D35E | January Newsletter

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Table Of Contents 03 Letter From Your LTG 04 God’s Pantry 05 Isaiah’s Rock 07 Camp-Read-A-Lot 08 Connect With Us

Letter From THE EDITOR Hey Elephants, I hope you’re all doing well and school isn’t too stressful right now! It may not seem like it, but this term is almost over. So make the best of it and don’t forget to SERVE! As always, make sure to check out the Division Instagram and the D35E Youtube Channel!

09 Check Out Cyberkey 10 Presidents Contact 11 DLT Contact


D35E DNE, Ashley Chan

Hey Elephants! It has been a great month after Fall Rally and I have to say that I am very proud of all the service that we have continued to do even after the Fall Rally season. It has been amazing to see all of you at Rose Floats serving your hearts out this past month. As I see all the service events and DCMs that we attend, I realize that the end of the term is getting closer and closer. As sad as it is, remember that our limited time together should be cherished and we should make the most out of it! So from now on, try to go to every event that you can, make every memory that you can, step out of your comfort zone in every way that you can. I will continue to be putting my all into this division that I serve and I want to thank you all again for allowing me to serve you. Every single month I reflect upon the month and think about all of the passionate people performing service. I have to say that I am really proud of everything that we have done once again. Remember that we still have lots of events coming up and to be on the lookout for all of them on our division calendar! Even though our time together may be short, it is something that we should cherish till the very end.



D35E LTG, Daniel Min

On Saturday November 23rd, members of Northview Key Club volunteered for God’s Pantry from 7:30-12 p.m. They completed many tasks such as putting fruit into plastic bags, distributing food, and pushing the shopping carts through the line. It was a heartwarming feeling knowing that low-income families would be receiving free food for the holidays. The expressions of gratitude seen on their faces are ones that can’t be forgotten. We hope to continue to be a part of this wonderful experience of giving every fourth Saturday of the month. -


Emily Escobar, Northview Key Club Vice President & Historian

As the holiday season arrives, it is a perfect time to share the spirit of giving with others. This year for Thanksgiving, many volunteering organizations—including Key Club—spent their time packaging and distributing food and goods to the less fortunate. By comparing our lives with the less fortunate’s lives, we are grateful for the access to many of life’s necessities. It was a very memorable experience watching many families’ faces light up to the sight of their new inventory of food. This time around, the presence of rain gladly accompanied us with its showers. Because of the rain’s cold winds and large raindrops, all of the volunteers and patient gatherers found the event to be much more thrilling. Through the freezing and aching cold, the volunteers showed hard work and dedication to helping others in this event. At the end of the day, these two days were clearly well-spent as it warms the hearts of many, including mine, to know that a good deed has been done. - Rebekah Tsai, Diamond Bar Key Club


On November 27, 2019, Rowland Key Clubbers attended Isaiah’s Rock, an event helps people in need gather food for the Thanksgiving holiday. Upon arriving at Isaiah’s Rock, volunteers were greeted by kind adults that help to make the event possible. Volunteers were assigned either the distribution job, where they would help pass out food to the long line of waiting people, or the gathering job, where they would help a person in need collect the food items that were being distributed into a cart to be pushed to their car. I had the privilege of gathering the food, and along with my partner, who varied from time to time, we helped one person from the long line of people to help collect food for. Once we collected the food that the volunteers were handing out, the person would show us to their car and we would help load it in. Once that was done, we headed back to the church, waiting to be assigned someone new. After the event was nearing its end, volunteers were provided delicious chicken sandwiches and soup to warm us up. Isaiah’s Rock is truly an unforgettable event; not many service events show the direct impact Key Club has on people. Seeing families get enough food for Thanksgiving allowed many of us to witness the true effect of serving others. Personally, it made me realize the privileges many of us are granted and I believe that through events like this, we can help others to realize the same. -

Jeff Magbitang, Rowland Key Club Editor


On November 14, Walnut Key Club attended Collegewood Elementary School’s family literacy night called “Camp-Read-A-Lot.” At the event, students and parents would come together for a night full of reading activities. Each student would get a stamp card where they would have to go to a multitude of classrooms in order to complete each activity. Volunteers were assigned a certain classroom to watch over and help the students with their activity. At the beginning of the event, volunteers and students gathered at the multipurpose room for story time where a teacher read a book. Afterwards, students and their parents were told to go to the different stations in which they would complete their activities. The activity that I helped run was a word scramble game where students had to cut out letters from a slip of paper and create as many words as possible. Towards the end of the night, volunteers helped clean up and were able to eat the leftover s’mores! It was really nice to get to go back to my old elementary school to help out and visit my old teachers! -


Annika Le , Walnut Key Club Tech Editor

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