Division 6 North - January 2014

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Hello, I'm Jenny Truong,

Happy Valentines Season my lovely penguins!

The second executive assistant for the division and secretary for Centennial Key Club. As EA, an upcoming event that I suggest that Key Club members attend is DCON. DCON is a great event for any Key Clubber to attend because of the vast amount of workshops where you can learn more about Key Club and how you can become a better member and service leader in your community. Also, you meet a lot of people from all over the CaliNev-Ha district! The cost of going to DCON can be pretty pricey, so I suggest members to fundraise by selling Key Club merchandise (you can make them with your school club) or you can try to carpool with fellow members within your school district. The upcoming February DCM is an ice skating social event. Come meet the new LTG elect as well as other members in the division as it is never too late to make friends. As many of you know, the 2013 and 2014 term is coming to an end. As I only have a few months left in the DLT, I will try to find more fun community service events and get to know more members (I'm ecstatic when I meet somebody new!). It is also my last year as a Key Clubber so I will work hard to make every moment of Key Club count!

Did you know my love is key club? (Now you do). January really did pass by quickly. We're already in the second month of 2014! This month was yet another success with January's DCM and conclave. Thank you to all who have attended! It truly was a great success and experience! I can't wait to see all of you again on February 15th with our VIPER family at the Riverside Ice Town. Come out to bond with your region and meet the new LTG elects for the 2014-2015 key club term! Along with that, LTG elects have been chosen, and now it is time to elect your new club office board! I hope you guys are starting your club election process or are in the midst of them! And as you know, this is the time we must not abandon our club! Officers continue on training your elected board for the following year, providing service, and possibly plan a club banquet to celebrate your own GOLDEN year of service! Speaking of GOLDEN years, have you decided on attending DOCN this year? Come celebrate our Golden Year of Service with Cali-Nev-Ha at the Sacramento Convention Center from April 11th-April 13th! If you're interested, please contact your officers! It's time for me to wrap it up, so keep on eliMiNaTing and preventing trauma around the world penguins. Remember you still have time to leave a GOLDEN legacy behind for this year and keep on serving! Enjoy this month's edition of the Penguinette and I'll see you on February 15th at Ice Town!

Keep waddlin' my fellow Penguinos!

Waddling with love, Executive Assistant Ashley Chen

Hello penguins! The year is slowly coming to a close with only two months left, however that isn’t an excuse to stop Key Clubbing! These two months is the final sprint to the finish line and you should all be putting your all into finishing the year stronger than you started! Get those 50 hours of service done, raise that $5.40 for MNT, or whatever other goal you have set out for yourself and your clubs. Remember, this is still your term so take advantage of these last two months to go all out and reach all your GOLDEN goals! I would like to congratulate ERHS Key Club Member Ashley Chen on her unanimous election as LTG for Division 6 North 2014-2015. I have complete faith in you that you will do an amazing job and lead the division to greatness never seen! If you see Ashley, be sure to congratulate her on her amazing achievement! As DCON approaches fairly fast, I hope you all have registered to see you LTG elect Ashley Chen be installed into position and to see my own retirement. I promise, tears will be shed by the gallons. If you have any questions about registration be sure to speak to your officers ASAP and your advisor as well. The last day to register for DCON is March 15th so you still have time to fundraise that money! If there are any questions about DCON as a whole please do not hesitate to contact me or DCON coordinator Jaysen Kettlewell so that I can see all your BEEautiful faces in Sacramento on April 11-13th! I hope you all enjoy ice skating with your Viper family, got to know you region elects and hugged you current LTGs one last time before we hit the retirement stage. Do not forget to save the date for March 15th to spend time with your K-kids family as well! And be sure to keep those calendars open for a division banquet (No more Sizzler’s I promise) which will be announced very soon!

Penguins, I have too much to say, but thank you for such an amazing year. I cannot wait to see all your shining faces at club visitations!

With much love, LTG Nini Buu


CONCLAVE RECAP On January 25th, Division 6 North held their annual Conclave event to elect the next LTG for the upcoming term. The election took place at UC Riverside from 1PM to 3PM, where our current Lieutenant Governor Nini began the process with an informational DCM and lead the delegates as well as eager members, to find the most competent elect. Surprisingly, there was only one runner for the upcoming Lieutenant Governor position however; it did not guarantee an automatic victory for the ambitious runner, Ashley Chen (Eleanor Roosevelt High school 11). She spoke out about her plans to fundraise for PTP and MNT, And Create a unity within our Division!

Hey penguins! My name is Ashley Chen and I am your Lt. Governor Elect for the following 2014-2015 key club term! I was glad to see all the clubs that attended Conclave and was there as support to see me give my election speech. Although I was a single candidate, I am truly honored to have the division unanimously elect me to serve you for the following term. I see a bright future for our division next year filled with memorable service and unforgettable experiences! I plan to CREATE a new unity within our division on a whole new level. I plan on to raise at least $3,000 for PTP and $2,000 for Project EliMiNaTe. However, These are just a few of my goals. I plan to do much more than to just simply serve you as Lieutenant Governor next year. I want our division Care for others by going above and BEEyond, Raise goals and funds, and Evolve together. I want out division to be able Achieve success, Togetherness, and Equality. So Division 6 North, I plan on to deliver my promises made to each and every one of you for the following year. And Thank you, penguins, for giving me the opportunity to CREATE tremendous success and unforgettable memories for the division come true.


REGION 4 VIPERS ICE-SKATING This is Region 4’s first regional event of the year! Please join us at Ice Town at Riverside as we glide (or fall) across the rink! Come out and have a wonderful time with your all your Key Club friends and meet other members from different divisions! Also, you will also be able to meet your new elect for the next term! Remember to dress warm and bring at least $10! Look forward to seeing all the cold-blooded Vipers out on the rink!

February th 15 , 2014

10540 Magnolia Ave, Riverside, CA, 92505 12 PM – 4:15 PM

APRIL 11TH – 13th



K-kids/Key Club Event On March 15, 2014, Division 6N will be joining our K-Kids at Todds Elementary School from 9:00 AM-12:00PM to make cards and bracelets for children in hospitals! This is the first event with K-Kids so be sure to come out and support!




Nathan Heger


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