March 2012 Division 19 Noth Newsletter

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Volume IV, Issue 11

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March Re-Cap: 

March DCM  This will be the last DCM of Mian’s term so please come and let’s have a blast! This will also be the last District Convention!  When: Saturday, March 24, 2012 12:30 PM2:30 PM  Where: Hawthorne Memorial Park We, the divisional team, thank you for an amazing year! Mian has been an amazing LTG, and we have no doubt that Tamara will do well in her future endeavors as the new 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor.

Upcoming Events: 

District Convention 2012  Where? Santa Clara, CA  When? April 13-15, 2012  Why should you go? This is an opportunity to meet thousands of Key Clubbers from California, Nevada, and Hawaii, be recognized for awards, dance the night away at Governor’s Ball, elect the 20122013 District Board, and BEElieve in the magic of service. There are also intern possibilities and plenty of workshops to attend to learn about the different aspects of being a Key Clubber or how to be a leader in Key Club.

Divisional Articles………...2-4

Divisional Articles CAMS As we approach the last stretch of the 2011 – 2012 Key Club term, CAMS Key Club continues to stay strong with service. The club helped out at multiple projects over the past few weeks, such as the Robotics VEX/SMI Championships hosted by the school. With 61 teams attending, bringing over 600 attendees, our small school needed all the volunteers that they can get to help run the event. CAMS Key Clubbers were ready for action early in the morning, starting at 6:30am with registration and set-up and stayed late into the night at 7pm, cleaning up and packing things away. The next week, members showed their green thumb as they helped out at a garden with Kiwanis at the San Pedro Math, Science, and Technology Center. Though it was abnormally warm that day, the heat did not stop the Key Clubbers from planting flowers, mixing mulch, moving pots, and having a great time. Members were treated to a full tour of the center, tasting vegetables straight from the garden, feeding some of the animals cared by the institution, and conquering fears of reptiles. Continuing the busy weekend, Key Clubbers visited a nursing home with HOSA the day after gardening. As collaboration with a fellow club from school, a group spent the afternoon with seniors, playing music for them, making photo collages, and enjoyed a relaxing day. The agenda doesn’t stop there! The club plans to help out at the Los Angeles Marathon on the 18th at Mile Station 21. Like last year, heavy rain is expected, but that doesn’t intimidate nor prevent CAMS Key Clubbers from doing service. With our very own Vice President running the marathon, the club will be at the water station ready to support every runner to complete the last couple of miles of the marathon. Lastly, elections will be held the following week on the nd 22 , just before Open House. Candidates are currently working on finishing touches of their speeches and literature. To break the nervous anxiety, the club will have a potluck lunch before elections. Nobody can get anything done unless they’re properly nourished and not hungry!


CAMS: Member of the Month

Gardena/ Member of the Month #1

Despite a second semester full of academics, weekly extracurricular meetings, and other commitments, CAMS Key Clubbers have made sure to keep community service a priority. One member whose dedication truly shined this past month was sophomore Monica Loza. Though Monica is only a first -year Key Clubber, her attendance at CAMS’ February projects was truly commendable. Early in the month, Monica helped run the middle school Regional MathCounts competition at Northrop Grumman. She later volunteered at the Keiro Nursing Home in Gardena, a first time project for CAMS. Finally, Monica assisted at a middle school robotics competition at California State University, Dominguez Hills. With appearances at nearly every project over the past month, Monica has clearly displayed her newfound passion and enjoyment of Key Club.

On March 1st Gardena Key Club participated in 186th Street School’s Pajama Night. Every year 186th Street School has their Pajama Literacy Night in celebration and in memory of Dr. Seuss. The school has over 200 children attend this event and Key Club had 17 members attend this event. Key Clubbers arrived in their pajamas and participated in this event by either, ushering the children in the auditorium and helping them set up their blankets, selling concessions, guiding kids in the reading rooms, passing out free books at the end of the event, and of course reading to groups of children. Key Clubbers enjoyed this event and had a great time seeing the kids enjoy the stories that were being read to them. At the end of the event the event coordinator told me that the parents, the children, and the principle all appreciated the work that we did. This event was a great event that showed my Key Clubbers that the simple gesturers they do have a great effect on others. Member from GHS The standout member, the Key Clubber that has gone above and beyond the call of service, from Gardena Key Club has been Karly Jeter. Since being elected as Fundraising Committee Chair she has been in contact with the club Treasurer and President, pitching her ideas for new club fundraisers. After announcing that Gardena will be doing a project for the March of Dimes Foundation, she jumped right on board and wanted to know what she can do to make this a success. She has hosted her Fundraising Committee meetings and is working with the Treasurer not only on this current project, but to also get her training. Karly Jeter was also selected as our standout member because she is not only the current Fundraising Committee Chair but she is also now the Treasurer-Elect for Gardena Key Club. She was motivated by her position as the Fundraising Chair to run for club Treasurer and the club saw that she will lead the club in the right direction as club Treasurer.


Gardena: Member of the Month #2 Gardena Key Club, like many other clubs, has been preparing for the grand change that is the transition from the old board to the new board. With it, comes the difficult task of getting members to attend the annual District Convention, especially because the cost is heavy and the distance is far. However, there is one member that showed particular interest and enthusiasm towards expanding his knowledge and love of Key Club this month: Ruben Linares. Ruben is a junior and a new member to our Key Club, yet he has wasted no time in jumping into the world of the Kiwanis family. He is at the majority of our events, ranging from 186th St. School events to small projects like postermaking at our school. One event that I will never quite forget Ruben’s participation in is our McDonald’s fundraising night. During this event, our club was inside behind the cashiers, or outside, selling cookies. Ruben opted to stay outside and sell cookies, despite the fact that it was a cold, windy, rainy day. Tray after tray, he worked well alongside other members to sell as many cookies as he could to passing cars and nearby pedestrians. It was inspiring to see a member waving to strangers and promoting an event that supported a cause he believed in. Since then, I have seen Ruben at many of our events, including garden clean-ups, banquet meetings, and other events. His active participation matched with his eagerness to find out more about Key Club, our division, and even our district has earned him a spot to District Convention. As a board member, I see the potential in him to become one of the most involved members in the club next year. Although he won’t be able to run for any position for next year, since he will be a senior member, I know that his interest in community service will lead him to pursue future endeavors in the Kiwanis Family. Congratulations Ruben, and keep at it!


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