Dakai Maritimes December 2018 Issue

Page 1




Learning about language Page 5

The ‘son’ symbol and related characters II Page 6

Building up Atlantic Canada Page 8

December 2018

Celebrating immigrants See page 2


详 见 第 二 页

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打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

December 2018



• Cover Story

Gala celebrates immigrants 加东最杰出 from across the Maritimes 25位移民奖 翻译:肖芬菲

ALLISON LAWLOR Twenty-five inspiring and trail-blazing immigrants from towns and cities across the region were recently named at the second annual Top 25 Immigrants in the Maritimes ceremony. “We are celebrating the individuals, but it is also about celebrating culture and diversity,” said Ifeanyi Emesih, founder of My Halifax Experience and My East Coast Experience publications, which organized the event. “Everybody’s story is unique in its own way.” Launched as a way to identify and honour Maritimers who have made a difference in their communities, the Top 25 award winners were honoured at a gala event on Nov. 2 at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 in Halifax. Award winners, joined by Nova Scotia Immigration Minister Lena Diab, enjoyed a three-course meal and an opportunity to network and celebrate each other’s accomplishments. “The goal of this initiative is to go into the community and celebrate the unsung heroes,” said Emesih. “It gives us a chance to applaud people for what they are doing.” By applauding them for their work it not only encourages them to keep going, said Emesih, an immigrant himself, but inspires other newcomers

近期,在加东三省杰出移民奖的庆典 上, 25名来自该地区乡镇和城市的励 志、创新移民被提名为第二届年度最杰 出25位移民。 “我们庆祝这些获奖的个人,但同时也 是庆祝文化的多样性,”My Halifax Experience(《我的哈利法克斯经 历》)和My East Coast Experience (《我的东海岸经历》)杂志的创始人 Ifeanyi Emesih如是说道:“每个人的 故事都有独特之处。”

Ding Fan (middle) was named one of the Top 25 Immigrants Awards this year. In her volunteer work, she focuses on strengthening the local Chinese community in Halifax. Photo by Dream Media Group 范丁(中间)是今年加东三省杰出移民奖的获奖人之一。她用大量私人时间做义务工 作,致力于壮大哈法华人社区。

to stay in the Maritimes and do more in their own communities. Immigrants like Ding Fan, who comes from Tangshan, a city in China’s Hebei province, but now calls Halifax home, was named one of this year’s Top 25. Passionate about entrepreneurship, community building, and international relations, Fan is a busy woman. When she’s not co-ordinating Innovacorp’s

Dakai Maritimes is published four times per year and distributed with The Chronicle Herald and in specific neighbourhoods in HRM. Founder, Owner, Editor-in-Chief: Meng Zhao Editor and Project Manager: Lindsey Bunin Translations: Fenfei Xiao Cover photo: Dream Media Group

Published By: The Chronicle Herald - Community and Custom Publishing Vice President, Business Development: Jeff Nearing Sales: For rates and information call (902) 471-8829 or Magazine@Dakai.ca.

Start-Up Visa Program and helping technology entrepreneurs build a new home in the region, she’s volunteering her time strengthening the Chinese community with organizations like the Chinese Society of Nova Scotia. “The Top 25 is important since it means we have a community here in the Maritimes,” said Fan. “It showcases immigrants’ contributions to the whole community.” In November, Fan travelled to South Korea and China to promote Nova Scotia and Innovacorp’s Start-Up Visa Program to adventurous entrepreneurs looking to move to North America. Victoria Foulger, the co-owner of Pavia Gallery, Espresso Bar and Cafe, was also named to this year’s Top 25 list. Originally from the United Kingdom, Foulger is an award-winning entrepreneur in Halifax. This year, Pavia, which currently has four locations in HRM, was named Business of the Year by the Halifax Chamber of Commerce. Several months before the Top 25


为对社区作出杰出贡献的加拿大东海岸 居民表示认同并给予荣誉表彰,25位 授奖者于11月2日,在哈利法克斯21号 码头的加拿大移民博物馆举行的庆祝活 动中被颁授荣誉。获奖者将与新斯科舍 省移民部部长Lena Diab共进晚宴,并 有机会相互交流和庆祝彼此 的成就。 “这项计划的目标是走进社区,感恩和 庆祝无名英雄。”负责人Emesih先生 说道:“这给了我们机会去表彰人们所 做的贡献。” Emesih还表示,通过肯定和赞誉这些 移民们的付出,他们会因为受到鼓励而 继续前进,也会激励新移民留在加东, 并在自己的社区内外做出贡献。 来自中国河北省唐山市的范丁女士是被 评为今年的杰出移民之一。现在,范丁 把哈利法克斯当成了自己的家。她总是 非常忙碌,热衷于创业、社区建设、国 际关系等领域的工作。她现在的主要工 作是协调Innovacorp的创业移民项目并 帮助技术企业家在该地区安家落户。工 作之余,她还花大量的时间和精力与新 斯科舍省华人协会等团体一起加强华人 社区的建设。 “这个加东杰出移民颁奖的项目很重 要,因为它代表了加东地区的移民社 区。”范丁说:“它展示了移民们对整 个社区作出的贡献。” 十一月期间,范丁一直往返于韩国和中 国,向希望移居北美创业的企业家们推 广新斯科舍省和Innovacorp的创业移民 项目。


Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

December 2018

上接第2页 来自Pavia Gallery,Espresso Bar and Cafe咖啡馆的合伙人Victoria Foulger 也入选了今年的杰出移民名单。 Foulger来自英国,现居住在哈利法克 斯,曾受到多项创业奖项的表彰。今 年,她的咖啡店在哈利法克斯开设了四 个分店,被哈利法克斯商会评为年度最 佳企业。 在杰出移民获奖名单公布的前几个月, My East Coast Experience(《我的东 海岸经历》)杂志就开始向社区征集个 人提名。他们联系了多元文化组织和社 团,获得了数百项提名。接着,来自加 东三省的各个评审小组对提名人进行审 查和评估。被提名者的审查标准包括: 提名人在社区中表现的领导能力,他们 已经获得的成就,以及社会责任心等。 被提名者还限定,在过去五年里必须一 直在加东生活或工作。评审员阵容则包 括IWK(本地最大儿童妇女医院)基金 会总裁兼首席执行 官Jennifer Gillivan 女士和一名来自 2017年的获奖者。 25位杰出移民获奖者的个人资料已发 布于My East Coast Experience(《我 的 东海岸经历》)网站上, myeast-

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 winners are announced, My East Coast Experience put a call out for nominations. They reached out to multicultural organizations and other community groups and received hundreds of nominations. Nominees were then reviewed and assessed by a panel of judges from each Maritime province. The nominees were judged, among other criteria, on the leadership they showed in their community, their achievements and



Li Song (middle) was a recipient of the Top 25 Immigrants Awards this year from the Chinese community in Saint John. Originally from China, she now calls Saint John her home. Photo by Dream Media Group 来自新不伦瑞克省圣约翰市华人社区的 宋丽(音译,中间),也是今年加东三 省杰出移民奖的获奖人之一。

coastexperience.com. “我们希望移民们、或任何人,通过了 解这些获奖人的故事而受到鼓舞。” Emesih说。

social responsibility. The nominees must also have been living or working in the Maritimes consistently for the last five years. Jennifer Gillivan, IWK Foundation president and CEO and a 2017 award recipient, was among this year’s panel of judges. Profiles of each of the Top 25 winners will be posted on My East Coast Experience website, myeastcoastexperience.com. “We want immigrants, or anyone, to read the stories and be inspired,” said Emesih.

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打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

December 2018



• Education

哈法首届多语言交流会 翻译:肖芬菲 无论是在公交车上、购物中心,或者是 哈利法克斯的任何地方,我们总是能听 到有人在用着不同的语言交流,这总是 能够引起我们的好奇。 这也许是人们用多种语言互动最常见的 方式,但远非最佳方式。在10月28 日,哈利法克斯中央图书馆将举办第一 届年度多种语言交流会,帮助人们了解 在哈利法克斯使用的多种语言。 哈利法克斯移民合作组织(Halifax Immigration Partnership,简称HIP)是 成立于2013年的一个跨学科联盟,旨 在帮助新移民适应当地的生活。在意识 到新移民过多关注当地语言的学习,而 忽略为新移民后代保留母语能力的情况 后,举办方发起了此项活动。 “这是我们第一次在哈利法克斯提供这 样的机会,以此展示所有在哈利法克斯 使用的语言。”哈利法克斯移民组织 (HIP)咨询主席Sonja Grcic-Stuart如 是说。她表示,当儿童移居加拿大后的 短短六个月起,他们就开始逐渐丧失自 己的母语能力。“保留母语能力和每天 上学用英语学习一样重要。” “这需要我们为之付出努力,” Furcan Yousif说,她是一个三岁女儿的母 亲。她一直坚持要保持女儿流利的阿拉 伯语水平。她补充道:“当女儿去学习 法 语的同时,也要去学校学习阿拉伯 语。” 创立大西洋叙利亚学院的一位叙利亚难 民说:“我们在这所学校学习的目标 是,能够教给孩子我们的母语和英语文 化,以及我们如何融合这两种不同的文 化。这很重要,我们庆幸能够了解另一 种文化……这是一项优势。” 这次交流会上设有哈利法克斯特色文化 团体的摊位,他们与感兴趣的参与者分 享书籍、文化艺术品和其他有教育意义 的活动。 “我们在此为大家介绍盖尔文化 (Gaelic culture)。” 16岁的Abaidh (发音‘Abby’)Hanson说,她与她的 妹妹 Eilidh(发音为‘Ella’)一同成 立了一个 名叫“Up With Gaelic”的组 织。“很高兴有这么多不同的文化聚集 在此,与我们分享他们文化中的与众不 同之处。”

在哈利法克斯首届多语言交流会上,中央图书馆的Paul O'Regan大厅聚集了来自各行各业的人们,他们彼此分享、学习来自世界 各地的语言。 People from all walks of life gathered in the Paul O’Regan Hall at the Halifax Central Library to share their languages with one another as part of Halifax’s first Multilingual Language Fair. Photo by Chris Muise

交流会中还有多语种的“故事时间”聚 会,有着不同语言的来宾们可以在这里 用他们的母语朗读故事。 作为项目负责人兼Mi’kmaw Kina’ matnewey (简称MK,新斯科舍省一个 宣传和弘扬原住民Mi'kmaw语言文化的 组织)负责人,Blaire Gould用英文及米 克马克语(Mi’kmaw)讲述了四个故 事。

为了满足人们的求知欲。它让我们了解 一些我们身边所使用的语言,并有兴趣 花时间去学习一些新的词汇,这都是有 现实价值的。

“这能让人们更加了解Mi'kmaw的语言 和人文文化。” Blaire Gould说:“这 是 为了介绍他们……和庆祝一种语 言。”

“如果你愿意的话,你就可以做到。” Grcic-Stuart说道。她在交流会上花了 很多时间学习如何用各种语言表达“你 好”。她对此表示:“这就是我所说的 文化和语言资本,这是很有价值的。如 果哈利法克斯是个多元文化、多元语 言、多元文字的城市,那么我们与现实 世界又突然有了更多的联系。学习和掌 握多一门语言为我们打开了另一扇门, 这些就是你的门。”



当他们遗憾地没有在这次交流会上看到 自己国家的语言文化后,决定为此做一 些努力和投资。 “我们拉丁人口的数量在新斯科舍省持 续地增长着,因此我认为付出我们的努 力并筹备建立一个协会是个不错的决 定。” Diana Ortiz说:“人们是作为 一个群体生活的。” HIP认为这样的语言交流会可以用以判 断当地人对语言的兴趣。而根据GrcicStuart的估计,多数人对语言都是感兴 趣的。 “我们对这种反馈感到很意外。”她 说,并且她向那些错过这次交流会的人 保 证,将来还会有这样的交流机会。

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

December 2018

Learning about languages CHRIS MUISE Whether it’s on the bus, at the shopping centre or anywhere else you might go in HRM, we’ve all overheard someone speaking another language and wondered what they’re saying. That might be the most common way many people interact with other languages, but it’s far from the best. On Sunday, Oct. 28, folks got the chance to learn about the languages of HRM at the first annual Halifax Multilingual Language Fair, which took place at the Halifax Central Library. The Halifax Immigration Partnership (HIP), an interdisciplinary coalition founded in 2013 to help newcomers settle, hosted the event after realizing they had been focusing too much on immigrants learning the local languages and not enough on helping their children also maintain their native languages. “This is the first opportunity that we’ve ever done anything like this in Halifax, to highlight all the languages that are spoken here,” says Sonja Grcic-Stuart, an advisory chair with the HIP, who says that children can start to lose their home language in as little as six months after moving to Canada. “You maintaining your own language is as important to me as going to school every day and learning in English.” “It takes effort,” says Furcan Yousif, mother of a three-year-old daughter, Sarah, who Yousif intends to keep fluent in Arabic as well. “I went to Arabic school at the same time I was going to a French school.” “Our goals from this school are to teach our kids our language and English culture and how we can integrate the two cultures,” says Loai Al Rafai, a Syrian refugee who founded the Maritime Syrian Academy. “It’s important to us. It’s great to know another culture ... it’s a strength.” The fair featured cultural groups of Halifax set up at booths, where they shared books, cultural artifacts and other educational activities with interested attendees. “We’re here to present about Gaelic culture,” says 16-year-old Abaidh (pro-

nounced “Abby”) Hanson, who runs a group called Up With Gaelic with her 14-year-old sister, Eilidh (pronounced “Ella”). “It’s great that there’s so many different cultures here sharing all of the different parts of their culture.” There were also multilingual storytime sessions, where guests were read stories in numerous languages by a native speaker. Blaire Gould, director of programs and services with Mi’kmaw Kina’matnewey (MK), told a quartet of stories written in English and Mi’kmaw from an interactive app MK had developed. “It’s to really bring awareness to the language and culture of the Mi’kmaw people,” says Gould. “It’s to introduce them ... to celebrate hearing a language.” This sharing of languages isn’t just to satisfy intellectual curiosity, GrcicStuart says. There’s real-world value in being more knowledgeable of the words spoken around us, especially if we take the time to learn a few. “You can do this if you want to,” says Grcic-Stuart, who took the time to learn how to say “hello” in every language on display at the fair. “This is what I call cultural and linguistic capital. This is valuable. If Halifax is multicultural, multilingual, multi-literate, all of a sudden we have more connections to the real world. Learning and acquiring another language opens another door. These are your doors.” One couple who recently emigrated from Columbia, after failing to see their own culture represented at the event, have decided to invest in that capital. “Our Latin population is growing here in Nova Scotia, so I think it’s good to join our effort and start to build an association,” says Diana Ortiz. “In Canada, people work as a community.” The HIP saw this language fair as an opportunity to gauge local interest in language awareness. By Grcic-Stuart’s estimation, there’s plenty. “We are overwhelmed with the response,” she says, and she assures those who missed out that there will be other opportunities like this in the future.


打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

December 2018



• Language

The 子(son)’ Symbol and its Related Chinese Characters II QIANYI GAO In our previous article, we learned that the 子(son) symbol means small children (and now that’s narrowed down to mean only son), and those combined with a 子(son) radical are usually child–related, such as 孺-ru, 孩-hai and 孙 (grandson)-sun. There are some more important words with the structure 子+, which we’ll continue to discuss here. From the previous article, we know that in ancient times, the Chinese characters with the meaning of pregnancy include 孕-yun or 孢-bao, while the expression for fertility was 字-zi. This is a basic character for Chinese language beginners and the latter would never realize that this 字-zi, which now means Chinese character, originally meant pregnancy. However, the proof is not obscure. There is a

子(son) component inside it. For 字, the 子-zi symbol is regarded to function both the sound part and the meaning part. So the 子-zi symbol can act as a sound part. There is other frequently used character with the 子-zi’ phonetic sign, 孜-zi, which means endeavor. For the oviparous animals, the ancient Chinese used the character 孚-fu to mean incubation’. In this top – bottom structure, the upper part refers to the claw of the bird, and the lower part is the son-子 component. Later,卵 which means eggs, was added at the left. Therefore, the standard Chinese character for hatching’ now is 孵-fu. In addition, similar to the words 孢 and 孜 above 孵 is also a pictophonetic character, consisting of two parts: the sound and the meaning, and the phonetic part is on the right. Children should try to learn (学-xue)

their skills before leading a life by themselves. This character is simplified from a traditional form. The traditional form appears to be with more strokes on the top (see photo). Yes, because that part had to describe hands to build a roofed place. And that place was intended to provide a space for young people to learn. Therefore one of the meanings of this character is school’, such as primary school (小学xiaoxue), middle school (中学zhongxue), university (大学daxue), etc. It also refers to the subjects such as mathematics (数学shuxue), biology (生物学shengwuxue), etc. Of course, when using as a verb, it means to learn’. The most basic moral for children to learn is 孝xiao’, filial piety. Some scholars regard it as an ideogrammic


The traditional character of ‘learning’ has more strokes on the top as it describes ‘hands to build a roofed place’.

“学”的正体字上部 复杂的笔画,为表达 “众人用手建屋顶” 的意思。

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

December 2018

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打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

December 2018



• Language & Economics

“子”及其相关汉字 II 高倩艺

'子'字可以是声符。而在“孜”这个字 上,'子'字就起着声符的作用。

学习的内容。孩子们首先要懂得最基本 的道理——“孝”。一些学者认为

在我们之前的文章中,我们了解到 “子”的意思是“小孩子”(现在语义 已经缩小到仅代表“儿子”),而那些 与“子”相结合的字符通常是与“孩 子”相关的,如“孩-hai”和“孺 -ru”. 另外,“孙(grandson)”也含有 子字偏旁。含有“子”字偏旁的还有其 它一些重要的汉字,所以我们本期继续 这个话题。

对于鸟类或两栖类等卵生动物,古代中 国人用“孚”字来表示“孵化”。在这 个上下结构的字符中,上部指鸟的爪, 下部是“子”。后来,左边加了个 “卵”。所以其标准汉字现在是 “孵”。另外,与上面的“孢”、 “孜”字类似,“孵”也是形声字,由 声符和意符两部分组成,其声符在 右边。

“孝”字是两个意符混合而成的文字, 取了“老”的上部,下部安了“子” 字。传统上,在其它知识之前,孩子们 首先要知道回报父母的重 要性。

从之前的文章可以知道,在古代,代表 “怀孕”意义的汉字是“孕”或 “孢”,而表述“生育”,则是“字zi”。这是汉语初学者应该掌握的基本 汉字,但初学之人应该无暇顾及到这 个字符、其本意是“生育”。然而证据 并不晦涩难懂:里面有一个“子”字部 件。而“字”字中的“子”,一些学者 认为起到声、义双重的作用。因而,

孩子们在能够自立之前应该努力“学” 习技能。“学”的正体字上部看上去很 复杂,笔画更多。那是为了表达“众人 用手建屋顶”的意思。这个有屋顶的地 方旨在提供一个空间给年轻人学习。因 此,该字的一个含义是“学校”,如小 学,中学,大学等;也指学科,如数 学、生物学等。当然,作动词时,就指 “学习”。

现在我们可以简单地回顾一下祖先如何 从发明一个简单的符号发展到让它表达 复杂的含义。 首先,他们想指代具体 事物,就画一条狗(犬)。然后,加一 些别的部件来叙述那些事物的功能, 如,加了口字偏旁变成“吠- fei”,就 可以表示“狗叫”。然后,他们扩大了 “犬”字的适用范围。如“哭”(犬字 底),原意是狗哭,现在可以用于人, 甚至是鬼(如“鬼哭狼嚎”)。“子” 字是一样的。通过结合其他符号,如通 过添加“老”的上部,确实可以帮助表 达“孝”这样 的抽象概念。

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 compound, with part of old 老lao symbol on the top, and the son 子 at the bottom. Traditionally, before all academic knowledge, the importance of serving back to parents would firstly be taught. Now we can make a brief reflection about how our ancestors express complicated meanings from a simple symbol. First, they just drew the specific thing, such as a dog (犬-quan). Then they named the functions by adding relevant component, such as bark (吠-fei, dog’s crying; 口 mouth added). Then they expanded the scope of application. As 哭-ku (the bottom is dog, the original meaning was the crying of a dog ), can be used on people, or even ghosts! The symbol 子 is the same. By combining other component, for example by adding the upper part of the 老 symbol, it really helps to express the abstract concept of “filial piety.”

Building up Atlantic Canada, one school at a time KATIE INGRAM After a five-day trade mission to China, Atlantic Canadian leaders are looking forward to an improved educational relationship with the country. During the trip, which took place from Nov. 8 to 13, delegates took part in business-to-business meetings and networking events. “It was a positive trip,” said Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil on Nov. 15. (We’re) “letting them know Atlantic Canada is open for business and, at the same time, working with our universities to attract more international students from China.” McNeil was one of six politicians in the government-led mission to Qingdao, Shanghai and Beijing. They were joined by over 70 Atlantic Canadian

businesses, schools and other organizations, including Cows Inc., Dalhousie University, College of the North Atlantic, Bay Roberts Seafood and the Red Rover Brewing Company. “The demand for what we have to offer, ranging form our high quality to food to world class universities, is a great opportunity for us to not only to deepen our commercial relationship with China, but to deepen our friendship with the people of China,” said Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board and Minister of Digital Government on Nov. 5. Both McNeil and Brison emphasized how important it was to connect with Chinese delegates at the educational level. “I look at the contribution that interna-


A deepened and broadened relationship with China is a priority for the Government of Canada. Photo contributed by Global Affairs Canada. 加拿大政府重视加深并拓宽与中国的合作。

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

December 2018





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December 2018



• Economics

大西洋省份增长战略访华 翻译:肖芬菲 为帮助中小型创新企业增长业务,进入 新市场,联邦部长和大西洋地区省长将 率领大西洋地区发展战略 (Atlantic Growth Strategy,简称AGS ) 访华团 于2018年11月8日至13日访问中国,为 该地区的食品、环保、教育和旅游产业 谋求发展机遇, 并支持与中国建立新的 合作关系。 11月15日,新斯科舍省省长Stephen McNeil说:“这是一次有意义的旅 行,(我们此行)让中国友人知道加拿 大大西洋的商业是向他们开放的,同时 与我们的大学一起吸引更多来自中国的 留学生。” 省长Stephen McNeil是积极倡导与青 岛、上海、北京等城市合作的六个政府 官员之一。加拿大大西洋地区的70多 家企业、学校和其他组织,包括奶牛公 司(Cows Inc.)、达尔豪斯大学 (Dalhousie University)、北大西洋 学院(College of the North Atlantic)、罗 伯茨湾海鲜(Bay Roberts Seafood)和红色罗弗酿造公 司(Red Rover Brewing Company),也加入了他们的行列。 11月5日,财务委员会主席及数字化政 府部长Scott Brison说:“从高质量的 食品到世界一流的大学,我们一直对输 出有高的要求,这对我们来说是一个好 机会,不仅可以深化与中国的商业关 系,更是加深了与中国人民的友谊。” McNeil和Brison都强调了在教育领域与 中国代表联系的重要性。


“我看到大学留学生,甚至高中生,在 中国和加拿大大西洋沿岸所作的贡献, 他们为我们的社区作出了显著的贡 献。”Brison说,并补充道,他希望两 国关系能够双向发展,能够看到更多加 拿大大西洋的学生在中国大学学 习。

A deepened and broadened relationship with China is a priority for the Government of Canada. Photo contributed by Global Affairs Canada.

McNeil表示,在加拿大大西洋省份学 习的国际学生有40%来自中国,他希望 这一比例持续增加。 本次代表团中的教育机构代表包括教育 合作组织EduNova。在访问期间, EduNova参加了上海的两个活动:一 个社交午餐,参加者有机会讨论促进大 西洋教育和学术研究的机会;一个校友 聚会早餐,大西洋省份各大学的毕业生

们在这里重聚,分享他们的故事和经 验。 EduNova的招聘协调员Austin Zhang 说:“这是一个向中国展示在大西洋地 区巨大发展空间的很好的机会,也能感 受到加拿大大西洋地区整体的团结一 致。” 来自大西洋省份10所不同学校的校长都 参加了本次访问活动,其中包括此前还 没有和中国教育机构建立合作关系的学 校校长:Holland College的校长 和

Study Aboard Canada的校长,二者都 是来自爱德华王子岛(Prince Edward Island)。 Austin Zhang还说,在访问期间,讨论 怎样保持已经建立的合作关系一直是重 点话题。但是,建立新的新的关系对改 善本地区的教育局面至关重要。“我们 此次来访中国的目的主要是为了建立更 多的合作关系。” 他还补充说:“双方合作伙伴都对活动 热情度很高,他们在一起度过了很愉快

的时光。” 此次访问代表团是联邦与省政府之间通 过大西洋地区发展战略, 而展开的合作 活动,而大西洋地区发展战略是为了在 加拿大大西洋地区创造就业、壮大中产 阶级、增加地区经济而专门设计的合作 措施。 在商务活动方面,代表团参加了中国渔 业和海产品博览会、中国国际进口博览 会和加拿大中国商业理事会年会和商务 论坛。

Dakai Maritimes • 打开加东

December 2018




A deepened and broadened relationship with China is a priority for the Government of Canada. Photo contributed by Global Affairs Canada. 加拿大政府重视加深并拓宽与中国的合作。

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 tional students have in China across Atlantic Canada and even more recently at high schools. They contribute significantly to our communities,” said Brison, adding he would like the relationship to go both ways and see more Atlantic Canadian students study at Chinese universities. McNeil said about 40 per cent of Atlantic Canada’s international student population comes from China, a number he liked to see increased. Among the educational representatives was EduNova, co-operative organization of educational institutions. During the mission, EduNova took part in two events in Shanghai: a networking brunch where attendees could discuss sand promote the educational and research opportunities in the Atlantic region, and an alumni breakfast where former students could share their stories and experiences. “It was a chance to showcase the Atlantic region as a whole in make a big splash in China (and) it was a great experience to see the whole Atlantic Canadian region stand together,” said Austin Zhang, EduNova’s recruitment

coordinator. Presidents from 10 different colleges and universities took part, including two without existing relationships: Holland College and Study Aboard Canada, both from Prince Edward Island. Even though, Zhang said, maintaining older connections was important during the mission, establishing new relationships was crucial to improving the region’s education presence. “The new partnerships we are building is why we were in China,” said Zhang, adding both events went well for all involved. “The partners were really keen when they attended the events. They just had a really good time.” The trade mission is part of the Atlantic Growth Strategy, a government initiative designed to improve job availably and region’s economy, while also growing the middle class. On the business side of the mission, participants took part in China Fisheries and Seafood Expo, the China International Import Expo and the Canada China Business Council Annual General Meeting and Business Forum.

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打开加东 • Dakai Maritimes

December 2018

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