, 2012 more than a cultural experience. I challenge them to tap into the heart of God and really make that why we as believers are existing and serving God. When I think about church, I want God. If we peel off some of the other things and get to the core, which is about loving God and serving Him and understanding that that is what service is about, I believe that we can reach a wider audience, and that’s what I want to do I want to reach a wide audience for God and to build His kingdom.” Pastor Hinn has traditionally held his crusades in large arenas due to the influx of believers who traditionally attend his services. You may ask “why” did Pastor Hinn pick a small African American church in North Houston to conduct a miracle service? In 2011 Pastor Hinn was impressed with Bady and his congregants from Harvest Time Church when they served at the 2011 Houston Crusade. “ As leaders we need to recognize that we need to be chief servants and we ought to find somewhere to serve, and I served him. (Pastor Hinn) He noticed my service, and the commitment of my members who served and he said, ‘I’m going to come to your church.’ So I ask my people to model what I exemplified, which was a servant’s heart in volunteering and serving someone. So I choose to serve him and he acknowledged that. That’s how favor is released. When we choose to serve, favor comes back to us, exponentially. Pastor Benny Hinn’s motivation for coming to Harvest Time Church had a lot to do with his respect and admiration for Pastor Bady’s servant’s heart. That compelled him to honor the man of God by visiting his church and ushering in the power of God that ministered to the masses. Bady was a living example of Christ to Pastor Hinn and his people followed suit and reaped the benefits. His congregation is groomed to serve people with the love of Christ, therefore when the opportunity came, they were ready for the crowd and the logistics that accompany a world renowned televangelist like Pastor Benny

have done this for Benny Hinn, but we have done this before. We have served people before and people are people and you love them whether it is 25,000 or 250, you still love them and give them the attention that they deserve and you serve them well. Jesus is their model for servant leadership. Bady serves out of gratefulness for all Christ has done for him. He is really thankful, because he realizes that we all are sinners. He is unwavering in his belief that everyone of us should realize that apart from Christ we are a mess. Without His grace we are nothing.” Proving that often you don’t have the time to get ready for your blessing, so you must be “ever ready” with an anticipation

that God will answer your prayer sometimes even when you least expect it. Instead of being like the ten virgins who ran out of oil when they were waiting for the bridegroom, you must always be ready for your blessing. Harvest Time Church was and they served the community of believers who attended the Miracle Service with Pastor Hinn well. “Every seed produces after its kind. So we are



Acts to fulfill the mission.

P re s e n t t h e l o v e o f G o d t o o u r c o m m u n i t y. E n a b l e p e o p l e t o d i s c o v e r, u n d e r s t a n d , a n d e n j o y t h e i r p urpose for living. E n l arg e o u r a u d i e n c e a n d s t re n g t h e n o u r i m p a c t o n n e w and long-term members. P re s e n t b i b l i c a l a n s w e r s t o o u r c o m m u n i t y ’s c o n c e r n s . E n h a n c e l o n g - t e r m l e a d e r s h i p a n d f i n a n c i a l s e c u r i t y o f t h e church


Gu i d i n g Tr u t h .


going to produce after our kind. We don’t produce after what we say. We produce after what we do. So what we do will be duplicated. If we want members who are servants, than we should be servants. If we want members who talk about service and do nothing, than we can’t do that. If that is what we do than that’s what our people will do. So my thinking is that, I would rather do more than I say. And I can do by serving others. If I am only doing the

We exist for God’s glory. E vangelism is our number o ne priority.

Hinn. Over 250 people volunteered from the church congregation that night, which were positioned and trained to do so to the glory of God. Bady stated, “We couldn’t start at Ground Zero, those people already had to have a heart to serve or you get to a meeting like that and you get frantic.” So the people had a sense of okay we may not

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Action taken to fulfill the vision. M a k e re a d y a p e o p l e p re p a re d f o r t h e L o rd

things that are going to benefit me than people see through that. The night of the service there were more people from the city than our membership, but we served them. It was for the city, it wasn’t just for Harvest Time and our people. It’s about serving humanity. It’s about serving individuals and you notice, we did not make a big appeal for people to come join our church. Our message was that we are here to bless you and serve you. If you do that with no strings attached than your church will grow. But it can’t be, we are doing this just to get people in to grow our church. If you are really a servant, it’s not about you, or your church. It’s about serving. It’s really about the people you serve. That’s true servanthood, about the stripping away of any benefit or praise for you when it’s really about the people who you are reaching out to.” Bady describes servant leadership from a pastor’s perspective as choosing to make life better for those who follow you and purposely looking for ways to bring value to others. “God evaluates everything. He not only sees the bad that we do but He also sees that we are serving others. My greatest motivation is to hear God say well done, and to please Him, therefore I go after the heart of God. I declared that night in the service that this is the year of acceleration. In ministry God always pushes you farther and faster than what you expect him to. If God said it, He will be in it and maintain it,” states Bady. If you have personally declared that this is the year of acceleration, be prepared to move fast. Get in the fast lane and be blessed. About The Church Harvest Time Church (HTC) was founded with only 6 members in 1990. Currently thousands from various social, ethnic and economic backgrounds gather weekly for worship. They continue to increase in diversity as God blesses the fellowship to be reflective of His love for all mankind. This vision of Harvest Time Church is “Making Ready a People Prepared for the Lord” based on Luke 1:17 (KJV), “And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”


September, 2012

The Church of Hip-Hop:

A Modern Day Revolution for Our Children

By Sharon C. Jenkins, Contributing Writer †† Deal with bullying †† Handle peer †† †† †† ††


o u s t o n Chronicle headlines echo the brutal killings that are a frequent occurrence in our neighborhoods: “Police: Teens Kill Homeless Man For $1” or “Houston Teen Killed at ‘Project X’Inspired Party.” One local minister is tired of the faith-based community not addressing this issue, so he’s doing something about it; he started a Hip Hop church. His tagline is “From Crisis to Christ. He spent 10 years behind bars getting his life together, so he understands the problem because he has lived it firsthand. His observation is that local ministers “do not speak the language” of today’s youth and that somebody must before our city becomes a war zone. The Church of Hip Hop’s Grand Opening is Sunday, September 16, 2012 at 4:00 pm at Pleasant Grove, MBC on 2801 Conti, in Houston. Pastor C.L. Jackson and Shelton Jackson have opened their church up to allow one of their sons to reach out to our youth. Minister Johnny Jeremiah promises to teach youth how to: †† Be empowered

through God †† Have direction in their lives †† Have an enriched life †† Handle a crisis

pressure Be satisfied with self Have favor with God Make the right decisions Be successful in all they do!

Jeremia h para llels Matthew 19:14 with the urgency of the day. He believes that our youth are not able to reach their pastors because of the modern day barriers which make them untouchable. But Jesus removed the things that stood between Him and the “little children” and cautioned those who would hinder them from seeking Him to

a fate that was equivalent to death. He plans on bringing a host of Hip Hop artists together to change hearts and renew the minds of Houston Youth such as Lil’ O, Lil’ Keke, and Lil’ J. Xavier. He has watched young guys being murdered, being killed across the country and in his home town of Houston and he is tired of it. “God

“ Let the little children come to me.

Don’t keep them away. The kingdom of heaven belongs to people like them. ”

(Matthew 19:14)

showed me that I need to do something. It’s been on my heart for seven years,” said Jeremiah. The church where the services are being held has a bird’s eye view on what’s happening across the street, where hundreds of young people are being incarcerated. His inspiration for action now was watching a young man get a life sentence three months ago. He went to the young man’s lawyer and they worked industriously with the investigation team to get to the truth and seven days later, the life sentence was removed from his record. There was a capital murder case involving a twelve year old, they got the capital murder charge rescinded and got him four years probation. The for-profit prison industry makes $40 Billion a year; enough incentive to continue to incarcerate youth. Numerous cases with the same modus operandi have resulted in young men and women being warehoused for crimes they did not do, simply because they cannot afford a decent lawyer to plead their case. Jeremiah’s passion is to get to the child before they face a situation

such as incarceration or death which ruins their hopes for a bright future and snuffs out the light of their lives before they even have a chance to truly live it. He strongly feels that Jesus is the answer, but Jesus wrapped in the relevance of their current day experience. He has strategica lly a ligned himself with prominent members of the faith-based community to deliver a quality program. He is confident that the children will listen to him because he is a product of the streets. His reputation in the streets of Houston precedes him, which is validated by the parents of these children. He professes “empathy,” not “sympathy” for these children, because he’s been in their shoes. His ultimate plan consists of bringing together a group of men to mentor this population of troubled youth. Where others have washed their hands, he is rolling up his sleeves and hopefully Houston will be a better place as a result of this modern day “Saul” turned “Paul” for the good of the gospel and our forgotten youth.

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September, 2012

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September, 2012

Psalm 91: The Cheapest and Fastest

Qualify for Blessing Way to Solve Problems By Ngozi Nwoke

By Jeanie Rose


o you got your interest up in Psalm 91, this Psalm prayer of protection. Press on with intent! This passage of Scripture is brimming over with promises of protection and blessing, more than most people realize. Your curiosity piqued? Great! Take a quick read of the passage and a look at the first requirement to move toward being qualified for blessing. Start here with the New King James Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. The meaning is clear. Choose where you will spend your time. Choose what you will focus on. Choose what you will ponder, mull over, think about all day long. Potent advice. Powerful beginning to a promise-filled Psalm 91. And, this advice to dwell in the secret place is foundational to receiving those promises. Dwelling in the secret place seems simple enough. Or, at least it would be simple if the only requirement was to sit comfortably while your head wandered wherever it wished. Sorry, that is not the plan here. That dwelling, abiding, i s p e r s on a l, i nt i m a t e . Remember, God is looking for relationship, relationship with you. To truly fulfill the admonition of the Psalmist, one must not only be in the secret place of the Most High, but also must make the Most High one’s priority focus. W hy? We l l, t wo re a son s! One, suppose you paid more attention to the news anchor than to your significant other. What would be the result? Certainly that relationship would grow stale and weak. Second ly, suppose you put more attention to the evening news than to the good news of the Gospel.

How could you stay faithfilled, confident in God’s love and protection when your brain is echoing with grim news from the tube? Dwelling in the secret place and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty is closely related to instruction Paul gave to the Romans: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2) Stay focused on the Most High God, focused on who He is and what He says in His Word. Your thinking will reflect Heavenly realities. You will perceive this natural world through the lenses of Heaven. Now, rather than fret over the economy or such, you

can fill your self-talk with confessions of God’s Word. This is part of abiding and an important part of experiencing the good, acceptable and perfect will of God described in the verses following Psalm 91:1. Praying Scripture is one way to maintain right focus. In this case praying Psalm 91 seems most appropriate. This article is part of a series dealing with Psalm 91 verse by verse. About The Author Jeanie Rose Bio: Jeanie Rose, a veteran spea ker, writer, retreat leader, is on a mission to encourage expanded faith a n d p o w e r f u l p r a y e r. One focus is on praying Scripture. Learn more at


ave you ever wondered [what is] the cheapest and fastest way to solve problems? To encounter problems in life is inevitable but what we do when we encounter them determines our progress and placement in life. Many people do not know how to handle problems. The first step you take will determine whether you will solve that challenge, what it will cost you or how long it will take you to solve it. Depending on the challenge, some will first cry out their hearts, go into shock, get very angry, look for whom to blame, tell everybody who cares to listen, and some may even go to smoke, drink or take some hard drugs, etc. Everyone is expressing

his or her inner beliefs and perception of the situation at hand. When you take such first steps, you tend to harm yourself instead. You actually give room to the devil to afflict you the more. Headaches, heartaches, broken relationships and regrettable actions a re usually the results of wrong ways to solve problems. What then is the way out? The cheapest and fastest way to solve any challenge is to first call on Jesus! I know what you may think – How can that be the cheapest and fastest way? How can that be the first step to take? The truth is that Jesus remains THE ANSWER. Jesus is everywhere, allpowerful, all-knowing, the only wise God. There is nothing too hard or impossible for Him to handle. He can make a way where there is no way. The earth is His and the fullness thereof. He makes crooked path straight and levels mountains to become plains. He turns the hearts of men to wherever He wills, Proverbs 21:1. When you go to Jesus first, you have your mind focused on the right direction, on what God says about that situation. Also, you will give no room to the devil to paint a worse scenario in your mind. Your mind will be alert to see the situation from the perspective of the overcomer and not a looser. The Holy Spirit will

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remind you of scriptures that will strengthen you and give you the wise steps to take. A word from God even in the midst of chaos will calm the situation immediately. Really, calling on Jesus first is the fastest way to solve problems. Merely calling on Jesus name will command a stand still to any further incursion of the enemy, giving you time to get directives from God on what next to do. Furthermore, because Jesus is ever with you, you don’t have to spend a dime to be able reach Him. Just call on Him and He will give you the exact next step to take, thereby saving time, energy and resources for you. I have come to realize that when a problem seems to linger or take a further wrong turn, it is because I did not pause for a moment to say, “Jesus, what are you saying in this situation?” We can avoid aches and pains if we will take a moment and ask Jesus for help. Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man – Psalm 60:11. Truly, calling on Jesus first is the cheapest and fastest way to solve problems. RUN TO JESUS FIRST! About The Author Ngozi Nwoke Is a teacher and a counselor. She has a passion to teach people how to enjoy peace, God’s love and Christian living for more fulfilling life. Want more fulfilling life? subscribe for free email updates today. http://

September, 2012

Setting Boundaries With Your Adult Children:


Ways God Wants You To Parent Your Adult Child



Church Etiquette Rules Everyone Should Know

By Karla Downing


re you wondering about set ting boundaries with your adult children? Parenting your adult child sounds like an oxymoron. The two really shouldn’t go together, but they often do. There is an epidemic of children eighteen years and older (even much older) that still require involvement from their parents in their lives and want support in the form of a place to live, money, training, and emotional energy. This requires a plan and an understanding of the ways adult children should be parented. Here are five ways God wants you to parent your adult child: Everything you do needs to be with the goal of increasing independence rather than fostering dependence. It isn’t easy for most eighteen year olds to move out on their own and be selfsupporting as well as pay for educational or vocational training. Parental support can be a good thing, as long as it is working toward independence rather than foster i ng dependenc e. If you give any help to your son or daughter that is making it easier for them to start a career, it is positive and good. This is God’s plan for you to raise children who become independent and healthy adults who make wise choices (Proverbs 22:6). Your son or daughter needs to be responsible for his or her own irresponsibility. This way your parenting shifts from punishment and deciding to impose consequences to letting your child experience the results of his/her own decisions. This means that you never bail your child out when bad decisions are made. You wouldn’t pay overdue credit cards. You wouldn’t pay for traffic



tickets or accidents. You wouldn’t pay late fees. You wouldn’t pay for lost items. You wouldn’t pay for dropped college classes. This supports God’s law of reaping what you sow (Galatians 6:7-8). The relationship needs to be mutually respectful. This means that your child listens to your concerns, speaks respectfully to you, interacts with you, and uses language you find acceptable. It means that you treat your child like an adult and listen to his/her concerns, speak respectfully, and don’t get into business that should be private. God wants all of us to treat each other with respect and honor (1 Peter 2:17). Your child needs to follow the house rules. Your life should not be disrupted by your child; your child needs to adapt to you. Don’t be afraid to impose a curfew that allows you to go to bed rather than wait up for him/her to come home. Impose rules that keep you from worrying and from being annoyed. You don’t have to allow TV watching or activity in the house that would prevent you from sleeping or enjoying your life as you want to. You can ask that



your child be respectful of your rules when visiting and/or living there and not doing anything in your home that is unacceptable to you. Proverbs 25:17 says we should be careful what we do in someone else’s house or they will grow to hate us. Reward success and don’t reward l a z i n e s s . Yo u r c h i l d needs to experience the positive benefits of succeeding. Good grades in college mean you pay for more college classes. A responsible child who is working toward a degree, a career, and an independent life by being involved in some sort of educational or vocational training and is working hard might deserve for you to give some extra cash to lighten the load. This child should get more support from you than the child that is doing almost nothing. Unfortunately, it typically works the opposite with parents giving more to the child who is lazy. God doesn’t honor laziness and even goes as far as to say that someone who doesn’t work shouldn’t eat (2 Thessalonians 3:10). If you set boundaries with your adult children these five ways that God wants


By Trenette Wilson


s a child growing up, I attended a traditional Baptist church that adhered to a strict code of conduct during service. I would often keep myself entertained by watching the cutting eyes of mothers correcting their children without uttering one single word. My sister and I were mere observers in the misbehavior of others, as my mother deeply instilled a great sense of respect and holiness toward God’s house in us. She also embraced the scripture, “if you spare the rod, you spoil the child,” which further reinforced her convictions and kept us in line. Over the years, things have changed considerably when it comes to “code of conduct,” in church. With the emergence of the “mega church, casual Sundays and a switch to contemporary worship services, the lines of proper behavior and dress have become blurred. From people carrying weapons on church grounds, to individual’s texting during service, the conservative days of sitting quietly in the pews have passed. Though the strict orthodox rules of church etiquette have relaxed and vary from congregation to congregation, there are 7 general church etiquette rules that will allow you to honor “God’s house,” no matter where you worship. Turn off all digital devices. Your flashy phone and awesome ring tone can be a big distraction to those around you who are trying to hear the message and make a life changing decision. Govern yourself accordingly, eating, talking loud, excessive walking and starting confrontations in the church are all unacceptable behavior during worship service. Be sure to observe the behavior of

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the leadership and follow it. Dress stylishly yet modestly. Though God’s word tell us to “come as we are,” it’s important to exhibit respect in your wardrobe choices. Stay away from clothes that show too much skin, that are too tight and too short or display offensive slogans or symbols. Avoid cliques. Church is about inclusion and acceptance. Class and social division should never be a dividing factor within the body of Christ. Observe service schedules. Don’t be the “arrive late and leave early,” member. Make all effort to be there shortly before church starts and remain until the benediction, or final blessing is pronounced. If an emergency arises, exit the sanctuary with discretion. Be considerate of others. If you have small children, sit close to the door to facilitate quick and easy access to a bathroom. Speak words of encouragement. Though the bible tells us specifically not to gossip, church members are notorious for spreading news concerning the church and its members. The tongue is a kindling fire maker, make sure you are not destroying any forests. Simply put, church etiquette is respecting the place you worship and embracing your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Lady Trenette Wilson is a highly sought after teen and etiquette expert who provides bible based debutante and etiquette curricula to churches and organizations. The founder of the award winning website,, Lady Wilson impacts more than 50,000 youth worldwide through etiquette.

10. September, 2012

God’s Favorite Fragrance By Gwen Plauche


ave you ever really thought about the miracle of sme l l? How c a n t here possibly be enough variations in perfume smells to produce the hundreds of different brands available? I have a favorite perfume. What I just don’t understand is why dear hubby believes that slick salesclerk who swears that some less expensive brand smells just like my brand, but I can tell it is not the same! No imitations accepted! Scripture teaches us about God’s favorite fragrance and He doesn’t like imitations either. 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. Wow - the fragrance of the knowledge of Him the aroma of Christ - have you ever considered what aroma you are giving off? My Great Grandmother lived in a home full of aromas. She was frequently cooking grape Jello or stewing down some fresh okra. As I sat down on her worn out couch, I would be surrounded with t hat mu st y- old-t h i ng s smell and the ever present mothball smell when she pulled things out of her closet. My favorite aromas from Grandma Craig are somehow captured on the pages of her Bible. Perhaps it is because her Bible was open so much that the smells are still captured in there. It is amazing to me that today, twenty-plus years after her death, I can open that old white KJV


VS Managing

A MINIS T RY C By Cheryl Donovan, Contributing Writer

Bible, hold it up to my nose, close my eyes and imagine Grandma sitting right next to me. The power of aroma! As a woman today, we need to be alert as to the fragrance we leave behind. Is it one that our loved ones will cherish when they get a whiff of it years after we are gone? So to have the fragrance of the knowledge of Him, what does that smell like? Just like my dear 14 year old son gets a special fragrance after his lacrosse matches, we also get a fragrance from the activities that fill our days. Consider yourself a purveyor of fragrance, ladies, spraying it on all around. The real question is what fragrance have we been filling up with? Ephesians 5:1 says “Be imitators of God as dearly loved children.” This is not a “who died and made you king” attitude. Instead, fill your days with love, longsuffering attitudes, merciful and gracious actions. The next verse from Ephesians says to “live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Many of us just bounce through life, but as aroma bearers of Christ, we must choose purposefully to love. Do you speak love? Do you act love?

Think of walking through your house, past your family with the bottle of the aroma of Christ. It is up to you whether they smell it or not. That touch, that time spent together, that hug, that special note, those favorite cookies - it all smells of Christ. The power is released when someone smells the fragrance of Christ. I love, love, love it when Christ has revealed Himself to me, especially during a crisis. I always try to address it as the fragrance of Christ and remind myself that He is on the premises. When you are aware of His aroma, that love that passes all understanding but do not see Him, be reassured that He is there. So picture a cute purse atomizer. It’s empty until you fill it. Then, it’s up to you to spray the world around you. Spray the aroma of Christ - let those around you realize that He is near. Written by Gwen Plauche Copyright 2011, Gwen Plauche. All other rights reserved. Article Source: http:// w w w.faithwriters.comCHRISTIAN WRITERS

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It’s Just That Simple!

ontrary to popular belief there is a huge difference between starting and managing a ministry. For the most part the difficulty of starting a ministry pales in comparison to that of managing it. Achieving a balance between your out re ac h, e va ngel i sm, and management can be mystifying. Far too often we hear of ministries closing due to a lack of understanding as to what should and shouldn’t be included in its organizing documents, i.e., bylaws and articles of incorporation. Furthermore many ministries are oblivious to reporting requirements at local, state, and federal levels. I have listed below some things below to consider that will help your ministry get a handle on some of the more important aspects of ministr y management. Consider each one carefully and

research those that require additional information. 1. Annual Reports: In general most states require organizations, ministries and churches that have been incorporated to file an annual report. These reports are to be sent to the Secretary of State. Failure to file will result in an administrative dissolution. 2. Annual Tax Reporting: Churches and ministries are very likely required to file some sort of tax related information. The most common being W-2 and 1099-Misc. Forms. When a church or ministry fails to file these returns, they face severe penalties under sections 6721 and 4958. 3. Obta in liabilit y insurance: Churches and ministries are increasingly becoming more and more Involved in lawsuits. Some have even had to close their doors because of lawsuits. In the end everyone suffers. When you have a good insurance policy, you have the resources of your

insurance company at your disposal. If your church ever faces a lawsuit, the insurance company will bring its attorneys in for your defense because they are just as liable as you are. 4. Make sure that the checking account is tied to the church Tax ID and not someone’s social security number: Having the account attached to someone’s social is a big mistake. It leaves the church’s checking account open to IRS and personal lawsuit judgments. As King Solomon said in Proverbs 4:7, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding,” this also applies when managing a church. Advertise TODAY in Business Journal Call Us TODAY! 713.272.9511

Be Consistent In Achieving

Your God Given Purpose By Sondra Kelly


eing consistent is the key to much success. We are not called to give up on our goals. In the kingdom of God, victory is our only option. We must run this race with diligence, confidence, and assurance. Some have gone ahead of us, to win the race that was set before them; now they can receive their crown, they have reached the finish line. We can conquer this same glorious achievement, only if we are consistent in our hopes, and dreams of becoming successful in fulfilling our God given purpose in this life. Know your calling, be sure of it. Get busy, stay focused on achieving the goal. Set aside any, and everything that would take you off track. Do not waste precious time entertaining situations, people, or lifestyles that would take your focus off of achieving your God given purpose

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through consistency, and dedication. I love my calling, I am sure of my calling, I am sensitive to the voice of the Lord, who directs my path, and causes me to go in the way that I should go. On this path, I shall find nothing less than success that shall guide me to the finish line. There, shall I receive my crown. God bless everyone who reads this. My name is Sondra D. Kelly. I was born in Queens, New York. I spent my entire childhood in Philadelphia, Pa. I discovered my talent for writing about 15 years ago. I love creating stories that will glorify, and show forth the power of God. www. I love the Lord. Article Source: http://www.faithwriters. com-CHRISTIAN WRITERS

September, 2012


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September, 2012

Expanding Your Education Empowering Myself for Promotion By Dr. Pamela Randolph, Contributing Writer


t’s been said that “Education is Life and Life is God.” Knowledge is definitely a part of life and education. Ultimately, knowledge comes from God. Always allow God to direct you in your desire to expand your education. I want you to think outside the box when it comes to expanding your education. You are never too old to expand your knowledge. You don’t have to go to a formal school or college to expand your education. There are many things written that we can learn from. The scripture says, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” (Romans 15:4) I have always been an advocate of self-education. In today’s world there are many resources available. The saying, “More is caught than taught” may be true in many situations. Observation is an excellent way to empower yourself and expand your education. The Apostle Paul advocated observation as an avenue for promotion. He said in Philippians 4:9, “Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” When you teach yourself things, you make them a part of you. They stay with you longer because you experience them through several learning portals. You engage your critical-thinking skills, interact with objects, use logic, use problem solving strategies, imagination and (my favorite) meditation. Expanding your knowledge base means Promotion! Promotion! Promotion! Promotion simply means a move to a higher level. Again, think outside the box. Promotion is not limited to your place of employment. Empowering yourself could mean that you move to a higher level in generating finances, apart from your nine to five. Your level of vocabulary and conversation would move to a higher level. Thus, giving you confidence to interact in other circles of influence and circles of the affluent. You would definitely move to a higher level in your thinking and reasoning. Once the mind expands it is impossible for it to retract. It takes Courage to make a major move like expanding your education, especially if you have been out of school for a while. Just reading books on a consistent basis may be a challenge. So, you will need the courage to step out on this new journey. Remember, God didn’t give you the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. You can do all things through Christ. He strengthens you, even for the task of empowering yourself. Go for it! You can do it! There is no limit to what you can

accomplish! Count the cost, because there is a price to pay for expansion and increase. Nothing is free. Everything costs you something. Expanding your education will cost you time, most of all. Take a good look at what you want to do and how much time you must allocate to it. This is a goal just like any other goal and you must be smart about it. How will you adjust your other obligations to allow time for this education process? Do you need to solicit help from family and friends so that those obligations will be given the proper attention throughout the duration? Will you need additional finances to fund this educational venture? If so, what is the source of these funds? Be aware that opportunities may exist that cost you nothing financially and take advantage of grants and endowments. There are many things to consider. Jesus said a man should sit down and count the cost before he proceeds to build a tower, so that he will know whether he can complete it or not. You may do more damage to yourself by starting something that you have not properly prepared for. It could cause you to struggle when there is really no need or it may cause you to give up and be reluctant to try again. Counting the cost builds a good foundation for a successful completion. It is imperative to Connect with yourself, others, and God. What’s your motivation for this educational expansion? We are blessed to be a blessing. Being a blessing should always be the core of every endeavor. Reflecting your creator should be the first and foremost motivation for expanding your education. “Education is life and life is God.” There are innate gifts, talents and abilities that God put in you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. He expects you to discover them and allow men to see them and glorify Him. (Matthew 5:16) Discovering these abilities and gifts empower you to connect with God and His purpose for your life. Connect with yourself by using this educational process to develop and master your gifts, talents and ability. When you connect with yourself, you discover what’s really on the inside of you and expanding your education helps you to be the best you, you can be. Being the best you produces a joy that is unspeakable and a peace the passes all understanding. You were created to discover, develop, display and disperse these gifts. These gifts afford you the privilege of connecting with and serving others. As you further develop these gifts they are displayed and dispersed throughout your family, community and the world. Empowering yourself for promotion

means you also help others move to a higher level. Your educational expansion can be a motivation to others. This can also develop a network with those you feel you understand or that have the same ideas, opinions, and beliefs. Expanding your education will require focus. So, Concentrate! Gird up the loins of your mind, according to 1 Peter 1:13. Be mindful of your thoughts. Refuse to allow your mind to wander away from your goal to empower yourself for promotion. What thoughts dominate your mind? Are they thoughts toward your goals? Does your family heritage, traditions or religious superstitions rule your thoughts? Thoughts like—No one else in my family is very educated—Traditionally no one else has a college degree—We have never been a very smart family anyway—I was always told if you read or study too much, you will drive yourself crazy. Eradicate all thoughts contrary to your goals. Cast them down as Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5. You have the power to overpower any selfdefeating, negative thoughts. You have set a goal before you, so be

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determined to finish it. Eliminate all weight. Hebrews 12:1 (AMP) “Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who have borne testimony to the Truth], let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) clings to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.” Get rid of whatever is of no value to your goals and keep what is useful. Some things we start out with become a weight down the line, so stay alert. Recently, I watched the Olympics track and field competitions. The runners wore minimal clothing, because it is important in a race to have the least amount of weight and resistance. So, likewise, you are in a race. You are on a journey and cannot afford to carry extra weight. Extra weight breaks your concentration. Free yourself to focus on empowering yourself for promotion. Expand your education and move to a higher level as you employ multiple learning portals in self-education. Always think outside the box as you take courage to make this major move. Count the cost and connect with God, yourself and others by the awesome assets that are on the inside of you. Finally, concentrate and stay single-minded until the end and prepare for Promotion! Promotion! Promotion!

14. September, 2012

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September, 2012

We Power Now Vision Focus Forum

Bishop Dixon and The Community of Faith Church hosted a forum for their We Power Now movement, which is a community of change, to encourage the community to be the change they see. Special guests that attended where Kwame Kilpatrick. Michelle Duffie, Karen Richards, Brandon Dudley, Reynaldo Guerra, Kathryn Griffin-Grinan, Erica A. Murray, Bun B, Laurence Payne and others.

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16. September, 2012

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September, 2012

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18. September, 2012 T H E





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