MThe globe’s number 1 food tracking and nutrition app is shining a light on sugar consumption and uncovering hidden sugars in foods across the world yFitnessPal, the comprehensive nutrition, and fitness tracking app, is encouraging people to dial back the sweets and pump-up heart health as they launch the Less Sweet, More Heart campaign for February’s Heart Health Month. In four of the top five sugar-logging countries - Australia, Canada, U.K., and U.S. - MyFitnessPal is commemorating the global focus on heart health with giant heart-shaped sugar structures in major cities including Sydney, Toronto, London and Miami. Knowing that more than 50% of people surveyed worldwide said they want to decrease their sugar consumption, MyFitnessPal is also sharing low sugar recipes, meal ideas and simple sugar swaps available now on the free app.
“Even those of us who don’t think we have a sweet tooth would be surprised by how much sugar we’re consuming. A lot of the foods we enjoy every day have a surprising amount of hidden sugar,” explains Tricia Han, CEO of MyFitnessPal. “Tracking is a great way to gain a better understanding of just how much sugar is in the foods you’re eating, and we’re sharing some simple swaps and ideas that can help keep that amount in the healthy recommended range.”
According to the American Heart Association, an average American adult consumes 77 grams of sugar per day, which is nearly three times more than the recommended amount. Much of that comes from
food that contains hidden sugar, including those foods regularly touted as “healthy” such as flavored yogurts and oatmeals. To add to the confusion, there are an estimated 50 different names for sugar and sweeteners that can be found on nutrition labels. To take the guesswork out of the equation, tracking food with the free MyFitnessPal app will accurately provide a quick snapshot of daily sugar intake along with longer-term trends.
health changes (check out #MFPSugarSwaps for even more inspiration).
Swap flavored yogurt for plain Greek yogurt topped with one teaspoon honey and fresh fruit. Not only did sugar decreased but fiber and protein increased. If eaten daily, this swap can potentially save 14,600 calories, or four pounds, in a year.
Opt for plain rolled or steel oats over flavored oatmeal. Jazz up this breakfast staple with spices like cinnamon and fresh fruits like chopped apples. If eaten daily, this swap can potentially save 16,060 calories, or four-anda-half pounds, in a year.
Small snacks can contain a lot of added sugar. Some snack bars contain up to 14 grams of added sugar, which is the equivalent of 3.5 sugar cubes. Try replacing this on-the-go fuel with brands that tout no added sugar. This swap can potentially save up to 20,440 calories, or six pounds, in a year.
Sugar Smarts Survey
MyFitnessPal recently surveyed over 4,300 people in the four countries and discovered some surprising findings including:
Over 50% of people surveyed said sugar is the number one thing they’re trying to eat less of
Over a third of people surveyed said they had no idea how many calories are in one teaspoon of sugar, in fact only 20% of Americans answered correctly: one teaspoon of sugar contains 16 calories.
Other ways MyFitnessPal is pumping up Heart Health this month:
Smart Sugar Swaps
MyFitnessPal nutritionists and dieticians have created a list of simple and quick daily sugar swaps that can easily be implemented and ultimately add up to major
People can test their own Sugar Smarts with an eyeopening online quiz, visit MyFitnessPal’s app to learn more about the “Less Sweet, More Heart” campaign and find inspiration for low sugar meals and simple sugar swaps to try this month. The free app is also available for download via App Store and Google Play.
Source: PR News Wire, MyFitnessPal
Whether you’re hitting the gym to get healthy, tone up or improve your overall well-being, seeing results can be one of the most satisfying feelings. Noticing even the smallest change in the way you feel, or look is reason enough to lace up your sneakers for another sweat session.
When results seem to plateau or schedules get busy, don’t give up! Keep the momentum going. We came up with our tips for maximizing your needs while renewing your mind to keep at it: below tips in mind to help maximize your
Instead of flying solo, bring a friend so you can encourage each other during your workouts. Exercising with a buddy can breed healthy competition, but also hold you accountable. To help maximize the impact, try to pick a partner that is on the same fitness level as you and shares similar goals - you will want to be able to increase your intensity level and challenge each other as a team.
An active lifestyle requires proper nutrition. When regularly exercising, your body needs fuel for optimal performance and proper recovery. Before a
workout, opt for healthy and easily digestible carbohydrates like brown rice, quinoa, whole grain bread and pasta (a cup not a whole pan), fruits and vegetables to give you energy. Afterward, try a protein-packed snack like Emergen-C Protein Fuel and Superfoods. With 15 grams of organic plant-based protein and two full servings of 14 superfoods, the protein and superfood powder blend can help you make the most of your active time by providing the wholesome nourishment you need, along with supporting your natural defenses with a high potency serving of vitamin C.
If your fitness goals include improving body composition and losing weight, you may want to introduce strength training into your regimen. While exercises such as walking, running, and cycling can do wonders for your cardiovascular health and help burn calories, strength
training with weights can elevate your metabolism for a longer period - meaning your body will continue burning calories even after a workout. Plus, strength training can target and tone hard-to-reach muscles, improve balance and help protect your bones.
After a while, bodies can grow accustomed to the same exercise routine, often leading to stalled results. If you find yourself breezing through a workout, it’s time to switch it up and push your limits. Varying your exercises can challenge your mind and body, help burn more calories and prevent boredom. If you like to run long distances, try implementing sprint intervals. At the gym? Try out new equipment or vary your reps. Challenge your body and you may be surprised by the results.
5) Take a break
The last way to maximize your fitness routine has nothing to do with the gym at all.
In fact, it requires you to skip the gym. Exercise provides many health benefits, but too many high-intensity workouts can backfire, potentially causing injury from overuse and hindering your results. Allow your body enough time to heal before hitting the gym again and try to work active rest days into your schedule, such as going for a light walk or bike ride. Keeping these tips in mind can help you make the most of your fitness routine and magnify your efforts in the gym, on the track, in the pool or wherever you choose to exercise. Above all, don’t hesitate to ask fellow gym-goers for help or to make modifications when something feels off.
For more information, visit www.emergenc.com.
Source: BPT
Where can we find you and use your services as a trainer? You can go to my website gohardjoe.com or my Instagram @gohardjoe
Joe Dixon - Personal Trainer By Emil Flemmon Associate EditorThe phrase “Dad Bod” refers to an average guy who doesn’t have a lean, shredded physique. He might instead have a paunch or visible beer belly, without being hugely overweight—just like the stereotypical suburban father of a nuclear family. It evokes a relatable, warm kind of dude who kicks back with a beer and pizza after his kids have gone to bed. However, the “dad bod” is not exclusive to just fathers.
d-mars.com spoke exclusively with online trainer and father of one, Joe Dixon, on being more conscious about the upkeep of men’s bodies.
D-MARS: Tell us about your background leading to fitness.
JD: I attended Missouri Valley State where I was a member of the football team on a scholarship. I was a 2-year start at cornerback but transferred to South Eastern University to be closer to home cause I had a baby on the way. After my days at South Eastern, I tried out for the Vodoo in-league team. I made the final cut but never followed up with the game film. I always had a passion for fitness due to my background in sports. Got my certification for personal training in 2010 and my nutrition certification in 2014. I drove trucks up until 2011 and realized it wasn’t for me, so I had to go all in with what I could see myself doing for the rest of my life outside of football and that was helping people with their fitness goals.
D-MARS: What does “Dad Bod” mean to you?
JD: The “Dad Bod” can be a result of poor choices such as ordering out instead of cooking, happy hour instead of heading home, and watching a game instead of being active in the activity. As a father, why did you choose to transform your body to what a lot of men entering their 30s dread? When you have a child it will give you a different perspective on life, so for me, it was about longevity. Being around to see my daughter grow older, get married and have grandkids, plus looking good is a plus.
D-MARS: What did you discover for yourself to provide better for your clients?
JD: I love to be challenged it brings the best out in me, so I use the same method to get the best out of my clients.
D-MARS: How long did it take you to get back to a size you were comfortable with?
JD: With proper training and nutrition, I achieve my goal in 3 months.
D-MARS: How did it feel seeing your body in the shape that it was?
JD: It was a real confidence booster. The anatomy of the body is amazing, seeing your body change rapidly is indescribable.
D-MARS: What did you do to get the shape you were in?
JD: Weight training, cardio, and dieting.
D-MARS: What do you attribute to dad’s body not being what it used to be?
JD: The world is evolving and becoming more health conscious. Healthy lifestyles are posted all over media outlets with social media playing a big part in influencing people to want to change their appearance.
D-MARS: We hear all the time about calorie deficits. What’s one thing that’s useful to help dads start their morning without counting calories?
JD: I tell people all the time you don’t have to count calories to achieve your fitness goal. Make sure you drink a half gallon of water per day and eat 3-4 healthy meals. Build your meals around protein and focus on whole foods. Try to be accurate with portion size by eating in small portions.
D-MARS: What do you define as the balance between being a father and trying to work out regularly?
JD: Prioritizing your time is key to finding balance. Schedule your workouts around your fatherly duties.
D-MARS: Diet tips! As a trainer, you work with people on diets for a fee. However, what are some small steps that can be taken to get away from the table?
JD: Getting up and being active is the first step to getting people away from the table. Drinking more water and adding more protein to your diet increases the feeling of fullness. Eating mindfully and slowly will also help with cravings.
D-MARS: If consistent, what’s a good time frame to look for a change in the body?
JD: In two months with proper nutrition, and structure training, you can see great results.
D-MARS: What message do you want fathers like yourself to understand about the change in body and metabolism?
JD: It’s never to let to get in shape, but our metabolism slows down and we don’t recover as fast as when we were in our twenties, so we will have to train smarter and give our bodies more self-care and rest to achieve our overall goal.
D-MARS: We know women have a higher percentage of joining gyms quicker than men. What do you think are motivating factors to get men in the gym?
JD: Health issues and women will always be the main factors in getting men to work out.
D-MARS: What do you find more effective – investing in trainers or getting up the courage to get a gym membership and do it yourself?
JD: Not everyone wants to spend money on trainers. The money most people waste on gym memberships trying to figure out how to train could be spent on hiring a trainer. A trainer will provide a plan for you to follow and teach you how to properly train and eat correctly.
D-MARS: Men sometimes have egos. How do you persuade guys to get a trainer as opposed to them thinking they can do it themselves?
JD: The best way to persuade anyone is to show them your work. I learned over the years nothing can beat results.
Cardio is still something a lot of people dislike. What are some ways to make it interesting, especially for men who may not be as athletic?
When I want my clients to burn more calories, I pick up the tempo of the workout. I would lower the weight, shorten the rest time, and increase the rep range.
D-MARS: Men are notoriously using protein shakes which can be like a placebo effect. What’s your take on properly adding protein shakes to one’s diet?
JD: A protein shake is an added plus to help people hit their protein intake for the day. Most of your protein should come from your foods. Protein shakes shouldn’t be taken any more than 1-2 per day.
Part of your job is to be a nutritionist. What are some things you’d want men to eliminate or minimize in their diets? Eliminate processed foods and cut back on sugar and alcohol.
While November is Lung Cancer Awareness month, it never hurts to be aware of the options upon learning the news. Knowledge alone can help anyone among your family, circle of friends, associates, etc.
You’re an avid runner and cyclist. You eat well and don’t smoke. Overall, you’re doing all the right things when it comes to your health. Then you get diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. You know you’re not invincible, but lung cancer didn’t even seem like a possibility.
This scenario reflects Kirk Smith’s reality. In December 2013, he went out for a three-mile run from his office. As someone who races marathons and triathlons, this was supposed to be a breeze. He didn’t make it a mile before a sharp pain in the left side of his chest and very shallow breathing stopped him and forced him to walk back.
He decided to drive to the ER and was held overnight for a series of scans. Later that same month, he was diagnosed with stage IIIB lung cancer at 51 years old, meaning his cancer had spread into the lymph nodes of his chest,
targeted therapy that allowed him to race in a half-marathon less than two months after beginning treatment.
However, just like many people’s experiences treating lung cancer, Kirk has had to constantly monitor his condition and adjust. His treatments changed, for example, when his liver enzymes reached dangerous levels. Later, when tests revealed the cancer had spread to his brain - known as brain metastases - he switched treatments again.
“I have a brilliant health care team and I’ve made it a point that they get to know me as a person as well as a patient,” said Kirk. “Find a doctor who you believe in that also believes in you.”
Before making any treatment decisions, such as moving to a different targeted therapy, Kirk’s oncologist ordered CGP to understand how his cancer had changed. Since 2017, he has benefitted from Guardant Health’s Guardant360® blood tests for CGP, which have provided actionable insights and allowed him to get access to newly approved targeted therapies,
“Biomarker testing has been the difference between life and death for me and has allowed me to maintain my quality of life. It’s like a map that guides my treatment at every stage. Everyone who has been diagnosed with late-stage cancer should ask their doctors about these tests,” Smith says.
Kirk doesn’t smoke, which is one of the reasons he was so shocked, but he quickly learned that this is a big misconception about the disease.
“If you have lungs, you can get lung cancer. Smoking is a risk factor, but there are many people with lung cancer who are nonsmokers,” said Kirk. “There is a terrible stigma around lung cancer that it’s the person’s fault. This is likely why lung cancer gets the least funding of all the major cancers, even though it kills the most people.”
Kirk decided to take an optimistic and pragmatic approach to treating his lung cancer, understanding that at this stage, it is unlikely to be cured. His treatment journey mirrors the giant leaps happening in lung cancer research and care over the last 10 years.
Kirk’s care team understood the importance of comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP), or biomarker testing, and made sure to test him for actionable biomarkers at the start of his treatment journey. When he was positive for the ALK alteration, he started out on a
It has been 9 years since Kirk received his late-stage cancer diagnosis. He is a passionate supporter of cancer research and currently serves as the president of the patient advocacy group ALK Positive. He believes that being able to continue his active lifestyle and preserve his quality of life is a testament to the advancements and progress made in lung cancer research.
“Through breakthroughs in research, targeted therapies and biomarker testing, I believe this disease can no longer be a death sentence and instead be a manageable disease,” he said.
Ahhh, nothing like being with your parent(s) during a car ride and realizing ¬– you’re hungry. You might have the munchies too but perhaps that appetite is based on something else. No less, you’re aware that there is food already at the house, or something you can make. However, you don’t desire either of those options. Instead, you ask your parent(s), “Can I get something to eat?” Your mom might respond with “We got food at the house?” You come right back with, “Can we get some McDonalds?” Finally, it happens. Those five words, “Do you have McDonald’s money?” hits you like a ton of bricks as you feel shut down from the satisfaction of fast food. Now, it can go two ways. Your parent(s) might cave in because they didn’t want to be at the house either; you just gave them a reason to join you. Or they stick to their guns and stand on that firm “no” as their decision. Once your’re home, that left over spaghetti becomes your homie, lover, and friend.
In 1905. Georgia native Robert Sengstacke Abbott founded, edited, and published the Chicago Defender, for decades the country’s dominant African American newspaper. Through the pages of the Defender, Abbott exercised enormous influence on the rise of the Black community in Chicago, Illinois, and on national African American culture.
The paper started out with a 25cent investment and a four-page pamphlet, increasing circulation with every edition. The Defender played an important role in encouraging African Americans to migrate from the south for better economic opportunities. The success of the paper made Abbott one of the first African American self-made millionaires.
His foundation helped to give birth to numerous publications including Jet, Ebony, Black Enterprise, Right On!, Essence and more.
“The whole experience was surreal,” said Kirk. “I lived a very active life. Lung cancer wasn’t even on my radar.”By d-mars.com News Provider
ou’ve selected your insurance plan for the year. Now, it’s time to start using your benefits, beginning with an annual wellness exam.
An annual wellness exam with a health care provider is important for everyone, but especially for older adults. As we age, we are more likely to develop chronic health conditions, according to Dr. J.B. Sobel, chief medical officer for Cigna Medicare, which serves hundreds of thousands of older adults through its products. An annual wellness exam can help detect potential health issues early so they can be addressed before they worsen, he added
“By meeting with your primary care provider early in the year, you can highlight the things that are important to you, and work together to develop a plan for your care for the year ahead,” Sobel said. “This will ensure you live each day with vitality, happiness and improved health.”
Many providers will reach out to schedule an annual wellness exam. If your provider doesn’t contact you, make sure to call them.
A number of annual check-ups are available at no extra cost to those with Medicare. They include a “Welcome to Medicare” visit for customers who have just reached Medicare eligibility and an “Annual Wellness Exam” for existing customers. Many Medicare Advantage (MA) plans offer more extensive annual visits at no extra cost. Some even offer incentives for completing a visit. Talk with your provider and Medicare insurer about your benefits.
Each annual exam may be a little different. Regardless of the type, Sobel offers the following tips to ensure you get the most from your visit.Prepare. Before you go, write down anything you’d like to discuss with your health care provider, including changes to your health over the past year. Bring your prescription and over-the-counter medications with you. Ask plenty of questions and take notes. You might even want to take along a family member, trusted friend or caregiver to ensure you understand
everything your provider has shared.
Be open and honest. It’s tempting to make things look rosier than they are when talking to your health care provider but minimizing what you are feeling can lead to an incorrect diagnosis or prescription. Speak openly about unhealthy habits, like smoking or lack of exercise. Your provider won’t judge you. Being honest is the only way your health care provider can help you reach your goals.
Mind mental health. Your emotional health impacts your physical health. Many people think depression is a natural part of aging, but it doesn’t have to be. Talk to your doctor if you are feeling sad, anxious or hopeless. Treatments, such as talk therapy, medication, or both, may be covered by Medicare.
Monitor medications. Adults aged 65 and older tend to take more medications than other age groups, increasing the risk for adverse reactions, such as cognitive impairment and falls. It’s a good idea to take your medications to your annual wellness exam and discuss any potential problems or side effects you’re experiencing. Don’t forget about over-the-counter drugs, vitamins or nutritional supplements you take.
Schedule screenings and get vaccines. There are a number of important health screenings and vaccines that you may need depending on your age and gender, such as colon cancer screening, bone density test, mammogram, flu shot or COVID-19 immunization. Ask your provider about the screenings and vaccines you’ve had already and schedule any you need as soon as possible. You may even be able to do that before you leave the office. Also, don’t forget to visit your eye doctor and dentist. These visits are covered by many MA plans as well. Find out more at www.cignamedicare.com.
to start!”
Source: Statepoint
“You wouldn’t drive your vehicle without proper preventive maintenance, so please don’t ignore preventive maintenance for your most prized possession – your health,” Sobel said. “An annual wellness exam is a great place