d-mars.com Health & Wellness 26

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Health & Wellness Journal Health



August 2013











Inspire, Inform & Educate



Becoming A Healthy Thinker


26 th Edition A healthy outside starts from the inside. ~Robert Urich

Backpack Basics

By Sterling Carter DPT, MS, CSCS Have you seen a child leaning to the left or right to support a heavy backpack on the opposite shoulder? If the load is too heavy it might cause the child to arch their back as well. PAGE 8

These Foods Are Your Answer To How To Gain Muscles Fast By Kevin Shaw For all those individuals that are learning how to gain muscles fast, be prepared to spend some quality time of eating the proper foods. PAGE 14

Tru Balance Water, “Tru” Fountain of Youth PAGE 4


By Michelle May We live in an abundant food environment; food is fast, convenient, often highly processed, ... PAGE 18

Stewart Cadillac presents

Community Champion of the Month Dr. Adrienne Williams, DDS Artistic Works Dentistry

Small Bits of Fitness Add Up

By SparkPeople.com Is this a common question in your life? Many of us jam-pack so much stuff into our daily routines, seemingly there’s no time to relax for just one minute, let alone exercise. PAGE 22

Stewart Cadillac Presents Community Champion of the Month Page 2

Back To School Is Your Child Ready? Page 8

August 2013

Journal Behind The


Publisher’s Message

Keith J. Davis, Sr.

SR. PUBLISHER Keith J. Davis, Sr.

This month’s journal’s theme is “Becoming a Healthy Thinker.” Learning to care about your health and being aware of what you do to your body is essential for a long life. While diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease are becoming more prevalent in our communities, we need to know how to prevent these killers early. As always again, thank you for your continued support of d-mars.com. When you support d-mars.com, you are supporting more than just our company; you are supporting the communities in which we live and work. Working together, we can succeed in making positive things happen.




Tru Balance Water, the Fountain of Youth......................................................................................................4

SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Johnny Ray Davis, Jr. C.T. Foster Eric D. Goodwine

How to Prevent Tooth Decay, Gum Disease & Tooth Loss!............................................................................6 Back to School, Is Your Child Ready?...........................................................................................................8 Backpack Basics...........................................................................................................................................8 The Changing Face of Mental Health in Texas.............................................................................................10


Summer Light Dishes Brought to You by Fitness 40....................................................................................11


Dark Chocolate: A Tiny Piece Is All It Takes for Health and Pleasure..........................................................12

L.C. Poullard Grady Carter Tony Gaines

Lights, Camera, Action................................................................................................................................12 Difficulty Getting Sleep At Night, Find Natural Remedy For Insomnia.........................................................13


Natural Supplements Boost Our Health and Immunity................................................................................14

These Foods Are Your Answer To How To Gain Muscles Fast.....................................................................14

LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGNER Kevin Wright DISTRIBUTION Booker T. Davis, Jr. Rockie Hayden

Diabetes and Your Feet................................................................................................................................16 The Post Workout Meal - What You Should Eat After Your Workout............................................................16 You’re Not the Boss of My Body! Support Healthy Habits in Children.........................................................18 The Four Most Dangerous Allergies and How to Prevent Them...................................................................20 Back Pain: The Seven Most Common Sources of It and Natural Steps to Remedy It.................................22 Small Bits of Fitness Add Up.......................................................................................................................22

INTERN Julian S.

Kellogg Highlights Advancements in Health and Wellness..........................................................................23

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Julian S. Ramona Smith Dr. Ka-Ron Y. Wade Faith Johnson Tisha Rowe Tanya Lavelle Cheryl Winter Payton Polkinghorne Kevin Shaw Wadner Tranchant Eric Carpenter Michell May Sixwise.com Sparkpeople.com Eric Schroeder Jonas Certa Sterling Carter Julie Lester Eric Carpenter

8 Natural Options to Relieve Cancer-Related Pain......................................................................................24 Best Eye Supplements to incresase Eyesight And Vision............................................................................26 Brain Fitness 101.........................................................................................................................................26

MR. D-MARS Tip of the Month “The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together.” -Kurdish Saying

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August 2013

Tru Balance Water, “Tru” Fountain of Youth

By Julian S. & Ramona Smith


hen focusing on one's health, the simple things are often overlooked. Take a moment to think about how much water you've had today. What type of water did you drink? Was it distilled, purified, or perhaps reverse osmosis? According to Tru Balance Area Manager Ken Hopkins, the quantity of water is secondary to the quality of the water one drinks. Tru Balance Water is alkaline water, and the goal of this company is to educate people that quality water results in a healthy lifestyle. Hopkins says, “We are distributing water how God intended; that’s alkaline water.” Talking with Mr.

Hopkins he taught us the science behind his product, the goals they are achieving, and what is in store for the future. The science behind this alkaline water starts with knowing that your body has a pH level of around 7.3. A majority of the foods and drinks that we have like sodas, meats, and breads are acidic, so most of the time our body ends up having high acidity levels. The way to counteract this problem is adding bases to your body; basic foods include raw fruits and vegetables. Because in a majority of our diets we do not have an equal balance of these acidic and basic foods, it can create health problems and alkaline water can be the solution. Tru Balance Water comes to around 9.5 on the pH scale, which can

even out the low numbered acidic foods we eat to create a harmony in our body. Tru Balance Water did not stop at just the pH level. Hopkins spoke on their water being micro-clustered. The analogy he used to explain the process is, if a human cell is a basketball, through the microclusters the water acts as a golf ball that can get in there and clean the impurities out and take them with it. They can test this feature by using a tea bag in cold water. The micro-clusters act as a filter so tea can be made cold, you do not have to separate the water by boiling it beforehand. The company has infused electrolytes and put vitamin A in the water and oxygenated it, so it becomes an anti-antioxidant.

Mr. Hopkins is an avid supporter of Tru Balance water, not only as a salesman, but as a consumer with a testimony. A few years back, the St. Louis native started gaining weight. Concerned with his health, he was determined to get back into shape. One of his well respected friends was observing his new lifestyle consisting of exercise, and excessive water consumption. His friend suggested that Mr. Hopkins should focus on the quality of the water he was drinking, and introduced him to a high-priced alkaline water filter. Mr. Hopkins took his friend's advice, and purchased the filter. Prior to using the filter, Mr. Hopkins suffered from chest inflammation. He was seen by a doctor who told him to lower his cholesterol. Two months later, after continuing

to work out and use the filter, he returned to the doctor and his previous health issues were nonexistent. Since his personal enlightenment, Mr. Hopkins has been dedicated to distributing high quality water, “Water the way God meant it to be,” at an affordable price. As his health noticeably improved, one of his acquaintances reached out for help. The man was 85 years old at the time and complained about his inability to empty his bladder. Knowing that the elderly man could not pay for the same expensive filter he had, Mr. Hopkins opened his heart and his wallet, in order to help his friend. He bottled the water from his own filter, and delivered

the irreparable damage. In addition, the water is a natural antioxidant, which aids in cancer prevention. On the subject on cancer, Mr. Hopkins brought up Nobel laureate Dr. Otto Warburg who won the prize by discovering that cancer is an acidic disease, which is created when cells are not exposed to oxygen, and that cancer cannot live in an alkaline body, which has high levels of oxygen. To put it simply this is an amazing product that has immediate and long lasting health benefits. The company was started approximately two years ago, but they are growing and expanding very quickly. Tru Balance Water is in talks with Whole Foods for a distribution deal that

it. About a week later, the man had a new complaint; he couldn't stop going to the restroom. Inspired by that success story, he wanted to find a way to help everyone gain the benefits of alkaline water in an inexpensive way. He doesn’t believe the community, especially the black community, is apprehensive about healthy living, it’s more about the price point. “It’s not cheap to eat salads everyday, it’s cheaper to get a pack of Ramen Noodles. That’s why I have my alkaline water at a lower price point,” he tells us. Hopkins mentions diabetes as being everywhere, and he wants to help and educate people in, “an inexpensive way.” Alkaline water has miraculous health benefits, including blood sugar regulation for diabetics. It acts as a colon cleansing aid, gives relief from acid reflux disease, relief from gout, and even provides hangover prevention. Studies have shown that drinking alkaline water also decreases the buildup of plaque in the brains of people living with Alzheimer's Disease, stopping

would feature the alkaline water in their grocery stores. They are in the works of creating a 20oz and 16.9oz bottle to sell in a six-pack to Whole Foods customers. The company is really excited about expanding locally, and takes pride that they are a Houston-based company with two bottling plants on the north and south side of the city. Clearly, Tru Balance Water is a beneficial investment for improving personal health and wellness. Tru Balance Water sells at an amazingly affordable price of $25 for two 5 gallon containers. This price includes home delivery, installation, and a cooler to buyers in the Houston area. There is also an optional hand pump device available for buyers who are physically unable to lift the cumbersome 5 gallon containers. Mr. Hopkins is determined to educate and inform all Americans about the benefits of drinking alkaline water. Through compassion, information and demonstration, Tru Balance Water is striving to become America's true fountain of youth.

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August 2013

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August 2013


The extent of damage caused by food left on your teeth depends on how long it’s left there. For this reason, you never want to skip brushing or flossing. If that’s not possible, at least rinse and drink lots of water. Keep a toothbrush and floss handy when you’re away from home. The only way to break up colonies of bacteria that constantly form is to make sure you floss at least once a day. The “etching” done to your enamel by the acid can begin within 20 minutes of consuming an offending food. Plaque build-up can quickly harden into calculus that can only be removed by inoffice cleaning!

What You Eat and Drink Matters! Refined sugar and processed carbohydrates and everywhere—from desserts, pastas and breads to sports drinks and fruit juices. Carbohydrates break down into sugar. And the more sugar you consume, the more plaque you form. The more plaque you form, the more decay and gum disease you’ll get.

Tooth Decay and Gum Disease are Preventable! As many as 23 percent of adults suffer from untreated tooth decay, which results in the damage of tooth structure. Neglected tooth decay can also lead to severe pain, root canal infection, abscess and tooth loss. Three-fourths of the adult population has gum disease. Almost one-fourth of adults 65 years and older have lost all of their teeth. Periodontitis (gum disease) is the leading cause of adult tooth loss and the resulting gum infection can also compromise your health. Yet, tooth decay, gum disease and tooth loss are largely preventable!

Take Home Tips! The cause of both tooth decay and gum disease is plaque build-up. So here’s how to keep plaque in check: Brush and floss daily, use an oral irrigator and have regular dental exams and cleanings.

Their menu is your menu!! Most refined foods make perfect bite-sized meals for bacteria, which is bad news for your teeth. On the other hand, most unprocessed foods can’t be “digested” by bacteria are less problematic.

Take Home Tips! Try curbing your intake of refined sugar and processed foods by eating more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains…and drink water instead of a sports drink, soda or juice. A diet that’s good for your teeth and gums is also good for the rest of your body.

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It’s a good idea to cut back on between-meal snacks, especially those that stick to your teeth like dried fruit and crackers, and avoid consuming too many acidic and sugary drinks and foods. New research shows that the natural sweetener xylitol inhibits the growth of specific decay-causing bacteria and is available in gum, mints and toothpastes.

With Preventive Care, 44% of Patients Don’t Need Dental Work! A recent insurance-based study examined approximately 750,000 dental claims over a 15-year period. The study found that nearly 44 percent of patients treated in a given year needed nothing more than preventive and diagnostic treatments! Prevention can save you time and money!!

Take Home Tips! Regular six-month check-ups and cleanings can dramatically reduce—or eliminate—the need for extensive dental treatments and periodontal surgery. You may have no symptoms at the beginning stages of tooth decay or gum disease, so don’t wait until you have pain or discomfort to schedule your next dental appointment.

Without Good Oral Hygiene, Tooth Decay is Right Around the Corner! Each day your teeth become covered with plaque; a sticky film of bacteria, saliva and food particles. Decay-causing bacteria thrive on the sugary foods and drinks that you consume. When this happens, strong acid by-products are released and “attack” your teeth. The acid is powerful enough to bore a hole through the enamel and into the underlying layer of dentin of your teeth if left undiluted and in contact with your tooth. We want to stop the decay before it gets to this point. Once decay reaches the nerve center of your tooth, or the pulp, you’re looking at big time pain and the need for a root canal filling to prevent an extraction. We’ll help you take simple measures to effectively reduce plaque build-up and avoid this uncomfortable and expensive outcome!

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August 2013

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August 2013

Back To School, Is Your Child Ready? “Oral language is the foundation on which reading is built, and it continues to serve this role as children develop as readers.” -Hiebert, Pearson, Taylor, Richardson, & Paris

By Faith Johnson Contributing Writer


ecently, a parent of one of my clients asked me if what we do for her child in language therapy will help him in his ability to read and understand better when he goes back to school. The answer is YES. A speech-language pathologist (SLP) has valuable knowledge of the language system, which is highly relevant for the prevention, identification, assessment, and intervention of reading disabilities. Children’s knowledge of the English sound system develops early in their preschool years. This knowledge develops into what is essential to learning to read--awareness of the sound system in spoken language. In this context, oral language is the foundation for learning to identify and pronounce words. Oral language and reading comprehension have even more in common. Your child’s vocabulary and grammatical awareness skills are important predictors of how much he is able to understand when someone is reading to him or how much he understands when he later learns

to read on his own. When your preschooler talks and listens during normal everyday activities, he is really preparing to learn to read and write. The child who enters school with weak speaking and listening skills is much more likely to experience difficulties in learning literacy skills than those who do not. There are some early signs that your child might have trouble with basic literacy skills. These signs involve how many words they know and use, listening ability, and knowledge of how words sound and look (knowing letters, rhyming).

What are the early warning signs? • persistent baby talk. • absence of interest for nursery rhymes. • little interest in shared book reading. • difficulty understanding simple directions. • difficulty learning or remembering names of letters. • problems naming simple objects represented in books. • Failure to recognize or identify letters in the child’s own name. • chronic ear infections. • speech delay.

What is the Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist? Speech-language pathologists can be instrumental in helping all children with literacy-related learning abilities. Literacy programs can be designed to address difficulties in sounds awareness (decoding), as well as memory and comprehension.

What areas can be addressed in Speech Therapy? • Expressing Ideas Clearly • Learning New Vocabulary • Understanding Written Direction • Phonological Awareness (sounding out words, blending sounds to make words) • Spelling • Memory Skills • Strategies (to help plan and organize reading and writing tasks) Overall organizational skills

What Can Parents Do? You can help your child develop literacy skills during things that happen

in real life. Also, you can plan play and reading times that would be both learning and fun. Listed below are suggested activities for preschool children to build literacy skills. 1. Talk to your child and name objects, people, and events your everyday environment. 2. Point out print in everyday settings such as traffic signs, store logos, etc. 3. Engage your child in singing, rhyming games, and nursery rhymes. 4. Read picture and storybooks that focus on sounds or rhymes. 5. Read your child’s favorite book(s) again and again. 6. Talk to your child during daily routines such as bath or mealtime and respond to his or her questions. If you have any questions about how a speech pathologist can help you or someone you know who experiences a reading disability please contact a local speech pathologist or one of our speech pathologists either by phone: Express Yourself Clearly, LLC at 713-771-8444, e-mail at fjohnson@eycspeech.com or our website at www.eycspeech.com. Article Source: www.getreadytoread.org www.eduplace.com

Backpack Basics

By Sterling Carter, DPT, MS, CSCS Contributing Writer


ave you seen a child leaning to the left or right to support a heavy backpack on the opposite shoulder? If the load is too heavy it might cause the child to arch their back as well. While it may seem a little farfetched, wearing a heavy backpack day-in and dayout over the course of months or years may increase the risk of spinal injury. Carrying heavy loads will cause your child to adopt compensatory and faulty postures. These compensatory postures cause undo strain on the neck, shoulder, and back soft tissues. Spine disks are compressed unevenly, more muscular energy is required which can lead to fatigue and possible soft tissue damage. In 1999, more than 3,400 pupils between the age of 5 and 14 years went to emergency rooms for injuries related to backpacks according to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. So how do you avoid back pain by backpack? Here are some simple backpack safety rules:

1. Wear the backpack over the middle back, not high around the neck or low around the waist. 2. Wear both straps. Don’t let your child carry the weight of the backpack on one shoulder. 3. Minimize the contents in the backpack. The weight of the backpack should not exceed 10% of your child's body weight. 4. Keep the heavy objects closest to the body. It is also important to recognize the backpack warning signs: 1. Your child has difficulty lifting the backpack. 2. Side bending, forward bent or arched spine postures to adapt to the weight of the backpack. 3. Pain when wearing the backpack. 4. Tingling or numbness. Until Next Month, Thanks from Dr. Sterling L. Carter, DPT, MS, CSCS Sterling Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation www.sterlingtherapy.com 281-240-3140

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August 2013

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August 2013

The Changing Face of Mental Health in Texas

By Tanya Lavelle Contributing Writer


t is no secret that the Texas public health system needs improvement. Texas has the largest number of uninsured residents of any state in the country, and with a booming population and no substantial new investment by the state, services can be extremely hard to come by. What is arguably the largest shortcoming of the Texas public health system is in the area of mental health. The Texas mental health system is treatmentbased and often drives people to expensive, restrictive treatment environments rather than more effective communitybased options. The current system is underperforming, but the actions of state lawmakers during the recent legislative session have given advocates and mental health service consumers hope. Issues with the Texas Mental Health System • Lack of Funding - Annually Texas spends $38.38 per person on mental health services. Nationally, the annual average for mental health spending in the United States, inclusive of Washington,

DC and Puerto Rico, is $122.90 per person, making Texas 50th in mental health spending. Funding deficiencies have resulted in long waiting lists for both adult and children’s mental health services. • Emphasis on Treatment, not Recovery - When compared to the national average, Texas has higher hospital utilization rates and lower community mental health service participation amongst people with mental illness. In-patient treatment settings, including state hospitals, are extremely expensive and do not address many of the long term needs of people in recovery. Another common inpatient treatment setting is the criminal justice system. Of the current incarcerated population in Texas, 20% to 24% have a serious mental illness and, like state hospitals, the services provided within the criminal justice system are not conducive to recovery. • Weak Community Supports – Community supports, including affordable housing, supported employment and case management, are key in the recovery process for a person with a mental illness. However, Texas does not invest enough in community supports and as a result, people enter a revolving door in and out of hospitals every time they need care. • Shortage of Providers – Close to 75% of Texas counties are designated by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration as mental health Health Professional Shortage Areas, a designation

given to areas of the country that have a ratio of mental health providers to population of 1:30,000 or more. A dramatic shortage of providers on par with what Texas is experiencing puts additional strain on an already stressed system, and makes accessing services harder especially for people who live in rural areas. Legislators Invest in Mental Health Services In May of 2012 Senator Uresti (D-San Antonio) and Senator Huffman (R-Houston) co-wrote an op-ed published in the San Antonio Express-News entitled “Legislature Must Address Growing Crisis in Mental Health Services.” This session legislators acted on these concerns and made improving the mental health system a priority. The biggest change lawmakers made pertains to mental health is funding. The legislature fully funded all of the mental health-related requests from the Department of State Health Services, including requests to eliminate all waiting lists for adults and children seeking mental health services, increased substance abuse prevention and intervention services, and rental assistance for people with mental illness. Legislators also went above and beyond to create a Mental Health Expansion package of $177 million in extra funding that will go toward initiatives like expanding community mental health treatment and creating a Harris County - based jail diversion pilot program. Overall, legislators

approved a mental health budget of $1.7 billion, $259 million more than the previous session. Looking Forward National health care efforts like the Affordable Care Act will likely make it easier for people across the country to access health care that is inclusive of mental health services. While recent efforts by state legislators to improve the Texas mental health system is a step in the right direction, Texas’ recent rejection of Medicaid expansion will make it much harder for the poorest Texans to receive mental health services. Hopefully lawmakers will continue to make substantive improvements to mental health services in Texas beyond this session. *This article includes information from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health Guide to Understanding Mental Health Systems and Services in Texas.* Tanya Lavelle is a Mental Health Policy Fellow with Easter Seals Central Texas. A recent graduate of the LBJ School of Public Affairs at UT Austin she has a Master of Public Affairs degree with a specialization in Social and Economic Policy. Prior to joining Easter Seals she worked at the Texas Primary Care Office to help place physicians in the most underserved areas of Texas. Born and raised in Texas Tanya is dedicated to improving the health care of all Texans.

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Summer Light brought Dishes to you

August 2013



Chipotle Shrimp Tacos w/ Mango Salsa

Baked Halibut with Chimichurri


For the chimichurri:

• 20oz can Pineapple Slices • 1 Mango • 1/2 Red Onion • 1/2 Red Bell Pepper • 1 Jalapeño Pepper • 1/2 bunch Cilantro • Salt to taste

• 3 cloves garlic • 1 small shallot • 1 cup parsley • 1/4 cup cilantro • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil • 3 tablespoons red wine vinegar • 2 tablespoons water • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes • 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus more for seasoning fish • 1 1/2 pounds halibut, cut into 4 portions

DIRECTIONS: Dice up pineapple, mango, onion, and bell pepper into small, equally sized pieces and add to a bowl. Slice jalapeño in half and remove seeds and ribs. Wash your hands after handling the pepper. Mince the jalapeño and cilantro and add them to the bowl. Season with salt to taste. Mix everything in the bowl together and set in the fridge for at least one hour. This salsa can be made well in advance. The longer it sits, the more developed the flavor becomes. Tacos: • 1lb Shrimp(peeled and deveined) • 7oz can Chipotle Peppers in Adobo • 12 or more Corn Tortillas • Avocado and Cilantro for topping

DIRECTIONS: Add canned chipotles with

their sauce to a blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. Caution: The chipotles are very spicy, be careful when handling. Add the chipotle sauce and shrimp to a Ziplock bag and marinate in the fridge for 15 minutes. If you let the shrimp marinate for too long, the heat from the peppers will cook the shrimp. Meanwhile, heat tortillas in a skillet and set aside in a tortilla keeper or in a towel to keep warm. When the tortillas are done, turn the heat in the skillet up to medium high and add enough olive oil to coat the pan. Remove shrimp from marinade and add them to the skillet. Cook shrimp for 4 to 5 minutes, do not over cook. Serves the shrimp up in tortillas with the salsa, avocado slices, and cilantro.

Avocado Corn and Mango Salad


• 2 cups frozen or fresh corn • 1 14 oz. can black beans, drained • 1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped • 1 ripe avocado, chopped • 2 Roma tomatoes, chopped • 1 ripe mango, chopped • 1/2 red onion, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, minced • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro • 2 teaspoons hot sauce • 1 lime, juiced • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin • 1/2 teaspoon ground chili powder DIRECTIONS: Combine all the chimi- • Salt and pepper, to taste churri ingredients in a small food processor and blend until smooth. (Alternatively, you can finely chop the garlic, shallot DIRECTIONS: If using fresh corn, microand herbs by hand. Mix with the remain- wave whole for 6-8 minutes. Carefully ing ingredients in a small bowl.) Let sit at remove with potholders and, once cool, room temperature for at least 20 minutes, peel off and discard corn husk. Slowly or cover and refrigerate up to 1 day. slide knife down ear of corn to remove Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly sea- kernels. son the fish with a little salt. Rub all sides Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Let of each piece of fish with about 1 table- stand at least 15 minutes to allow flavors spoon of the chimichurri and place in a to combine, then toss and serve. baking dish. Reserve the remaining sauce for serving. Bake for 12-20 minutes — depending on the thickness of the fish — or until fish is firm and almost opaque all the way through. Serve with a little of the reserved chimichurri sauce spooned over each piece.

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August 2013

Dark Chocolate: A Tiny Piece Is All It Takes for Health and Pleasure By Cheryl Winter


id you get your fill of chocolate over the holidays? Does anyone ever get their fill of chocolate? February, as you know is a very popular time for this delectable treat. Did you tell your Valentine how much you love them with chocolate? After all, February is also American Heart Month, which brings awareness to the leading cause of death in the United States, "cardiovascular" disease. One in every three deaths is from heart disease and stroke, equal to 2,200 deaths per day. Plus, as you know, diabetes is a cardiovascular risk factor. It seems that Valentine's Day and American Heart Month are rather contradictory, wouldn't you say? Or is it? Can chocolate be heart healthy and be a good way to show your love? I will let you be the judge. • Chocolate contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants that can prevent cancer, prevent heart disease, enhance our immune system, and give us a feeling of well-being. Polyphenols help the body’s cells resist damage from free radicals, which damage cell structure and are formed in our normal body processes. Polyphenols also help inhibit platelet aggregation and activation, meaning they help prevent platelets from clumping together, therefore reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis. • Fruit, vegetables, red wine, and tea have polyphenolic flavonoids as well, but

amazingly polyphenols are found in much higher abundance in chocolate and cocoa. It is important to note that dark chocolate contains more than twice the amount of antioxidants that milk chocolate does and has fewer calories. White chocolate contains no cocoa, and therefore holds no real potential for nutritional benefits. • Chocolate also has a chemical in it, called theobromine, which has been shown to be effective in preventing cough. Chocolate also contains healthful nutrients, such as the minerals calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, B vitamins, and copper, which are essential for normal biological functions, growth, metabolism, and oxygen transport. • Chocolate can affect mood in several ways. It contains phenethylamine (EPA), which stimulates the nervous system, triggering the release of endorphins, opiatelike compounds that dull pain and give a sense of well-being. There are also chemicals in chocolate associated with feelings of sexual arousal and pleasure. Additionally, chocolate can also boost brain levels of serotonin, that happy neurotransmitter, especially in women who tend to be more sensitive to chocolate than men. And yet another way chocolate can make us feel good is by inhibiting the natural breakdown of ananadmide, a neurotransmitter normally found in small amounts in the brain, which can produce a feeling of euphoria. What about all of the fat in chocolate?

Caution: Calories still count • Be cautious as to the type of dark chocolate you choose: chewy caramelmarshmallow-nut-covered dark chocolate is by no means a heart-healthy food option. What wreaks havoc on most chocolate products is the additional fat and calories added from other ingredients. • It is possible to eat a small piece of chocolate at the end of a meal and stay under 100 calories. This is fewer calories than we consume from most desserts. A small piece of chocolate may actually be a good weight control strategy and may be the only “diet pill” you need. By having a small amount at the end of the meal, it can really provide a satisfying finish to

that meal. • Eating chocolate need not be a guilty pleasure -- moderation is the key. Relish in every moment of the experience: let the chocolate sit in your mouth for a few seconds to release its primary flavors and aromas. Then chew it a few times to release the secondary aromas. Let it rest lightly against the roof of your mouth so you experience the full range of flavors. Finally, enjoy the lingering taste in your mouth. Here’s a Real Treat for your taste buds and your health. ENJOY!!!

Dark Chocolate-Covered Strawberries 6 ounces dark chocolate 3 tablespoons half and half cream ½ tablespoon unsalted butter 20 large strawberries In a one-quart glass bowl combine chocolate and cream. Heat in microwave oven on high 1 ½ to 2 minutes, stirring occasionally, until smooth. Add butter and stir until melted. Dip each strawberry into the chocolate mixture allowing the excess chocolate to drip back into the bowl. If necessary, add additional cream to the chocolate to achieve desired coating consistency. Transfer the coated strawberry to a baking sheet lined with foil or waxed paper and repeat process. Allow the chocolate to cool and then chill the strawberries, until chocolate is set, about 20 to 30 minutes.

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By Tisha Rowe Contributing Writer


he American Theater is well recognized as one of Americans favorite past times. It’s nice to sit down comfortably and see the finished product of many months of filming. We would rather not be bothered with what happens behind the scenes or the many “takes” required to capture the perfect moment. Pursuing a healthy life style can be similar to the creation of that perfect film. Most people have to try over and over again before they get it right.

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Yes, chocolate does contain fat. But, you may be surprised to find out that the news is not as bad as once perceived. The fat in chocolate (from the cocoa butter), is comprised of equal amounts of oleic, stearic and palmitic acids. Oleic acid is the same type of monounsaturated fat found in olive oil and known to be “hearthealthy.” Although, stearic and palmitic acids are both “saturated fats,” linked to increasing risk for heart disease, it’s only the palmitic acid in chocolate that will increase the LDL-cholesterol (the bad cholesterol), as the stearic acid appears to have a neutral effect on cholesterol, neither raising nor lowering the LDL-cholesterol levels. Therefore, only one-third of the fat in chocolate has the potential to raise cholesterol levels.

7/31/13 3:10 PM

When you are “shooting” for the new you do not expect to get it right the first time. We all make mistakes and fall off the wagon, but the key is to get up and give it another “shot.” Going back to that perfect scene in the movie, the only thing we see on the screen are the actors playing the role perfectly. We never see the hundreds of cast and crew members

who bring the scene to life. We all know the actors could have never achieved their results alone. Likewise you should not attempt to achieve a new lifestyle all alone either. Your cast and crew include your family, friends, and health care providers. Also don’t be afraid to try a nutritionist or personal trainer if needed. There is no such thing as too much help when attempting to create your masterpiece. Furthermore if you have all the resources above and you still have not met your goal you may be lacking motivation and support. The Rowe Alliance is a free online network that will give you the motivation and encouragement you need to see your project to the end. The beauty of this network is even when you reach you goal and the cameras are no longer rolling, this support system never ends. Finally, the hardest part of your weight loss journey will be maintenance. In my opinion the best way to maintain is to help others. In other words, be more than a person on stage, become the director and producer that helps others come to life as well by showing others how to live a healthier lifestyle as well. We can all lead, the question is “how will you lead”? Will you organize a community work out? Will you share your recipes with others? Will you become someone’s accountability partner? The spotlight is on, the time has come to capture a new you and help others do the same.

Experience Our World of Marketing, Media and Communication

August 2013


Difficulty Getting Sleep At Night, Find Natural Remedy For Insomnia By Payton Polkinghorne


ost of the people because of their busy life, do not cook food in their home and rely on the food served. These food items not doubt fills the tummy, but have you ever wondered does it provide all the proteins, nutrients, vitamins required for the body. You must be wondering why a lot of people suffer from insomnia and lack of sleep continuously over’s days. It is reported that most of the women feel sleepy in the daytime. This not only affects their performance but also affects the overall lifestyle. They do not give their 100 % as they lack concentration because of constant low energy. Apart from constant low energy, fatigue is also common. Insomnia is a very common problem which most of the people suffer these days. The reasons may be varied. Some do not get sleep because they work late and after a certain point of time, they lose the sleep. Irregular sleep pattern leads to insomnia. Apart from, this peer pressure of job leads to stress which do not let the person to sleep in peace. This hinders the performance into many work places. People do not get motivated to do their work as they have continuous low energy. It feels

like everything is just dragging on. Lack of sleep leads to weakness, fatigue and low energy. But the symptoms of this can vary from person to person. There a lot of herbal remedies for weakness. Most of the times, the eating habits of people contribute to the ill health leading to lack of sleep and insomnia. Most of the people because of their busy scheduled life, do not cook food in their home and rely on the food served and made fast. These food items not doubt fills the tummy, but have you ever wondered does it provide all the essential proteins, nutrients, vitamins required for the body. So it’s always important to include a diet that will contain loads of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and essential nutrients. Apart from that, the sleep pattern of most of the people is not regular and normal due to several problems. This will make you feel weak and tired. It is always advisable to sleep for at least 8 hours daily. Early to bed and early to rise is the best solution. Sleeping late in the night will make you feel sleepy and tired throughout the day. Sometimes the improper sleeping style causes lack of sleep. Anxious or stressed out people do not have a proper sleep during the night. This is one of the reasons to make them feel tired and low in energy. Lack of high fiber diet can make you feel you dull and less energet-

ic during the day. You need continuous fluid to make you happy and motivated throughout the day. All these practices are recommended as they improve the efficiency and keep you going on. There are a lot of herbal remedies for weakness that are available in the market. Out of all of them, Aaram capsules are

the best as it in know to resolve the problems associated with the sleep problems and insomnia. This makes you feel good and keeps you going on. The capsule is designed with the major ingredients as sarpagandha, Brahmi, Tagara and several others. All these ingredients are derived from herbal plants and this has no side effects on the body.

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August 2013

These Foods Are Your Answer Natural Supplements Boost To How To Gain Muscles Fast Our Health and Immunity

By Wadner Tranchant

By Kevin Shaw


or all those individuals that are learning how to gain muscles fast, be prepared to spend some quality time of eating the proper foods. If you can figure out a diet that works for you, then you are off to a great start with being able to gain muscles fast. This is due to the fact that food is what supplies the fuels that you need to assimilate this new muscle tissue. Not consuming the proper foods during the day will lead you down the path of working hard, but not seeing results. Having said all this, what should you be eating? Which foods will help you gain muscles fast? Let’s discuss the top picks that you should be including. Chicken Breast To start off our list when learning how to gain muscles fast, will be chicken breast. Chicken breast gets an excellent grade with honors because of what it does and doesn’t have in it. It is high in protein (good) and low in fat (good). Another good thing about chicken is that you can do a lot of different things with it. It can be cooked or baked in many different ways which allows it to be used in many different recipes. Steak If you don’t want chicken, try steak instead. As with chicken, it too is a great source of protein but steak also has the added advantage of being high in iron which you will notice in terms of energy levels after eating. If you want to be able to gain muscles fast, then you need your iron to help power you through each of your workouts. Low iron levels can lead to a poorer performance in your workouts since you have less energy than your workout requires.

Oatmeal Want a great source of carbs for your diet, then oatmeal is your food of choice. Want a great way to get your day going? Eat some oatmeal because it tastes great, has very little sugar and is high in complex carbs which all combined will give you lots of energy. If you’re really struggling to meet your calorie needs to help you gain muscles fast, you should be thinking about eating oatmeal raw as it’s much more calorie dense than the cooked variety. Pasta So if you want to gain muscle mass then pasta is your friend. Similar to uncooked oatmeal, pasta is also very calorie dense and thus is great for a post workout meal. Just be sure to top it with tomato sauce rather than cream at this time as you do want to keep your dietary fat intake low after a workout session is completed. Some of the other benefits of pasta are that it is quick and easy to prepare and you can purchase it relatively cheaply. This is one of the main reasons why most people turn to pasta when they are looking to gain muscles fast. All Types Of Nuts Last but surely not least would be nuts. You definitely do want to take in some healthy fats with your diet and nuts fit the bill perfectly. Being that they are also calorie dense, you do not need to eat all that many. Just a handful or two throughout your day will help your body out when it is in the process of trying to build up some lean muscle mass. Natural nut butter is also another great option to add into your diet, so be sure to not overlook that one as well. So there you have the best foods to eat while learning how to gain muscles fast. These aren’t in your diet you say; well there’s no time like the present to start adding them in. You will be very glad that you did.


upplements developed by scientists in the laboratory are stateof-the-art formulations that carry nutrients that the human body needs. These natural health products are high grade and of the purest quality making them very potent indeed. They are especially prepared by companies for public consumption. Nutritional supplements are available over the counter and as days go by, more and more are opting to use them not just to maintain their health but as a cure for certain illnesses as well. These products gain the patronage of many consumers since they facilitate the immune response and promote homeostasis. There are of course skeptics who do not believe in them but users can already attest to the effectiveness of these natural supplements.

Proven effective

It is the responsibility of the manufacturers to make sure that they use only the finest ingredients. Before they are released to the public, they need to be certified and validated by the appropriate regulatory bodies. Once proven by the health and nutrition board that these products are safe and effective, they are released and made available to everyone. When we get sick we are prescribed antibiotics by our doctors. These are synthetic products designed to cure various diseases. But before modern pharmaceutical products became available, humankind relied on substances found in nature to cure them of their illness. Using vitamin products and other health supplements is just like going back to nature and letting her healing powers resolve our health issues. The advantages of natural over synthetic: Synthetic medications have the elements that cure various diseases but they

are also composed of possibly harmful chemicals. They are designed to work fast but the downside is that they may cause damage in the long term. Now, there are natural alternatives available from any vitamin shop that provides great protection from infections without the potential adverse reactions. And natural remedies may be the more effective treatment agents because they are better at treating the source of the problem. Synthetic meds may be effective at resolving symptoms but not the origins of the disease.

Paradigm Shift

The shift to alternative heath products from pharmaceuticals is the trend these days, and more and more companies are joining into the fray. The demand is high and there is enough for everyone. All the product lines in the market today are made from the highest quality ingredients. And some companies even make it a point to support local organic farmers. Organic farming has low environmental impact and the ingredients used by health supplement companies come from organic sources. Another reason why natural supplements have become rather popular is that they are made from earthy friendly components. Health products without harmful agents are the more popular choice these days. You are protecting your body from additional harm and getting more nutrition than is usually available. It pays to consider the benefits that you can get from these supplements, and if you have the extra resources, you can sample a few and find out for yourselves the positive health changes in store for you and your whole family. I am an advocate of healthy diet and lifestyle. I recommend a convenient way to get vitamin products and minerals is through online markets as they allow you to order natural health products.Make sure you look for money saving and free shipping.

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August 2013

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August 2013

Diabetes and Your Feet The Post Workout MealWhat You Should Eat After Your Workout

By Dr. Julie Lester Contributing Writer


iabetes is a serious and often debilitating condition that affects over 26 million Americans, 7 million of whom are undiagnosed. Statistics show that the African American and Hispanic populations are at a greater risk for developing the disease, and are therefore at a greater risk for developing complications involving the lower extremity. Diabetes can affect all the major organ systems in the body. It can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, kidney dysfunction, loss of vision, skin changes, and nerve damage. What is diabetes? Diabetes is a condition in which there are increased levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood stream. Normally, the body breaks down this glucose into energy with the help of a naturallyoccurring hormone called insulin. In individuals with Type I Diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin, or does not produce insulin at all. This type of diabetes can occur at any age, but is seen most often in children and young adults. In Type II Diabetes, the insulin that is produced is not used properly by the body. This is the most common type of diabetes, and was historically seen primarily in adults. Studies have shown a link between this type of diabetes and obesity. There has been a recent rise in the diagnosis of Type II Diabetes in children and young adults due to the increased prevalence of sedentary lifestyles. What are the signs of diabetes? Over time, increased levels of blood glucose can lead to feelings of severe tiredness. It can also cause numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, loss of libido, and vision changes. The most discernible symptoms are an unquenchable thirst, and frequent urination. If you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, or have a family history of diabetes, you should talk to your doctor. He or she will order one of several simple blood tests that may need to be repeated on the following day to ensure and accurate diagnosis.

How does diabetes affect the feet? Diabetes remains the most common cause of non-traumatic lower extremity amputations in the United States. Many of the potential lower extremity complications related to diabetes can be directly linked to vascular disease. Decreased blood flow to the lower legs and feet can cause the skin to become dry and brittle. This increases the likelihood of developing open sores or ulcers. Without the oxygen and minerals found in the blood, these wounds take longer to heal, or are unable to heal at all. The nerve damage caused by diabetes can also increase the risk of ulceration. With a lack of sensation in the feet, increased pressure from ill-fitting shoes or open sores from a puncture wound can go undetected. As a result, diabetics are also at a higher risk for developing infections in the lower extremity. All of these factors can potentially lead to long-standing, slow or nonhealing wounds and/or amputations. How can you avoid diabetes complications? Diabetes is a serious condition, and should be taken as such. However, the potential complications are not inevitable. The first step in disease management is having the proper medical team on your side. Your primary care doctor and/or endocrinologist should work closely with you to help you understand your disease and how it affects your body. They will help you manage your medications, and give you the foundation you need to help you make the right lifestyle choices. You should also see a podiatrist (foot and ankle specialist) at least twice a year for non-complicated cases, and once every 2-3 months for complicated cases. These routine foot evaluations can help to monitor circulation and neurologic status of the lower extremity, and help prevent potential life and limb-threatening complications. Maintaining blood glucose levels within a normal range can help to prevent these complications. This can be done by incorporating an exercise routine into your daily schedule, and making healthy meal choices. It’s a good idea to talk to a Certified Diabetes Expert or a dietician to help you with proper meal planning. There are many diabetes support groups available to help make the transition to a healthier you. For more information on diabetes, and to find a Certified Diabetes Educator near you, visit www.diabetes. org

By Eric Carpenter


any people perform regular workouts but ignore the importance of having a post workout meal. After our workout is over, we need to provide immediate supply of nutrients to our body. The enzymes that are boosted due to workouts are more active in the first few hours after the workout is over. Post workout meal is necessary to provide within 30 to 60 minutes after your exercises are finished. There are several types of food items that can be consumed after the workouts. Some of the highly nutritional foods which are beneficial for our health after workouts are provided as follows. Important foods to be included in our post workout meal 1) Eggs - Protein supplement is really essential after workout is over. As we all know that eggs are the rich in terms of proteins. You can make several eggs related food items that can be consumed immediately after your workouts. You can scramble 2-4 egg whites and eat them with whole-wheat bread along with fresh fruits. Egg omelet is also an excellent choice for post workout meal. You can use butter flavoured cooking spray, diced onions, low sodium ham, tomatoes, fat free shredded cheese to prepare egg omelet along with eggs. This can be a super protein rich meal after your workouts are finished.

2) Prepare sandwiches - Sandwiches are easy to prepare and they can be excellent source of different types of nutrients for post workout meal. Sandwiches made up of lean meats like chicken and turkey are very good for muscle repair process after workouts. You can also add fresh vegetables such as lettuce and tomatoes which are rich sources of vitamin C and provide our body the much needed freshness. The use of wheat and whole-grain bread can provide the required fiber and carbohydrates for our body. Rice and pasta are other two items that can also provide simple carbohydrates for our body after workouts. These foods can help to quickly replenish the lost glycogen during the workouts. It is essential to consume these foods quickly after your workouts and it is also important to eat at least one gram of carbohydrates for every 2 pounds of our body weight. 3) Include nuts and granola - Nuts and granola are the rich sources of iron and fiber. They can be easily kept in our bags and can be consumed comfortably after our workouts. Nuts and dry fruits are rich in terms of iron. Iron is an essential nutritional element that helps our red blood cells to keep healthy all the time. Granola is an important food that maintains and normalizes our digestive process and provides fiber to the body. Granola is also rich in terms of simple carbohydrates and nuts provide good amount of healthy fat to the body. A good mixture of granola and nuts along with protein rich food can be an excellent post workout meal.

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August 2013



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August 2013


By Michelle May


e live in an abundant food environment; food is fast, convenient, often highly processed, and relatively inexpensive. As a result, many of our children are overfed but undernourished. To protect our children from becoming victims of our current environment, we must make sure they have the tools to thrive while maintaining a balanced diet. The good news is that children are born with the most important skill— the instinctive ability to know how much food their body needs. Instinctively, babies cry to let their parents know when they’re hungry. Toddlers in perpetual motion eat only small amounts of food but manage to eat frequently enough to meet their needs. During periods of rapid growth or activity, they may be hungry all the time.

When their calorie requirements decrease, they lose interest in food. The bad news is that we can destroy their instinctive skills with our good intentions. If parents or other caregivers feed a baby to calm every cry, the baby may learn that eating can soothe any discomfort. When they’re given food to keep them quiet or busy, they learn that they can distract and entertain themselves with food. Once a child is old enough to sit at the table, well-intentioned parents will play games and praise the child to encourage them to eat. They may say “Good boy! You ate all your dinner!” This is a wonderful time for creating positive feelings about mealtime but it also teaches the child that eating makes mommy and daddy happy. Parents sometimes coerce older children to eat everything they were served by saying “clean your plate or you don’t get dessert.” Children may decide that since their parents have to bribe them to eat it, the dinner must be the “yucky stuff” and sweets are the reward for eating more than they were hungry for. The result is a lifetime membership in the Clean Plate Club. The bottom line is that although meeting the basic nutritional needs of your children is critical, it’s important to provide meals and snacks in a way that respects their hunger and fullness cues and teaches them that while eating should be

enjoyable, food is primarily for nourishment. If not, the stage is set for food and eating problems in the future. Here are the keys to helping children thrive in our abundant food environment. • Children are born with the ability to naturally regulate their food intake to meet their caloric needs. Pay attention when they say they are hungry or full. • Don’t force children to clean their plates or bribe them with dessert for finishing their meal. • Never use food as a reward. Reward desired behavior with praise, extra attention, and privileges. • Don’t comfort your child with food. Use understanding words and hugs instead. • Help your child develop interests and skills that increase their success and pleasure so they will be less likely to turn to food for fulfillment. • Teach your children to cope with their emotions effectively so food won’t serve that purpose for them. • Don’t impose stringent food rules since this may lead to rebellious eating when your children are out of your control. • Avoid labeling some foods as “good” and others as “bad.” Instead, teach your children how to balance eating for nourishment with eating for en-

joyment. • Involve children in shopping, meal planning, and preparation. This is a great opportunity to teach them about nutrition—and they’re more likely to try new foods they picked. • Sit down and eat together as a family. Mealtimes should be a pleasant time to reconnect with one another and model healthy eating and conversation. • Help your child build a lifetime activity habit by reducing the amount of time your family spends in sedentary activities like TV and video games. • Plan fun activities that provide everyone with exercise, enjoyment, and time together. • Be a positive, encouraging role model for your family. When your children see you enjoying healthful foods and physical activity, they are more likely to do the same. Prevention of food issues and the development of lifetime healthy eating and physical activity habits begins in childhood. It is never too late to learn these skills! Michelle May, M.D. is a recovered yoyo dieter and the award-winning author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat: How to Break Your Eat-Repent-Repeat Cycle. Find other articles and resources at http://AmIHungry.com/.

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August 2013

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August 2013

The Four Most Dangerous Allergies and How to Prevent Them

By SixWise.com


ver 54 percent of Americans have allergies, and for most of them these result in inconvenient and uncomfortable symptoms like sneezing, congestion, watery/itchy eyes, and a runny nose. But for some allergy sufferers -- estimates say as many as 40 million -- exposure to an allergen can cause a potentially life-threatening reaction called anaphylaxis. As much as 15 percent of the U.S. population may be at risk of severe allergies, or anaphylaxis, according to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine. Allergies occur when your immune system overreacts to a substance that normally shouldn't cause a reaction. The event sets off a chemical chain reaction, namely the release of histamine, that leads to allergy symptoms (typically wherever the histamine is released). In people with severe allergies, however, the reaction impacts your entire body, and the histamine can cause your blood vessels to dilate and your blood pressure to decrease. Your throat may also become swollen, blocking your ability to breathe. Along with trouble breathing, wheezing, hives, itching and a weak or rapid pulse, your can also feel faint, dizzy, or nauseous during an anaphylactic reaction. Further, because the event can stop your breathing or your heartbeat, it can be fatal within minutes. Although anaphylaxis can be triggered by a number of allergens, a handful appear to be much more dangerous. Which Allergies are the Most Dangerous? There are four major allergy groups that are most likely to trigger a life-threatening reaction. They are: 1. Food 2. Insect stings 3. Drugs

4. Latex In rare cases exercise can also trigger anaphylaxis. Preventing these allergies, of course, means avoiding the triggers, something that is not always easy. Fighting food allergies, for instance, can be tricky as hidden ingredients, particularly wheat and peanuts, can be anywhere. Be sure to read food labels carefully. To make things a bit easier, the Food and Drug Administration requires that the top eight food allergens -- peanuts, eggs, milk, shellfish, wheat, tree nuts, soy and fish -- must be clearly stated on food labels. Meanwhile, if you eat out anywhere (from your neighbor's house to your school cafeteria) let the server or cook know that you absolutely cannot have certain ingredients. Also, be sure to check out The Food Allergy Survival Guide Book, our top-recommended source for anyone with food allergies. You'll learn what your food triggers might be, how to avoid them, easyto-use alternatives, and even great-tasting allergen-free recipes. To best avoid stinging insects, be extremely cautious if they're nearby, but do stay calm, move slowly away and resist slapping at it. You can somewhat discourage bees, wasps and hornets from coming near you by wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, avoiding wearing bright colors and not wearing perfume and cologne. Also, if you're picnicking outdoors, don't bring food out until you're ready to eat, and cover up high-sugar foods and drinks (like sodas) that will attract bees. Meanwhile, a quick spray of all-natural Flea 'n Tick B Gone around your yard or picnic area is a simple way to keep bees, hornets, wasps and other insects safely away. In some cases a series of allergy shots (immunotherapy) may be able to reduce

your body's allergic response to insect stings and thereby prevent a severe reaction in the future (this type of therapy is only effective for insect sting allergies). If you have allergies to certain medications, make sure your doctor and pharmacist are aware of them (remind them before receiving any medical treatment), and also wear a medical alert necklace or bracelet that states your specific allergies. Also make sure your doctor or health care providers are informed if you have a latex allergy, as the material is common in rubber gloves, blood pressure cuffs, urinary catheters, tourniquets, resuscitation equipment and other medical equipment. The best way to prevent an allergic reaction to latex is to be aware of which products may contain it, then avoid them as best you can. Latex is commonly found in: • Balloons • Dishwashing gloves • Waistbands on clothing • Rubber toys • Pacifiers and baby-bottle nipples • Rubber bands • Adhesive tape and bandages • Diapers and sanitary pads • Condoms If You Have Severe Allergies, Always Keep THIS With You If you have a severe allergy of any kind

make sure you always carry self-injectable epinephrine (often called an EpiPen) with you in case of emergency. "The trouble with these kinds of allergies is that once the anaphylactic response begins, severe illness or death can be imminent," said Rachel Miller, MD, a coauthor of the Archives of Internal Medicine study. "These patients must have auto-injectable epinephrine, like EpiPen, with them at all times." Epinephrine, though not always a "cure-all," reduces the body's allergic response and increases the time someone in anaphylactic shock has to get to an emergency room for further treatment. If you carry an EpiPen with you, make sure it has not gone past its expiration date (which may make the medication ineffective), and be sure you and your close family (and friends) know how to administer it correctly in case of an emergency. Recommended Reading Food Allergies Last Longer Than They Used To: Food Allergy Facts You Need to Know 50% of U.S. Population Has Allergies; Most Don't Realize It & Suffer Unnecessarily ... Do You? Sources MayoClinic.com Anaphylaxis Medscape.com FamilyDoctor.org Latex Allergy Archives of Internal Medicine 2001;161:15-21

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August 2013

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August 2013

Back Pain: The Seven Most Common Sources of It and Natural Steps to Remedy It ute to inflammation. One of the safest, low-risk things you can do to lower your risk of inflammation is to modify your lifestyle and dietary choices. This means eating a variety of anti-inflammatory foods (fruits and vegetables), limiting or avoiding all together

the pro-inflammatory foods (highly processed foods, high-sugar foods, trans fats, etc.), exercising and quitting smoking (if you do). Sources MayoClinic.com WebMD.com

Small Bits of Fitness Add Up

By SixWise.com

B Clinic.

ack pain is extremely common, with four out of five adults facing it at least once during their lives, according to the Mayo

And a nationwide phone survey of over 1,200 Americans, sponsored by Stanford University Medical Center, ABC News and USA Today, found that back pain was the most common type of pain reported (followed by knee and shoulder pain, joint pain and headaches). Because your back is part of your body’s core muscles, and is necessary for nearly every movement you make, it’s also very vulnerable to injury. In fact, most back pain is caused by overusing, straining or injuring the muscles, ligaments and disks that support your spine. Back pain, therefore, commonly results from: 1. Poor posture 2. Sitting at a desk all day 3. Lifting something heavy improperly 4. A sudden, awkward movement (such as from sneezing) 5. Sleeping on an uncomfortable, or unsupportive, mattress, or in an awkward position 6. Carrying around a heavy handbag or backpack 7. Being overweight

Relieving Back Pain Naturally Surveys have found that more than half of Americans are suffering from physical pain that leads to stress and irritability, and has a negative impact on their personal relationships, work productivity and daily routine. Fortunately, there are many natural tools within your reach that can help you relieve back pain and support a healthy spine. 1. Use proper posture. This includes while standing or sitting. How do you know if your posture is proper? Stand with your back to a wall. If your shoulders, bottom and back of head are all touching the wall, then your posture is correct. 2. Get a new, medium-firm mattress. An old, lumpy or overly soft mattress could be causing you unnecessary pain.

Studies show that a medium-firm mattress is best if you have back pain. 3. Lose weight. If you’re overweight, you’re straining your back muscles with every move you make. 4. Exercise regularly. Low-impact exercises such as aerobics, yoga, swimming and walking will increase the strength in your back and help your muscles to function better. Further, according to the Mayo Clinic, exercise also helps relieve pain by prompting your body to release chemicals called endorphins that actually block pain signals from reaching your brain. “Endorphins are the body’s natural painrelieving chemicals that in many cases are more powerful than morphine,” says Edward Laskowski, M.D., a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist and codirector of the Sports Medicine Center at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. 5. Be careful when lifting. If you’re lifting something heavy, let your legs, not your back, do most of the work. 6. Stretch regularly. Stretching helps to reduce tension in your muscles, improve flexibility and range of motion, and may slow the degeneration of your joints. The act of stretching alone will also improve your blood circulation and help you to relax -- a key to pain relief. To learn how to do the right type of stretching -- the kind that actually feel good while you do them (and after!) -- we highly recommend the Stretching Toward a Healthier Life DVD. 7. Get a massage. The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) says massage therapy helps patients become more aware of their bodies and the sources of pain. It also better familiarizes patients with the pain they experience, and improves confidence by encouraging patients to effectively cope with their pain. 8. Try BlueStopMax Pain Gel. This is a natural, proven topical gel that will relieve your pain in minutes, and is an excellent addition to the natural tools discussed. 9. Reduce inflammation in your body. When your body is in a chronic state of inflammation, the inflammation can lodge in your muscles, joints and tissues. Over time, this can lead to physical pain, as well as a number of diseases including heart disease. Emotions (too much stress), diet and lifestyle all contrib-

By SparkPeople.com Exercise Comes in All Shapes and Sizes

"Where did the day go?" Is this a common question in your life? Many of us jam-pack so much stuff into our daily routines, seemingly there’s no time to relax for just one minute, let alone exercise. Lack of time is one of the most common excuses for not having a decent fitness regimen. But do you realize that in the time it might take you to go through your e-mail, you could fit in a good workout? We’re not talking about giving up 60 minutes either; all you need is 10.

Just 10? Forget the "all or nothing" mentality when it comes to exercise. Fitness does not live or die by 60-minute workouts; there is middle ground. Short spurts of exercise, when they accumulate, have been shown to share similar benefits of longer workouts. Your body will reap numerous benefits just by becoming more active. This approach is perfect for times when you don’t have time for a regular workout, or when you want to start off slowly and build up a routine.

Easier Than You Think Treat these 10 minutes like you would a regular workout. Take 1-2 minutes to warm up and get the muscles ready, including stretching. Follow with at least 7 minutes of exercise at a medium or high intensity. Then make sure to include a 60-second cool down.

Since it’s brief, it’s important to work at a fairly high intensity to obtain all of the benefits. Work at raising your heart and respiration rates. Just like regular workouts, try to include cardio, strength training and flexibility work in your shortened routine. Either knock out all three during the 10 minutes, or plan a 10-minute segment for each area. Example: Push out 10 cardio minutes on the stationary bike. For strength, do push-ups, wall sits, or lift dumbbells. For flexibility, it’s helpful to just stretch every day. Work different muscle groups and keep it simple. After 10 minutes, you will feel healthier and be on your way to developing solid fitness habits.

But I Still Don’t Have Time It only takes 30 minutes a day, broken up into manageable chunks of 10. Start with a quick exercise when you wake up. The second session? A lunch break is possibly the perfect time to re-energize and get the blood flowing again. The last 10-minute blitz could come in the evening, even while you are watching TV. It’s an ideal way to involve the family as well. Go for a power walk after dinner with your spouse or ride bikes with the kids. It is all about convenience; if you try, you can fit exercise into your schedule no matter where you are. Do it at home or at work, outside or in the living room. Start building exercise spurts into your daily routine and you’ll start feeling better. Article reprinted from SparkPeople.com

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August 2013


Kellogg Highlights Advancements in Health and Wellness By Eric Schroeder


he Kellogg Co. continued to make progress on delivering health and wellness to the marketplace in 2012, company executives noted in the company’s fifth global corporate responsibility report released April 22. Among the “highlights” achieved during the year, Kellogg said it launched a variety of new products to address consumer health needs, kicked off two marketing campaigns designed to motivate children to stay fit, rolled out new “Facts Up Front” product labeling in the United States, and launched an improved version of Special K Protein Plus to make it more relevant for today’s consumers. “Nutrition enhancements to existing products help us to succeed in the marketplace,” said John Bryant, president and chief executive officer. “Enhancements such as adding fiber, whole grains or protein to a product are good for our consumers and good for our business, as demonstrated by increased sales. With all of our products, from our kitchen to yours, we take pride in making nourishing, enjoyable foods that are sourced, produced and marketed responsibly.” Kellogg introduced several new and updated products in 2012 and early 2013 that respond to consumer nutri-

tion needs. A number of Special K foods with protein, including cereal, breakfast shakes, flatbread breakfast sandwiches and several snacks, such as granola bars, were developed for consumers looking to manage their weight. In the United States, Kellogg said many varieties of Rice Krispies and Mini Wheats were reformulated to contain two times the folic acid of earlier versions. For children, Kellogg added Scooby Doo, a cereal that is considered a good source of fiber (3 grams) with 27 grams of whole grains, and Cinnamon Jacks, which contains 12 grams of whole grains. Two additions were made to the Eggo waffle line in the United States during 2012, including a product with added protein (8 grams in a two waffle serving) and another with 50% less fat than the original Eggo waffle. In terms of consumer information and labeling, Kellogg is part of the Facts Up Front initiative. The Facts Up Front nutrition labeling initiative launched by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and the Food Marketing Institute in 2011. The new labeling ultimately will replace Kellogg’s front-of-pack Guideline Daily Amounts labeling, which gave consumers specifics on calories, fiber, fats, sugars and other nutrients. “The simple and easy-to-understand

Facts Up Front are designed to be a companion to the more detailed nutrition panel located on the side or back of each product package,” Kellogg said. “At the end of 2012, nearly all of our Kelloggbranded ready-to-eat cereals and about 25% of our snack bars had Facts Up Front labels. “We also use the front of packages to flag for consumers the benefits of certain products, such as ones that are high or higher in fiber or that are heart-healthy options.” A product reformulation project that kicked off in the spring of 2011 came to fruition last year with the launch of the reformulated Special K Protein Plus cereal. Originally introduced in 2004 as Special K Low Carb (and renamed as Special K Protein Plus in 2006), the cereal had a small following but according to Kellogg was being held back by taste because of a “chalky texture.”

“This was one of the most challenging projects I’ve ever worked on,” said a project leader. “There’s a reason there aren’t a lot of high-protein cereals on the market. It is incredibly hard to manufacture a great-tasting, high-protein flake.” After working with various protein sources and examining their impact in a cereal flake, the cereal was re-launched in July 2012 to what Kellogg has called “phenomenal results.” Sales from each month have been consistently higher than they were the previous year, the company said. “This product was/is all about finding ways to deliver tasty protein to consumers,” the project leader said. “A highprotein cereal that no one eats doesn’t do anyone any good. What this project allowed us to do was to take an existing item and make it more relevant for today’s consumers. We couldn’t be more excited about the results.”

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August 2013

8 Natural Options to Relieve Cancer-Related Pain

By SixWise.com


ain can be a severe symptom of cancer. Of those who suffer from cancer, "Many have so much pain that they need sedating doses of narcotics. And they are often too tired to get up and move around; they spend most of the day sitting or even in bed," researcher Timothy C. Birdsall, MD, vice president for integrative medicine at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Zion, IL reports to WebMD. Fortunately, a number of natural pain-relief options exist.

1. Vitamins

Cancer patients often receive treatment in the form of chemotherapy and/or radiation, which have been known to destroy cancerous cells. Unfortunately, these harsh treatments can also destroy healthy cells and deplete your body of energy and vital nutrients. Not only do nutritional supplements -- vitamins -- help restore vital nutrients to your body, they also have been shown to reduce cancer-related pain. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) -MSM is a nutritional supplement that occurs naturally in plants, animals, and the human body. It has been shown to relieve pain and muscle spasms, improve circulation, and reduce autoimmune diseases. Evidence shows that when MSM is combined with DMG and SAMe, metabolic pathways are created that aid in cancer prevention. Start with a low dosage of MSM (to avoid gastrointestinal upset) and gradually increase consumption over two to three weeks. MSM should be divided up and taken with meals, or in lotion form rubbed over the area of concern. Patients take anywhere from 2 to 60 grams per day. Talk to your doctor in order to find the dosage that works for you. Vitamin C -- Healthy tissue is formed when healthy cells are bound together with collagen. Cancer cells spread by destroying the collagen that binds the healthy cells together. Vitamin C has been found to rebuild this collagen, which slows and prevents the growth of tumors. Slowing the growth of cancer is an indirect way of reducing cancer-related pain. Consult your doctor before taking high doses of vitamin C. People have been known to take 50 -- 60 grams every day. Diarrhea is a sign that you've taken too much and vitamin C consumption should be reduced, but abruptly stopping the high doses of vitamin C can lead to scurvy and an increased susceptibility to cancer. So vitamin C consumption should

be reduced gradually over several days. Vitamin B17 -- Vitamin B17 can be thought of as a natural form of chemotherapy. Cancerous cells create unhealthy amounts of the enzyme betaglucoronidase. This enzyme breaks down vitamin B17 into two helpful components. It creates the painkiller benzaldehyde, and also the poison cyanide, which kills cancerous cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Although B17 is cheap and readily available overseas, it is more expensive and more difficult to find in the U.S. because of the politics involved when it comes to large drug companies wanting people to purchase their patented drugs. Talk to your doctor, herbalist, or pharmacist about where to find B17 in pill form. The good news is that B17 is found in a number of foods, such as barley, bitter almonds, garbanzo beans, wheat grass, lentils, flaxseed, and in the seeds of apples, apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, and plums. To treat cancer, consuming a few seeds each day might be recommended (50-60 seeds a day). To prevent cancer, consume several seeds, bitter almonds, garbanzo beans -- whichever you prefer -- each day. Salts of Cesium, Rubidium, and Potassium -- A study conducted by a Dr. Keith Brewer on high pH therapy for cancer elicited promising results. Over the period of several weeks, not only did tumor masses disappear, but "all pains and effects associated with cancer disappeared within 12 to 36 hrs." The salts raise the pH in cancer cells, which ultimately destroys the cells. The presence of these salts in your body neutralize the acidic toxins that are released from the cancerous tissue, rendering them nontoxic. Each day patients ingested 3-6 grams of cesium chloride or rubidium chloride paired with 2-4 grams of potassium chloride and other nutritional supplements. The doses were divided up and given at meal time.

2. Biofeedback Biofeedback therapy teaches you to learn to control bodily functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, muscle relaxation, etc. through the use of a device that detects very small physical changes. The device alerts you to these changes with easily-identifiable signals. Over time people can learn to calm themselves and control their body's reaction to pain, stress, anxiety, etc. A 2005 report from the American Cancer Society notes that biofeedback may be able to ease pain and "improve the quality of life" for some cancer patients. Certified biofeedback therapists can teach patients this treatment method. With practice patients can ultimately perform this method on their own.

3. Hypnosis Hypnosis is a process of deep relaxa-

tion/intense concentration that utilizes the power of suggestion to help people change how they perceive pain. A hypnotherapist will give simple suggestions to help you experience the pain in an alternate way. The same can be done for stress and anxiety. Findings published in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management showed that children who were hypnotized in trials reported significantly less cancer-related pain (as well as anxiety and distress) than those who were not.

4 & 5. Aromatherapy & Massage Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that is used to affect a person's mood or health through the use of essential oils (volatile liquid plant materials) and other aromatic compounds from plants. Massage therapy promotes relaxation and relief of muscle tension, aches, stress, etc., through kneading of the skin, muscles, and tendons. Especially when used together, aromatherapy, particularly utilizing chamomile essential oil, and massage therapy have been shown to alleviate pain in cancer patients. A randomized study in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews observed the effects of massage with or without chamomile essential oil on cancer patients. Pain was decreased most significantly through the use of massage with the chamomile oil. Massage should be avoided by people with a low blood count, and for those with osteoporosis, bone-related cancer, or other bone diseases, make sure that the massage therapist only applies a light pressure. Massage promotes relaxation and relief of muscle tension and stress, which helps to relieve pain.

6. Acupuncture The ancient Chinese healing technique of acupuncture is another way of relieving pain by controlling the pain sensations of various parts of your body. This is done by inserting very fine needles into the specific points on the body that are related to the areas of the body feeling pain. Findings from a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology (Vol. 21, No. 22: 4120-4126) showed that ear acupuncture therapy reduced pain by 36% in participants with advanced-stage cancer. "It's important that the acupuncturist should have experience working with patients who have cancer, or at least experience working with patients in the hospital," advises Lily Zhang, MS, who manages the acupuncture program at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. "The acupuncturist should have a close relationship with the on-

cologist so if there are any concerns, the acupuncturist can communicate it to the doctor right away." Anyone taking blood thinners or having a low blood count should know that acupuncture is not safe for them. It's a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning any new treatment.

7. Meditation Meditation is a state of deep concentration and mental control where you use relaxation techniques, deep breathing, etc. to help focus on one image, thought, or idea. According to information given by Moores Cancer Center of the University of California, San Diego Medical Center, meditation may decrease pain and stress in cancer patients by calming the mind and relaxing the body.

8. Music Therapy Music therapy is the use of musical intervention, such as listening, making music, song writing, or improvising with instruments in order to reach a person's therapeutic goals. Scientific data supports the idea that music therapy occupies neurotransmitters that would otherwise be used to send pain messages to the brain, thus decreasing your perception of pain, according to information from the MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas. Sources • A Healthy Me. Biofeedback and Pain Relief. September 2008. • Alkalize for Health. Twelve Ways to Reduce Cancer Pain. September 2008. • American Cancer Society. Acupuncture. September 2008. • American Cancer Society. Acupuncture May Ease Cancer Pain. September 2008. • American Cancer Society. Biofeedback. June 2005. • American Pain Society. Biofeedback as an adjunctive treatment modality in pain management. 2004. • Astin JA. Mind-body therapies for the management of pain. Clinical Journal of Pain. January/February 2004. 20(1): 27-32. • Cancer-Pain.org. Alternative/Complementary Methods. • Chemotherapy Guide. A Brief Outline on Chemotherapy. • Fellowes D, Barnes K, Wilkinson S. Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in patients with cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2004, Issue 3. • Health A to Z. Controlling Cancer Pain. September 2008. • Journal of Clinical Oncology (Vol. 21, No. 22: 4120-4126). • Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2006, vol. 31, no1, pp. 70-84 [15 page(s) (article)] (48 ref.) • Mayo Clinic. Alternative Cancer Treatments: 11 Alternative Treatments Worth a Try. September 2008. • Medicinenet.com. Vitamins May Help Cancer-Related Pain. September 2008. • The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Music Therapy Aids Cancer Patients During Treatment. September 2008.

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August 2013

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August 2013

Best Eye Supplements To Increase Eyesight And Vision By Payton Polkinghorne


f the eyes do not get enough nutrients they get overstrained and become irritable. The blood supply to the eyes is reduced too much. All these finally affect the eye vision. Youngsters suffer from the vision problem because of lack of proper and healthy diet. These days most of the people are found with spectacles. Most of the people wear glasses from their childhood. This is highly irritating. It not only makes you look old, but also it results in dark circles and makes your eyes pop up. Defects in vision and eyesight can be numerous. Sometimes it is associated with genetics. Others suffer from eye problems because of lack of proper diet that are essential for keeping your eyes healthy. It is reported that most of the kids in their childhood keeping on watching cartoon channels. This not only creates a lot of pressure on the eyes but also the cells get damaged in a long run. The blood supply gets reduced when you strain your eyes. There are a lot of best eye supplements available in the market for improving the vision. As the eyes do not get enough nutrients they get overstrained and become irritable. The blood supply to the eyes is reduced. All these finally affect the vision. Youngsters suffer from the vision problem because of lack of proper diet. During childhood, they do not eat all the vegetables and fruits that are rich in Vitamin A. The effects can be seen when you grow up. Some kid starts wearing glasses from earlier classes while some of them start it later. Whatever it is wearing glasses is highly irritating.

The I-Lite Capsules are one of the best eye supplements for the treatment of problems associated with vision. They help in improving the eyesight and good vision by supplying all the essential nutrients. The capsules contain numerous natural herbs that help in the overall development of the body. They improve the vision by supplying the essential nutrients and proper blood supply. The two most important substances which are required by the eyes. Rich in several anti-oxidants they keep your eyes healthy. They are a good and natural relaxation for the eyes and improve the eyesight tremendously. Apart from this using best eye supplements, you should follow eye exercises definitely work to improve the vision. It is recommended to close your eyes and meditate for 15 minutes daily. This will soothe your eyes improving the vision. Some of the yogic asanas and exercises involve movement of eyeballs which are highly beneficial for improving the vision. Thus you need to follow them and start right away. This will be helping you to get rid of glasses soon. So it's time for you to throw away the glasses. By consuming the I-Lite Capsules, you can get back your vision. Now your looks will be restored. Wearing glasses created dark circles and makes you look old. So you need to get rid of them very soon. The I-Lite Capsules along with other medications will certainly keep your eyes healthy. Eye exercises to improve eyesight should be carried out daily for better and faster results. These capsules are available everywhere. You can buy them online or visit the local drug store. If you are having problems in reading, so get your eye checked up soon.

Brain Fitness 101

By Jonas Certa What is Brain Fitness? We have known for years that physical exercise is necessary to develop and maintain a healthy body. What is not as widely known is that the brain needs nurturing as well. A new body of research has shown that there are things we can do to help maintain and improve our brain fitness. These activities can be grouped into three areas: brain exercise, stress reduction, and physical exercise. Brain Exercise (Use It or Lose It) A wide range of research since the 1990s shows that people who regularly challenge and stimulate their brains improve their mental functioning and maintain more of their abilities into old age. Scientists have recently discovered that exercising the brain can literally generate new brain cells (neurons) and strengthen their connections. This process is called "neurogenesis." Brain stimulation has also been shown to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's symptoms. Games, puzzles, learning a new language, and reading have all good ways to exercise your brain. Computer programs and devices are also available that are specifically designed to stimulate the brain in more direct, targeted ways.

Stress Reduction Prolonged exposure to chronic stress can damage the brain and inhibit the formation of new brain cells. There are a variety of things you can do to reduce chronic stress. Exercise can make you feel more relaxed and often reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Exercise also promotes arousal and relaxation and improves the quality of sleep. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, biofeedback, and yoga have been shown to lower blood pressure, slow respiration, slow metabolism, and release muscle tension.

The attitudes you hold about yourself can also influence the amount of chronic stress you experience. In general, believing that you are empowered and in control of your environment reduces stress. Spending time with friends, family, and even pets can help foster trust, support, and relaxation. There are also computer programs and other products that are designed to reduce stress in more targeted ways.

Physical Exercise Exercising is another great way to improve your brain fitness. Aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise improves blood flow to the brain, helps the body detoxify, and can help reduce stress and depression. In order for an exercise to be considered "aerobic," it needs to elevate your heart rate to 60 to 85 percent of its maximum rate. Good examples of cardiovascular activities are walking, running, swimming, biking, aerobic dance, step aerobics, kick boxing, rowing, and jumping rope. Exercise has a direct effect on nerve cells. After exercise more neurotrophins are produced by the brain, which are compounds that increase the formation of new nerve cells and enhance their connectivity. They also make the neurons we have more resistant to the aging process. Aerobic exercise has numerous other health benefits such as burning body fat, strengthening your heart and lungs, and improving muscle tone. Jonas Certa is a brain fitness enthusiast who has been researching brain fitness at http:// www.mindera.com/infolink1 for several years. Sharpen up your mind with www.mindera.com puzzles, games, and brain fitness products. Article Source: http://www. articlesphere.com/Article/Brain-Fitness-101/199794

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August 2013




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