Dhaka, Sunday 29 September 2019
/ Feature
Dubalhati Rajbari: Ruined glory of Naogaon Abdur Rahman Rahad daily-bangladesh.com Published : 08:00 PM, 28 September 2019 Saturday | Updated: 08:01 PM, 28 September 2019 Saturday
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The world is moving forward in creation and destruction. Someone is dealing with a creation and someone made the destruction. On the other hand, many historical past is destructed for some irresponsible person of the authority. The golden past of any nation in the whole nation to gain a better future. As a result, the past is also important like the prese We are Bengali; we have lots of historical places all around the country. The monuments of history are scattered in various places of Bengal. Among them, Dubalhati Rajbari of one of the greatest historical places in the country.