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Pet friendly
from 2021 Wayfinder
by Daily Record
pet friendly friendly

People love their pets in Kittitas County, and animals of shape and size are welcome.
ARRF in Upper Kittitas County puts on a variety of events throughout the year for pet lovers, including the annual Dog and Troll Olympics and a Halloween costume contest for pets. In Ellensburg, hundreds of dachshunds take over downtown in June for the Dachshunds on Parade festival.
Th e city of Ellensburg off ers two off leash dog parks. One is at the entrance to Rotary Park and includes fenced areas for large and small dogs. Another off -leash park is on the back side of Carey Lake (also called People’s Pond). Th at spot off ers water access for dogs.

All dogs and cats 5 months and older need to be licensed and have record of a rabies shot in the city of Ellensburg.
Get licenses, or fi nd more resources or a pet to adopt, at the Ellensburg Animal Shelter at 1007 S. Industrial Way.
Visit ci.ellensburg.wa.us/781/ animal-control-division
Annual licenses and proof of vaccinations are required for dogs and cats more than 3 months old Roslyn as well. Licenses are required for dogs in Cle Elum and Kittitas.
leash dog parks. One is at the entrance to Rotary Park and includes fenced areas for large and small dogs. Another off -leash park is on the back side of Carey Lake (also called People’s Pond). Th at spot off ers water access for dogs. cats more than 3 months old Roslyn as well. Licenses are required for dogs in Cle Elum and Kittitas.

e Ellensburg Animal Shelter provides shelter for up to 900 dogs and cats a year, and is happy to help animals nd new homes. Around the county, multiple independent agencies also conduct adoption and animal welfare programs.
In Upper Kittitas County, the nonpro t ARRF Animal Rescue promotes animal welfare, and sometimes o ers spay/neutering vouchers for lowincome pet owners, missing pets and adoption services, and a pet food bank. e group opened an animal shelter in Roslyn in 2017.
Contact ARRF at arrfanimalrescue@ gmail.com. ey’re online at arrfanimalrescue.com, and keep an active Facebook page helpful for people looking for lost pets.
Kittitas County Friends of Animals also works on spay/neuter for cats and works to take strays to no-kill shelters or new homes.
Contact Kittitas County Friends of Animals at kcfoa2002@gmail.com.
Find them online at kcfoa.org.
ose wanting to help neglected, abused or homeless horses — or need help with a horse they can no longer care for — can contact Rodeo City Equine Rescue. e all-volunteer, nonpro t RCER provides safe and healthy foster homes for horses and cows while helping with rehabilitation or nding new homes.
Contact RCER at rcer@ rodeocityequine.com or 509-968-9566. Learn how to donate to the cause or volunteer online at rodeocityequine.com or nd them on Facebook.
Dogs must be on their leash at all times when out and about in Ellensburg, Roslyn, Kittitas and Cle Elum. (With the exception of the city of Ellensburg’s new o -leash parks).
Each household can have four chickens in the city of Ellensburg. ey must be housed in an enclosed coop to keep them safe from the weather or predators. No roosters allowed. e coop should include an open space or “run,” and o er at least 10 square feet of space per chicken.
Coops must be at least 25 feet from neighboring homes and 10 feet from any property line, unless it’ll abut an alley.
Beekeeping in the city of Ellensburg is allowed, with some restrictions. It is permitted on property zoned residential low density and residential suburban. No more than four colonies or hives are allowed on properties 7,000 square feet or larger. Properties less than 7,000 square feet may have up to two colonies or hives.
Report animal problems in Ellensburg to animal control at 509-962-7246. Outside of Ellensburg, contact the county emergency dispatch service, Kittcom, at 509-925-8534, and it’ll get in touch with law enforcement.
For issues with dangerous wildlife, call the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s non-emergency line at 877-933-9847.