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Je nach Lichteinstrahlung verändert sich das Aussehen des „LUMA Arles Tower“ | The appearance of the “ LUMA Arles Tower ” changes depending on the way the light falls

Even from afar, the “LUMA Tower”, located in Arles in southern France, sparkles in the sunshine. At first glance, the structure on the LUMA creative campus seems like an alien edifice amidst the picturesque surroundings. But a closer look reveals the local references that award-winning architect Frank Gehry incorporated into his design. The circular atrium, for example, is reminiscent of the Roman amphitheatre of Arles. The facade, with its projections and recesses, mimics the contours of the Alpilles, the mountain range that rises to the northeast of the city. For the silver cladding, consisting of 11,000 stainless steel panels, Gehry took his inspiration from Van Gogh’s masterpiece “Starry Night”, which the artist painted in nearby SaintRémy-de-Provence. It is a dazzling architectural statement recognised by the renowned Architectural Digest (AD) as one of the outstanding “Works of Wonder” in 2022.

Erlesene Luxus-Villa für höchste Ansprüche

Villa to meet discerning requirements

Diese Traumvilla befindet sich in Top-Lage im mallorquinischen Son Vida. Nicht nur der atemberaubende Weitblick bis zum Meer und nach Palma macht diese Residenz zu einem besonderen Schmuckstück. Auch die perfekte Südwestausrichtung sorgt für Sonne satt im 681 m² großen Gebäude und auf dem Grundstück. 2017 erbaut, überzeugt es mit moderner Eleganz. In puncto Ausstattung setzte der Bauherr auf erstklassige Qualität der Materialien und Verarbeitung. Ein 17 Meter langer Infinity-Pool, Indoor-Schwimmbad, Sauna und ein großzügiger Sportbereich bieten ausreichend Möglichkeiten zum Relaxen. dahler.com/meerblick-villa-son-vida

Die weite Aussicht reicht über Palma und das offene Meer bis zum Horizont | Expansive views over Palma and the open sea to the horizon

Angebot freibleibend.

This dream property is in a highly desirable location in Son Vida, Mallorca. It’s not just the breathtaking views to the sea and Palma that make this residence such a special gem. The perfect south-west orientation also guarantees full sun in the 681 m² building and surrounding grounds. Built in 2017, it epitomises contemporary elegance. For the interior fittings, the owner insisted on top-class materials and finishing. A 17 m long infinity pool, indoor swimming pool, sauna and spacious exercise area offer plenty of opportunities for relaxation. dahler.com/meerblick-villa-son-vida

01. Das Exterior dieser Villa besticht durch Modernität | The exterior of this villa captivates with its contemporary style 02. Der lichtdurchflutete Wohnbereich mit deckenhoher Fensterfront | The light-flooded living area with floor-toceiling glazing

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