Narwhal News | D42E October 2013

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Narwhal News October 2013

Region 10 | CNH District Volume V |Issue 5

Division 42 East’s Official Newsletter Newbury Park | Oak Park | Royal | Santa Susana | Simi Valley | Thousand Oaks |Westlake

A Message from your LTG 3 August Division Council Meeting 4-5 Why did YOU Join Key Club? 6-7 Past Events - Newbury Park 8 - Oak Park 9 - Royal 10 - Santa Susana 11 - Simi Valley 12

Division Recognition 13 Current Division Points 14 Upcoming Events 15 Fall Rally Facts 16-17 Spotlight on Service/RTC 18 District Convention 2013 19 Contact Information 20-21

Table of Contents

Happy October Narwhals!

Editor’s Note

I just wanted to say thank you to each of you for the continuous submissions and to the officers for always staying on top of their duties! It’s never too late to encourage your friends to join Key Club and I hope that you’ve been promoting Key Club throughout your school! BEE positive and spirited and this Key Club year will be a great one! Swimming in service,

Mindy Nguyen Division 42 East 2013-2014 News Editor

A Message from Your LTG Hello, Narwhals! The fall season will be FILLED with service opportunities. Be sure to take advantage of this season to serve your community to the fullest. We are only ONE MONTH away from one of the biggest Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club events, Fall Rally South! Be sure to keep fundraising for Pediatric Trauma Program. As a division, I hope to raise more than $2,300 for PTP. Talk to your club presidents to see how you can contribute to our efforts. I hope to see YOU at Six Flags Magic Mountain on November 9th! Bring your narwhal spirit, dedication and pride as we fundraise for Pediatric Trauma Program. Don't be afraid to socialize with other Key Clubbers as well; we are one big OHANA! To the new members, I hope to meet you soon! Be sure to attend the October DCM where you will have the opportunity to meet other Narwhals in the division and learn more about Key Club International. I hope you all have a GOLDEN October and have fun on Halloween! Swimming in service,

Paolo Recto Division 42 East 20132014 Lieutenant Governor


August DCM The monthly Division Council Meeting was held on August 24th at the Rancho Madera Community Park along with a presidents meeting beforehand. Discussions about Region Training Conference and transportation for Fall Rally were held along with information about Spotlight on Service. The members participated in a Key Club Olympics that included fitting through a hula hoop and blowing up balloons. Overall, the day was filled with competition!



D y id YOU h W “I joined Key Club because I wanted an opportunity to help people and make an impact. In turn, Key Club impacted me in that I have a new "family". I've become friends with a lot of Key Club members not just from my own school, but also from other schools in D42E!” — Sally Deng, Thousand Oaks Member “I joined Key Club on a whim as a freshman knowing was that I had enjoyed Builders Club in middle school and volunteering. I had never heard anything else about it except that community service looked good on college apps and that Key Club offered opportunities to volunteer. Key Club changed my vision of myself and opened so many doors for me not only in Key Club, but as a person. I don't know who I would be without Key Club because it is so hard to imagine my life without all the people I have met, the volunteering, the cheering, the DCMs, and all the awesome members that I serve.” — Kaila Mattera, Santa Susana President “I joined Key Club for the original purpose of adding it to my college applications, but in time, it has allowed me to grow as a person and take a new perspective in volunteering and what hard work is all about and what it means to others. I definitely don't regret anything!” — Joseph Ko, Division 42 East Exec. Asst. “I joined Key Club for a few big reasons. First, I had a lot of friends in Key Club and I was able to see how fun and spirited Key Club is. Second, I was looking for a community service club that wasn't plain and boring - Fall Rally and District Convention make Key Club a truly unique organization where members can have a good time and still make a positive impact.” — Lauren Heller, Newbury Park President “I joined Key Club because I have always loved service and I was also in Builders Club. Now I have been in Key Club for one year and during that year, I have grown so much as a person. Key Club has impacted me greatly as I have learned how important it is to serve our community and I have also met so many incredible people that also share my passion for service.” — Breanna Scranton, Santa Susana Editor “I joined Key Club to make a difference in my community. I initially joined for the college applications, but once I learned what Key Club really was about, I fell in love. It truly has made me a better person and I couldn't be more glad that I joined.” — Donna Rahgoshay, Simi Valley Vice President “I joined Key Club not knowing what it was. As I got more and more into the activities, and what the club had to offer, I was becoming interested in helping out in the community. Key Club's been a great part of my high school experience so far, and I can't wait to see what opportunities will come our way this year. Key Club is a great place to be!” — Carly Balster, Santa Susana Public Relations “I joined Key Club as a way to get involved in the school. The longer I was a member, however, the more I did it simply because it was a great investment of time and not to mention a lot of fun.” — Ariana Berry, Thousand Oaks Member


Join Key Club? “I joined Key Club because I love the feeling of giving back to my community, meeting new people, and expanding my leadership skills. As I reflect upon my Key Club years, I realized the huge impact it made on my life. Key Club shape me into the person I am today and I wouldn't be willing to do half of the things I'm doing today, if it wasn't for Key Club.” — Gina Apinyavat, Simi Valley President “I joined the Oak Park Key Club to become involved in volunteering and fundraising opportunities that would benefit the community. By joining Key Club I was not only able to help out the Oak Park community, but I was also able support and help great charities hoping to change the world. Key Club has really impacted me. I have learned leadership skills, been introduced to so many great people, and found a way to make an impact in the area.” — Tyler Smith, Oak Park Historian “I initially joined Key Club so that I could have more opportunities to gain service hours for when I apply to universities in the future. At the time, I didn't know how much these service hours even mattered to universities; but then during my school's Club Rush that year, the current Key Club president at the time, Paolo Recto, told me about the importance of these service hours and even convinced me to join Key Club! After joining the club and finding my passion for volunteering and helping out, I decided to become the chair member for Stillwaters Café. Key Club has led me to become a daily volunteer, ranging up to 15 volunteering hours a week.” — Jeremy Wishengrad, Still Waters Café Chair “I joined Key Club because I wanted to participate in school activities. I saw how this club had events and donations which went for good causes. I wanted to be part of that group that made a change in peoples' lives.” — Asumi Tsai, Oak Park Member “I have joined Key Club because it is a great way to get involved in the community.” — Monique Garcia, Santa Susana Member “I always had an innate desire to help others when I was truly young but I never really knew how to channel that passion into a reality. It wasn't until my first fall rally that I saw the spirit for service then I took chances and joined this extraordinary organization. Little is said from that point on than that my life was completely changed. I realized through this organization that the spirit of service grows the heart, mind, and the soul and is an unbelievably important element in the fulfilled life.” — Daniel Lee, Westlake Member “I joined Key Club freshman year because during club rush Paolo was so spirited and it seemed fun. Since joining I've learned so much and I love reaching out to help whenever I can :)” — Nikolas M-Welch, Santa Susana Member “I joined Key Club in the hopes of volunteering in fun interesting activities but also proudly putting it in my college extra curriculars!” — Shawn Matharu, Santa Susana Member


Newbury Park August DCM CELESTINE SUN The Division 42 East August DCM was a day full of bonding, advice, and activities. We went over member recruitment tips and plans for the upcoming school year and participated in fun games that encouraged us to get to know our fellow Key Clubbers. Overall, the DCM prepared us for a great and exciting year of Key Club!

Feeding the Homeless NIKITA RAO The feeding at the homeless shelter was an extremely valuable experience because I learned a lot about not only responsibility but also time management. It was important to make sure the lunch bags were properly packed and orderly. Also, it was important that we wore gloves to keep the food sanitary. Volunteering at the church feeding session was a great experience and I learned valuable skills that I can use for the rest of my life. 3 NPHS Key Clubbers (Diana Tai, Mikaela Coughlin, and Maya Mehrotra) serve a buffet-style dinner to the homeless.

JULIANNA HELLER Feeding the homeless was a great experience. as a new member off key club, it gave me the opportunity to meet and interact with my fellow members. Also, it was heartwarming when serving the homeless. It was clear that they truly appreciated the food and effort we put in. Lastly, it changed my perspective on family life. As I volunteered, I observed how their lifestyle was different. Clearly, feeding the homeless was an eye opening opportunity.

Elizabeth Zhang serves corn on the cob.


Miranda Seixas serves potato salad.

Diana Tai dishes out macaroni salad during dinner service.

DANI MOORS Feeding the homeless at St. Patrick’s church with Key Club was a great way to spend a Sunday. Instead of staying home and watching TV, I was able to help people in need. Working side by side with other members of Key Club was a great way to meet new friends while still having fun. The women at the church were very helpful in making sure that everyone had a job to do. Everything was very organized and efficient. The homeless that we served were always very kind and tried to help whenever they could, such as setting up tables and cleaning up. The overall experience of serving the homeless was very fulfilling. It made me feel great to know that I made a difference in someone’s life, and I cannot wait to go back again.

Building a Volunteer Experience LAURA-CRUZ ALBRECHT Just this week, together with several other Key Club board members, I went to the local middle school adjacent to our high school to talk to middle schoolers who are part of the after school teen club about Key Club. Our High School club hopes to begin a volunteering relationship with these middle school students: to offer tutoring, supervision, and companionship. After talking first to the director of the teen club, we spoke to the children themselves, explaining to them what Key Club is, why it’s exciting, why they should care about helping others, and opening their eyes to possibilities in the future. We soon hope to return as a club to build an ongoing service relationship with these kids, and being able to speak to them first hand this week was a promising and enjoyable beginning.

Oak Park Preparation for a New Key Club Year TYLER SMITH My name is Tyler Smith, the historian of the Oak Park Key Club. The new school year is beginning and soon my school will be having an annual Club Week, and I am working to advertise the Key Club in our school and to get new and returning members. I have the challenge of making a board or other media that will catch students’ attention and interest in the Key Club and the activities and volunteering programs we do. I have decided to make a large, colorful poster board including everything people will need to know about our club on it. On top of this, the other club officers have acquired Key Club brochures and cards to spread the word and remind those who are interested in the club. I will also write out the basic information about Key Clubs and what our club specifically does at our school. With pictures, I will show what our club has done, some of the programs and events we have attended, and some of the bigger division-wide events we are hoping to go to this year. By showing new potential members what we have already accomplished and a sneak peak of all the amazing things we want to accomplish this year, I think our club will stand out as one that really makes a difference. With all the ways we are trying to get new club members, I am confident we will have a stronger club than last year, with the new members excited to help out the community.

Upgraded CATHERINE SHI This month I returned to volunteering at a local thrift store for the first time this school year. Another first-time experience about this shift? It also marked the first time that I would get to work the cash register for the store. I work the register, greet customers as they enter the store, handle the store's transactions, and bag the customers' items. What I loved about working the register was that I got to meet all the people that came to the thrift store and see what they found. People sometimes find the strangest things (empty wine bottle candle holder, anyone?), things that they see as treasures and rarities. It's always interesting to hear how someone will use a particular item. I loved acting as a cashier in the thrift shop and I'm excited to return and volunteer as a cashier for the store again.


First Key Club Meeting ZURRIAT HAIDER First meeting which was a little scary because we (our board) thought that not many people would be present but surprisingly there were a lot of key club members present. Seeing the familiar faces and some new faces made our board really happy. The meeting went really well as our president Keila led it while the rest ate their lunches peacefully. In the meeting we talked about upcoming volunteering opportunities, paying dues, and upcoming events such as wag n walk and fall rally. As the meeting came to an end, many people signed up for the community service sheets that were available at the meeting and everything went much better than we thought it would.

Club Rush KEILA KIM Royal Key Club currently attended Club Rush and was pretty successful. With all the wonderful decorations that the Key Club Board put together, students from all grades were intrigued to join the club. Tri dressed up as our very own Mighty Narwhal! It was a great sight to see others excited to attend club meetings. Next meeting will be great to see all these new faces. Thanks to everyone for coming and for everyone that helped out that day! :)


DANG TRI NGUYEN At club rush it was crazy as I was dressed as a narwhal. It was really fun recruiting people and going around yelling at people to join. From the crazy me scaring everyone, I kept good sportsmanship as I recruited people from other club. I inspired many people to join with my spirit. Even though I almost lost my voice due to all the screaming and yelling it was really fun. Many people joined and I was really happy to see them sign up. Now it would be awesome to see everyone who signed up at our meetings.


Stillwaters CafĂŠ JEREMY WISHENGRAD The Stillwaters Cafe is a ministry of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church of Simi Valley located on Cochran Street. Every Thursday between 5 and 7 p.m., the Stillwaters Cafe provides a hot, wholesome home-cooked meal for members of our community who are in need and are less fortunate or for anyone who wants a meal served in a friendly family environment. In addition to providing a meal, the Stillwaters Cafe has a food pantry stocked with items available to those who need help in providing food for themselves and their family. I enjoy going to Stillwaters Cafe every week because I enjoy the thanks I'm given for what I do. Many people come in and really appreciate all of the work that is done for them. After seeing the joy on the people's faces after my first time volunteering there, I was overjoyed at the thanks I was given and wanted to come back next week and help out some more. After months of volunteering there and getting to know the people that put Stillwaters on, along with the many people that come in for a meal, I decided to become the Key Club Chair for it because it's something I truly enjoyed doing. Now, I have 2-4 volunteers organized with me that come every single week that feel as compassionate as I do when it comes to helping out there.

Simi Valley Library CARLY BALSTER On July 12, 2013 I was a volunteer for the first time at the Simi Valley Library. The whole experience was pretty neat, and you find yourself reminiscing on all the great books you read, for all the work done was in the Children's Area. I was working with my sister, Justine, and one of Key Club's new editions, Lauren DeMent. It was a great experience, and I am looking forward to helping out in the library any way I can, once a week. Having your friends around adds to the fun, and if you are a committed volunteer, you will be gaining some valuable job experience. To say the least, it was a nice first for me. I am hoping that more of us Key Clubbers will reach out and volunteer at the Simi Library, now that they are practically new, and re-opened.

Rancho Simi Recreation Park District CHANAL NUALSUMLEE RSRPD hosts various programs and activities at parks in Simi Valley and Oak Park. With the amount of activities they put together, they rely greatly on volunteers to help them. Volunteers can help by setting up for events, helping out at the events, or cleaning up after events. No volunteer experience is required to sign up, so I highly recommend people who are new to volunteering to start here! There are a wide range of events volunteers can work at and the atmosphere is great!

Santa Susana First Key Club Meeting BREANNA SCRANTON The Santa Susana Key Club had our first meeting of the school year on September 6th. Many old members returned and we also saw many new faces. All of the officers introduced themselves and various opportunities for volunteer work were offered. Everyone was extremely enthusiastic about all that Key Club has to offer. I can tell that this will be a terrific year and I cannot wait for the memorable experiences to come!


Simi Valley Division August DCM JAMES VILLAMAYOR My experience at the August DCM was great. Not only did I just learn about what Key Club has been up to lately, but was also able to catch up with people I haven't seen due to school being up. My back was hurting the whole next day because of that game we played, but it was all worth it because it was so much fun. This DCM pumped me up for what's to come for Key Club this year! GINA APINYAVAT On August 24th I had the privileged to spend time with my narwhal ohana. It was great hearing about all the clubs getting ready for the school year. It made me excited for this key club year. Not only that but after the meeting we had a little competition between two groups. The group I was in was called Team Number 2. The first game started with us linking hands and trying to make our way through the hula hoop. As a group we learned to work together which helped us win that event. The next game we played involved balloons and seeing as a team whose balloon could go the farthest. Lastly, we had a fun water balloon toss which was great because it was such a hot day. I'm excited to see what this key club year will bring for us.

AMANDA REDUBLO You know that feeling you get when you're just around good people? That feeling when you know you're safe, you feel the trust, and overall just the excitement radiating from each individual? I always have that feeling whenever I'm with my Narwhal Nation Ohana. During the month of August, we had a special DCM because this was all about being a team and working together to reach a goal. In order to do that, encouragement and teaming together were truly emphasized during this event. Every event had a certain meaning behind it. The hula hooping chain represents how the team sticks together no matter how hard a situation gets. The hula hoop is the challenge. When the team successfully goes through the hula hoops, they literally got through the challenge together. Blowing up balloons then releasing them mean that you don't always get to where you need by yourself. It's okay to rely on each other for support. And water balloons, just added the fun into the division on a hot day! Although these activities are odd from a non key clubber's perspective, when we look behind what we're doing, it defines Key Club as a whole. Not everyone may understand what we do, but as long as we work together and have fun, that's all that really matters. And that's why we have the feeling of being safe, having trust, and joy in any Key Club event or DCM.


Officer of the Month

Member of the Month

Donna Rahgoshay

Andrea Magat

Simi Valley

Santa Susana

Club of the Month

Oak Park

Congratulations! YOU might just be recognized next month!


Current Division Points Newbury Park Oak Park Royal Santa Susana Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Westlake 14

232 153 207 315 240 43 52

U p c o m I n g

E v e n t s

October 12 Region 10 Training Conference 11AM-4PM Alpha Resource Center Santa Barbara, CA

October (TBA) Division Council Meeting November 9 FALL RALLY! Six Flags Magic Mountain Valencia, CA (Spirit Night TBD)

Be sure to save these dates on your calendar! 15

R a l l lly a F What is Fall Rally? Fall Rally is an event held every year at Six Flags to raise money for Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP)! LTGs and Executives can be “auctioned” off and the winning division will get to spend time with the bought officer!

How many Fall Rallies

When is it?

November 9th, 2013 from 9AM-6PM!

are there? Two! Since the CNH district is so huge, two rallies are held; one in Northern California in October and one in Southern California. FRN is held at Six Flags Magic Kingdom while FRS is at Six Flags Magic Mountain.

How much has been fundraised for PTP? Last year, FRN and FRS fundraised over $100,000 for the Pediatric Trauma Program. That’s a lot of money!


s t c Fa Which rally session is Division 42 East in? This year, we are participating in the rally with Region 13 again! D42E is in Rally 3 along with all the other divisions in Region 10. Our rally is at 2PM at the Golden Bear Theater!

How much are tickets? Pre-sale (by October 18): $30 After pre-sale: $34 Season pass holders: $5

What should you bring? YOUR SPIRIT!!!!! (along with money and full spirit attire, of course.)



District Convention April 11-13, 2014 @ the Sacramento Convention Center

To Service!


Contact Information 20

Paolo Recto Lieutenant Governor

Joseph Ko Executive Assistant

Daniel Lee Executive Assistant

Mindy Nguyen News Editor

Donna Rahgoshay Spirit Coordinator

Spirit Coordinator

Lorraine Dionisio Spirit Coordinator

Serena Lee Fundraising Chair

Ryan Luong Fundraising Chair

Jessica Ji Member Outreach

Contact Information

Nathan Valencerina


“We say “HOO!” (Clap clap) We say “HA!” (Clap clap) We say Hoo! Ha! You wish you were a narwhal, HOO! HA! You wish you were a narwhal!”

Thanks for reading!

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