D35E | June 2020

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the elllie

EDITORIAL june 2020




03 Letter fromthe Edtor 04 Letter fromthe LTG 05 Recognition 06 Meet the DLT 10 Service fromHome 14 Eliminate Week 15 D35ESpirit Week 16 Thank You to Heros 18 Ellie Insider 20 Contact Information 22 CYBERKEY 23 Connect with Us

letter from



Hey Elephants!

My name is Edward Garcia and I amhonored to serve as the Newsletter Editor for Division 35 East for the 2020-2021 term. This is the first of many newsletters to come for this term. I amexcited to get to know all of you and see you guys at events (online or in-person). I know this is a weird and stressful time, especially with APtesting right now, but I hope you guys are taking care and staying well. The school year is almost over and I know all of you guys can finish strong! -Edward Garcia Division 35 East Newsletter Editor



Hi Key Clubbers! My name is Ellie and I amhidden throughout the newsletter. Look for hidden elephants and/or parts of me in the newsletter. I amhidden in multiple areas. At the end of the newsletter, it will show how many times I appeared. Good luck and have fun! And no, this page does not count. -Ellie

04 Hello Ellies!

letter from


My name is Hilary Wong and I amhonored to serve Division 35 East for the 20202021 termas the Lieutenant Governor. Although we are not dealt with in the best circumstances becuase of the pandemic, we need to be positive and adapt. I miss seeing everyone’s faces and talking to you all but just like life will always throw obstacles at us, we just need to go around it. I amdetermined to create an iconic and memorable termfor all of us with the help of the division leadership team. I am so excited to see what we can do and I know with the spirit, determination, and motivation fromthe members of division 35 east, we will thrive. In addition, I know May is a crazy month with testing and it is exhausting but please practice self-care and good luck! You can all do it! Be sure to also attend our events because it can be a great way to take a break fromstudying! See you all soon! -Hilary Wong Division 35 East Lieutenant Governor



Member of the Month Rebekah Tsai

“Key club always provides such memorable and exciting activities for members to join in and I love participating in all of the events.”

Officer of the Month Dylan Truong

“What I like the most about key club is the opportunities it gives. It allows us to make a positive impact on the world around us.”

Club of the Month iPoly

“One thing we all enjoy about Key Club is that it’s such a warmand inviting environment. IPoly is still a fairly new club and the division has been so welcoming.”

Kiwanian of the Month Ms. Price

“My daughter was a Key Clubber in D35Eand she retired as a Distinguished LTGin 2016. Becoming a Kiwanian allow me to serve and give back to the organization and the Service Leadership Programonce helped her so much. “


MEET THE DLT Hilary Wong


Hello! My name is Hilary Wong and I serve you as your lieutenant governor for the 2020-2021 term! I’ma little obsessed with Key Club but I also love to travel and explore new places. I also love noodle soup and to read in my free time! I can’t wait to see you all at future events and to get to know you! If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask!

Nicholas Yu


Hey Ellies, my name is Nich Yu and I’melated to serve you as one of your Executive Assistants! I like watching Brooklyn Nine Nine and standup (e.g. Conan O’Brien, John Mulaney, Nikki Glaser). My newly favorite Disney/Pixar movie is Onward. My favorite sport is volunteering. I like history. Feel free to introduce yourself to me. I don’t bite.

Michelle Huo


Hi! I’mMichelle Huo and I’mcurrently a sophomore at Rowland High School! I like to play tennis, read books, and bake! I look forward to serving as one of your divison executive assistants! I can’t wait to see what we can do together this term!


Hi, my name is Alex Chen and I will be serving as your 20’-21’ Division Secretary! I enjoy watching basketball and meeting new people. My dreamwould be to go to the United States Naval Academy for Nuclear Engineering. I hope to get to know most of you in the this coming term!

Nicole Tong


Hey Ellies! My name is Nicole Tong and I will be serving as your member recognition coordinator for the 2020-2021 term! In my free time I love baking, running track, and listening to music (Daniel Caesar &88rising <3) I also love meeting new people and making new friends! I can’t wait for this termto start and to meet all of you.

Marcus Fang


My name is Marcus Fang and I’mso excited to be a part of the D35EDLT! This year I’ll be serving as your Event Coordinator and I hope to get to know all of you! I like to read, draw, and do any kind of physical activity. Don’t hesitate to talk to me! I’malways down to meet new people!



MEET THE DLT Paolo Abellera


Hey y’all my name is Paolo Abellera and I’mproud to be serving as one of your Head Spirit Task Coordinators for the ’20-’21 term. Somethings about myself are that I love to spend my time dancing for swing club, playing games like Minecraft with friends, and I take part of the Fire Explorer Program. I love serving my community as well as having a great time with others while doing it. Feel free to message me if you guys want to talk or just hangout!

Diefo Martinez


Hey everyone! My name is Diego Martinez and I amone of your new HSTC’s! I amvery excited to be appointed this position and also very thrilled to be working with the amazing DLTand our incredible LTG! Let’s make this termour greatest yet!

Edward Garcia


What’s poppin’ Ellies! My name is Edward Garcia and I’mproud to serve you guys as your Newsletter Editor for the ‘20-’21 term. My passions are baking, swimming, yearbooking, and just living life to its fullest. I really love almond milk tea and anything Disney. I also love serving our community and making memories with the people I serve with. Feel free to talk to me or message me at anytime. I can’t wait to see what this termlies in store for us!



Kevin Lee


I’mKevin Lee, and I’myour Division Media Editor! I’ve been making videos for more than 5 years now and I can’t wait to use this experience to help our division!

Jianhao Cui


I’mJianhao, one of your next Fundraising Task Coordinators. I also serve as the Vice President of Membership of Walnut’s Key Club. My favorite events are the Stuff-a-Bus donations that happen right before school starts where you help children in need by asking for school supply donations in front of a Walmart. My other extracurriculars include being a track captain and competing in FBLA. I’mlooking forward to continuing our legacy of raising stacks of money for P.T.P. and interacting with all of you guys!

Ian Lee


Hey guys my name is Ian Lee and I amone of your new fundraising task coordinators! I am16, I go to Walnut High School and I amexcited to make this terma good one despite the actual literal global pandemic ;)


SERVICE from home folds of


In April of 2020, Charter Oak High School Key Club participated in five events, Thank You’s to our Kiwanians, Dog Toy Making, Art 2 Comfort, Rock Painting Kindness, and our April Division Council Meeting (DCM). We wrote emails to our Kiwanians to remind &thank themfor their dedication to our student organization in our Thank You’s to our Kiwanians event. We made dog toys over Zoomto be dropped off at local shelters after the quarantine is over. We also created artworks for people who have been secluded fromtheir family members in our Art 2 Comfort event. Charter Oak Key Club also promoted kindness by painting rocks with heartfelt messages and pictures on April 19. Our last event was our April DCMin which we watched the movie Onward and the new division leadership teamwas announced. All of our events this month were held through Zoommeetings to prevent fromspreading COVID-19 but we still managed to accomplish all service events fromthe safety of our homes.

-Cameron Balli, Charter Oak Publicist

ART 2 COMFORT On April 18, 2020, Art 2 Comfort entailed key clubbers creating drawings and written letters for patients that have suffered from Covid-19 and are recovering in a convalescent home. Due to the lockdown placed in California, Art 2 Comfort occured on Zoom so all the members would be able to continue their service online. Members would then mail their arts to the convalescent homes to show the patients that they are not fighting this crisis alone and there are supporters who may not know them, but are willing to support themfromafar.

-Li Min Lin Rowlnad Editor




As the stay at home order has limited certain activities for service events, IPoly’s board thought of different ways to continue helping others with the materials they had. On Saturday April 11, 2020, IPoly’s Key Club had the privilege of holding their first online event which focused on mask making. With a new officer board, of course there was a feeling of excitement along with nervousness. When CoVice President, Diego Martinez, was asked about his experience, he stated,“It was a bit tough being that it was our first online event. I felt that not a lot of people were going to show up and for the ones who did, I thought they were going to be confused. Luckily, it worked out way better than expected. Fromwhat I know, many people enjoyed the event too, so the experience was great.” The plan is to keep pushing forward with a service event each month and keep members motivated.

-Arianna Morales, IPoly Editor

covina BOOKMARK MAKING On April 24th, Covina held a home service event in which we made bookmarks. This was over a Zoomvideo chat call from1:00 pmto 2:00 pmwith eleven members attending, including our very own LTGHilary Wong! Our cabinet had tried to host an event that was easy to do at home, so all that was needed was one piece of paper and drawing supplies. Each person was asked to make four bookmarks, and our president played music and talked to members while we worked. Our plan is to collect all the bookmarks when we get back to school, and donate them to a local library! President of Covina Key Club, Megan Do said, “Holding my first service event, was super nervewracking! I was excited to see people participating in making bookmarks, because it let thembe creative. Overall, it went pretty great! I can’t wait to plan more service events for my club!!!”

-Sarah Phan, Covina Editor



ELIMINATEmayWEEK 4 - may 8 FromMay 4, 2020 to May 8, 2020, Division 35 East participated in Eliminate Week. This week was promoted by the CNHDistrict and was in partnership with Kiwanis and UNICEF. This is an annual spirit week in which we all try to promote awareness of Maternal Neonatal Tetanus (MNT). Kiwanis and UNICEF collaborate on the Eliminate Project in which they are dedicated to providing vaccines to women to protect themselves and their future children fromMNT. Through Eliminate Week, we are able to help eliminate MNTfromthe world.









D35E may 11 - may 15


ah n n a -H

-Mich ele L am, S outh Hills

ut n l a a, W s o t Sen

kman r o W , i z n -Karina Tu

-Fran cis M endo za, W alnu t

-Sarah Phan, Covina

Despite quarantine restrictions, our Division held a spirit week fromMay 11 to May 15 to lift member’s spirits. Each day members posted different photos of themselves and their peers that reflect on different parts of Key Club and our Division.


This month we had a service event that had South Hills key club members, as well as some others fromdifferent Key Clubs, participate in sending an email or designing letters to send to healthcare workers or other essential workers for their work during this pandemic. One of our board members Henry Tiet a Junior stated, “The letters and emails event was a great way Not all heroes wear capes; some wear T to reflect on how great our teachers are masks. The global pandemic has our K and how important our healthcare workers front liners in the medical field working m are at this time. It was definitely a good overtime to ensure our safety, and it is w feeling to be able to thank our teachers our responsibility as a society to stay at w properly and show our appreciation to home, share our resources, and show our w them.� During the event, we started with support. Walnut Key Club recently hosted s an icebreaker which involved someone an event in which participating members p drawing and everyone else guessing the wrote thank you letters and cards to ti itemor thing. The event itself had 13 people send to health care workers at Pomona u attend it sending both emails to the workers Valley Hospital and Huntington Hospital. s in hospitals or our teachers who are still Even the smallest signs of appreciation g working their best to make sure we all can mean a world of difference to those a have a good education. Not only did the risking their lives for the sake of others. I K event practice social distancing being over amproud of this astounding community, R a zoomcall still gave us the opportunity and I hope that everyone else will C to thrive in an environment that restricts contribute to making their jobs easier by d volunteer work, which allows us to think of staying home and staying clean. g creative and innovative ways to give back to -Kaitlin Chheng, -D the community. Walnut Cabinet Member No

-Matthew Zhong, South Hills Editor

This month, Members of the Northview Key Club gathered over a zoomcall to make thank you cards for healthcare works. Due to COVID19 members have to work fromhome but many took the time to write cards to healthcare workers that are still working to help people in these hard times. Materials used were paper, scissors, stamps, glue, etc. to make and mail cards to Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center in hopes of brightening up workers’ days and reminding themthat we are grateful for the work that they are doing.

Dayana Pamplona, Northview Historian


On May 2nd, Diamond Bar Key Club had our first event of the term. When it started the zoom, there were alot of old names where I recognized fromthe prior term. There were also people new to Key Club, which was exciting to see. We were all assigned a letter to spell out “Thank you doctors”. After we were finished, we held out letters up to the screen to spell the Phrase out. I was astonished to see how artistic people were. Overall I had a fun time to see people again and just to hangout and talk while showing appreciation to the medical workers!

-Nathan Thai, Diamond Bar Tech Editor/Webmaster



Every month we will be asking members an insider question about thei

“Fromhome, most of the things that I’ve done have been emailing or letters. Through email, I’ve contacted a few teachers and expressed my gratitude for them. With letters, I’ve written/ drawn little things for people who are primary healthcare workers and also people who can’t leave where they are due to health concerns”.

- Annie Feng, South Hills General Member

“I created letters/drawings for nursing homes! SI liked how that event was more chill and rather "comfortable" because I was doing something I liked doing, which was drawing. I thought it was cool that I could use my illustrations to heal those in the nursing homes.”

-Justine Constantino, Walnut General Member

“Even before the key club online meetings, I served fromhome by making face masks with my momand donating themto hospitals and friends. But now with the online meetings, I feel like I amserving even more with the addition of the latest meeting of making origami for doctors.”

-Marianne Jo, iPoly General Member

“I have continued to s by attending all the e closely with the Key C create new service ev

- Miranda Llamas, N

“Attending home and like making bookmark

-Christina Herzog, C

“I have continued to s doing the online key c example, the dog toys and emails event. the events that allowed m fromhome.”

- Myah Jones, South

“I attend to almost ev can for key club and h club, not only trying t workers can benefit f the things and gifts w

-Anthony Vu, South

w have you continued to


ir experience in Key Club.

serve fromhome events and working Club President to events to participate in.”

“I've continued to work from home by attending the zoom meetings that are being offered.”

d division events rks to donate.”

“Although the events have ended and circumstances made it hard to stay active in Key Club, especially with the coming ap tests, I still strive to stay in touch through Key’s social media and online events.”

Northview Editor

Covina Treasurer

serve fromhome by club events on zoom. for ys event and the letters ese were some of the me to continue service

h Hills General Member

very online service that I help plan services for tkey to make sure our healthcare fromour work but also enjoy we try to mail to them.”

h Hills Event Coordinator

-Cristina Contreras, Northview General Member

- Justin Chung, John A. Rowland General Member “I have continued to serve from home by attending some of the virtual service events, such as the bookmark decorating event.”

- Alma Zavala, Covina General Member



DLT CONTACT Lieutenant Governor

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Member Recognition Coordinator


Media Editor

Hilary Wong d35e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Nicholas Yu d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com Michelle Huo d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Jianhao Cui d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com

Ian Lee d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com

Nicole Tong d35e.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.com

Alex Chen d35e.dsec.cnhkc@gmail.com

Kevin Lee d35e.cnhkc.me@gmail.com

Newsletter Editor

Spirit Task Coordinator

Edward Garcia d35e.dne.cnhkc@gmail.com

Paolo Abellera d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com

Event Coordinator

Spirit Task Coordinator

Marcus Fang cnh.d35e.ec@gmail.com

Diego Martinez d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com


La Puente President

Dylan Troung dylantruong5@gmail.com

Marriana Maris marismariana81@gmail.com

Charter Oak President

Nogales President

Elizabeth Aviles elizabeth.aviles2022@gmail.com

Apollo Ti orionapollo@icloud.com

Covina President

Northview President

Megan Do megando1604@gmail.com

Naia Pizarro pizarronaia@gmail.com

Diamond Bar President

San Dimas President

Akash George akash.george314@gmail.com

Mercedes Ung Mercedesung4@gmail.com

iPoly President

South Hills President

Daniella Laher daniellalaher@gmail.com

Michele Lam michelejyp@gmail.com

John A. Rowland President

Walnut President

Angela Yu Yu91789@gmail.com

Annika Le annikacle2003@gmail.com

Workman President

Michelle Nguyen Sparrow3310@gmail.com


CYBERKEY check out
















@d35east to 81010


Division 35 East






KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE | https://www.keyclub.org/

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