Faith Based Journal 3rd Edition
Inspire, Inform & Educate
March 2011
Faith Based Initiatives
Three P’s For Communication: Relationships have been thrown into chaos because of what one party has tried to say to another, but could not properly convey. PAGE 10
How To Experience True Happiness Both faith and resilience have become the picture of the African American culture. PAGE 15
Pastor Charles Perry of Word of Restoration MR. D-MARS & ?????????? Christian Fellowship and MR. DMARS
“From the beginning, this has been a faith-based ministry.” - David Wilkerson Dr. Tamyra Comeaux
God’s Message to Hurting Women: The number one question that people ask of God is why He allows suffering to come to them. This question has caused more than one pause for minister and layperson alike. PAGE 18
Min. Eric D. Goodwine
Director of Sales and Marketing
Leah Davis
Pastor Freddie Davis III
New Greater Faith Baptist Church
Discovering Your Spiritual Personality
The ommunity
God has designed us to specifically fulfill a divine purpose while we are in our earth suits. PAGE 19
Tim & Joyce James
Total Man Christian Center
Pastor Mia K. Wright
Metamorphosis Women’s Empowerment Conference
Bishop James Dixon II
The Community of Faith Church
See pg. 7
March 2011
Publisher’s Message
Keith J. Davis, Sr. SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr. VICE PRESIDENT Kevin Davis JR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Jr. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Christopher P. Kirksey EDITING CONSULTANT ReShonda Tate-Billingsley DIRECTOR OF SALES Min. Eric D. Goodwine ACCOUNTING MANAGER Eugenie Doualla SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Mike Jones C.T. Foster Pastor Freddie L. Davis, III PHOTOGRAPHY Leon Galbreath Grady Carter MARKETING CONSULTANT Johnny Ray Davis, Jr. MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ghuzzala Malik (Faith) Myron Davis DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Johnny Ray Davis, Jr. CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dr. Tamyra Comeaux Pastor Lorenzo Ewing Joyce James Leah L. Davis Eric D. Goodwine Dr. Pamela Randolph Maceo Smeadley Madeline”Carla” Kirksey Sharon C. Jenkins Pastor Freddie L. Davis, III
In this issue we explore the term ‘faith-based,’ which was coined in the 1970s to describe any organization or government idea or plan based on religious beliefs, specifically Christian beliefs. The term commonly refers to associated organizations such as Catholic Charities. Such “faith-based organizations” typically deliver a variety of services to the public, such as caring for the elderly, advocating justice for the oppressed and playing a major role as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in humanitarian aid and international development efforts. Thank you for your continued support of When you support, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.
CONTENTS Word of Restoration Church: The Story……………………......................... 5 Safe and Healthy Detoxification during the Lent Season…........................ 7 Faith-Based Initiatives and Their Love for All.............................................. 8 THREE P’S FOR COMMUNICATION:.......................................................... 10 A Closer Look At The Prosperity Message.................................................. 10 Effective Service Creates Great Service...................................................... 15 How to Experience TRUE HAPPINESS...................................................... 15 Understanding Charitable Choice................................................................ 17 Partnering for Impact.................................................................................. 17 God’s Message to Hurting Women:“I Can Heal You”…......……….............. 18 God Will Not Give You More Than You Can Handle, Or Will He?................ 18 Living on Borrowed Faith............................…………………………….......... 19 Discovering YOUR Spiritual Personality...................................................... 19 How Faith Works......................................................................................... 20 The By-Products of a Storm..........……………………………………............ 20
to STAY INFORMED in our community It’s Just That Simple! MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “I think the court will determine that the FaithBased Initiative that the White House has instituted in the last five years is constitutional, in the context of allowing for broad-based programs to include religious providers.” - Jay Alan Sekulow
March 2011
www. Business Journal 7322 Southwest Fwy, Suite 806 Houston, Texas 77074 713-272-9511 . Phone 713-272-6364 . Fax 1-800-453-8752 . Toll Free
March 2011
Word of Restoration Church: The Story
By Pastor Charles & Charlette Perry In just 10 short years, Word of Restoration has experienced favor from God and man in uncommon ways. From the small beginning at the Mustang Community Center and Goodman Elementary School in Fresno, Texas, to 44 acres
of land, a 4.7 million dollar facility, 8 full-time employees and over 9 million dollars in assets, there is no doubt that God’s hand is upon this Ministry.
Pastor Perry proudly says with all of the assets that are owned by the corporation, the greatest asset of all is the people that make Word of Restoration the local body that it is. From 13 core March 2011
people in 2001, to the many thousands spiritual needs of those who are mem- LIAR for middle school students, Genwho claim membership at Word of Res- bers, friends and partners. Its ability to eration Holy Nation for teens, S.O.L.O. toration, Pastor Perry sincerely takes the provide five-star ministry in a rural area for singles L.O.V.E. Connection for time to consistently thank and apprecimarried ate the members for their faithfulness couples, and support to the vision of the house the Equesand love they show toward him and his trian Miniswife, Charlette. try, Men of This all came about during the latHonor and ter part of the year 2000, when God Triumphant spoke to Pastor Perry and revealed His Women Felplan for his life. God’s preferment was lowships or made clear and He gave Pastor Perry Distinguish four specific mandates: 55+ for seniors. Pas1) Go to the Arcola/Fresno area and tor Perry has start a church. made his vi2) The name of the Church would has drawn so many from Fort Bend, sion clear to ensure that opportunities be Word of Restoration and there, Brazoria, Liberty, Jefferson and even are also created within the ministry so people would come and receive a Harris Counties. What makes people the members can have restoration in all word for their restoration. come from far and near to the Place of areas of their lives, whether it’s through 3) The vision for the Church is to be Restoration and Refreshing? Well, the the Financial Fitness Classes or the “Restoring Lives with the Word of answer is unanimous; first, they sense a Credit Awareness Seminars. God”. passion for God and the sense of comThere are core competencies that 4) The ascomprise signment is great leadto build Me ership and (God) a city, Pastor Perry “The City has proven of Restorato postion.” sess strong At Word leadership of Restorac h a r a c t e r. tion, there is Through his a motto that leadership rings out and the visaying, “At sion he has the Place of created a Restoration and Refreshing, we are Re- munity. Secondly, the qualities, efforts, picture for the flock’s future and where storing Lives with the Word of God and teachings, love and leadership of Pastor he believes God wants him to take the when your life is Restored, You Shall Charles and First Lady Perry is causing ministry. As a visionary, he has also creHave Double”. Word of Restoration so many to hear, receive and understand ated an atmosphere in which people are is not just a the Word of God, enabling them to live eager to assist. His unique style that name for aninspires everyother name one to get onbut it is a board is easily spiritual realiimplemented ty where peobecause of the ple have their respect, paslives restored sion and integand learn to rity exhibited. live again. As a great Who better leader, Pastor to pastor such Perry is very a place and compassioncarry the message of restoration than a triumphant life. ate, yet direct and straightforward. He the man himself who was in the process Word of Restoration provides min- sets clear performance expectations and of taking his own life just ten years ago? istry for everyone at every level, wheth- holds people accountable to the Word Word of Restoration is a unique er it’s Chosen Generation for toddlers, of God. This requires being direct and and diverse church that is meeting the Royal Priesthood for children, PECU- truthful, which can be difficult but -www.
more often than not -- is natural for a principle-based leader as Pastor Perry. Because of his faith and boldness, he is bottom-line oriented and extraordinarily committed to results. He is passionate about the Word of God and has great love for his assignment as well as the people he leads. Pastor Perry displays high degrees of emotional intelligence, and thrives on finesse and likeability, therefore, regardless of ethnicity; educational background or professional status, people love Pastor Perry. Another uniqueness of the ministry is that it unifies people of all social backgrounds and provides support groups
March 2011
and creative ministry to meet people where they are. People from “Who’s Who” to “Who are You” gather there to worship God and receive His Word. CEO’s, janitors, attorneys, warehouse workers, educators, truck drivers and professional athletes seem to all find a place of belonging at Word of Restoration. In the words of the Visionary, Pastor Charles E. Perry, Jr., “what has taken place is awesome but it is small in comparison to the assignment God has shown him in building the City of Restoration.” Though their beginning is small, yet their latter end shall greatly increase and the best is yet to come.
Safe and Healthy Detoxification during the Lent Season By Dr. Tamyra Comeaux Contributing Writer Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV) As we enter into the Lent season in preparation for Easter, we enter with an open heart and a heightened awareness of the Sacrifice that Christ made for us. Ash Wednesday (March 9, 2011) marks the first day of lent. Traditionally, during the season of Lent,we show our commitment to the Christian faith by making spiritual sacrifices,observing a period of fasting, maintaining spiritual discipline and repentance. The season of Lent serves as a time of reflection as we reverence Jesus Christ and his physical and spiritual sacrifice, his suffering, death and resurrection. During the forty days preceding Palm Sunday, Christians practice forty days of fasting. During this time of fasting we have the opportunity to cleanse ourselves of the impurities and harmful substances that we have ingested. Fasting can also be a great way to detox and rid ourselves of harmful parasites and toxins that have invaded our bodies. The benefits of cleansing the body of parasites and worms include purifying the tissues, healing organs and glands (where parasites and worms dwell); improved and enhanced peristalsis (bowel movements); more energy, weight release (loss/reduction); improved skin condition, improvement in body odor; and better absorption of nutrients. Parasites not only rob the body of key nutrients, they also release harmful toxins that increase the risk of contracting harmful disease and chronic health concerns. Although not a frequent topic of discussion, intestinal parasites are a common cause of digestive disturbances. Within the broad term “parasite”,a range of creatures such as fall-worms,flukes, mites, yeast, bacteria and viruses,just to name a few. Pinworms are the most common parasites in children living in temperate climates, which include most of the United States. These worms can produce symptoms such as anal and/or vaginal itching. Less common symptoms include loss of appetite, upset stomach, irritability and insomnia. In some cases there are no March 2011
symptoms present, therefore many people are unaware of them and parasites go untreated (an estimated 40 million persons are infected in the United States). Unfortunately, there have been an increasing number of publicized infectious outbreaks reported in the news recently. These outbreaks include salmonella in peanut butter, E.Coli in spinach, and most recently, an infant formula was recalled due to the presence of insects. There is a misconception surrounding how parasites are encountered. Resent media exposure supports the fact that encountering a parasite is not a remote possibility. Fortunately, a number of culinary herbs can be used to kill intestinal parasites. Various studies show that thyme and summer savory destroy hookworms and roundworms. Rosemary, chamomile, and gentian kill many types of intestinal worms and also decrease intestinal inflammation as well.
minimal problems, but most parasites can be harmful and pose a major health risk. Most parasite infection symptoms are difficult to detect. Mild parasite infections symptoms are often confused and misdiagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) or upset stomach. However if your infection is moderate or heavy then the following symptoms of parasites will possibly occur; • Itching in and around your anal area • You suffer from diarrhea or constipation, bloating, severe stomach cramps, or nausea • Women may suffer from vaginal irritation and itching or have recurrent yeast, viral or bacterial vaginosis infections • Stiff joints and muscle pains • Restlessness, nervousness and irritability, headaches and mood swings or insomnia • You have oily skin, acne and eczema
What causes parasites?
When practicing a faith based fast it is not only important to keep your body free of harmful toxins and hormones that can be encountered in unhealthy food, but to ensure that you ingest proper nutrients. It is important to continue a healthy regimen rich with natural ingredients that aid in maintaining optimal health. Green Cell Therapy is 100% organic product that contains a proprietary blend of 32 energetically balanced compounds of wild herbs. Green Cell Therapy supplies lactobacillus (good bacteria) necessary for optimum colon function. Green Cell Therapy activates cellular rejuvenation by providing nutrition that feeds the inner ecosystem to boost immunity; detoxifies the intestines and lymphatic system that aids in proper digestion and restores optimal PH balance; promotes healthy circulation and skin; strengthens the organs and balances internal chemistry that enhances energy levels. Green Cell Therapy contains alfalfa, spirulina, wheatgrass, digestive enzymes and lactobacillus. If you are lactose intolerant, this supplement is for you! It contains lactose. Since our bodies are self-correcting mechanisms, in a short time as we detoxify and balance all the organs in the body we better equip ourselves to defeat any potential illness that toxins may have set the stage for. As with any form of detoxification product a lifestyle change is highly recommended to increase the effi-
Contaminated water, under cooked meats, and improperly washed fruits and vegetables are just some of the common sources. Transmission from pets or other infected persons is also quite common. Helping the body rid itself of parasites does not have to be a harsh and difficult process. There are safe homeopathic alternatives to riding the body of parasites. Octocleanse is an advanced multi dimensional formula containing herbal and nutritional components. Octocleanse is an easily digestible capsule contains natural ingredients including, black walnut hull extract, wormwood, cloves, pumpkin seed extract, peppermint leaf, fennel seed, thyme, cayenne, garlic, enzymes, and grapefruit seed extract. These components provide activity against worms, viruses, bacteria, and yeast.
Do you have symptoms of parasite? Infection? There are over 100 different types of parasites and worms that we can encounter. Some are microscopic in size while others can be seen quite easily. These common organisms are easily encountered and can be found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, or in the food we eat. It has been estimated that 80% of the North American adult population has at least one form of parasite present in their body. Some of these parasites cause www.
cacy of Green Cell Therapy. In adjunct to cleansing we recommend that you drink, shower and cook with purified water, reduce sugar intake, eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables. We suggest that if you choose to eat meat it should be range fed, hormone and antibiotic free. To restore intestinal health and immunity use Green Cell Therapy for body-detoxification, immunity and blood alkalinity. It is our commitment at Natural Women’s Care to offer rejuvenation and renewing supplements during this season of Lent. Along with a healthy diet, we know that detoxification is key when cleansing the body. We remain committed to honoring God’s law of maintaining a temple that is pleasing to God. We offer a variety of natural products such as: Octocleanse, Green Cell Therapy and Acai Ultimate. In honoring our commitment to educating the community on safe homeopathic methods of maintaining optimal health, we offer Health and Wellness seminars to your congregation. For more information regarding Health Wellness seminars and herbal supplements please contact. Dr. Tamyra Comeaux 11811 FM 1960 Suite 104 Houston, Texas 77065 Tel: (832) 237.4200 Fax: (832) 237.4263 email:
Faith-Based Initiatives and Their Love for All
By Pastor Lorenzo Ewing Contributing Writer Christians all over the world have received their vast share of criticism and scorn from the world. Oftentimes, we are accused of being overbearing and hypocritical, and the adjective that beats them all – “unloving.” This month’s article presents an opportunity to promote, encourage, and educate on the impact of faith-based initiatives. Where would our world be without faith-based initiatives? In more defining terms, where would
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our world be without hospitals, schools, social and mental facilities, just for starters. Within the Christendom, genuine followers of Christ with a heart for people and a love that cannot be stopped, despite criticism, disdain, and scorn responds to Jesus’ example of loving even when it hurts. For example, did you know that for the first 100 years of our nation’s history, many of our schools were founded with a code of religious values that formed the standards to adhere to? Public education, in many ways, communicate that someone was willing and bold enough to fill the need for our community when others looked the other way. Literacy meant, and still should mean, upward mobility and provision for a future for our youth and those who may feel disenfranchised. Is that the love Jesus mentioned? As a further asset within our society, over 200 higher education colleges and universities including Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, not to mention the impact of Jewish, Catholic and Jesuits guides the
depth of our thinking laced with Christ’s love and sense of community. Historically, where would we be without Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of the printing press? This Christian, German, goldsmith, and inventor’s invention of the metal movable type printing press affords us the bible in print. The scroll would just not be pretty to walk around with today! What an achievement! Could you imagine a world without books? Today, a vast majority of hospitals, which began as Christian ‘alms’ houses, existed for cities’ most destitute residents. Today, Presbyterian, Methodist, Catholic, and Protestant hospitals stand as institutions that offer primary healthcare and social services to every strata of our society. Even their names bear their Christian origin as St. Luke, St. Catherine, to name a few. Quite notable, is the impact of the YMCA - Young Man’s Christian Association” and YWCA “Young Man’s Christian Association.” Many of us would have been out on the streets if it
was not for our neighborhood “Y.” The Red Cross was founded by a Christian who wanted to love his enemies, even in times of war and genocide, and he was given the Nobel Peace Prize in his attempt to love, particularly to those who were hurting the most. Therefore, faith-based initiatives have played a vital role in our country! Let’s make our forefathers proud of us as we continue what God has place in our hearts. Let’s not make excuses! You never know, you could be the next Gutenberg waiting in the wings. Gary Shorb, president and CEO of Methodist Care in Memphis, TN says it best – “being a benefit to the community should be the reason we exist!” It is stunning and empowering to remind ourselves of the impact of Faith-Based Initiatives. Even though Christians are continually ostracized, stigmatized, unappreciated, and even overlooked, our help and continued love of, and for our country cannot and will never be forgotten as we continue to impact our communities and our world.
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Perspective, Perception and Points of Reference. (Part 1 of 3)
By Joyce James Contributing Writer Wars have been started because of miscommunication. Relationships have been thrown into chaos because of what one party has tried to say to another, but could not properly convey. Families and churches have been torn apart and splits have occurred for lack of skills in wisdom and understanding concerning another person’s perspective, perception and points of reference. While we all crave to be understood,
it is far better to understand. Scripture tells us, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting, get understanding.” (Prov. 4:7) Wisdom is the ability to discern knowledge about something or someone. This wisdom and knowledge brings grief and increases sorrow. (Eccl.1:18, “For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increases knowledge increases sorrow.”) However, having an understanding of what you know gives you peace. Perspective literally means “to look through.” It is the art of looking at an object/scene in a way related to depth, distance and position. Two or more people can look at the same object/scene and give different perspectives. Why? It is because of where each person is positioned. While all may have different versions of the same incident, each perspective may be correct. One may be standing on the side, another behind the object/scene and another in the front. Each will tell what he or she saw from various perspectives. This is how many disagreements start. We never think to ask, “Where were you
standing?” before engaging in heated arguments to prove one’s own perspective to be right. The next time you engage in a conversation with someone and he or she seems to relate facts about an incident contrary to your experience, ask that person, “Where were you standing?” You might find that the person was on the backside of the same situation, while you were in the front—but both perspectives were true. Additionally, you may find that one
of you were closer to the situation and were able to see more details. Conversely, the other person was further away and had a broader view. That person saw things you were unable to see because you were too close. Listen to the other person’s perspective and find out his or her position before assuming that your perspective is the only one because you were there. They were too, but in a different position. ---Joyce James, Th.S. may be emailed at
A Closer Look At The Prosperity Message
By Leah L. Davis Contributing Writer
he prosperity message has been around for more than a decade and has caused a great divide within the Christian community. Some view it as March 2011
a valid promise from God, while others deem it as merely a gimmick to make preachers rich. Leah L. Davis author of What Your Pastor Didn’t Tell You About The Prosperity Message agrees that total life prosperity is promised in God’s word but encourages parishioners to take a closer look at the principles and practices that govern the prosperity message that could be misleading. “Though giving and generosity are principles taught in the bible, they should not be used in accordance with fear, guilt and intimidation tactics that cause people to feel they are committing a sin by not supporting their ministry financially. Those who choose not to contribute are called “God robbers” and sent on a guilt trip, while those who are contributors, have false expectations of financial increase based on half truths that carelessly omit the basic fundamentals of building and attracting wealth”. What Your Pastor Didn’t Tell You
About The Prosperity Message is a game changing book that causes both the pulpit and the pews to reunite with God’s true purpose for prosperity. For years, the scales have been unbalanced, we have seen prosperity in the pulpit and not in the pews. This book evens the plain and makes the promise of prosperity tangible for all of God’s children. The manipulation and misconceptions that are intertwined in the delivery of the prosperity message are thoroughly examined in the book, but parishioners are urged to examine themselves and their motives when it comes to money. “Some are only giving to get something in return and God is not honoring their gifts because their motives are wrong. God wants us to be fruitful. He knows many have acted on the principles of prosperity and have seen very little return and He cares. If you have been sowing but not reaping, sacrificing and
still struggling, believing, confessing but still not seeing the manifestation, you are not alone, this is a very common experience among believers and God has something He wants you to know.” Davis serves up viable warnings and encourages Christians not to give up but to wise up and take responsibility for their own prosperity. She argues, “Many have failed to receive because we haven’t fully examined the message, the messengers, the motives and the methods that bring money into our hands”. What Your Pastor Didn’t Tell You About The Prosperity Message shares a very balanced view of money and the message of prosperity. It exposes both good and bad practices, provides insightful wealth building tips and answers the questions that consumers want to know. For information about What Your Pastor Didn’t Tell You About The Prosperity Message and to purchase your copy, visit 10.
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March 2011
Effective Service Creates Great Service cial and unique way. We have all been called to serve in some capacity in the Kingdom! But let’s not forget about some of the attributes a great servant must possess in order to be effective in the Kingdom of God.
Serve with Love:
By Minister Eric D. Goodwine Director of Sales and Marketing Contributing Writer
You cannot serve without loving. Love causes you to give up something. John3:16(NIV) “For God so love the world that he gave his one and only son.” Whatever your something may be; time, talent, treasure. Love also dictates how you treat people I Cor. 13:4-7 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrong.”
What does it mean to be a servant of the Lord? A servant is truly one who considers others more than himself. A true servant of the Lord should possess qualities and attributes of Christ to effectively serve the Lord. We should serve with gladness and with the aim Serve with a spirit of Humility: to bring glory to God. There are inStay low and beneath the live fire dividuals who are gifted and anointed (fiery darts) above you’re ahead so you to serve God and others in a very spe- can survive the spiritual warfare! 1 Pe-
ter 5:5(NIV) “Young men; in the same way be submissive to those who are older. All of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
Serve with right motives; to please God: Serving with the right heart and motivation is very important, we should always consider others more than ourselves and not serving to get ahead or looking for something in return or recognition. Galatians 1:10 (NLT) “Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant”.
Serve others with Obedience: Serving requires us to serve others even when they do not mean us any good, when we are betrayed and when we don’t feel like it. Jesus gave the model example of service when he
washed the feet of all the disciples even Judas. What is phenomenal about that is Jesus already knew about Judas but served him any way by washing his dirty feet. John 13:12-15(NKJ) “So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. “For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” welcomes Minister Eric D. Goodwine as the Sales and Marketing Director for the new Faith Based Journal and to the religious community to serve you with your marketing and communications needs as you truly seek to achieve the Great Commission by spreading the Gospel to all the nations.
How to Experience TRUE HAPPINESS
appiness is a choice. Everyone is in the pursuit of happiness. Entire sections of bookstores are devoted to finding it. Women’s magazines feature quizzes with titles like, “How Do You Rate on the Happiness Scale?” People climb mountains, take Pilates, and run marathons. People drink, take drugs, and take unsafe risks. All in the quest for happiness. Obviously, happiness is not easily obtained. Some people believe it is a myth. Yet some people claim that they are truly happy. People have been claiming this for centuries. The truth is, happiness can be found in a life with Jesus Christ. Bad things still happen. Happy people still get sad, still get angry, but they have somewhere to take these feelings. They have a personal relationship with a personal God, a God who knows all their wants, all their needs, before they even ask. When they feel unhappy, they are able to go to God. This brings peace. This brings joy. This makes them happy. In the Book of John, Chapter 15, Christ tells us that He is the vine, and that God is the gardener. We, the believers, are the vine’s branches, and we bear fruit. This is an apt metaphor, because it shows us March 2011
that God wants us to be fruitful. Verse 8 says, “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” By living well, by bearing fruit, we glorify God. God wants us to be happy. Our happiness glorifies Him. Our happiness makes God happy. In this same chapter, Jesus tells us that we cannot bear fruit unless we remain in the vine. Is it possible that true happiness is actually impossible, unless we try it via the vine, via Jesus Christ? In Verse 7, Christ says, “If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you.” This sounds too simple, doesn’t it? If we remain in Christ, if we meditate on His Word, keep His Word in our hearts, we can ask for anything our hearts desire. And according to this verse, it is God’s true desire to grant us our desires. In Verse 11, Jesus says, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” Sometimes it is not easy to believe in these promises. No, faith is not supposed to be easy. If it were, then everybody would be faithful. Faith requires a willful submission to beliefs that sometimes won’t make sense to us. Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and
certain of what we do not see.” It’s not supposed to be easy. But we are called to do it anyway. In Matthew 17, Christ says, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” If faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, if with faith in God, nothing is impossible, doesn’t that make our individual happiness seem like a fairly simple task? Not only does God want us to be happy, but it is a simple undertaking for Him. He’s the God of the universe, of all that has been and will be. Surely He can make me happy. But I have to have faith. Even when things go wrong, we need to have faith. The Bible says, “He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Belief in God does not create a protective bubble around us. We see crime. We see cancer. We see war. We see these things, and we ask ourselves, why? We ask God, why? We wonder, how we can ever be happy in a world so torn? But Romans 8:28 tells us, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” All these things hap-
pening in the world, all these things that hurt us and confuse us, all these things are somehow going to work for good. How do we know? We have to have faith. We’re back to the mustard seed. When something bad happens, we have to believe that it is for a greater good, that it is all part of God’s plan. Sometimes, we even feel guilty for our happiness. This is the world talking, not the Holy Spirit. We should never feel guilty for our joy. Our joy is a gift from God, and by letting the world see our joy, even in the midst of so much pain, we let the world see our faith. By showing the world our faith, we show them our God. Our happiness glorifies Him. Our happiness is a gift from Him. All we have to do is reach out and accept it. Sometimes, we even feel guilty for our happiness. This is the world talking, not the Holy Spirit. We should never feel guilty for our joy. Our joy is a gift from God, and by letting the world see our joy, even in the midst of so much pain, we let the world see our faith. By showing the world our faith, we show them our God. Our happiness glorifies Him. Our happiness is a gift from Him. All we have to do is reach out and accept it. 15.
March 2011
Understanding Charitable Choice
By Dr. Pamela Randolph Contributing Writer
haritable Choice is language in the federal law that opens the door to allow faith-based organizations to compete for government funding to provide social services for the poor and needy. It does not provide separate funding for faith-based organizations. It is a vehicle that opens the door to allow groups who were previously excluded to compete. Charitable Choice is designed to improve faith-based organizations’ access to federal funding. Thus, Charitable Choice is channel that makes it possible for all kinds of religious organizations to compete alongside other groups to become a chosen supplier of governmental services. This new language forbids the government from discriminating against religious groups when making funding decisions by clearing up the confusion. It also puts into the law particular protection of the religious character of organizations that accept government funding. This means faith-based providers are allowed to retain control over the definition, development, practice, and expression of their religious beliefs. The religious provider gets to continue exercising its internal governance. It may continue to display religious art, icons, scripture or other symbols. Neither the federal nor the state government can ask it to change governance or remove it’s religious symbols in order to participate in the program. At this time, Charitable Choice applies only to three block grant programs, according to Health and Human Services. Those programs are: Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, Community Services Block Grant and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdMarch 2011
ministration. Charitable Choice is designed to give equal access and to level the playing field when competing for the opportunity to provide government funded social services. It allows faith-based organizations to fairly compete against all other organizations to provide any of the services that the government is seeking. For the funds that are governed by Charitable Choice rules, there is a wide-open door for competition. The rules of Charitable Choice also protect those being served by the faithbased organization. For instance, the faith-based organization may offer inherently religious activities such as prayer and discipleship training. But participants must voluntarily participate in these religious activities. The activities must be separate and paid for with private funds, not funds from the block grant programs. A person who is being served for computer training must receive that training. When offering a prayer time or bible study to the individual, it must be offered outside the class time or outside the time for the government funded services. Opportunities to participate in these activities may be offered; however, they must be strictly voluntary and have absolutely no bearing on the quality of service the individual would otherwise receive. Of course the age-old question of separation of church and state surfaces when government funds are involved. This means that faith-based organizations that receive funding must keep careful track of government funds and may be subject to an audit. All recipients must be served equally, without discrimination. The funds received through the block grant programs must be used to fulfill the public social service goals. Funds cannot be diverted and used for inherent religious activities, such as, religious instruction, prayer or evangelistic outreach. Well, what is the track record on government implementation of Charitable Choice? Like most other things with the government, it is moving slowly. State and local governments have moved at a snail’s pace in evaluating their procurement processes. The necessary reforms are dawdling along in most government agencies. Even though Charitable Choice is a non-optional federal requirement, it is up to state and local governments to practice it. In places where reforms have not been implemented, many faith-based
organizations are still excluded from competing for government funds. The good news is that according to a national report card published by The Center for Public Justice, the state of Texas receives an A+ for “First and most aggressive compliance with Charitable Choice. Gov. Bush (R) initiated taskforce, rewrite of procurement rules, and redesign of procurement process and spending programs to maximize openness to faith-based organizations (FBOs).” “The grades were given solely for compliance with Charitable Choice--evaluating the extent to which a state’s procurement policies and practices conform to the specific new requirements of Charitable Choice.” Until state and local officials make changes in what the governments actually do in the procurement process, Charitable
Choice remains only a promise and not a reality in some jurisdictions. One creative way to encourage state and local officials to comply with Charitable Choice is go to forfaithgroups and download and circulate a Charitable Choice Petition asking that the law be put into practice. Charitable Choice is opening doors for faith-based groups to take a greater role in helping to provide needed services in their communities. Helping others is the true bases of these organizations and many are able to do more with just a little more help. Information referenced from The Center for Public Justice and the United States Department of Health and Human Services website--
Partnering for Impact
By Maceo Smeadley Contributing Writer Any organization that wants to truly make a difference should not do it alone. If it is your desire to leave a lasting legacy or make an impact that will last, it is highly advised that you partner with organizations that can do what you can not. Let’s face it, your mission is only maximized when ever you are able to focus on what you do best and outsource what others can do better than you. It is to the detriment of organizations that have a “does it all” attitude, but it is a blessing when organizations understand the power of partnering for impact. As a new church, The Promise Church has had to help many people with limited resources. We have known for quite some time that the best way to make a great impact was to partner with other organizations that
shared our same passion for making a difference. Therefore the relationship between The Promise Church and the Houston Pregnancy Center was born. After learning about this organizations phenomenal purpose of sharing the gospel to expecting mothers, and prenatal care with an anti-abortion message, we knew we had to do something to help. In 2010 we gave two car loads of gifts to an expecting mother who did not know how she was going to keep her child and survive financially at the same time. Those gifts gave this mother hope and a renewed outlook on life. Not only did she keep her child and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but she eventually gave her life to Christ. This year we decided to do more. We took up a special offering to go towards the annual budget of The Houston Pregnancy Center so that we can feel a part of the wonderful work that they do. If making an impact is important to you, consider some of the other foundations that your organization can partner with. If you do not have the means to help them financially extend a helping hand by mobilizing volunteers and offering manpower. If you do this you will see your ability to impact the world grow exponentially. 17.
God’s Message to Hurting Women:
“I Can Heal You”
The number one question that people ask of God is why He allows suffering to come to them. This question has caused more than one pause for minister and layperson alike. As a woman, it can seem like your suffering has gone unnoticed. After all, women are the keepers of the earth and home. You look after your families much like the woman mentioned in Proverbs 31. You don’t clothe them with scarlet but you do pray for them and that covers them with the blood of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, when it comes to dealing with your own pain and hurt, there seems to be no one there for you. Maybe your heart is broken over a divorce. It could be that someone has brutalized you physically or mentally. You have learned to hide your pain and go on for the sake of the kids or for your livelihood. After all, the bills don’t stop coming because we are hurt. Even at church on Sunday, you greet others with a smile that hides deep suffering inside. But how far can that really
get you? Some women feel that there is strength in pain. The truth is that there is strength but not that way. When the hurt is that great, even your soul aches. In this life, it seems quite unfair that the deeds of the guilty can go unpunished. The only way that you see to stay in the “game of life” is to deny your pain and thus, a big part of yourself. God wants you to know right now that just will not do. Did you know that His heart is broken when your heart is broken? If Jesus wept for Lazarus in his death, he is surely weeping at the feet of the Almighty for your life. John 3:16 tells us that God loved every human being so much that He sent His only son, Jesus, to be a living sacrifice for us once and for all time. Does that sound like a God who doesn’t want your hurt to be healed? God stands ready at the door of your heart to come in and change your life. There is one thing that you need to know: God is not like any man, woman
or child that you have ever met. Even the most loving person in your life will let you down. It may not be their intention but it is human nature. God is not a man. He will never lie to you or make a promise to you that He doesn’t intend to keep. It’s time for you to hear God’s message of healing for your life.
believer but the non-believer as well. It is human nature to hold onto pain and try to rationalize how you feel about it. God says to cast the burden of that hurt on Him. Pray right now, wherever you are for God to heal every part of you from the pain that you are experiencing. Let Him be your strength. To all who mourn in Israel, Read the following verses: he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. The faithful love of the Lord never ends! In their righteousness, they will be His mercies never cease. like great oaks 23Great is his faithfulness; that the Lord has planted for his own his mercies begin afresh each morning. glory. -Isaiah 61:3 -Lamentations 3:22-23 God desires to sustain you with His love. It is an everlasting love that no man or woman can understand. You have to accept it on faith. Remember the faith you had as a child? That same childlike faith is what God works through to heal your heart, mind and soul. This is not just a promise for the
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. -Isaiah 40:31
Paul looked to God to enable him to do everything, and he encourages us to do the same. This verse is one more instance of the Bible trying to stress to us that our strength comes directly from God. We are not strengthened by Him and then sent on our merry way to face the trials and difficulties life throws at us. God is not a motivational speaker. He does not merely encourage us to buck up, get in there, and make it happen. Rather, our strength comes directly from Him through our intimate connection and dependence on Him minute by minute. If we see this verse, or any other verse
in the Bible, as telling us that we have everything we need already inside us to handle every problem that comes along, we are misinterpreting the Word. However, if we see this verse as telling us that no matter what trials or temptations assault us in this life, if we turn to God in dependence upon Him, He will supply the strength, wisdom, and way to endure them. Then we have a correct understanding of the promise of God in this section of His Word. Seeking to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to help them become “transformed by the renewing of their mind.”
God Will Not Give You More Than You Can Handle, Or Will He? Often, when someone is experiencing difficulty in their lives, someone else will say to them, “Don’t worry, God won’t give you any more than you can handle.” The verse most often quoted to support this is first Corinthians 10:13: No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. (NASB) Many times this verse is interpreted to mean that God will not allow us to experience any more heartache or difficulties than we can withstand. It is understood to mean that, since He knows how much we can bear, He will only allow difficulties right up to the point where we will break, but stops just before we are overwhelmed. We are tested just to the point where one more thing would be more than we could withstand on our own. It is believed that March 2011
this is a promise to believers that God will not give us more than we can cope with. While the motives behind this interpretation are usually honest and loving, many times the person undergoing the difficulty is simply encouraged to look inside and think that he or she is strong enough to handle whatever comes up because God has promised a limit to their struggles. It is believed that we have all we need already inside us. However; this can, and often does, have the effect of turning the focus upon oneself instead of on God, where it should be. The person begins to rely on himself instead of looking to God for strength. This can lead to a self-dependence instead of God dependence. This is not what this verse means. God doesn’t want to sit back and watch us take care of ourselves. He wants us to depend on Him for everything. The apostle Paul said that he could do all things through Christ who strengthened him.
Living on Discovering YOUR Borrowed Faith Spiritual Personality
By Madeline “Carla” Kirksey Contributing Writer One of the most studied scriptures on faith would definitely be Hebrews 11. As a matter of fact, Hebrews 11:1 is perhaps the most recited scripture ever; Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. In this faith-filled passage the writer takes us on a journey through our past. This passage relives the faith journey of men and women who stood strong on God’s promise. Why did the writer take us back over the lives of these great faith soldiers? Hebrews 11:40 elaborates on why this exploration is important to our generation today; God planned to give us something very special so that we would gain eternal life with them. This passage teaches the solidarity of humanity in their works as well as, in their journey. To explain, the men of our present require the faith of the men of our past. Each one of these men and women of faith had a direct assignment from God and each needed an overwhelming amount of faith to see it through. Noah was asked to build an ark because rain would cover the whole earth. Noah had to have faith to be obedient, especially since no one ever saw rain before. Abraham was asked to leave his father’s house and go to a land that God would show him. Abraham needed faith to leave without knowing. The reflections continue throughout this passage with one faith story after another. Nothing else throughout the scripture was written that could show the power of faith and commitment than the records in this chapter. Unfortunately, through trials, temptations, persecution, and betrayal, most of these great soldiers believed without evidence of success, although it may have seemed. These invaluable records were created to help maintain our faith whenever we go through the rocky times in our March 2011
lives. These faith soldiers are our encouragement to keep on keeping on. Knowing that through these men and women of faith, the promises that were believed to be theirs, also pertain to us; we are living on borrowed faith. Today we live in what many consider to be a microwave society, we want everything now. We are losing focus of the generation of our past. The key is to understand the whole system of revelation was not completed all at once or even in one generation. Knowing this fact, we should have faith strong enough to stand. God is a right now God, but His now, is not our now. The fact that we try to place God in our realm of thinking, is a mistake that most believes make. We need to believe that if God makes a promise, it will come to past, no matter what. That promise may manifest years later, however, it will happen. The written views of Hebrews 11 relates closely to the construction of worship centers in the Middle Ages. The building of Medieval Cathedrals started with selected craftsmen. A craftsman could begin the building of a Cathedral but even that man’s grandson wouldn’t see it finished. The process of building a Cathedral took long because the building season could only take place in the summer. During the summer months the weather would be at its best. Along with that, each craftsman methodically carved the appearance of each Cathedral. The supplies to construct the Cathedral were also limited. However, as with the faith soldiers in the Hebrews scripture, the satisfaction of seeing a Cathedral finished in their lifetime was none. For the craftsmen, their rewards came from imagining that their sons or grandsons would one day pray in a building that their ancestor helped to build. Just like these selected craftsmen, the selected faith soldiers imagined a greater tomorrow. Although these powerful people may not have seen the complete promise, if we could call the role, neither of them would have any complaints. These great men understood that each stage of faith and work gathers up into itself the fruits of the previous stages. The prophecy may not have seemed to be complete, however, for each it was. In most cases, the purpose of their journey was to position us for ours. God planned to give us something very special, that something was faith so that through our beliefs we would maintain eternal life with our future generation. We should learn to glorify God for allowing us to live on borrowed faith. For that faith can live on through one generation after another (eternal) as long as we continue to believe.
By Sharon C. Jenkins Contributing Writer God has designed us to specifically fulfill a divine purpose while we are in our earth suits. Everyone has a personality that has God’s fingerprint on it. The Master Creator who “knew” us before we were even conceived in our mother’s womb programmed us with a spiritual DNA, specifically designed for a kingdom purpose. Because we live in a fallen world it is sometimes difficult to uncover that personality because we often get caught up in the world system’s way of doing things that we miss the gentle leading of the Holy Spirit. This often happens to believers but for the unbelievers they need to reconnect to the Master Creator in order to accurately discover their “spiritual personality.” We initially were created for the pleasure of God. He longed for fellowship and created “man” but gave us freewill to choose to love Him and to follow His commands. His gift to us in exchange was an abundant life where all our needs and desires were met and sweet uninterrupted companionship with Him. God’s first gift to mankind was life itself, then a job, then a companion. Adam learned to commune with God before He learned anything else. He developed a relationship and he was educated on who God was and why he existed. I propose that it is critical to fellowship with God, your Master Designer in order to fully understand who you are and your divine purpose. Like Adam you have a choice as to follow it once you discover what it is but you are mandated as a believer to discover it. I petition you to do so as we take this spiritual journey into discovering your personality. It is merely a tool that we will use to bring clarity to how you
are wired and why God wired you that way. There are four personality types: Popular Sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy, and Peaceful Phlegmatic. The names themselves indicate the major characteristic of the individual that posses that personality type. These personalities or temperaments as Socrates first described them, were originally based on various bodily characteristics that were dominant in our earth suits. Such as a Sanguine had hot pulsating blood circulating through their veins, and the Choleric an inordinate amount of yellow bile in their system, the Melancholy had black bile and the Phlegmatic had phlegm in their system. This is as scientific as we are going to get in describing the personalities. Socrates did his research on fresh cadavers, I don’t plan on cutting you open for this journey but we will be doing some defining and refining during this process. Needless to say the Master Designer gave us all a unique design equipping us to leave a heavenly mark on the earth. We just have to accept the challenge to find out what that truly is and step into fulfilling our destiny. Welcome aboard! Sharon C. Jenkins is a motivational speaker and workshop facilitator and serves as the Inspirational Principal for The Master Communicator & Associates and is the mastermind behind the successful 2010 Authors Networking Summit. Known as The Master Communicator, author Sharon Jenkins is proficient in communicating the plight of the abused child in her revelatory book, Beyond the Closet Door. In her advocacy she has also started a writer’s workshop series for children who are often victims of abuse, the children of the incarcerated, called Speak Little Children Writer’s Initiative. She is a board member with No More Victims, Inc. and A Heart Like Hers Foundation. She has written for Gospel Truth Magazine and Newspaper, Ladies First Magazine, The Minority Executive Report, Favor Magazine, Just Magazine, Houston Style and DMars Business Journal. She is currently a contributor to Beauty Come Forth EMagazine. Sharon has also co-authored two other books, Songs of Three Sisters and Ready, Set, Succeed, Making Your Dream Come True. She is currently working on her PhD at Union Institute and University in Public Policy and Social Justice and is an MLK Scholar. 19.
A Call To Action
A Town Hall meeting was held by several organizations, including the N.A.A.C.P., L.U.L.A.C. and Ministers Against Crime, joined by a long list of religious groups and church leaders hosted by Bishop James W. E. Dixon II of the Community of Faith Church. This community Town Hall Meeting was to evoke the citizens of the community to get involved with current issues that affect our community.
. Dixon II E . W s e m a Bishop J community e th r fo p u s Speak
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How Faith Works You don’t need any special equipment or knowledge to have faith. Faith is believing in something you can’t see, or something you haven’t experienced, yet you know it’s there. Faith is the assurance of the answer to all we take to God in prayer. The three basic tenets regarding faith include: • Asking • Believing • Receiving Does this mean that you’ll get everything you ask for from God? Not necessarily. God, in His own infinite wisdom knows what we need. However, by asking for help, support, love, or understanding, and sometimes, even material things, we should humble ourselves and ask with a sincere heart. How do you ask for faith from God? Open your heart. Dig deep into your soul and know that you’re asking for salvation. Asking anything from anyone requires believing that the person is there. The same goes for God. When you ask for faith, you must believe that God exists, and that He can hear and respond to you. “Now faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not is there for you. Believe that no stress or seen.” — Hebrews 11:1 worry is too little for God to deal with. Believing is another powerful as- God cares for everyone. Receiving a gift is easy, most of the pect of faith. We’ve heard the story of Doubting Thomas and his need to see time. You extend your hand, receive the the wounds of Christ before he would gift, and offer thanks. However, receivbelieve He had risen from the dead. As ing the gift of faith goes a little deeper the Bible says, “Blessed are those who be- than that. It means relinquishing hulieve without seeing.” Belief is a powerful man pride and opening your heart to concept, one that carries great depths of the workings of a mysterious power that we cannot see. Faith requires believing emotion and strength. without seeing. It requires trust. “We walk by faith, not by sight” “Ask , and it will be given to you; — 2 Corinthians 5:7 seek and you will find, knock , and it will Believing that God is the only one be opened to you. For everyone who asks that can help or save us means placing receives, and he who seeks finds, and to our entire trust and loyalty in Him and him who knocks it will be opened.” His power. Does that mean that you – Matthew 7:7-9 shouldn’t try at all? Not at all. While we should place our burdens and concerns Sometimes, the gift of faith is rein God’s hands, we also need to take ceived through constant seeking, or it courage to make changes in our own may be immediate. The key is to search lives. Trust and faith in God that you your heart, to ask in sincerity, to believe have the ability to do so, no matter your deeply and truly, and to be open and recircumstances, is as important as asking ceptive to the receipt of faith. for help and believing you will receive God tells us that we should believe such help. without doubt, because God is pleased Believe in yourself. Believe that God by such depth of faith and rewards the
faithful. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you,” says Jesus. Asking, believing, and receiving faith goes way beyond asking for temporary favors, but requires an effort by the individual doing the asking to truly attempt to understand and know God, to live a life that will please God, and to continually place your life under God’s guidance and control. “Listen to me ! You can pray for anything and if you believe you will have it.” –Mark 11:24 Faith works in mysterious ways, and not everyone will ask for help the same way, believe in God the same way, or even receive gifts from God in the same manner. While you may not receive a physical or material package, the act of asking, believing and receiving faith requires open arms, open heart, and open mind. Faith has the power to change your life. Open your arms, ask, believe, and receive. Be assured that with God there is always a way, with God there is always right answers.
The By-Products of a Storm
By Pastor Freddie L. Davis, III Contributing Writer Having spent my entire life as a resident of the Gulf Coast, I am familiar with the devastation that so often accompanies storms. Still the catastrophic results of Hurricane Katrina took me by surprise. Just a little over five years ago, my family and I found ourselves in the middle of what we later learned would be a pivotal point in not only our physical but our spiritual lives. What may have appeared to be a hurricane to most, to us, was a test of faith and commitment to God. As we evacuated, fleeing what apMarch 2011
peared to be a Category 5 hurricane, we traveled through the sugar cane fields of rural Louisiana. Having packed only three days’ worth of clothing, in our wildest imagination, we could not have conceived that our city, our neighborhood and even our very home would be destroyed. Only later would we discover that our home had been ravished by four feet of nasty, filthy swamp water. We lost furniture, clothing, irreplaceable mementos, but most of all, our sense of security. Relatives, who had migrated to the Greater Houston Area years before, welcomed us into their homes with open arms. The Fellowship of Believers Baptist Church, pastored by our cousin, Julian Davis, III, embraced us and provided a platform for us to continue to do ministry. It was while we were there that I was approached to interview for the position of pastor at New Greater Faith Baptist Church. What a turn of events! What started out as a tumultuous storm in our lives, transformed into a season of spiritual growth! Both physical and spiritual storms are characterized by whistling winds and rain. In a spiritual storm, the “Great Distractor”, who is the Prince of the Air,
affects our capacity to hear God clearly. The whistling winds and rain can come in the form of physical illness, depression, financial loss, family issues, etc. As believers, we often allow these issues to impede the opportunity to have real interaction with the Father. Just as during a physical storm power lines are damaged, leaving us in the dark, in a spiritual storm we often allow ourselves to feel alone and hopeless. In a physical storm, often telephone lines are down and our mobile phones cannot receive signals. The same thing happens when we allow ourselves to get distracted and take our focus off of the message God is trying to impart. The epistle writer, James, reminds us that we ought to count it all joy when we fall into various trials, because the trying of our faith produces patience. Patience is a by-product of a spiritual storm. In a physical storm, there is nothing we can do to change it; we must just wait it out. In a spiritual storm, typically we are forced to exercise patience and wait on the Lord. The apostle Paul tells us that patience brings experience. Experience is an important by-product of a storm. Having endured many physical storms in life, many of us have become adept at assem-
bling a storm kit, complete with flashlights, candles, batteries, water and the like. As Christians, we must learn to have our spiritual storm kits readily available. Our spiritual storm kits should include the tools that God has given us. The bible says that the Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. The Word brings illumination, so that we should never be in darkness again. The gospel writer John, tells us that if we abide in the Word and the Word abides in us, that we can receive what we need. This is a metaphor telling us to stay plugged into our power source, which is God the Father. Moreover, we are reminded by John that Jesus is living water and if we drink of Him, we shall never thirst again. The Word declares that we as Christians are overcomers by the words of our testimonies. Yet, we will never be overcomers until we have overcome some storms. The Bible tells us that weeping endures for a night but joy comes in the morning! In February of 2006, I accepted the position of pastor at New Greater Faith Baptist Church, confirming that the storm, Hurricane Katrina, blew me directly into my destiny! 22.
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