D19n dnews 07 1314

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Treasure Tribune Pirate Penguins D19N


Volume 1 Issue 1

In this issue! cover ............................ 1 Penguin talk……2 June & July………..3 Dodger night, 21st Annual Health and Wellness Fair……..4 Need Service?................5 Member spotlight…….6 Coming soon………….7 Looking forward……………8

Hello fellow penguins, How’s your summer so far? I hope you guys are enjoying summer 2013!


Penguin Talk Look out for D19N’s instagram account on July 25th 2013! Follow KeyclubD19N!

June & July

JUNE: GARDENA: For the month of June our club attended

July: CAMS: Summer has arrived, resulting in the

the 21st Annual Health and Wellness Fair at 186th street anticipated slowing down of our clubs activities. elementary school. We're we had a booth to fundraise our Regardless, CAMS Key Club has still tried its best to senior sashes. We charged people $1 dollar to pie our serve our community and stay active at every members. The people who were pied were Toan Tran opportunity. Towards the end of June, four of our (Vp) Richard Ochoa (Pres.) Tamara Garcia (IP LTG)

members attended the Relay for Life on June 29th,

Robin Malimban (Historian) Vivian Duong (D19N EA). volunteering for one of the biggest organizations In total we made $30 dollar profit helping us pay for our fighting to find a cure for cancer. senior sashes. An officer also made it on the Gardena Starting in June and carrying into July, Valley News Paper. CAMS Key Club participated in one of its annual

EL SEGUNDO: Though, Key Club is all year round,

fundraisers, the Fireworks Stand. This fundraiser is

our school year came to an end in June. To celebrate the

hosted by a local fireworks stand, and volunteering is

end of another great year of service as well as the work of

organized by our school. Students sign up through the

the graduating seniors (especially the officers), we held a

school to work shifts at the fireworks stand, earning

banquet at our last Key Club meeting on Thursday, the

funds for their respective club they are representing.

6th of June. We held a potluck style banquet where each

Members from our Key Club attended on almost every

of us contributed something. There were plenty of

day, June28th to July 4th. On the 11th of July, although I

donuts, chips, cookies (butterscotch oatmeal), fruits,

was unable to attend, two of our board members

noodles, and soda. But the real stars of the banquet were

attended the weekly Kiwanis meeting at the Elk’s

our awesome members and the graduating officers.

Lounge in Gardena. During the meeting, our members

Everyone had a great time reminiscing about their favorite

were informed on the activity of our local Gardena

Key Club memories. None of us had yet to forget going to

Valley Kiwanis. On a different note, one of our

Fall Rally and losing our voices in the process or working

members, Andrew Tumang, was able to attend

painstakingly gluing flowers and seeds for the Rose Parade

International Convention, meeting ltgs and

floats. Our Key Club has really become a family and we

international board members, as well as learning skills

were sorry to say good bye to our seniors, but this banquet

to become a better leader. We are extremely proud of

was the perfect way to end our school year. After all, we


will see each other over the summer as we continue to march in service.

Although activity within our club has slowed down, we plan to come back even stronger in the weeks to come. We are still set on having a summer full of service, and are excited to see what service opportunities the coming months have in store for us.


KEY CLUB Pirate Penguins D19N

DODGER NIGHT Dodger Stadium


21st Annual Health and Wellness Fair Pie in the face fundraiser


Need Service? How about the Downtown Flea Market! Join me with this super amazing opportunity if the club you serve needs more service hours. It is super easy to sign up! Just click https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1hTbi0trPuzHNDLdCd8hPS

M7FLvV9zQ4P2FrKzimtP0Y/viewform and it out. It only takes a few minutes at the most! T


Member Spotlight

June: HMSA: The member of the month for June, would be Francisco Requena for constantly participating in key club events over the summer. He participated in the Kiwanis Carnival for three days. He stamped and collected donations from customers as they entered. Although he has been enjoying his summer with his family and friends, he willingly volunteered for three consecutive days. Francisco has always been a spirited key clubber no matter where he is.

our booth unless she knows that we will be fine or someone comes to relieve her. Not only that, but Meghan is a dependable member who always gives a helping hand when someone is in need. She often is the person who helps do the jobs no one else is willing to do. Also, since her freshman year, Meghan has brought in many of her friends and classmates to join Key Club. Many of our club’s members today consist of the people that Meghan encouraged to come to our meetings. Meghan is one of our Key Club’s most diligent and trustworthy members. She works hard to help our club raise money and always participates in various Key Club activities. Meghan is a key component in our Key Club family and we are incredibly grateful to have her as a member. Congratulations to Meghan Fodor on being chosen as Key Club member of the month!

SERVICE Gardena: The special member from Gardena High key club is Anna Nguyen. She is the one of the only member in the club that was still active in duty and had the most participation prior to our last week of school. Our school ended on June 7th and Anna has been there with our club till the end. She has put in lot of work with the most successful being our Last Day of School Graduation Beverage Sale. She rallied up many people and sold many beverages. Thank you Anna for sticking with us till the end. That is commitment right their ladies and gentlemen.

Lawndale: The board of Lawndale key club has chosen Michelle Louie as the member of the month for June! She is a timid girl but she is punctual, hardworking and has a great attendance. We, the board, are proud to say that Michelle's outstanding quality has given her the right to become a recognized member. Her presence is always felt at the meetings and events and we applaud her for keeping up the amazing work!

El Segundo: The Key Club member of the month for El Segundo High School is Meghan Fodor. Meghan has been a member of Key Club ever since her freshman year, and she should be recognized for her commitment and dedication to this community service organization. She always tries her best to come to every Key Club meeting and community service project. In just this past year, Meghan has volunteered at almost all of our Key Club fundraisers. She always arrives right on time for her shift and does not leave

CONVENTION contribution earned her July's member of the month.

King Drew: We are proud to say that Javier Jaime from King/Drew Medical Magnet High School has earned the title of Key Club Member of the Month, for being an awesome active member and always working hard at many volunteering events. Though there are many members that qualify for the spot, Javier has earned this title well.

LEADERSHIP July: Hawthorne:

Hawthorne’s member of the month was Alexis Flores, having him around has helped the club become more of a family. He has signed up to many of our events and stayed present even after the events were already done. He is a member that we could count on for going to events, and giving up his weekend to help the community out. By being highly active in Hawthorne's Key Club he has received up to 68 hours this semester which is above the average hours that our members must have. In total with both semesters being added together he had about 120 hours of community hours done. This has proven to our club that his dedication has earned him the spot to be member of the month. We appreciate having such a high spirited young man like Alexis Flores, and this is why we wanted to recognize him for all his hard work.

CAMS: Just like the sun, CAMS Key Club members have been shining bright. Most recently, the Lawndale Relay for Life in late June brought service for a great cause. Senior member, Monica Loza, dedicated numerous hours setting up the event, decorating the various locations for the activities, and enjoying the day and night supporting cancer research and prevention. Monica served from early morning until the night with an awesome smile- a true quality of a Key Clubber. Her passion and




Looking forward‌ To see you all at

OTC & DCM with D19S Lt. Governor Abraham Garalde:

Lt. Governor Carolyn Kim: OTC & DCMDate: July 21, 2014 Location: 4901 W Rosecrans Ave. Hawthorne, CA 90250 Registration: 2:00 pm Time: 2:30pm5:00pm Admission: $5.00 Attire: division

ARE YOU READY?! OUR OFFICER TRAINING CONFERENCE IS FINALLY COMING! It will be a great learning experience that will inspire everyone! Not only will it be our FIRST training conference, but it is ALSO our FIRST Joint event as Division 19. Come join Lt. Governor Carolyn Kim and I as we teach everybody how to fulfill their duties as best as they can while having plenty of fun!

Movie night: division 19 social Date: July 21, 2014 Location: 4901 W Rosecrans Ave. Hawthorne, CA 90250 Time: 5:30pm7:30pm Attire: Casual or Division Movie: "LILO AND STITCH"

Do not forget that this event does not exclude general members! All members are welcomed to come and learn about officer positions or just have fun. We are also having our J*U*L*Y D*C*M towards the end of our training so make sure you bring as many friends as possible!

Contact Information: phone, email, address, etc.


www. keyclub.org

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