Portland State Vanguard

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68 | ISSUE 9 VOLUME 68 | ISSUE 33 | MAY 6, 2014 VOLUME 69

OCTOBER 8, 7, 2014 2013

a seat at the table psu board oF trustees seeKs New studeNt represeNtatiVe





The Food For Thought advisory board appeals to bring the studentrun cafe back to PSU. pg. 6

Student Trustee Pamela CamposPalma speaks out about her resignation in a letter to the editor. pg. 9

We finally uncovered what the Rock was cooking all along at the Rebel Craft Rumble. Hint: It's a quirky wreath. pg. 16

Vikings soccer had a strong showing, helping PSU to a lead in the Dam Cup against rival Eastern Washington. pg.23

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