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Central Transit provides mini-bus transportation in and around the Ellensburg area seven days a week. City of Ellensburg voters approved additional funding for the service in 2017, and routes were revised in 2019.

Stops include grocery stores, Central Washington University and extending to West Ellensburg and the west Interstate 90 interchange. e service is free, with donations welcome.

All buses are wheelchair accessible.

Buses operate every day except major holidays. For bus routes, schedules and tracking map, go online to ci.ellensburg. wa.us/centraltransit or call 509-9332287 on weekdays.


Dial-A-Ride and paratransit services are o ered through HopeSource in Kittitas County for those who qualify. Paratransit services are available to those with a disability that prevents using Dial-A-Ride or Central Transit. Visit hopesource.us or call HopeSource for more information at 509-933-2287.


e Yakima-Ellensburg Commuter runs Monday through Friday between Ellensburg and Yakima. e bus stops at Central Washington University, by Super 1 Foods on Mountain View Avenue and by Safeway in Ellensburg. e service also stops at the Yakima Airport, YVCC, the Yakima Transit Center, Selah and Firing Center Road.

Fares are: one-way $5; monthly pass $150. e service only operations Monday through Friday, with additional service when CWU is in session.

In Ellensburg, passes are available at Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce, and the CWU Wildcat Shop.

For more information, go online to www.yakimatransit.org, or call Yakima Transit at 509-575-6175. Follow @yakimacommuter on Twitter.


Greyhound has a bus station in Ellensburg near the Love’s truck stop at the west interchange. Visit greyhound.com.

Bellair Charters has a bus route that serves Yakima, Ellensburg, Cle Elum, North Bend, Sea-Tac Airport and downtown Seattle. Ellensburg stops are at CWU Starbucks and Love’s Truck Stop. For more information, go to www.airporter.com.

Important Numbers

Emergency Contact Information

Police, Fire & Medical Emergencies............ 911 After work hours water & sewer issues, animal control, electric & gas.........(509) 925-8534 Report all spills...................................(509) 962-7230 To reach the business office during work hours Ellensburg Police................................(509) 962-7280 Animal Control...................................(509) 962-7246 Kittitas Valley Fire & Rescue................(509) 933-7231 Parks & Recreation.............................(509) 925-8638 Ellensburg Public Library......................(509) 962-7250 Building, Planning & Zoning.................(509) 962-7231 Start/stop water, sewer, electric or gas service at a home or business....(509) 962-7201 Call before you dig - Line Locates ............ 811 City Hall City Hall 501 N. Anderson St Ellensburg, WA 98926 501 N. Anderson Street Ellensburg, WA 98926

Visit us at https://ci.ellensburg.wa.us


If you need to switch your out-of-state license to a Washington license, go to the driver license o ce at 605 E. Mountain View Ave in Ellensburg. Schedule an appointment by visiting dol.wa.god or call 509-925-9290. You can renew licenses online and get more information at: www.dol.wa.gov.

To switch over your vehicle title, registration or plates, go the Kittitas County Auditor’s O ce in the courthouse in downtown Ellensburg, 205 W. Fifth St. Suite 105. A licensing subagent is located at 504 E. Mountain View Ave, Suite 2, next to the movie theater. In Cle Elum, go to Mitchell, Reed and Schmitten Insurance, 803 W. First St.

Renew online at fortress.wa.gov/dol/tabs/.


If you live in Kittitas County, you’ll need to learn the ins and outs of driving over Snoqualmie Pass on Interstate 90. During the spring and summer, drivers can expect at least some level of construction between the Columbia River and Puget Sound.

Most longtime residents check travel cameras on WSDOT’s Snoqualmie Pass website and the weather forecast before traveling during the winter, and carry chains if they don’t have studs or snow tires. WSDOT’s Twitter feed is another good resource. You also can call 511 or listen to the highway advisory radio at 530 AM and 1610 AM. For more information, go online to wsdot.com/tra c/passes/Snoqualmie.


ose searching for an on-street parking spot on an Ellensburg city street near Central Washington University should be aware of the city’s Residential Parking Zone restrictions. e Residential Parking Zones, or RPZ, are in residential neighborhoods immediately adjacent to the campus of Central Washington University. e RPZ program was initiated after citizens with residences near the CWU campus complained they couldn’t nd a nearby parking spot. People who want to park in a RPZ area during the day are required to display a city-issued RPZ permit or they will receive a citation. To get a permit, bring proof of residency (i.e. a copy of a lease), ID or mail address to an address within an RPZ to the payment desk at City Hall. You’ll also need vehicle information. ere is no cost for the permits.

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