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!  is posi&oned to capture the torrent of social media about service & sacrifice past & present !


Our work as execu5ve producers on award winning military history documentaries, consul5ng with the Smithsonian on strategies to increase aBendance, and work with diversity ini5a5ves with the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs provide us with a unique perspec5ve and oversight on building bridges from the military echo-­‐system to everyday civilian concerns.


Manages the flow of informa5on and updates threads between bloggers and social media channels that provide the connec5ve 5ssue between all military personnel and the government programs that serve them.


Lets our partner keep track of the trends that maBer, aggrega5ng unique personal and public dashboards that provide deeper connec5ons for our outreach messaging.


  DEVELOP VISIBILITY COMPONENTS for our partners which target Internet, Social Media, Broadcast Media and PublicaDons

  DEVELOP AND PUBLISH RICH MEDIA for pervasive plaJorms which include Social Media, mobile devices, Broadcast and tradiDonal hardware devices

  MEASURE STATISTICS AND DATA, and provide reporDng for our partners and to build strategic improvement plans for next deployment

  ACTIVATE systemaDc update soluDons to reduce cost and increase markeDng and promoDonal content


Social | Impact Consul5ng, LLC, a startup based in Los Angeles, offers a full suite of professional consulDng services in four core areas: fundraising, social media strategy, community outreach, and research. As a consulDng firm with a naDonal footprint, Social | Impact ConsulDng has successfully developed soluDons for clients in mulDple industries that include nonprofits, charter schools, associaDons & causes, insDtuDons of higher educaDon, local government, and small business. Social | Impact ConsulDng is in the human capital business. Our team of consultants is leveraging its experDse in mulDple disciplines to bring to bear the greatest value to clients in each of our four core areas. We apply a high-­‐touch philosophy to all that we do, which means that each of our clients gets around-­‐the-­‐clock access and an abundance of care to ensure we exceed their expectaDons.

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