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from 2021 Wayfinder
by Daily Record

Ki itas County has groups that offer a variety of services, from business development to social services. The county has three food banks, a cold weather shelter, two senior centers and various groups for veterans.
All of Kittitas County is served by the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce. It has o ces in Ellensburg at 609 N. Main St. ( e Driver House) and in Cle Elum at 312 W. First St. e chamber provides a variety of services to its more than 500 members, including marketing and networking, and sponsors community events that attract residents and visitors. It operates co-working spaces in downtown Ellensburg and Cle Elum, and has active tourism and economic development departments. e chamber’s sta is led by chief executive o cer Amy McGu n, and has a board of directors from the business community.
e EDA focuses its services on Ellensburg historic downtown core. e scope of the EDA’s mission ranges from installing new planters and benches in the downtown core and decorative lights on the buildings to helping businesses improve their storefronts to organizing multiple events, including the season-long Hometown Holidays, Buskers in the Burg in September and the Hoedown in the Downtown. e EDA’s sta is led by director Karin Green and the o ce is in the renovated Elks Building, 119 W. Fifth Ave.
Visit www.ellensburgdowntown.org.
HopeSource is a private, nonpro t provider of human services in Kittitas County. Its range of services include transportation, housing, Hope University, conservation services, energy assistance programs, nutrition, weatherization and support services. It has o ces in Ellensburg at 700 E. Mountain View Ave., Suite 501, and in Cle Elum at 110 Pennsylvania Ave. e purpose of the organization is to serve the needs of low-wealth households and to move people toward self-su ciency. HopeSource’s CEO is Susan Grindle.
Visit www.hopesource.us.
Elmview’s purpose is to provide services to people with developmental disabilities. e range of services includes sta ed residential, in-school, employment, Ticket To Work (through the Social Security Administration), crisis services, senior nutrition and adult respite. e main o ce is at 204 E. Sixth Ave. in Ellensburg. Phone 509-9256688. Visit www.elmview.org
e Adult Activity Center, 506 S. Pine St., is Ellensburg’s senior center. e facility is the location for senior meals, wellness programs, activities, a computer lab and holiday events. It is also the staging site for senior trips to destinations around the state. e facility is available for rent. Katelyn Clavette is the coordinator. Phone 509-962-7242.
e Putnam Centennial Center, 719 E. ird St., is Cle Elum’s senior center. It also is a place for numerous community functions and events. e center serves breakfast and lunch Monday through Friday. It is also the place where people gather for bridge, bingo, exercise classes and crafts. Visit www.centennial-center.org. Phone 509674-7530
e RSVP and Volunteer Center of Kittitas County is the place where people with an interest in volunteering can nd a t for their skills and interests. e group’s stated mission is to engage persons 55 years and older in volunteer service to meet critical community needs.
RSVP maintains a list of groups and agencies in need of volunteers, and runs a weekly listing in the Daily Record on Tuesdays. RSVP is at 1206 N. Dolarway Road, Suite 219. Phone (509) 962-4311. Visit www.rsvp-wa.org/ellensburg.
FISH (Friends in Service to Humanity) Food Bank has a food pantry and serves hot meals to those in need throughout Kittitas County. It operates a food collection and distribution center at 804 Elmview Road. Phone 509-9255990. Visit kvh sh.org
HopeSource operates a food bank and mobile van that serve the Upper County at 110 Pennsylvania Ave. in Cle Elum. For more information, call 509-9251448.
Visit www.hopesource.us/nutrition.
APOYO, which stands for Allied People O ering Year-Round Outreach, is a food bank founded in 1999 is located at Brook Lane village. Phone 509-9294112. Visit www.apoyofoodbank.org.
e Kittitas Valley Ministerial Association and local volunteers operate a cold weather shelter during the winter months in Ellensburg that rotates among local churches. e shelter operates from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., and volunteers are always needed. Call 509859-3693 for morez information.
ere are various groups for veterans in Kittitas County, including the American Legion and VFW. e Kittitas County Veterans Coalition is at 507 N. Naneum St., Suite 117 in Ellensburg.
Central Washington University also has Veterans Center on campus. Phone 509-933-2932.