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Chemistry II

PIA Group 220 Teacher: César Valero Natalia Daenna González Viera Luis Roberto González Guajardo Jorge Alberto Cantú Reyes Andrés Eduardo Reyes Gómez Natividad Aron De León Ramírez

1. CHEMICAL REACTIONS AND GLOBAL WARMING a) The carbon cycle b) Steps of the carbon cycle c) Symbolic representation of the main chemical reactions made on the carbon’s cycle d) What is causing the increase in the atmospheric CO2? e) Effects of the increase f) How do chemical reactions interfere in the global warming? g) Proposal and personal posture about the actions that should be done about the global warming 2. WATER CARE & QUALITY a) Domestic usage of water and draining b) Rain water in storm rain. Main Pollutants c) Water in dams: Pollutants in rivers and streams, treatments for its use in water. 3. EFFECTS & CAUSES OF ACID RAIN a) Main emission sources b) Effects 4. OIL AND THE HHYDROCARBONS a) Carbon atom characteristics b) Organic compounds properties c) Benefits and risks of hydrocarbons d) Hydrocarbons damage the environment? 5. CONCLUSIONS


Steps of the Carbon Cycle STEP 1. Carbon enters the atmosphere as carbon dioxide from respiration (the breathing) and combustion.

STEP 2. Carbon dioxide is absorbed by producers as plants, to make carbohydrates in photosynthesis. These producers then put off oxygen.

STEP 3. Animals feed on the plants. Thus passing the carbon compounds along the food chain. Most of the carbon that these animals consume however is exhaled as carbon dioxide, through the process of respiration. The animals and plants then eventually die.

STEP 4. The dead organisms are eaten by decomposer in the ground. The carbon that was in their bodies is then returned to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. In some circumstances the process of decomposition is prevented. The decomposed plants and animals may then be available as fossil fuel in the future for combustion.

Symbolic representation of the main chemical reactions made on the carbon’s cycle

What is causing the increase in atmospheric CO2?

Global warming is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases. 72% of the totally emitted greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide (CO2), 18% Methane and 9% Nitrous oxide (NOx). Carbon dioxide emissions therefore are the most important cause of global warming. CO2 is inevitably created by burning fuels like e.g. oil, natural gas, diesel, organic-diesel, petrol, organic-petrol, ethanol. The emissions of CO2 have been dramatically increased within the last 50 years and are still increasing by almost 3% each year.

Ocean Acidification The oceans are the Earth's largest carbon storage medium, so if the atmospheric CO2 increase were "natural", it would likely be coming from the oceans. But we know the CO2 increase is not coming from the oceans, because the pH of the oceans is dropping (a.k.a. ocean acidification).

Oceanic CO2 Rising Fastest at the Surface

If CO2 were being driven into the ocean from the air, the oceanic concentration would rise fastest at the surface. If CO2 were being expelled from the oceans,

we would expect to see the opposite - decreasing concentrations at the surface.

Atmospheric O2 is Decreasing

Burning carbon requires oxygen (O2), and when we burn an atom of carbon, the required oxygen becomes part of the CO2 molecule. So if the CO2 increase is caused by burning carbon (fossil fuels), we would expect atmospheric O2 levels to decrease at the same rate.

CO2 Rise is Smoother than Temperature

The CO2 rise is in response to the temperature rise. However, the temperature rise has been quite erratic (because there are many factors which impact the average global temperature, especially in the short-

term). If atmospheric CO2 changes were in response to temperature changes, then we would expect to see an erratic rise in CO2 as well. Instead, the atmospheric CO2 increase is very smooth, similar to the increase in human CO2 emissions.

Isotopic Signature Carbon is composed of three different isotopes: carbon-12, 13, and 14. Carbon-12 is by far the most common, while carbon-13 is about 1% of the total, and carbon-14 accounts for only about 1 in 1 trillion carbon atoms in the atmosphere. CO2 produced from burning fossil fuels or burning forests has a different isotopic composition from CO2 in the atmosphere, because plants have a preference for the lighter isotopes (carbon-12 and 13); thus they

have lower carbon-13 to 12 ratios. Since fossil fuels are ultimately derived from ancient plants, plants and fossil fuels all have roughly the same carbon-13 to 12 ratio – about 2% lower than that of the atmosphere. As CO2 from these materials is released into, and mixes with, the atmosphere, the average carbon-13 to 12 ratio of the atmosphere decreases.


The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole. Since 1906, the global average surface temperature has increased between 1.1 and 1.6 degrees Fahrenheit (0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius)–even more in sensitive polar regions. And the effects of rising temperatures aren’t waiting for some far-flung future–signs of the effects of global warming are appearing right now. The heat is melting glaciers and sea ice, shifting precipitation patterns, and setting animals on the move.

The planet is already suffering from some impacts of global warming: •Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles. This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.

•Many species have been impacted by rising temperatures. For example, researcher Bill Fraser has tracked the decline of the Adélie penguins on Antarctica, where their numbers have fallen from 32,000 breeding pairs to 11,000 in 30 years.

•The sea level has been rising more quickly over the last century.

•Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine plants have moved farther north or to higher, cooler areas.

•Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average.

•Some invasive species are thriving. For example, spruce bark beetles have boomed in Alaska thanks to 20 years of warm summers. The insects have chewed up 4 million acres of spruce trees.

Other effects could take place later this century, if warming continues: •Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters) by the end of the century, and continued melting at the poles could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters).

•Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger.

•Floods and droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years.

•Less fresh water will be available. If the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru continues to melt at its current rate, it will be gone by 2100, leaving thousands of people who rely on it for drinking water and electricity without a source of either.

•Some diseases will spread, such as mosquito-borne malaria (and the 2016 resurgence of the Zika virus). Ecosystems will change: Some species will move farther north or become more successful; others won’t be able to move and could become extinct.

•Wildlife research scientist Martyn Obbard has found that since the mid-1980s, with less ice on which to live and fish for food, polar bears have gotten considerably skinnier. Polar bear biologist Ian Stirling has found a similar pattern in Hudson Bay. He fears that if sea ice disappears, the polar bears will as well.

How do chemical reactions interfere in the global warming? Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a byproduct of the combustion--or burning--of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have burned increasingly greater amounts of fossil fuels for energy.

During the process of combustion, O2 reacts with glucose (C6H12O6, a form of sugar) to produce water and CO2. As the organic matter burns, chemical energy in the form of heat and light is released. The following chemical equation describes the chemical process of combustion: 6 O2 + C6H12O6 --------> 6 H2O + 6 CO2 + energy.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are anthropogenic compounds; that is to say they are created by humans. There is no known natural source of these greenhouse gases which contain chlorine, fluorine, and carbon.

Methane (CH4) can occur in a number of ways. The one that may have the largest impact on the climate occurs in freshwater wetlands, such as rice paddies. As the area of land used for rice paddies grows to feed the growing human population, so does the amount of methane it produces. During the microbial metabolic process of methanogens, acetate (CH3COOH) is split into CO2 andCH4:

CH3COOH --------> CO2 + CH4.

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a byproduct of nitrification and denitrification--the natural processes by which NH4+ and NO3-, respectively, are biotically transformed

Tropospheric ozone (O3), a constituent of smog that irritates the eyes and lungs of many city inhabitants, is a greenhouse gas that can be produced from another greenhouse gas CH4 + 4O2 --------> HCHO + H2O + 2O3.

Another source of tropospheric ozone is atmospheric nitrate (NO2). First, the nitrate is broken down into nitric oxide (NO) and a single atom of oxygen (O): NO2 + sunlight --------> NO + O then, the atom of O combines with a molecule of O2 to produce O3: O + O2 --------> O3 The net reaction, which is in equilibrium, is: NO2 + O2 <--------> NO + O3

Proposal and personal posture about the actions that should be done about the global warming

Personal posture:

It was a big step in the right direction. But it’s important to remember the equally vital contributions that can be made by private citizens which is to say, by you. There’s no other way, if it doesn’t start with people. The goal is simple. Carbon dioxide is the climate’s worst enemy. It’s released when oil, coal, and other fossil fuels are burned for energy the energy we use to power our homes, cars, and smartphones. By using less of it, we can curb our own contribution to climate change while also saving money.


LED lightbulbs use up to 80 percent less energy than conventional incandescent. They’re also cheaper in the long run: A 10-watt LED that replaces your traditional 60-watt bulb will save you $125 over the lightbulb’s life. Gas-smart cars, such as hybrids and fully electric vehicles, save fuel and money. And once all cars and light trucks meet 2025’s clean car standards, which means averaging 54.5 miles per gallon, they’ll be a mainstay. If all Americans kept their tires properly inflated, we could say 1.2 billion gallons of gas each year. A simple tune-up can boost miles per gallon anywhere from 4 percent to 40 percent, and a new air filter can get you a 10 percent boost. You can offset the carbon you produce by purchasing carbon offsets, which represent clean power that you can add to the nation’s energy grid in place of power from fossil fuels. But not all carbon offset companies are alike. Do your homework to find the best supplier.



CHEMISTRY II Integrative Activity Stage 3

Group 220 Natalia Daenna González Viera Jorge Alberto Cantú Reyes Luis Roberto González Guajardo Andrés Eduardo Reyes Gómez Natividad Aron De León Ramírez

4. OIL AND THE HHYDROCARBONS Carbon Atom Characteristics

• The carbon is an element which is represented by the letter “C” in the periodic table, its atomic number is 6, so it contains 6 protons in its nucleus. • As a member of group 14 on the periodic table, it is nonmetallic and tetravalent-making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.

• The most common isotope of carbon has 6 protons and 6 neutrons, and has an atomic mass of 12.0107amu.

• Its ground state electron configuration is 1đ?‘ # 2đ?‘ # 2đ?‘?# . • Its name is derived from the Latin “carboâ€?, which means charcoal. • Its oxidation state ranges from 4 to -4. • It has an electronegativity value of 2.55 on the Pauling scale. • It is a solid and sublimes at 3642°C (It has the highest sublimation point of all the elements). • It is at the block p. • It is solid at room temperature. • Its key isotopes are: đ??ś (# , đ??ś (* , đ??ś (+ . • Its allotropes are: diamond, graphite, graphene, amorphous, and fullerene.

• Its density is of about 3.513 (as diamond) and of about 2.2 (as graphite).

Organic Compounds Properties

Organic Compounds are those who chemical formula contains at least one carbon atom, and often contain a hydrogen atom as well. The bonds formed between the carbon and hydrogen atoms to form a hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbons are very strong. The resulting compounds is often essential to living things.

• The term organic compound applies to molecules that contain a “significant” number of carbon atoms. • They must contain carbon-to-carbon bonds or carbon-to hydrogen bonds. • They are present in living things. • The hydrocarbons are high propensity of burning.

Organic compounds contain what is called functional groups, a structural unit made up of groups of atoms in a molecule that are bonded to the rest of the molecule by a covalent bond; this bond forms between the functional group and a carbon atom from the main body of the molecule. • They are categorized in different classes: Alkanes Alkenes Alkynes

Aromatic compounds And others

An isomer is a molecule with the same molecular formula as another molecule, but with a different chemical structure. That is, isomers contain the same number of atoms of each element, but have different arrangements of their atoms. Isomers do not necessarily share similar properties, unless they also have the same functional groups.

In organic chemistry, a hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon, and thus are group 14 hydrides. Hydrocarbons from which one hydrogen atom has been removed are functional groups, called hydrocarbyls. Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes), alkanes, alkenes, cycloalkanes and alkynebased compounds are different types of hydrocarbons. The majority of hydrocarbons found on Earth naturally occur in crude oil, where decomposed organic matter provides an abundance of carbon and hydrogen which, when bonded, can catenate to form seemingly limitless chains.

Benefits and Risks of Hydrocarbons

Benefits: Hydrocarbons are used daily to produce energy, fuels, and also produce substances to produce materials. Hydrocarbons are currently the main source of the world's electric energy and heat sources (such as home heating) because of the energy produced when burnt. Often this energy is used directly as heat such as in home heaters, which u se either petroleum or natural gas. The hydrocarbon is burnt and the heat is used to heat water, which is then circulated. A similar principle is used to create electric energy in power plants.

Risks: The compounds of hydrocarbons have toxic gases for human health.

Ingest: • Lung, respiratory symptoms are coughing, choking, wheezing and wheezing. Symptoms of respiratory distress such as persistent cough, cyanosis, intercostal retraction, tachypnea. • Generally, they are irritants of mouth, pharynx and intestine. • Central nervous system, unusual symptoms such as lethargy, stupor and coma are unusual.


• The lung is the main target organ of hydrocarbon toxicity. Pulmonary toxicity appears primarily through aspiration. • The risk of aspiration depends on the properties of viscosity, volatility, and surface tension of the hydrocarbon.


• Dermatitis: it causes skin irritation and itching, the skin in this state facilitates the absorption of the components of the oil. • Irritation of the eyes by contact with drops of oil. Some components may be absorbed through the cornea.

Hydrocarbons damage the environment?

The unpleasant side is that they are very polluting. Plastics last more than 100 years in degradation, solvents contaminate soils and water, burning of fuel produces gases such as CO2 that pollutes the atmosphere, among other problems. Hydrocarbons are a class of compounds primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen, and they are major components of oil, natural gas and pesticides. These substances contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming, deplete the ozone, increase occurrences of cancer and respiratory disorders, reduce the photosynthetic ability of plants and, in the notorious form of oil spills, do untold damage to ecosystems.

5.Conclusion We think that most of the human activities produce or cause problems to our environment, in other words, to our planet. Activities such as driving (cars, trucks, motorcycles, airplanes or other vehicles) and activities of a great variety of industries produce or make a lot of pollutants; these pollutants pollute the air, the water, and also the earth, they may also affect our health by causing health problems or diseases. There are also many other activities that the humans do and that affect our planet, for example, there is very big problem with the trash and the wastes, because some people throw their thrash on the streets, on the earth, on rivers, or in other places or ecosystems; in addition, some people burn all this thrash or wastes, producing more air pollution. And also many industries throw their wastes to rivers causing problems with the water of this rivers. As a team we think that the humans must have to try to produce less pollution by using the “RRR” (also Known as “3R”), in other words, by recycling, reusing, and reduce. Also other thing that we may do, is to use less the vehicles that use fossil fuels, in the other hand we may use vehicles that do not need a fossil fuel, such as bicycles; and also we may walk more. In these last stages, we learned to differentiate the elements from others taking into account their chemical and physical reactions, in addition to knowing their structures and materials from which they are made. In this activity, everything that we have learned during the semester is set. We could say that chemistry is a factor that determines quite the path that society has developed over the years, and this will not stop growing and continue to improve. We can use hydrocarbons as fuel. Hydrocarbons can be burned to release energy. Provides energy quickly and is moderately reliable. The amount of carbon dioxide released can be controlled. The amount of other gases released, such as sulfur impurities, may also be reduced by being refined further. But if the hydrocarbon is burned in a limited supply of air, incomplete combustion occurs as there is insufficient oxygen to burn completely. Carbon monoxide, a poisonous gas, is release. If air supply is really restricted, carbon can be released as soot and smoke. The solid particles can be a respiratory irritant. Soot contributes to global dimming; the particles reflect the sun's rays back away from earth. Oil and coal contain sulfur compounds. When they burn, they release sulfur dioxide. As well as being a respiratory irritant, sulfur dioxide is dissolved by rain, making acid rain. This damages limestone buildings it also changes the PH of the soil. About my personal conclusion I’d learned that there is a very extensive theory about different chemistry factors that we can use it to do experiments to discover chemical reactions. There are several physical properties that affects in many ways the reactions of substances and then the science studies that reactions. In general, I discovered new learnings that I don´t saw in my old school, some topics were difficult to understand but the teacher explained us patiently and we learned easily the topics in Chemistry. Finally, the importance of knowing the physical properties and the structures of an atom; the periodic table is very important too. But I have to say that the balance equations were so difficultly to know about them and their process.

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