any Americans may be rededicating themselves to getting outside and focusing on their fitness. This may be especially important after so much time spent inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which contributed to unwanted weight gain for 61% of Americans.
your strength. Finally, heart rate monitors or activity trackers may help you evaluate performance during individual workouts and over time, while digital fitness apps may provide helpful instruction.
Make movement a priority. Even if you don't have a limited or full gym setup at home, it is crucial to still stay active and not fall into the trap of participating only in sedentary activities, such as binge-watching the latest TV series or movies. Consider taking short walks frequently throughout the day, aiming for six separate "mini-walks" of at least 300 to 500 steps. To help enhance cardiovascular fitness, consider at least one 30-minute "brisk walk" of at least 2,000 to 3,000 steps each day. To help build endurance, consider working toward 8,000 to 10,000 aggregate steps per day. Moving more and sitting less may help boost the immune system, ease joint pain and curb cravings for high-sugar foods that may contribute to inflammation and disease, according to a recent study.
To help with those efforts, here are three strategies to consider to help make health a priority year-round.
Round out your home workout routine. While public gyms and group exercise classes may have appeal for many people, working out at home may have several advantages. At-home exercise is typically less expensive than a gym membership, which may also help improve your financial fitness. Exercising at home may provide greater flexibility and convenience when incorporating a workout into a daily routine, while offering a more private experience. To help make the most of your at-home exercise efforts, consider investing in resistance bands, which generally are an inexpensive, space-saving option that may help with pre-workout warmups and options
Identify intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. In general, people may be motivated by a combination of intrinsic factors, such as wanting to maintain a healthy weight, and extrinsic factors, such as financial rewards. Daily exercise may offer several intrinsic motivators, given research has shown consistent movement may help ward off depression and prevent issues like heart disease. To potentially earn incentives for pursuing healthier habits, it's important to note that a majority of U.S. employers offer well-being programs, many of which include financial rewards for healthy activities such as walking, going to the gym or meeting certain health benchmarks (e.g., cholesterol levels, body mass index or non-nicotine use). Importantly, some health plans offer access to wearable devices that may enable people to earn more than $1,000 per year in fi
"Whether you are ready to return to public fitness centers or are pursuing an at-home workout routine, the same priorities may remain key: daily exercise, proper nutrition and sufficient sleep," said Dr. Donna O'Shea, chief medical officer of population health, UnitedHealthcare.
Throughout the past year, you may have heard about plasma in terms of its potential use in treating COVID-19. However, for more than 80 years, plasma has been a lifeline for thousands of people who live with rare and chronic complex conditions. Plasma donations are critical in helping save lives because they are used to make life-sustaining medicine. Even with the global pandemic shedding light on the role of plasma in fighting disease, many people may not know how thousands around the country rely on plasma every day.
Here are 5 key reasons why you should consider donating plasma today.
Plasma carries out a variety of functions in the body, including helping the body fight disease. Plasma donations are processed into life-saving medicine for people with rare and chronic conditions including immunodeficiency disorders. Often, there are no alternative treatments for these conditions. Plasma donations are life-changing and provide an opportunity
for patients around the country to live a happier and healthier life.
2. Plasma cannot be manufactured in a lab
Even with all of the scientific advances we have in the healthcare industry, medicine developed from plasma can only be made from plasma donated from healthy adults. Plasma cannot be manufactured in a lab or any other artificial environment. Because of this, plasma has become a scarce yet life-changing resource for people who rely on these plasma-based medicines.
3. The plasma donation process is safe and fast
Thousands of people donate plasma safely every day. Donating plasma is a low-risk procedure with minimal or no side effects. On a donor's first visit to a plasma donation center, the whole process, including a physical examination, medical screening and the plasma donation, usually takes about two hours. Future visits take less time. Because the body quickly replenishes the plasma removed during the donation process, healthy individuals may donate as often as twice in a seven-day period, with at least one day between donations. To learn more about the donation process visit www. biolifeplasma.com.
4. Many individuals are eligible to donate plasma
To donate plasma, an individual must be at least 18 years of age, weigh at least 110 pounds and pass all other required donor eligibility criteria in order to protect the donor's health and safety of the plasma. That said, healthy individuals who are eligible to donate their plasma can do so, regardless of their race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.
more urgent than ever. Global demand for these therapies has increased over the past 20 years - and continues to grow due to more rare diseases being identified as well as more patients being diagnosed. However, all of us have the power to make a difference through plasma donation and potentially help save lives.
The need for plasma is greater than ever and BioLife Plasma Services is welcoming plasma donors to help at centers around the country. In addition to potentially making a positive impact on someone's life, plasma donors are compensated in recognition of the time, commitment and the effort required for their donation. Find a plasma donation center near you at www.biolifeplasma.com, or by downloading the BioLife App.
5. There is an urgent need for plasma donations
With plasma donations lower than usual through the pandemic and the demand for medicine developed from plasma growing worldwide, the need for plasma is
Source: BPT
Here are 5 key reasons why you should consider donating plasma today.
preferably sunlight during the fall and winter months.
Tami V. Allen, MS, LPC Contributing WriterThe holidays are an opportunity to spend time with your family and friends and enjoy food and fellowship. However, there are some individuals who spend the holidays alone as they may not have a close network of family and friends. These individuals spending the holidays alone may encounter bouts of depression they may not experience during other times of the year.
This type of depression is identified as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is a recurring form of depression that occurs during the changes in seasons, usually beginning in late fall and continuing into the winter months. SAD (also called winter blues) depression typically subsides in the spring or early summer, which is usually a period of exuberance and energy.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)[1], SAD is classified as a major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, which is a subtype of depression that consists of mood changes linked to seasonal changes. The diagnostic specifier “with seasonal pattern” can describe a seasonal pattern of symptoms in both major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. While men are not exempt from experiencing this form of depression, women are four times more likely to experience SAD and the age of onset is estimated to be between 18 and 30 years[2]
SAD is prevalent amongst individuals already experiencing social isolation, have minimal exposure to (sun) light, financial stress, working during the holidays and unable to spend time with family and friends, substance abuse, and other mental health disorders. Some of the signs and symptoms include feeling depressed most of the day nearly every day, fatigue and decreased motivation, disruptive sleep patterns, increased/ decreased appetite, hopelessness, and occasionally passive or active suicidal ideation.
While all symptoms may not subside, some of the following treatments may be helpful:
• Regular exposure to bright light,
• Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants increase serotonin which is involved in regulating mood, sleep cycles, hormonal activity, cognition, and metabolism.
• Talk therapy to discuss feelings and emotions affected during this period.
• Initiating or increasing social connections with friends and family, avoiding social isolation.
To help one overcome seasonal depression, it is important they be aware of what is happening and implement the above tips along with seeking out social and/or professional support.
My goal as a therapist is to work with individuals and couples to help bridge the gaps in your interpersonal development that subsequently affects your relationships.
For more information about me and my services, please visit my website at www. AllenCounselingGroup.com. You can also reach me by email at Tami@AllenCounselingGroup.com or by phone at (713) 597-4499. Visit me on the web at www.AllenCounselingGroup.com.
Tami Vienn Allen is the owner of Allen Counseling Group and specializes in relationship counseling.
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1. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) Arlington, Va, USA: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. [Google Scholar]
2. Rosenthal N. What is seasonal affective disorder? Answers from the doctor who first described the condition. Dr. Rosenthal's personal website, http://www.normanrosenthal. com/seasonal-affective-disorder/
Finding out you are pregnant is life-changing and you may experience a range of emotions. New parents have lots on their plate, especially with concerns around COVID-19. This can leave many feeling overwhelmed from information and advice, which can lead to skipping the important step of making appointments for themselves and their baby.
"Pregnancy can be an exciting time for many. However, pregnancy can also bring a lot of questions, wondering and worry for women and their partners," says Dr. Carolyn Brooks, senior director, Clinical Capability, UnitedHealthcare Community & State. "It's important to take steps throughout the pregnancy to connect to care and resources that can support mom and baby, from early in pregnancy all the way into the first years of a baby's life."
Dr. Brooks and the experts at UnitedHealthcare share some important things pregnant women should know during the pandemic and beyond:
provider. In some instances, you may have an option to use telehealth for some appointments, which allows you to meet with your provider over a phone or computer and is a safe option, if recommended.
Other appointments will still need to take place in person. Health care facilities are taking extra steps to ensure a safe, clean environment. You can be proactive and help stay healthy during in-person visits by practicing social distancing, washing your hands often and wearing a mask.
The CDC recommends a COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant women so make sure to ask your health care provider when you should get this vaccine and other important vaccinations to protect you and your baby.
To ensure optimal health for you and your baby, prenatal appointments are essential and the earlier in the pregnancy the better. At the first appointment, a health care expert will confirm your pregnancy and work with you to determine a healthy plan for the future. During your prenatal appointments, your provider will measure your weight and blood pressure and screen for conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, anemia and hepatitis B, which are important to detect and treat during pregnancy.
This is also a good time to ask questions you may have or explore any early symptoms like morning sickness you may be experiencing to learn about common management and nutrition. You can also ask about the many programs and resources that can help you throughout your pregnancy, from getting you access to prenatal vitamins and baby supplies to connecting you to case management programs, group support options and other programs that could address substance use and behavioral health needs.
There are a variety of programs that can help you get what you need for a successful pregnancy, continuing into the first years of your child's life. Use the many community resources available, ask your health care team to assist in supporting your care coordination and utilize the opportunities for enhanced programs from your insurance provider. When you inquire, you may find you qualify for numerous programs, particularly if you're experiencing difficult times.
As a first step, if you are a UnitedHealthcare member, you can call the number on your insurance card to determine what resources are available to you as there are a range of programs and support services the company can offer or connect you with.
Even during COVID-19, you should keep prenatal and postpartum appointments with your healthcare
Being pregnant or taking care of a new baby during COVID-19 may have you feeling uncertain, nervous or wor ried. You aren't alone. These are normal feelings to have, espe cially dur ing a pan demic, and it's impor tant to first ac knowledge and then take steps to ask for help when needed to manage stress, anx iety or depression during this time.
While it can be difficult, try to focus on yourself and your mental health. Practicing self-care by creating a daily rou tine and taking br eaks from the news can help. If you're feeling lonely or isolated, talk to fam ily, friends o r your healthcare provider. You are not alone in this journey.
By Stacy M. Brown NNPA Newswire SeniorPfizer and BioNTech officials have confirmed that they have approached federal regulators to authorize emergency use of their coronavirus vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.
It’s estimated that more than 28 million children would become eligible if the request meets approval. With school re-openings contributing to an uptick in Covid-19 diagnosis, many have expressed a desire for vaccines for children.
“Over the past nine months, hundreds of millions of people ages 12 and older from around the world have received our COVID-19 vaccine,” Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, said last month after a clinical trial reportedly found that the Covid-19 vaccine was safe and generated a “robust antibody response” in children ages 5 to 11.
The September study counted as the first such results released for that age group for a US Covid-19 vaccine.
“We are eager to extend the protection afforded by the vaccine to this younger population, subject to regulatory authorization, especially as we track the spread of the Delta variant and the sub - stantial threat it poses to children,” Bourla said.
Source: BPT
“Since July, pediatric cases of COVID-19 have risen by about 240 percent in the U.S. – underscoring the public health need for vaccination. These trial results provide a strong foundation for seeking authorization of our vaccine for children 5 to 11 years old, and we plan to submit them to the FDA and other regulators with urgency.”