D35E | June Newsletter

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june 2017

con ten ts 1

03 LTG letter 05 Meet the DLT 09 Member Recognition 10 Earth Day Event 11 Isaiah’s Rock 12 Ribfest 13 Westhoff Family Festival 14 Relay For Life 15 Arbor Day 16 Xterra Triathalon 17 Nogales Club Update 18 BBQ Bash & San Dimas Club Update 19 April DCM & DoRAK 20 Upcoming events 21 Cyberkey 22 Connect 23 Contact 2

ltg Hello Elephants,

from the

With this, I send you a warm welcome to the 2017-2018 term! Division 35 East has seen many successes thanks to the outstanding work and never-ending passion of the members who are part of it. I envision that this year will be no different. Service never stops! In the past month, we had completed 643 hours of service. I have no doubt that with the dedication 35 East beholds; we will accomplish our goal of 12,500 service hours by DCON 2018. In addition to completing 12,500 service hours, our current fundraising goal is $6,800 for the Pediatric Trauma Program.

I am confident that we will achieve and surpass the goals we have set! 3

With the end of the school year approaching, I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your dedication to Key Club, persisting through the stresses of a high school student. I ask that you reflect on your experiences and think about how you have been shaped by those around you. Although Division goals are something we stride for, I believe that the individual goals you set are of the utmost importance. I look forward to seeing you reach your goals! As always, I am available to you for any questions, concerns, or random conversations. I hope to see you soon Elephants!

March Suayngam

Lieutenant Governor 2017-’18 Division 35 East, Region 13 California-Nevada-Hawaii District Key Club International


meet the



lieutenant governor


executive assistant

Hello Elephants! My name is Brandon Ma and I am more than honored to be able serve as one of the Executive Assistants for the 2017-2018 Term. In my free time, I enjoy eating food, hanging out with friends, playing the cello, listening to music, and of course attending as many Key Club events as I can. I am also a junior at Diamond Bar High School. If you ever see me, don’t be hesitant to say hi. I would love to be able to meet as many new members as I can. I am so excited to work with you all this year and I can’t wait for an amazing term!

executive assistant LINDY CHEN

Hello Elephants! My name is Lindy Chen. I attend Walnut High School as a senior and I am beyond honored to serve Division 35 East for one last time. I’m thrilled for this upcoming year, and I cannot wait to meet all the new and returning members of Key Club. I always say, “aspire to inspire”, and my goal is to inspire members to devote their time, passion, and service for everything that this wonderful organization is all about. Like the shy sophomore I was two years back, I hope you fall in love with Key Club and that you’ll create memories which you’ll continue to reflect back on for a lifetime. I absolutely love dogs and pandas, (terribly) singing on the top of my lungs, and taking pictures of my friends on my camera. If you ever see me, don’t hesitate to come up to me to start a conversation, crack jokes, or to simply say hi!


2017-2018 ASHLEY LEE


Hi Elephants! My name is Ashley Lewwwe and I am serving as your Division Secretary for the ‘17-’18 term. I currently attend Walnut High School as a senior! I love to binge watch anything on Netflix or hang out with my friends. Most of the time, you can catch me at your local boba shop or cram in late nights doing homework. I can’t wait to meet you all at Division events and serve with you all for one last year!

CHRISTINE NGUYEN Hello lovely elephants! My name is Christine Nguyen and I am thrilled to be serving you all as Division Member Recognition Coordinator for the 2017-2018 term. My goal this term is for you all to ultimately recognize that you have a purpose in Key Club and contribute greatly to this wonderful organization, without you, Key Club wouldn’t be… well, Key Club! I currently attend Rowland High School and will be a junior this upcoming school year. I enjoy photography, art, baking (especially macarons), going out on foodie adventures (I love finding new places to eat that have aesthetically pleasing and tasty food), and of course, attending events. I listen to a large variety of music genres such as EDM, R&B, indie, and K-POP (I’m a huge BTS fan aka ARMY). I’m also extremely clumsy as well as a perfectionist. You’ll almost always catch me with a smile on my face and don’t ever be afraid to approach me because I look forward to meeting all of you amazing individuals! I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for our magnificent family. :) <3

member recognition coordinator


newsletter editor

Hi Elephants! My name is Jocelyn Chow and I am excited to be serving as your newsletter editor for the 2017-2018 term. My hope for all of you this year is that you guys will read and be inspired by the newsletters to volunteer more. As newsletter editor, I want to do my best to give you all amazing content, so keep sending in all the emails on your club’s updates!! Some things about me are that I am going to be a senior, I love learning about different cultures (especially Korean culture if you know what I mean) and I love dogs! I’m extremely excited to see what we can accomplish as a division next year, and can’t wait to meet you all :)

2 6


spirit task coordinator

Hey elephants!! My name is Bill Yen and I am beyond elated to be serving as co-head spirit task coordinator for the 20172018 term. I’m apart of Walnut Key Club’s Class of 2019. Some things that I ABSOLUTELY love is italian food and stationery. My goal is to make sure all of YOU have the best possible experience with Key Club and I hope to contribute to your journey by incorporating a little spirit along the way. See you all soon!

spirit task coordinator AMY LO Hi everyone! My name is Amy Lo, and I’m going to be one half of your Spirit Task Coordinators! I’m an incoming junior going into IB, as well as a certified yearbook nerd, dog lover, and biggest fan of all things Lorde. I love painting, drawing, designing, and Spoken Word-- anything artsy, you name it! My favorite way of spending my time is by eating ramen and going on adventures at different art galleries. I’m five feet two with some attitude, but don’t be afraid to come talk to me anytime! I Lo-ve all of you already, and I’m aiming to SERVE this Division with all of my elephant pride. (Spirit stick, I’m coming for you!)


inter-club coordinator

Hi! I’m Wesley Lu, your new Inter-Club Coordinator, and I’m so honored to be serving you guys this term! Some things you should know about me is that I LOVE dancing, I’m really social and outgoing (so don’t be afraid to talk to me because I’d love to get to know you!), and I have over 10 adult angelfish about 3 years old each. What I’m really looking forward to this term is completely revamping the buddy system in order to make ALL the schools in our division as close, connected, and most successful as possible! I truly care about the connections and relations throughout this division so I’m dedicated to making those the best they can possibly be! Aside from being your ICC, hit me up if you ever need a peer counselor to talk to, a dancer to party with, a friend to hang out with, a cheerleader to cheer you up, and most importantly, a key clubber to serve with. I look forward to meeting you all soon and making this next term AMAZING. Thank you!

event coordinator JEREMY CHANG

Hello Elephants! I’m honored to be serving as your event coordinator over the 2017-2018 term. I’m currently a sophomore (going to be a junior) attending Walnut and some things I like are food, basketball, math, and learning about world issues. My goals as a DLT member are to put my best effort forward and to serve the division to the best of my abilities. When I’m not at service events you’ll find me watching TED Talks, learning about math, or playing basketball. Some fun facts about me are that I live in beautiful Eastvale, I’m 6’0 (6’2 depending on my shoes), and my mom owns an ice cream store! Despite my abnormally large stature, I swear I’m a nice guy and I won’t bite, so don’t be afraid to come up and talk to me! I’d like to end this by saying I look forward to serving you and working with you in this upcoming year, and I’m sure it will be a memorable year for all of us!



head fundraising task coordinator

Hello my name is Melody Zhao and I will be serving as 1/2 of the Head Fundraising Task Coordinators. I am an incoming senior from Diamond Bar High School. I love watching movies and hanging out with my friends. In terms of food, I really like boba but do not like very strong mint. My goals this year as one of the Head Fundraising Task Coordinator are to reach the division goal for Pediatric Trauma Program and to meet more people. I am beyond excited to work with Edward in exceeding our goal. I look forward to a great year ahead of us and cannot wait to talk to all of you!

head fundraising task coordinator EDWARD CHEN

Hello elephants! My name is Edward Chen and I’m proud to say I will being serving as one of the 17-18 Head Fundraising Task Coordinators! I am an incoming junior at Walnut High School and besides serving our division, I like to relax and enjoy my free time by playing games, watching shows or movies, listening to various genres of music like EDM, k-pop, lofi hip-hop, and just hanging out and talking with friends. I love sharing the fun and laughs I have with the people around me, so feel free to walk up to me and say hi! Some other hobbies of mine include more art related activities like drawing or photography and I’ve started to get into dancing. I’m very excited for the next year and I can’t wait to have a wonderful term along with all of my fellow elephants!

looking forward to an exciting term with you all! 8

recognition member of the month:

Ramon Bermejo

Ramon Bermejo can be described as attentive, caring, and moving. He is not afraid to take initiative and assist others; ultimately inspiring those around him to follow his footsteps. For example, he was one of the few in our division to attend the BBQ Bash at the San Gabriel Valley Japanese Center. Ramon not only ensured that the staff was satisfied with their service, he actively went around to ask if anyone needed assistance. Truly being a model of service and dedication, we would like to award Ramon Bermejo as member of the month for May.

officer of the month:

Vivian Hoang

Vivian Hoang serves Charter Oak Key Club with fervor and zeal by exemplifying responsibility and punctuality in everything she does! She never fails to go beyond her call of duty by taking the initiative when other officers don’t. During AP exam season, Vivian selflessly went out of her way to accomplish a last minute task smoothly. Despite being a new officer, she has demonstrated a lot of promise and eagerness to accomplish her tasks stellarly. Vivian without a doubt is the perfect candidate and we can’t wait to see what she accomplishes in the future!

club of the month:


Although the term has just begun, Walnut has completed an astonishing 271 service hours this past month- 4 times more than any other school close to them! The club has also donated a numerous amount of children’s books to a local hospital to bring joy to patients. With consistent membership at their events such as INSAN, Walnut Key Club deserves May Club of the month.


la puente

Earth Day Event The Earth is our home, where we all live happily in our everyday lives. Since the beginning of time, our Earth has grown and become beautiful with its unique environments and creatures inhabiting it. Yet in recent years, our Earth has slowly been dying due to many issues. Our club had the opportunity to help out at an Earth Day festival the entire day to help spread awareness and information about how to help save the Earth. On the day of the festival, our volunteers were helping vendors set up booths, assisting vendors, posting information, etc. The turnout for the a project was unbelievable! It was amazing to see how many volunteers cared for this project to wake up as early as 5am to come. Because of our volunteers, many people were able to become more educated on how to help our planet become a better place to live on and left many people grateful and thankful for the help.

La Puente: Diana Nguyen, media director


diamond bar

isaiah’s rock

I recently volunteered for Diamond Bar Key Club at Isaiah’s Rock where I packaged and made meals for the needy with a few other key club members. Some people were cooking, some were cleaning, and some were setting up the area. I got to meet members of other clubs and work on my cooperation and social skills. It was a great experience where I learned that the effort we put into helping others, pays off. I was happy to help because many people are starving due to lack of a job, family problems, etc. What I learned from this experience is that you should always lend a helping hand to those in need. I also learned that being in Key Club is a great opportunity for learning and bonding! You gain leadership skills and meet new people from the community. Most people join a club in high school for college and


Diamond Bar: Chloe Huang, member

universities to look at, but I know that all members that do community service also really enjoy helping those in need. Although there are many other events in Key Club that I could’ve attended during April, I decided to do Isaiah’s Rock because it is an awesome event where you get to socialize with other key club members and other people in general, about their experience in service events. The people in charge are also extremely kind, it’s always a pleasure to see a familiar face every once in a while. Isaiah’s Rock is an awesome event that I highly recommend that you attend. Even if you don’t know anyone you’re volunteering with, I know that you’ll really enjoy helping out our community!

rowland ribfest

On May 6, Rowland Key Club volunteered to help out Kiwanis at their annual Ribfest event at Hacienda Heights Community Center. Each member wore a red bandana to get into the spirit of Ribfest. Members were divided into pairs and each pair was assigned to their own individual table to wait and serve. Other jobs were given such as, distributing drinks and helping with a silent auction. The event was kicked off by members screaming Key Club’s iconic, “How do you feel?” cheer at the top of their lungs. Each pair started off their table with corn and baked potatoes. Immediately after, a continuous line of pork and beef ribs were rushed to guests until they filled their stomachs to the very max (there was also a chicken option for those who couldn’t eat beef or pork). It was a little chaotic in the beginning, but members eventually got the hang of things and served the guests with ease. Afterwards, guests were also served dessert with their choice of vanilla or chocolate cake. Towards the end of the dinner, with the guests busy socializing and no more hungry stomachs to feed, members stealthily creeped into the kitchen to get a taste of some leftover cake as a tiny treat to themselves. After the dinner was over, there was some time to spare and members were rewarded with leftover chicken for all of their hard work. We finished the day off with cleaning up trash and sorting the untouched food. All in all it was a great time for not only the guests, but for the Key Clubbers as well.

Rowland: Alexa Magbitang, publicist


walnut westhoff family festival

Not only did students finish with AP testing, but they celebrated with the opportunity of service. One afternoon, Key Clubbers from Walnut Key Club went to a local elementary school to volunteer at their carnival booths. There were classic activities such as ring toss, face painting, mini golf, and fishing for the students and young kids attending. After the pledge of allegiance, we had the chance to hear amazing bands such as Modern Anchor, and of course, the eminent Westhoff Elementary Band along with their choir. Later when the sun went down, we helped clean up and return all the stands, tables, posters, and games back to the school’s library. For food options, there was a booth that sold pizza by the Westhoff Community Club Members, who also very kindly gave us volunteers free water and soda. Along with pizza, there were tacos, hamburgers, and ice cream! What’s a meal without dessert? At the end of the day, having the opportunity to help out, clean up, and meet people was the best way to loosen up after a school day. A day full of service transpired a day full of study and worry into a day full of smiles, joy, and fun! It was my first time volunteering and being at Westhoff, but I can already say for sure that I am elated to help again next year.


Walnut: Bill Yen, treasurer


relay for life

Every year Relay for Life hosts a two day event in which money is raised for cancer research. This year the closest event was held at Northview High School’s track from May 6th - May 7th. Participants woke up bright and early to help set up tents, organize chairs, and carry items into the field. The event began at 9am with the school’s band playing a few songs. After that, cancer survivors were called up to a small stage where they were honored with a medal. At 9:30 am was the opening ceremony that officially began Relay for Life. This ceremony opened up with a survivors lap in which those that survived the struggle of cancer walked showing the strength they still have. Next, was the caregiver’s lap allowing those that have helped take care of a person with cancer or know someone who is currently battling the disease walk around the field. The last lap was where every team was given the opportunity to walk around the track. When they finished, members then took turns walking around the field for a few hours. The significance of walking around the track for 24 hours is to represent that cancer never sleeps. Yet, this event wasn’t all about walking. Members had a fun time playing bingo, listening to music, eating food, entering raffles, and sleeping in tents. Beautiful luminaries were lit at about 9 pm. The purpose of lighting them up at night is because the darkness of the night represents the fear patients feel when they are diagnosed with cancer. However, the light from the luminaries represents that they will continue fighting until they find a cure. These were decorated with messages to someone that passed away because of cancer, someone that is currently battling cancer or someone that has overcome cancer. Sunday morning was the closing ceremony. Even though this was the end of the event, it doesn’t mean that this was the end of the fight for cancer.

Northview: Zulelalee Escobar, historian


charter oak

arbor day

Charter Oak: Vivian Hoang, member recognition coordinator


Charter Oak’s club was proud to participate in the Arbor Day tree plantings that was hosted by the city of Covina. We gathered at Hollenbeck Park by 7:30 to begin splitting into teams. It was early in the morning, but every volunteer had the determination to plant trees in honor of this holiday. The day went on with sunshine, it was troubling to shovel in the ground because one did not possess the strength, but we all encouraged each other to push through! Although it was challenging to make those holes, the end result of the trees standing strong felt rewarding to everyone. Our key clubbers were very enthusiastic and hard-wording, even through the struggle of carrying the tree, planting, or even shoveling the dirt, they always remembered that they had each other. The day was still young but it was over at 11:00 pm; the event was very fun and it provided a great bonding experience with new people and friends. We are thankful for this opportunity from Kiwanis and the city of Covina and if another call comes next year, we will gladly take it.


xterra triathalon

Three of our members went to the Xterra Triathlon on May 6th at Bonelli Park. Some of us including myself have attended the event about 3 times since it began and have enjoyed it ever since, always make it a plan to attend and volunteer. The atmosphere is always so welcoming, the people competing as well as the people making the event happen are always so kind and organized, whenever you’re there it’s always a team effort and were all there for the same reason to assist in any aspect so that everything can run smoothly. We had two members work at the food station, cutting up fruits and other commodities to give the runners after the race and placing them on a table. As for myself I filled up cups with water and gatorade, then gave them out to passing runners or bicyclists during the race. It’s always amazing to watch the people compete because they remind me how unathletic I am, since some are older or younger and I wish I had that type of determination. As for after the race we helped dismantle bike racks, roll up tarps and wires attached to the machinery, overall clean up after the event. We had a great time doing so and hope to do these events again.

Bonita: Melanie Lopez, vice president


nogales elections

For the Key Club at Nogales High School, a lot of changes has been made. From meetings to even new cabinet members. After Spring Break, the election took place the following Thursday. Not that many people ran to be in the new cabinet, but there was a sense of competition between myself, Amina Hearns, and Simran Chopra for the presidency. In the end, I won as president of Key Club at Nogales. Chopra then became secretary after one of the candidates backed out. The new cabinet for the 17-18 term are: Amina Hearns - President Joana Lachica - Vice President Simran Chopra - Secretary Diane Lam - Treasurer Nereyda Garcia - Historian Julianna Albert - Publicist Hopefully as a new cabinet we may be able to undertake more new projects and to also interact deeper with Division 35 East as well.


put a sock in it As a new council, we decided it be apart of the April DCM, A New Hatching. On that day I, my secretary – Simran, and my publicist, Julianna, went to Cortez Park to decorate non-slip socks to donate to local children hospitals. Sadly we were not able to produce an image of us making the socks, being that we were so engaged with decorating them. The socks were very colorful, creative, and some were very funny. There were socks that were blasted with colors, socks that had things like boba and pizza on them, and much more.

Nogales: Amina Hearns, President


covina & san dimas

BBQ Bash

On April 29, a community BBQ Bash was held at the East San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center. It was their first fundraiser of the year to raise money for ESGVJCC. We helped them serve all kinds of food from rib eye steak, hot dogs, and teriyaki chicken. Food was provided for us as well. Everybody enjoyed the food, event, and the super raffle. It was a great opportunity to serve and be part of this community!

Covina: Kylie Nguyen, vice president

club update

In the month of April, San Dimas High School Key Club’s new officers and I have band together to help promote our club at school and around the community for the following school year. Unfortunately due to busy schedules, AP testing, and end of the year activities it has been difficult to get people at San Dimas to come participate in Key Club events. Thus, we have decided to put volunteering and other events on hold, while we build a strong foundation for the club because a club isn’t a club without a good foundation. We have been focused on creating our first website for our club and it will be up and running in a few weeks after all the loose ends are tied up. Our treasurer, Bryanna Bosler, has started to develop ideas on how to fundraise for our club because we have never done it before, and we want to offer more opportunities to provide support for PTP and other organizations. In addition, I have been working alongside the ASB class to help promote our Club Rush week at school in order to boost Key Club membership and keep it steady rather than experiencing a decline within the first few months. This decline has cost us the ability to provide adequate help in our community and school, which is why we are persistent in reconstructing our club. We hope to spark an interest in the mind’s of SDHS students with more advertising, fundraisers, and easy access to our website. We want to bring a family atmosphere to the club where everyone’s ideas and opinions matter in order to improve the way we volunteer and show the beauty in being a part of Key Club. We want these changes for the coming school year to expand our membership, keep our club running efficiently, and increase the amount of volunteer hours we put into our community. It is a work in progress, but we believe that SDHS Key Club will have a brighter future in the coming year.

San Dimas: Anusha Nayani, historian


south hills & Dorak april dcm

On a warm, bright Sunday, April 30, 2017, the Division Council Meeting was held as a catchup to as what each Key Club had been up to and also as another social event where both the Seals and Elephants could meet up and do some activities! The event began at one in the afternoon, and it took place at the cheerful venue of Cortez Park in West Covina. At this DCM, socks were provided in boxes and members would end up decorating them splendidly. Never would there be a Key Clubber left out of the DCM; everyone made sure that all members were having an enjoyable time and hanging out with old friends, or new friends just made from socializing with other great members they had never talked to. Just by a simple “thank you”, or a small question, friends were being made quickly throughout divisions. Also at this month’s division meeting, each division LTG announced the new DLT members for the next term. The event ended officially at 4:00 pm, but the Key Club members continued staying at the park having a fun time with other people, no matter who it was. The special thing about us, Key Clubbers, is that we don’t leave anyone behind and inclusiveness is our natural trait. Keep at it, Elephants!

South Hills: Daphne Yu, editor

dorak: D

O Random Acts of Kindness

June dorak: donate items not being used 19

upcoming events june


pieology fundraiser Where: 505 N Grand Ave E, Walnut CA 91789 Time: 12pm-4pm

july region picnic






Where: Via Verde Park Time: 10am-4pm

july dcm/division doggy day Where: Del Norte Park Time: 10am-12:30pm

officer training conference Where: Walnut High School Time: 10am-2pm


check out cyberkey monthly newsletters @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/news/newsletters

Cyberkey website @ www.cnhkeyclub.org/

Monthly district newsletters @ www.keyclub.org/home.aspx


connect with us! remind 101 @d35east to 81010

Snapchat @d35east

instagram @d35keyclub


dlt contact MARCH SUAYNGAM


Lieutenant Governor

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Spirit Task Coordinator





Executive Assistant

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Secretary

Head Fundraising Task Coordinator





Division Newsletter Editor

Event Coordinator





Member Recognition Coordinator

Inter-Club Coordinator




presidents NAYELI MARTINEZ Bonita nayeli.mnez@gmail.com

AMINA HEARNS Nogales aminamariehearns@gmail.com

AGNES TRAN Charter Oak agnesntran@gmail.com

DANA ZEIDAN Northview danazeidan00@gmail.com

VIVIAN HOVAN Covina vivianhovan@gmail.com

BREANNE SEE San Dimas see.breanne@gmail.com

MEGHAN SHEN Diamond Bar meghanHshen@yahoo.com

GEORGE LIU South Hills georgeliu2002@gmail.com

MICHAEL YU John A. Rowland michaelyud35e@gmail.com

CATHERINE CAO Walnut lingers.catherine@gmail.com

JASMINE TRUONG La Puente jasmine.truong01@gmail.com

CESYL REYES Workman lysecreyes@gmail.com 24

check out d35e’s website for updates! http://cnhd35elephants.wix.com/d35east


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