Ninja News: Division 13 South Newsletter (April 2019)

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in this issue hello ninjas! One month is all we have. I can’t believe how far we’ve gotten and how much we’ve accomplished. I am so sad to say that this is my last newsletter and I hope you guys enjoyed every bit of it because I sure did! It has been a pleasure serving the BEST division in CNH as your 2018-2019 news editor and serving alongside an incredible leadership team. Thank you guys for making this term and my senior year amazing and I can’t wait to see how far you guys will do next time and in the future. Also, thank you to all the historians and presidents for always submitting on-time monthly (or at least try to haha). I appreciate all the hard work you do( I know it’s hard with school) and for reading every newsletter.

02 DNE's Message 04 LT.G's letter 05 DLT's Notes 06 Member Rec. / d13s update 07 event recap 08 calendar / cnh update 09 club recap 12 Senior letters 13 contacts

here are some of my highlights from this term! thank you for all the memories :) Kickin' with service,

It breaks my heart to say this is my final DNE message, but at the same time I’m excited to see who will become the next DNE! I know the next edition will be in safe hands. I hope to see all of you at DCON!! I’m definitely going to ball my eyes once again seeing Gerard retire and Krezzia being installed :)

alexis phan Division News Editor


dlt photoshoot

ltg & dne lineage

publitcity committee


ltg elect krezzia


ltg's letter

Hey Ninjas! This is officially the LAST newsletter for the 2018-2019 term... HOWEVER, we still have 1 more month left until the new term begins! I cannot emphasize enough on how much it’s been an honor to work with you all whether you are a club officer or a member. I loved being able to work together to move the division forward. Seniors... not only are we about to end our last year of Key Club, but also high school! Please continue to be motivated in school just as you are for Key Club and finish the year off strong! Wherever you go in life after high school, I hope that the core values of Key Club will still remain instilled all of you as you serve your community in the future to come. Underclassmen... I hope you all enjoyed this term and I really do wish that you continue with your Key Club journey in the upcoming school year as Krezzia will soon be taking office (she has a lot in store for you!).

until then,

gerard legaspi lieutenant governor



dlt's notes krezzia basilio // executive assistant

HI-YA Division 13 South! Congratulations for getting through finals and almost the entire term! I hope everything went well and you are finally being able to relax; but if it didn’t, just know that things do get better! As the term approaches the end, that means new positions are available! I HIGHLY recommend that YOU take this opportunity to BEE confident and go for that position you’ve had your eye on, or to think about running for a position that you would have not pictured yourself doing. All in all you have got NOTHING to lose and all the opportunities that you would be able to have is truly undefinable. Although even if you don’t end up getting that position that you want, there is so much more that Key Club has to offer in the near future. You just have to put yourself out there and reach your potential!

mia sam // executive assistant Hiya ninjas! Conclave has passed (CONGRATS Miss Lt.G Elect 2019-2020, Krezzia Basilio <3), meaning our next term is coming quickly! Club boards, please make sure you are holding your officer elections soon. The sooner you have elected officers, the more time you have to mentor the new board! Try your best to hold your final fundraisers and events, as we are still working towards division and district goals. We've all done an AMAZING job this term, I'm proud of you all! Let's end our term strong, so we help the next officers continue on even stronger.

vittina ibanez // executive assistant Hey ninjas! How is everybody doing? I hope you all are doing really well in school and life in general. First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the one and only, Krezzia Basilio, for being elected our division’s next lieutenant governor for the 2019-2020 term. I can’t wait to see what you bring to our division! As for this present term, let’s finish it off strong! I hope to see all of you at upcoming DCMs, fundraisers, and events. Keep doing good and serving your communities!


Member Recogition Member of the Month Club of the Month officer of the Month remy khinuon i wilson jordan key club



Service hour goal

fundraiser goal

kenny lam i poly's co-president

division update for the month of march, division 13 south has participated in our monthly division council meeting, tree planting, bayshore triathlon, beach clean-up, and lakewood run.

dcon 2019 woooo about less than a month until district convention 2019! i'm beyond excited for first-timers to go to dcon to experience all the workshops, meeting key clubbers from all over cnh, seeing our special guest speaker, governor's ball, general sessions, and the retirement of the ltgs/installment of elects. email and cc your experience at dcon 2019 to be featured in the new volume of ninja news!

psa: all bee graphics made by cnh graphic design team

06 07 year celebration st.chinese johnnewchurch festival event recap

daniel le bellflower | webmaster samantha villa gahr | member

Our club had at itsthe first club Chinese service Volunteering Cerritos event of the school year during the School was truly an amazing experience. last week of September! On September I had the pleasure of working alongside 28, 29, and 30, our definitely club volunteered at D13N & D30S which made this the St. John of God Church Fiesta. day even better than expected. I can say Throughout our club set up with joy thatthe thedays, highlight of helping for at the managed a Celebration booth, and out thefiesta, Chinese New Year helped clean up. Our booth was the was definitely watching & learning Duck Pond booth, where kids were able about a completely different culture. to “catch” a duck with a net, with a From watching the children dance & the letter enjoy on the bottom of each parents what Key Club helpedduck, put revealing what type of prize they got. together made Sunday, February 24th a Everyone was a winner in this game! memorable service event I can’t wait to Gahr next Key year! Club also joined us on attend September 29! As our first club event of the school year, we were very happy to see all the members that came out to help! We hope our members continue to come to the various service events we will have in the future!

poly's emergency supply drive jerome liwanag poly | historian in this past month, our club collaborated with other Long Beach Poly clubs that included Help 4 Homeless, Red Cross, and the California Scholarship Federation. In partnership with these clubs, we asked of our members to donate items essential for an emergency situation such as flashlights, water, first aid kids, etc. To help out in this project, we were supported by the Health Department, Port of Long Beach, and various churches. This was an opportunity to donate and help out those who were in need of supplies and prepared them for any disaster/emergency that would if you want be featured possibly happen.toThe clubs that in the newsletter email participated with us engaged in great actsyour of service extremely helpful articles/visuals to to our community!

want to be featured?

bragg's green pancake rtc spirit sessionbreakfast sara sato | general member eric quibin beck gahr | treasurer

TheOn other night onof October 13th, the morning Saturday, March people from other schools, including 9th, members of Gahr Key Club myself, started off elementary our key club volunteered at Bragg experience spirit RTC! school towith help a with thesession annualfor green We got the opportunity to meet pancake breakfast. Alongside Gahr, new people other Whitneyfrom Key Club also schools helped setinup,our division andand got to learn lots of serve food, cleaned up. Serving different cheers. We even used the green pancakes for elementary cheers in spirit battles! We started off students and the smiles on their faces the spirit session kinda of quiet, was well worth the five hours considering some ofto usgo were new, but by service. Can't wait back next year! the time the meeting ended, we were in a spirit battle! The people who were new to key club felt very welcome. I’ m excited to see what our future key club experience holds forsato us. | member wendonisha ortiz

beach clean-up

region 8 avata-rtc

The beach clean up I attended this past saturday was filled with so much fun khinuon and realizations. As a group of remy wilson | general member people we cleaned up at around 2 bags Division 13 South recently participated in of trash and collected straws Region Training Conferenceall onthe Saturday, we found. It made me realize as member October 13th, 2018. The event was held at in my Torrance community we need to take North Highthat School attended by care of our environment more and members of Region 8 (D19S, D19N, D13W, more. D13S, and D13N)!aRegion was able to learn aboutit It was good 8service event because Key the allowed roles andus theto benefits notClub, only come within as a our organization through community and clean thethree beachdifferent up while presentation during RTC. Some having fun sessions with our friends, but ofit these were lead by our very own ninjas! showed a different perspective of how Some of the presentations, like "Bee-Living In we need to watch our society and help Yourself" and " College Prep 101/Circle K", each to other while helping how the to animals helped teach Key Clubbers gain and other creatures in our world who confidence, how stay mentally and help us. physically/digitallyprepared as well as how to motivate themselves in the future. Other presentations discussing positions, like " President", " Vice President", " Secretary" and many more, had been available throughout several sessions in order for members to attend the ones they were interested in. After three sessions of participating in presentations (with a lunch break in between), members headed back to the gym for a final break off to prepare for RTC's Spirit Rally! After two rounds of the 5 divisions cheering their hearts out, our ninjas came out strong in the second round and earned the Region 8 Training Conference Spirit Stick! Last, but not least, a LARGE "Thank you!!" to the R8 Lt.Gs and DLTs who helped to put this event together. Without you all, RTC would if you want to be featured not have happened!! A special " Thank you!!" goes to newsletter our Region email Advisors in the yourwho chaperoned the event and continue to take articles/visuals to the time out of their days to support us. We L-O-V-E Region 8!!

want to be featured?

08 sun.

March mon.







2 lakewood run







9 beach clean up & bayshore tiathlon







16 tree planting & & march dcm
















check out cnh's march issue! goals finish off the term strong!


club recap

Bellflower | Jackie Cardenas

Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Cabrillo | Alexander Pang HEY D13S! The 2018-2019 term is now coming to an end and the cabrillo ninjags are ready start the new term with a BANG! On February 4th, some of our cabrillo ninjags attended the Region 8 Disney’s Up Formal and danced the night away with the rest of region 8! Some our members also volunteered at the saint Lucy’s Rummage sale event on February 24th and helped the church set up and clean up at their fundraising event! In the month of February, Cabrillo key club have successfully elected the new board members for the 2019-2020 term! Congratulations to those of you that won the elections and continue to lead our club to a bigger and better success! As this chapter closes another chapter will begin. The 2018-2019 term has been nothing but fun, laughter, and full of great memories. I can’t wait to see what the next term holds, see you there!

Gahr | Krezzia Basilio HI-YA Division 13 South! Although this may be my last president update, I am sure most of you will still often hear from me. :D This past month Gahr Key Club has been busy holding elections while at the same time participating in our own and division service events! We have successfully elected an entire new board for the 2019-2020 term and I am super excited to see what these amazing individuals have in store for the future of Gahr Key Club. As for service events Gahr Key Club participated in the Cerritos Chinese Festival where we helped out with celebrating the starting of the Lunar New Year! We also recently participated in a Green Pancake Breakfast held by Bragg Elementary where we helped serve pancakes to local families who attended the event! Overall throughout the term Gahr Key Club had tremendously grew from where it used to be one year ago. From exceeding our service hour goal with 1000+ service hours to the building of GAHR-8 community, this has truly been one heck of a ride.

Jordan | Bianca Solis Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Mayfair | Priscilla Lee Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

McBride | Dennis Son Hey Ninjas, it’s that time of year again. The seniors are graduating and the next term’s board is being chosen. McBride Key Club has gone through the ups and downs of the year and it has been full of great experiences. With the last month, elections are occurring and the next term is sure to be bright. As a parting gift, we left the board with plans for fundraising for the next school festival. With all the fundraisers, clean-ups, marathons, plantings, and spirit events it truly has been a great year. Good luck to the graduating seniors and the next term. On behalf of McBride Key Club, thank you!


Millikan | Rachel Borje Hiya ninjas ! We just finished our elections and welcome Karleen, Elizabeth, Liana, Aracely, and Francia to the Millikan Key Club board! We're eager to start their first official service event/fundraiser at Millikan’s upcoming cultural festival! And to our Key Club seniors, we wish them all luck as they all progress into their futures and hope them the best!

Poly | Kenny Lam & Kelly Tran Hey everyone! Since the last DCM, Poly KC has held our elections for the 2019-2020 term! We are pleased to announce our new board will be; Historian: (Catherine Long), Treasurer: (Jerome Liwanag), Secretary: (Jamie Deth), VPs: (Nathan Song & Maryland Heng), President: (Mirabella Angeo) We have also participated in our school’s club rush for the second semester, the Collins Neighborhood Tree Planting, Region 8 Formal, and Plastic Awareness Beach clean-up. Our Grab and Go Kit Drive w/our school’s Red Cross, H4H, and CSF clubs was also a success, where we prepared nearly 70 emergency preparedness kits for the Red Cross Preparedness Faire. Lastly, as the term is ending, we would like to give a big thank you to seniors like Gerard, Lexi, Khey, and many more for doing such a wonderful job this term. Thank you and we love you!!

Rancho Dominguez | Czarina Go So this term really going to an end? From winning the spirit stick at RTC to FRS. We have definitely grown all together. I’m proud of our division and our accomplishments, not just because of winning the spirit sticks, but because every single one of us, took our time to be apart of this amazing club, and being apart of the *cough* best division *cough*. I’m grateful to have an amazing LTG, shoutout to Gerard for the support and leadership to accomplish all these goals in our division. Not to mention, a creative DNE, Lexi! Thanks for dealing with us presidents who have & haven’t sent club updates and making aesthetically pleasing newsletters. Nevertheless, shoutout to the division team for making everything possible at DCMs to Fundraisers to Member Recognition to Service Events. Also, shoutout to the all the board members of each school, who make this division function & teaching others about this amazing club that we’ve all grown to love. I’ve been apart of key club for my whole high school years & this term has been the best and memorable. Sadly, this term is coming to an end and a new term will begin & I’m super excited to see what the term of 2019-2020 will accomplish (GOODLUCK KREZZIA!) even though I’ll be leaving along side with my fellow seniors. To Seniors, damn it really be like that. I wish nothing but the best to everyone & goodluck to seniors with whichever road you take in your life. Things we did: THAT.

Sato Academy | Mia Sam As we end the 2018-2019 term, Sato Key Club has paid to attend DCON 2019, held club elections, planned for our first annual service project/fundraiser, and are organizing graduation awards for our seniors! We now have 5 newly elected officers who are ALL underclassmen. Our soon-to-be-retired board is currently training them, so we are able to pass of those duties on to them in the next month. We are super excited to hold our first annual Yuda Bands service project, as the board members had the chance to Skype call our sponsored student Davis Severino from Zimbabwe! To top it all off, we are saying "goodbye" to our senior members with awards, graduation is coming too quickly. Because this is our last update for the term, we'd like to wish our seniors good luck on the next part of their journey and welcome the freshmen to the next part of their journey! We sincerely thank each and every one of our members for bringing their positive spirits to our club and for making a mark on the world alongside all other amazing members within Key Club International. he month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.


Somerset | Isaac Robins Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

St. Anthony | Matthew Palma Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

St. Joseph | Patricia Agayani Hello! As the term ends, the club is finally going to have its elections during the last week of March! Although we weren’t able to update the division as much of what we are doing at our school, the board was still able to make significant changes within our club. We have imposed new policies for membership, which will definitely help the club increase its member participation. Few of our members are already starting to attend division events. We have also planned fundraisers and one of them was successful! We have donated over $100 to an organization that specifically help out the veterans. We have an upcoming blanket project this April in order to strengthen the Key Club Community within our school. As the president of this club, I am glad to say that I have learned a lot over the past few months. I would definitely become the president of this club again, but only better. And I hope that the next President will do a better job than I did this year. Farewell, Ninjas!

St. John Bosco | Ivan Pupo Greeting Division 13 South Ninjas! For the month , we have attended service events and fundraisers.

Wilson | Chris Pan For the month of March, Wilson attended service events such as the Lakewood Run and Plastic Awareness Beach Cleanup! We've finished up elections for the new board, meaning that this will be my last club update as Wilson Key Club President. However, I'm super optimistic for our club and they're going to do amazing things for our division! Our last order of business for this term is organizing our annual end of the year key club beach bonfire, we hope to see you there!


to the class of 2019

From Service Event Coordinator Joshua Terlaje

Hello Ninjas, As this was my last year in Key Club I’m proud to say that I’ve made so many lifelong memories and met new people I would never have met without Division 13 South. When the 2017-2018 term ended I decided to run as historian for Millikan. Not long afterward, I was also appointed as the Division Service Event Coordinator. Through these positions I felt as though I had a deeper connection to the people around me and was able to forge bonds with the DLT and many others. I will alwaysremember the fun times I had during my time in Key Club, from attending my first service event, to winning the spirit stick at Fall Rally. Again, I just wanted to thank all of the ninjas for the amazing time we shared as Key Club family.

From Nicole Capcha

Dear gerard, I’m sad to see you go since we've only known each for a little less than a year. First let me start with saying thank you for all the things you've done like making me feel welcomed into Sato, thank you for being a great ltg, thank you for all the cards you have sent me, and thank you for being such a great mentor. You made me feel so welcome when I first came to Sato I can never thank you enough for that. Over the past few months I think we have gotten closer to each other. I will miss you so much but I know that you will do really great things in the future. Don’t forget to visit! I hope we keep in touch!

From Publitcity Member/ Historian Darleen Tith

Dear Class of '19, Wow. Where has the time gone? It feels like April DCM was last week and I was crying my eyes out (not one of my greatest moments haha). But no, it's almost been a year and the term is coming to an end soon. This term has felt short but I've grown a lot, and that's all because of the people around me. Although I haven't been the most active this term, especially with my responsibilities as historian (sorry Lexi!), the growth that I've seen from all of you is inspiring. I've seen you all carry the division on your shoulders and not allow it to bother you when things got busy. I've heard you all talk about the stress of college apps but not let it show in front of others. I've seen and heard a lot, but I never saw it get in the way of your responsibilities for the division, school, or anything else. It takes a lot for a person to sacrifice themselves for something bigger. So, I want to thank you. Thank you for leading us to bigger and better things. Thank you for showing us how to lead. Thank you for being there. I have no idea what next term will hold for any of us that remain, but I know it will be good because of the legacies you leave behind.

division leadership team

gerard & krezzia at frs

dlt contacts Alexis Phan

Gerard Legaspi

Division News editor D13S.CNHKC.dne@GMAIL.COM


vittina ibanez

krezzia basilio





khelynn nou

chris pu



joann pham

emily yan




krezzia basilio gahr

Jackie Cardenas


Bianca Solis

Priscilla Lee



Dennis Son

rachel borje




mia sam

matthew palma


ivan pupo


isaac robins



kenny lam & kelly tran

chris pan



president contacts 14

contact us! Instagram @d13sninjas twitter @d13sninjas remind text @d13s to 81010

thank you for reading!

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