D35E | April 2021

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Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 13 | Division 35 East

the elllie

EDITORIAL april 2021 issue 11



02 03 Letter from the Editor 04 Letter from the LTG 05 Letter from the LTG-Elect 06 Farewell from DLT 11 February Recognition 12 Mustang Messages 14 Covina Elections 15 Key Club X ASB Week 16 Soul Boxes DCM 18 Senior Messages 49 Ellie Insider 51 Contact Information 53 CYBERKEY 54 Connect With Us 55 Upcoming Events

letter from



The end of the term is just around the corner! It has been a real privilege and honor to serve Division 35 East as your News Editor! I have loved seeing how all the submissions I get each month and going to each division or club event!!! This term has not been the easiest for everyone! We started and finished a whole term in a pandemic while doing virtual and socially distanced events! I am so proud of you all for staying active and promoting service and Key Club despite our challenges. As well, I would like to thank all the clubs, especially every tech editor, publicist, historian and or webmaster for always submitting your articles and visuals each month! Without you guys doing events and submitting what happens at your events, this newsletter would not be possible! I look forward to how all of you guys grow in the future. For underclassmen, I wish you all the best of luck on your high school and Key Club journey! You guys will do amazing things and remember to take advantage of every opportunity! To the seniors, I wish you all the best of luck for whatever you do after high school! Your Key Club journey may be ending, but another chapter in your life is starting! I know we will all do great things in the future! With that, the April issue of the Ellie Editorial focuses on spring service, the transition back to some in-person but socially distanced events and also messages that some Key Clubbers have submitted to give a shout out to our Class of 2021 senior Key Clubbers!!! I hope you all enjoy this issue and I hope to see you at DCON and our Division Banquet!

Service with a Smile, Edward Garcia Division 35 East News Editor



letter from


HELLO ELLIES! It has been a true honor and privilege to serve the Division 35 East Ellies this term. We are less than a month away from District Convention 2021 and the last day of the term. It has been a journey with you all and I hope that despite the pandemic, you have all enjoyed your experiences in Key Club. Key Club has truly been the best experience in my high school journey and being LTG has contributed to it, and I hope that I’ve been able to provide an experience with the officers and division leadership team that was worthwhile for all the members. Thank you all so much for attending each service event, serve-a-thon, social event, fundraiser, DCM, region event, training conference, inter-division events, and more! I am so in awe of your dedication and motivation to serve the community. Know that you’ve made such an impact on your community and to me. I love you all and wish you all the best for the future. The division is going to be left in good hands for the next term. Take care of yourself and stay hydrated :) This is not a goodbye but a see you later.

Humbly Serving the Ellies, Hilary Wong Division 35 East Lieutenant Governor

letter from



Hey Ellies! What’s Poppin Ellies? My name is Marcus Fang and I am the Lieutenant Governor Elect for the 2021-2022 term! As the term comes to an end I just want to say keep on serving! We only have less than a month left but I am absolutely certain we can meet our division goals! Make sure to attend as many events as you can and encourage your friends to attend as well! I know you guys have been all working super hard this term but now is not the time to burn out! Push through and keep going because you are amazing and you can do it! Finish this term strong and I hope to see you guys soon! Thank you so much and stay safe!

Keep your trunk up! Marcus Fang Division 35 East Lieutenant Governor-Elect


ELLIE? What’s Poppin Ellies!

I’m back again!! Catch me one last time before the 2020-2021 term ends!! I’ve had so much fun playing with you guys!!!




Hey fellow Ellies, That’s it. Like a blink of an eye we endured a year of distance volunteering where some of us lost loved ones and those closest to our hearts. This term was a testament to those who truly dedicate their contributions to their community--and we pulled through. It’s no small feat to serve several thousand service hours and raise several thousand dollars for our preferred charities and partners. There are several thousands of more opportunities coming to those who worked effortlessly. You will reap the benefits of taking your cherished experiences to heart and I, for one, place this term close to heart. Seniors, good luck on your future endeavors. You’ve balanced your time among attending service events, maintaining academic activities, and spending quality time with friends and family. Although these unprecedented times may have cut your class activities short, words cannot describe how thankful our Ellies are for a group of senior leaders who paved the way for our success. We thank you and support you on your next step in life!

DLT, thanks for putting up with me. I can be a hassle but I realized that every experience comes with its takeaways, so no DLT meeting or planning call was wasted. I admit that I’ve grown closer to some more than others, but you have all impacted me in a qualitative way that you may not realize. I’ve learned that actions from within speak louder than words on the surface and that our resilience has only contributed to this term’s success. Ellies, including officers and leaders, thank you all for reminding me of what leadership truly means during desolate times. My favorite experiences come from serving alongside Key Clubbers who don’t limit their efforts to a position title. I’ve seen strangers become friends and capable servant leaders. There is no position that provides the fruitful perspective and flexibility of learning from your peers and

mentors as a Key Clubber, so thank you for reinforcing the true meaning of servant leadership. Kiwanians, thank you for inviting me to your formal Kiwanis DCMs and guiding me through these challenging times. Your Saturday afternoons were well-spent monitoring our growth and seeing our truest potentials. Words cannot express how grateful I am to have angel guardians overseeing my journey, especially when I was feeling desperate. Your invaluable life lessons have provided us with the tools to build the future. All in all, keep your heads up, everyone, as we approach the next term with LTG Elect-Marcus and his prospective Ellies! I wish the best for our division and as we continue this arduous process of reintegrating to an in-person environment, think about what was your takeaway from

Serving with passion, Nicholas Yu Division 35 East Executive Assistant

Hey Elephants! What’s poppin! It’s been an honor to serve as one of the division executive assistants this term. I never thought I’d serve as EA, nor would we experience the term at home. As a division, we’ve tried to make the best of quarantine and transition from in-person events to a virtual setting. I’m proud to see members grow and find a spot within Key Club, despite not being able to experience it to the fullest extent. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to serve as EA and help our division grow. Lots of love to Rowland Key Club, DLT, and the division. Props to Nich for being a cool cp this term. Thank you all so much!

Sincerely, Michelle Huo Division 35 East Executive Assistant Hi Ellies! Wow, it’s been quite a term for us. We’ve gone through something historic and even though it was tough, we made it! One whole year in quarantine, but we’ve done so much! We passed our goal of 6,000 hours with 1 more month to spare. I cannot thank all of you more for all of your hard work. I hope to be seeing you all in future events once the pandemic has subsided! Once again thank you for being the best membership I can ask for!

Sincerely, Alex Chen Division 35 East Secretary


08Hey Ellies! My name is Marcus Fang and I am honored to have served as your Division Event Coordinator for the 2020-2021 term. This term we managed to rack up more service hours then I ever imagined possible. During the start of the term I was extremely skeptical on the types and amount of service events I would be able to provide for you all. However with your amazing dedication and boundless enthusiasm you have made it possible! Seeing all of you at our Division events never ceases to make my day and is the reason why I maintain my energy and passion to push out as many service projects as possible. Like I mentioned before we are so close to our Division service hour goal so keep on serving Ellies! Thank you so much and stay safe!

Sincerely, Marcus Fang Division 35 East Event Coordinator Hi Ellies! Looking back at my 2020-2021 term, I could definitely say that it was something special! I’m so appreciative of all the officers and members for keeping key club fun and lively even during a virtual environment. I definitely have a great experience and I’m excited to see what’s in store for the future!!

Stomping Through Service, Nicole Tong Division 35 East Member Recognition Coordinator

Hey Ellies! Looking back at my 2020-2021 term, I could definitely say that it was something special! I’m so appreciative of all the officers and members for keeping key club fun and lively even during a virtual environment. I definitely have a great experience and I’m excited to see what’s in store for the future!!

Sincerely, Kevin Lee Division 35 East Media Editor Hi everyone! We can’t believe it’s already almost an entire year with all of you, and we’re sad it’s coming to an end, mainly because there are so many people that I’ve gotten to know this year but haven’t met in real life. There have been many fun challenges along the way that have been fun to figure out, and we’re thankful to have such a supportive division. Hilary and the division leadership team have provided assistance and direction whenever we need them. Our home club, Walnut’s, officer board has given us so much flexibility to accomplish goals both on the club and division levels. And finally, all of the general members who’ve gone to a fundraiser, donated during an event, or helped chop off Hilary’s hair made our position worth doing. Thank you guys for this fantastic term.

Service with a Smile, Jianhao Cui & Ian Lee Division 35 East Fundraising Task Coordinators


10 Hi everyone! Hey y’all! How’s it going like, wow. It’s been a whole year since we decided to apply to be the Head Spirit Task Coordinators and there was still so much we had planned that we weren’t able to show all of you. If we’re gonna be open about things, it’s been really difficult knowing that a lot of stuff we planned for Fall Rally and other in person socials couldn’t be used this year. However, not all things go according to plan and we still had an amazing time being able to share these amazing experiences with you and we appreciate all of you who’ve stuck with us this term. It was an honor to get close and work with Hilary and the Division Leadership Team and we couldn’t ask for a better group of people than them. To the iPoly and Walnut Officer Board and Club, we really appreciate you guys for being really flexible with us and we honestly wish that we could’ve done more. We hope that the next term treats the new board well and good luck! All in all, thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to do our best and we hope that everything goes SWAGALICIOUS for the next term! We wish you the best of luck, LTG Marcus!

From, Paola :> (the swaggiest one) and Die-go (the funnier one) :DD Division 35 East Head Spirit Task Coordinators P.S. I think that Paolo is the better HSTC and it’s true :DD - Diego



Member of the Month Jenny Zhang

Officer of the Month Vanessa Cao Kiwanian of the Month Aggie Kee Club of the Month Walnut


*Visuals on this spread are from Mustang Messages


This year we are doing Mustang Messages because of the pandemic. M 13 commemorates a year of distance-learning and a year of distancewas really hard for all of us. I thought of this while my friend and I were ta about the past year and we started making things happen. Little did I kn project would turn out to be pretty big and I would involve the high sch city community. As of right now we have over 1000 responses and we a excited to volunteer and set up this play this weekend.

-Nishabell Rubio, Walnut Vice President of Events


During the month of April, my club was hosting an event that would last the end of the term, where we brought up older events and allowed ke clubbers to revisit those that they found fun or interesting. Examples of th events would be the Pause For an event where it allowed people to pa their phone to donate meals to any organization they wanted to, and color-a-smile event where people printed out color worksheets to color send to those who might need a smile. Anthony Vu stated about the ev emphasizing the quote, “I think its great opportunity for those who misse on previous events to experience the work and effort we put through th and hopefully see how fun and impactful the division and key club is!”

-Matthew Zhong, South Hills Editor

March -learning alking know, this hool and are super


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The term is almost over for us 2020-2021 officers, so we were super happy to find the wonderful people that would take on our positions after us! On Friday, February 26th we had a general meeting to discuss upcoming events along with holding elections. We presented videos of candidates’ speeches. Then, the current officers asked them questions in real time. All the candidates were absolutely amazing, and members seemed really excited. President Megan Do said, “It was one of the most exciting meetings we had so far as we played a fun icebreaker and mini game throughout the meeting. I think it was an amazing way to bond and socialize and go through the process of voting for our new officers.”

-Sarah Phan, Covina Editor

key club x asb



This past month our club held a Key Club x ASB week as a way to promote our club to more Northview High School students. The entire week was a “free trial” of key clubs so that students could experience how we run our club and have events. The week consisted of 6 day of service. Day one, we held a zoom event where students could write letters to Northview teachers or staff members as a way to say thank you for their hard work during this past year of distance learning. Day two, was an individual event where students downloaded the app “Pause For” which allows you to earn crypto currency, by pausing your phone for a certain amount of time. The cryptocurrency earned can be spent on charitable items like: meals for American food banks, heartworm vaccinations for dogs from low income families, and trees to be planted around the world. Day three, students could take a math challenge where they have one minute to solve math questions. With every problem answered correctly, $0.25 is donated to UNICEF to help support children to receive a quality education and help them out of poverty. Day four, students played online quizzes. For each correct answer, beans are donated to help fight hunger. Day five, we held our second zoom event of the week where we creased dog toys out of old t-shirts for the dogs at the Baldwin Park Animal shelter. Day six, we reopened all the other days for students to make up any days they missed and encouraged our members to attend our February DCM on zoom so they could experience how our key club division runs.

-Dayana Pamplona, Northview Historian


d35e x d12ssoul boxes


For our March DCM, the division paired up with Division 12 South for an interdivision event! The divisions collaborated to create Soul Boxes. After Division 35 East held their DCM portion, Division 12 South joined. DLT members from both divisions helped go over icebreakers, teach how to make the soul boxes and even have a Love Box to give shoutouts to members in the Zoom! Each soul box made by a member commemorated one life lost to gun violence. Our goal was 300 boxes, but in the end, we created a total of 523 soul boxes!!! Thank you to all Key Clubbers who helped in this and helped us surpass our goal!

-Edward Garcia, Walnut Cabinet Leader



C L A S S O F 2 0 2 1




































Every month we will be asking members an insider question about their experience in Key Club.

What is your favorite memory from the 2020 - 2021 term?

“Free Rice competition!”

-Kalash Kothari, Walnut Cabinet Leader “I think it was great to be able to see all my friends virtually and safely while participating in service of all types!”

-Selena Cao, South Hills General Member

“Christmas social.”

-Nishabell Rubio, Walnut Vice President of Events “Bondings!”

-Kaitlin Chheng, Walnut Cabinet Leader

“Although we have been inside most of the term it’s astonishing the amount of “My favorite memory of the 2020impacting me, my club and our division 21 term was our Boba Tea Lounge made even during a pandemic!” fundraiser. It was really cool for me to

-Jessica Cao, South Hills General Member

plan my first fundraiser!”

“One hundred percent of my favorite -Christina Herzog, Covina Treasurer experience has to be that of online service although it might seem demeaning to most it allows for quick and easy access to events.”

-Kristie Lee, South Hills General Member “I really enjoyed writing letters to others like healthcare workers, refugees, and St. Judes patients, as it is important to spread messages of kindness and positivity to those who may really need it.”

-Avery Paraiso, Northview General Member



ELLE INSIDER: Every month we will be asking members an insider question about their experience in Key Club. “The icebreakers ahead of every meeting were my favorite of the 2020-2021 term and it was always a funny, great way of bonding!”

-Bea Guarin, Covina General Member “My favorite memory from 2020 through 2021 is the adopt a mailbox I thought it was a great opportunity to acknowledge mail carriers and their unrecognized work during this pandemic.”

-Avery Paraiso, Northview General Member “My favorite memory from 2020 through 2021 is the adopt a mailbox I thought it was a great opportunity to acknowledge mail carriers and their unrecognized work during this pandemic.”

-Abigail Sanchez, Northview General Member “My favorite memory from the 2020-2021 term was doing Soul Boxes! I enjoyed working on them with my friends, as well as biking outside to drop them off. I’m really glad that I can take part in this service.”

-Thomas Le, Covina Vice President My favorite memory was during events having the chance to meet new people while listening to my favorite songs!

-Gabriella Rojas Pacheco, Northview Treasurer



Lieutenant Governor

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Member Recognition Coordinator


Media Editor

Newsletter Editor

Spirit Task Coordinator

Event Coordinator

Spirit Task Coordinator

Hilary Wong d35e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Nicholas Yu d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Jianhao Cui d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com Ian Lee d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com

Michelle Huo Nicole Tong d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.com Alex Chen Kevin Lee d35e.dsec.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.me@gmail.com

Edward Garcia Paolo Abellera d35e.dne.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com Marcus Fang cnh.d35e.ec@gmail.com

Diego Martinez d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com



La Puente President

Dylan Troung dylantruong5@gmail.com

Marriana Maris marismariana81@gmail.com

Charter Oak President

Nogales President

Covina President

Northview President

Elizabeth Aviles Apollo Ti elizabeth.aviles2022@gmail.com orionapollo@icloud.com Megan Do megando1604@gmail.com

Naia Pizarro pizarronaia@gmail.com

Diamond Bar President

San Dimas President

iPoly President

South Hills President

Akash George Mercedes Ung akash.george314@gmail.com Mercedesung4@gmail.com Daniella Laher daniellalaher@gmail.com

Michele Lam michelejyp@gmail.com

John A. Rowland President

Walnut President

Angela Yu Yu91789@gmail.com

Annika Le annikacle2003@gmail.com

Workman President

Michelle Nguyen Sparrow3310@gmail.com

check out




















@d35ekey to 81010


Division 35 East








Sign up for events on our Division Calendar under the month that event takes place. There, click the event to take yourself to the sign-up form. Once done, you are all set!


division 35 east



KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE | https://www.keyclub.org/ KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE | https://www.kiwanis.org/

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