D19N Training Manual

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Officer Training Manual Lieutenant Governor: Mian Ong / (310) 873 – 7830 / d19n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com

CALIFORNIA-NEVADA-HAWAII DISTRICT: DIVISION 19 NORTH Lt. Governor’s Message Congratulations on your election! As an officer on your club board, you are both serving and guiding your members. Subsequently, you are a leader on the Division Council. And as a leader, I can tell you that there will be moments of ease and even more moments of difficulty. I have compiled this manual with the intent of (hopefully) lessening your flashes of stress and discouragement. During the instances where you still meet with obstacles, remember that you hold the position for a reason. First, I have no doubt that you have the full capacity to meet those demands and challenges. Second, you are never on your own. I am also here to encourage, support, and assist you. Your members and fellow officers are there to back you up as well. Lastly, I strongly encourage forming friendships with the rest of the Division Council—these are the people you will work with for the course of the year. —Best of wishes, Mian Ong


Key Club is an international, student-led organization providing its members with opportunities to perform service, build character, and develop leadership.


To develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.


Pirate Penguins Colors:

Turquoise/White Schools:

CAMS El Segundo Gardena Hawthorne HMSA King Drew Lawndale Leuzinger Westchester

Region 8: 1 13 North 13 South 19 North 19 South Lieutenant Governor: Mian Ong Divisional Team: Samar Al-Haqab Sashini Godage John Michael Ferrer

96 37 59 34 116 58 114 19 52 141 697 501 567 743 CAMS Gardena El Segundo CAMS


Caring Character Building Inclusiveness Leadership


I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.

Division Council Meeting


Caring – Our Way of Life

CNH KEY CLUB / D19N Officer Training



DISTRICT AT A GLANCE Total Regions: 18


facts, TRIVIA,

Total Divisions:


The MEP is the international focus of Key Club


65 Total Clubs: 683

UNICEF is one of the most recognized children’s organizations. It is devoted to helping children all over the world. One of the most familiar service projects is Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.

Total Members: 41,926

QUICK HISTORY First Club First Int’l President CNH District Formed

Sacramento, 1925 Malcolm Lewis, 1943

First CNH DCON First Governor

Children’s Miracle Network is dedicated to raising money in order to directly fund children’s hospitals.

October, 1947

March of Dimes focuses on increasing the awareness about premature births and raising funds annually to help prevent them.

Oakland, 1948 John Cooper

Key Club becomes Co-Ed

May, 1977

Kiwanis One Day: a day in April where Key Clubs all over the world join their Kiwanis Family for one large service project. Next Kiwanis One Day: April 7th, 2012

Key Club Week: the first full week of November where everyone is encouraged to promote Key Club with a special event each day Key Club Week 2011: November 7-11



To develop initiative and leadership. To provide experience in living and working together. To serve the school and community. To cooperate with the school principal. To prepare for useful citizenship. To accept and promote the following ideals: o To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life. o To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. o To promote the adoption and application of higher standards in scholarship, sportsmanship and social contacts. o To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive, and serviceable citizenship. o To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render unselfish service, and to build better communities. o To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism, and good will.

CNH KEY CLUB / D19N Training

facts, TRIVIA,






I (We) feel good! Oh I (we) feel so good! Uh! *Pelvic Thrust* I (we) feel fine! All of the time! Abooga! Abooga! Abooga! Booga! Booga!

A Key Club is generally established in a high school or equivalent institution. But a community-based club may also be chartered. Elected officers are president, vice president(s), secretary, treasurer, and bulletin/technology editor.

DIVISION: A division is made up of various clubs in an area and headed by a lieutenant governor, a student leader elected from and by the clubs. The Lt. Governor carries out the district’s policies and provides support to the clubs.


CNH RAP From the east to the west, you know were the best! We’re the District with the sting, and that’s why we sing: We're the bees buzz buzz! We're the bees buzz buzz! It’s all about the party hardy CNH bees!



PTP is the largest service focus of our Cali-Nev-Ha Foundation. The number one killer of children 14 and under in the US is unintentional injury. 90% of these injuries can be prevented! This service focus is to raise awareness and reduce the number of children who are killed or injured due to pediatric trauma.

CNH KEY CLUB / D19N Training

A region is composed of (generally) 2-7 divisions within an area. There is no student leader at the region level (there are one or more region advisors). In the CNH District, there are a total of 18 regions.


Multiple divisions make up a district. A district is normally defined by state or nation. The elected Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, Technology Editor, District Officers, and the Lt. Governors make up the District Board.

INTERNATIONAL: Key Club International is comprised of all clubs from all the Districts. It is led by the International Board which has the elected international President, international Vice President, and 11 international Trustees.

PROJECT SHINE: bringing light into someone’s life Project Shine focuses on helping individuals with special needs—whether it is physically, mentally, or academically. The project also aims to raise awareness in our communities about the different disabilities.




COLORS The Logo/Wordmark

The Fonts

Logo should be placed on a white or neutral background.

HEADER/SUBHEAD: Century Gothic, OR ACCENT FONTS which include:

There should be nothing within a half inch of all sides of the logo it must always be proportionate.

Goudy Stout, Juice, Tempus Sans, Viner Hand ITC for Windows

GENERAL TEXT: Size: 9.5 Century Gothic, Goudy Old Style, OR Verdana (since not all computers can generate the two main typefaces)


CNH KEY CLUB / D19N Training


? a crazy country during a time.”







as stiff. There were points where I

for good stories. John now lives in a

stories I got. It was only when he

communication is KEY necessarily a good thing, but it made got sidetracked due to how into his


forbidding Suzanne and Carrie from going

He explained that it was not




Communication is an important part to being

retirement home and is constantly wasItfinished and Ifactor had to an effective leader. plays a large in ask a new keeping members involved, motivated, and up to date.

visited by his grandchildren and

comgreat mugrandchildren. nicate

It took a few months before

he was able to relax. In the back of his mind, however, h

Oral History Project – Appendix

on topic. But on the other hand, I

“Be silent, or say defI ihave nitotadmit ion that initially, think I got lucky because John was a


felt as if he were in danger.

question that I would realize I was

BUT communication is not just a necessity in leadership—essentially, it is a skill equating to overall success in doing life, work, and relationships. a project and should get back








something better n s ile nchade.”really a th a veteran and


He explains that he had never felt so

the imparting or interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information complete chore. or I did by speech, writing, signs.not want

insecure and unsafe in his own

have to sit through an interview

I think I conducted the

country. As a result, he had constant

with someone at least twice my age.

interview well, but I had trouble



– Pstories. ythagoras



KNOW what you are saying and WHY you are saying it: nightmares, suffered surprised it up. It felt like there was Underinsomnia, stand theand intent anBut d puIrpwas ose really of wha t you areatcohow mmunicatwrapping ing. DO NOT just talk, LISTEN:


became paranoid atmu little easy Com nicatdetails. ion is a two w ay sittrewas et—ptoauinterview se, listen, John. and cIheck fonever r undearsright tanditime ng. to do it without Stay OPEN-MINDED: John said that he later realized he started the interview off extremely being rude. And I had no idea how When a person is speaking, hear them out—ignore impulses to cut them off.


Reaccase h a of gepostneraltraumatic CONSENSUS:formal, but he surprised me by had a slight

to conclude the interview. As far as

stress disorder, but RESPEC T: the symptoms

refusing to let me address him as “.”

questions go, I found that questions

faded with TRtime. UST:

I feel that this eased up my nerves a

like “What do you remember most

Do not simply deliver a message—discuss and reach an agreement. Never talk down to someone. Be polite, patient, and professional.

Have confidence and believe in what you are cocharacter mmunicating and who you are c o m m u n i c a t i n g t o . John considers the 60’s as lot since I became relaxed and not about _______?” building Allow for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism:

garnered really

Thdecade ere is aof lwhis ayslife. room for improvement. Do not be offended; do good not gresponses et defenswhereas ive. the most exciting questions

CNH KEY CLUB / D19N Training


LEADERSHIP FUNDAMENTALS ―The real leader has no need to lead—he is content to point the way‖ –Henry Miller

CHARACTERISTICS AND QUALITIES Lead by Example: do what you expect others to do Encourage Initiative: allow members to showcase ideas

Honesty – People appreciate being able to count on you for the truth Trust – You will gain respect if people know they can trust you—and if they feel you trust them Reliability – Follow through with commitments and promises


Perception: assess members and keep their opinions in mind

Policies/Procedure: establish and follow rules, norms, policies, procedures

Consensus: make sure there is a general agreement when making decisions

Honor – Do what is right, not simply what is easy

Integrity – Be true to yourself and firm with what you believe in Kindness – Treat others with genuine care

Confidence – If you do not believe in yourself, neither will your members

COUNCIL OFFICERS tips for effective Commitment – Dedicate and follow through with plans

Listening Skills – Members want to know they’ll be heard

MEETINGS Start and end the meetings on time. Always have an agenda and stick to it.

Proper Decorum – People notice how you behave and conduct yourself


Every meeting should have a clear purpose.


Involve members—encourage feedback.

Key Club members should rise and applaud for: any sponsored youth Governor, Lieutenant Governor, a member of the Key Club International Board, a past President of Key Club International, or any distinguished Key Clubber the first time the individual is introduced.

Facilitate. Do not dictate. Document decisions made, if any. Focus discussions and redirect negativity. Debrief the agenda at the conclusion of meetings.



-Remember to spell check all emails sent.

-Address adults by their surnames unless given permission to use their first names

-Do not type in all CAPS. -Do not leave the Subject: blank. Divisional Assistants

-List the attachments in the body of your email. -Always CC or BCC your advisor. -Compress or ―zip‖ large files. -Address and sign e-mails.

-Introduce guests with the proper titles -Always stand when shaking hands -Never use silverware to gesture -Avoid using slang when speaking In general: be courteous, generous, and polite

-Use syntax and punctuation.


CNH KEY CLUB / D19N Training



the division 19 north leaders Lieutenant Governor

Hawthorne President

Mian Ong, CAMS

Eric Gomez

d19n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com 310-873-7830

eric5gomez@yahoo.com 310-291-6561

Executive Assistants

HMSA President

Samar Al-Haqab, Gardena

Ximena Moreno


ximena.colombia@hotmail.com 424-236-1086

Sashini Godage, El Segundo sisira@sbcglobal.net 424-702-2621

King Drew President Vanessa Amaya

News Editor John Michael Ferrer, CAMS camskcpres1011@gmail.com 310-989-6987

CAMS President

vamaya310@gmail.com 323-712-8848

Lawndale President Byron Barahona barahona.byron@yahoo.com 310-850-3170

Kikei Wong kikiwong@sbcglobal.net 310-938-8820

El Segundo President

Leuzinger President Angel Garcia pk_ajc@yahoo.com 310-709-7666

Jessica Chen jesschen248@gmail.com 310-322-3806

Westchester President Matthew Novoa

Gardena President

mnovoa1@hotmail.com 310-415-8822

Alex Flores alxflores26@yahoo.com 310-918-2156

CNH KEY CLUB / D19N Training


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