Ninja News: Division 13 South Newsletter (March 2019)

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in this issue hello ninjas!

how are you guys? We officially have about 2 more months left in the term. First I would like to congratulate Krezzia Basilio for becoming our lt.g elect! She well-deserved it and I cannot wait to see what she will accomplish next term as lt.g . I cannot wait to see all of you finsih off this term strong!! please continue going to service events and the additions social events we have left. I encourage you to make the best out of the last 2 months we have together. I hope you guys enjoy this month's newsletter. Keep an eye out for a new one each month! If you would like to be featured in the next one, email your articles and visuals (photos) to or use the hashtag #ninjasofkc on social media!

02 DNE's Message 03 LT.G & lt.g elect's letter 04 DLT's Notes 05 Member Rec. / d13s update 06 event recap 07 calendar / cnh update 08 club recap 11 Contact

stay updated!

check out our website!

Kickin' with service,

alexis phan Division News Editor


from ltg & elect Tafoya! If you register now, admission is only $10 and tickets will be sold at the door for $13. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Hope to see you soon!

From Lt.G Gerard! We officially have about 2 months left in the term... that means DCON is approaching faster and fast by the minute! On a side note, we recently had conclave and I’m proud to announce that your next Lieutenant Governor from the 2019-2020 term is... Krezzia Basilio from Gahr Key Club! I’m so excited for all of you non-senior Key Club members to see what she has in store for all of you in the upcoming term. The spotlight on service theme for the month of March is “March of Dimes”. I really encourage all of you to gather all your change and donate to this amazing organization! Your club can maybe do a “dime war” amongst your grade levels to fundraise for this charity. The organization fights for a great cause: the health of both mothers and babies. Although Fall Rally is over, you can still donate to the Pediatric Trauma Program as well! We are still 1,800 service hours away from our goals of 6,000 service hours by the end of the term. I really do believe that we can accomplish this even with only the 2 months we have left. Great ways to get more hours is to do service projects during your club meetings and also to get in touch with local organizations to help out at their own service events using helpful resources like Volunteermatch! An exciting event we have coming up is our very first Region 8 Formal! The theme is... UP! It will be at South Gate Park Auditorium from 8pm-11pm on Saturday, February 23. There will be appetizers, a photobooth, and the DJ will be District Video Media Editor Leo

Word from Lt.G Elect!


HI-YA Division 13 South! My name is Krezzia Noelle Basilio and I am super excited to finally announce that I will be serving this AMAZING division that I have called home for the past three years as Lieutenant Governor Elect for the 2019-2020 term! Conclave was an absolutely frightening yet enlightening experience that I will n never forget and I i'm forever grateful. grateful Thank you you so much for giving giving me this opportunity opportunity to fully fully extend and utilize utilize everything that that I have obtained obtained and learned learned throughout throughout my Key key Club journey and and to hopefully transpire it into something bigger and better within the next term! I could not have gotten to this point without the help of every single person who has helped foster my passion and drive towards such a distinguished organization, so I truly thank each and every one of you. I have so many ideas that I want to implement into the next term and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the future of Division 13 South! As I said in my speech, “The term is ending, and that makes me blue. But that means new beginnings. 13 South Thank you!”


dlt's notes krezzia basilio // executive assistant

HI-YA Division 13 South! Congratulations for getting through finals and almost the entire term! I hope everything went well and you are finally being able to relax; but if it didn’t, just know that things do get better! As the term approaches the end, that means new positions are available! I HIGHLY recommend that YOU take this opportunity to BEE confident and go for that position you’ve had your eye on, or to think about running for a position that you would have not pictured yourself doing. All in all you have got NOTHING to lose and all the opportunities that you would be able to have is truly undefinable. Although even if you don’t end up getting that position that you want, there is so much more that Key Club has to offer in the near future. You just have to put yourself out there and reach your potential!

mia sam // executive assistant Hiya ninjas! Conclave has passed (CONGRATS Miss Lt.G Elect 2019-2020, Krezzia Basilio <3), meaning our next term is coming quickly! Club boards, please make sure you are holding your officer elections soon. The sooner you have elected officers, the more time you have to mentor the new board! Try your best to hold your final fundraisers and events, as we are still working towards division and district goals. We've all done an AMAZING job this term, I'm proud of you all! Let's end our term strong, so we help the next officers continue on even stronger.

vittina ibanez // executive assistant Hey ninjas! How is everybody doing? I hope you all are doing really well in school and life in general. First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the one and only, Krezzia Basilio, for being elected our division’s next lieutenant governor for the 2019-2020 term. I can’t wait to see what you bring to our division! As for this present term, let’s finish it off strong! I hope to see all of you at upcoming DCMs, fundraisers, and events. Keep doing good and serving your communities!


Member Recogition Member of the Month Club of the Month officer of the Month

Wendonisha Ortiz-Lopez i sato millikan key club



Service hour goal

fundraiser goal

nathalie paalam i gahr's vice-president

division update for the month of february, division 13 south has participated in our monthly division council meeting that was joint with division 19 south, usc key to college, and region 8 formal.

dcon 2019 are you interested in attending district convention? contact your club president for more information! what is it? cali-nev-ha is comprised of 40,000+ members. dcon is an annual event that celebrates our achievements during the past year, elect & retire district board members, attend workshops, when: april 12th-14th where: ontario convention center

psa: all bee graphics made by cnh graphic design team

06 st.February john church dcm withfestival d19s event recap

daniel bellflower webmaster aljunle buquis poly | |historian

Our club off hadthe its new first club service To start year, our event of the school year during members attended the February DCM! the We last week of September! On September had the opportunity to catch up with 28, 29, 30,members our club at old andand new asvolunteered well as those the St. John of God Church Fiesta. from 19 South! The DCM consisted of our Throughout the days, club set up usual ice breakers, andour in preparation forFebruary the fiesta, a Valentine’s booth, and of we managed exchanged helped clean up. Our booth was the gifts with one another! The February Duck Pond booth, where kids were DCM was overall a great time with able our to “catch” a duck with a net, with a fellow D13S members and was exciting letter bottom each duck, to meet on newthe faces fromof D19S. Lots of revealing what type of prize they got. food and a very nice atmosphere! Everyone was a winner in this game! Gahr Key Club also joined us on September 29! As our first club event of the school year, we were very happy to see all the members that came out to help! We hope our members continue to come to the various service events we will have in the future!

Gahr's campus clean-up abby trinh gahr | member On February 12, a few members and I from Gahr Key Club volunteered to help clean up our school campus. We were able to pick up an abundance of litter throughout Gahr, as well as understand the importance of keeping our school clean. By helping keep our campus clean, we understood how just one piece of trash could affect the environment greatly. Our group was able to find straws and perfectly good if you want to throughout be featuredour fruit scattered in the newsletter email school’s quads, which also helped us appreciate the cleaning staff that your articles/visuals to help maintain our school.

want to be featured?

run spirit like itssession recess rtc

sara quibin Diaz satobellflower | general member Alexander | member TheFor other onwe October 13th, thisnight month, attended the Run people from other schools, including Like It’s Recess event in Long Beach this myself, started offearly our to key club past week. We arrived check in experience a spiritto session for RTC! and helpedwith ourselves complimentary We got provided the opportunity to meet donuts at the event. Afternew people from schools in our checking in, we other were divided into groups. division gotassigned to learn lots of Some of and us were to the water different cheers. We even used the crew, we passed out water to the cheers in as spirit battles! We started runners they ran, others directedoff the spirit session kinda quiet, traffic to make sure nothing got in the considering of us were new,cheered but by way of the some runners, and others the the meeting ended, were inthe a thetime runners on as they gotwe through spirit battle! people who course. It wasThe great to see allwere the new to key club feltout very welcome. families who came to not only I’m excited to see what our future club support Newcomb Academy, but key to also experience for us.public parks. The get fit andholds enjoy out event was overall a success, and it was great experience to work with so many Division 13 South members and help our remy khinuon wilson | general member local community.

region 8 avata-rtc

Division 13 South recently participated in Region Training Conference on Saturday, October 13th, 2018. The event was held at North High School attended by jenni Torrance heng sato | publicity committee members of Region 8 (D19S, D19N, D13W, D13S, and January gathered D13N)!On Region 8 was19th, ableninjas to learn about Key together for another DCM. Atwithin Discovery Club, the roles and the benefits our Well Park, members participated in ice organization through three different breakers such as I Love My RTC. Neighbor presentation sessions during Some and of these were lead our verywas own able ninjas! the Name Game.byEveryone to Some the presentations, "Bee-Living In bondofwith old and newlike friends. After, Yourself" "College Prepas101/Circle K", members and played mafia a division. helped to teach Key Clubbers how to gain Additionally, ninjas donated old shirts confidence, how stay mentally and to make dog toys as a service event. physically/digitally prepared as well as Members enjoyed their time and went how to motivate themselves in the future. home with new memories. Other presentations discussing positions, like "President", "Vice President", "Secretary" and many more, had been available throughout several sessions in order for members to attend the ones they were interested in. After three sessions of participating in presentations (with a lunch break in between), members headed back to the gym for a final break off to prepare for RTC's Spirit Rally! After two rounds of the 5 divisions cheering their hearts out, our ninjas came out strong in the second round and earned the Region 8 Training Conference Spirit Stick! Last, but not least, a LARGE "Thank you!!" to the R8 Lt.Gs and DLTs who helped to put this event together. Without you all, RTC would if you want to be featured not have happened!! A special "Thank you!!" goes to newsletter our Region email Advisors in the yourwho chaperoned the event and continue to take articles/visuals to the time out of their days to support us. We L-O-V-E Region 8!!

january dcm

want to be featured?

07 sun.

february mon.







2 usc key to college







9 february dcm with d19s







16 tree planting












dcon saa application due

region 8 formal

28 end of on-time dcon Registration

check out cnh's february issue! goals promote march of dimes


club recap

Bellflower | Jackie Cardenas Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the past month, Bellflower Key Club made sure to participate in as many division events as possible. These events include the Alamitos Beach Memorial Tree Planting, Clean LB Beach Cleanup, January's Division Council Meeting, and the Run Like It's Recess event. Recently, our club has been planning to hold a joint fundraiser with the Bellflower Thespians, with the goal of increasing the production value of our school's upcoming musical! We plan on holding several service events to help build the stage for our school's musical, so Bellflower Key Clubbers, please be on the lookout for that! We are also happy to announce that club elections will be held on Tuesday, February 19th.For the next month, we are excited to participate in the Lakewood run and hopefully release another edition of the Ninja Tea! Thanks!

Cabrillo | Alexander Pang Hey Ninjas! In the past month, the cabrillo ninjags have done nothing but shown constant hard work and dedication towards the club! On January 21st, many new and current members volunteered at the MLK 2019 day of service event and contributed their service in various ways including park clean up, garden planting and mural painting. On January 26th, a few of our members attended conclave and supported our ltg’s in elect while some of our other members volunteered at the Valley Village Super Saturday event and assisted disabled elderly people on a scavenger hunt!

Gahr | Krezzia Basilio HI-YA Division 13 South! For the month of January, Gahr Key Club had a pin sale where all proceeds went to an organization called “One Dollar For Life” where we helped build an elementary school in Nicaragua. We were able to raise about $200 so thank you to everyone who contributed! Also, we have another sticker fundraiser in the works so be on the lookout for that. As for service, Gahr was able to attend the beach clean up, the recent tree planting, and conclave where we had “Gahr-8” turnout! For upcoming events we have our campus clean-up, our annual chinese new year celebration with the local chinese school, and we’re planning on having elections at the end of this month.

Jordan | Bianca Solis Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Mayfair | Priscilla Lee Gn the month of January, members of Mayfair Key Club went to division events and Region 8 Conclave of 2019! We listened to everyone’s wonderful speeches and caucus sessions. Members would like to congratulate the new LTG elect and the other candidate as well. Both key clubbers did so amazing! In the month of February, Mayfair is planning to have a blanket making event with the K-kids club at Lindstrom elementary!


McBride | Dennis Son For the month of January, McBride Key Club has passed out our member items and had some members attend a regional championship. It was for our school’s Skill USA in conjunction with McBride’s Red Cross Club and our members help set up for the event. We have been slowing down on our event participation and we plan to increase that. We are also preparing some of our underclassmen for officer positions for next term.

Millikan | Rachel Borje Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Poly | Kenny Lam & Kelly Tran Since the January DCM, we have attended Region 8 Conclave to support all the LTG Elects. We are also planning a Grab and Go Kit Drive where we assemble emergency kits for vulnerable school communities in partnership with our school's Red Cross, Help 4 Homeless, and CSF clubs. Our drive will start on Tuesday and we hope to assemble at least 75 kits. Also, don't forget about our joint picnic with Lakewood Key Club which will take place on March 2nd!

Rancho Dominguez | Czarina Go Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Sato Academy | Mia Sam In the last month, Sato Key Club had attended Conclave! Congratulations to our new Lt.G Elect, Krezzia Basilio, we know you'll do a GR8 job this term. At our last few general meetings, we've discussed DCON information and our incoming Officer Elections. Soon we'll be hosting a fundraiser with Yuda Bands, where all profits go back to the student we sponsor! We're excited to transition into the next term.

Somerset | Isaac Robins Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

St. Anthony | Matthew Palma This month we held a beach cleanup and had multiple members attend the conclave. We have been having members step forward showing interest in holding a leadership position for the next term and we are very pleased with the amount of participation in the club!

St. Joseph | Patricia Agayani Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

St. John Bosco | Ivan Pupo Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Wilson | Chris Pan For the month of January, Wilson volunteered at events such as the Clean LB Beach Cleanup and the Alamitos Beach Memorial Tree Planting. Wilson Key Club has also began the process of electing new board members for the upcoming 19-20 term!

dlt contacts Alexis Phan

Gerard Legaspi

Division News editor D13S.CNHKC.dne@GMAIL.COM


vittina ibanez

krezzia basilio





khelynn nou

chris pu



joann pham

emily yan




krezzia basilio gahr

Jackie Cardenas


Bianca Solis

Priscilla Lee



Dennis Son

rachel borje





matthew palma

ivan pupo



Patricia Agbayani

isaac robins



kenny lam & kelly tran

chris pan



president contacts 11

contact us! Instagram @d13sninjas twitter @d13sninjas remind text @d13s to 81010

thank you for reading!

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