2 minute read

Queen’s Corner

By Autumn Whiteleather

Hello Everyone, I hope that everyone enjoyed their holidays with friends and family. I loved seeing photos of families all together smiling and braving the cold weather that we had around the holidays. I enjoyed mine with my family at many gatherings.

Recently as your Ohio Holstein Queen, I have been back in local elementary schools preaching about our industry. I actually just did a lesson about an overview of the life stages of a Holstein cow. I started out with photos of calves and ended with a photo of a cow in the milking parlor. I explained to the students about the different types of feed and bedding that the cows like and need. I was saddened about the number of students that had no clue about where their milk or butter came from. Even when my reign is up, I would like to continue spreading knowledge about our industry because it is so important to educate others.

With that being said, I wish best of luck to the contestants who will run to be the 2023 Ohio Holstein Queen. My best advice for you is to be yourself and take a chance. When I was the queen, I was nervous many times. I attended so many different shows where I did not know a single person, but I stayed true to myself and stepped out of my comfort zone and met new people, which I am very thankful for. I also would like to give you some tips! Always remember to wear shoes that you can wear in dirt or sawdust, pack extra snacks and drinks in your bag, especially when it’s 90 degrees in the summer, allow for help, especially from kiddos and bring thank you cards to hand out at the end of shows. While at shows, I had multiple ribbon helpers, and also show coordinators helping me stay organized.

I would like to personally thank everyone who has helped me during shows, and for being so kind to me during my time as queen. I will cherish this experience and it has impacted me as a person to be more of a leader and go-getter. I had so many opportunities to publicly speak, and preach about our industry and to share with them what all of us are so passionate about – the Holstein cow.


about contests such as dairy bowl, dairy folding display, prepared speech, scrapbook, and banner. At the state convention, Junior Members can express their interest in contests for the National Holstein Convention and take a knowledge exam to earn a spot on the dairy bowl teams.

Check out the Ohio Junior Holstein Facebook page for practice questions leading up to the exam! If you are not able to take the exam in person, please contact the advisors below.

Opportunities through the National Junior Holstein Association are more than the contests. Juniors will be able to travel, network, and make lifelong friends in the dairy industry. MAKE YOUR PLANS TO ATTEND THE STATE CONVENTION BY FEBRUARY 3RD!

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