4 minute read
Be heard
from 2021 Wayfinder
by Daily Record

ere are plenty of ways to speak up in Kittitas County, and local residents aren’t shy about sharing their opinion.
Most local government meetings are open to the public and accept public comment. You can share your thoughts in person, by letter, by phone or email.
Many local governments actively seek volunteers to serve on various commissions, boards and advisory groups. Contact City Hall in your community for more information.
You can watch many Ellensburg meetings live on television or online through a webcast on ECTV2.com. ECTV broadcasts Ellensburg City Council and Ellensburg School Board meetings, for example.
Kittitas County commissioners broadcast meetings at www.co.kittitas. wa.us/boc/. Click on “agendas, minutes and videos” on the left.
Video of Hospital District 1 meetings is posted online www.kvhealthcare.org/ agendas-minutes/.
In the Upper County, local government meetings are broadcast by Inland Networks.
e Kittitas County Auditor’s O ce oversees elections, ballots and voter registration in Kittitas County. You can register to vote online through the Auditor’s O ce website or the Secretary of State’s website. Online registration requires a Washington State ID or driver license. If you do not have a Washington state driver license or ID, you must register using a paper form or in person. You can return the paper form by mail, email or fax to the Auditor’s O ce.
Washington residents vote by mail, and ballots are sent out three weeks before the election in Kittitas County. Ballot dropboxes are located at the courthouses in Ellensburg and Cle Elum, and at the SURC at Central Washington University.
e three-member Board of County Commissioners meets regularly about county issues at the County Courthouse at 205 W. Fifth Ave. in Ellensburg. Regular business meetings are at 10 a.m. on the rst and third Tuesdays of the month, with additional committee meetings throughout the week. e three commissioners are Cory Wright, Laura Osiadacz and Brett Wachsmith.
For more information, call 962-7508 or email bocc@co.kittitas.wa.us. e
CITY GOVERNMENTS City of Ellensburg
e Ellensburg City Council meets the rst and third Mondays of the month at Ellensburg City Hall, 501 N. Anderson St. e city manager is John Akers. Meetings are shown live on ECTV, Channel 191, and archived online at www. ectv2.com. e city’s website, www. ci.ellensburg.wa.us, is a great tool for people to get information and even make complaints about something within the city. People with questions also can call the city manager’s o ce at 962-7221 to be directed to the proper department.
City of Cle Elum
e Cle Elum City Council meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at Cle Elum City Hall, 119 W. First St. e city’s administrator is Robert Omans and the mayor is Jay McGowan. e city’s website is www.cityofcleelum. com.
City of Roslyn
e Roslyn Council meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at Roslyn City Hall, 201 S. First St. e city’s mayor is Brent Hals. Email links for the mayor and Council members are online at www.ci.roslyn.wa.us.
City of Kittitas
e Kittitas City Council meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month at Kittitas City Hall, 207 N. Main St. e mayor is John Camarata, and the city’s website is www.cityofkittitas. com.
Town of South Cle Elum
e South Cle Elum City Council meets at 7 p.m. the rst and third Tuesdays of the month at Town Hall. e mayor is Jim DeVere.
School board meetings
Meetings usually are canceled when dates con ict with school holidays. Please check with school district o ces for upcoming meeting dates. • e Ellensburg School Board meets at 7 p.m. second and fourth Wednesdays at the City Council Chambers at the Ellensburg City Hall. Meetings are shown live on ECTV, Channel 191, and archived online at www.ectv2.com. • e Cle Elum-Roslyn School Board meets at 6 p.m. second and fourth Mondays in the library of the Walter Strom Middle School, Cle Elum. • e Kittitas School Board meets 7:30 p.m. third Wednesdays in the Board Room at 505 N. Pierce St., Kittitas. • e orp School Board meets 6:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesdays at the orp School, orp. • e Easton School Board meets 6:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesdays at Easton School, Easton.
OTHER GOVERNMENT Hospital Districts
Kittitas County has two hospital districts that oversee the operation of Kittitas Valley Healthcare. Hospital District 1 serves lower Kittitas County and Hospital District 2 serves Upper Kittitas County. Meetings are open to the public, and commissioners are elected. For more information, go to: www.kvhealthcare.org/boardmeeting-schedule/.
CWU Board of Trustees
Central Washington University Board of Trustees meets regularly at Barge Hall, Room 412. Most meetings start at 9 a.m. Agenda details are posted at www.cwu.edu/ trustees/board, and public comment is allowed by registering in advance. CWU Board of Trustee meetings are livestreamed at: video.cwu. edu/. e chair of the board is Keith ompson.