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August 2017


Inspire, Inform & Educate


73rd Edition




03 The Power of Communication


I’m Sorry. I Just Don’t Feel Good. Communicate about Your Health.

06 “Happy Hormones In Check For Men And Women”

2  | August 2017

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August 2017  |  3

Healthy Lifestyle

The Power of Communication By Reggie Collier Contributing Writer


n any relationship whether it be personal or professional I believe that the single most important element is communication. As a personal trainer, this skill surpasses far beyond telling someone what to do in the gym or what to eat. You must be able to give clients the power to mentally achieve their health and fitness goals before they even step foot in a facility. You must sow the seed of determination in them by empowering them with the belief that they can achieve anything they put their minds to. Whether the goal is to motivate, educate, or instill confidence, it is my belief that the success of either is led by the power of communication. A personal trainer should be that person motivating their clients to push themselves physically, to stick to a regime and to live a healthy lifestyle. In order to motivate a client, you must possess the capability to assess their per-

sonality traits and determine what they respond to. In this profession, you will consistently have to deal with different dispositions and/or personalities, so it is important to construct your message to suit the client you are working with. A “cookie-cutter” approach simply won’t work. A genuine effort to understand another person goes a long way in the path of communication. Great motivators will use encouragement to spark desire in their clients to want to “go harder” “give more” and “be better than they were the day before.” Positive reinforcement is key to building confidence and drive. Some people need more encouragement than others, while some may respond better to more straightforward language. It’s your challenge as a personal trainer to find out what motivates your clients, and to communicate it to them. Once your clients start seeing positive results, that in itself will likely act as a motivating force. Another important part of communicating with clients is educating them through verbal dialog. One of the main goals of a personal trainer should be to educate your clients about healthy habits

and productive exercise routines. It goes without saying that personal trainers must have a sound knowledge of fitness to educate others about fitness, but they also need to communicate that message. Knowledge alone isn’t enough to be a good educator. Verbal communication is a key component of education, along with teaching by example. Assure that you are communicating your message in an easily understandable, engaging way. I have found that if you’re a good communicator, you will be a more confident personal trainer who will in turn instill confidence in your clients. Your clients

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will have more faith in your training program if you can demonstrate your knowledge of fitness with authority. Make yourself not only knowledgeable but personable as well. Every one of clients should feel as if they can talk to you about they’re fitness goals and the hindrances and/or shortcomings. It is your job to listen attentively and then effectively communicate with them a plan of action to be better. Reggie Collier is the owner of RC Fitness, formerly Reggie C. Fitness.

BONE M 4  | August 2017

D O N A Focus on the Fight, not the Fright

can. And in bone marrow Finding a donor matchtransplantation, while Black race matters. Finding a donor match while Black

By Cynthia Nickerson Contributing Writer


f you had the chance to save a life, would you? If you are not a health care provider or emergency worker, or an individual for whom saving lives is in their job description, you can still get a chance to take someone from the brink of death toward the light of life. The first step, is to just say “Yes.” 31-year old Maria Adeoti is ecstatic someone said “yes” for her. Maria is dedicated employee at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and a hard working nursing student. But in December of 2008, Maria wasn’t sure she’d ever get the chance to start a career. Diagnosed with a blood cancer, Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, Maria was devastated at the turn her life took. Her only chance for survival? A bone marrow transplant.

BoneMarrow: Marrow: You You have have enough Bone enough to toshare share Your body’s bone marrow and blood cells keep you alive. When disease affects the blood and marrow, they do not function properly. For many patients, like Maria, chemotherapy or other treatments will not wipe out their blood disease so a marrow transplant is the only hope for a potential cure. A patient that needs a bone marrow transplant can only get the lifesaving marrow from a healthy donor. The donor’s healthy blood-forming cells are infused into the patient’s bloodstream, where they begin to grow and make healthy blood cells. A healthy donor has enough marrow and stem cells to donate. The problem, however, for many patients is that they

Maria Adeoti recruiting a potential donor at a Be the Match table.

cannot find a donor match. According to the National Marrow Donor Program, matching a patient with a donor is not the same as finding someone with the same blood type. It is much more complex. Donors are matched by antigens found in the immune system that are DNA based. These antigens are inherited. Unfortunately for patients, only 30% will find a matching donor in their own family. That leaves 70% of all blood disease patients who need a donor to survive, hoping to find a match on a public registry. Once testing confirmed no one in Maria’s family was a donor match, they immediately turned to the Be the Match registry, operated by the National Marrow Donor Program. Even with more than 12 million individuals registered as potential donors, Maria and her family knew it would be an uphill battle to find one that was suitable for her. Maria is Nigerian and African Ameri-

“Currently, individuals of Black and African American ancestry are underrepresented on the registry, making it more difficult to find donor matches for those suffering from blood diseases like sickle cell,” said Mary Halet, Director of Community Engagement at Be The Match. While the best matches are siblings, the next best matches are from people that share similar ethnic background. This is because the antigens that need to be matched, are DNA based and individuals with similar ethnic backgrounds share similar DNA. However, only 7% of the Be the Match registry consists of AfricanAmerican/Black donors. Compare that with 67% Caucasian individuals on the registry. Caucasians have a greater than 90% chance of finding a donor. Blacks/AfricanAmericans have only about 66% chance. There are several reasons for this disparity. One reason is that Blacks have greater diversity in their gene pool, which makes it harder to find a match. But the biggest reason is that not enough Blacks are on the registry to match the need. Fewer Blacks sign up to be donors, than Caucasians. Maria and her family were naturally very worried but continued to pray. They knew that many Black patients search for months or years and never find a donor. They saw firsthand Black patients who passed away because

74% White 10% Latino 7% African American 7% Asian 1% Native American Percentage adult donors Source: National Marrow Donor Program

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August 2017  |  5

T I O N Would you be willing to put up with some minor discomfort, and a few hours of your time to save a human life?

Eric Delasbour and his wife after he donated stem cells at Be the Match Houston/Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.

their disease gets worse and their body gives out before a donor is ever found. They read stories of Black patients who find a donor, get excited about the chance to live, only to face crushing disappointment when that donor backs out, sometimes the day before scheduled donation. Finally, after three months (compared to just a few days for many Caucasian patients) a donor was found for Maria. “I was so happy, excited and thankful when they told me.” Maria’s donor was 24 years old and in the Air Force. He donated bone marrow at a hospital in the state of Washington.

Just aa little little part part of of you you can Just can make make aa sick sick patient whole patient whole Do not let the donation process frighten you. Representatives from Be the Match-Houston state that these

Maria Adeoti in the hospital on the day she received her bone marrow transplant

days, 77% of marrow donors actually donate blood forming stem cells, in a procedure similar to giving blood in which no hospitalization is required. Even if donors are asked to give marrow from the hip, anesthesia is provided for the quick outpatient procedure. The soreness afterward is similar to the way your muscles feel after a strenuous workout. But donors are urged to “focus on the fight-not the fright.” The fight that their patient is undergoing for survival. Would you be willing to put up with some minor discomfort, and a few hours of your time to save a human life? Wouldn’t’ you want someone to do so for you or your family member? Maria met her donor a few years after her transplant and recalls tears of joy and happiness that she shed during the meeting. “He cried also when we met,” she said. “He was

happy that I survived and that he played a role in that.” Maria is now a volunteer for Be the Match-Houston. She speaks about her experience and helps the team recruit donors. "Be the match is an organization that grants second chances in life. Finding a donor for me allowed me to achieve and live out my dreams and for that I am forever grateful," said Maria. Be the Match-Houston is urgently looking for minorities to join the registry. Log on to giveblood. org/marrow donor program to see a special message from Mayor Sylvester Turner. If you would like to join the registry and/or hold a registry drive at your church, social club or place of employment, please contact 713-791-6697.

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6  | August 2017

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Lifestyle

“Happy Hormones In Check For Men And Women” identical hormones can potentially: Dr. LaTronica Fisher Contributing Writer


I’m Sorry. I Just Don’t Feel Good Communicate about Your Health By Rhonda Dallas Contributing Writer


s adults it is so hard for us to just let others know that we just don’t feel good at times. We look at this as a sign of weakness. On the other hand, children have no problem expressing how they feel in private and in public. Have you ever been somewhere in public talking and your child interrupts you and says “Mommy, Daddy, I don’t feel good?” Invariably, everyone stops talking and focuses on that child not feeling well. As adults we are taught to be strong everywhere we go and in everything we do. But just imagine for a moment: could we be honest and communicate how we really feel sometimes? We might say things like, “I would really like to come out and support your event, but I don’t feel good,” or “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I have not been myself lately and that is why I have not called you, or I know you really wanted me to be at your wedding or birthday party, but I feel sick”. A recent survey shows that 61 percent of private-sector workers with paid sick leave still feel non-financial pressure to show up. Furthermore, 25% of those surveyed claimed they work while sick “because their boss expects them to come in no matter what.” More than a third of those polled said they wait until they feel the “full onset” of their symptoms before deciding to stay home. For those who have the option of staying home, clocking in while sick is counterproductive, according to NSF. “While the inclination might be to power through an illness and go to work when you’re starting to feel run down, the best thing to do is stay home,” the group said. “Going to

work not only puts your co-workers at risk of getting sick, but may further strain your immune system.” (Huffington Post) We need to make sure we are going to the doctor at least once a year to have our body examined. Think about this: we get the oil changed in our car several times a year depending on the distance we drive. Our bodies endure distance every day. Often we do not eat healthy or get enough sleep and exercise. We must be comfortable with communicating our health to each other. It would save a great deal of stress and tension if we just told people around us how we feel sometimes. Before I began a healthier lifestyle, I would feel sluggish, and have sinus headaches on a weekly basis. I truly believed at times this was normal until I used my own degree in science and began researching how to live healthier. It changed my life. The weight fell off using some of my very own supplements (D3-“Dietary Designs by Dallas”), I began to walk in the neighborhood and eventually began to Life Coach others on how to live a “Healthier Lifestyle” one pound at a time. I once told a Pastor of a church, “If the members felt better, they would do more and if they do more they could use their talents and treasures more. As a Certified Life Coach with a concentration in Health, I say it’s okay to not feel well but let’s do something about it together. Let’s go to the doctor, let’s get tested, let’s start exercising, let’s start eating better, let’s start taking vitamins (D3-Dietary Designs by Dallas), and let’s get our proper rest.

ormones are communication messengers that tell our bodies how to function. However, they can easily be thrown off kilter by many of the lifestyle choices we make each day. Small, everyday changes can help balance your hormones and lead to the healthier and more fulfilling life you deserve. Many foods we are eating such as dairy products, white sugar, white flour, gluten, soy, and animal protein are creating a hormone imbalance. The only true hormones are the ones produced by your own body. Researchers are discovering the devastating effects of hormone replacement on the human body. My research shows that all hormones (synthetic and bio-identical) that are taken internally or used externally, have a negative effect. Since many women are no longer willing to accept the risks associated with synthetic hormones and are searching for safer alternatives, they are vulnerable to the marketing of natural hormone replacement that is portrayed as a safe answer to synthetic hormones. However, before and after results reveal that synthetic, and bio-

To learn about healthy recipes, diets , and supplements, contact me at info@rhondadallas.com or email me at rhondadallasconsulting@gmail.com Experience Our World of Advertising, Marketing, Media and Communication

• Shut down the production of the body’s own natural hormones. •  Pre-maturely age the body. • Cause toxicity to the entire body including the liver, kidneys, blood and the immune system.

Hormones are critical to your quality of life. Dr. Fisher can educate women and men on keeping hormones in check on a daily basis. Hormonal balance leads to the following benefits: •  Get rid of hotflashes and night sweats • Bring testosterone levels up to par •  Get control of mood swings, energy crashes, low libido, depression, and hair loss. • Look and feel the best you have in years •  Get rid of the extra padding around the abdomen • Lower risk of specific cancers and heart attack

If you want to achieve a better quality of life, don’t hesistate to call for your free phone consultation: 713 256-1752 or visit our website at drfisherroad2wellness.Com. Dr. Fisher will educate you about how to keep your hormones in check on a daily basis and how to take control of your future. Reference: Fisher, d. L. (2016). Rejuvenate your hormones. Houston: create-a-space.

August 2017  |  7

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