The Grizzlies Post l Volume 9 Issue 9 l February

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division 27 north feburary edition

the grizzlies Post volume 9 issue 8

table of content 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 14 15 message from ltg

message from dne

january calendar

honey points

monthly recognition


spotlight on service


key club moment

articles & visuals

stay connected

contact info.

message from the

lieutenant governor What’s roaring grizzlies?! Election season is here! If you’re interested in a particular position on the club level, feel free to ask your club board about what they do in their position. Speaking of elections, the division’s LTG elect has been selected! Please feel free to check out the rest of the newsletter to find out who the next LTG of the new term will be Although division contests are over, you can still apply for district awards! Check the CNH cyberkey to find out what contests you can apply too! Also, do not give up on service! Remember that this organization is all year long. Continue to to do service to help achieve our service goal! - Sebastian Flores

message from the

division news editor Hello Grizzlies! I hope you all are doing well! This term is almost over! Although this term was different from previous terms, I hope you still enjoyed the events organized by club officers and the Division Leadership Team. To all of those running for club officer positions, I wish you the best of luck! Don’t forget to contact your officers and ask them any questions you might have. Lastly, thank you for taking the time to read this month’s newsletter! I hope you have any amazing day and see you next time! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me!

- Harleen Sandhu

February Sunday





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20 27 10







Articles and Visuals



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Important dates SOSP


MRF (On-time)

MRF (Early-bird)



honey point standings

MIddle college - 375 Lodi - 315 Ben Holt - 130 Mcnair - 120 Lincoln - 100 HcaHca - 75 St. Mary’s - 50 Bear Creek - 40 cesar chavez - 25 Tokay - 25 SECA - 0

monthly recognition Rui Faculty Advisor of the month Sousa Bruce Kiwanis Advisor of the month Mercado Dana OffIcer of the month Tran Yamilpet Member of the month Ramirez Middle Club of the month College

division goals pediatric trauma program $300/$700

maternal neonatal tetanus $0/$325

service hours


district goals pediatric trauma program $260,000 dues paid members 38,000 service hours 900,000


spotlightkiwanis on service foundation - Bake Sale - Contact your local Kiwanis and organize a bake sale to help raise funds - Bingo Fundraiser - Work with your local Kiwanis to hold an online bingo fundraiser (could charge an fee to join the bingo game/ competition and there could be multiple rounds) - Food/Boba Fundraisers - Cooperate with local Kiwanis to hold different food and Boba fundraisers to raise funds for Kiwanis Family House, Kiwanis Club, etc. * Make sure all fundraisers follow COVID-19 protocols!


- Kiwanis Family House Checklist - Contact a Kiwanis Family House or look at their wishlist online and organize a drive according to what they might need - Superhero Capes/ PTP Dolls - Work with your local Kiwanis to organize an online service event where members have the option of making PTP Dolls and Superhero Capes - The PTP Dolls and superhero Capes could be donated to local children’s hopsitals - Cards/Leis - Create cards and leis showing your appreciation to Kiwanis

baking: fILIpino Spanish Bread

ingredients: - 2 1/4 teaspoon yeast - 1/2 cup water - 3 cups bread flour - 1 cup all-purpose flour - 1/2 cup sugar - 3/4 teaspoon salt - 3/4 cup milk - 3 large eggs yolks - 1/2 cup butter - oil filling: - 1/2 cup butter - 3/4 cup breadcrumbs - 1/2 cup brown sugar - 3 teaspoon milk breading: - 1/4 cup breadcrumbs - 2 teaspoon brown sugar visit the following website for more detailed instructions:

steps: 1) combine lukewarm water, yeast, and 1 teaspoon sugar. let it sit until yeast begins to rise. 2) combine all dry ingredients (flour, sugar, and salt). Add yeast, egg yolk, milk, and butter to the dry ingredients. Mix all ingredients. 3) Add oil to the sides of the bowl and let the dough rise. 4) Combine all filling ingredients (butter, breadcrumbs, brown sugar, and milk) and mix. 5) Once dough is ready, punch it down and divide it into 20-24 rolls. Flatten the rolls using a rolling pin and add the filling. Add bread crumbs and place into baking tray. 5) Let it rise again. 6) Bake at 365 degree fahrenheit for 18 to 20 minutes.

key club moment My Key Club moment was honestly the first DCM that I attended. I’ve heard about many positive things about Key Club in middle school, so when I heard about the first August DCM of my freshman year, I made sure to attend with my friends. I believe there were ice breakers, water balloon fights, and chants. As it was the very beginning of my freshman year, the DCM was a high school experience that I had never seen before. I was surrounded by tons of upperclassmen who knew way more information about Key Club. It was amazing to see such a huge group of high schoolers join together to make the world a better place by serving their community. The more knowledgeable Key Clubbers never hesitated to help me when I was confused about an aspect of Key Club. I had a great time that day and seeing this positive, supportive community was a clear sign to me that Key Club would be a huge part of my upcoming high school years.

- Britney Le

My key club moment this year was service week. Times like this can be hard for one to communicate while doing service. Luckily I had a chance to unmute my mic in this event and has the confidence to speak out about myself and what service means to me. The LTGs were really supportive and encouraging throughout the whole week. They did an amazing job putting this together and make service fun as always! I recommend joining any event to members because you will learn a lot about others and how key club is in general. Hope everyone had an amazing day!

- Stella Torres On an early morning, I rubbed my hands together to prevent them from becoming numb from the freezing, cold air. I had woken up at 6am on a Sunday morning, which was definitely not an easy task. However, serving at the Emergency Food Bank made waking up early and experiencing the cold worthwhile. Volunteers were tasked with the responsibility of distributing boxes of food for low income families in preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday. I was grateful for the opportunity to spread holiday kindness and contribute to the efforts of feeding families. Volunteers helped make a nice holiday meal a reality for many families. I had the drive to continue leaving a positive impact within my others’ lives and Key Club helped me grow this passion. - Sarah Ung

region 16

candidate training conference

On December 12th, 2020 from 9 AM to 3 PM, Region 16’s annual CTC took place on the Zoom platform. During this conference, the LTG’s of our region collaborated to produce an event that aimed to educate members about the duties of an LTG, and how they can begin their LTG candidacy process. The event started with a few workshops that covered topics such as Challenges and Rewards of Being an Lt. Governor, Duties of a Lt. Governor, and A Lt. Governor’s Role in Key Club. After these presentations were given by their respective presenters, a breakout room session occurred that allowed members to interact with current Lt. Governors in a more intimate setting for detailed responses to their questions. During this time, I was able to learn a lot about the personal experiences of the LTG managing my room, and I believe that this aspect of the event was extremely beneficial to attendees! Once this time was over, we held a break session, then proceeded to our last three presentations of the event: Preparing for Conclave, Effective Communication and Structure, and Key Club Ethics. We had one last breakout room session for any last questions from attendees to current Lt. Governors, then it was time for a mock caucus question session! This segment of the event was the most exciting for me. The atmosphere was full of adrenaline: attendees were encouraged to challenge their stage fright and volunteer to be asked a possible Conclave caucus question as practice. Personally, it took a lot out of me to hurriedly type the “me” in the Zoom chat to volunteer, but I am so glad that I took the chance! Other attendees were very supportive of each other as each volunteer was asked a random caucus question from a Lt. Governor or Mr. Mercado, and that was truly memorable. The positive feedback from those in the chat after I answered my own question made me happy. This event was so well executed, and I appreciate the Lt. Governor and advisors’ efforts in educating members about the Lt. Governor position!

-Jamie Lynn Phan

grizzly x grinch december dcm

On December 19th, 2020 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM, Division 27 North hosted a December DCM that revolved around Christmas! This event took place on the Discord platform. At the beginning of the event, the LTG Sebastian went through our usual Division Council Meeting procedure. After hearing the updates from clubs and giving updates about the division and district, we transitioned to the service aspect of our meeting. For this DCM, we created festive cards for a local elderly center. We crafted these cards as a streaming of The Grinch was on. The cute Dr. Suess movie that was playing and the holiday cards that I was crafting combined to create an ideal cozy holiday atmosphere! This DCM was a great way to spend a Saturday in December.


Jamie Lynn Phan

For the month of December, the club put together a drive to bring in donations for the Salvation Army, while keeping it as safe as possible for everyone. People from Lodi and surrounding areas could text a number or send a direct message on Instagram with their name, address, and what they would be donating. Then on December 12, several members would drive to these addresses and pick up the donations from their doorsteps, making sure there was as little contact as possible. There were a lot of donations, including non perishable food, jackets, socks, and other warm clothes that were able to be donated to the Salvation Army and given to those who need it during the winter. In a recent meeting, a spokesperson from the Salvation Army attended and showed gratitude for the donations that were given through this drive. - Phoebe Kaye Dupa

donate from your doorstep

friends of the library

Stockton Friends of the Library Stockton Friends of the Library holds many positive impacts within the community. It serves as a place where the public can explore shelves of books containing dozens of genres. Whether it be exploring cookbooks, or diving deep into a fantasy book, or finding the perfect classic novel to read beside a fireplace, Friends of the Library is a bookstore loved by many. Donated books find its home in the hands of a new owner, and Friends of the Library serves to make reading more accessible to the public at an affordable price. Volunteers help shelve, price, and sort the books that would make their way to the community. By lending a helping hand to this public library, volunteers are helping to reinforce the importance of reading to the community. - Sarah Ung

stay connected! You can find the Feburary Issue on You can also access it on the CNH Cyberkey at>news>newsletters. BEE sure to check out the Cyberkey at! It has plenty of resources for you and your board to access including: Certificate Templates Graphic Standards Contests Visuals

Division 27 North Grizzlies

@d27ngrizzlies @d27ngrizzlies

Grizzly Channel

Contact Information division leadership team lt. govenor

executive assistant

executive assistant

executive assistant

division news editor

fundraising task coordinator

member recognition task coordinator

social media task coordinator

fall rally north spirit coordinator

fall rally north spirit coordinator

Sebastian Flores (209)684-6449

Hailey Phan (209)276-4243

Harleen Sandhu (209)905-3118

Sarah Ung (209)395-8707

Caitlin Asio (209)313-8857

Peter Nguyen (209)598-5653

Trish Vo (209)618-5743

Loan Tran (209)616-9505

Helena Teung-Ouk (209)400-0155

Jaime Wong (209)565-7909


thank you for reading!


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