What is America Stand United?
The next generation of troop support entertainment. America Stand United is the first-ever troop support program designed for the new ways we create, share and connect with content.
A Tradition Poised for Change Beginning in the 1940s with the legendary entertainer Bob Hope, to our own ABC-televised production in 2008, troop support entertainment has become an integral part of our national and cultural fabric.
Technology driven audience!
Now, America Stand United updates the tradition of troop support entertainment with the new ways artists--and audiences--use social media to create, share, and connect with authentic, meaningful content
Engaging a Massive Community The military touches lives far beyond the 1.4 million who wear the uniform
2 million Family members of active-duty US servicemen and women
23 million US veterans alive today
150 million Americans with an immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, child) who has served in the military
Source: National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, Pew Research (2011), US Census Bureau (2011)
“Connected” More than Ever Americans are connecting to social networks more than ever, and are watching online video at a rapidly growing rate
65% of all Americans have used a social networking site, almost twice the amount just 3 years ago
105.1 million Americans watch online video per day, up 40% from the previous year
43.5 billion Videos were streamed by Americans last December alone, up 44% from the previous year
Source: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project survey 5/11, comScore 2012 U.S. Digital Future in Focus report 2/12
Troop Support for the 21st Century By putting social media at its core, America Stand United improves every aspect of the model for troop support entertainment
1940 - Today
Today - Future
Limited audience engagement
Significant audience engagement
Passive, one-way content
Active, two-way content: UGC + Professional
Live Support Shows
Occasional Televised Broadcast to Public
• Original, authentic digital content Expensive paid marketing
Organic & viral marketing
High-risk model for TV distribution
Incremental distribution model
One-time event for soldiers
24/7/365 experience for soldiers and civilians
Limited audience retention
Sustainable community
• Digital distribution • Social marketing
Launch Plan 1. Create Compelling Digital Content
2. Engage the Voice of the Nation
• ASU funds and collaborates with talented artists
• ASU produces a “Call to Action” video with our
• Content is hosted and shared by ASU on
• Aspiring artists and supportive citizens submit
• ASU actively engages our community to share our
• ASU curates and posts compelling UGC
to create original, compelling content based around the experiences of active soldiers, veterans and their families
Facebook and YouTube, establishing an initial community of social media fans and followers content, backed by targeted video seeding and incentivized sharing initiatives supported by our partner sponsors
celebrity ambassadors encouraging the public to lend their voice to support the troops by submitting user generated content (UGC) their own videos and pictures to America Stand United via our Facebook app and website submissions for viewing and sharing through our social media channels
Creating Digital Content that Matters... •
ASU introduces to artists authentic and compelling stories, pressing issues and meaningful causes around the military experience
ASU funds and supports artists in creating original and distinctive content inspired by these stories, issues and causes
ASU distributes this new content for viewing and sharing across our social media platforms
‘A’ - List talent music video of original content Support-inspired song, dance, comedy Stories from the frontline and at home Soldier-Artist collaborations Artists
Soldiers’ talents showcase
...And Engaging the Voice of the Nation
Aspiring artists and supportive civilians around the nation can lend their own voice to ASU via our Facebook and website apps
ASU Facebook App
Presented by
America Stand United is the first-ever troop entertainment platform dedicated to supporting our troops using the power of new media
i About
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YOUR VOICE FOR THE TROOPS Contribute your video to the ASU platform today.Let your talent shine and share your content with millions of audience members and troops worldwide both home and abroad.
User Generated Content (UGC)
Winners will be announced March 7, 2012
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Terms and Condtions
Privacy Policy
Contact Information
ASU Website App
Selected UGC submissions are posted, “Liked” and shared on ASU’s social media platforms
Sustainable Social Media Strategy •
America Stand United builds a digital community around our troop support content and user generated content from our audiences
We have created a social media strategy that is designed to build, grow, and sustain a massive social media fan base, backed by our in-house social media expertise and industry partnerships
Digital Content Management Full-time web and social media content management including curated UGC submissions, blog posts, and compelling support-related reposts Video Seeding Massively discounted, targeted video seeding engine for professional and UGC content Professionally Crowdsourced Content Partnerships with digital content creators and creator communities outside of America Stand United who can provide a consistent stream of additional content related to the troops
A Sustainable Model for Troop Support User Generated Content
Artist & ASU-Collaborated Digital Content
2. Audience Engagement 1. Content Exposure
3. UGC Submission
3. Social Sharing
Content (Professional + UGC) is shared across the web, backed by America Stand United’s social media content management
Management Daniel Flannery, CCO & Executive Producer - Daniel Flannery is co-creator of AMERICA STAND UNITED after joining America United’s team at Nellis AFB. A major creative force in the entertainment industry for over thirty years, Mr. Flannery has conceived, designed, directed and produced award-winning visual, aural, theatrical and media productions around the world. Mr. Flannery created the original STAR WARS CONCERT at the Hollywood Bowl, directed the 1984 OLYMPICS CLOSING CEREMONIES and created the top-rated attractions for three decades of world fairs. His film and TV credits include ROSEANNE, FORREST GUMP and DEATH BECOMES HER. Today Flannery is immersed in creating and developing original content for new media. He is a pioneer in emerging new media and developing immersive and interactive entertainment techniques. Mr. Flannery is an active member of countless guilds and associations. Alex Jacquet, CFO & Executive Producer - Alex Jacquet is co-creator of AMERICA STAND UNITED, having been an Executive Producer of America United: In Support of Our Troops, a troop support show that aired on primetime ABC in 2008. Mr. Jacquet began his career as an investment banker at Lehman Brothers, after graduating from Stanford University. In 2008, Mr. Jacquet joined The Walt Disney Company, serving as Senior Analyst in Disney’s Corporate Strategy and Business Development Group. There he managed traditional and new media projects, providing strategic insight and analysis around several major entertainment deals including Disney’s sale of Miramax, Disney’s sale of the POWER RANGERS television property, ESPN’s firstever acquisition of English Premier League TV and online rights, and Disney’s largest-ever investment in India, the UTV Group. Nathan Pettijohn, CMO - Nathan Pettijohn is an experienced creative producer and new-media marketing consultant working with various brands, start-ups and non-profits to create interactive and lasting online experiences. After studying at The University of Tulsa and The Los Angeles Film School, Mr. Pettijohn worked as a creative executive at Robert Lawrence Productions. He has also worked in television and feature film product placement and digital marketing. Mr. Pettijohn possesses a unique understanding of cutting-edge advertising, digital, and multi-media strategies. He is currently the Founder and CEO of Corduroy Branding and CMO at America Stand United. Mr. Pettijohn also serves as Social Media Director for FLOC – Future Leaders of Our Community – and is an advisor to the Our Kids First Foundation.
Sponsorship Opportunities • Marquee sponsorship
(i.e. Rockstar Presents: America Stand United)
• Co-branded “Call to Action” video • Brand-integrated vignettes • Pre and post-roll advertising • Celebrity/Brand collaborative content • Product placement in digital content • Ownership of UGC licenses for future use Example Partner Sponsor
• Other customized advertising solutions to fit your brand needs
UGC Call to Action: “Be a ROCKSTAR for the troops”
Benefits to Charity Partners Example Charity Partner
• Increase engagement by your current supporters • Gain broad internet exposure through social media sharing and “buzz”
• Acquire new charity fans, followers and supporters through ASU’s social media promotion engine
• Expand your demographic reach via social media targeting
• Benefit from sponsorship and donation proceeds • Enhance your public donation/fundraising capabilities • Raise funding through sponsored “Shares” and “Likes” program: i.e. for every “Like” a video gets, sponsor donates to our Partner Charity
ALEX JACQUET 3500 West Olive Avenue Suite 300 Burbank, CA 91505 T. (323) 963-4145 F. (323) 686-5526