I had a lot first and lasts during October ;) My first and last AIDS Walk, RTC, and soon, FRS. I’m excited for FRS, but I know that also means my Key Club journey will be over soon I’m glad to have spend most of my high school days with the most spirited group of people. YOU HAVE MY HEART KEY CLUB!
October was pretty busy for me and probably the month I’ve been the most active ever. I went to almost all the spirit sessions and service events.
MOVIE STARTC WAS SO AWESOME!! I presented Mental Health with Mary and Graphics with Ryan and Chloe. Like the theme, IT REALLY FELT LIKE A MOVIE I really liked the atmosphere of RTC and cannot wait for Fall Rally South!!
The way this newsletter literally looks like a High School the Musical the Musical the Series lyric video AHAH. My inspo for these newsletters AHAH SEE
Builder’s Club is the Kiwanis International branch for middle schoolers across the nation and globe! As their motto promotes, “To better my school, my community, my world, and myself”, members find who they want to be through discovering their passion to serve, their desire to lead and their ability to engage and collaborate with others.
There are more than 1,500 Builders Clubs in middle schools and 38,000+ members around the world! Learn more about Builders Club at www.builders.club.org.
Wait what… what’s that I hear? Ninjas on.. A what? A WARPATH! THATS RIGHT NINJAS it is FALL RALLY MONTH!!!! Ninjas are on a warpath and headed your way CNH! I can not wait to see what will happen this month but one thing I know for sure is that everyone will serve one way or another! To add on to this, I hope you all are serving more than ever! The time is now to fill in those FRS requirements and I highly suggest that you all use this time more than ever to fundraise, serve, and rack up that spirit so we can show up and show OUT at Fall Rally South on November 12! I can safely say that I am more than proud of everyone’s hard work starting last month. Fall Rally business is no joke and so many people are itching to attend Six Flags so for those who are eligible to go already, you are the elite! Of course everyone deserves their chance to attend Fall Rally South, but those who served prior are slaying easily these past few months! Thank you so much for reading through the Division 13 South Newsletter this month because Clairose really does put her heart and soul into these fine pieces of art. To end off, ninjas, it is time more than ever to get tricky >:) I love you all so much and please please please make sure to take care of yourselves and your health! Drink water and kiss yourselves goodnight my lovelies ~ LTG OUT!
October was packed with both fun and service for Division 13 South.
Service events of last month included AIDS Walk, Kids and Cops, and Kidney Walk. Thank you to all the advisors that took the time to attend these events!
For social events, D13S had Movie Night DCM, which was nice and relaxing. Moreover, we had Spirit Sessions to prepare for RTC.
After almost 4 years, Ninjas went to the AIDS Walk in Los Angeles. The event allowed members to explore a little bit of LA and to walk in solidarity with those living with AIDS.
Region 8 held Movie StaRTC at Warren High School. The mighty Ninjas gave their all in the cheers! Thank you to Spirit Team for all the hard work in creating and teaching cheers! GET READY AND HYPED FOR
Around 10 members from the division went to Key Leader - an event organized by the District's KFF Chair, Alyssa Kline. The event took place at Camp Cedar Glen and served as an opportunity for members to meet new Key Clubbers in California.
Aids Walk 2022 served as a historic landmark, the last walk being in 2019. Many important Key Club events did not happen in the past years due to limitations of in-person gatherings one being Aids Walk. It was an honor to be apart of this turning point from pandemic to normality. Moreover, the walk was moving and inspirational as hundreds of people walked in solidarity with those with AIDS. I saw different divisions at the walk such as the ones in Region 8 and other regions. It really does put into perspective how big of an impact Key Club has. Before the walk begun, I was able to explore a little bit of LA with friends. The walk itself left an imprint on me because I took part in something important not just in Key Club, but the nation.
Cops and KIds is a rather important event for Kiwanis. As a branch of the organization, Key Clubbers went to the event on October 22nd. We were sectioned into different groups: publicity, registration, lunch, games, set-up, and clean-up. I was apart of the games group. I kept score of the basketball games. It was so adorable to see the kids get exhilarated when they made a basket and cheering each other on. Although myself and other members had to wake up early for the event, it was worth it after seeing the kids enjoying their time. Big thank you to Ms. Lin, who divided volunteers into groups as well as making sure the leads had a good understanding of how the event operated. I saw many other Kiwanis advisors that showed up. As Thanksgiving is coming up, I want to thank the advisors for all their hard work!
“K-I-D-N-E-Y, WHERE ARE WE? KIDNEY WALK” The event took place on October 30th, 2022 at Marina Green Park. Myself and other members were assigned to cheer on those who participated in the walk. We created cheers inspired by the division’s cheers. For example, the “Give me a…” and “Pump it up…” cheers. The weather was pretty nice, which I liked. After we finished cleaning up, my group walked around the area of the park. We spent around $5 worth of quarters to ride the kiddie-rides. It was absolutely worth it. The dolphin ride was my favorite because it made dolphin noises. We also ate ice cream, elotes, and hot dogs. Overall, I was able to bond with new people at this service event! I left the event with new friends and fun memories I can look back on.
Movie Night DCM was a relaxing event. This aspect of the event was nice as members could recuperate after learning cheers at spirit sessions and rest their voices. The DCM started off with an ice breaker where we wrapped one person with as much toilet paper we could, There were four teams with a mix of different schools, allowing members to get to know new people. Afterwards, Sierianna and Evelyn presented old and new events; following, Chloe announced monthly recognition. There was also a Halloween costume contest! Members were then able to buy snacks and get ready to watch the movie. The movie we watched was “Girl vs, Zombies.” Although there were technical difficulties, Joseph entertained the division with jokes. At the end of the event, the person wearing the minion costume was revealed. This part of the event reminded me of Scooby-Doo when they expose the villain. To close, I had a great time bonding with members!
On October 20th, 2022 was Wilson’s annual Homecoming Fair and Wilson Key Club was able to sell delicious spam musubi for $3 each! Members set up the booth and also took time out of their fair to sell/run the spam musubi. The most exciting part was selling out in under an hour and raising $300+ for PTP !!! We thank every Bruin that bought some from us and every member who signed up and helped at the booth!
This being my last year, i am so ready to GRADUATE but i know that once this term comes to an end i will wish my underclassmen with the following amazing term. since 9th grade to know, i have always had an amazing soft spot for this club and those bonds i make. i will never regret all the stress and tears i went through because of this club but i know that at the end of the day it gave me so many opportunities to go out and make memories i never thought i’d be able to make. frs freshmen year was such a core memory ( probably because we won ) but over the years i think i came to realize how much key club leaders can affect the whole vibe of the events.so this year i promised myself to no matter wins or lost, i want every single member and leaders to have fun. to live out the moment and not only worry about winning or losing. i want every member to feel how i felt when i was freshmen welcomed, accepted, and loved. my seniors were the ones i aspired to be and apart of me realized that i am now a senior who some of you might look up to ( if you do, i love you and please talk to me<3 ). DID YOU GUYS KNOW, well if you were rtc you would know but i came from my NURSING INTERNSHIP STRAIGHT TO RTC. like thats my dedication for y’all. even though i wasn’t there from the beginning the energy and love you guys gave is absolutely amazing. something i do want to mention though is that my at most love for my spirit team and dlt, i swear i saw people cry that i thought i would never see shed a single tear.!!!!! SPIRIT TEAM; i want to tell yall how much i love and so DAMN proud of you guys and the l eadership you guys have shown. the love i have for you guys is literally through the rooftop, you guys are basically another family i have. like a bunch of younger siblings that i’ve always wanted but neve r asked for<3 DLT; the team that was assembled by our amazing sieri has made me experience i new type of bond. where the amount of support, love and laughs i get to experience with you guys is something i will always be grateful for. and with this being my last year and i am so ready to GRADUATE, i know this last session at fall rally will be one i will never forget. ( yall still getting no tears from me this term<3 )
Despite being a spirit coord, this was my first rtc in my key club experience. Yes, crazy indeed that I went to rtc with my only qualifying attribute being a spirited member. The night before I was getting mentally ready for the morning ahead and I found it ever so nervous to help lead the cheers. But, I was ready to cheer my heart out cause (gonna be a little cliche here guys) I do love everyone in this division like everyone. A reason I applied for such a position was to really support all of my family from the seniors who encouraged me to continue key club, my own friends, and even the new freshmen who decided to step up. Knowing that they would all be there, I was ready to support them all in the best way I can. The morning of, I’ll admit I was tired, cold and still ever so nervous. As we entered the gym and sat everyone down, a surge of adrenaline, energy, and confidence washes over me. And from there, we got HYPED. Even though some other divisions had double our numbers, WE BROUGHT TWICE THE ENERGY. Every person was totally committed to the spirit aspects and that reassured me that rtc would be a great day regardless of the victory or not. Before the spirit battle, I do wish to recognize the new members for being so invested. So many attended sessions that they wanted to listen in on and many paid attention and really were present at the time. I’ve seen moments click when they were having fun in their small sessions with their friends and made new friends from other divisions. Personally, it was great to connect with other members, the other spirit coordinators and their spirit teams and even the lieutenant governors. The spirit battle at the end even though it came to a loss on our part had inspired me. We gave it our all and we were the top two in a tiebreaker battle. The fact we had just as much spirit against double our numbers told me that we were just as strong. With more members, we will be unstoppable. And, to whoever reads this part (thank you for reading my portion btw), I ended up crying a little bit. For those of you who know me, you wouldn’t expect me to be so emotional, but it showed then. The seniors that I will miss as well as me being so proud of every member there really threw me off. Nothing but tears of joy. I was and still am proud and grateful for everyone there. Like Casey and I agreed we were there to have fun. And nonetheless we did. Nuff said. See you at frs!!
I joined Key Club because I was looking for a club that aligned with my morals and was accepting.
It has taught me the value of everyone in my community and how being able to offer my services will inspire others to do the same and in turn changing the world to be a kinder place.
My first time at Fall Rally South 2019 was probably the most memorable time of my high school days and it was freshman year. I didn’t really know what to expect since I hadn’t been to six flags since I was very young which made it even more surprising. Yelling, screaming, chanting. There was nothing like the energy at the rally that I’ve ever felt in my life. Our division was probably the largest and had voices of passion and love for key club more than I’ve ever seen in my Kiwani journey. I felt like I was a part of a family cheering in that manner and the fact that we won the spirit stick made the rest of my day energized, confident, and above all content with where I was. I love keyclub, for all the opportunities it’s given me and all the long lasting friendships that I have acquired all because of that one moment that felt rewarding and memorable.
Key Club is something that most are scared to join particularly out of the over the top spirit and how different it may seem from a “normal highschool club.” But that’s because keyclub more than a friendship but a family. You will learn a lot about yourself and a lot about how far you’re willing to push your limits to work on your good morals for the community. It will teach you leadership, time management, but most importantly acceptance. There will never be a high school experience more valuable than finding a place where you belong and keyclub is an opportunity to find a home with people who truly care about you unconditionally.
For the month of October, Browning has been trying to rebuild the club and find new members and officers. We have been attending Spirit Sessions, DCM, and RTC. We are planning on attending FRS and looking forward to the future of Browning Key Club!
For the month of October Cabrillo held general meetings with good outcomes and sold nachos at our homecoming fair in which we made a good amount of money ! We also attended rtc which was really fun and hope to have a fundraiser soon! We had our very own member Sam be wrapped in toilet paper at Movie Night DCM, even though our group lost it was fun to see everyone participate and we enjoyed watching girl vs monster as well as seeing others amazing costumes !
For the month of of October we’ve had 3 club meetings and 1 board meeting. 1 member has joined Jordan Key club. Members went to spirit sessions and Region Training Conference.
hiya ninjas for the month of october mcbride key club has been very active with attending spirit sessions and dcm we are getting ready for frs in november!!!
HIYAAAA NINJASSS!!! For the month of October, Millikan Key Club focused on our homecoming carnival where we sold milk tea and peach tea boba. We also had a fun service project linked to that where we made origami hearts to give out during the carnival. Overall, we made a total of $580 AND we’re donating half of the money to PTP!! We attended RTC and had lots of fun while meeting new people from our region! Additionally, we helped out in the Kidney Walk and met Sidney the Kidney. Remember, ITS A GREAT DAY TO BE A RAMINJA! HAVE RAMTASTIC DAY/NIGHT!
HELLO kicking ninjas! Poly has been doing swell, and thriving through this season! We recently just passed our fundraising goal of $1,200! With an active crowd ready to serve their community we have been great through service event attendance too! Poly has been booming through events every weekend, going to DCM’s, spirit sessions, service events, RTC, our upcoming service-social, and soon to be Fall Rally South! Ninjas undercover at night, we’ll be slicing through once again, hopefully with the spirit stick! Let’s go PTP and Ninjackrabbits
Some of us attended Movie Night DCM, spirit sessions, and Region Training Conference during the month of October. We are also preparing for Fall Rally South as well as helping out with a fair happening near a local park. We are also collecting dues and had some t-shirt orders.
Sato Key Club has officially submitted all dues paid members! We thank everyone that helped us raise money at the Sato Night Market as well as to the volunteer who went to the Burcham Elementary Faire! Moreover, our members are staying active by attending club and division events such as Aids Walk and Cops and Kids!
October was a pretty packed month for us. There were spirit sessions, DCM, and RTC. I had a fun time at RTC and had the pleasure to be apart of Spirit Team. I was able to take part in the process of creating, learning, and teaching cheers. The club as a whole plan on attending more events and planning our own.
HEYYY NINJAS! I’m Ashley Oviedo and I proudly serve as Wilson Key Clubs president. This month Wilson participated in giving their all at RTC! We got a sneak peek for FRS and are excited to bring the spirit stick home. Moreover, speaking of FRS we are getting ready to attend the last spirit session on November 5th to get us ready. Our club dues our due November 3rd as well as the deadline for the form to attend FRS! We are practicing our chants at the moment to give our all on November 12th!