Comparation&Contrast Essay

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Daenna Gonzรกlez Bilingual English III Group 330 MEI Daniel Acosta October 04, 2017 Changes in the courtship process over the years Nowadays it is impossible to imagine a kind of caregiver walking between a couple in their first date. But many years ago, that was the right thing to do, in fact, it was so usual; the men were who must carry out all the complicated process, the women always decide if show interest in the suitor and let him continue the harder steps or ignore him. For those days, it was completely different the process that a couple must carry out to engage a formal relationship. Since keeping the eye on the girl, trying to talk a little with her when arise chances, showing interest, trying to get in good with the parents visiting her house, and then realize if her parents like you or not and believe that you are the right man for their daughter. Finally, if you are a lucky man and they finish liking

you, you have to prepare your own parents and receive the future parents-in-law as great as possible in your house, with a delicious dinner, good music, etc., always trying to amaze them.

First, as we know, the past times could be ignorant in many ways, as like getting married just by economic interests. But most of the truth is that by these times the love was the first sense when you keep the eye in a girl, the impossibilities or hard circumstances to get her do not matter a lot, because always the love becomes first, the true love. But one of the worst things was that if you want to at least walk in the park with her you have to accept that wherever you will go with her, there will be the caregiver between both of you. And be very careful with trying to kiss the lips of the girl, or you could die. Only after the marriage, you could start experiencing the passion or satisfy the sexual attraction that maybe started since the courtship, and that was no problem, but always

while being after the wedding. And needless to say, if the family realizes that the couple had sexual relations without being married, it was taken as a complete shame and lack of respect to everybody, mainly to the parents.

But today, it is completely different the process, the things, the customs, the people ideals, and the ways that most of the present people carry out to see the world. it is also said that the people of today is not as ignorant as the people of many past years. But we are a little more wrong than them because today most of the boys do not take seriously the courtship with a girl, even neither the girl, and that is worse if you think clearly about it. The teens of today have sexual relations with anybody without know about the girl or boy’s parents, if he studies, if he is not a bad person, even without know the real purpose from the other person with them. They only focus on the pleasure or today’s tendences, like the common said teens phrase: “if you are still virgin you are a loser”. Even it is

pretty common that the parents of your couple realize about your courtship a few months before the wedding, and that is so real.

That could be because today’s parents are so rushed for time for many reasons, mainly the job. They are not even aware of their son’s relationships, they only focus on the work and bring money to home to eat, get dressed, sleep, and by the next day continue with the everybody’s awful routine. We should start being a little like the past years people, when the love was truly a challenge that needs dedication, time, much, much tolerance, to finally get the reward: the lady.

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