D19N News Vol. 3, Issue 2

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June 2012

Volume 3 | Issue 2

Table of Contents Word from your LTG/Announcements District & Division Goals The Division Leadership Team 2013 DCON Logo Contest Application Service Re-Cap Members of the Month Photos: Service in Action! Contact Information/Resources

Favorite color: Blue Favorite food: Spam Musubi Favorite songs: Everything by Lifehouse, Wherever You Will Go by The Calling Favorite hobbies: Volunteering, scrapbooking, Key Club, telling people I feel good

D19N Lt. Governor Tamara Garcia

District Governor Alyssa Yocom

Hello 19 North, These past months have been absolutely wonderful serving you all. I relish every living moment. I hope all of you are having an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G summer so far, but remember to have a service-filled summer! Have a car wash to raise funds for PTP or have a beach clean-up. Host a social during summer to keep members active. Attend DCMs to learn more about Key Club on a division, district, and international level. The July DCM will be July 28th and it will be club-hosted by CAMS! Get your creative juices flowing and create division cheers (link below)—if you’re up to it, create the DCON logo that will appear absolutely everywhere at DCON. I want to be the most effective and beneficial LTG for officers and members alike, so give me a call, text, or an email. Ask me anything! There are no dumb questions! I look forward to meeting new members at the next DCM—until then, have fun in the sun!!

Waddling in Service,

Tamara Garcia 2012-2013 Lieutenant Governor ANNOUNCEMENTS 

Apply to be a Fall Rally Spirit Task Coordinator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dE14Z1U0X19KbzFEUHl2SDM0OXg2MVE6 MQ#gid=0

Submit Division Cheers: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dElVdmRTSERUVG42emEzMnFLcGlienc6M Q#gid=0

Make the logo for District Convention 2013 – I know 19 North is creative, so submit some designs!  Logo Application follows the page after the District/Division Goals

Cali-Nev-Ha District Goals: 1 Million Reasons to Serve

46,000 members $154,000 for Pediatric Trauma Prevention 800,000 service hours


This is a group effort. Across CNH, we will try to surpass last year’s numbers to reach the goals above. In order to obtain these goals, everyone needs to pitch in. This means that service needs to be ongoing, even during the summer, school, weekends, etc. We need to fundraise for PTP. I know that 19 North can do this! We fierce and we’re cool! There are 68 other divisions that will have these goals in mind the whole year. Let’s do this!

Division 19 North Goals: Collectively as ONE division, ONE ohana, we will raise as much as we can for PTP and serve as many hours as we can to help our community!



Imagine: the 2013 Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention with thousands of Key Clubbers waving with service, wearing shirts and pins designed with the logo you created, opening up those crisp, new programs decorated with the logo, and much more! Make a million ways to serve into a reality by helping the DCON committee in the design of the


The logo must relate to the 2013 convention theme, “A Million Waves of Service.”

One million reasons to serve is amazing. Create a wave OF service. Service can start with a smile and continue like a tidal wave, impacting everyone in sight whether it is directly or indirectly. We all have one reason out of a million to help others.

Remember to include “2013 Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention (DCON)” somewhere in your logo! o Since we’re talking logos, please make sure to include our Key Club International and CNH logo in your design. o It is recommended that the CNH colors (black and yellow) and mascot (bee) are used in your design, but don’t let these elements limit your ideas and creativity! o BEEware of possible copyright issues.

The design must be submitted in .png (Photoshop) or Adobe Illustrator format.

2013 Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention logo.


BEE ON-TIME! Submit your logo design to


by July 8th, 2012 at 6pm **Please note that authors will be credited for their logo design, but all received submissions will be considered CNH Key Club property.**


Questions, comments or concerns? Direct them to the DCON Chair – Peter Chor at


Baldwin Liwinag

Executive Assistant

As an EA, I have a few goals for the division. I plan to help out our LTG whenever needed, and to have all officers submit their articles/photos on time to increase efficiency. Also, I would like to have more Key Club members involved in service through spirit and dedication, and I plan to remind our division that Key Club isn’t just for perks, but it is a way to help others while being able to have fun through spirit. I am proud to be one of the Executive Assistants for our division. Most importantly, I am proud to be a member of Key Club. To me, Key Club means family, where us Key Clubbers are taught the core values of Key Club, leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness, indirectly. It also means unity, because we come together with friends to help others, whether it’s wrapping presents for OCC or whether it’s helping out local communities at food banks.

Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite

color: Gray food: Chicken Pasta Alfredo song: I Don’t Have One by Nobody hobbies: Doing service, running

As Executive Assistant of Division 19 North, I plan on aiding our Lieutenant Governor and other officers when I am needed. Similar to many pirate penguins, I too would like to obtain the Spirit Stick of 2012. The spirit stick to me does not mean we are rewarded for our loudness, but it represents our ability to unite and our ability to accomplish so much. In addition to my desire for the recognition our division should receive, I would also like to express my love for Key Club through aiding the Pirate Penguins well. So let’s have a great year, 19 North! Favorite Colors: Blue/Cream Favorite Food: Cheese Fondue Favorite Songs: Drive By-Train; Never Let Me Go-Florence + The Machine; Little Talks-Of Monsters & Men; Everybody Talks-Neon Trees Favorite Hobbies: Volunteering; Playing the Ukulele; Dancing

Stephanie Tran Executive Assistant

David Le News Editor Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite

color: Gray food: Eggs song: Brown Eyed Blues by Adrian Hood hobbies: Sleeping

I am your Fall Rally Spirit Task Coordinator for the 2012 to 2013 term. I

will begin by asking, HOW DO YOU FEEL?! You should be shouting right now at your computer! Fall Rally is all about spirit, and my goal is for Division 19 North to be the loudest, craziest, most enthusiastic club at this year’s Fall Rally. I envision Pirate Penguins running through Six Flags, vuvuzelas in hand, faces painted, gladly answering any who inquire about the status of their mood. I know that the Pirate Penguins are a spirited group of people, and I am excited to see this spirit shown off and potentially rewarded with the highly coveted Spirit Stick. To me, Key Club is a way to do things that I wouldn’t normally do

that help people and the world. It is a way to spend time with friends and get to know interesting people. Most importantly, it is an organization that teaches to not only do meaningful activities but to have fun in the things that you do. I am proud to be a part of Division 19 North, and I look forward to serving as your Fall Rally Spirit Task Coordinator.

Favorite Favorite Favorite Favorite

Colors: Orange Food: Pasta with Tomato Sauce Songs: Wild Ones by Flo Rida Hobbies: Making movies

James Rasmussen

Fall Rally Spirit

CAMS – Olivia Solis

El Segundo – Heather Odabashian

Hawthorne – Yesenia Frausto

King Drew – Yamilet Lopez

Lawndale – Ryan Lieu

Westchester – Erik Carillo

Leuzinger – Leanna Tran

Leuzinger: Tiffany Doan is recognized for her consistency of attending weekly meetings. She is often involved in activities such as community service and showed hard work and effort through her service. Her dedication to Key Club is truly inspiring and has captured the attention of the board members.

The Hawthorne Key Club is recognizing the member Estefany Davila for the most hours done for the month of June. Lawndale: Erica Aguilar has not only attended all fundraisers and events but has bought items out of her own pocket for the events.

I'd like to congratulate Christian Rivera for receiving the Key Club scholarship. You have been a very dedicated member of HMSA Key Club and you will definitely be missed at our weekly meetings. Even when you were busy preparing for college, you still found time to attend Key Club events and that kind of dedication has not gone unnoticed. Your energy and spirit are contagious and I'm sure you will continue to be just as energetic in college. Good luck, Christian, and we will miss you!

Jacob Tran is an active member in CAMS since day one, always attending meetings, socials, and monthly conventions. He had demonstrated leadership skills; even stepping up to the plate to monitor sign-ins sheets for various events. Jacob is very well known for his wonderful enthusiasm and his sense of humor which never failed in putting a smile on anyone’s face. Through his enthusiasm and dedication, Jacob had demonstrated what it takes to become a true Pirate Penguin! GOOO JACOB!

Vanessa Amaya has spent countless hours prepping the new incoming officers for their future. Not only has she used her time to develop the King/Drew Key Club, she has guided the newest members and officers for success in the 2012-2013 year.

Gardena: Recently, there was an event that showcased how hardworking a Pirate Penguin can be. Due to circumstances, Malia Wong was left alone in the event, but this situation didn't discourage her from fulfilling her duties as a Key Clubber. Although she was tired from school that day, she was able to accomplish what was needed to be done in the event. Malia stated, "After all I am a pirate penguin who can fight till the end." This kind of spirit surely deserves a big round of applause. Not only did she demonstrate her passion for community service, but she also showed us how a Key Clubber should handle a situation like this.

For Heather Odabashian, community service comes naturally as her family is part of Kiwanis. As El Segundo’s new President, Heather has taken control and is already showing signs that the club will be very active this year. This month, Heather volunteered at the beach clean-up, which is run by Kiwanis. While others skipped out due to prom, Heather took responsibility for the club by arriving early to set up and staying until the end to help clean up even after participating in the event. She is a joy to be around and treasures community service as time to give back to her community and bond with her fellow officers. Heather’s support and motivation truly gives all the members the inspiration to do more for our community.

Baldwin Liwanag has decided to end his first year with CAMS Key Club by assuming a leadership position for the 2012-2013 term. I know for a fact that he’s gained my admiration for his will to keep pushing forward to greater things. For example, Baldwin did not stop after the election results revealed that he did not obtain any board position. He decided to try something else and become our LTG’s executive assistant. He shows up consistently to almost every meeting and event. He is passionate about what he does. And yes, his efforts deserve recognition.


Tamara Garcia Lt. Governor d19n.newseditor@gmail.com

David Le News Editor d19n.executiveassistant@gmail.com

Baldwin Liwanag & Stephanie Tran Executive Assistants d19n.frs.taskcoordinator@gmail.com

James Rasmussen Fall Rally Spirit Task Coordinator

CNH: cnhkeyclub.org Key Club: keyclub.org

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