New 09

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Hello D23! Alli Lampshire here– D23’s Newsletter Editor. As I am sure you all are aware that D23 is now the YETI! How awesome is that? Since we have a different mascot, we now have a new newsletter. Don’t sweat my pet, it is only a new template– more spirited. We have teal and white backgrounds with a little yeti popping up occasionally through out the newsletter. Everyone can still expect my monthly emails begging for YOUR clubs events, news, pictures, and quotes. If you thought there’s gotta be a catch, you my dear Key Clubbers are correct! Instead of any member saying anything about Key Club for quotes, there will be a theme. Heads up, for September’s issue, the theme will be ‘Back to School.’ Tell D23 what your school has done for back to school and what you loved about it, or why you didn’t like it so much. Whether you are a sweet club officer, or a superior member, if someone says something about Key Club that you think is pure genus, write it down, email it to me, text it to me, call me (if I do not answer, please leave me a message after the beep). PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE WITH SPRINKLES ON TOP EMAIL ME, TEXT ME PICTURES, ARTICLES, EVENTS, NEWS, QUOTES, ANYTHING KEY CLUB RELATED AND CAN BE USED IN THE NEWSLETTER. If you do, you have no idea how much I would love you! Lowry (yes, I do go to Lowry) isn’t the only school in this division! With YOUR input, WE can show the district ALL of Division 23! Email: Cell: 775.625.0568

Inside this issue: Editor’s Note


DCM Recap


D23’s Leadership Team




Memo From the LtG


Inside Story


The Haps In D23’s Clubs


Helpful Message




Division Calendar


As always, the DCM started off with an insanely fun icebreaker. PTP car wash review followed. Speaking of PTP, D23 Yeti wristbands can be purchased for $3 each– all of the proceeds go towards our division goal of raising $2,000 before Fall Rally for PTP. As a reminder, it is NEVER TOO EARLY to start FUNDRAISING for Fall Rally. Our new division T-Shirts will be ordered soon and most likely the cost of them will be included in the price for Fall Rally. HEY D23 HOW DO YOU FEEL? New cheers were then discussed If you have idea’s for D23 cheers, email Alyssa at: As you all should be aware of, it’s back to school time– meaning don’t forget to ADVERTISE and PROMOTE Key Club around your school. The more members the BETTER (but keep in mind this should not be a competition!) Also, members should stay involved. The easiest way to do that is to have a variety of service projects, social events, etc. DON’T BE AFRAID TO MIX IT UP D23!! Before the meeting was adjourned, it was noted to keep in contact with your Kiwanis Club. They do play a very important role in your club! We’re one big family, let’s keep all of our family informed! The next DCM will be Sept 9. Hope to see you there!

Alyssa Yocom Divisions 23 & 45 Lieutenant Governor

My favorite memory thus far has been District Convention 2011. I got there and expected it to be similar to Fall Rally. Boy, was I wrong! The work shops, the spirit, the people and the overall experience was so educational and fun! I learned a ton about our district and I also learned a lot about how much our division can do. Thanks to DCON 2011, I lost my voice for 4 days, and made countless new friends! I can't wait for DCON 2012! If you haven't heard, the theme is "BEElieve - the Magic of Service." So let's make this Key Club year MAGICAL! If you ever need to contact me, please do not hesitate. My email is: and you can almost always reach me at my cell: 775.846.9747

Hello D23 Yeti’s! I am Alli Lampshire, D23’s Newsletter Editor. In other words I am the one who is emailing the club officer’s every month begging for pictures, club news, quotes, and articles members have written. I moved to Winnemucca about a year ago, being the new girl is never fun. I wanted to make friends, help improve the community and get to know my new home, have fun, and maybe earn a scholarship while I was at it. Little did I know I would become a two year president, a one year Division Newsletter Editor, Key Club would become almost my entire life (no joke- entire life), and I would love it as much as I do. My favorite memory of Key Club was District Convention (DCON) 2011 in Anaheim, CA. I honestly had no idea how hyper, spirited, and how many Key Clubbers there were in the Cali-Nev-Ha district. I had a blast, I can’t wait until DCON 2012! Please always feel free to email me at: or call/ text me at: 775.625.0568. You can call, text, or email me at ANY time! I will always respond. You can look forward to my next begging session around the 10th of every month! I hope you are as excited for my next begging session as I am!

Hello fellow Key Clubbers! My name is Lindsey Newman and I am your division executive assistant (pretty much the best job ever). I joined and became more involved in Key club because it was (is) a great opportunity to serve the community with all my buds. My favorite memory was working at the Special Olympics in June and being able to give the contestants a high five and a gold medal when they crossed the finish line. If you need me, call me, text me, or e-mail me! Phone #: 775287-5991 E-mail:

My name is Michael McStroul, but I prefer to be called Mr. Mike by Key Clubbers. I have two positions in Key Club – I am the Key Club Kiwanis’ Advisor (North Valleys High School) and I am the Region 6 advisor – this means that I advise the Lt Governor's for Divisions 23 and 45. I try to help any of the Key Clubs within this area. The reason I became involved with Key club was because of my wife – she was a fourth grade teacher and she was depressing me with her student stories so much I became concerned for the future of my grandchildren. I discovered Key Club- it renewed my faith in humanity and the future. I still belong because the members inspire me and make me feel young again. My best memory in Key Club has to be the first District Convention I went to. To see almost 4000 High School students and their enthusiasm to listen to the speeches that brought out emotions that I hadn’t felt in a very long time. It was one of the most inspiring times in my life. My contact information is as follows: email:; and my cell phone number is 775.750.3912.

Saturday October 29, 2011 Thousands of Key Club members, Thousands of dollars raised for PTP, Thousands of smiles, One day worth experiencing.

FALL RALLY NORTH Show your spirit Participate in Spirit Battles Auction your Lieutenant Governor


Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP) *Helps train doctors in pediatric care *Helps teach children about accident prevention *Saves lives

If each club in Division 23 raises just $200 for PTP, $2,400 could be spent training doctors and nurses all around Cali-Nev-Ha.

Receive your wristband today!! For each $3 donation, receive one 1” wristband. “GET READY FOR THE YETI”

Hello D23 Yetis! I hope that you are all prepared for the school year to start up again. As our lives continue to get busier and busier, don’t forget to save some time for service! By staying active in your Key Club you are not only benefitting the club and the community, but yourself as well. Throughout the year, many leadership opportunities will arise. I am confident that our division as a whole will continue to grow so long as you all stay motivated.

One thing you should be marking on your calendars is Fall Rally North! This year it is in Vallejo, CA on October 29. What is the purpose of Fall Rally, you ask? To celebrate our division! So let’s make our division worth celebrating. I challenge our division to raise at least $2,000 for the Pediatric Trauma Program. (This comes out to about $200 per club). But I know that you will all go above and BEEyond! Before October 29, focus on PTP and fundraising efforts to get to Fall Rally. This is one event that you don’t want to miss! Not only does it benefit a worthy cause, but it is loads of fun! Let’s show those other divisions what the Yetis have to offer! Have any questions concerning Fall Rally or PTP? Contact me!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Hello D23! I challenge you to send me an email at telling me one thing you LOVE about Key Club!

PTP Car Wash On July 30th, Lindsey Newman, D23’s Executive Assistant, planned a very successful car wash fund-raiser for PTP, Pediatric Trauma Program. Alyssa had set the goal of raising $300; we had succeeded that goal by $228– raising a total of $528. The day started off with a couple cars and a couple teens who were trying to get the beat of the day down. By the end of the day, we all had the beat down better than a Lil Wayne song. We had washed plus or minus 100 cars, our hands were all crinkly from being in the water all day, we had been in the sun way to long and we were all extremely tired. Somehow at the end of the day, you could tell we all could wash cars in the 100 degree heat for much, much longer. It was a fantastic day– knowing you could have so much fun doing something for a cause so good.

Wooster High School Key Club has attended the Division Car Wash on July 30th near Reno High. Lowry has been busy serving the homeless of Winnemucca at the Soup Kitchen, helping raise money for PTP at the Division Car Wash, and preparing for back to school. They are sponsoring a club week, where clubs can set up booths to show the student body what each has to offer. Reed Key Club as well, attended the car wash for PTP on July 30th. They have been busy with other service projects as well.

Reminder from D23’s Leadership Team With Key Club, school, family, and social activities going on don’t forget to take a breather. Take a moment to simply relax. Try not to feel overwhelmed: have others help you! Key Club is one large Ohana. As best stated by Lilo, “'Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.” We are all here for you so use our support!

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Lindsey Newman and I am the Executive Assistant of the Key Club District 23. As you may or may not know, one of our main focuses this year is to raise money for PTP (Pediatric Trauma Prevention). The Kiwanis Organization has recognized that the number one killer of children under the age of 14 is unintentional injury and that 90% of these deaths can be prevented. PTP provides funding to local hospitals for training in the pediatric trauma wings. With that being said, we need to get started on fundraising! The following list offers creative ideas for all clubs in the division and there may need to be contact with bigger, local businesses. So, let’s get started and have fun. -Our own Cupcake Wars: Teams pay a fee to enter and the winners get cash or other cool prize. -Bidding for mystery dish: Auction for home-made meals. -Restaurant percentage: For a day (or longer) a restaurant can give us 10% off of every meal they serve. Contact local restaurants for permission. -Eating contest: hot dogs or pies, contestants pay a fee and the winner gets a prize. -Photography or art contest -Baby Pageant contest: mothers love this. To do this, we would have to get a location and lots of advertising. -Mini Golfing PGA tour: You could use almost any mini golfing facility in town and have a tournament. Contact Wild Island, etc. -Desert tasting: Get your club members to make yummy desserts and get people to pay a fee to come in and have some tasty treats (bite sized?) -White Elephant raffle. Have mystery items placed in boxes of various sizes and colors- raffle them off. Half the fun is seeing what you end up with!

September 2011 Sun








1 Leukemia Awareness Month

2 National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month


4 MRF’s Due by 6pm (Tomorrow)

5 Muscular Dystrophy Association Telethon






11 DCM 1-3




15 Submissions for Division Newsletter Due



18 Remember to collect Due’s at your Meeting!







25 Remember to collect Due’s at your Meeting!








October 2011 Sun




Sat 1 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF (all month)

2 The Great Lemon Month

3 Dental Hygiene Month

4 Remember to collect Due’s at your Meeting!

5 MRF’s Due by 6pm




9 DCM Fire Prevention Week



12 Remember to collect Due’s at your Meeting!


14 Submissions for D23’s Newsletter Due (tomorrow)

15 Youth Opportunities Fund Grant App’s Due

16 World Food Day




20 Remember to collect Due’s at your Meeting!



23 Regional Training Conference @UNR 12-4pm

24 Remember to collect Due’s at your Meeting!





29 Fall Rally North @ Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, CA



Nov. 1 Early Bird Patch Deadline



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