D35E | May Newsletter 2020

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May Elephant Edition



2019 - 2020 term

LTG Daniel & Class of 2020

EDITOR'S NOTE Hello Elephants!

My name is Hilary Wong and I have created the May issue for the Division 35 East newsletter. This is the last newsletter for the 2019-2020 term and I wanted to create something wholesome and heartwarming to close up our term after the adrupt and sudden changes with the cancellation of District Convention 2019. I hope you all enjoy and share this with your friends!


COVID-19 Statement Thank you LTG Daniel What is PTP? Highlights of the Term Senior Ads

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st FROM alLETTER THE LTG Hello Ellies!

This is the final letter that I will be writing as your LTG and I can't say how much of an honor it was to go on this ride with all of you. This term had its ups and downs. There were many different moments when I felt unmotivated but then, in the end, I always remembered the division that gave me so much joy and always pulled through. You were the reason this term has been so successful. You were the reason why I planned the events. You were the reason why I had the motivation to serve throughout the year. Thank you so much for everything that you've done for me, other members, and the community. Also, to put some of our accomplishments in light, we served almost 13,000 hours and raised over $13,000 for the Pediatric Trauma Program. The number of funds we raised for PTP is the most it's ever been in division history and the most hours we've served in over 3 years! There is no way we could have accomplished that without every single one of you. I know that the seniors are leaving on their own path and I hope that this term was memorable for all of you. I hope I see you all again soon. Stay safe!


Love, Daniel

Hello Elephants! As you are already aware, with the spread of Covid-19, we have decided to put a hold on all future events until the situation settles. This means that many events that had already been planned are being put on hold like our banquet.

In these situations remember to always stay positive! These events are only postponed, not cancelled, and will resume once the situation is better. At this time, please remember to practice good hygiene and social distancing to the best of your abilities in order to prevent the further spread of this virus. Make sure to continue to be proactive in your academics and use this time wisely to do something productive such as learning a new skill.

Although we are all apart, we are still all in this together. As members of Key Club, strive to exhibit the core values, and be kind in this time of fear and uncertainty. If you need anything, feel free to reach out to us.

We love you all! Stay safe!

Daniel Min & Hilary Wong District Governor & D35E Lt. Governor R13 | CNH | KCI


Lieutenant Governor


TO DANIEL: CONGRATULATIONS on such a successful term!! I'm so proud! - Bill Yen Babes. Thank you for being the one ltg I can text/call whenever I needed to. The one ltg who never failed to make me laugh & get mad at the same time! I'm so excited to see what you do in the future, so thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey! Babes forever & I will never forgive you for breaking my $70 cologne. - babes Thank you for being so inclusive and taking time to kow everyone in the club. - Rey Reynaldo My son! Congratulations on finishing your sucessful term as LTG! I’m so proud of your accomplishments and outstanding dedication towards Key Club, and I’m sure you will continue to do even greater things for the Division next term as well. Thank you for all your hard work, I’m glad I was able to work and serve alongside you for my final term in Key Club. I’ll make sure to come by and visit next year! - Justin Perez Hi Daniel! I've known you for like 4 years and you always inspire me to do great things! Thank you! - Marcus Fang Love you man <3 - William Trang


Daniel I know I tease you a lot, but I’m so proud of everything that you’ve accomplished and how much you’ve grown since freshman year. From “emergency meetings” at 2am to that horrible tiktok we made at school, I’m glad that I was able to work and get to know you better during this term. Congrats on getting District Governor and I can’t wait to see what amazing things you will do in the future. - Valerie Ov Thanks Daniel for being a great LTG. You went from being Mr.136 hours to Mr. Most-Likely-But-Still-Unsure-Future-LTGEven-Though-I-Cant-Really-Say-If-ImRunning-Or-Not to Mr.LTG and now you're Mr. District Governor. Congrats Daniel. I know you work hard and I can't wait to see what's in your future. Thanks for helping make my last year of Key Club a great one. - Chiana Chuc Dear Daniel, thank you for all the support and guidance you have shown me throughout this term. Without you, I doubt any of our successes could have happened! Thank you for teaching me some of the most important lessons I will probably have for the rest of our high school careers. Regardless of how things end up, I’m thankful to have you as a friend and dgov, and I hope the future holds good things! - Alicia Kuo

MIN Daniel might be more known for his cover of Into the Unknown or his Zumba dancing, but I know Daniel for his complete dedication to Key Club. Whether he has to bike or beg for a ride, he will get to an event no matter what. His commitment inspires me to do more for the club and it definitely inspires many others too. - Jianhao Cui

Hi Daniel! Thanks for being an amazing friend and support system! You deserve the best and I wish you the best of luck with your last year in key. -ip d13s ltg Daniel, you are honestly one of the most talented and passionate people I have met! Thank you so much for all that you have done for our division! We did GREAT this year! Good luck next year, and don’t forget that S-U-P-E-R, superstar is what you are! - Siyu Chen You may be an egg, but you were my Event Coordinator egg. Congrats on a successful term! - Wesley Lu Thank you for setting the bar high for me. You have grown so much in one term. I went from merely knowing you to being annoyed at you alot and calling you MIN. Thank you for all the crazy and happy moments and I'm excited for more in this term. I am so proud of your accomplishments and I will shamelessly say I almost cried when you got added to the newbee chat and got installed as DGOV. I will always be here supporting you and I can't wait to see what this term will bring for you and CNH. - Hilary Wong

Daniel, Thank you so much for everything you have done for us this past term and for being an amazing LTG! I’ll never forget the advice you gave me during difficult times and your weird humor that always makes me laugh. From the time I met you junior year till now, I have seen you grow a lot in Key Club and I am so happy that you reached your goals. You’re going to be a great governor next year and I can’t wait to see what you’ll accomplish! From Mika DANIELL MINN!! this is the second (?) message that I'm writing to you and I’m genuinely so happy that you’ve allowed me to do so. you’ve been the most…um…interesting person I’ve ever met: from impeaching us multiple times to telling us that you’re grateful to have such a wonderful DLT. And from telling us that you're going to work all night, to being the only DLT officer to have gotten more than 2 hours of sleep the night before Fall Rally during our first term. (yeaahh don't think I forgot about that -.- ) LOLOL all jokes aside though, I don't think I can verbally express how thankful I am for you to have been a part of my high school journey. I know that we're not that close and all, but you’ve made me laugh harder than anyone else, you’ve made cry more than I wanted to (all happy tears of course), and you’ve given me a chance to become part of your family. I'd wish you good luck, but I doubt you'll need it. So instead, I'll offer a yoshinoya gift card! ( hehe ily daniel! ) - Kaitlyn Loc


hi daniel Literally can’t express how happy i was for you when they called your name to serve as the next CNH district governor. From the very beginning of the term we joked about DGOV but now it really be a reality. Seriously no one else deserves this as much as you do and even though this may be a tough/different term with all thats going on, i know that you’re the best person that could make the best of it. thank you for all the joint events, 2am league, and random visits to my house and just all the memories of this past year being the 4th D15 CP. thankful to call you one of my best friends and i can’t wait to see all the huge things that you’re going to accomplish as DGOV and beyond that. - Nathan Hey Daniel! I can't believe it's already been a year since we've met! I remember how encouraging and incredibly nice you were to me when we first met at the Division Banquet. You were always caring and inspiring, making sure everyone felt included and happy, and always aiming high in goals. You've helped me and everyone around you grow as a person, creating positive change around you wherever you go. You really are a great friend, and a great Lieutenant Governor. You really do deserve the position of District Governor! You're definitely going to bring the District to greater heights in the next term - Angela Yu Thank you for being such a great influence to me, I joined a club where I feel like I can belong. - Nate Calara


Daniel, i don’t even know where to begin! although you tried to suffocate me with pillows, “john cena-ed” me more than i would like, and called me in the dark hours of the night only to lecture me on why i shouldn’t say im tired, i cannot express my immense gratitude towards you. this year has been one of the most exciting, fulfilling, and unforgettable years of my high school career and a lot of that is thanks to you. thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve our division and make an impact. thank you for letting me find a second family that i know i could always rely on. thank you for giving me the opportunity grow as an individual and find my passion. thank you for being a part of my key club journey, but most importantly, thank you for letting me be apart of yours! i won’t ever forget what you’ve done for me. im so proud to see how far you’ve come and can’t wait to see where you’ll go! - Alexis Andino Hi Daniel ! I’m so glad to have met you in my four year long Key Club journey. Thank you for going to so many events with me and helping me fall in love with Key Club even more !!Watching you grow for the past three years, i want to let you know that i’m so proud of how far you’ve come! I’ve always respected you for giving 200% at all times. I wish you the best next year! I’ll miss you dongseung <33 - Elmira Yilham Dear Daniel, you were the best first ltg I coul've asked for. Thank you for making me laugh! Love you! - Diego Martinez

Daniel, Thank you for always bringing Key Club so much light and happiness. Love, Gabz


Hello Mr. CNH District Governor Daniel Min, It’s finally the end of one term and the beginning of another, and even though I won’t be part of it, I hope everything goes well. I want to say thank you for a lot of things. First off thank you for making this term a great one and putting up with us for always trolling you or teasing you for the littlest things. We will probably always clown you but what can we do about that? Second, thank you for always being there for both me and the division you serve when we needed you the most. Thank you for being the LTG to lead us to being the division we are today with so many new accomplishments. Your willingness to do anything for Key Club’s success is lowkey insane in the best possible way. HAHA and thanks for also making me feel bad for you helping me do that one APES homework assignment. Just know we all do appreciate the things you have done for all of us so far. Everything you have done for everyone was to help everyone laugh and open up to each other. There is so much Key Club can thank you for that isn’t written in this letter cause I listed only a few. It was definitely an unforgettable year for so many people and clubs. You are getting the recognition you deserve because of all the time and effort you dedicate to Key Club. I hope all your sleepless nights paid off. We sincerely thank you and DLT for all the sacrifices made for Division 35 East. I wish you luck during your new term and do great things for CNH. All I can ask is if you can watch over and take care of South Hills and the rest of the division for all the seniors leaving. :) I can’t wait to see what you will accomplish in the future for both you and Key Club. - Sammy

Daniel Min! Congratulations on being elected as CNH’s District Governor! Throughout this past term, you’ve embodied what an influential and diligent role model should be. Wherever you go, you are always radiating your positive personality and passion towards Key Club and community service. I’ve seen you grow throughout the 2019-2020 term as Division 35 East’s LTG and now you are going to new heights. Alongside this, you continued to guide and motivate me throughout the term. I would like to give a huge thank you for your determination towards chartering iPoly Key Club. Without your persistence, I, myself, wouldn’t be where I am today. You have made such an impact on my life and I know you will do the same towards the hearts of the entire district. I wish you the best of luck and I know you will make the CNH district proud. - Mykaila Bongato Thank you DMIN for being a great LTG and class president partner. Your influence has inspired me and basically our entire friends group to join key club. Congratulations on DGOV! - Akash George



PEDIATRIC TRUAMA PROGRAM The Pediatric Trauma Program was established by the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation in 1994 after recognizing the serious need for education and training in pediatric trauma and injury prevention. The purpose of this program is to develop local service projects to educate people of chil- dren’s safety to decrease the number of children who are severely injured or killed due to traumatic unintentional injuries.

✻ 90% of unintentional injuries can be prevented ✻ Unintentional injury kills more children every year than any other cause—including disease, homicide and suicide! ✻ Each year, injuries to children ages 14 and under result in 234,000 hospitalizations, nearly 8.4 million emergency room visits and nearly 11.7 million visits to physiciansʹ offices

The Pediatric Trauma Program funds the training of pediatric doctors, nurses and first responders, the purchase of specialized pediatric medical equipment, and the development of community outreach. The Pediatric Trauma Program is heavily supported through the generous donations towards the Pediatric Trauma Program from clubs and members of the Kiwanis Family





KEY CLUB MOMENTS & HIGHLIGHTS OF THE TERM My favorite memories from this year were the February DCM and the Serve-A-Thon. Both were amazing experiences that I really enjoyed and I got to meet a lot of new people. I got to see so many different people in an environment outside of school and I think that it's really amazing. At the Serve-A-Thon we made dog toys for pets at shelters, bookmarks for children, and we made leis for our division. The February DCM was a big color war where we played many fun games with everyone in our division. A lot of the people I met at these events actually became my friends and we bonded over these remarkable experiences we shared. Marcus Fang | Diamond Bar


DCON 2019 By Emily Escobar | Northview Key Club| IP Vice President and Historian DCON 2019 was definitely a Key Club moment for me. I had always heard people talking about DCON, but I would have never imagined that I would end up going one day. DCON was the event that truly opened my eyes to how many people love serving for others, how many people take time out of their day for other people, but mostly importantly, how many people loved Key Club. Key Club is a club that changed my life and going to DCON was a big change for me as I was always used to going to places not too far from home. DCON made me realize that the travel was worth it because you got to experience something special that you would not have been able to experience otherwise. For the first time, I would leave the place that was once familiar to me, I would have roommates, and I would be able to meet people that I would not have been able to meet if it weren't for DCON. I am definitely grateful for this opportunity and I hope others will someday be able to experience what it is like to go to DCON.



By: Matthew Zhong | South Hills One of the most memorable moments of volunteering during this year of Key Club was probably the 97th birthday of West Covina where the president of West Covina Beautiful invited us as guests to help set up and run the event. When I first got there, I had an extreme difficulty finding where I was supposed to be, since it was a formal event we were located at a Country Club and required to wear formal clothing. Each one of us was given a specific job to do during or before the event. With Anthony Vu and Michele Lam working to sell tickets for the raffles, Jessica Cao to welcome and guide guests towards their tables, and Samantha Ngyuen to help set up the presentation and bring the flowers to the tables, and I was given the job to take pictures for the West Covina Beautiful board. Not only was the event for the new board of the 2020-2021 term for South Hills with an intention to introduce the board and make connections with the West Covina Beautiful board. Sammie our previous club president wanted to make sure the whole board had a connection with West Covina Beautiful since she was the connection between our Key Club and WCB.


SENIOR ADS Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many events and experiences are not lived through. Of us all, the seniors are recieving the bad end of the stick. They are missing many of the events they have waited their entire life for. To commemorate and thank the seniors for their friendship and hard work in key club, we present senior ads!


To all the seniors graduating this year: You are all very strong and positive. You are all great leaders who served others selflessly. I am very proud of each and every one of you. I enjoyed serving alongside you. I hope you continue your K-journey by joining CKI or even your local Kiwanis Club. Let's keep stomping towards a great future. - Ms. Price


To Debbie Yim: It is so crazy that we met but a little more than a year ago becuase of Rose Parades. It has been the best term with your constant support and homurous personality. I am always laughing when I am around you. I will miss your jokes about being a old grandma and your funny remarks. You have been such an amazing president and so reliable. I love you bean and I wish you luck on you journey in college! Don't forget about me & come back to visit. Love, Hilary Wong


Walnut Key Club


The Walnut Key Club Cabinet seniors of the 2019-2020 term have been outstanding leaders for our club that we will never forget. Our Cabinet seniors this year are Leo Chen, Natalie Fung, Amanda Ghibaudo, Jesslyn Handaja, Kaitlyn Loc, Randell Olaes, Kevin Utomo, and Jessica Wang. While serving as dedicated Cabinet members, they also balanced difficult academic classes and were heavily involved in other school organizations, such as sports teams and other service clubs on campus. Although their Key Club journey ended a bit early, they still made a great impact on our club and Division through their amount of service hours and the huge support they have given to our board and their members. In this past year, they have put in an immense amount of effort into Key Club and we would not have been able to accomplish everything we did without their hard work. The 2019-2020 Officer Board is incredibly grateful for their efforts and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors! - Annika Le


Katherine Chahda, my amazing CP. Before the term, we did not know each other but that has changed. I can always rely on her and in a way, she is like a big sister. She is the calmer and steadier half of our duo. I can't explain the bond I feel with her. Katherine's work ethic and hard working character is one I look up to and she has given me undying support. She will do amazing at whatever she persues! I love you! Love, Hilary Wong


TO OUR SENIOR KEY CLUBBERS AT IPOLY HIGH SCHOOL:Â We are very proud and glad we had the opportunity to be your sponsoring Kiwanis Club. You all did very amazing and we wish you all the best. We come you continue spreading your spirit, your passion, and your dedication to others. - West Covina Kiwanis Club


Deh-Bore-Ah Yim is one of the funniest people I know. Where ever she goes she is always making people laugh. Despite what she may think, she was an amazing president for Diamond Bar Key Club. Debbie is kind-hearted and also very frail- SO BE CAREFUL WITH HER USC. Thanks Debbie for being such a great friend this past term and I hope you watch out for the *insert British accent* rockets.


- Chiana Chuc

Valerie Ov is one of the most hardowrking person I know. She balances many things with her academics and comes out on top. Valerie is so smart and such an inspiration to me. Val is someone that made DLT so much fun and it definitely wouldn't have been the same without her. I love you Val! Love, Hilary Wong



TO OUR SENIOR KEY CLUBBERS AT NOGALES HIGH SCHOOL:Â Give yourself a pat on the back! I know there were lots of things you guys had to deal with during this school year, but you all managed to hold the club together. Gdouble O-D J-O-B! Good Job! Good Job! - West Covina Kiwanis Club


Connie Hang was the immediate past president at Covina High School and has become a dear friend of mine. Even though we didn't get to experience DCON together this year we have so many great memories that I'm thankful for. Thanks for all the fun car rides and adventures. I know that wherever your future takes you you will do well. Enjoy college and have fun with the *insert British accent* rockets. - Chiana Chuc

Hi Connie, I wanted to say thank you for your hard work at Covina Key Club! I promise I will work my hardest to make you proud! I’m glad we gotten closer this year, but sadly you’ll be going to college. I hope college treats you well! I will definitely miss you! - Megan Do


To the seniors in DLT, Spirit Scouts and Walnut Cabinet: I will save the sentiment for banquets (hopefully) but for now I will say that you guys have my heart :,) I wish you all good luck in the future and please come to visit!!! Thank you for all the memories. Love, Annika Le



To our Senior Key Clubbers at Workman High School: We would like to thank you for all your contribution to your home, school, and community. We are very proud of you all. Hopefully you will come back to visit our club like the other Workman Alumni we have in our club right now. Go LOBOS! - West Covina Kiwanis Club


Chiana Chuc. Someone that defintely became like an older sister that I wasn't looking for. The adventures, laughs, and guidance you have offered me is treasuered and I can't thank you enough for the undying support. I will miss you so much and once I start driving, maybe I'll come and visit you but only if you also to promise to come visit me. I love you Chiana! Love, Hilary Wong



South Hills Key Club President for the 2019-2020 term, Samantha Nguyen, is








Sammy was one of the first people I became





school in Key Club. DCON 2019 was where






then I knew I'd have a friend for life. We have been partners on so many different tasks and although she may be small she definitely has a lot of energy




work bar

hard. for




has and

became an inspiration for me during my time at Charter Oak. Sammy is an incredibly talented tennis player and I am so grateful to have met her and to have served with her. - Chiana Chuc


TO ALL THE SENIORS IN THE DIVISION AND ON DLT: I love you all so much! You have contributed so much to our division and you will all be missed! Thank you for you service! Come back and visit us and I wish you luck on all your future endeavors. - Hilary Wong


To our Senior Key Clubbers at South Hills High School: Â We want to thank you for being supportive to our club events. We will definitely miss seeing you all volunteering at our Pumpkin Run Event! Let's continue to spread that positive energy to the world. Keep up the awesomeness! - West Covina Kiwanis Club




From: Marcus Fang


I have known Ashley Galdamez since Kindergarten and I am so grateful that I got to serve the 2019-2020 term with her at my side. She can always make people laugh and is never afraid to speak her mind. She is a phenomenal swimmer and an amazing actress. I know that no matter what she does in the future, she will always succeed. -Chiana Chuc

Bella Manzano is one of the kookiest and kindest people I know. She knows how to bring the party anywhere she goes and always has interesting things to say. This past term she served as Charter Oak Key Club's Recruiter and she was always working hard to improve. I am very thankful to be her friend and to have been able to work with her on so many projects. Thank you Bella for always supporting me and for always making me laugh. - Chiana Chuc


It has only been a year ago that I met Sammy and became even better friends with her at DCON. She is the one of the most amazing person and presidents and this term has been a whirlwind of adventures with her. She is so hardworking, compassionate, and reliable. Sammy has brought so many laughs and memories to my term and I can't imagine what the term would've been like without her. I love you Sammy! Love, Hilary Wong



Jumider is currently a senior for Diamond Bar Highschool, and also a member of the Diamond Bar Key Club. Although I didn’t initially












Buckboard Parade, and I had a lot of fun with him! I want to thank him and all the seniors for all the work they’ve done! - Alex Chen


Alexis has this humor that I did not understand going into DLT but now, I love it and it will be something I miss. She is so supportive and hardworking, and an amazing person. From the very first time we met awkwardly at her house until now, Alexis is someone you can rely on. It's so crazy that I have merely known her for a year and I will miss her and ever senior on DLT like crazy. I love you Alexis! Thank you for my pink cowboy hat. Love, Hilary Wong


I'm Emily Escobar and I am the former Vice President and Historian of Northview Key Club for the 2019-2020 term and I was also Historian for the 2018-2019 term. I love Key Club because it gave me a sence of belonging and everyone is super nice and welcoming. It made me more confident in myself and I made a lot of new friends. I loved going to Six Flags and DCON cause those events were very eyeopening of how many people love Key Club. These are my friends from high school that I truly miss right now, but I'll see them once everything gets better.


Katherine Chahda has been one of the best vice presidents Charter Oak Key Club has ever seen. She has been incredibly active since she joined and she is always ready to serve the community. She always has my back and I am inspired by the constant amount of hardwork she puts into everything she does. She is a swimmer, valedictorian, and most importantly one of my closest friends. Thanks Katherine for all your help this past year; I couldn't have asked for a better Vice President of Treasury. - Chiana Chuc



Follow us & stay updated: Instagram: @d35ekeyclub

Facebook: Division 35 East Key Club

Remind: text @d35ekey to 81010

Division Calendar: TinyURL.com/35ecalendar2021

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