March 2019
十才 岁征 音服 乐听 天众
Musical wonder wows audiences See page 2
2018 Porsche Macan.
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哈法商会中国之旅 China trip felt like home p. 4 & 5
海参营养补充剂即将上市 Sea cucumbers harness health benefits p. 7
社区庆春节活动回顾 Community Chinese New Year Celebrations p. 7 & 8
“口”及口字偏旁汉字 The kou symbol and related characters p. 10
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
March 2019
• Cover Story
十岁音乐天才征服听众 Alex Yang钢琴小提琴双琴齐飞扬 翻译:JULIANA WANG Alex Yang身着一身黑色站在台上的三 角钢琴旁,他看起来就是一个十足的钢 琴家,应该说小钢琴家,因为他只有十 岁。但当他的琴弦在小提琴弓上轻松地 拉来拉去时,你会觉得他不止 十岁。 最近的一个星期天下午,Alex在Lilian Piercey音乐厅作为大西洋音乐学校高 年级学生演奏团的一员参加了演奏。不 用乐谱,只有钢琴为伴, Alex生动活 泼地演奏了一曲费奥科的《快板》。这 首曲子他十天前刚刚学,只是听录音并 勤奋练习了十天。 演奏结束后他说: “现在还没怎么找 到曲子的节奏呢。” 但Alex有信心四月份一定能把它练熟, 届时他将用这首曲子参加加拿大音乐竞 赛。在此之前,Alex已经多次赢得各种 小提琴和钢琴比赛了。去年,他在全国 钢琴比赛中获得了银奖。今年三月底, Alex将会在NS省同济会音乐节上演 奏。他在去年的同济会音乐节上收获了 好几个第一名以及 Gordon Murray明日 之星奖。 Alex说: “我演奏时感到很开心。我 觉得演奏有点像表演,我在演奏悲伤的 乐曲时就要表现得忧伤一点。” 去年秋天,Alex曾受邀在政府大楼举行 钢琴独奏音乐会。他的演奏曲目有肖邦 的曲子,还有他最喜欢的作曲家贝多芬
的曲子。 Alex是哈利法克斯文法学校五年级全A 学生,他既喜欢钢琴也喜欢小提琴。两 种乐器他都擅长,因为他拥有一种 叫 “绝对音高” 的天赋。这种听觉现象 一万人中才有一人会有,拥有此种天赋 的人能够不用基准音调就可以分辨并再 现任何一个音符。 对于自己可以快速学会乐曲的能力, Alex说:“一般来说所有音程与和弦我 都能听出来。” 绝对音高在他坐在家中弹钢琴或拉小提 琴时是一个很好的优势,但塞车堵在路 上时对他却没什么好处,因为他对噪音 敏感,卡车的引擎声或者车轮摩擦声 Alex听起来可能都像刺耳的E 音符。 Alex把他的绝对音高天赋归功于他妈妈 高莹。妈妈怀着他时听了很多古典音 乐。他四岁半还在北京时就开始学钢 琴。后来全家搬到了哈法,八岁才开始 学习小提琴。 他的音乐老师都是市里很好的老师。他 师从Lynn Stodola的钢琴课和Gillian Smith的小提琴课。他的父母很感激来 自NS省天才基金会在学费上给他的资 助。Alex最近刚通过了钢琴九级考试, 他也打算过几年教音乐。 音乐并不是Alex生活的全部。他也打羽 毛球、游泳,喜欢吃披萨和中餐。他还 梦想将来去上耶鲁大学,在那里辅修音
Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Translations: Fenfei Xiao, Juliana Wang Cover photo: Michael Creagen
Published By: The Chronicle Herald Custom Publishing Manager, Partner Solutions: Lindsey Bunin Sales: For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or
Last fall, Alex was invited to give a solo piano recital at Government House. Contributed by Michael Creagen 2018年秋,Alex受邀在政府大楼举行钢琴独奏音乐会。
Musical wonder wows audiences ALLISON LAWLOR Standing on stage beside the grand piano, dressed all in black, Alex Yang looks like a professional - only smaller. He is only 10 years old. But when his bow moves effortlessly across the strings of his violin you would think he was older. On a recent Sunday afternoon at the Lilian Piercey Concert Hall, Yang plays as part of the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts Senior Student Recital. With no sheet music, and only the piano to accompany him, Yang performs a lively Allegro by J. H. Fiocco. He learned the piece 10 days before after listening to recordings and practicing diligently. “It’s not even up to tempo yet,” he said after his performance. But Yang, a multiple music competition winner for his ability to play both violin and piano, is confident he will have the piece perfected by April when
he performs it for the Canadian Music Competition. Last year, he received a silver prize for his piano playing at the national competition. In late March, he’ll perform at the Nova Scotia Kiwanis Music Festival. Last year, at Kiwanis his playing earned him several first-place spots and the Gordon Murray Rising Star Award. “I feel happy when I am performing,” he said. “It is kind of like acting. When I am playing a sad piece I have to act a bit sad.” Last fall, he was invited to give a solo piano recital at Government House. His repertoire included pieces by Chopin and Beethoven, his favourite composer. The straight-A, Grade 5 student at the Halifax Grammar School loves both piano and violin. Gifted with a rare ability called perfect pitch, he excels on both instruments. The auditory phenomenon, which allows a person to
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
March 2019
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 identify or re-create a given musical note without a reference tone, occurs in an estimated one in 10,000 people. “Normally I could hear all the intervals and chords,” he said about his ability to quickly learn a piece of music. Perfect pitch is a wonderful asset when sitting at his grand piano at home or playing his violin, but not so helpful when he’s stuck in traffic. Sensitive to noise, a truck engine or grinding wheels can sound like a deafening note of E to him. Yang credits his mom, Ying Gao for his perfect pitch. She listened to a lot of classical music while she was pregnant with him. When he was four and half years old, he started piano lessons while still living in Beijing. After Yang and his parents moved to Halifax, he started violin at age 8. His music teachers are some of the best in the city. He takes piano lessons with Lynn Stodola and violin lessons with Gillian Smith. To help pay for lessons, his parents are grateful for the financial support he has received from the Nova Scotia Talent Trust. Having recently passed his Grade 9 piano exam, he also plans to teach in a couple of years. Music it isn’t everything in Yang’s life. He plays badminton, swims, loves
Alex Yang is a student at the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts. Photo by Allison Lawlor Alex 是Maritime Conservatory 表演艺术学校的小提琴学生。
pizza and Chinese food and dreams of attending Yale University, where he might study music as a minor. Most days you’ll find Yang practicing one hour on piano and 30 minutes on violin. His parents don’t usually have to ask. It’s not always easy. Sometimes he gets frustrated figuring out a new piece. But he sticks with it. “Nothing in the universe is confusing when you think about it,” he said.
上接第2页 乐。 通常Alex每天练习钢琴一小时,练习小 提琴半小时,父母一般不需要督促他。
练琴并不总是很容易,有时揣摩一首新 曲子会让他感到挫败,但他总 能坚持下来。 他说:“只要用心去想,世界上没有 解不开的难题。”
We carry sea cucumbers, a freezer devoted to only sushi products, seaweed salad, assorted live crabs, and many other items. ㄦ␔㢝㢮ℶ❐᧶䀆♑ᇬ⚓伊ಯ漋䞮ರ 儶Ⓔ䀆漫✛⺎⚇㠨䚕歮㧟ᇬ䀆噫㼨 㕘ᇬ㿊媈䷘㠿漫䀆ℶᇭ⚛㢅㶱扝✷ 幱㒠ⅻ䤓㦻⦿扟抐㦜┰ᇭ 607 Bedford Highway | Halifax Nova Scotia | B3M2L6 | (902) 443-3474 |
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打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
March 2019
• Travel
哈利法克斯商 会中国之旅 翻译:肖芬菲 很多哈利法克斯商会(Halifax Chamber of Commerce)2018年中国之旅的参与 者都表示,中国之行是一次非常难忘的 经历。 “我参与此次旅行前没有带有任何预设 和期望,我是怀着一种很开放的心态去 旅行的。”Menchefski女士是参与 “中国之旅”的哈法商会的代表之一。 “中国是一个非常美丽的国家,人们非 常好客和友好。”
法商会与Citslinc国际公司合作提供给 美国和加拿大商会会员的活动。与哈法 商会一同参加本次旅行的还有新斯科舍 省的另外两个商会,悉尼商会和安娜波 利山谷商会。 本次旅行参与者游览了北京、上海、苏 州和杭州四个城市,参观了紫禁城、喇 嘛庙、明十三陵、豫园、长城、颐和园 等具体景点。此外,中国商会额外地提 供了去西安参观兵马俑 的行程。 “这个项目增加了我们的收入,也是我 们一直想尝试的项目之一。”哈法商会
四位来自哈利法克斯商会的代表在紫荆城合影留念。 Representatives of the Halifax Chamber of Commerce at the Forbidden City in Beijing. From left to right: Becky Davison, Emma Menchefski, Ashley Stobo and Patrick Sullivan.
CASINO NOVA SCOTIA Fridays & Saturdays 5pm - 10pm
*Player’s Club pricing. Regular price $49.99. Some conditions apply.
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Travel •
March 2019
China trip felt like home KATIE INGRAM For many who attended a recent chamber of commerce trip to China, it was an unforgettable experience. “I don’t think I want into it with any expectations; I went in with an open mind.” says Emma Menchefski, communications specialist with the Halifax Chamber of Commerce. Menchefski was one of the Halifax Chamber representatives who took part. “It’s a really beautiful country; it was really welcoming and warm.” The 11-day trip was offered in partnership with Citslinc International Inc. to chambers across the United States and Canada. Along with Halifax, several Nova Scotia chambers took part over the course of the year, including Sydney and the Annapolis Valley. Attendees visited four cites: Beijing,
Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou, and specific sites like the Forbidden City, Lama Temple, Ming Tombs, Yu Garden, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. Some chambers offered an additional trip to Xi'an to see the Terra-Cotta Warriors. “It’s a revenue generator for us and it’s something we wanted to give a try last year,” said Becky Davison, fellow attendee and the Halifax Chamber’s Director of Marketing. “We were happy to give our members an affordable trip to China that was reputable.” About 126 of current and retired Halifax members from 20 to 30 different organizations within took part. Both Menchefski and Davison say feedback has been positive. While it was designed to “just be a trip,” said Menchefski, many of their members were able to network and form possible business relationships.
“It wasn’t done with the idea of doing business with China when we went, but we learned about how their businesses run,” she said. “(Trip attendees) still got a glimpse of how things work over there … with on a trip they might not do on their own.” Much of this positivity was credited to the trip’s tour guides. “The tour guides were really good and gave us insight into day-to-day life,” said Menchefski. An aspect Menchefski liked was the level of familiarity, despite being in a different country, on the other side of the world. “It just reminded me so much of home; it was nice to see,” says Menchefski. As the trip was designed to just be a vacation-like excursion, Davison and Menchefski were glad they and others were able to visit a place with such a
storied history. “The Great Wall was incredible,” says Menchefski. “It was life-changing just to be standing on it and feeling the history was incredible.” For Davison, she liked Shanghai. “The way they grew that city in such a short period of time, the infrastructure they put in place and the fact they didn’t struggle with busing and public transportation and roads was amazing,” she says. “(It’s because) they managed to make smart decisions and grew it quickly.” For their 2019 trip, the Halifax Chamber of Commerce is considering several other places, including Taiwan, India and South Africa. But since this past year was so successful and well-liked, they have plans to go back to China in 2020. “It was wonderful experience,” says Menchefski.
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打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
⎧৲нӵӵᱟа 䚃㖾ણ Bêche 㩕ޫ伏૱ޜਨণሶ᧘ࠪ俆⅑㻛࣐བྷڕᓧተ䇔
Dr. Reem Abuzaytoun sits in the Steele Ocean Sciences Building at Dalhousie University. ᵜ᮷䇠㘵൘ᡤቄ䊚ᯟབྷᆖⲴ6WHHOH⎧⌻、ᆖᾬሩ 5HHP $EX]D\WRXQঊ༛䘋㹼Ҷ䟷䇯
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Consumers will get a pure product loaded with potential health benefits from Bêche Nutraceutical supplements. %mFKH㩕ޫ伏૱ޜਨⲴ⎧৲㩕ޫ㺕ࡲݵሶሩӪփᨀཊڕᓧⲴᑞࣙDŽ
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Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
Culture •
March 2019
文化 ADVERTORIAL Continued
Sea Cucumbers Are More Than Just a Delicacy Bêche Nutraceutical harnesses health benefits in new supplements coming to market The powerful substances found in a marine animal with a 20-centimetre long tubeshaped body found off Nova Scotia’s coast intrigue Dr. Reem Abuzaytoun. Dr. Abuzaytoun’s fascination with the Cucumaria frondosa, also known as the orange-footed sea cucumber, led her to study the oil extracted from it for five years as part of her doctorate degree at Dalhousie University. Her intimate knowledge of the healthy substances contained within the tiny sea animal makes her excited about Bêche Nutraceutical’s new dried sea cucumber supplements coming soon to market. “The extracts contain bio-active ingredients. They will help prevent diseases and cure diseases,” says Dr. Abuzaytoun, now a part-time faculty member in the Chemistry and Physics Department at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax.
Not to be confused with vegetables, sea cucumbers are marine animals that have been eaten and used in medicines in Asia and the Middle East for centuries. In North America, more and more research is being done on sea cucumbers. Promising results published in several medical research journals show they contain a long list of beneficial substances, including antioxidants. Bêche Nutraceutical’s sea cucumber supplements will offer a wide range of health benefits from providing relief for arthritis pain to improving cardiovascular health to slowing down the aging process, says Dr. Abuzaytoun. The supplements may also help to cure diseases. “It is rich in carotenoids. These antioxidants are powerful,” she says. “They are used in cancer therapy.” The orange-footed sea cucumber is
high in chondroitin sulfate, an important component of human connective tissue found naturally in human cartilage and bone. Chondroitin is a major component of cartilage that helps it retain water. “It will minimize the pain caused by arthritis,” she says. Sea cucumbers have also been found to be rich in compounds called triterpene glycosides, which possess antifungal, antitumor and immune-boosting properties. Dr. Abuzaytoun’s studies showed in addition that the sea cucumber harvested in Nova Scotia is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, specifically EPA. Evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease and may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. When choosing supplements from Bêche Nutraceutical, Dr. Abuzaytoun believes
consumers will get a pure product loaded with potential health benefits. The procedure the company uses to produce the sea cucumber supplements is a good one that doesn’t compromise bioactive properties. “Temperature fluctuations are used to break down the fibers without losing the nutrients,” she says. “They don’t use any chemicals.” Of the more than 1,700 species of sea cucumbers around the world, Dr. Abuzaytoun thinks Nova Scotians are lucky to have the one known for its unique properties, including carotenoids, so close to home. She is excited Bêche Nutraceutical is making it easier for health-conscious consumers to benefit from the sea animal. “When consumers choose a nutritional supplement, they are looking for something that can prevent disease and cure diseases,” she said. “The best product will be Bêche.”
Cucumaria frondosa is a marine animal with a 20-centimetre long tube-shaped body found off Nova Scotia’s coast. ेᶱ⎧৲ᱟа൘ᯠᯟ、㠽ⴱ⎧ ฏਁ⧠Ⲵ䓛䮯 ৈ㊣㇑⣦䓛փ Ⲵ⎧⌻ࣘ⢙DŽ
Chinese New Year Banquet 新斯科舍省华人 协会新年晚宴 See more photos on page 8
Photos by Roger Zhang
打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
March 2019
• Culture
Photo contributed by the Province of Nova Scotia
Chinese New Year Celebration by the Province of Nova Scotia
The annual Chinese New Year Banquet was held this year on February 9 at Casino Nova Scotia. The event featured a wide range of cultural performances that deeply captivated the audience, including Peking opera, Sichuan opera Bian-lian , Chinese calligraphy, cultural dances, erhu and guzheng and more. Photos by Roger Zhang 由新省华人协会举办的农历新年新春晚宴已经有十几年的历史。今年2月9日,拿省 华人协会猪年新春晚宴在Casino Nova Scotia举办。晚会节目丰富精彩,水准一流, 包括变脸、戏剧、书法、名族舞、歌唱、古筝和二胡等,给中加观众们带来了一场 视觉和听觉的盛宴。
On February, 2019 Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil was joined by Communities, Culture and Heritage Minister Leo Glavine, Immigration Minister Lena Metlege Diab and Dr. Steven Guo, director of the Confucius Institute at Saint Mary's University to celebrate the Chinese New Year and the Year of the Pig with a reception at the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. The event, which featured culture displays, performances, and other celebrations, was attended by more than one hundred people including Nova Scotia university presidents and faculty, international students, Chinese business leaders and local Chinese immigrants. Nova Scotia is the first province in Canada with a formal engagement strategy with China.
2月6日,新斯科舍省政府在省美术馆 举办2019年新春招待会,庆祝中国农 历猪年。新斯科舍省省长斯蒂芬.麦克 尼尔(Hon. Stephen McNeil),省社 区、文化和遗产厅厅长里欧.葛拉文 (Hon. Leo Glavine),省移民厅厅长莉 娜.梅格蕾.迪亚(Hon. Lena Metlege Diab)以及圣玛丽大学孔子学院中方院 长郭朝阳出席了本次活动。 本次庆祝活动包含了中华文化体验和文 艺表演等环节。新省高校代表、中国留 学生、华人企业家及当地新移民上百余 人欢聚一堂,喜迎新春。 新斯科舍省是全加拿大首个发布对华合 作战略的省份。
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March 2019
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打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes
March 2019
• Language
The ‘口’ symbol and its related Chinese characters QIANYI GAO Chinese language learners learn the word ‘吃(chi)’ in their early learning stage. The word means ‘to eat’, and it’s easy to imagine the left box mimicking a person’s mouth. Although initially the word specifically referred to ‘stuttering’, the left part ‘口’ means ‘doorway’. For animals, including human, it means ‘mouth’. Since the ‘口’ symbol was also one of the members of the "prolific" component when forming Chinese characters, let’s talk about this in this edition. Firstly, let’s see the basic meaning of ‘口(kou)’, and how to write the character. The word is a noun, meaning the point of an entrance or an exit, and the extended meaning can be a mouthshaped anything, such as the tinny broken part of a bowl. We write this character with three strokes. First,
draw the vertical line on the left, and then draw a number ‘7’ from the top of the line. This is the second stroke. The last stroke is the bottom horizontal line, drawing from the left to the right. Where does a ‘口’ locate in a character? The majority of the characters with a ‘口’ radical formed themselves with ‘口’ on its left, just as the character ‘吃’ did. Yet, it might be on the top or the bottom of one character. 号hao(roar or name), 员yuan(person or member), 呈cheng(petition, submit or show)are some of the examples for it to be on the top part of a character. 召zhao(summon), 名ming(naming or a name), 告gao (tell) are examples for it to be on the bottom part of a character. The characters with a ‘口’ component are closely related with the word‘口’. The function of ‘口(kou)’ was well described by ancient Chinese character dictionaries: the organ for people to
speak and eat, and the characters with a ‘口’radical inherited these meanings. For instance, ‘exhort repeatedly’ is 叮咛(ding ning),‘urge again and again’ is 嘱咐(zhufu),‘nagging’ is 唠叨 (laodao). These verbs emphasize on the action instead of the content of the speech. Some characters only describe the sounds coming out from a mouth. For example, cry is ‘叫jiao’. Here are some more examples:吱(zhi), a mouse’s cry; 吠(fei), a dog’s cry; 嘶(si) ,a horse’s cry; 呱(gu) , a newly-born baby’s cry; 叹(tan), to sigh; 吵(chao), to qurrel; 吼(hou), shout; 哽咽(geng-ye), choke when cry; and 嚎啕 (hao-tao), cry extravagantly. Characters with a ‘口’ radical can express movements of both entry and exit. 吃(chi, to eat) and 喝(he, to drink)are for taking food into our body. With the same ‘mouth’, things can also exit the body. Some examples
include 吐(tu, spit or vomit), 呼(hu) and 吸(xi) . The character ‘呼’ means exhalation, and‘吸’ inhalation. The two together forms the word ‘breathe’(呼吸 hu-xi). We’ve mentioned in the first paragraph that the earlier meaning of the character ‘吃’(chi) was ‘stuttering’ , and gradually, more meanings were added to it. Adding, eliminating and changing meanings have been common practices through the Chinese Character history. Here are some other examples. ‘喝(he)’ was an immediate order to stop, scolding or alerting somebody. But later it also became ‘to drink’. ‘号(hao)’ originally meant ‘shout’, and later, it also meant ‘name’. Now, we know that ‘to drink’ was not the first meaning for the character ‘喝(he)’. But what character would express the action of drinking? Let’s talk about it in our next edition.
“口”及口字偏旁汉字 高倩艺 汉语学习者在早期阶段学习“吃chi” 一词。因为这个词的意思是进食,所以 他们很容易把左边的方形想象成是一个 人的嘴。没错,其左边的“口”字偏 旁,原本就是“口”这个汉字过去的。 口,对于人类及动物来说,首先是指 嘴。由于这个符号在构字时也十分“多 产”,我们就来聊聊它吧。 先解释“口”的基本含义,以及如何书 写。它是名词,意思是出入口,延伸的 意思可以是嘴形的任何东西,比如瓷器 的缺口等。字符虽然是一个四方形,却 只有三划。首先,画好左边的垂直线, 然后从线的顶部再写数字“7”。这是 第二笔。最后一笔是底部的水平线,笔 顺可是从左到右哦。 再来看看“口”在一个字的位置。
“吃”字和大多数口字旁汉字一样,口 字旁在字的左侧。不过,这个部件也可 能位于字的顶部或底部。如“号”、 “员”、“呈”这几个字,“口”就在 顶部;“召”、“名”、“告”就在底 部。这些都是常用字。
口字偏旁汉字可以表达“入”,也可以 表达“出”。正如中国学习者所知, “吃”,“喝”是摄入;然而,这张 “嘴”有时也会“吐”东西出来。其他 好例有“呼”和“吸”。“呼”意思是 气息出去,“吸”意思是气息进来。合 起来又成了“呼吸” 一词。
很多口字偏旁的字跟“口”字的意义关 系很密切。古代汉字词典很好地描述了 “口”这个字的功能:“人所以言食也 “(《说文的解字》意思是人用来说、 吃的(器官)。不少口字旁的汉字继承 了这些含义。例如,叮咛这两个字,叮 嘱这两个字,唠叨这两个字。这些表示 说话类的动词,可能是强调说的动作, 而不是内容。
在古代,“吃”字的含义是“口吃”, 随着时间的推移,其含义渐渐增多。增 减和更改含义,这些情况自汉字创制以 来一直发生着。以下是其他例子。如 “喝”原意“训斥”,后来逐渐添加了 进食液体的含义。“号”原本是指大声 喊叫,而逐渐添加了“名字”等延伸的 含义。
有些甚至是没有内容的“说”,只是由 嘴送出声音。例如,叫;还有,老鼠叫 吱,狗叫吠,马叫嘶,新生儿的哭声 呱;“叹”气,争“吵”,怒“吼”, 哽咽,嚎啕。
所以我们知道在古代,“喝”并不表示 人和动物摄入液体的意思。但古代也必 须有一个词来表达“喝”的含义。那是 一个什么字呢?那个字现在还用不用 呢?我们将在下一期详解。
口字偏旁汉字可以表达“入”,也可以 表达“出”。“呼吸”一词就是很好的 例子。 Characters with a ‘口’ radical can express movements of both entry and exit. The word “breathe” makes a good example.
Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东
上接第4页 营销总监Becky Davison女士也参与了 此次旅行,她说:“我们很高兴能够为 我们的会员提供价格实惠、内容丰富的 中国旅行,这次旅行非常成 功。 截止到现在,已经有大约126名来自 20 至30个不同组织的哈法商会现任及退 休会员,参与了本届和往届的“中国之 旅 ”的活动。Menchefski和 Davison 表示,大家对旅行的反馈都是积极的。 “虽然活动的初衷仅仅只是‘一趟旅 行’,但是许多会员都在旅行中建立了 潜在的商业联系。”Menchefski说。
March 2019
点。 Menchefski说:“中国很多地方都能 让 我想起家乡,这很有意思。” “长城令人难以置信!”Menchefski 感叹道:“站在上面,感觉不可思议, 这种感觉给我带来了前所未有的震 撼。”由于这次旅行的初衷是一次度假 式的旅 行,Davison 和Menchefski都 很高兴他们能够参观一个像长城这样的 历史遗 迹。
而让Davison女士印象最为深刻的城市 是上海。 她说:“他们在如此短的时间内发展这 座城市的方式、他们建立的基础设施、 以及他们的公共交通和道路竟然没有瘫 痪等等这些事实,都令人惊叹。”
“我们之前对中国商业的运作不是很了 解,通过这次旅行,我们能看到、学到 他们在商业方面的运营和操作方式。这 是普通的旅行当中自己可能没有机会去 了解的。”这种积极的成果很大程度归 功于当地 的导游。
对于2019年的旅行安排,商会正在考 虑其他几个地方,包括台湾、印度和南 非。
Menchefski说:“我们的导游都非常 棒。每到一个地方,他们都让我们深入 了解到当地的日常生活。”
但是介于去年中国之行如此成功和受欢 迎,他们计划在2020年很可能再次带 团回到中国。
旅途中,无论身在何处,Menchefski 都喜欢在城市中寻找与自己家乡的共通
“那真的是一次很美妙的经历。” Menchefski再次感叹道。
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March 2019
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