Ninja News: Division 13 South Newsletter (February 2019)

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in this issue hello ninjas!

i can't believe our term is almost ending!! we have a few big events left this year and i hope to see all of you there. With our region, we have conclave where we elect our lieutenant governor for the 2019-2020 term on january 26th and our region formal on february 23rd. We also have our annual district convention in ontario, ca (see page 5 for more info.) good luck to the ones who have finals this month! lets all finish the year strong hehe!!!!! I hope you guys enjoy this month's newsletter. Keep an eye out for a new one each month! If you would like to be featured in the next one, email your articles and visuals (photos) to or use the hashtag #ninjasofkc on social media!

02 DNE's Message 03 LTG's Letter/jan. sosp 04 DLT's Notes 05 Member Rec. / d13s update 06 event recap 07 calendar / cnh update 08 club recap 11 Contact

stay updated!

check out our website!

Kickin' with service,

alexis phan Division News Editor


ltg's letter HI-YA NINJAS! Hey Ninjas! We are 2 months away until the end of the term! Conclave is coming up on January 26th and I hope to see you all there to come support our LTG candidates for the 2019-2020 term. Even though the 2018-2019 term is coming to an end, please continue to help our division and district complete our goals. Don’t forget to apply for district contests to get recognized at DCON and go on stage! with love,

gerard legaspi lieutenant governor

Children's miracle network What is the purpose? all cmn contributions benefit hospitals in purchasing up-to-date medical technologyies, train staff, fund research, aid outreach programs, and provide healthcare for children whose parents are unable to pay/afford.

How can I get involved? to be more involved, fundraise and donate towards the children's miracle network.

Where can I learn more? go on the cyberkey ( >> projects >> sosp



dlt's notes krezzia basilio // executive assistant

HI-YA Division 13 South! I hope all of you had an amazing holiday season and transitioned well into the new year. I also hope that many of you took advantage of the Winter Break to attend the Rose Float Parade, catch up on homework, and rest up before schools starts back up. Some of you have already gone through finals, but if you have not make sure to stay ahead and prepare for them. I BEE-lieve in you! As our term begins to approach the end, that means that it is time to elect new officers! Region 8's conclave will take place on January 26th, and I hope to see all of you wonderful ninjas there.

mia sam // executive assistant Happy New Years Ninjas! I hope you've all had a great start to 2019. Be sure to set positive goals for yourself, so you can be more organized and less stressed this year. Especially as we're beginning to transition into our next term! With Conclave, home club board re-elections, and DCON coming up, please encourage your members to participate. These can be very eye-opening events and are good opportunities for members to learn more about Key Club! Let’s start the new year and new term strong!

vittina ibanez // executive assistant Hey there ninjas! I hope you all have had a great beginning to the new year and that all is well in your lives. Break is over and it’s time to get back to the grind. The new year is a great time to start improving your work ethics and getting a fresh start. It also means new service events and projects to participate in so I hope to see you at upcoming events such as the Lakewood Run, the tree plantings, and most importantly, R8 Conclave, where we will be electing the Lieutenant Governors for the next term. Keep doing what you’re doing and serving the community.


Member Recogition Member of the Month Club of the Month officer of the Month service project of the Month jada knight i rancho dominguez mayfair key club



Service hour goal

fundraiser goal

vyanh tran i gahr's treasuer

box of joy i st. joseph key club

division update for the month of january, division 13 south has participated in our monthly division council meeting, tree plantings, and beach clean up. We plan on attending our region 8 conclave to elect our new lt.g for the 2019-2020 term.

dcon 2019 are you interested in attending district convention? contact your club president for more information! what is it? cali-nev-ha is comprised of 40,000+ members. dcon is an annual event that celebrates our achievements during the past year, elect & retire district board members, attend workshops, when: april 12th-14th where: ontario convention center

psa: all bee graphics made by cnh graphic design team

rtc spirit session

06 december dcm st. john church festival event recap

daniel le bellflower | webmaster

rose float decorating

Our club had its first club service

vyanh gahr | treasurer event tran of the school year during the last of September! On Division September On week December 27 and 30, 2018 13 28, 29, and 30, our volunteered at South went to club Irwindale Phoenix the St. John of God Church Fiesta. Decorating to help them decorate their Throughout the days, club set up Rose Floats that wouldour be shown in the for the fiesta, managed a Parade booth, 2019. and Annual Pasadena Rose Bowl helped clean up. Our booth was the This would be their 130th year. Before Duck Pond booth, where kids were able decorating our division went into many to “catch” a duck net, helping with a small groups and with split a off letter on the bottom of each duck, different floats. They helped by putting revealing what type of prize they got. on glue, seeds, silver leaves, cutting Everyone was a winner in this game! flowers and etc onto these floats. Gahr helping Key Club joined us on While put also on different things September 29! onto these floats they met many As our from first club event of the school people different companies, year, weand were very happy to see all and the schools even different divisions members that came out to help! We regions. With making these bonds they hope our members continue to come were energized and were happy to to be the various events will have able to helpservice in those longwe 8 hours of in the future! tedious and fun work to make those floats look beautiful. We are grateful to see so many faces come out and participate at this event though many may had plans over their winter break.

want to be featured? youwant want to to be ififyou be featured featured in the newsletter email your in the newsletter email articles/visuals to your articles/visuals to

sara quibin sato | general member The other night on October 13th, people from other schools, including myself, started off our key club experience with a spirit session for RTC! jenni | publicity We gotheng the sato opportunity to committee meet new people other schools in our OOn from Saturday, December 15, members division and got to learn at lots of Division 13 joined together the of different cheers. We even used the Bellflower Kiwanis Hall for December cheers in spirit battles! We started off DCM. Through the evening, members the spiritwithsession kinda quiet, socialized new and old friends considering of uslike were new, through icesome breakers Out thebut by the time and the Indian meeting ended, we were Window Chief. Ninjas, Greenin a spirit battle! people also who competed were new Monkeys, and The Hedgehogs to key club felt welcome. I’m in teams to make thevery best gingerbread excited to get see into whatthe our futurespirit. key club house to holiday Key experience holds for us. time with their Clubbers enjoyed their activities and left with new memories and smiles on their faces.

region 8 avata-rtc

remy khinuon wilson | general member

ridgewood tree planting

Division 13 South recently participated in Region Training Conference on Saturday, vyanh tran gahr October 13th, 2018. The| treasurer event was held at North School OnTorrance DecemberHigh 15, 2018 Gahrattended by members of Region D13W, D13S, Cove and participated in 8 (D19S, the D19N, Ridgewood D13N)! Region 8 was able to learn about Neighborhood Tree Planting. With Key this Club, the roles and the benefits within our event Gahr was able to plant 3 trees in organization through three different this neighborhood with the help of of presentation sessions during RTC. Some Milkian and Wilson. were to these were lead by ourWe very ownable ninjas! learn how to plant trees and see how Some of the presentations, like "Bee-Living In much we and were"College helping Prep and changing Yourself" 101/Circle our K", community oneKey tree at a time. also helped to teach Clubbers how We to gain confidence, how with stay and created bonds eachmentally other though physically/digitally prepared as well as this event. Overall this was a great how to motivate the future. experience andthemselves we hopein that more Other presentations discussing positions, members can come out next time. like "President", "Vice President", "Secretary" and many more, had been available throughout several sessions in order for members to attend the ones they were interested in. After three sessions of participating in presentations (with a lunch break in between), members headed back to the gym for a final break off to prepare for RTC's Spirit Rally! After two rounds of the 5 divisions cheering their hearts out, our ninjas came out strong in the second round and earned the Region 8 Training Conference Spirit Stick! Last, but not least, a LARGE "Thank you!!" to the R8 Lt.Gs and DLTs who helped to put this event together. Without you all, RTC would not have happened!! A special "Thank you!!" goes to our Region Advisors who chaperoned the event and continue to take the time out of their days to support us. We L-O-V-E Region 8!!

07 sun.


january mon.
















12 lb beach clean-up







19 january dcm







26 region 8 conclave





check out cnh's january issue!


goals promote jan. sosp: children's miracle network


club recap

Bellflower | Jackie Cardenas Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Cabrillo | Alexander Pang For the month of December, many of our cabrillo ninjags participated in the be the match walk and run event on December 1st. We also attended the division ice skating fundraiser where a lot of us learned how to ice skate for the first time! Some of us fell multiple times (it was mostly just myself) and some of us didn’t fall at all (literally everyone else)! On December 14th Cabrillo Key club volunteered their time at Saint Lucy’s to help decorate their school to prepare for their Christmas event! On the following day, our Cabrillo ninjags continued to help out at Saint Lucy’s Christmas event by dressing up as Santa’s little elves and handing out presents to the children!

Gahr | Krezzia Basilio HI-YA division 13 south! Gahr Key Club had a very delightful december as it has been one of our most active months, with our total service hours adding up to over 200, (more than our monthly goal!). To kick things off, we ran a booth at our school’s STEAM day event where we made dog toys with the visiting elementary students. We made over fifty dog toys which would then be donated to one of our local animal shelters. Members also attended both the division tree planting and December DCM, where we won the monthly breadstick for brightest future and one of our members, Rachna Raman, won member of the month! The rose float decorating was another event in which we attended, where members decorated the floats for several hours and some even attended twice. All in all, December was a very good month for Gahr and we hope to keep true to our brightest future as the new year proceeds.

Jordan | Bianca Solis Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Mayfair | Priscilla Lee Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

McBride | Dennis Son Hey Ninjas! As we approached another month we had our club photos taken. We also had members participate in the Rose Bowl Parade, through our school’s Red Cross Club. Our club is also planning to participate in our school’s Club Games and we hope to be able to fundraise at the event. The start of a new semester of service is going to begin soon!

Millikan | Rachel Borje Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.


Poly | Kenny Lam & Kelly Tran Hey! Poly key club has started off the new year great! We have had many of our younger members pop off and participate in events to start the month. With a great outcome of volunteers for the Rose Float decorating event and the LB beach cleanup. We are preparing for participating in conclave and spreading interest for DCON coming up too.

Rancho Dominguez | Czarina Go Happy New Year Ninjas! For the month of December, our members volunteered in the Daisy Lane Christmas Parade in where we handed out pencils to children, the Ridgewood Cove Neighborhood Tree Planting, and the Rose Float Parade. Our members also attended the ice skating fundraiser our division had. Not to mention, we partnered with Black Student Union in our school to do a toy drive which resulted to in 37 toys!

Sato Academy | Mia Sam In the month of December, Sato Key Club held their final 2018 Potluck/General Meeting before finals week! We've also had members attend the following events: Be the Match Run, December DCM, Candidate Training Conference, Ridgewood Cove Neighborhood Tree Planting, and Rose Float Parade Decorating (Dec. 27th & 30th). Our members are very excited to see how we transition into the next term! We plan on hosting more general meetings to further educate members about DCON and home club board elections, as well as attending Conclave and many other events in the near future.

Somerset | Isaac Robins Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

St. Anthony | Matthew Palma Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

St. Joseph | Patricia Agayani Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

St. John Bosco | Ivan Pupo Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Wilson | Chris Pan Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

dlt contacts Alexis Phan

Gerard Legaspi

Division News editor D13S.CNHKC.dne@GMAIL.COM


vittina ibanez

krezzia basilio





khelynn nou

chris pu



joann pham

emily yan




krezzia basilio gahr

Jackie Cardenas


Bianca Solis

Priscilla Lee



Dennis Son

rachel borje





matthew palma

ivan pupo



Patricia Agbayani

isaac robins



kenny lam & kelly tran

chris pan



president contacts 11

contact us! Instagram @d13sninjas twitter @d13sninjas remind text @d13s to 81010

thank you for reading!

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