D35E | October 2020

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Cali-Nev-Ha | Region 13 | Division 35 East

the elllie

EDITORIAL october 2020 issue 5




03 Letter from the Editor 04 Letter from the LTG 05 August Recognition 06 Paint the Town Purple 08 August DCM Recap 09 Toys for Tabbies 10 Club Rush & Meetings 12 Ellie Insider 14 Contact Information 16 CYBERKEY 17 Connect with Us 18 Upcoming Events

letter from



Aloha Ellies!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Club rush is just around the corner for many schools and I wish all the schools the best of luck as we all try to recruit members at our home clubs. As September comes to a close, I am proud to have seen members come to our division events and seeing clubs host their own events for members as we promoted service throughout the month. With this issue of the Ellie Editorial, We focus on the different events clubs have done to make Servetember full of svice, and also see how some clubs have started their member recruitment and general meetings. With that, I hope all of you enjoy the October issue of the Ellie Editorial and stay healthy and well.

Service With a Smile, Edward Garcia Division 35 East News Editor


ELLIE? Hi Key Clubbers!

I’m back! Come find me as I hide throughout the newsletter! See you guys later.



letter from


Hello Ellies! I hope you’re not too stressed with school! I know everything is starting to pick up school wise and Key Club might seem like added stress but I’d like to thank you all for your continuous motivation to serve! Life is all about balance so please be sure to take breaks and manage your time! As we head into a new month, we’re several short months away from the new year of 2021. This year might not have been the best and so many unfortunate events have happened but I want to say that I think we’ve been doing the best we can! Let’s finish the year strong and keep recruiting our members! Just remember how and why you joined Key Club and the experiences you’ve had that has come from being apart of Key Club. Let’s share that experience with others! It is important we are outreaching and doing the best we can this year to maintain our membership numbers. Furthermore, I am so proud of each and every one of you. It fills me with the upmost happiness that you all are continuing to serve and showing the spirit of Key Club despite all the roadblocks that have been thrown at us by 2020. I notice all the hard work you all are putting in; keep up the great work! Thank you so much!

Proudly serving D35E, Hilary Wong Division 35 East Lieutenant Governor

august RECOGNITION Member of the Month Sharon Wang Officer of the Month Marcus Fang Club of the Month South Hills Kiwanian of the Month Mahmood Bashir






Did you know that blood cancers are the third leading cancer killer in America? And did you know approximately every three minutes, someone in America is getting diagnosed with blood cancer? Well, many people don’t, and that is why Walnut Key Club volunteers spent hours under the blazing heat (thanks to global warming) decorating the light posts, bus stops, traffic lights, and crosswalks. During the last few days of August, our club hosted the event “Paint the Town Purple”, in which dedicated volunteers tied up purple ribbons around the city of Walnut to raise awareness for Blood Cancer Awareness Month, which is all throughout September. Together, as a team, we covered Pierre Rd, Grand Ave, Lemon Ave, Amar Rd, La Puente Rd, and parts of Valley Blvd. Cards with information regarding the Relay For Life, an event to raise money for the American Cancer Society, were also tied to ribbons at bus stops/ crosswalks so that citizens can take interest. It was eyeopening to be a part of such a passionate team of individuals. Growing up in Walnut I always remembered seeing the purple ribbons everywhere, but never understood the reason why. Now, I know that painting the town purple is to raise awareness for those individuals who suffer on a daily basis with a debilitating disease; hopefully our club’s work can help these patients by supporting research and finding cures to BEAT cancer!

-Sharon Wang, Walnut Cabinet Member



For the August DCM, our division hosted a shark tank where everyone was split into groups to think of an idea to solve a given prompt. This shark tank was extremely exciting and entertaining for it allowed key clubbers to get together and meet new people while getting creative to solve some ridiculous problems. Not only that, hearing and seeing the ideas that other groups invented was humorous and allowed everyone to bond despite the fact that everyone was at home due to our situation. All in all, the August Shark Tank DCM was an innovative way to get key clubbers to work together as a team while getting to meet new people and having a laugh during the time. -Rebekah Tsai, Diamond Bar



This month my club hosted a way to workout and donate meals for those in need! Project Vizer is an app that all you have to do is workout for thirty-minutes or walk ten-thousand steps. We tried our best this month to promote a volunteering event that can be done in the safety of your home and especially social distancing, the meal you donate can also be specified to a certain restaurant you prefer. Our event Coordinator Anthony Vu, stated on the event saying “Vizer was a different experience than all the services I did so far, it motivated me and my parents to exercise with me after staying home doing nothing for a month worth the experience” -Matthew Zhong , South Hills Editor

TOYS FOR TABBIES On August 16th, Rowland Key Club held an event called Toys for Tabbies. Members participated in making cat toys made out of fabric, socks, dowels, and string/yarn. With all the materials, you can make cat toy rings, fish socks, and cat wands. After creating the toys, members could either deliver and drop off or ship these to the VIDA Animal Shelter. Treasurer Crystal Nguyen stated “The event was super fun because we got to make cat toys and participate in many games! Guessing the cat was my favorite game!!” Even with the pandemic and lockdown going on, our members are still willing to help out the community. -Li Min Lin, John A. Rowland Editor



Club rush at our school is approaching, and we decided to release our membership applications ahead of time! As editor, I drew a visual of an elephant and included information on how to apply, which caught many people’s attention on social media. Our board was super excited to get new members, so we were constantly posting and messaging people. We even had all of our board members receive CNH overlays to share and encourage others to join! To further expose Covina High School students to Key Club, our president Megan Do and vice president Thomas Le were interviewed on our school’s show! President Megan Do exclaimed, “Applications are still open, and as of right now we have more members than last year and are still hoping for more!” -Sarah Phan, Covina Editor

IPoly’s Key Club held their first general meeting on Thursday, August 20th, to welcome new faces and inform students of the importance of serving their community. Officers were very amazed with the turnout and the amount of interest from freshmen. There were also members of the division leadership team who were able to join the meet and support presenters. Vice president, Diego Martinez, commented “ I felt really nervous to present to potential members but I honestly believe it turned out great! More people seem to be involved in Key Club and that was my goal for this meeting.” -Arriana Morales, iPOLY Editor

This month key Club h general m the 2020-2 year. Durin meeting, members their introd slides and what they club office went ove upcoming and every members have to kn about Key like inform scholarshi division ev how to joi 11 studen and we e bringing in paying m -Dayana Pa Northview H


h, Northview held it’s first meeting of 2021 school ng the all cabinet s presented ductions d explain y do as key ers. We er all of our g events ything new s would know ey Club, mation on ips, awards, vents, and in. We had nts show up ended up n 8 new members. amplona, Historian






Every month we will be asking members an insider question about their experience in Key Club.

“This term I’m excited for all the new events that will occur considering our circumstances at the moment. Therefore, I’m curious to see all the new ideas that our creative Key Club team will create for all the enthusiastic Key Clubbers, to allow them to still be able to participate in many amazing events, while still staying safe at home.” -Rebekah Tsai, Diamond Bar General Member “I am excited to explore the new opportunities to serve and become an active member.” -Alexa Calunsod, iPOLY General Member

“I’m most excited to go bac so I can help out the commu more hands-on way. Even th attending zooms, I can’t wa to go out and serve so that I results of my work in the com - Aleena Llamas, Northview Vice P

“I’m excited to see Covina K larger, to see new changes h and to see new members gr - Thomas Le, Covina Vice President

“For this term, I’m super excit more members and encour to attend more division even “For this term I think I’m most excited to that, but I am able to meet n help food banks, I did some last year but and share my passion for Ke more so towards the end of the year - Megan Do, Covina President so I didn’t get too much experience, “I am mostly excited for all th however this year I’m hoping to be more events for this term! I am new involved.” and can’t wait to help out w - Cristina Contreras, Northview General Member and make new friends along - Julianna Haros, Covina General m


at are you excited for this term?

ck to school unity in a hough I love ait to be able I can see the mmunity.” President

Key Club grow happening, row.” t

ted to recruit rage them nts! Not only new people ey Club !”

he upcoming w to key club with the services g the way!” member

“The variety of events!” - Sharon Wang, Walnut Cabinet Member “This term is way different due to COVID but I’m really excited for spring rally and hoping to be able to be part of it as my last year in the Key Club.” - Anthony Vu, South Hills Event Coordinator “Interactions mostly because I’m gonna have them with my friends since it’s our last year in high school and Key Club.” - Xavier Candelario, South Hills General Member “Definitely fall rally and the things that lead up to it because the experience is something we all should enjoy as we get there especially during these trying times.” - Jessica Cao, South Hills Treasurer “All of the possible volunteering opportunities!” - Jensine Yu, Walnut Cabinet Member “I’m excited to help as much as I can and meet more people through events!” - Abigail Campos, Walnut General Member


DLT CONTACT Lieutenant Governor

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Fundraising Task Coordinator

Executive Assistant

Member Recognition Coordinator


Media Editor

Newsletter Editor

Spirit Task Coordinator

Event Coordinator

Spirit Task Coordinator

Hilary Wong d35e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Nicholas Yu d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com

Jianhao Cui d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com Ian Lee d35e.cnhkc.ftc@gmail.com

Michelle Huo Nicole Tong d35e.ea.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.mrc@gmail.com Alex Chen Kevin Lee d35e.dsec.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.me@gmail.com

Edward Garcia Paolo Abellera d35e.dne.cnhkc@gmail.com d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com Marcus Fang cnh.d35e.ec@gmail.com

Diego Martinez d35e.cnhkc.hstc@gmail.com



La Puente President

Dylan Troung dylantruong5@gmail.com

Marriana Maris marismariana81@gmail.com

Charter Oak President

Nogales President

Covina President

Northview President

Elizabeth Aviles Apollo Ti elizabeth.aviles2022@gmail.com orionapollo@icloud.com Megan Do megando1604@gmail.com

Naia Pizarro pizarronaia@gmail.com

Diamond Bar President

San Dimas President

Akash George akash.george314@gmail.

Mercedes Ung Mercedesung4@gmail.com

iPoly President

South Hills President

Daniella Laher daniellalaher@gmail.com

Michele Lam michelejyp@gmail.com

John A. Rowland President

Walnut President

Angela Yu Yu91789@gmail.com

Annika Le annikacle2003@gmail.com

Workman President

Michelle Nguyen Sparrow3310@gmail.com


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@d35east to 81010


Division 35 East









Sign up for events on our Division Calendar under the month that event takes place. There, click the event to take yourself to the sign-up form. Once done, you are all set!






KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE | https://www.keyclub.org/ KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL WEBSITE | https://www.kiwanis.org/

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