d-mars.com Health & Wellness 13

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Health & Wellness Journal Health





JAN 15 - FEB 15












Inspire, Inform & Educate

13TH Edition


A Renewed You: Out with the Old, In with the New! By Elvia Valdez We can all be grateful for a new day and even a new year. PAGE 11

Top 5 Ways to Stay Calm and Reduce Stress Are you looking for more calm satisfying experience with you daily life? PAGE 14

MR. D-MARS & Keith Davis, Jr. - Chevron Houston Marathon, Houston, Tx

“He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything.” - Arabian Proverb

Successful 2012 Resolutions In order to turn our 2012 possibilities into reality, we must plan for success through setting goals and resolutions. PAGE 16

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You! 5 Things Every Person Should Know About Healthcare By Dr. Anjanette Wyatt, Contributing Writer

How To Tone Up Your Cellulite Areas Battle against unwelcome cellulite are a smart nutritional routine and a consistent, properly structured workout program. PAGE 21


id you know that the future of your health is in your hands? Well it is!!! My mother use to always say to me “God gave you 5 senses, so use them!” and now that I am an adult I realize what she really meant was knowledge is power, use it! How many of us simply go to the doctor but never participate in our healthcare? Well, I am here to tell you “What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You!!”It is extremely important that you know what is going on in your body. I am a firm believer that it makes a huge difference in the progress of your health when you understand your disease or ailment. Knowledge empowers you to take control of your future by participating in your recovery and it allows you to be proactive in preventing further damage to your body. Here are some helpful tips that can make a difference in the out come of your health and improve your quality of life!

CONT >> pg. 8


January 15 - February 15, 2012

January 15 - February 15, 2012

Behind The



Publisher’s Message

Keith J. Davis, Sr.


Grady Carter OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Johnny Ray Davis, Jr. MULTIMEDIA DIRECTOR Andrea Hennekes LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ghuzzala Malik (Faith) Ferland D. Antwine DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Johnny Ray Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Brandale Mills Dr. Anjanette Wyatt Elvia Valdez Glenn Carter Ka-Ron Wade Marvin Stafford Cheryl A. Pullins Sharon Jenkins Rose Carter

Our theme in this month’s journal is “A Renewed You.” The regeneration of life visibly appears in the earth suit we possess when we move in the direction of eating healthier, exercising, and incorporating balance into our busy schedules. The key to success in possessing a new you is your dedication to the process. This issue is packed with tools to help equip you for that process both physically and mentally. I encourage you to keep us abreast of your evolution by sending us an update to info@d-mars.com. As always, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support d-mars.com, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making things happen.

CONTENTS Making A Renewed Commitment to Health.............................................................. 4 The Genius of Teamwork..............................................................………….……............ 5 What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You! 5 Things You Should Know............…….........….. 6 Comfort Foods………………........................................................………...….……Cover, 8 How Do I Care for My Teeth As An Adult? ………………..………...…………….......…... 10 A Renewed You! Out With The Old In With The New...................................................... 11 Stallions Health New Years Resolution………………………........................................... 12 The Best Gift to Give Yourseslf and Others....………………………….….....………........ 14

Top 5 Ways to Stay Calm and Reduce Stress................................................................. 14 Successful 2012 Resolutions....................................………………................................ 16 Strutting With Confidence............................................................................................... 18 Life Beyond January 2012.............................................................................................. 20 Top 6 Health fitness Tips to Get You in Perfect Shape...........................……................. 20 How to Tone Up Your Cellulite Areas....................…………………..……….................... 21 How to Avoid Injures……..............…………………………………………….….…............ 23 The Importance of High school Sports...……………………....……..……..……………... 24 Kickboxing Houston: Top 7 advantage of Kickboxing Workuts.…..………..…............... 24

MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “A healthy body is a guestchamber for the soul; a sick body is a prison.” - Francis Bacon

“d-mars.com is certified with SBE, HUB, DBE & Port of Houston SBDP.”

D-MARS.com Business Journal 7322 Southwest Fwy, Suite 805 Houston, Texas 77074 713-272-9511 . Phone 713-272-6364 . Fax 1-800-453-8752 . Toll Free www.d-mars.com


January 15 - February 15, 2012

Making a Renewed Commitment to Health By Sharon C. Jenkins, Contributing Writer

“Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory.” - Douglas McArthur


n a sunny day in January, a father’s vision was rekindled because of his sons’ courage to do something he had never done, run a marathon. Witnessing his son run the Chevron Houston Marathon on January 15, 2012, brought memories of an earlier time in his life when he desired to do the same. In the military Keith Davis (aka Mr. D-MARS), fell in love with running, it was his dream to someday run a marathon, but there was no one there to inspire him or show him the way. Life happened and twenty three years later, he saw his son successfully run a local marathon and he placed this forgotten goal, back on his bucket list. It is evident that the Millennials (individuals born in the 1990’s) are more health conscious than their Generation X counterparts. We often

see our children achieving the things we’ve dreamed about, but are limited in our ability to turn back the hand of time. In regards to our health, there is never a statue of limitations on getting healthier or living a more balanced life. As in the case of Mr. D-MARS, he will re-visit his goal to run in a marathon,

D-MARS, being the griot of his family has shared his goals and dreams with his son, building him into the best man that he could possibly be. His dream of running a marathon was one of those things that inspired his son, when the opportunity arose to do so; he was preconditioned because of parental training to run to the

and putting in a lot of hours training on the road. He stated that some of the benefits to fulfilling his goal was building new relationships and networking with athletic runners. It also improved his ability to stay focused and push beyond obstacles that may occur in his personal life, that previously were major

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it…

in a more disciplined, healthy, and celebrated life style. It is estimated that there were 24,000 participants in the Houston race. The added benefit was his parents were in attendance and cheering him on. Davis says, “It was great having the love and support of both of his parents at the race. Even though everyone thought I was out of my mind in the beginning.” He is personally challenging every member of his family to get involved in the running game. He said it was not as difficult as it seemed, and the actual race itself was a FUN experience. He encourages runner “wanna be’s” to never stop nor give up on their goal. Davis says, “Even if your goal may seem outrageous to others, pursue

Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.

- Goethe

because of his son’s poignant reminder of the smell of victory as you cross the finish line. Mr.

challenge instead of run from it. In December 2010 Keith Davis Jr. approached his friend John Pontikas about taking a trip to Las Vegas with him for his 2011 birthday. John, an avid runner, informed him that there was a Rock-n-Roll Las Vegas Marathon scheduled for December 4th and if he was going to be in the area, he should also run the marathon. Davis accepted the challenge and proceeded to train both physically and mentally for the marathon. Davis’ strategy was to keep his goal in front of him, which required personal sacrifice

stumbling stones. At the Rock-n-Roll Las Vegas Marathon, Davis was one participant amongst 30,000. Pontikas, told him that he would “either love it or hate it” (running marathons) when he finished his first race. A day after his 21st birthday, he ran his first marathon. He loved it and caught the runner’s bug. The thrill of the crowd and the support of his fans resulted in a “Runner’s High” that is still resonating in his life. That experience prompted him to register for the Chevron Houston Marathon and an upcoming race in New Orleans. The overall experience has resulted

it anyway. If you believe it’s obtainable, than its possible. Put a plan together and make it happen.” Often that takes team work. In Davis’ case it was his Dad and a close friend that motivated him to pursue his passion for running a marathon. Don’t be afraid to ask for the help that you need in order to accomplish your goals. There are very few successful athletes that achieve their goals without a coach or a support team. M r. D -M A R S’ reminiscing about his

January 15 - February 15, 2012

Army days, recalls his youthful fervor for physical exercise. Watching his son run, rekindled his desire to get fit so that he can do the same. He motivated his son to run a good race in the marathon of life and his son has motivated him to run a more healthier race to prolong his life. Both have renewed their commitment to

the universe to live a fruitful life. How about you? Sharon C. Jenkins, The Master Communicator is an author, editor, and educator. Be on the lookout for her latest release: Authorpreneurship, The Business of Writing. www.sharoncjenkins.com


The Genius of Teamwork By Patricia Fripp

“To collaborative team members, completing one another is more important

than competing with one another.

- John C. Maxwell


Keith J. Davis, Sr. 18 years old

Keith J. Davis, Sr. and Keith J. Davis, Jr. says, “Bring the Champion out of you in 2012!”

rue teamwork is the rarest, most exhilarating, and most productive human activity possible. Every business wants to harness this incredible energy, but achieving such a level of motivation and esprit is not always easy. A team is not just a group of individuals who work at the same location or have the same logo on their business card. A real team is made up of people who may be unequal in experience, talent, or education, but who are equal in their commitment to working together to achieve the goals and good of the organization, each other and their customers. If we are going to be successful, we can no longer look at our organizations as departments, divisions, or branch offices. We must look at the bigger picture and resolve to work together in ways we may never have done before. We may even need to cooperate with the competition. Think of all the mergers and acquisitions in the past few years. Your number one competitor today could be your partner tomorrow. Futurist Bob Treadway CSP, from Littleton, Colorado often gives the Mensa IQ Test to participants in his seminars. He has found that many “average” people, when working as a team, test at “genius” level or higher. Participants contribute in different ways. Some brainstorm. Some work alone and then report back to the group. Treadway finds that a team “becomes a genius when everyone works together.” Treadway also noticed that when a team is working at optimal performance, it is hard to know who the leader is. In other words, the team runs the team. Such teamwork doesn’t happen by accident. It requires commitment and effort, a willingness to accept the uniqueness of others, and an appreciation of diversity. We build teams in our companies the same way we build relationships with our friends and coworkers. High-functioning teams establish us and our companies as reliable, internally and externally. We

then project this image to our customers, vendors, competitors, and communities. With downsizing and restructuring, many managers today are responsible for as many as 250 people. More than ever, these managers need to build responsible and committed team members if they want the best performance from them. But how do they go about it? A very dynamic, productive example was the team led by Mike Powell, when a senior scientist at Genentech. Because of its past successes, his ten-person team was given the most important assignments. I asked Mike how he managed to keep his people highly motivated in an environment with long hours and a great deal of frustration. “I keep them happy,” he said. Now, every manager wants to do this, so I pressed Mike for details. “Ten years ago,” he continued, “I told team members only what I thought each needed to know. Now I tell everyone everything. It may slow them down a bit while they are filtering through all the information, but they get the big picture. Then they can then decide what it is they need to know and do.” He added, “I also gave them lots of positive feedback via email and voice mail. One group at Genentech lost their leader, but they stayed incredibly productive. I left a voice-mail message for one of them, saying ‘Everyone in the company is talking about how well you all are doing.’ They were really effective as a team and appreciated knowing it.” Building a real team gets real results, but it can’t be done with slogans and directives. Ed Stair, Senior Vice President at Gap talks about ‘Gap Heroes,’ everyone who uses innovation to find ideas to save money or improve productivity. Start by respecting each person’s individual contribution, showing appreciation, exciting them about their possibilities for achievement, and sharing with them that their group effort has the potential for real genius. Good luck! PFripp@Fripp.com, 1-800 634 3035, www.fripp.com


January 15 - February 15, 2012

Continued... “What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You!”


Things Every Person Should Know About Healthcare


Always know you creatininez level, especially if you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes. The creatinine level represents the functioning capacity of your kidneys. Your level should be less than 1.5mg/dl. As your creatinine level rises, your kidney function decreases. Once your creatinine reaches a certain high level you may need to start dialysis. Please discuss your kidney function with your physician during your regular visits and be proactive in your kidney health.


Always know your cholesterol levels. There is good cholesterol called HDL and bad cholesterol called LDL. Not having enough good cholesterol and too much bad cholesterol could put you at risk of a heart attack. Good Cholesterol HDL should be between 35-75mg/dl and Bad Cholesterol LDL should be less than130mg/dl. Also know your total cholesterol level (less than 200mg/dl)and your triglyceride level(35135mg/dl females, 40-170mg/dl males)


Know your glucose level especially if Diabetes runs in your family. The glucose level should be between 70-110mg/dl. Also, take your glucose level with a home meter one hour after you have eaten a meal. If your level is greater than 200mg/dl, please see your physician immediately. If your

glucose is greater than 110mg/dl but less than 200mg/dl and Diabetes runs in your family, you may be at risk for a condition called metabolic syndrome, a pre-diabetic state that is characterized by a large waistline, high triglycerides, low good cholesterol HDL, high blood pressure and elevated glucose levels. I discovered that I was at risk for metabolic syndrome after my father passed of complications from Diabetes. Also, if your fasting glucose remains high, r e q u e s t a Hemoglobin A1c Test to determine how well your blood glucose levels have been over a longer period of time.


Know your medications!! I mean not just the white pill, the blue pill or the pink pill but actually know the names of your medications both brand and generic and what they are used for. Ask your pharmacist to print out your profile and have a copy on hand in case of an emergency or a natural disaster. Also, take the profile with you if you are taken to the emergency room and to your doctor to make sure you are taking the right medications. You also must be aware of what liquids you are using when taking your medications and what foods you are eating. Some medications can be taken with milk, some cannot. Some medications must not be taken with grapefruit juice or other juices. Some cannot be taken with

alcohol, cheese, dairy products, caffeine or salt. Many vitamins and herbal products can also interact with p r e s c r i pt i on med icat ions. Check with your Independent Pharmacist for a list of interactions. You may find an Independent Pharmacy Owner near you by visiting www. taipounite.com.


Don’t mix over the counter medications for pain without knowing the content of each product. For example, many products contain acetaminophen (Tylenol) and mixing products can possibly lead to you taking more of the medication than is recommended in a day (3000mg/day or 6 extra strength pills/day). Tylenol can cause liver damage if taken in excess and you would not want to damage your liver due to a preventable oversight. Also, if you have high blood pressure, do not take over the counter cold remedies without consulting your doctor. There are only a few over the counter cold remedies made especially for people with High Blood Pressure such as Coricidin HBP but put your safety first and check with your doctor before taking

an OTC product. The last and most important thing to do is to ask for a copy of your lab reports.!!! This is how you can help monitor your numbers and your progress. Don’t try to understand all of the lab values listed on the report, but look at the results of the values discussed above. Changing your diet, exercising regularly, with good old fashion prayer can help you reach your health goals as well. I say to each of you, stay in the know about your health and if you won’t, I will because “Your Health Is My Business!!!” Dr. Anjanette Wyatt Clinical Pharmacist Clinical Care Pharmacy 2770 N. Sam Houston Pkwy West Houston, Texas 77038 281-272-8700

January 15 - February 15, 2012


January 15 - February 15, 2012

This chicken potpie is studded with peas, mushrooms, carrots and onions and topped with tender whole-wheat biscuits. The savory sauce gets a rich taste from reduced-fat sour cream, but with less fat and calories. And it ends up just as delicious and comforting as you expect. Nutrition Per Serving: 403 Calories; 12 g fat ( 4 g sat , 4 g mono ); 64 mg cholesterol; 46 g carbohydrates; 29 g protein; 4 g fiber; 667 mg sodium; 427 mg potassium. Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin A (70% daily value), Fiber (16% dv).

Ingredients Filling 3 teaspoons canola oil, divided 1 cup frozen pearl onions, thawed 1 cup peeled baby carrots 10 ounces cremini mushrooms, halved 2 1/2 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth, divided 1/4 cup cornstarch 2 1/2 cups diced cooked chicken, or turkey 1 cup frozen peas, thawed 1/4 cup reduced-fat sour cream 1/4 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper, to taste

Biscuit topping 3/4 cup whole-wheat pastry flour, (see Ingredient Note) 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons sugar 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dried thyme 1 1/2 tablespoons cold butter, cut into small pieces 1 cup nonfat buttermilk, (see Tip) 1 tablespoon canola oil

Chicken Potpie 6 servings Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 45 minutes Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes

Preparation 1. To prepare filling: Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a large skillet or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onions and carrots; cook, stirring, until golden brown and tender, about 7 minutes. Transfer to a bowl. Heat the remaining 2 teaspoons oil in the pan over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms and cook, stirring often, until browned and their liquid has evaporated, 5 to 7 minutes. Return the onions and carrots to the pan. Add 2 cups broth and bring to a boil; reduce heat to a simmer. Mix cornstarch with the remaining 1/2 cup broth; add to the pan and cook, stirring, until the sauce thickens. Stir in chicken (or turkey), peas, sour cream, salt and pepper. Transfer the filling to a 2-quart baking dish. 2. To prepare biscuit topping and bake potpie: Preheat oven to 400°F. Whisk whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and thyme in a large bowl. Using your fingertips or 2 knives, cut butter into the dry ingredients until crumbly. Add buttermilk and oil; stir until just combined. Drop the dough onto the filling in 6 even portions. Set the baking dish on a baking sheet. 3. Bake the potpie until the topping is golden and the filling is bubbling, 30 to 35 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Tips & Notes • Ingredient Note: Whole-wheat pastry flour is milled from soft wheat. It contains less gluten than regular wholewheat flour and helps ensure a tender result in delicate baked goods while providing the nutritional benefits of whole grains. Available in large supermarkets and in natural-foods stores. Store in the freezer. • Tip: No buttermilk? You can use buttermilk powder prepared according to package directions. Or make “sour milk”: mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar to 1 cup milk.

This cornbread recipe contains no oil and tastes very, very good. Serve warm with honey, butter or margarine.

healthy cornbread

Nutrition Per Serving: 117 Calories


Total Fat: 1.4g; Cholesterol: 36mg; Sodium: 281mg; Total; Carbs: 21.9g; Dietary Fiber: 1g; Protein: 4.4g

8x8 inch pan 1 cup unbleached flour 1 cup cornmeal 1/4 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt 2 eggs, beaten

Servings 12 Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 25 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes

PREPARATION 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly grease an 8x8 inch baking pan. 2. In a large bowl, mix flour, cornmeal, sugar, soda and salt. Stir in yogurt and eggs. Do not over mix, stir only until well blended. Pour batter into prepared pan. 3. Bake in preheated oven for 20 to 25 minutes, or until center of the bread springs back when gently pressed.



January 15 - February 15, 2012


Need a little summertime flavor? Try this swift recipe and enjoy a barbecue indoors. Make it a meal: Serve with Vinegary Coleslaw and cornbread.

Nutrition Per Serving: 245 Calories; 10 g fat ( 2 g sat , 5 g mono ); 51 mg cholesterol; 15 g carbohydrates; 20 g protein; 1 g fiber; 190 mg sodium; 349 mg potassium. Nutrition Bonus: Selenium (57% daily value), Vitamin C (25% dv).

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes

Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

Oven-Barbecued Pork Chops

Ingredients 1 2/3 pound(s) bone-in 3/4-inch-thick pork rib chops 1/4 teaspoon(s) salt 1/4 teaspoon(s) freshly ground pepper 3 teaspoon(s) canola oil 1 medium onion 1 clove(s) garlic 1/3 cup(s) orange juice 1/2 cup(s) barbecue sauce

2. Sprinkle pork chops with salt and pepper. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large ovenproof skillet over high heat. Add the pork chops and cook until beginning to brown, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate.


3. Add the remaining 1 teaspoon oil to the pan. Add onion and cook, stirring, until softened, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant, 30 seconds. Add orange juice and cook until most of the liquid has evaporated, 30 seconds to 1 minute. Stir in barbecue sauce. Return the pork chops to the pan, turning several times to coat with the sauce. 4. Transfer the pan to the oven and bake until the pork chops are barely pink in the middle and an instant-read thermometer registers 145 degrees F, 6 to 10 minutes. Serve the sauce over the pork chops.

Potatoes are one of the great comfort foods, especially when stuffed with a satisfying mixture of lean ground beef and broccoli florets plus reduced-fat sour cream and Cheddar cheese. Add a tossed salad and you have a healthy and hearty meal that will leave you feeling good. Nutrition Per Serving: 274 Calories 10 g fat ( 5 g sat , 4 g mono ); 52 mg cholesterol; 24 g carbohydrates; 22 g protein; 2 g fiber; 514 mg sodium; 740 mg potassium. Nutrition Bonus: Vitamin C (42% daily value), Zinc (27% dv), Potassium (21% dv), Calcium (19% dv).


Twice-Baked Loaded Potatoes 4 servings Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes Preparation

4 medium russet potatoes 8 ounces 90%-lean ground beef, (see Variation) 1 cup broccoli florets, finely chopped 1 cup water 1 cup shredded reduced-fat Cheddar cheese, divided 1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 3 scallions, sliced

1. Pierce potatoes all over with a fork. Place in the microwave and cook on Medium, turning once or twice, until the potatoes are soft, about 20 minutes. (Or use the “potato setting” on your microwave and cook according to the manufacturer’s directions.) 2. Meanwhile, brown meat in a large skillet over medium-high heat, stirring often, about 3 minutes. Transfer to a large bowl. Increase heat to high, add broccoli and water to the pan, cover, and cook until tender, 4 to 5 minutes. Drain the broccoli; add to the meat. 3. Carefully cut off the top third of the cooked potatoes; reserve the tops for another use. Scoop out the insides into a medium bowl. Place the potato shells in a small baking dish. Add 1/2 cup Cheddar, sour cream, salt and pepper to the potato insides and mash with a fork or potato masher. Add scallions and the potato mixture to the broccoli and meat; stir to combine. 4. Evenly divide the potato mixture among the potato shells and top with the remaining 1/2 cup cheese. Microwave on High until the filling is hot and the cheese is melted, 2 to 4 minutes.

Tips & Notes • Make Ahead Tip: Prepare and stuff potatoes. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 days. Microwave and serve. • Vegetarian variation: Replace the ground beef with a soy-based substitute or omit the beef altogether and increase the broccoli to 1 1/2 cups and the cheese to 1 1/4 cups.

10. January 15 - February 15, 2012

How DO I Care For My Teeth As An Adult By Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade, Contributing Writer


he key to keeping a bright, healthy smile throughout adu lt hood is to practice proper oral hygiene. Even adults can get cavities, as well as gum disease, that can lead to serious problems. Throughout your adult life, it’s important to continue to:

Even if you brush and f loss regularly, you may face certain oral health issues as an adult. Luckily, your dentist can help you meet most of these challenges quite successfully.

Brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque-the sticky film on your teeth that’s the main cause of tooth decay.

Floss daily to remove plaque from between your teeth and under your gumline, before it can harden into tartar. Once tartar has formed, it can only be removed by a professional cleaning.

• Limit sugary or starchy foods,

especially sticky snacks. The more often you snack between meals, the more chances you give the acids in plaque to attack your tooth enamel.

Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups.

What Special Dental Issues Should I Be Aware of as an Adult?

Gum disease begins as gingivitis, which in this early stage is still reversible. Symptoms of gingivitis include red, swollen or tender gums that tend to bleed when you brush them. If you notice any of these symptoms, see your dentist before serious problems develop. Advanced stages of gum disease may lead to tooth loss. The health of your gums can also affect your overall health. Recent studies have shown a possible link between periodontitis (a gum disease) and other diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease and a possible link to premature births. To prevent gum disease from getting started in the first place, be sure to

brush twice a day, floss daily and schedule professional cleanings every six months.

Cavities around existing fillings (called recurrent decay) and decay on the root surfaces of the teeth become more common as we age. So it’s important to brush with a fluoride toothpaste, floss daily and see your dentist regularly.

Sensit iv it y can be an increasing problem as one ages. Your gums naturally recede over time, exposing areas of the tooth that are not protected by enamel. These areas are particularly prone to pain due to cold or hot foods or beverages. In severe cases cold air, as well as sensitivity to sour and sweet drinks and foods, can occur. If you experience sensitivity, try an anti-sensitivity toothpaste. If the problem persists, see your dentist, as the sensitivity may be an indication of a more serious condition, such as a cavity or a cracked or fractured tooth.

Crowns are used to strengthen damaged teeth. A crown entirely covers or “caps” a damaged toot h. Besides st r e n g t he n i n g a d a m a g e d t o ot h , a crown ca n be used to improve its appearance, shape or alignment. Implants and bridges are used to replace missing ones. Dental implants replace one or more teeth or are used to attach full or partial dentures. Consult with your dent ist to see if implants are right for

you. Bridges are commonly used to replace one or more missing teeth. They span the space where the teeth are missing. Bridges are cemented to the natural teeth or implants surrounding the empty space.

How Can I Help Make My Teeth Look Whiter? Thorough cleanings by a dentist or hygienist will remove most external staining caused by food and tobacco. Using a whitening toothpaste can also help remove these surface stains between dental visits. If stains have been present for years, you may need to have your teeth professionally whitened to remove these more stubborn external stains. Interna l sta i ns can be bleached, bonded or capped (crowned). While each of these methods is safe and effective, your dentist will recommend which treatment is appropriate for you depending on the state of your teeth and the results that you wish to achieve.

What Effect Does Diet Have On My Oral Health? In addition to greatly affecting your overall health, proper nutrition is necessary for healthy

teeth and gums. Eating a wellbalanced diet gives your gum tissues and teeth the important nutrients and minerals they need to stay strong and resist infections, which can contribute to gum disease. In addition, firm, fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables tend to help clean the teeth and tissues. Soft, sticky foods tend to remain on the grooves and between teeth, producing more plaque. Each time you consume foods and drinks that contain sugars or starches, the bacteria in plaque produce acids that attack your teeth for 20 minutes or more. To reduce damage to your tooth enamel, limit the number or between meal snacks and drinks. And when you do snack, choose nutritious foods such as cheese, raw vegetables, plain yogurt or fruit.

Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade, D.D.S. Ph.(713) 654-7756 www.cosmeticdt.com

January 15 - February 15, 2012

By Elvia Valdez, Contributing Writer


e can a l l be grateful for a new day and even a new year. So many people all over the world are in critical states of mind and health, including right here in our very own back yard.

Thank God for world-class medical care within the Texas Medical Center. As a new year is before us it is paramount to remember all of those who are not in their best conditions, whether physically, emotionally, financially and or spiritually. So many people are eager

Out with the Old, In with the New!

to ring in the New Year but keep their old frame of mind. Yes, people are excited to party the night away with friends and loved ones and asking for the world to change but so very afraid of change for them. What is stopping you from an internal body cleanse of the mind, soul and spirit? Fear is a natural feeling of the unknown but in order to be renewed one must take a stand and dare to be bolder and better than before. This can mean checking all of the mess and uneasiness in our lives at the front door, not to be brought in to a new you. This New Year we must all challenge each other to think differently. Make a decision to avoid the pitfalls and educate our minds so that when we speak people will listen. If you

are looking for ways to renew your mind take some of these suggestions: - Pick up a book about a life threatening illness that you had never thought about until now. - Visit someone who is on dialysis three and four times a week, to get life from their perspective. - Decide to save a life through the gift of organ, eye and tissue donation. It’s free and it takes less than five minutes.

Motor Vehicles (DMV) when renewing vehicle registration. While the issues of everyday life affect us all in different ways we can all rest assured that life is precious and it is the absolute most amazing gift we have been given. It is our social responsibilty to live our lives in a way that can enrich the communities in which we live, work and play. Remember if we do nothing, nothing happens!

There are three ways to register: - Electronically via www.donatelifetexas.org. - In person at the Department of Public Safety Office (DPS). - Online with the Department of

Elvia Valdez

A Renewed You:


12. January 15 - February 15, 2012

New Year’s Health Resolution By Glenn Carter, Contributing Writer

Founder and CEO of Stallions, Health Information for Men

Happy New Year everyone! I am excited about it being a new year because of the ambience. For me the New Year brings with it the reflection on the past year’s

accomplishments, the opportunities to plan and make new beginnings, and the fulfillment that commitment and dedication to new goals that add value to my life. Now that we’re in a new year, I know many of you are making a wide range of New Year’s resolutions i.e.… a new job, purchasing a home, resolving debts. However, as an advocate for men’s health I’m interested in knowing the healthy resolutions Houston men are making

Stallion Resolution Tips 1. Reflect

Consider your current health status and where you would like to see yourself by this time next year.

2. Plan

Write your plan on paper, so you can see what you want to accomplish & how to do it. Look at this often and update it when necessary.

3. Commit

Finally, dedicate yourself to executing your plan. I believe m i racles happen when we commit to change. You will be amazed at what you can achieve! Note: Make sure before you began any exercise program you check with a doctor.

Michael Williams Age 25 Houstonian “My New Year’s Resolution is to control my diabetes and stabilize my insulin levels by taking my medication regularly, exercising daily, and eating a healthy diet; which consist of avoiding carbohydrates and eating more protein and salads.”

John Williams Age 42 Healthy Living Director (Houston Texans YMCA) “My resolution is to get better. One of the things I plan to do is improve my flexibility so I plan to join a yoga class. In addition, I plan on making healthier eating choices.”

Lloyd Riley Age 63 Retired “My health resolution is to continue my current fitness regiment which consists of 4 days of walking and 3 days of strength conditioning in addition maintain a healthy diet.”

Jason Sylve Age 31 Drilling Consultant “I want to eat right and work out at least 4 or 5 times per week.”

Connect with me on Facebook: Glenn HealthStallion Carter Twitter: @HealthStallion Email: HealthStallion@gmail.com

January 15 - February 15, 2012


14. January 15 - February 15, 2012

The Best Gift to Give Top 5 Ways to Stay Yourself and Others Calm & Reduce Stress By John Haldeman

By Jim Rohn

I’m often asked the quest ion, “ H o w can I best help my ch i ldren, spouse, family me mb e r , s t a f f member, friend etc. improve/ change?” In fact that might be the most frequently asked question I receive, “How can I help change someone else?” My answer often comes as a surprise and here it is. The key to helping others is to help yourself first. In other words, the best contribution I can make to someone else is my own personal development. If I become 10 times wiser, 10 times stronger, think of what that will do for my adventure as a father... as a grandfather... as a business colleague. The best gift I can give to you, really, is my ongoing personal development. Getting b e t t e r , g e t t i n g st r on g e r , becoming wiser. I think parents shou ld pick t h is va luable philosophy up. If the parents are okay, the kids have an excellent chance of being okay. Work on your personal development as parents; that’s the best gift you can give to your children. If you have ever ridden in an airplane, then you might have noticed the oxygen compartment located above every seat. There are explicit instructions that say “In case of an emergency, first secure your own oxygen mask and then if you have children with you then secure their masks.” Take care of yourself first... then assist your children. If we use that same philosophy throughout our whole parental life, it would be so valuable. If I learn to create happiness for myself, my children now have an excellent chance to be happy. If I create a unique lifestyle for myself and my spouse, that will be a great example to serve my children. Self-development enables

you to serve, to be more valuable to those around you; for your child... your business... your colleague... your community... your church. T h a t ’s w h y I t e a c h development sk i l ls. If you keep refining all the parts of your character, yourself, your health, etc. so that you become an attractive person to the marketplace - you’ll attract opportunity. Opportunity will then begin to seek you out. Your reputation will begin to precede you and people will want to do business with you. All of that possibility is created by working on the philosophy that success is something you attract by continually working on your own personal development. Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine, For Info Contact FrogPond at 800.704.FROG(3764) or email susie@FrogPond.com


re you looking for more calm satisfying experience with you daily life? Do you get frustrated with yourself at the end of the day because you’ve gotten stressed, unfocused or agitated? Are you tired of getting over emotional and worn out. Whether you are experiencing one or all of these feelings here are my 5 best tips on reducing the unwanted feelings so that you will feel calm and satisfied with yourself each day.

each day you will find that you will notice more easily what you are doing throughout the day. You will begin to catch yourself earlier and earlier as you do this Eventually, you will be seeing yourself while you are doing it, then stop yourself. At some point you will be able to notice before you even begin to feel and react in the undesirable way. Here is where you will actually begin to change the way you react to the situations in your life and change your behavior.

to your liking, even the things you do that don’t match your expectations. Ask yourself, really how important is it that they be exactly that way. Ask, who am I to insist that they are that way? Does it matter that much? Is it worth getting myself worked up about? Choose which expectations are really important for you to hold on to and which ones are not. Holding on to many expectations just complicates your life, with constant judgment. Simplify your life and reduce the stress!

1. Catch yourself when you exhibit a feeling of behavior that you don’t like and change it. At first you may not notice the feeling until after you have gone through it, that’s fine. Think about how you would rather have felt. Think about how you would rather have handled yourself. Decide how you want to do it next time. As you continue with this process

2. Stay centered all day by refocusing throughout the day. Develop the habit of paying attention to your mindset as the day goes on. Several times a day, step away from what you are doing to get re-centered. Sit down close your eyes and take several long slow deep breaths while imagining the tension washing slowly out of your body. Notice your breathing getting slower and ca l mer. Just t h i n k about your breath. Tr y to keep from thinking about anything in particular. It’s ok to not be act ively thinking for a while!

4. Delegate. This applies to your personal life as well as at work. Most of us think of delegating as a workplace skill, but it can apply personally as well. We are all very busy these days with our activities and duties. Trying to fit it all in and get it all accomplished can lead to tension. For various reasons, many of us have developed the habit of thinking we must do it all ourselves. Take a look at your situation. Think about it, really, how important is it that everything must be done perfectly to your standards? Are you sure there are not other people who can assist you. Are the other people in your life pulling their weight? Many times we get into habitual ruts that don’t need to be as they are. Look at what has been, with the eye of reducing the pressure on yourself.

3. Watc h out for your expectations. You are setting yourself up for failure, upset and frustration when you set too many standards as to how you think things should be. Think ab out w h at leads you to getting upset? Why does it upset you? Not ice t h at you decide how many things shou ld be, based on your own outlook and desire. The things others do that are not

5. Accept other people as one. As you think of yourself as different and separate from the rest of mank ind, you unknowingly create thinking and behavior that separates you from others. This kind of separate thinking leads us to think we are superior to others which leads to judgment t hen self ish t h i n k i ng a nd behavior. We are then having an internal battle with others, which brings on fear, competition and comparison, ending in frustration and anxiety. Look to discovering how to see yourself as one with all of mankind, not as separate. Focus on what we have in common rather that the relatively small uniqueness. John Halderman is a writer, speaker and trainer, dedicated to helping people with get results. For free information go to www.activepersonaldevelopment.com

January 15 - February 15, 2012


16. January 15 - February 15, 2012

Successful 2012 Resolutions By Marvin Stafford, Motivational Speaker, Contributing Writer


reetings and happy New Year, I am excited about 2012. Let’s shake off 2011. We are not going to bring 2011 into 2012. Israel Houghton the songwriter wrote, “It’s a new season. It’s a new day. A fresh anointing is flowing my way”. A new year filled with possibilities of growth and success in our lives. In order to turn our 2012 possibilities into reality, we must plan for success through setting goals and resolutions. Now I know the stigma surrounding New Year resolutions. But, if you’re willing, I want to share some information that will give

you great success with your goal and resolution achievement. USA Today interviewed a group of people concerning their New Year’s resolutions. The

group was then divided into two separate groups, those who had written down their goals and those who just thought about them. One year later, USA

Today ran an article discussing New Year’s resolutions. The results of the study reviled that, 4% of those who only thought about their resolutions made

to believe that it could happen to me”. It is important that you increase the vision of yourself. See yourself large as life and set large as life goals. Don’t worry how you are going to achieve your goals. The how, will come to you along the journey.


changes, compared to 46% of those who actually wrote down their resolutions. The results of this suggest a person may have close to 50% greater success by simply writing down your resolutions. Well, for me that is not enough. Yes, I want to be the person that thinks about resolutions. Yes, I want to be the person who writes down

Write goals in the Now! When I speak to people about their goals I tell them, “speak to the things you can’t see as though you can”. Your goals are not far away in some mythical land, in a crystal castle atop the highest tower, surrounded by a moat. Your goals are right here and now, right in front of your face. You just can’t see them, yet. Therefore, write your goals as though you have already achieved them and rewrite them often; everyday if possible.

~Third~ Set balanced goals! In setting

“Staying motivated in life eternal”

-Marvin Stafford

resolutions. And yes, I want to be among the 46% who followed through and achieved success. We all know that thinking about and writing goals are great. But, we want action and positive results. I know how you can get them. Let me rephrase. I know how you will get positive results concerning your goals and resolutions. And, I am going to share this life changing information with you. As a motivational speaker, I have studied numerous videos and read several books on goals, goal setting, and successful goal achievement. In all my studies I have found a reoccurring theme concerning goals. The theme is as follows:

~First~ Dream Big! Motivational speaker Les Brown said, “The easiest thing that I’ve ever done was to earn a million dollars. And, the hardest thing I’ve ever done is

goals there is nothing worse than setting goals that contradict another goal you have already set or achieved. Goals must be in harmony with your life. If a pianist plays a few sour notes during a concert, it will disrupt the harmony of the music. In much the same way, contradictory goals can disrupt the harmony in your life. These three major points will give you abundant success in achieving positive results with goals and resolutions. It is my goal that you, the reader, will set big “Now” goals in balance with your life for 2012.

~Finally~ If you have already set 2012 goals and resolutions, I want you to rewrite them, often.

January 15 - February 15, 2012


18. January 15 - February 15, 2012

Strutting With Confidence by Rose Carter, Contributing Writer


n Ju ly 2 011, Sha ron Jenk ins cou ld hard ly make it up the stairs, so walking from the parking lot to the 8th floor of Arena Towers One was impossible. She stopped attending functions and literally became a hermit within the walls of her small one-bedroom apartment. As a young girl it was her pleasure to ride bicycles and go for long walks on the beach. She was convinced geography (her relocation to Texas) had a lot to do with her diminishing health, but actually it was the excessive weight she had put on over the years. Age and obesity are no joke, they are definitely silent killers. Previously, she had limited success in trying weight loss products and programs. Eventually the new weight loss adventure would turn into

another disappointing attempt to get thin. Frankly, she was just too tired to do anything. If you have ever struggled with weight-gain, you understand her dilemma. Weight-gain is often a symptom of a greater problem. People looking from the outside in often wonder why it’s so hard to lose the weight, especially if there is a health concern. In order to empathize with your over-weight friend, you must walk a mile in their oversized tennis. Jenkins started to hear testimonies from her friend Gail Mathis about Ardyss’ products that had contributed significantly to the overall well being of its users. Jenkins has high blood pressure, a thyroid condition, asthma, arthritis, and sleep apnea. Mathis was moved with compassion for her friend and

decided to recommend a host of Ardyss products such as Le’ Vive, Multi-Vitamin Plus, Noni, Green 29, Omega 369, Coral Calcium, and Cran Aloe. These products were developed to help “maintain and improve heart health, promote joint health, provide digestive health and provide energy.” Jenkins started to take the products faithfully and within a month, she was in the gym on the treadmill and stationary bike. Her ride use to have a drop her off in front of the building at work, but now she can park anywhere in the parking structure and walk to the elevator in the main building with no trouble. She attributes her newfound energy to the Ardyss products that have helped to revolutionize her life. Getting up in the morning is a joy because she knows that

whatever her day br i ng s, she will have the strength to handle it. Jenk ins had a recent bout with an upper respirator y infection and was able to bounce back in half of the time it usually takes her to heal. She is smiling that million dollar smile again and “strutting with confidence,” everywhere she goes. Jenkins can now start a weight-loss regiment and have the energy to strut successfully to the finish line, all because of the natural energizer, Le’Vive. Mathis has a product line that is

“life changing,” Sharon Jenkins is a living witness of that. Just watch her strut, the next time you see her, she will make a believer out of you. For more information contact Gail Mathis: 832-294-9262.

January 15 - February 15, 2012


20. January 15 - February 15, 2012

Life Beyond January By Cheryl A. Pullins, Contributing Writer


ne of the top New Year’s resolut ions is weight loss. Unfortunately it has a ninety percent abandon rate. Let’s walk through the scenario. You go to the athletic wear store a nd pu rchase a l l t he gear. You buy the latest sneaker because the sales associate, says it’s the best. Then you make your way over to the local gym to get your brand new gym membership, because they have all the newest state of the art exercise equipment and oh yeah, don’t forget the thirty five flat screen televisions you can watch from every machine. You may even go home and clear out the refrigerator and cabinets of all the foods you declare you will no longer eat. January comes and you are excited and ready to get sta r ted. Week one, you a re feel i ng empowered. Week two you are feeling great and

moving right along. You encounter some situations but you overcome them. Week four, this is where the challenge begins. The day you typically go to the gym, you are invited to dinner at your favorite restaurant. You agree to attend because after all, you can hit the gym the next day. Let’s jump ahead to week six where things really begin to shift. You have to work late a couple times during t he week a nd before long you r excitement diminishes and your New Year’s resolution is now just a passing fancy or dismissed notion. Where did things go wrong? Can you identify what happened and why? There are a number of reasons why you may have missed the mark, but for the purpose of this discussion we are going to look at the absence of creating a strategy with goals and a plan of action. L ook i ng at t he

fou ndat ion of t he “r e solut ion” to lose weight, not ice t hat it starts as a negative. Losing weight is correcting a negative condition. Let’s pause for a few seconds – many people use the New Year as a time to address the negat ives in their lives – weight loss, debt, negat ive relat ionsh ips and even smoking. Shift your perspective from a negative condition to a positive solution. Instead of creating a list of New Year’s resolutions, create an overall business and life strategy which includes your goals and a plan of action for the coming year. A sol id st rateg y not only includes goals, but a plan of act ion with tasks, dates and a clear understanding of pu r pose. T here is an established formula for not only setting goals, but achieving them as well. The SMART goal process is an effective method to assist with planning your

2012 strategy for success. Continuing with the example of weight loss, we must first re-define the goal. Instead of saying “lose weight” say “become fit and healthy” thus moving from a negative position to a positive solution. As you build your strategy the goals portion should include five components.

Be Specific

Don’t use vague terms. Create a vivid picture of what success looks like to you and include it in your plan.

Include Measures

Measures provide a way to quantify your goal. Using measures helps to chart your progress and evaluate at completion. For example, create a goal to lower your bad cholesterol or raise your good cholesterol. The measure is t he target number you need to reach and should be included in

your goal plan.

If you can’t commit, then you must quit.

Be sure that the goal is attainable. Attaining your goal is not about ability but commitment. Not “can I really do it? But “will I really do it”. Be honest about your commitment to reaching the goal. Ask yourself, “Am I willing to commit to what it takes to reach the goal?” You may have some sense of belief in your ability to reach a goal, otherwise you wouldn’t consider it in the first place, however, don’t measure whether the goal is attainable against your belief, but measure it against your commitment to the discipline necessary.

Be Real

Goal planning requ i res a rea l ist ic understanding of physical laws. For example, the physical law of gravity does

not change. Application of this understanding is a significant foundation for developing realistic goals.

Put a Date On It

Give your goals a date. We typically find it challenging to commit to a date. Why? Because what happens if you don’t reach the goal on the date specified? Not reaching the goal on an exact date is perceived as a negative. But consider these things. • Maybe the correct activities weren’t applied to reach the goal. • Sufficient time wasn’t a l l ot t e d t o r e a c h the goal. When this occurs, don’t sweat it and abandon the goal, just change the date because at the end of the day you still want to reach the goal. Cheryl A. Pullins is a speaker and strategist. You can learn more at http://www.iMentorWomen.com.

Top 6 Health Fitness Tips to Get You in By Joel Rodriguez


chieving peak fitness will improve your m i nd, body a nd health. And these Physical Fitness tips will help you to achieve awesome results. Cross-Train: Cross training involves using multiple types of exercise in one workout. It’s great because you don’t have time to become bored, every single muscle in your body is used and it reduces the risk of injury. Try Something New: When you’ve performed the same exercise routine for a while, it can become a bit stale. When this happens, one of the best fitness tips is to incorporate something new into your workout routine. You could become involved in a team sport, invest in some

Perfect Shape

h igh qua l it y home f it ness equipment, or DVD’s, or try a new outdoor activity. Doing this will give you renewed enthusiasm and prevent you from giving up on your fitness regime altogether. Adjust Your Fitness Plan According to the Native Season: If you’re not careful, the weather can really play havoc with your fitness plan. Running may not seem so appealing in the hot sun, or the freezing winter. And dark winter nights may make a journey to the gym seem suddenly unpleasant. One of the top f itness tips shared by those who are dedicated to regular fitness is to plan ahead for the season. Think about what you could do to adjust your fitness plans for

the weather, and put them into play long before you think about giving up. Don’t Skimp On Stretching: When you’re short on time, it’s all too easy to skip stretching before and after your workout routine. Don’t be tempted to do this yourself, as the results could be fatal. M issing one st retch ing session could result in an injury that could ruin your fitness plan for weeks. And while you’re unable to exercise, the body you’ve worked so hard for will deteriorate. Joel Rodrig ue z is the Founder of ThePerfectBodySystem.com, Providing Great content to those looking to get in shape. www.theperfectbodysystem.com

January 15 - February 15, 2012


How to Tone Up Your Cellulite Areas

By Joey Atlas


ou buy them and they don’t get the job done. Anti cellulite pills, lotions, gadgets, rubber tights and other silly money wasters that sell you hope and nothing else. The truth is, your best weapons in your battle against unwelcome cellulite are a smart nutritional routine and a consistent, properly structured workout program. I’ll assume you have a pretty good handle on the nutritional component. As for the properly structured workout program, which you may indeed have, I’ve put together a butt, hip and thigh routine which you can incorporate into your current workouts. This routine specifically targets the areas where the appearance of cellulite tends to show up. Keep in mind, I’ve been training people since the late eighties. Speaking strictly from experience, I can tell you that the following routine is responsible for helping many women dramatically change the appearance of their cellulite areas.

Lying on your side, do 10 reps of each exercise: 1) Bring both knees forward so your

hips are at a 90 degree angle. Then straighten your top leg out in front of you, still keeping 90 degrees at the hip. Lift the top leg slowly about three feet off the ground & down. 2) Straighten both legs so your body is in a straight line. Tilt the hips forward slightly. Lift the top leg about three feet off the ground & down. 3) Put your top leg out in front of you, on the ground. Move your bottom leg forward slightly. Lift the bottom leg about 8 - 12 inches off the ground & down. 4) Repeat all 3 on the other side.

On the elbows and knees, do 10 reps of each exercise: 1) Extend one leg straight back with

your toe on the ground. Lift that leg up toward the ceiling & down. Then switch legs. 2) Lift your knee off the floor. Extend that same heel back and up so your leg is

pointing toward the ceiling & then bring the knee back into you. Then switch legs.

Standing up, do 10 reps of each exercise: 1) Start with your feet

together. Step out in front in to a lunge position. Touch the ground with opposite hand. Come back up & step back to the starting position. Then switch legs. 2) Put one foot up on a step (12 - 18 inches high). Slowly step up and down with the other foot. Then switch legs. If this routine is easy try going through it twice. If you still need more of a challenge, increase the reps to 15 or 20 per set. Joey Atlas is the creator of The Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover home workout DVDs. To learn more go to www.ToneUpThatButt.com

22. January 15 - February 15, 2012

January 15 - February 15, 2012


How To Avoid Injuries

By Diana Statham


xercising is a great way to keep yourself fit and healthy, but there is also a risk of injury. However, if you follow some basic guidelines, and stay within your physical limits, you can ensure that you’ll have an enjoyable and safe workout.



Fitness wear is very important. Only if you are at ease and comfortable in what you’re wearing, can you perform to your optimum potential. The right shoes are imperative. They must be suited to the type of exercise that you are doing. When buying a pair of fitness shoes, always consult with the staff at a sports equipment store, and ask for their advice. The wrong type of shoes can lead to sprains and even long-term injury. Clothes, too, must be comfortable, loose-fitting, and, ideally, made out of a fabric that absorbs sweat, like cotton. Very tight fitting clothes can be uncomfortable, and extremely loose clothes can get in the way. Don’t compromise when it comes to fitness wear.

Warm ups are essential... this cannot be stressed on enough. Starting an exercise routine without warm ups can be very damaging to your body. It is always advisable to do some relatively gentle exercise to warm up your muscles, so that they’ll be less susceptible to damage that may occur during exercises. Also, they’ll ensure that they get more flexible and limber. Just spend a few minutes getting warmed up. About 5 to 10 minutes should do. Stretch muscles and other soft tissues. This will prepare your body for the more rigorous exercise that is going to follow, and help you go for a longer period of time without feeling tired or fatigued.

Change and Alternate It is a good idea if you combine strenuous activity with something that is comparatively less physically demanding. This lessens your chances of over-exerting yourself, and gives your body more time to recover from bouts of intense activity.

COOL DOWN Don’t come to a sudden halt in between strenuous workouts. This causes the blood to pool in your leg veins, and can leave you feeling dizzy and faint. Give time for the lactic acid being produced by your muscles during vigorous activity to be cleared by finishing your session with a few minutes of gentle exercise.

STOP WHEN IT STARTS HURTING If exercising starts to hurt, stop until the pain has completely gone away. Saying like ‘no pain, no gain’ should be ignored, since they make you push yourself beyond your physical limits... which isn’t a good thing, after all. If you experience physical discomfort and things like dizziness, faintness, nausea, shortness of breath etc., please visit your doctor right away. Also, avoid exercising when you are unwell or sick. Diana Statham offers information on various health topics such as diseases, injuries, and medical tests. www.health-care-information.org

24. January 15 - February 15, 2012

The Importance of High School Sports By Jane Saeman


eamwork is one of the most important skills that high school students can learn, and nowhere is this easier to teach than on the sports field. Here students can learn how each individual’s effort combined with that of their team-mates creates the success level of the team. If all the members of a team give it their best and pull together as a team, then the team has a greater probability of winning. Although winning everything isn’t always the best lesson to learn, the fact that if everyone does their best the team does better is the more important lesson to learn. Once the students leave school/ college and start in a working environment, they are going to find themselves on a jobrelated team of some description whether it’s for a legal firm or the local garage; they are going to helping their employer to do better than the competition. Even if your child isn’t happy with team sports, and some kids much prefer working at their own level, there are plenty of sporting opportunities where

individual effort is required. Track and field events are usually the more obvious ones to be undertaken at high school level, and high school students get the chance to test their skills against peers at inter-school athletics events in much the same way that the teams compete in inter-school games. Another good reason for having sports in high school is the possibility of college sponsorship. This is especially important for lower income families who haven’t the financial opportunity to build up a college nest egg to help their child further their education. Many of the better colleges offer up to 100% scholarships for the best athletes/sportspeople they can identify in high schools around the country and so if your child is hoping to go to college, and your finances are low, then you could do well to encourage your child into trying out a number of sports to see which, if any, they can excel in during their high school years. Of course sports aren’t for everyone, and it could be that your child just isn’t sport’s-minded, but if they are then it’s a great way of getting their education at a

much reduced rate. Not all teens enjoy sports during their high school years, and for some of them they are an absolute misery, but if your child’s school has a compulsory sport’s program then the best you can do is to encourage your child to become interested in some sporting activity. Even if it’s one

that’s not on the high school curriculum, at least they will be able to say that they are proficient in at least one sport and therefore be less at risk of being a target of ridicule from the other students. Jane Saeman runs an In-Home Training service called Aim High Tutors. Find out how to help your student reach their full potential at www.aimhightutors.com/blog

Kickboxing Houston Top 7 Advantages of Kickboxing Workouts By Boris Karamoskov


f you are stuck inside a workout rut or looking for a motivating fitness routine, you might consider adding a high-energy kickboxing workout to the schedule. Kickboxing workouts combine martial arts techniques withheart-pumping cardio, which means you can get total body workouts and whip yourself healthy in no time. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or long-time gym aficionado, undertaking a kickboxing workout at least one time each week can help you feel re-energized and from a rut. Here are seven more benefits of kickboxing workouts: Benefit #1: Relieve Stress You can kick and punch your way to some stress-free zone within minutes of your high-energy kickboxing routine. The movements in kickboxing challenge several core muscle groups and will give you an elliptical trainer workout, fast. Benefit #2: Boost Confidence Levels Based on Dr. Rose Windale of Healthzine.

org, kickboxing can help you release endorphins which will give your mood a boost and help you feel well informed. Endorphins will even cause you to feel happier and much more positive for many hours following the workout. Benefit #3: Improved Coordination If you’re struggling with posture problems and have poor coordination, you can strengthen your ‘core’ and improve your reflexes and coordination skills. The speedy punches and takes over the kickboxing routine provides you with an opportunity to focus your time to execute each movement successfully. Benefit #4: Burn Mega Calories Muscle and Fitness Magazine reports that fitness kickboxing can burn over 800 calories per hour, and you’ll be getting fitter your whole body while you rev up your metabolism. It is a high-power cardio routine that’s ideal for weight reduction and getting you fit, fast. (Source: CKOKickboxing.com)

Benef it #5: Excellent CrossTraining Workout If you have been pounding on the treadmill for many weeks and need a break out of your usual cardio routine, kickboxing is the perfect cross-training workout. You can include some weights by putting on wrist weights or ankle weights, or simply putting on a set of lightweight boxing gloves for added resistance. Just a few routines a week will help you break out of an exercise rut, fast. Benefit #6: Get An Energy Boost Kickboxing is a high-energy cardio routine that will give your body and mind a lift, and can increase your energy levels. You’ll be breathing hard and sweating out toxins; this method can give your energy levels a much-needed boost. Benefit #7: Better Posture If you are hunched over a computer all day, kickboxing workouts will challenge many

muscles that don’t get enough attention during the day, and you’ll start to build up your core. Core muscles in around your abdominal wall are targeted with kickboxing routines since you want to use your waist and abs for balance, and also to execute each carefully coordinated move. Kickboxing workouts provide several advantages for you and mind, and are a great choice for getting through a fitness rut. Whether you are a fitness fanatic or simply getting started with a good work out routine, kickboxing can help you reach your workout goals. Author Resource: Article provided by PublishedArticles.com For more information on training Martial Arts Houston call (713) 307-5375 or visit www. BamBamGym.com for a free class.

January 15 - February 15, 2012



26. January 15 - February 15, 2012


January 15 - February 15, 2012



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